

by vinylthewriter

First published

Twilight goes back in time after seeing the shows version of herself time traveling with starlight, so she can save her wasteland future from happening, by spreading friendship

Equestria is a sandy wasteland, one day a cloaked pony sees two ponies, one of them looking like her, they travel back in time and that gives the cloaked pony (twilight) the idea to travel back in time, but she travels to the worst time, its her and a wizards (starswirl) duty to make friends with all ponykind and save the land from windigos to stop eternal winter, with the friendship fire and found equestira


It was a dark and stormy night in the wasteland of Equestria, a strong, cold gust of wind going past a hooded Pony in a dirty, sandy coat with a pink patch where a Cutie Mark would be, the hoofed Mammal had there face covered by there hood, she walks up a big hill, panting heavily as her hooves digging into the uncomfortable sand, some of it getting into her leg fur, she then reaches the top and takes a breathe, looking onward on the land, seeing 2 two other Ponies talking, in front of a crystal table, a map maybe? She looks closer, seeing what the Ponies look like, there was a pink Unicorn with a purple mane with light blue streaks in it, her eyes a soft purple, her Cutie Mark being a star with light blue swirls above it, the hooded Pony then looked at the other Mammal, seeing an Alicorn? But those are just myths she thought, she was a light purple with a dark blue mane that had purple and bright pink streaks in , she was confused, suddenly taking her hood off, she looked almost the same, just without the wings, and the hooded Pony had a messy mane and fur, with her fur almost covering her dark purple hooves, and she had eye bags, they had the same eyes too.

“No way...” The cloaked horse says in an amazed tone, her voice being a bit rough
She then looks at the Alicorn, and glared at the Cutie Mark, it was a big bright pink star, with little white stars around it, the cloaked Pony looks back at her flank, raising the cloak, she was a Blank Flank, she then looks back at the 2 other Ponies , listening to there convocation closely.

“I don’t know why my friends and I are soo important to Equestria, but we are..” The Alicorn states, looking down at the sand, kicking it lightly, her mane flowing in the wind, she shivers
The pink unicorn looks to get mad and responds in an angry tone, snapping “I DONT BELIEVE YOU!!” she points at the Alicorn
The hooved Pony then noticed the Baby, purple Dragon with green spikes as he speaks
“Come on Starlight, look around..” he replies
The so called Starlight looks behind her to see more of the mess called Equestria, a deserted wasteland full of nothing but sand, dead trees and a sandstorm, the Alicorn walks up to Starlight
“Like I said.. Everything that effects the past, effects the future.. Even the tiniest act..” She claims, lifting up some sand in her hoof, the sand floating away in the wind
“And what your doing leads here..” She adds on, as Starlight looks in horror at what she’s done
“I know I cant stop you, but I thought showing you this might change your mind..” she admits and looks at Starlight
The Unicorn then gets angry and huffs at the Alicorn and goes back to look at her, glaring threateningly
“Change my mind!?” She asks in a mad tone, slowly walking towards the Mythical Pony
“You don’t know anything about me! I was perfectly happy before!! YOU!!!!” She pounces at the Alicorn, but the Pony steps out the way, backing up
“AND YOUR FRIENDS!!! RUINED WHAT I BUILT!” Starlight exclaims in a raging fury, her horn sparking bright blue sparkles
The Alicorn looks a little scared, and in return she steps back, not wanting to fight, and replying in a bit calm but still somewhat scared tone
“I don’t know what happened to let you to make your village without Cutie Marks” The hooded Pony then gets even more interested at this, tilting her head, the Alicorn then puts her hoof to her chest
“And I’m sorry my friends and I had to take it away..” She states, feeling remorse for what she did, but deep down, she knows she had to
Starlight then growls and glows a bright magical blue glow, floating up and yelling
“YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!??” She asks, furious
The hooded Pony seeming to be somewhat fearful, hiding away a bit, shaking, but continues to watch as Starlight floats above the map, table thing
“ILL SHOW YOU!!” She states aggressively and shoots the table with a magical blast, making it glow a pure white, making magic ruins appear, then a portal is made above it and.

