
Dashie Claus

by TheStallionofDarkCavalry

Chapter 1: Dashie Claus

Dashie Claus

This has got to be the most difficult fanfic I've written on this site, and that's because I did the whole story in rhyming! :rainbowlaugh: Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!

Dashie Claus

It was 9:00 PM, the night before Christmas, the one and only night where Santa Claus would get down to business. Which meant Christmas presents for all ages that are good of heart, except for the poorly redeemed villains that deserve to be torn apart.

Everyone in Canterlot City was sound asleep waiting for Santa to come, except for one rainbow haired girl who had her moments of being dumb.

"I can't wait for my presents to get here!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly. "I have been waiting to get some new sports gear all year! Sure, I could have bought some new gear myself, but why not get it for free by having Santa do it himself?"

Rainbow Dash wanted to go to sleep, but she didn't feel tired. Which was due to the afternoon energy drinks that made her feel wired.

"I guess maybe I'll watch a movie until I fall asleep." Rainbow Dash said as she pulled out a remote and turned on the TV. "It's a lot more interesting than counting sheep."

Rainbow Dash flipped through channels until she found a movie she enjoys, one that's not a sappy Christmas special that was made to annoy.

"Aha! Here's a good movie!" Rainbow Dash said excitedly as she quickly heads to the kitchen. "This movie would go great with a cider smoothie!"

The movie Rainbow Dash watched was pretty scary, and for one that was Christmas themed it certainly wasn't very merry. It was about these two burglars that tried to kill a kid, while trying to break into his home they certainly did. The movie was so scary to Rainbow Dash that she forgot about Christmas events, including that she needed to go to sleep in order to get presents. She was probably so anxious from the energy drinks she drank, combined with the movie made her bravery sank.

"Oh, man! What if someone breaks into my house and kills me?!" Rainbow Dash asked while shivering anxiously. "I won't be alive tomorrow to see my presents under the tree!"

Rainbow Dash then took a deep breath to calm herself down, she tried to forget about the movie and remember that Santa's coming to town.

"I should just get some rest." Rainbow Dash said while still looking anxious as she walked to her bedroom. "This staying up is making me stressed."

Rainbow Dash got into her bed quietly and spent the next couple minutes trying to get some shuteye, so that this night will be over and she can open the presents that Santa dropped by. It was rather difficult to relax due to those caffeinated drinks and snacks, so she took some deep breaths to get that tension off her back. As she awaited to drift into slumber while trying to unwind, there was one important thing to her that crossed her mind.

Through her bedroom window she looked outside, where during the winter her pet tortoise named Tank had to hide. He was sleeping in an igloo that Rainbow Dash and her friends made for him, and the lack of patience of waiting for his hibernation to end made her want to tear off her limbs.

"This Christmas would be so much better if you were with me, Tank." Rainbow Dash said as she stared at her pet tortoise sleeping in the igloo while looking very sad. "Without you, my joy for this holiday really tends to stank. Even though I have my friends and I have no reason to groan, my sadness comes from you spending Christmas all alone."

Rainbow Dash closed her bedroom curtains and went back to bed, hoping to get that sadness for her pet out of her head. She knows that Tank wouldn't want her to be sad on a happy holiday, especially since it comes once a year and then just goes away.

Just as she was about to go to sleep while still sad that Tank won't be with her too, she heard a very loud thud on the roof that came out of the blue.

"What the... What was that?!" Rainbow Dash asked in a surprised tone while looking upward.

Rainbow Dash at first thought that Santa is here with his sleigh and reindeer, but she wasn't asleep yet for him to come here. Not knowing who was on the roof made her feel freaked out, her attempt to relax and fall asleep failed no doubt. As she tried to figure out the noise that made her jump out of her skin, one of her assumptions was that someone was trying to break in.

"It must be a burglar!" Rainbow Dash screamed in fear.

As Rainbow Dash shivered in fear from the thought of a crook, she was also afraid of seeing after the theft what he took. She knew her personal belongings were going to be stolen, but there was one certain theft that would definitely leave her heartbroken. And that theft would be her pet tortoise Tank, being carried off in fear as the crook would next go rob a bank.

As she thought of the scary thought of Tank being taken, there was another feeling inside of her that had awaken. It was a feeling of fearlessness and determination, fueled by her desire to stop the burglar and drag him to the police station.

As she put on her winter clothes to go give that crook a fight, she looked out her window to tell her pet he'll be alright.

"Don't worry, Tank. I won't let that butthead take you." Rainbow Dash said while calling out to Tank. "I'll beat him up in the snow and make him spend his jailtime with the flu."

