
Equestria Girls- Heroes of Canterlot City Season 1

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 4: Episode 4- Twilight vs The Shrinker

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Episode 4- Twilight vs The Shrinker

It was your average day, at the Interstellar Observatory, the brains of the Mane 7, Twilight Sparkle and talking dog companion Spike were the outer space item,

"Is this awesome or what?" Twilight asked her canine friend.

"Sure. It is very awesome." Spike agreed.

"All the latest gadgets will blow your-what the!?" Twilight to see that most of the Observatory was different. Everything was smaller as ant on hill.

"Even the lab section was tiny!" Twilight looking at the lab then her phone ringed. "It from Rarity."

(You are not going believe happen outside. Its madness!)

Without anyone looking, Twilight teleported herself and Spike to Rarity location at the Canterlot Park.

"Oh Twilight! Thank goodness you are here." Rarity exclaimed.

"Ok, Rarity how bad it is..." As Twilight was shocked to see that everything in the park had shrunk.

"What are we going to do?" Rarity asked.

"We need to find out who's done this, and why." As Twilight texted the others "Jut texted the others. Now let's finds them." As she and Rarity transforms into her Crystal Guardian Mode.

Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy got Twilight's message and made their way to the park and caught up with Rarity and Twilight.

"Is everyone here?" Twilight asked.

"Nope were waiting for Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said then Fluttershy appeared.

"Sorry for the delay. but notice that the city had gotten a lot smaller than I thought." Fluttershy said.

"Everything-" Sunset started. "What!?"

"Holy cupcakes! Look!" Pinkie suggested then a beam of light was shrinking the trees.

"It looks like it came from that direction." Applejack said. "Let's follow it."

The Sonic Rainbooms track the beam of light to a hilltop where the see a car with familiar guest.

"Melvin!" Pinkie screamed seeing the mad genius.

"Well, hello, Sonic Rainboooms." Melvin greeted.

"So, you're behind this!" Rainbow Dash crosses her arms.

"No." A voice said behind the trees which then shrunk. "I am!"

Black Falcon appeared with her Falconers.

"Black Falcon! You, did it?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, she did not. I invented the Shrinker!" Melvin exclaimed.

"You invented it, but you can't use it." Black Falcon retorted.

"Yes, I can! I press all the buttons."

"But you need me to point the Shrinky Hose." As Black Falcon was holding it. "Come on, let's fire this thing!"

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Melvin prepped the Shrinker as Black Falcon holding it and many objects were shrunk to size of mini meatballs.

"Hey! Stop that!" Twilight ordered.

"OK." Melvin said calmy. "Besides that, was target practice anyway."

"Practice for what we want to shrink." Black Falcon added.

"YOU!" Both of the villains pointed the Sonic Rainbooms.

"Us?!" The Rainbooms were shocked.

"Yes." Melvin nodded. "If you fools are small, then i can take over the world in peace!"

"And turned you into Sonic Falconers." Black Falcon stated. "You'll be so tiny and helpless; you'll have to do what I say! Pretty bad right."

"Not bad as taking over the world." Melvin retorted.

"Yes, it is." Black Falcon shot back.

"No, it isn't t!"

"It is!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"It doesn't matter which is worse." Rarity interrupted the two.

"Because neither is happening!" Twilight added. "No is going to shrink me or any of my friends!"

"Right! It's time to zap everything back to normal." Pinkie agreed.

"I'm on it!" Twilight rushed on.

"Be careful!" Fluttershy said in concern.

"Hah!" Black Falcon got on top on the Shrinker.

"Mwua-ha-ha!" Melvin active the Shrinker.

Twilight dodged the lasers and ran straight towards them.

"Don't worry!" Twilight assured the others. "I've got this!"

"Ha! All you're getting is shrunk!" Black Falcon said the Shrinker had clear shot cause her to be small.

"Argh!" Twilight started to shrink as her friends ran over her.

"Twilight!" The girls asked in concern.

"This is terrible!" Twilight said in a squeaky voice.

"Aw! How adorable!" Melvin said as Black Falcon laughed. "One down, six to go!"

Rainbow grabbed Twilight and took to the skies. Rarity, Sunset, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy run the other way avoiding it.

"After them, Falconers!" She ordered them to go after the Sonic Rainbooms.

"We need that machine to zap me back and everything back to normal!" Twilight said as Rainbow started to laugh.

"Sorry Twi. It's your voice. It's squeaky." Rainbow confessed.

"We'll help you." Pinkie offered.

"I'm good on that!" Twilight declined. "I may be small, but I can stop, and I'll prove it!"

Twilight rushed off.

"Twilight, wait!" Sunset said in concern.

Twilight went on ahead but stopped dead in her track by the Falconers. She tried to get away, but the Falconers grabbed her.

"Hey! Put me down, you naughty little birds!" As she tried to get out.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Melvin laughed.

"Make her dance, Falconers!" Black Falcon requested.

"I'll never dance for you!" Twilight rejected.

"But you'll look so good as little dancing Sonic Falconer." Black Falcon stated. "Heh-ha! My plan is brilliant!"

"Not as brilliant as taking over the world." Mevin chimed in.

"Of course, it is! Have you seen this dance?" Black Falcon asked.

The Falconers did a dance as Twilight cross her arms in returned made Melvin laughed a bit.

"Ok. It is good." Melvin smiled. "But when i take over i can do anything i want!"

Fluttershy and Sunset hid bushes and made plan to recuse Twilight. Using her geode, Fluttershy turned invisible.

"I'm coming for you Twilight!" Fluttershy said as she walks quietly to get them.

