
Equestria Girls- Heroes of Canterlot City Season 1

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 15: Episode 15-Changes to Come

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Episode 15-Changes to Come

It was a busy Saturday evening in downtown Canterlot City as many places were getting ready to close up for the night, and many restaurants were packed full of people dining out with family and friends. While that was happening, Sunset Shimmer and her girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle (or Sci Twi to not mix her up with Princess Twilight), were both at Sunset’s apartment going over some calculus homework that was due the following Monday. They had spent most of their afternoon working on it, and were just about done with their homework as Twilight set down her pencil with excitement on her face!

“And done. Boy am I glad to have that over with.”

“What! You're already finished! I’m still stuck on this question right here! Sigh, I sometimes wish I was as good at this as you are Twilight.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you're dating someone who’s an expert at it and knows what she's doing, and that person happens to be me.”

This caused Sunset to let out a nice good laugh after spending most of her afternoon working on her calculus homework.

“Well, thanks for the help Twilight. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have managed to do so well in this class at all. It still kinda sucks that I was required to take this class so I can graduate with everyone else.”

“Yeah, I kinda regret waiting until our senior year to do it as well, as I was more focused on the other classes we had.”


Sunset took out her phone to check the time and noticed it was already nearly nine pm.

“Wow, we sure did lose track of time. Guess when you get focused on your work, you often forget to keep an eye on the time. Ain’t that right Twilight?”

“Huh? Um yeah, I guess….”

Sunset noticed by the way Twilight just responded to her that she wasn’t acting like her normal self right now.

“Twilight, are you ok? You're not tired, are you?”

“What! Oh no Sunset, well kinda. Well, it’s just that…”

“Let me guess, you want to stay over again, don’t you?”

“Well yes, how did you know?”

“You act like this every time you tell me you don’t want to go back home, Twilight. I’ve learned a few things in the last year we’ve been dating.”

“Oh, well, that’s very sweet of you Sunset.”

Twilight soon had a blush forming on her face as she tried to let her bangs cover it to not be embarrassed in front of Sunset.

“You sure have been doing this a lot lately. Has everything been going ok back home with your parents? Did something happen? You aren’t in any sort of trouble, are you?”

“What!? No, it’s just, how do I put this? I enjoy spending so much time with you, Sunset, that I don’t feel like going home that often anymore. I still love my parents, but I just feel ready to move out now, even though we only have a few more months until we graduate. I just feel like I’m ready to move out already, but where? I have no idea.”

“I see.”

Then, that gave Sunset an idea.

“Say Twilight, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for some time now, and I was wondering if you’d like to hear it?”

“Really? What is it, Sunset?”

“Since you practically spend about 90% of your time now with me and want to move out now, have you considered moving in with me? I mean, I do often get lonely here all by myself, even if I do have Ray & Owlowiscious for company, but it just feels so much better whenever I have company over. Especially if it’s you Twilight. And if you moved in with me, I’d really like that, a lot.”

This made Twilight feel the happiest she had been in quite some time.
“Thank you Sunset, that means so much to me!”

“You're welcome, so do you want to move in with me?”

Twilight wasn’t so sure what to say at first as she wasn’t one hundred percent sure she was ready for this sudden change. But if it was to be with Sunset all the time, and move in with her as well, it was exactly what she wanted!

“I’d love to, Sunset.”

“That’s wonderful, Twilight. But wait, what will your parents say about this?”

“I don’t know? They’re always fine that I come over here or stay over, but I’m not so sure how they’ll react to the fact that I want to move in with you!”

“Well, if you want, I can come with you when you tell them for yourself if that helps?”

“That… That would make things a lot easier Sunset. But can it wait for now?”

“Of course, Twilight. You’ll probably need some time to think about it anyway. Take as much time as you need, and when you’re ready to tell your parents the news, then I’ll be waiting to come over to your place and share it with them by your side.”

“Thanks, Sunset.


“Is it ok if I can have a hug?”

“Of course.”

As Sunset brought Twilight into her arms to embrace the hug Twilight was already feeling a little bit scared for what was about to come her way. She knew she needed to talk it over with someone who knows her well and how to help her in this dire situation at hand.

Fortunately, she knew just the right person who has helped her in dire situations in the past that could help her just like when she was a little girl.

Her old babysitter and now sister-in-law Cadance.

The next morning, Twilight called up Cadance to see if she could meet up with her to talk about the sudden news she got. Cadance happily accepted her offer and invited her over to her home to talk things over with her.

When Twilight arrived, Cadance let her into the living room where they both sat down to have their talk. Shining Armor had taken Flurry Heart to the park, so it was a good choice that Cadance let Twilight come over while they were at the park.

“Thanks for allowing me to come over on such short notice, Cadance. You don’t know how important this is.”

“No worries Twilight, when it comes to you and a situation you’re in, I know that you’ll need my help straight away! Even if I may be busy with being a responsible mother and also unemployable, I’ll always make sure to open up a space in my schedule to help you out.”

“Thanks, Cadance.”

“Your very welcome Twilight. Now, what’s got you so worried lately? Has Sunset been treating you ok?”

“Yes she has, and that’s actually why I wanted to talk to you.”


“Yes, you see, last night after we finished working on our calculus homework she told me that she wants me to move in with her.”

“That’s such exciting news Twilight! But why has it given you the long face?”

“I’m just really worried about this sudden change that’s gonna happen! I feel very scared and nervous about what’s to happen and I’m not sure if I’m ready for this! I do want to move out as soon as possible but I’m not sure that I’m ready for this change!”