After she gave Tank a reassurance that was heartwarming and brief, she jumped out her window and swung onto the roof to beat up the thief.

As she was on the roof and ready to fight, Rainbow Dash immediately built up pressure in her foot with all her might. And without hesitation as she was motivated to protect her friend, Rainbow Dash sprung and kicked the guy in his rear end. Upon receiving such painful and fast kick, it knocked the criminal backward and hit the chimney built with bricks.

"Aha! Take that, you criminal scum!" Rainbow Dash shouted in a cocky tone. "I hope I didn't make it painful for you to sit on your big fat bum!"

Rainbow Dash then ran over to give the criminal another strike, all the while to taking a look to see what he looked like. As she raised her fist to give the criminal another body ache, he revealed his face that made Rainbow Dash realize she made a mistake.

"Stop! Please! You broke my arms and knees!" The criminal pleaded as he showed his face.

Upon seeing his face, Rainbow Dash knew who the man was. The man that Rainbow Dash beat up was none other than Santa Claus.

"Whoops." Rainbow Dash said with a nervous look on her face.

After a few minutes of putting Santa's arms and legs into casts, Rainbow Dash was expecting him to put her on the naughty list quite fast. As they both sat on top of Rainbow Dash's roof, she was waiting for Santa to say her presents were gonna go poof.

"Hey, Santa? I'm sorry about my violent ways." Rainbow Dash said apologetically. "If you want to take away my presents, that's perfectly okay."

"I'm not gonna take your presents away, you pinhead." Santa Claus replied in an angry tone. "I forgive you for your mistake of beating me up and not being in bed."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash asked while raising a curious eyebrow.

"As much as I know you've got a brain the size of a rat's, you were just protecting your pet tortoise you named Tank, so I can't really fault that." Santa Claus explained to Rainbow Dash while still sounding mad.

"Wait, you're willing to forgive me because I wanted to protect my pet, even after to you I came off as a threat?" Rainbow Dash asked again.

"Yes, you idiot! I know you're a goodhearted person!" Santa Claus shouted at Rainbow Dash. "You may be dumb and rash, but I know you're a kind and loyal young woman. I watch you every year, after all. I know that I'm not wrong to forgive you after giving me a nasty fall."

"Ugh." Rainbow Dash replied while sounding a bit grossed out.

"What?" Santa Claus asked Rainbow Dash while raising a curious eyebrow.

"Well, with you all year long being a watcher, it makes me feel like I have a year long stalker." Rainbow Dash replied.

Santa Clause while looking at Rainbow Dash with a confused look from her comment, but he shook it off since there were important things to vent.

"Whatever. You have your presents, but now I can't do my job." Santa Claus said while looking down while still angry. "And since I can't, everyone in the world tomorrow morning is going to have one long sob. And it's too late for me to go back to the North Pole to get someone else to fill my shoes, so I can't deliver everyone's presents tonight because I don't know what to do!"

As Santa vented out his anger that Christmas this year had turned to ash, Rainbow immediately got an idea to take care of everything in a Dash.

"Wait, Santa! I just thought of something!" Rainbow Dash said to Santa Claus. "I know how we can keep Christmas coming!"

"Well, if I'm counting on you, Christmas is definitely in trouble, and you can certainly make that double." Santa Claus said while looking at Rainbow Dash with a deadpan face.

"Just hear me out. What If I took over your job for you?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I may never have been Santa before, but there's no harm in trying anything new."

"You? Doing my job?" Santa Claus asked with a look of anxiousness on his face. "Or, you could just get one of your friends to do it and I'll give you a candy corn on the cob."

Rainbow Dash looked at Santa with a disgusted face.

"Ew? Candy corn? Pass." Rainbow Dash replied. "I don't like candy corn because it tastes like sweet ear wax." Rainbow Dash then stood up to show Santa that she wanted to be on this assignment, by showing him that doing his job fills her with excitement. "Santa, listen, I know it may be hard to trust me after kicked your butt so hard, and I'm sure you were pretty terrified and the experience made you scarred."

"Wow, Rainbow Dash. I'm impressed by your response." Santa Claus said with a sarcastic smile. "After 358 days this year, it's nice to see you using your brain for once."

Rainbow Dash gave Santa an unamused look from him being so crass, as you never expected Santa Claus of all people to give you so much sass.

"Whatever, can you just please lend your job to me?" Rainbow Dash asked again. "You can always count on me, I'm the element of loyalty."

As reluctant as Santa was to hand Rainbow Dash his outfit, he didn't want anyone waking up tomorrow throwing a fit. And with his desire to not making anyone tomorrow mope, he accepted the fact that Rainbow Dash was his last hope.

