
Superboy of Equus

by Jayelms43

Chapter 4: Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part one 

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Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part one 

Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part one

(Jonathan pov)

I just woke up and led in bed thinking about yesterday.

"Man, a lot has happened, and I need to plan out today's assault, as well as see if chrysalis and her changelings are still hidden or captured too, as well a- WHAT THE HELL!!!" I thought before yelling in my head to see Harley and Zecora in the same bed as me.

Harley was on my left while Zecora was on my right. I won't mind it, my siblings did the same thing except they were fully clothed. But Harley and Zecora were wearing nothing but their bra and panties and it didn't help that they were hugging my arms allowing me to feel their breasts on my bear-skin.

I was blushing crimson while trying not to freak out. "Okay okay Jonathan just calm down and take a deep breath," I told myself while doing so before freezing up when I heard the door open to see blueblood in the doorway with an evil

I had a fearful face that showed I needed help but what blueblood said made me go from fearful to downright terrified. "Sorry for interrupting, I'll leave you to it," he said while smirking evilly before closing the door.

I had a terrified look while thinking. "I'm gonna die here," I thought as they started to wake up as well.

(3rd pov)

Harley and Zecora opened their eyes and had soft smiles thinking about the dream they had about Jonathan. That when they noticed at the same time that Jonathan was awake and they thought to say good morning.

"Good morning Jay/Jonathan," both Harley and Zecora said with a happy smile that turned to angry glare as they stared at each other.

"WHAT THE FUCK/BUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!" they both yelled while getting off the bed to glare at each other.

"Uuuhhh," Jonathan said, getting attention, "if you don't mind me asking what were you doing in my bed," Jonathan asked while blushing like a tomato.

Both girls blush before Zecora said. "Well… l want to sleep with you because I feel safer with you," she said while tapping her finger together.

"I just feel more comfortable around you then those ponies," Harley said while looking away blushing.

Jonathan just sat there in his bed before saying. "W-well l-let's head to breakfast then," Jonathan said while stuttering and blushing.

After getting ready they headed down to the castle dining Hall and when they made it they saw everyone there eating breakfast.

Jonathan saw blueblood smirking at him in which he glared at him with a look that said 'you are going to get it you son of a bitch'.

That is when Twilight saw Jonathan and had a big smile before flying over to him and yelled. "GOOD MORNING BBBFF!!!!" Twilight yelled while hugging Jonathan.

Everyone was confused but Jonathan and Cadence were shocked because that was what Twilight called shining armor when they were kids.

"Does she think I'm her big brother?" Jonathan thought before patting her head and said. "Good morning Twiliy how are you," Jonathan asked while smiling at her.

She continued to hug Jonathan while looking up at him still thinking Jonathan was her big brother shining just because he looks different.

After that Exchange they ate breakfast while talking. Jonathan noticed that Nightmare, Zecora, Harley and Starfire were sitting close or near him but paid it no mind.

"So Jay, what are you planning on doing today?" Cadence asked while feeding flurry heart.

"I'm planning on helping Zecora get her things and planning an attack on Canterlot and Cloudsdale," The Kryptoian said before something fell on his lap.

Sitting on his lap was an obsidian Coin with the doom slayer symbol on it. Then he hears a voice in my head, along with seeing visions of violent conflicts against Hell itself.

“Against all the Evil that Hell can conjure. All the Wickedness that Mortal kind can produce. We will send unto them, only You. Rip and Tear, until it is done.” The voice said while I was looking at the coin when the visions stopped.

"Hm, it seems I have found a Doom Slayer displaced then. Well can't hurt to try," I said before yelling out. "DOOM MARINES I SUMMON YOU!" This confused everyone and before Cadence could ask, a portal opened.

Out of it came five armored warriors that stood a few feet taller than even Nightmare Moon herself. “You called?” One of them spoke up, his voice was deep and carried power, yet it was tempered with patience. His armor was red and black, adored with demonic skulls, spikes and chains. Even his helmet was that of a four-eyed demon with curved-forward horns jutting out from the sides. It gave off a grimdark, savage-like aesthetic and feeling. One that inspires fear.

(3rd person pov)

"Wow," Jonathan said while walking up to them. "Names Jonathan, human turned Kryptonian grey Jedi Knight," he told the newcomers while holding out his hand.

