
Superboy of Equus

by Jayelms43

Chapter 2: First stop Ponyville, Jonathan and Blueblood become Grey Jedi Knights

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First stop Ponyville, Jonathan and Blueblood become Grey Jedi Knights

First stop Ponyville, Jonathan and Blueblood become Grey Jedi Knights

(2 days later Jonathan pov)

It's been two days since shining armor funeral and the civilians as well as Cadence and flurry heart were still saddened about his death, But as for me I was in the throne room pacing back and forth on how I was going to make Dainn pay.

"First things first I need to get a handle on my powers before anything else" I said to myself before looking at my hands.

"Right now I know how to use Superman's powers, because I read every comic book about him. But as for the Jedi powers that's a different story" I thought before I heard someone coming into the throne room doors.

I saw it was Blueblood wearing casual clothes. It still baffles me that he's so different from the show and from the fanfics.

"So Sir superboy can I speak to you for a moment" bluey asked while walking towards me.

"Blue, how many times do I have to tell you; you can call me either Jonathan or Jay," I said in an annoyed tone; "Sorry," Blueblood said while rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"*sigh* So what do you need to talk about?" I asked while walking over to him and leading him to the Crystal Garden.

"Well, I was wondering if you are going to Ponyville to save the elements of harmony," he said.

"Let me guess, you want to come to?" I asked while looking at him confused and with a hint of mischief, he blushed before nodding in agreement.

"Are you by any chance dating Rarity, bluey?" I asked while smirking evilly while he was blushing crimson.

"Soooooo, you want to come so that you can see your marefriend huh," I said while looking innocent. but inside I was smirking like a madman.

Blueblood was still blushing while nodded his head nervously, I put my arm around him before putting him in a headlock; "well look at this, little bluey what's to be the Knight and shining armor huh?" I said while giving him a noogie.

After a while I let him come along with me as long as he had some sort of protection, while he was doing that I was walking around the castle before I came across a wooden door.

It was a plain wooden door, but something was telling me to go near it. Once I went to the door and opened it, it was nothing but a chair with a table; and on the table were two lightsabers as well as a holocron.

"How the hell are there two lightsabers here?" I said while putting up said items and looking them over.

(Just like this but one is black and the other is white)

"Maybe I could use this and give bluey the lightsaber that came with me" I thought before hearing a loud crash coming from Cadence room.

I used my super speed to get to her room first, once I got there I saw a picture frame that had both a shining and Cadence holding a newly born flurry heart.

"CADENCE ARE YOU OKAY!!!!" I yelled as I rushed over to her side to see her crying, before she looked up at me eyes full of sadness and pain.

"I-it wasn't a dream, shiny is actually dead," she said while hugging me tightly, I just hugged her back trying to comfort her in her moment of sadness.

"It's okay it's okay Cadence I promise him that I will protect you and your daughter with my life," I said trying to make her feel better.

"Thank you superboy," Cadence said while trying to smile but it was forced, "you and flurry can call me Jonathan or Jay if you want to" I said while having a warm smile on my face.

(3rd POV)

After Jonathan comforted Cadence he went to blueblood and he found him putting on some light armor. before he saw him walking towards him.

"Do you need something Jay?" Bluey asked before he was about to grabbed a sword off the rack before his hand was stopped by Jonathan who had a look of seriousness.

"Prince Blueblood," Jonathan said, making him nervous because he used his full title; "if you are coming with me you are going to need this," he said, handing blueblood his lightsaber, while blueblood looked confused.

"Why do I ne-," Bluey didn't get to finish before Jonathan made him get into a kneeling position before he said.

"If you are going to help me save Equus, you and I are going to become Grey Jedi Knight. So you and I are going to repeat the Grey Jedi oath" Jonathan said, getting in the same position as him.

(Play Jedi theme when they say the oath)


As Jonathan and Blueblood were getting ready to say the oath, they didn't notice a group of guards staying there watching them. But for some unknown reason they kneeled as well.

(Jonathan and blueblood)
"I will do what I must to keep the balance.

As the balance is what holds all life.

There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish.

There is passion, yet peace.

Serenity, yet emotion.

Chaos, yet order.

I am a wielder of the flame.

A champion of balance.

I am a guardian of life.

I am a Gray Jedi."

After Jonathan and Blueblood finished saying the grey Jedi oath they were about to leave before one of the Crystal guards, "Sir, if you let us can we come with you to free Ponyville and Canterlot as well" one of the guards said while the other four nodded in agreement.

Jonathan looked at the five Crystal guards in front of him and Blueblood for a moment before saying. "You know if you guys come with us there's a high likelihood you might die" Jonathan said while Blueblood agreed with him.

"We all do respect sir, but that is one of the risks of being a guard sir," one of the mare guards said, stepping forward while everyone agreed with her.

Jonathan and Blueblood looked at each other before smirking and Jonathan said.

"All right then, let's go save Equus boys and girls" Jonathan said while the Crystal guards cheered in determination.

In just under two days Jonathan gained not only a partner but also a Team to help him liberate Equus.

Next Chapter: Saving the elements of harmony and meeting a new friend. Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 4 Minutes
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