"Okay, Rainbow Dash. I'll let takeover my duty this year." Santa Claus said as he took of his coat and hat and gave it to Rainbow Dash. "I'll stay here on your house roof using the snow to heal my sore rear."

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed with dilated eyes and a wide smile as she put on Santa's hat and coat. "From here on out, you can call me Dashie Claus! The most awesome present deliverer who's doing this for a good cause!" She then gave Santa Claus a smirk. "By being so awesome." As she let her ego take over her head in front of Santa Claus, she acted like she was in front of an audience being given applause. "Thank you. Thank you. You're too kind."

"Oh, someone please kill me." Santa Claus said in a sad tone as he watched Rainbow Dash who was now called Dashie Claus praise herself.

Dashie Claus then stopped praising herself and looked at Santa's outfit, and gave it a "meh" look like there was something wrong with it.

"You know, this outfit's color just isn't working for me." Dashie Claus said as she took off the coat and hat and pulled out some color dye. "If I'm going to be doing an important job, I want to look as awesome as I want to be."

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Santa Claus cried in alarm over what Dashie was doing to his outfit.

"Ta da!" Dashie Claus said as she showed Santa his new rainbow colored outfit that she'll be wearing. "Red is just not really that much of an awesome color to me, unless whenever it's used in a horror movie. So, what is what your jolly eyes are seeing making you think? I personally think that original color made it stink."

After witnessing Dashie coloring his outfit with dye, Santa Claus got sad and started to cry.

"Don't worry, I get it. Your new and improved outfit is making you cry tears of joy." Dashie Claus said while still giving Santa a smirk. "Always happy to share my awesomeness with people, big boy."

Santa of course wasn't crying tears of joy and as his night got even more amiss, he thought to himself what did he do to deserve this.

"Alright, Santa. Time for Dashie Claus to go to work!" Dashie Claus said proudly as she walked up to his sleigh and the reindeer. "Wouldn't want any of those children tomorrow going berserk." She then turned to look at the animals pulling Santa's sleigh, a group of reindeer that she'd be working with to save Christmas day. "Alright, boys. I'm afraid your boss tagged himself out on this one. So, let's get going to get all that present delivering done!" Dashie then raised her hand to give one of the reindeers a spank, which was the spot that happened to be right on his flank. Which was a serious mistake to do on a roof, because that reindeer kicked Dashie off with his hoof. Dashie then started falling while letting out a loud comedic scream, as her face was going to experience the cold state of ice cream.

That was quite a nasty fall for poor Ol' St. Rainbow, she was on a two story house and fell on her face into the snow.

"Uh, I probably should have told you this quite frank, none of my reindeer like to have a spank." Santa Claus told Dashie as she laid on the ground in pain.

"Noted." Dashie Claus replied in an agonizing tone while raising a thumbs up to Santa.

As Dashie Claus waved goodbye to Santa in his sleigh as she departed, she was going to deliver presents and was very wholehearted.

As she flew in Santa's sleigh through the Christmas Eve night, she spent most of her time trying to get the reindeer's names right.

"Uh, let's see if I know the names of you guys." Dashie Claus said while trying to remember their names from the Christmas movies she watches. "Oh boy, Santa didn't give me your names and that wasn't very wise." Dashie then noticed the reindeer that everyone definitely knows, it was the reindeer with the big glowing nose.

"Hey, you're Rudolph, the reindeer whose nose glows!" Dashie Claus stated while pointing at Rudolph. "I have to be honest, that nose is little too dim to get through all this falling snow."

Rudolph got mad because he felt like he was being harassed, so he used his nose to zap Dashie with a lightning blast.

Dashie screamed comedically as she was getting zapped at, but she did willingly admit that she deserved that.

Dashie brushed it off and pulled out Santa's list, so she could determine which people deserve a gift. She also figured that naughty people get a lump of coal, which she assumed came out of the fire place at the North Pole.

Dashie then looked at the list and what she noticed was quite a surprise, the first couple of people are something she wouldn't have believed had she not seen it with her own eyes.













"Wow. I wasn't expecting the first couple of people to be this." Dashie Claus said in a surprised tone despite not knowing who these people are. "I haven't even started and I'm already seeing people that aren't very bliss."

Regardless of all the naughty people that were early on the list, Dashie was certain that there are still people who deserve gifts.

"Of course, I believe there are more people who have earned to be on this holiday gift dump." Dashie Claus said while still remaining optimistic. "After all, Dashie Claus is not some depressed cynical whiny chump."