They all float into the giant portal, making them travel back in time, the portal disappearing in a bright flash, the hooded Pony gets out of hiding and looks around before rushing to the table, looking at it, it is a map like the thought, but its built into the table, she then looms around a bit more, confused of what just happened
“What was that?” She asked to herself
She then closes her eyes and thinks for a moment about the convocation
“Hmmm.. So the other me said something about friends being important to Equestria..” She states to herself, looking up at where the portal was
“Everything that effects the past effects the future..” She thinks and looks the map, touching it
“Maybe if I travel back to the past, I can make all Pony tribes friends?” She says, tilting her head, sitting down
“Ugh! What if it doesn’t work!?” She exclaims sheepishly
She then shakes her head rapidly and slaps herself with her hoof
“ITS MY ONLY CHANCE!” She states and sighs
“If I don’t at least try! Then I got nothing!!” The hooded Pony claims and puts her hood back over her head
She rips a branch off a tree, using her magic, she then begins to draw in the sand, trying to make her own time travel spell.

After a long 5 days the hooded Mammal finally figures it out, her eyes loopy, she looks at the ground and steps on the map, she seemed to have named the map, being almost insane
“O-Ok Shining Map..” She whines as she says that, thinking about her lost brother, shining armour
“Lets try this..” She says, with one last bit of hope left, casting the spell, and after a while she gives up, but little did she did it and is sucked into the portal, screaming.

Back in the olden days of the land, a portal opens up, and out comes out the Hooded figure, in a snowy cave, shivering she looks around and just sighs, not able to process how she did it or where she is, she just states to herself
“T-Tired.. I’m soo very tired...” In a very weak and tired tone, falling to the floor and passing out, asleep, snoring, not caring for the cold, the last thing she sees is the shadow of a bearded Stallion with a Unicorn horn, before she closes her eyes.


The next day the light purple Unicorn slowly opens her eyes, yawning, stretching widely, looking around and tilts her head as she sees she’s in a small wooden cabin, she suddenly stops, gasping lightly, again and again, her snout seeming red and suddenly sneezes, it appears she has a cold, she shivers and cuddles the sheets, teeth chattering, the tip of her horn all iced up, as she breathes a white cloud of cold icy smoke coming out her mouth.

After a few hours, the door opens, the same Stallion she saw before passing out, he was grey and had a dark blue cloak with a moon symbol with a few stars on it, and a blue wizards hat with a bell at the end of it, he also had a defining feature, a decently long beard, it being a light grey, and his long horn with stars carved into it, something the purple Unicorn had never seen, the Stallion gives her a hot drink of tea before he begins to speak
“Good morning miss, judging from your red snout, you seem to have a cold” He states, going to a desk in the cabin, using his magic to levitate the purple Ponies cloak and hood, gently putting it on the end of the bed, the purple Pony then sips on the tea, putting it on the desk and weakly getting up and out of bed, putting on her cloak and putting the hood over her, sipping more of the tea, she then begins to speak back.

“Hey uhm Thx for the tea, and shelter, but uhm.. Where am I and who are you?” She asked curiously and a bit panicked that she’s been kidnapped, the grey Pony looks back at her and hands her over some Oats to her, she takes it and begins to eat, setting on the bed
“I am Starswirl, the most powerful Unicorn in the Unicornia which is where your at right now” He responded, using his magic to float a book over to him, reading it before he asks
“And you?” The purple unicorn giggles a little at his name and whispers to herself
“Starswirl the bearded, heheh”
As she whispers that Starswirl gets a bit annoyed, string at her, sparks coming out his horn
“Take that back!!” He demands, glaring at her
“Ok ok fine, sorry, my name is Twilight Sparkle by the way!” Twilight says, snickering, having her first bit of fun in months
“Apology accepted” Starswirl begrudgingly states, walking to the door and opening it, looking up north, Twilight following the cloaked Stallion
“Windigos..” The horned stallion says in a little worry in his voice, Twilight getting to see what hes talking about, she sees a big snow storm with big iced Ponies flying in a spiral in the sky, creating said snow storm, it headed south for them, Starswirl puts his hoof on Twilights hoof, his hoof feeling warm and smooth, she never felt a hoof before in a long time, she smiled as Starswirl teleports them both down south, into the woods.