“Berserker.” The man introduced himself and reached out to shake the boy’s hand, only to hesitate for a moment. “Tell me; how good are you at using the Force?” Berserker asked when he pulled his hand away.

Jonathan looked at him for a moment before laughing. "Don't worry man I'm not going to read your mind, besides I need to really concentrate on doing so," Jonathan said, while smiling.

“Then perhaps a test?” Another one of them inquired, this one a rather busty female. Her voice smooth and angelic, it made those pining for Jonathan’s heart rather envious with a vengeance. “…On second thought, why don’t I just show you.” That’s when he felt it: she was Force Sensitive! Grabbing a hold of the girls glaring her way with the Force, she brought them close to her before speaking. “Girls, tell him. Don’t wait, make the jump and let him know. Now, get on with it. And trust me: he can satisfy all of you when the time comes.”

Jonathan was rather surprised when the woman placed all four of them before him; all glowing red in the face. These Doom Marines have quite the…persuasive method.

It was silent for a moment before Nightmare stepped up and said. "Jonathan, there is something we wanted to tell you but after hearing about your last marefriend, we were hesitant," Nightmare said while the others agreed.

That's when Zecora said. "Well if you want to try again at having a marefriend or more specifically four," Zecora said while turning crimson.

Jonathan stood there for a moment before disappearing.

This makes the Doom Marines shake their heads. “Well, at least he took it better.” Berserker commented with a sigh. “Let me guess; still clinging to his ex, more or less.”

Blueblood sigh before saying. "Yeah, he did said he gave her a promise-ring and right after that she was having sex with another stallion," bluey said, while looking at the spot Jonathan was standing just a moment ago.

“He needs to let go of her, but that’s his problem to solve.” The woman stated. Her armor seems to resemble that of a demon, with a golden-yellow and blue colour-scheme complete with a battle skirt. “Anyway, you can call me Runner.” She introduced herself with a little bow.

Jonathan reappeared with a small blush before saying. "Okay I'm back now," he said, while looking at the group.

"Where did you even go," Rainbow said while Looking confused.

"I went into outer space and threw my ex-girlfriend ring into the sun," Jonathan said, while smiling big.

“I believe I speak for everyone when I say: we stand corrected.” The grey cloaked figure with a strip of silver running down it in the middle said, his entire being shrouded from Jonathan and the other’s view. Not even the Krpytonian’s X-ray vision could peer through the veil that surrounded the man. “I’d be careful if I were you.” Jonathan gasped in shock when he heard the cloaked warrior’s voice in his head. He was psychic! “I’m Hunter, nice to meet you all.” He inclined his head towards the natives and local Displaced.

Jonathan just shook his head and said. "Well Anyway, I was thinking about you guys for more than I like to admit," Jonathan said, looking at the four women.

"But in the end I like to try again but only if you agree to it-" Jonathan didn't get to finish before being tackled but not moving an inch.

“Oh, they most certainly agree.” One of the last two giants said with a chuckle. He looked like a walking tank of a church; heavily more armored, yet looking so holy and majestic. White and gold coloration, which really sells it. “Greetings, you may call me Pillar. Our last member is known as Collateral.”

“Yo!” Collateral gave a two-fingered salute. While he wore the same armor type as Pillar, his theme differs; it had more slopes and angles, an utilitarian form with hard-case ammo patches and an ammo pack on his back. Its colours were chrome-steel with purple lights.

"Nice to meet you all," Cadence said with a warm smile.

“So, Jonathan, what is it you want to do?” Berserker questioned the Kryptonian, crossing his arms.

"Well I was about to go and get princess Celestia and Luna as well as Starlight glimmer," Jonathan said, while the others looked shocked at his decision.

“…Caribou.” Berserker growled angrily, which made all but Superboy back away in fear. “So, they’ve taken over Equestria?” This was more of a demand than a question.

"Yep," Jonathan said, not bothered by his tone of voice. "I was just about to go there now but I need to help Zecora really quick," Jonathan said before disappearing and reappearing seconds later.

"And done," Jonathan said, dusting his hands off.

“So, do you have a plan on how to save them?” Runner queried.

Jonathan thought about it for a moment while looking at the marines and blueblood before saying. "I got something in mind," he said while going through his pocket.

“Is there anything we need to know about the Caribou?” Hunter questioned while they waited.