Dashie then puts the list down and then stands up on the sleigh, to make a skyward shouting announcement that she's going to save the day.

"Here me now, good people of the Earth!" Dashie Claus shouted as loud as she could while having her eyes closed. "I'm Dashie Claus, and I'm here to help the jolly ol' big guy from the North! And I want to make one thing perfectly clear, that Christmas time will still be coming this year! There will be presents for everyone who good of heart, even you're just a regular old fart! So, get ready for a 20% cooler Christmas because, HERE COMES DASHIE..."

Suddenly, as Dashie wasn't paying attention while shouting her optimistic line, she accidentally ran into a billboard sign. The reindeer may have managed to avoid the sign just okay, but that didn't stop Dashie from hitting it and knocking her off the sleigh.

And much like at her house just a few minutes ago, Dashie was knocked off and landed into the snow.

"...Claus." Dashie Claus said in pain as she finished her sentence from before she got knocked of the sleigh.

As Dashie wiped the snow off her face with Santa's hat, what she was seeing in front of felt like she was being laughed at. It was a Christmas themed billboard that was advertising chocolate pistachios, which featured Santa giving his trade mark ho ho hos.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!" Dashie Claus screamed angrily at the billboard.

As Dashie got back into Santa's sleigh after a fall that wasn't pretty, she decided to first go to all the houses in Canterlot City. Since she was already in Canterlot City to deliver presents, doing it all in one city sounds a lot more pleasant.

After she spent the a couple of minutes flying in the sky, the first house she stopped at belonged to her friend Fluttershy. Dashie was not only leaving gifts for Fluttershy but also her brother Zephyr Breeze, who to Dashie is an annoying walking disease. As far as Dashie is concerned with her taste in men, she found him about as attractive as the mud in the Apple Family's pig pen.

Dashie got the presents of both Fluttershy and her brother and entered the house through the chimney, while also preparing to avoid a possible mistletoe smooch from Zephyr Breeze by kicking him in the knee.

Inside the house after coming down the chimney, Dashie quickly set the presents right under the tree.

Dashie quickly ate the milk and cookies that were left on the table, though she would have preferred cider and a toasted bagel.

As she was about to leave she suddenly heard snoring, which came from someone she did not find adoring. That snoring came from Zephyr Breeze who was sleeping on the couch, which was the appropriate sleeping place for a total slouch.

As she looked at Zephyr Breeze sleeping a bit, there was something that she had to admit.

"You know, just seeing him doing nothing but napping, is actually kind of cute since his mouth isn't flapping." Dashie Claus said as she was about to leave by going back up the chimney.

As she was about to climb up the chimney to back to work, an idea crossed her mind that gave her a wide smirk. As her focus on what's important began to sank, she felt that it was time for a holiday prank.

Dashie then walked up to Zephyr Breeze from behind his head, to put something in his hair that would definitely make him dread. As she quietly pulled her prank and set her rear back into maneuver, she tried hard not to laugh about drenching Zephyr Breeze's scalp with hair remover.

As Dashie left the house and flew to the next house in Santa's sleigh, being proud of her prank certainly sent her laughing all the way.

"Oh, man! That was priceless!" Dashie Claus laughed as tears role down her eyes as she headed to the next house. "I'll bet he's gonna look like a 40-year-old under too much stress!"

As Dashie continued her laughing from a prank that was so funny, she then suddenly was hit an epiphany.

"Wait, since I'm delivering presents to every house I visit, I get to pull any kind of prank and the sky's the limit." Dashie Claus said as she got even more excited as she was on her way to the next house. "Even though I'm supposed to be doing this all as business, this will no doubt make this year for me the best Christmas."

As Dashie got to the next house, starting from here is where she'll be as quiet as a mouse. This next house Dashie is at is where the Apple Family lives, and her other friend Applejack will be the victim of the next prank Dashie will give.

As Dashie set the presents under the tree and put her pranking back into resume, she grabbed a black sharpie and a bowl of warm water and headed to Applejack's room.

As Dashie then drew something on Applejack's face and stuck her hand into the bowl of warm liquid, she once again left the house while laughing after pulling a prank that was quite wicked.

The next house that was in the view of Dashie's eye, was the house of her excitable party planning friend Pinkie Pie. And while Dashie would normally play a prank without leaving a trace, Pinkie was always a good sport and pranks was something she'd always embrace.

Dashie then quickly came down the chimney and put the presents under the tree, and she then found an entire banana cream pie in the fridge to use on Pinkie. Dashie then snuck into Pinkie's room to do what she he had planned, with Pinkie asleep Dashie put the pie into her friend's hand. She then uses a feather to tickle Pinkie's nose, and then into Pinkie's face the pie goes.

