
A Dragon and his Robot Friend

by Wildcard25

Chapter 11: You'll Always be my Best Friend

Previous Chapter
You'll Always be my Best Friend

It was a dark and gloomy day for Ponyville. Everypony in town young and old dressed in black suits and gowns were gathering in the town square to pay their respects to the departed Dragotron. Yesterday after the dragon robot sacrificed himself to save his friends and the town, all the parts that were Dark Dragotron that turned back into tree bark was gathered up and properly disposed of. Spike himself could barely sleep that night knowing he lost a very close friend of his, and it was he who had to activate the protocol making him feel more guilty.

Spike and the girls gathered with the citizens of Ponyville in the town square, with many others joining them from Zecora, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Flurryheart, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Ember, Thorax. Even A.K Yearling and Steed Leap attended out of respect. Standing on a stage by a podium was Mayor Mare, and behind her was a big picture of Dragotron.

Spike looked at the picture of Dragotron and thought about how he sacrificed himself for them all. He was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a drop of water land on him. He and every pony looked up and saw it began to rain.

“It's raining.” Luna gasped.

“Even the heavens weep.” Celestia said.

Mayor Mare spoke up to everypony gathered, “Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Dragotron was as you know a robotic dragon, but he was more than that. He was a friend. A neighbor. He was one of us. He cared for those he valued highly be it his friends, and family.” Spike sniffled, as Twilight held him close. Night Light and Velvet themselves cried feeling they lost one of their own children.

“He put his life on the line when our town was invaded not once, but twice. Be it from a pack of Timberwolves, to a dark version of himself. He didn't do it for praise, for fame, or any of that. He did it because to him it was the right thing. He wanted to protect those he cares for, that being all of us. For without him, who knows what state our town could end up being in.” The CMC, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Derpy, Lyra, Bonbon, and just about everypony choked up tears knowing how right she was.

“Now the pain we all feel for this loss is hard, but it also serves as a reminder to be glad you have those that're still with you. Friends, family, loved ones, and more. And Dragotron would be glad you're all still here to be with them, as they are to you. And now, our resident dragon Spike would like to say a few words.” The Mayor said, as Spike got up and walked over to the podium, and got on the stood so he could be seen.

Spike swallowed his sadness and put on a brave face before speaking up, “As you all know Dragotron was created through a combined effort of myself and Doc Whooves,” he began, as Doc nodded while shedding a few tears himself, “I had originally designed Dragotron for companionship to hide the pain of being left out and ignored by my closest friends for countless times.” Twilight and the girls sadly looked down in guilt knowing how this all started, as Spike continued, “At first I felt like I was using Dragotron as a means to hide my sadness and to make my friends feel bad, but Dragotron helped remind me that while my friends may hurt me in non physical ways like not including me, they're still my friends, and I should count myself lucky to have them. And he was right. Thanks to him I made up with my closest friends, and allowed them to share friendship with Dragotron as well.”

The girls smiled hearing that Spike moved past the bitterness he held for them thanks to Dragotron, “As I watched Dragotron meet and spend time with so many of you it made me glad to see he was accepted for who he was and not cast aside just because he was different. I mean I look around and I see each of us is different in our own ways and not just by what we are. It's true I programmed him to also be protective, but to protect the town of Ponyville went beyond what I initially programmed. Much like all of us, he grew and evolve over time becoming more living than anything around us.”

Ember and Thorax smiled, while Cadence held her daughter, as Spike continued, “When we were faced with no other options to take out Dark Dragotron I was hesitant to initiate the self destruct protocol that was installed in him. But Dragotron assured me he was ok and knew it was the only way for us to truly stop him. I myself am sad that he's gone, but I also think of how sad it would be if his sacrifice was all for nothing. In the end he left us all with our home and each other. He was my friend. My brother. And with that I'd like to dedicate this number to him.”

Spike motioned to Vinyl Scratch who nodded, and began to mix some music, and Spike began to sing a tribute song to Dragotron.

(My Best Friends)

Though Spike was sad he sang with passion in his voice which brightened the spirits of all who were present. Twilight and the girls smiled knowing this was the best way Spike could show how much Dragotron meant to him if not all of them.

As Spike sang he thought back to all the fun times he's shared with Dragotron, and all the fun times his robot friend shared with many of the others in Ponyville and elsewhere. While everypony present thought about Dragotron and how much of an impact he had on them and how good he was to them. As Spike was reaching the end of his song, the rain began to stop and the clouds cleared enough for the sun to shine through and right down on Spike as if he were standing in a spotlight.

Upon finishing the song, the ponies and all applauded for Spike feeling their spirits had been lifted. Spike felt better himself, before looking up at the picture of Dragotron behind him. He wiped a single tear away and smiled, “That was for you, buddy.”

Afterward, back at the castle in Ponyvillle, Spike walked into the room that had all of the equipment he used to build Dragotron. He walked over to the empty chamber the robot was housed in and laid a claw on it. He remembered it was several months ago that stormy night where he brought Dragotron online. He smiled at how happy he was when his creation was activated, and how much Dragotron meant for him.

He went over to a desk close by and cleaned the top off before setting Dragotron's recovered head that was offline on top in the center. Next to the head he placed the autographed Power Ponies Comic Dragotron got at Power Ponies Con. On the other side of the head he sat the robots copy of the family picture they had taken with Velvet and Night Light the day they visited them in Canterlot, “There you go, buddy. Home sweet home.”

“It's a beautiful memorial, Spike.” came Rarity's voice, as Spike looked back seeing the girls entering the room.

“And I know Dragotron would've loved it.” Twilight put in.

Spike smiled and looked back at Dragotron's head, “Yeah. He sure would.”

The young dragon let out a sigh still sad over the fact his robot friend was gone, but felt Applejack go to his side and wrap a hoof around him, “I understand what you're going through, sugarcube. I felt the same way when my ma and pa passed away. But they'll always be a part of me, just as Dragotron will always be a part of you.”

“A part of all of us.” Starlight added.

“And we'll never forget him.” Fluttershy smiled at Spike.

“The guy will always live on in our memories, as a cool awesome robot dragon.” Rainbow said with a smirk.

Spike smiled at his friends, “Thanks, girls. Dragotron may be gone, but I'm glad you're all still with me.”

“We'll always be with you, Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity said as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek as confirmation.

“You ain't ever getting' rid of us.” Applejack assured him.

“You creating Dragotron showed us all we should've been there for you more and let you get involved more,” Twilight said, “We'll never leave you out of anything fun again. Because the last thing we want is for you to think we don't care.”

“Because we do care.” Fluttershy said.

Spike smiled happily as he embraced his friends in a group hug, “Thank you, everypony. I love you all.”

“And we love you too.” Twilight sniffled.

Pinkie spoke up, “Come on, everypony, I'm sure Dragotron wouldn't want us feeling all sad and frowny forever. He'd want us to be happy that we're still alive and well, and that he made sure we all lived to see another day.”

Spike nodded, “Yeah. Let's celebrate in honor of Dragotron.”

“I'll start decorating!” Pinkie zipped off.

“I'll help too!” Rarity offered.

“And me!” Applejack added, as they all left the room.

As Spike stood in the doorway of the room, he looked back at Dragotron's head on the memorial, and smiled before waving, “Sayonara, Dragotron.” and with that Spike closed the door behind him without even noticing Dragotron's eyes flickered a bit as if the robot was responding to his goodbye.

Author's Note

Well, it's been fun but this about wraps up another story. Thank you all for being a good audience.

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