Twilight Sparkle looks around, whimpers and whines, shivering in a small bit of fear, knowing what that was back there
“H-hey..” She stuttered, terrified of the outcome, she knowing what can happen if they don’t stop this
“We should find s-shelter, maybe find the other Tribes?” she suggested, her front legs shaking, she then suddenly falls to the dirty, muddy ground, covered in dead brown leaf’s, its a horrible, dull scene, not what Twilight expected from the past of her world, the only colour really there, being her coat and mane, Starswirl helps her up and shakes his head
“Are you crazy!? There dangerous and wont hesi-” He says, before being cut of by the purple Unicorn
“You don’t know that, what if there as scared of us as we are of them” She states before sneezing suddenly, sniffling and continues
“T-They could open us with open h-hooves!” She finished her sentence, Starswirl sighing and just explores with Twilight, going even more south.

Twilight looks around and tries to break the ice
“Hey.. Uhm.. So what’s your favourite food?” She asks, curious, wanting to get to know the Stallion, the said Stallion responds
“Oats I guess, I don’t know, I just eat what I’m given” she says bluntly
“Oh.. R-right, I like Hay Burgers..” She states with a little nervous giggle, they soon get out the forest and look up at the sky, trying to look for signs of Wendigos, but soon two Pegasi swoop down in there Roman like armour, holding Spears in there wings, pointing them at the two Unicorns, Starswirl then charges up his horn shoots a big laser at both Pegasi, but they quickly fly away to dodge, Twilight pushing Starswirl out the way and growling, staring him down, he gets a bit confused but angry before the purple Mare yells
“DONT ATTACK THEM!” She huffs, the Pegasi going after them and about to drive there weapons into the Mare, but before they can they hit a glowing barrier, it was admitted by Starswirl, Twilight sighs and looks into his eyes
“P-pls.. We can be friends with them, we should put our differences aside” She explains, moving her head away, they grey Stallion nodding and breaking the shield, putting his hooves up begrudgingly, Twilight does the same, the Pegasi Guards putting Apples on there horns, flying the two unicorns up into the clouds, Twilight looking up at her horn, seeing the Apple on it, the juice trickling down to the base of her horn
“That’s creative..” She comments, being fixated on it, they then reach Pegasopolis and to the main castle, Twilight tilted her head and pointing at it
“What’s that thing?” She asks, none of the Pegasi nor Starswirl respond to her, the Guards then lead the two inside the Castle.

Guards that are in the Castle, trumpets in there wings, a Guard to escorted them inside then commands
“BOW BEFORE OUR KING!! The other Guards play there trumpets, a sleek, but menacing white Pegasus with purple mane and a big wing span, a Stallion that has bright blue eyes, a scar on his left cheek, wearing royal armour, a lightning bolt symbol on his chest, he zooms down to his throne, smoke covering the room, Twilight and Starswirl looking away, coughing as the trumpets stop playing, the smoke soon clears and they look back in front of them, seeing the stallion sitting down, he looks around and then sighs, looking at some of the guards.

“Where is Private Pansy?” He asks in a bored tone, her being missing seems to be something the king is used to, a guard then responds
“In the garden your highness, taking care of the animals” The white Stallion just groans and stamps his hoof onto the ground and growls and snaps
“I SWEAR TO THE SUN!! ILL PUNISH HER!!” He yells, seeming very very aggressive, seeming short tempered, the Pegasus then notices the Unicorns, his wings flaring up suddenly to look more menacing
“WHAT ARE TWO UNICORNS DOING IN PEGASOPOLIS” The King shouts harshly, Twilight responding “H-hey sorry sure, I’m just hear to ask if we could make an alliance, we were forced from our home from an eternal win-” She states but gets cut off before she can finish
“Wait no! Sir pls!” Twilight says, desperate, being walked out by the guards, Starswirl commenting with
“I told you there dangerous..” He says, sighing, Twilight responding
“Oh boy... What else can go wrong..” She states, looking down.

Taken into the dungeons, and locked up, Twilight and Starswirl getting the Apples of there horns and replaced them with metal, something more reliable, to contain there magic, the Purple Mare then walks to the back of her cell, looking out the bars, seeing very little of the outside world, sighing
“I... I really thing it could work... I was soo sure of it..” Twilight says quietly, Starswirls ears perking up and looking back at her, seeming a bit remorseful now.