"Huh... Wha?" Pinkie startled as she was woken up with pieces of pie on her face.

As Pinkie wiped off her face all the pie filling and crust bits, she then noticed a person laughing while wearing a rainbow colored outfit. With the pie all off her face to see how the laughing person was, she immediately knew it was her friend Rainbow Dash dressed as Santa Claus. Pinkie then immediately realized that while she was fast asleep and dreaming, Rainbow Dash pranked her by giving her quite a creaming. And just the good sport that her friend very well knows, Pinkie started laughing for Rainbow Dash's prank of cramming a pie into her nose.

"Good one, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie laughed as she got out of bed. "You certainly gave my face quite a smash!"

Suddenly, Pinkie became confused about something, but she then brushed it off as it seemed like nothing.

"You darn right it was, Pinkie!" Dashie Claus replied while laughing just as much a Pinkie. "And please, call me Dashie Claus, and go look at your presents under the tree."

Pinkie once again became confused like she did after what she just said, and it was making her feel like something was wrong with her head.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash? Are you rhyming your words?" Pinkie asked while raising a curious eyebrow. "Because if you are, that is definitely something that's absurd."

Pinkie's eyes went wide upon a surprised realization that she was rhyming, too. This was certainly to her something strange and new.

"Hey! I just rhymed, too!" Pinkie exclaimed as she was starting to get freaked out by this. "I don't know what's going on, but it feels like a mindscrew!"

Pinkie then covered her mouth this time, and was going to be experimental with the rhymes.

"There was once a beautiful big swirly pop wrapped in cotton candy." Pinkie stated as she was seeing if she would rhyme again. "And when I was finished eating it, it was truly quite sweet and dandy." Pinkie then started to freak out again. "AAAAAAHHHHH! What is going on?! This was not something I wanted to wake up upon!"

As Dashie Claus was starting to get confused by Pinkie freaking out about something she didn't understand, she decided to leave and get back to her present delivering just like she planned.

"Whoever's messing with my brain or my lungs, cut it out or I'll..." Pinkie then accidentally bit her tongue. "OW! I bit my tongue!"

Soon after Dashie left Pinkie's home after putting her presents under the three, she spent the next many hours being as busy as a bee. And not only did she deliver presents during those hours she spent, she also pranked her friends and other people as all that time went. From gluing all of the furniture in Rarity's house to the ceiling, to putting a stink bomb in Twilight Sparkle's room with an odor that was pretty unappealing. And besides her prank on Applejack her prank on Sunset Shimmer was probably the biggest hit, as she taped a huge poster in her bedroom of a muscular guy in a speedo with Flash Sentry's head pasted on it.

Since The Dazzlings were also among the people she visited, she also pranked those three stooges as they were pretty dimwitted. She put green bleach into Adagio Dazzle's hair which made it look like a bush, and she superglued a highchair to Aria Blaze's back and tush. And for her prank on Sonata Dusk that was going to be even more funny, she wrote her a letter from Santa that said her Christmas present was that if she licked people she would taste honey.

As all of the present delivering in Canterlot City was finished, she then began with other parts of the world that were unfinished. Soon much to Dashie's surprise, all of that Christmas present delivering was over right before her very eyes.

"Sheesh, that went by very fast!" Dashie Claus stated in a very surprised and also sad tone. "Which is too bad because I was having a blast!"

After all that present delivering and pranks she pulled on everyone which was pretty fun, Dashie's Santa duties were now completely done. So, it was time to go back home and give the sleigh back to Santa, and also finish up the night with a late snack banana.

Dashie then approached her house in Santa's sleigh while feeling very proud, for taking care of Christmas for Santa just like she vowed. She then parked the sleigh right on top of the her roof, and she then shows Santa her completion with the empty bag and crossed of list as proof.

"Well, Santa. Christmas has been saved." Dashie Claus said to Santa who has gone back to being called by her real name Rainbow Dash. "I have delivered all of the presents to everyone who was well behaved."

"Well, you certainly proved me wrong, Rainbow Dash." Santa Claus said while indeed looking impressed. "I figured that you doing my job would make this year's Christmas be nothing but trash."

Rainbow Dash looked at Santa Claus with an unamused look.

"Hey, I just fixed this mess I caused and you're still giving me sass and attitude!" Rainbow Dash shouted at Santa Claus. "And since I managed to do that, how about showing some gratitude?!"

Santa then rolled his eyes as he had to admit, he really should be grateful for her help a bit.