“I understand how you feel, Twilight. Shining Armor and I felt the same before we had Flurry Heart, as we were both very worried about what responsibilities we were gonna have once we became responsible parents.”
“That and well, I’m just not sure how my parents will react to this news as well. I know they trust me and have Sunset’s trust too and they like her a lot, especially my mom, but I’m just not sure how they’ll respond to it, and I’m just worried they might not even allow it!”

Twilight now had tears following out of her eyes as she tried to force them back in but she just couldn’t hold them in any longer as she soon started to cry out her thoughts that have been building up all night since talking with Sunset about moving in with her.

Cadance could tell this was worrying Twilight very seriously and she needed to think of something to help her. Luckily, with the proper experience herself, she knew exactly how to help Twilight as she brought Twilight in for a hug.

“It’s ok Twilight. Changes are hard for all of us. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. Most people aren’t often ready and prepared to embrace change just like you. But I know that this new change will surely make you, even more, happier than before with your relationship with Sunset Shimmer. And I’m sure that is exactly what your parents would want for you, to be happy.”

Sniff, you think so?”

“Yes. They’ve seen how much you love Sunset dearly, and how she’s become a part of the family in just a short amount of time. I’m sure once you tell them the news, they’ll understand entirely and they’ll be happy for you as that’s what they want. To know that you’re happy.”

Cadance’s words made Twilight’s mood feel so much brighter now that she had shared it with her. She knew right away that her former babysitter would understand the situation she was in, and she was glad she talked it over with her about it as soon as she did.

“Thank you Cadance. You sure know how to solve these problems I often have.”

“It’s what I do for both you and your brother Twilight, as I love you both very much.”

“I love you too, Cadance. Thank you.”

“You're welcome Twilight.”

As the week proceeded on at a steady pace, Twilight soon had the urge to share the news with her parents that she wanted to move in with her girlfriend Sunset Shimmer.

When she told them the news, they were both very happy for her. While they were sad to see her go, they knew that this day would come sooner rather than later and that they’d be there for their daughter whenever she needed them, and told her they were happy with the choice she had made.

Spike of course learned about the news around the same time and wanted to come along with her as usual, which Twilight knew straight away he’d say that, as she knew her pet aka number one assistant didn’t want to be separated from her.

And soon enough, Spike was living at Sunset’s apartment alongside his friends Ray the gecko and Owlowiscious the owl. It was gonna take some time for Spike to get used to his new surroundings but he knew that he’d feel right at home in no time at all, as well as the many new smells he has yet found in Sunset’s apartment to sniff out.

Twilight had just arrived back at Sunset’s apartment with the last of her belongings late Friday evening after spending the last few days deciding on what to bring with her.

She didn’t bring a lot of her stuff as she only brought what she needed, such as some clothes, her school supplies, food, and toys for Spike as well as her bike. But she still brought a lot of stuff with her in the last few days to Sunset’s apartment complex. Sunset didn’t mind though as she was just happy that Twilight was now living with her.

Twilight knew that if she ever felt homesick she could go back home to see her parents for visits and to will continue to use her lab when needed. But right now she knew that she was, even more, happier now that she was living with the one girl she loved very much, Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight has known for some time that she doesn’t want to part ways with Sunset in the future as her love for her best friend has grown even stronger since they started dating a year ago. And shockingly it was even stronger than when she was still dating Timber Spruce, which would make him feel proud that his ex-girlfriend was happy.

She at some point hoped to also share the news with Sunset and the rest of their friends that she didn’t want to go to Everton for certain reasons, and one of them is because of Sunset. But she knew that it could wait for another time.

While Twilight was still a little scared for what the future had in store for her and her friends, she knew right away that they’d be able to face it no matter what comes at them with the magic of friendship!

The next morning as the sun showed its way into Sunset’s apartment it immediately woke Sunset up in the process.

She needed to remind herself to put a set of blinds there in the future so this didn’t continue happening every morning as it had been happening just about every day since she moved into her apartment, but she was reluctant to not have the sun wake her up whenever it was raining or it was a cloudy morning.

Sunset was about to get out of bed to use the bathroom and get her day started when she felt something wrapped around her chest.

“Twilight, can you please move a little so I can- Twilight?”

But when she turned to her left to where she thought Twilight was sleeping beside her she didn’t see her at all.

Sunset then noticed that Twilight had just gone under the covers and was the one who had her arms wrapped around her when she lifted the covers.

Sunset was surprised at first that she didn’t see Twilight when waking up but she knew that Twilight was hugging her in her sleep for a reason.

She knew that it was going to take some time to get adjusted to living with her and that they are practically roommates now. That and Twilight loved to do it to Sunset whenever she stayed over in the past.

Even when Twilight was in the middle of packing her stuff to bring to Sunset’s place, she was still a bit sad over the fact she was moving out of her home but knew that she wanted to be with Sunset more often now as Twilight didn’t want to decline Sunset’s offer from the start when she was told about it earlier in the week, and thanks to Sunset she was able to get through it without any serious problems.

At this point, Sunset wanted to get up already and use the bathroom to tackle her messy bed hair that was currently bugging her. She also wanted to use the tickle method that would let Twilight’s grip on her loosen so she can get out of bed but decided to just sacrifice a few more minutes to let Twilight continue to hug her in her sleep as another day was just beginning while Twilight was silently sleeping next to her.

“I love you, Twilight, and thank you for accepting my offer. You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you.”

Sunset kissed Twilight’s forehead, which made the girl smile before she started to talk in her sleep again.

“I love you Sunset.”

Sunset just chuckled at how adorable it was, as she was thinking to herself that today was gonna be another great day with the love of her life Twilight Sparkle aka Sci Twi, the lovable nerd she would never want to leave her side.

Next Chapter: Episode 16-Sinister Story Arc Part 1-What Else Did You Expect? Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 49 Minutes
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