Twilight falls to the ground, looking down at crack, and some cobwebs, she sighs once again and sneezes, tearing up
“I... Just wanted to save the future..” She mutters to herself, Starswirl walking over to her and touching her shoulder
“Future? What do you mean?” He asks in a curious but caring tone, rubbing her back softly, but twilight just wipes her tears and gets up, walking to the jails door, looking at her reflection through the shiny bars, taking her hood off, half her face being her more successful timelines counterpart, she’s the only one who can see it, she then looks down, and puts a hoof on the reflection, taking a breathe before speaking.

“I’m.. Not.. From here..” She depressingly says, looking back at Starswirl and continues
“Im from the future, I came here to make all the tribes friends, I thought it was the only way to save it..” She confirms to him and walks off to the corner to sit
“I guess you cant change the past..” The purple unicorn finishes as she just breaks down crying, Starswirl comforting her.

Meanwhile in the royal courtyard, there was a Pegasus sitting down, playing with the Bunnies, feeding them Carrots, the Pegasus was a very light orangish tan coloured Pony with a bright orange mane, armoured hat and skirt, a lightning symbol on her chest, soon the white, royal Pegasus swooped down and snapped at the orange maned Pegasi, commanding her to do her job
“PRIVATE PANSY!!” He said in a temper, scaring the animals away, Pansy then gets up and looks at her boss, bowing down
“Y-y-y-yes Commander H-Hurricane?..” She stuttered and quivered at her commanders temper, Hurricane then replied as angry as ever as he leads the shy Pegasi to the dungeon guard station
“What did I tell you about playing with the animals!!? Your meant to be on duty!!!” He groans, Pansy shaking, her ears lowered, she doesn’t respond, just takes it as they arrive at the cell
“Your going to keep an eye on them so they don’t leave, is that understood little Pony!?”
Commander Hurricane, as he’s name suggests, commanded, Pansy quickly nods
“O-of course sir...” She quivers quietly, Hurricane leaving, as soon as he does, Pansy sighs
“Hes soo mean and harsh, scaring all the animals and... U-using them as food..” She squirms, thinking to herself out loud, her legs shaking, her ears then perk up at Twilights direction, Turning around she sees the purple Unicorn sobbing on the floor, with her ragged hood over her face, hiding herself
“Oh my sun! Are you ok? You seem really upset.. Can I help?” Pansy asked in a calm, welcoming tone, being gentle, Starswirl growling at the kind Pony, but Twilight stops him.


Twilight walks up to Pansy, the diamond in the rough compared to all the other Pegasi, the purple Unicorn puts her hoof onto a cold bar, of the disgusting cell, Pansy shyly doing the same, Twilight opening her mouth to speak, but gets cut off by Pansy
“You just wanted all Pony kind to be f-friends, but they wont l-listen to you?..” She asks, somehow understanding what the horned Mare was thinking, perhaps she also didn’t like the war, she was scared of the commander, so it made sense, Starswirl walks up to the Pegasus to question her.

“How did you know what she was thing?” He asked in a calm but somewhat untrusting tone, Pansy gets a bit nervous, replying
“Because.. Its something I’ve wanted for sooo long” She sighs and looks away, whimpering, continuing her sentence
“All tribes to be friends, ugh!! And noPony listens!” She states, letting out a small temper, but successfully calming down and looking at both Unicorns
“I would love to get your both free... But I cant..” She paused, trying to find the right words
“Boss w-wouldn’t.. He would.. I.. I’m sorry I don’t have the words.. But you get what I mean?..” She struggles to blurt out, whining for approval, Twilight nods and speaks out
“I get it.. Its fine, just warn your boss, please, things called Windigos are coming, your in danger, t-they will freeze over the land, you got to go south.” Twilight states, stumbling over a word or two, Pansy nodding and thinks about something for a moment, looking away, some time passes with nothing being said, then an warning bell goes of, Pansy then screams from the noise, knowing what’s happening, getting the guts to act and free the Unicorns, the Pegasus just wanting to get out of this situation, Twilight runs to the kind Pegasus and puts a hoof on hers, Starswirl hesitates before finally putting his hoof on Pansies and teleporting the trio to the outside of the castle.