"You're right, Rainbow Dash. Thank you for saving Christmas." Santa Claus replied in an apologetic tone. "And I probably should be more impressed since it didn't take you too long to master my holiday business."

"What? You're telling me you're surprised that I did something so well?" Rainbow Dash asked while giving Santa Claus a smirk. "I am Rainbow Dash after all, the most awesome person alive that makes everything so swell."

Santa then let out a stressed out sigh, as if Rainbow Dash's bragging made him wish he would just die.

"And I have to be honest, I should be doing the thanking, too." Rainbow Dash admitted to Santa Claus. "After all, you did lend me the job after I accidentally attacked you. So, in a way, we both saved the holiday. I wouldn't have helped save it if you hadn't given me that sleigh. I guess that since you're also called Father Christmas as another way of referring to you, I could also be referred to as Mother Christmas, too."

Santa immediately looked at Rainbow Dash with a creeped out face, as if her brain had totally been lost in space.

"What?" Santa Claus replied as he still looked at Rainbow Dash with the same creeped out face.

"Yeah, you and me together are like the parents of Christmas!" Rainbow Dash explained with a proud look on her face. "Together, we both worked together to save Christmas after an accident I caused that was wild, and we did it just like two loving parents that saved a dying child. So, while even though all that trouble I did wasn't all that mild, we still together saved the holiday like it was our child."

Suddenly, Santa's face immediately went from a freaked out face to a grossed out face, which looked like that he needed to throw up someplace.

"You know, I have to admit, that has got to be the most disturbing thing that I ever heard with my ears." Santa Claus stated while still on the verge like he was about to lose his lunch. "And this is coming from someone who has watched everyone on the planet for very long years."

Rainbow Dash looked at Santa with a deadpan face, as Santa was the one who thought of her analogy in that way in the first place.

"Well, you don't have to think about it that way, Mr. Too Much Milk and Cookies." Rainbow Dash stated while folding her arms.

"Whatever. Once I get back to the North Pole, I'll have my mind erased of that horrible analogy by my elf rookies." Santa Claus stated as he started to get over his grossed out feeling.

Rainbow Dash then handed Santa back the hat and coat, who was so angered by it being dyed he wanted to strangle her throat. But, he wasn't going to do that. After all, it was just simply a coat and a hat. Rainbow Dash then helped Santa put back on his outfit and helped into his sleigh, as since he didn't need to lift any bags he could be on his way.

"Thanks again, Rainbow Dash." Santa Claus told Rainbow Dash with a smile. "I am grateful for you from saving Christmas from being turned to ash."

"Anytime, Mr. Big Guy. Anytime." Rainbow Dash replied with a proud face and a nod. "Well, looks like it's finally now my bedtime." Instead of getting back into her house through a window or a door, she was going back down the chimney just like as Dashie Claus before. Before she went down the chimney to go to bed after such a long night in the sky, she gave Santa Claus one final goodbye. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." Santa said as his reindeer then took off and carried Santa in his sleigh back to the North Pole.

As Rainbow Dash watched Santa fly away in his sleigh, she went down the chimney to go to bed for Christmas Day.

As Santa was just about to sail right through the clouds, he heard a scream that was very loud. He then looked back at the house he left as he continued to get higher, and he saw Rainbow Dash running outside with her pants on fire. He then started to laugh as he watched what was happening below, which was then followed by Rainbow Dash jumping into the snow. Even though the fire was put out and she saved her butt from getting fried, it still hurt quite a bit and she then went back inside.

"Heh. Serves you right." Santa Claus chuckled while holding a couple of matches in his mouth as it's revealed he lit Rainbow Dash's fireplace before she came back by using his mouth. "You beat me up and dye my suit, so I give your rear a burning light."

As Santa disappeared through the clouds after watching Rainbow Dash getting a burning sting, he said back to her one last thing.

"Merry Christmas, you pinhead." Santa Claus chuckled as he was no longer visible through the clouds. "Next year, be like everyone else and just stay in bed."

The next day after opening her presents under the tree with some of them looking pretty tall, Rainbow Dash went to go spend the rest of her morning with her friends at the mall.

As she approached the entrance doors and saw something in front of it that looked lousy, it happened to be her friends who all looked drowsy. Though, the only one who wasn't with them was Pinkie, which was a shame since she could clear up their mood that looked a bit stinky. Rainbow Dash figured that her pranks on them kept them up all night, so she tried to keep a straight face to keep the truth that she was the prankster from coming into the light.

"Hey, guys! Happy holidays!" Rainbow Dash said to her friends while walking up to them with a wide smile as she tried to keep a straight face from all those pranks. "Wow, you all look pretty sleepy today."