"Yeah," Jonathan said while pulling out a green glow rock the size of his middle finger. Then to everyone's surprise he took off his shirt and cut himself in random places before cutting his pants legs as well.

"They have some kind of metal that can block magic, as well as some of the stallions are either under mind control or doing it Willingly." Jonathan said while still hurting himself.

“Why are you cutting yourself up with Kryptonite and why did you have it in your pocket?” Pillar asked with a raised brow.

"To answer your first question, it's to make it look like I got beaten up and near death," Jonathan said not notice that the four girls were staring at his upper body.

"And for the second one, I just find it outside near a fucking river," he finished while making a cut on his cheek.

“This Null Metal, how effective is it?” Collateral asked while nicknaming the very thing that helped the Caribou in conquering the world.

Jonathan just gave Collater a look that said 'did you just ask a dumb-ass question'.

"You do know that I just said I was going to save Celestia and Luna. Two princesses that are goddesses that got defeated by some deer looking mother fuckers right?" Jonathan asked while looking himself over.

“You still left out the part where it can defeat gods.” Berserker snapped, which made the Kryptonian think about it. Why did he emphasize ‘gods’? “…Boy, we are gods.”

That's when it hit him. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Jonathan yelled, surprising everyone, even Berserker.

"HE CAN'T BE HERE NOT IN THIS UNIVERSE!!!" Jonathan continued to yell, making the castle shake.

Then the unexpected happened: Berserker slapped Jonathan across the face so hard it almost made him fall over, but it really stung. However it helped in snapping Jonathan out of it. “The next time you do that, it’ll be my fist.” Superboy flinched away when he saw Berserker raise a fist towards him.

Jonathan took a deep breath and said. "There are only three people who can take down a god," Jonathan said,getting everyone's attention.

"The first is Lex Luthor, the second is Doomsday, and the third is Darksied," Jonathan said, making the Equestrian feel fear from the last name Jonathan said.

“You can worry about that later, let’s just focus on getting Tia and Lulu back.” Runner changed the subject back to what they were discussing before. “So, besides that metal, what sort of weapons and armor are they packing?”

"Regular medieval armor, and swords and seaper, but Also guns too," Jonathan said, while looking out the window.

“When are we going?” Hunter asked.

"Right now," Jonathan said, turning to leave but was stopped by Harley and Starfire.

"We're coming too," all four of them said, while having a serious look.

The Doom Marines looked towards each other for a moment, before Berserker asked, “Is it permissible for us to bring in some back up? Or would you prefer an army?” Hearing this, Jonathan thought it over.

"Right now no," Jonathan said before adding. "My plan was for you guys to act like you beaten and took me to king Dainn sons as a show of alliance with him," Jonathan finished while gesturing to the cuts on his body and face.

“Problem: women.” Runner pointed out to herself and his lovers. “So unless you have a way to keep us from being detected, we’re not getting anywhere close to them.”

"That's because you and the girls are going to either pretend your slave or you can wait outside the castle walls until Berserker give the signal," Jonathan said, while looking at them.

Runner sighed before removing her chestplate, her breasts bouncing freely and surged to such a ridiculous size it left everyone else speechless. Before Jonathan could ask, Runner used the Force to shove his lovers into her valley of a cleavage and shrunk them back down. “There, problem solved. Hunter, open up your pants.” She ordered after refitting her chestplate back on.

Nodding his head, Hunter undid his pants and opened up for her. Runner jumped right inside and disappeared. Once done, Hunter diddy up his greaves before disappearing from sight.

“He’s invisible. It’ll make it easier to infiltrate without causing a scene.” Berserker said before looking at the still stunned Jonathan. “Don’t worry, they’re fine. Personal Inventories are rather spacious. They’ll be able to keep themselves occupied until it’s time.”

"THAT'S NOT IT MAN!!!!" Jonathan yelled before taking a deep breath and said. "You know what, fuck this. I don't want to explain nor learn how she was able to do that," Jonathan said before asking a nearby guard to bring some chains and handcuffs.

"Right now after they let their guard down then we attack," Jonathan said, while the guard he asked helped him put on the chains and handcuffs.

“Yeah, sure.” Berserker sighed in annoyance.

"What about us?" Rainbow said while the others agreed.

"You will stay here," Jonathan said, while looking serious. "Right now you guys are still messed up in the head after Big Mac tortured and raped you six and don’t forget that he made spike into a damn slave dragon," Jonathan said while finishing putting on the chains and handcuffs.

