
Megan babysits Flurry Heart

by TalB

Chapter 1: Adventures in babysitting

Adventures in babysitting

It was just another day over at the ranch when Megan Williams noticed a scroll coming out from the point, she would normally enter in order to go to Equestria. The scroll read that Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor needed her to help watch their daughter, Princess Flurry Heart. After reading the said scroll, Megan decided to cross the portal and meet Cadence to tell her what the full story was about.

As Megan approached and saw Cadence she asked, "I would like to know why you are asking me to babysit Flurry Heart?"

Cadence then answered, "Unfortunately, no other pony is available, so I thought I would come to you especially since you were Ponyland's savior. It's already known that you take care of ponies back in your own world. Also, you were known for taking care of foals back at Paradise Estate in the past."

"First of all, TJ is just a regular pony, so you can't really compare to him to any ponies here in Equestria. Another thing is that you most likely can't get a conversation from him either, because he can't talk like you. As for the foals that are here, I only did that at certain times while it was Posey who was really taking care of them since she was the caretaker of that place." explained Megan.

"Nonetheless, I would like you to hop on and I will take you to may castle in the Crystal Empire." said Cadence.

Megan got on Cadence as she was flown over to her castle with Shinning Armor and Flurry Heart waiting there for them to arrive.

As they entered the castle, Shinning Armor said, "I'm glad that you are here Megan. We have left a list on how to take care of our daughter. Hopefully, she won't give you any trouble especially when taking care of her can be a hassle at times."

Megan then asked, "Exactly what do you mean by saying that she can be a hassle at times?"

"You will pretty much find out about that on your own." replied Shinning Armor.

"Now, we better start heading out, because we don't want to be late for our night out." said Cadence.

The two kissed Flurry Heart good-bye and headed out the door as Megan was left to watch her.

Megan started to look at the list so she would know how to take of Flurry Heart.

The first part of the list mentioned to see if she smelled bad and needed a diaper change.

Megan came over to Flurry Heart to smell her and mentioned, "You really do smell bad, so I will have to change your diaper.
However, I fear that with your wings, you might just fly away while I'm doing this, so I might need something to hold you down, because I will need both of my hands to do this."

Megan found some antiques that were heavy enough to hold down Flurry Heart's wings and said to Flurry Heart as the foal didn't feel so happy about it and said, "I'm just doing this until I'm done changing your diaper. After I'm done, I will take them off and you can fly all you want. Also, if you hold still and cooperate with me, this won't take too long."

The second part of the list mentioned that Flurry Heart needed to be given her bottle if she was thirsty and be burped if needed.

Megan showed Flurry Heart her bottle and noticed that she wanted it as she placed it in her mouth while holding her, and then patted her hand on her back a few times until she burped.

The third part of the list was to give her food, but she had to make sure that it wasn't anything sweet especially if it was getting close to bedtime.

Unfortunately, for Megan this was one of the most difficult parts, because Flurry Heart acted as if she wouldn't anything that wasn't sugary, so she had to come up with a way to make Flurry Heart eat the vegetables that she mushed up for her. However, she did find a way to get Flurry Heart to eat it by promising that she would be allowed a cookie if she agreed to eat what Megan gave her. Lucky for her, Flurry Heart cooperated and was allowed to have that said cookie.

The fourth part of the list was to give Flurry Heart a bath before bedtime, but this was one was tough because the list mentioned that Flurry Heart has a history of resisting when it came to taking one.

Just like feeding her dinner, Flurry Heart showed resistance to Megan by constantly flying away whenever she got close to her. Seeing this got Megan annoyed and she said, "Flurry Heart, you have to take a bath, and this isn't a choice." However, that didn't stop Megan from trying to get her into the tub.

Megan then thought to herself, "I know have taken care of foals back at Paradise Estate in the past along with Posey. Then again, none of those foals were ever alicorns especially because they didn't exist when I first came to Ponyland. Even Celestia and Luna weren't alicorns when I first met them, and that's when they were fillies."

Then an idea came to Megan's head on how to get Flurry Heart into the bathtub as she took out her locket and opened it up to show Flurry Heart the Rainbow of Light and make her follow it. Fortunately for Megan, her plan worked, and she used the rainbow as a distraction while having Flurry Heart getting cleaned up for bed. However, when she put it back in the locket, Flurry Heart started to cry, and Megan had to explain to her while making her feel better by saying, "Sorry Flurry Heart, but the Rainbow of Light doesn't have unlimited powers, so I have to place it back so that it can recharge for when I need to use it again."

The fifth and final part of the list stated that Flurry Heart needed to have a bedtime story read to her before going to sleep.

Just like the other two parts, this one was pretty hard as Flurry Heart was pretty picky when it came to reading a bedtime story. Almost every book Megan mentioned, Flurry Heart rejected them. Then Megan noticed a book that was about her and stated her adventures, which made her glad that Twilight Sparkle was able to produce numerous copies of the original book so that it could be distributed across Equestria for others to read it. For some reason, it was that book caught Flurry Heart's attention as Megan read about all the adventures she did when she first came to Ponyland. After that, Flurry Heart fell asleep, and Megan was finally able to relax until Cadence and Shinning Armor returned.

As the two entered the castle, Shinning Armor asked Megan, "How was it watching Flurry Heart?"

Megan answered, "She can be quite a handful at times."

Shinning Armor then stated, "I can't argue against you on that."

Cadence then asked, "Can we get to watch her again?"

Megan asked back with, "Can I get back to you on that?"

After understanding what Megan had to go through, Cadence flew Megan back to the portal so that she could go back home.

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