"What tipped you off? Our baggy eyes?" Applejack asked while scowling at Rainbow Dash.

"We were all kept up after a pretty unpleasant surprise." Twilight said as she rubbed her tired eyes while yawning.

"Really? What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked while trying to hold in her laughs. "I'm actually kind of curious about it a bit."

"Please, Rainbow Dash. We don't want to talk about it." Sunset replied while looking down at the sidewalk with what appears to be a blush on her face.

As Rainbow Dash continues to try not laugh for her last night's holiday prank plan, a vehicle came out of nowhere and appears to be a huge van. The van parked and then three girls came out that are as tired as Rainbow Dash's friends as they were frazzling, and Rainbow Dash and her friends immediately recognized them as The Dazzlings.

It looks like they haven't cleaned themselves up from the pranks as Adagio Dazzle's head still looks like a bush, and Aria Blaze still had that small highchair glued to her tush. And Sonata Dusk seems to still think she can taste honey from the look of how she couldn't resist, she tried to lick her sister Aria's face but Aria gave her a threatening clenched fist.

As the three girls were now having their experience of humiliation firsthand, they were met with giggling from the girls that beat them at the CHS Battle of the Bands. The three girls then looked at the girls with looks that were quite angry, in which their laughing was making them even more angry.

"What are you girls laughing at?" Adagio angrily asked while her hands were on her hips.

"I think they're laughing at you since you're hair looks like a plant." Sonata said to Adagio.

Adagio continued to get more furious, for her sister's failure to notice the obvious.

"That was a rhetorical question, you numbskull." Adagio angrily said to Sonata. "Maybe while we're here, we'll grab you some medicine that can be able to cure people who are dull."

"Can we also get some medicine that makes everything taste like tacos?!" Sonata excitedly asked for something that doesn't exist. "Pretty please can we get that medicine, Adagio?!"

Both Adagio and Aria looked at Sonata which annoyed looks, as if they wanted to pound her with a bag of heavy textbooks. As the they both didn't want to be in front of their enemies watching them embarrassingly being driven up the wall, the three of them continued their day to get themselves cleaned up by finding things at the mall.

"Can we instead just get Sonata a medicine that'll put her to sleep and she'll never wake up?" Aria asked Adagio.

"No, we're not doing that." Adagio replied as the three of them went inside the mall. "It'll be way more fun to just simply knock her out with a heavy cup."

As Rainbow Dash and her friends continued to chuckle as her pranks on them certainly weren't very kind, she and her friends were then called to by Pinkie from behind.

"Hey, girls!" Pinkie called out to them. "Man, I hope that the mall today is serving cheesecake with a chocolate swirl."

Pinkie's eyes went wide again which turned into a deadpan look, as she was aware that she was still rhyming like she's in some kind of book. But, she shrugged it off and just accepted it. After all, it was Christmas and this was no day to be having a fit.

As Pinkie joyfully skipped over to her friends while being excited about hanging out with them at the mall, they they suddenly heard another voice that was giving them a call.

"Hey, girls!" A voice came from the parking lot.

As the girls all turned to the attention to the parking lot by looking the other way, they saw a very weird looking guy that was a few feet away. The guy was bald and had green skin, and he had a question mark on his face and looked pretty thin.

Upon seeing the guy who looked like he wanted to hang out with her and her friends on Christmas Day, Pinkie immediately had a scowl on her face and then ran over to the guy to push him away.

"Alright, buddy. Get out of here." Pinkie ordered the guy as she started to push him over to an open manhole. "You're not welcome here to spread any Christmas cheer."

"Pinkie, what are you doing?!" The guy asked anxiously as he was getting closer to the manhole.

As Pinkie finished pushing the strange guy that somehow knew her, she then picked him up and tossed him down into the sewer. As the guy screamed from being thrown into the sewer by her, Pinkie then closed the manhole with the huge metal cover.

"You're not in this story, baldy!" Pinkie shouted to the guy in the sewer in a very out of character manner. "Go find another Christmas story to spread love and jolly!"

Pinkie then walked back over to her friends while switching back to her happy smile, all the way they chose not to question why she was being so hostile.

"So, how is everyone doing today?" Pinkie asked her friends with a wide toothy smile. "I hope you're all excited for a happy dappy jolly wolly holiday day!"