“We may need to get into our roles.” Pillar said before Berserker took up the chains that ‘bind’ Superboy.

"It's really simple, but also complicated," Jonathan said while they walked outside.

"The thing about these caribou is they only think with their dicks instead of their heads, so if you guys make up some lie that will make you one of them," Jonathan finished while they ended up in Ponyville where an army of 20 caribou were there waiting.

Unexpectedly, Berserker punched him in the throat, which made him choke up and had him on his hands and knees. His spiked knuckles added more pain than they should have. Dragging him along the ground, Berserker stood before the Caribou, who raised their weapons to him but their arms were shaking in fear. “…What is this?” The man asked venomously. “Is this all you’ve brought to bear? 20 men for just one punk?!” Berserker glared down at who was supposedly the leader, trembling in fear.

He was about to say something before he saw Jonathan chain up and was shocked. "You captured the unbeatable warrior of those slut," the leader of the caribou said while Jonathan was angry but didn't do anything.

"When this is over you do know I'm going to punch you in the face right," Jonathan whispers to Berserker while still on the ground.

“You wanted this to be as real as possible. This is your plan, after all.” Berserker reminded the young Kryptonian, which made him clench his jaw in frustration and defeat. “Yes, we did. Something you seem to have failed yourself.” Berserker spoke up to the leader, who withered underneath his gaze.

"We will take you to our king's sons who are the rulers of Canterlot," another caribou said while leading them to a carriage and taking them to Canterlot. Surprisingly enough, it was able to handle their armor’s weight and was big enough to fit them.

After an hour they arrived and saw a disgusting site. Mares being raped and staillons who was either mind controlled or Not were doing hard labor as well as children been used as maids and butlers.

Jonathan wanted nothing more to break out of this chains and kill all of the caribou and tortured those fucking sons of king Dainn but he knew he had to hold on just a bit longer.

“This is quite the…spectacle.” Berserker commented, barely holding out on wanting to grab the nearest motherfucker and ripping them in half.

"Yes this is what king Dainn envisioned women from every race are Nothing more than sluts for us to breed and make stronger males for our glorious Empire," the Leader said while looking at a caribou and a brainwashed staillon raping a mare who had a purple collar on and was enjoying it.

“Uh-huh.” Collateral said dismissively while Pillar did his best to ignore all that was going on around them.

“We’re here for the princesses and the bastard’s sons. Worry about the country later.” Hunter reminded everyone telepathically. As much as they all wanted to liberate Canterlot through the blood of their enemy, they had their priorities.

"I really want to pull out his heart and make him eat it," Jonathan whisper while his eyes were turning red.

After a moment they were in the castle throne room where Celestia and Luna were chained to their throne each wearing a red collar. Sitting in their throne were two caribou that were wearing Royal armor with a strange aura around it next to them was a cloak figure that was taller than Celestia and had glowing green eyes.

"So what do we have here," one of the prince said while walking towards them more specifically Jonathan.

“Your troublemaker.” Berserker answered before pulling Jonathan forward and having him on his knees in front of the Prince.

"Yes my name is Silver Pierce and this is my brother Stone Wall and we are grateful that you brought us superboy warrior of Equestria," Silver said before backhanded Jonathan.

"You would betray your own Male brothers for these sluts," he held Jonathan head up by his hair.

In response he spit a mouthful of blood in his face.

“So, our reward?” Berserker questioned before slamming Superboy’s face into the floor, making it crack from the force. Pillar, though it disgusted him, was courteous enough to hand Silver Pierce a handkerchief to wipe away the blood from his face.

"Yes your reward," Silver said before snapping his fingers and five chest full of gold, silver, and bronze coins along with gems of different colors and sizes.

But he wasn't done yet before four caribou guards came in with two other people one was Starlight Glimmer who was only wearing tattered clothes and had a black collar while the other one had forest green skin with fire red Hair and was chained up by her wrists and ankles with a muzzle over her mouth.

"Not only will you be paid handsomely, but as a show of Goodwill for helping the caribou empire and our father king Dainn. We give these sluts to do as you please," Silver said smirking.

“Our thanks.” Collateral said with a nod as Pillar went to collect the females.