"But why would you want to do anything except watch this?' Black Falcon said proving her plan is bad.

The Falconers did another dance making both Melivn and Black Falcon laugh even louder. Then Fluttershy appeared in front of them and grabbed Twilight.

"I got you Twilight!" As she threw to Sunset.

"And I've got you, too!" Sunset added as they escaped.

"Ooh!" The Falconers were shocked and awe.

"Stop staring, Falconers! Get them!" Black Falcon barked.

The Falconers made chase. Meanwhile The Sonic Rainbooms were the city far away.

"Aww!" The Falconers were disappointed.

"Oh dear!" Fluttershy said in concern. "We need a plan."

"I've got a plan!" Twilight said making the others listen to her. "Rainbow Dash, you will run around Melivn and Black Falcon so fast until they're dizzy. Then I'll jump out and grab the Shrinker."

"I don't about that idea." Rarity said "That Shrinker is really big, and your tiny."

"It will be fine." Twilight reassured her. "Just because I'm bit smaller it doesn't mean we have to do things differently." She got on Rainbow's shoulder.

"So, let's go!"

Both Rainbow and Twilight headed back to the back to park at high speed.


"What do you mean, they 'escaped'?" Black Falcon asked furiously at her Falconers while Melvin yawned. "Where are they now?!"

Then saw Rainbow Dash and small on her shoulder running at high speed.

"Let's make these villains dizzy!" Twilight shouted.

"What?!" Melivn asked.

Rainbow Dash ran around and around making both of then dizzy and Melvin fall upon Black Falcon.

"Out of my way, you dizzy falcon!"

"Who are you, calling dizzy, you are stumbling buffoon?!"

"Yeah!" as Rainbow was feeling alive.

Twilight jumped from her shoulder and pushed the Shrinker and hang on.

"Wahoo! We surf the Shrinker!" Twilight as the Shrinker starter wobbled on shook her off and making ever smaller than before.

"Oh ponyfeathers! I'm even smaller!" As very tiny Twilight Sparkle heard footsteps as Melvin, Black Falcon, and the Falconers ran after it.

"Get that Shrinker!" Melvin screamed then Sunset and the others caught up with her.

"Where's Twilight!?" Fluttershy asked in her concern.

"I'm on it!" As Sunset eyes started to glow giving her closed vision and spotted her. "Found her!"

The Rest of the Rainbooms ran up to her and Fluttershy picked her up.

"What happened to you?" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie asked.

"It's all my fault." Twilight said in defeat. "I should have known being smaller would make me useless."

"You're not useless! You can still be part of the plan to stopping them." Applejack asked.

"How? I'm so small!" Twilight shot and got off from Fluttershy hands and landed on the ground.

"Twilight?" Fluttershy said in concern since she couldn't see her. "I can't see you!"

"You didn't step her, did you?!" Sunset said as Twilight dodged Sunset's incoming foot.

"See?! I'm so small, I'm almost invisible!" Twilight said with frustration then realized something. "Wait, that's it! Instead of being upset about being small, we can use it!"

Twilight jumped on Fluttershy's shoulder again.

"I got a plan!" Twilight said with determination.


With Melvin and Black Falcon had back the Shrinker and the Falconers did a dance.

*Singing* La-la-la, La-la-la, La-la-la, hey! *Singing* the Falconers finished.

"Hm. The dancing is fine." Black Falcon said. "But it's not funny without a tiny Twilight. Hey! Maybe I should you Falconers, too!"

Black Falcon grabbed the Shrinky Hose and fire at the first Falconers and him to shrink.

"Ooh!" The small Falconer was surprised.

"Stop that!" Melivn said angrily as reversed the Falconer back to normal and Falconer's boo in disappointment. " You don't even know which buttons to press!"

"We you can't point the Shrinky Hose!" Black Falcon retorted.

"Yes, I can!"


"Can, too!"

"Your time is up!" They heard Applejack's voice as turned her and Rarity standing on the Shrinker.

"Hand over that Shrinky Hose, darlings!" Rarity determination.

"Shrink that diamond head-fool!" Melivn shouted as the Shrinky Hose fired at her but also, she and Applejack dodged it.

"Grab the cowgirl!" Black Falcon ordered her Falconers. The Falconers had grabbed her and Applejack struggle to free herself.

"Help!" Applejack shouted.

Amid of the chaos, Twilight was making her way to shrinker made herself big again much to everyone surprise.

"Now let's see how like you it!" Twilight used her magic and lifted up the shrinker and made the Falconers small.

"Falconers!" Black Falcon screamed.

"Forget them! Just get the Shrinker back-" Mevin said but he and Black Falcon turned around saw Pinkie and the others as Pinkie had her party cannon readied to fired.

"You were saying!" Pinkie giggles as aimed it at the two.

"Uh-oh!" Both said and looked at each other and nodded knowing what to do next. "Run!"

Both villains ran away as fast as they can leaving Melivn's shrinker behind in the hands of the Rainbooms.

"Nice work, everyone!" Twilight praised everyone.

"Now we just need to zap everything back to the right size." Sunset said.

Using the shrinker the Rainbooms return everything back to the original size.

"Now let's shrink the hunk of junk until disappear for good!" Rainbow fired on itself causing it to shrinker until it couldn't they couldn't see it!"

"Man, I hope that's last time we see those two." Fluttershy held her arm.

"Probably not." Pinkie reminded her. "But at least they won't be they cause of the shrinkage.

The Rest of Rainbooms laughed as they stop a super villain team up.

Next Chapter: Episode 5-Mermaid Magic Story Arc Part 1- Aris Aquarim Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 27 Minutes
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