"It didn't start too good, Pinkie. It was a not so good morning for Zephyr Breeze and me." Fluttershy replied as she was pretty tired too. She then looked behind her and noticed her brother was walking into the mall to go to work, as he works at one of the mall stores as a clerk. They all looked at him and noticed his head was bare, meaning that he strangely had no hair. Upon seeing Zephyr Breeze with a scalp that wouldn't make him proud, Rainbow Dash had a very hard laugh that was pretty loud.

"Nice haircut, Zephyr Breeze! It doesn't look bad!" Rainbow Dash laughed while sarcastically complimenting Zephyr Breeze while pointing at him. "You look like you turned into a middle-aged dad!"

Pinkie then started joining in on the laugh and she was the only one, because the other girls don't think laughing at someone's expense is very fun.

Zephyr Breeze then started to blush and embarrassingly ran inside just like that, to go to his job and also probably buy a hat.

The other girls looked at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie with scowls, which made them all look like bears that were about to growl.

"What? That prank Rainbow Dash pulled was funny and full of delight!" Pinkie stated with a confused look on her face. "Just like that other prank she pulled on me last night!"

Rainbow Dash then stopped laughing and her face fell like a shocked elf, as she forgot to tell Pinkie to keep that fact to herself.

"What are you talkin' about, Pinkie?" Applejack asked while looking suspicious.

"Nothing, Applejack! Pinkie is just delirious from excitement of the holiday!" Rainbow Dash chuckled very nervously while also leaning into Pinkie to whisper something in a serious tone. "Pinkie! Ixnay on the anks-pray!"

"Wow. There's rhyming pig Latin dialogue in this story?" Pinkie asked in a surprised tone while looking at Rainbow Dash. "Now that's creativity at an all time glory!" As Rainbow Dash failed at trying to stop her, Pinkie then gave Applejack's question an answer. "Yeah, those pranks must of all come from Rainbow Dash here, and she was doing Santa's present delivering job it would appear."

The girls didn't seem to care about Rainbow Dash doing Santa's job quite frank, but they definitely did seem to care about all those pranks.

"So, you're the reason why all my beautiful furniture was on the ceiling above my head?!" Rarity screamed at Rainbow Dash.

"And you're the reason why I found an open stink bomb near my bed?!" Twilight shouted at Rainbow Dash.

"And you're the reason why Ah had "Howdy, ya'll! Ah'm farmer hayseed!" written on my forehead, and also the reason why Ah wet the bed?!" Applejack also shouted at Rainbow Dash.

All of the girls then looked at Applejack with shocked looks about she revealed, and she tried to hide her embarrassed face by using her hand as a shield.

Applejack's embarrassed look then immediately turned into an angry face, and her fist was clenched like she was going to give Rainbow Dash a chase. It was then followed by her slowly walking towards Rainbow Dash, while holding her clenched fist up she was going to give her a smash.

"Now, Applejack, please. I had a very long night. You're not really gonna beat me up over a harmless prank, right?" Rainbow Dash anxiously asked as she stepped backwards as Applejack started to advance on her.

As Applejack's angry face made Rainbow Dash make a frightened yelp, she looks over to her friends for help.

"Guys, a little help please!" Rainbow Dash shouted to them nervously. "If you do, I'll buy you all pizza with extra cheese!"

With disinterested looks the girls all looked at each other, and then they look back at Rainbow Dash to tell her if they're going to help her.

"Nah, we can buy our own pizza, Rainbow Dash." Sunset replied as she and the other girls except for Pinkie all walked into the mall entrance. "If you need us, we'll be in the mall spending some of our Christmas cash."

As the girls all went into the mall, Applejack was ready to give Rainbow Dash quite a maul.

As much as Rainbow Dash would like to believe that Applejack harming her would be full of doubt, she did not want to stick around to find out. With Applejack ready for revenge for pranks that Rainbow Dash personally found quite cunning, with a nervous and a sweat she started running.

As Applejack chased Rainbow Dash across the mall parking lot, Pinkie watched and wondered if a lesson needed to be taught.

"Hmmmm. Considering we all usually learn lessons like fighting is wrong and since it's the most heartwarming time of year, I wonder if I should walk over to those two and try to interfere?" Pinkie asked while thinking if she should stop this. She then decided that even though she wants those two to stop and end if off with a hug, she decided not to and give a little shrug. "Nah. Even though we're all in the child-friendly category, that is sadly just not in this story."

Pinkie then happily skipped away and headed into the mall, meanwhile Applejack continued to give Rainbow Dash quite a brawl.

With Rainbow Dash being inches away from being dead, she thought to herself one last thing in her head.

"Aw, man. If only I had just stayed in bed." Rainbow Dash terrifyingly said in her head as Applejack caught her and tackled her to the ground to give her a holiday beating.

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