“By the way, your highness. While we failed in retrieving the whores he freed, we have confirmation on their whereabouts. We thought it prudent to discuss with you in person.” Berserker brought up, to which Silver was all too happy and got in close enough to hear. Only to end up getting stabbed in the gut and split in half within an instant. “LET’S GET TO RIPPING AND TEARING, BOYS!”

Jonathan got up and broke the chains off and said. "I thought you would never that," Jonathan said before rushing at the other prince only to be punched into a nearby pillar.

"Sorry boys but you thought wrong," the cloak figure said, which made Jonathan wonder who He was and how he was able to hurt him.

“Wait, Big Mac?!” Pillar called out while protecting the girls that were awarded to them within his barrier.

“Fucking Hell, Mac, what did you do?!” Collateral demanded while using two Chainguns to mow down any and all who got too close to Pillar.

"You could say," Big Mac said before taking off the hood to show his face that was only half metal. "I gotta update," he finished while taking off the cloak and showing his entire body was full on metal. Only a few parts still have his regular skin but what was more surprising was a huge glow green rock in his chest.

"Like new me superboy, you can thank the caribou for saving me, and I can get to kill you," Mac said, grabbing his leg and throwing him outside the castle.

“Girls, go help Superboy?” Runner shouted before letting them leap out from her cleavage and rush after Jonathan.

“Hunter, find the ones responsible for the cybernetic enhancements!” Berserker ordered while he kept Stone Wall pinned underneath his boot. For now, they needed him alive should his brother’s findings come up empty. Celestia and Luna were too scared to do anything, hiding themselves behind the thrones for protection.

Outside Jonathan was in a collapsed building laying on the ground in pain before he said. " Kryptonite hard it just had to be a Kryptonite hard that powers him," he said before flying out of the house and saw Mac fighting the girls.

Jonathan flew at him delivering a punch to his abdomen before kicking him away. "What hell are you four doing," Jonathan asked, trying to stand up.

"What do you think," Harley said, before Jonathan got tackled into another building.

“Girls, he’s having trouble. Mac’s powered by Kryptonite. Remove that and Superboy can destroy him.” Runner warned the girls and had to move Harley and Zecora out of harm's way quickly. Moon and Starfire can handle themselves. Harley? Maybe. Zecora, absolutely not. “The only thing I’m worried about is whether or not they can replicate Cyber-Mac, again and again.”

That's when Cyber-Mac flew past them. Jonathan walked over with a limp while holding his arm. "Damn it I need more sun radiation, " Jonathan said, falling to his knees in pain and exhaustion.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Berserker snarled before he pulled out some large nails and nailed Stone Wall’s limbs to the floor. The Prince screamed in painful agony all the while he stomped his way over to Cyber-Mac. “Runner, get him back up! I need him to watch us fight!”

Coming up to his side, Runner presses a vial to Jonathan’s lips and tilts his head back. He began to gulp down the contents, which tasted sweet and rejuvenating. Feeling better, he saw Berserker and Mac squaring off. “Just watch and learn.” Runner told Jonathan as their fight started.

Cyber-Mac came in swinging, hard and fast. Try as he might, he couldn’t land a blow on Berserker. Mac ended up leaving himself open to an attack, the Marine pouncing on it and laying it into the cyborg. Although his armor held out, it had a lot of dents and pieces of metal began to fall off. Cyber-Mac’s chest endured against the brutal onslaught, indicating that’s where his power core was stored. “Worthless and wasteful. You threw away a good and meaningful life for this? For shame, Mac. For shame.” Berserker taunted his opponent with a scoff.

Mac was glaring at Berserker before smirking and grabbed a small shard Kryptonite. "Funny you said that," he said while turning his hand into a gun.

"I would have said the same thing to him," Big Mac finished before firing the shard at Jonathan. It hit him in the chest near his heart.

"They say an eye for an eye, how about a heart for a heart superboy," Cyber-Mac said before Berserker rushed at him pulling his Kryptonite heart out of his chest. Enraged, Berserker’s left arm transformed into a cannon and aimed down at the body. He fired off a blast of pure Argent Energy that incinerated the remains of Cyber-Mac and drilled a hole in the marble floor.

Runner quickly got to work on helping Jonathan, who was writhing in pain from the Kryptonite shard buried inside his chest. Soon it became too much and he passed out, hearing his lovers’ voices calling out to him…

Next Chapter: Going and saving Canterlot and Cloudsdale part two  Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
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