There seemed to be a massive panic outside the castle, Pegasi flying all over, south, the trio look behind them, seeing the Windigos spiralling around Pegasopolis, Twilight holds onto her hood, groaning, Pansy screaming in fear, soon being dragged into the Icey twister, she was freaking out, trying her best to flee, but to no use, soon a magical aura forms around her, the purple Unicorns horn sparking, but she soon stops, the aura not from her, it comes from Starswirl, Twilight looks in shock, watching him as he tries to pull the weak Pegasus back, but before he can, Hurricane sees the two, he swoops down to give them a vist, yelling out in fury.

“THE PRISIONERS HAVE ESCAPED!!” He lands, with a thud and a crack, like the sound of thunder, it throws the grey Stallion off balance, he falls to the ground, Pansy thrown back into the storm, without a second thought, Twilight suddenly runs for scared Pony, Hurricane follows as quick as he can, snatching her from the ground with his wings, he flies up extremely high up, if any Pony fell from this high up, she would sure become a Pancake on the rough, cold ground, the short tempered commander glares at the cloaked Pony
“I’m going to make sure your success never sees the ligh-” He gets cut of by a laser shot from Starswirl, Hurricane begins to fall to the ground, Twilight with him, but her focus isn’t survival, she twists her body around, staring at Pansy, practically consumed by the storm at this point, she tries to focus, but all she can hear are the yells of Hurricane, so she soon twists her body again, kicking him away, then getting back into position, closing her eyes, hooves touching the sides of her head, Starswirl looking worried for the both, Twilight then gets a hold of the Private Pansy, slowly and gently gliding her to Starswirl, in a bright pink, sparkly ride, Starswirl as soon as she gets Pansy delivered to him begins to hold her in his magic aura so she doesn’t get taken by the wind again, Twilight then opens her eyes and yells in desperation, magic going all around her horn in a spiral that soon engulfs her whole entire body, making her stop falling seconds before she hits the ground, it would have been fatal if she didn’t activate the spell quick enough, the purple Unicorn then stops her spell, landing on her feet, Hurricane soon gets up after a while, twilight looks back at him and squeals a bit, and puts her hooves on the other two Pony hooves, Commander Hurricane getting closer and closer before Starswirl manages to teleport the trio all away just before the tempered Pegasus crashes into, but instead he crashes hard into the ground with a thud, growling and hissing, slowly looking up at the huge snowstorm, getting some fear in his eyes he’s never felt before
“FLY!!!” The fierce Pegasus commanded, everyone and the white Stallion, flying south away from the storm.

Meanwhile on a mountain somewhere, a bright light emits on the edge of said mountain, the light goes away and the trio appears, looking around, the Pegasus suddenly begins to fall off the edge of the mountain, Twilight and Starswirl quickly lower there heads, Pansy screaming, clinging onto there horns, they both pull her up and back onto solid ground, when they finish, they sit down on the ground, the Pegasus lays there, hind leg twitching, she looks up at the Unicorns, hugging onto the purple one
“T-thank you for saving me from that place.. Too much war..” She thanks, seeming truthfully thankful, twilight smiles and yawns, rubbing Pansies soft little head, taking the armoured hat off to stroke her mane, closing her purple eyes
“Your alright little filly..” She replies in a nice, motherly tone, comforting her.


After an hour they all get up and agree to set off to the small village below the mountain, the trio begin to walk down in, Twilight sneezing, still having a cold, shaking as Pansy whimpers, there only half way down the mountain at this point and her legs already hurt, panting heavily, her tummy rumbles, Twilight looking back at her, Pansy is really far behind, the horned Mare gallops to the Pegasus, using her magic to levitate her, putting Pansy on Twilights back.

“Hold onto me” She said in a friendly way, rushing back to Starswirl, then slowing down
“Starswirl?..” She askes, Starlight paying attention and looking at her, nodding
“You got food for Pansy?” Twilight Sparkle asks, tilting her head before the Stallion responds with
“No” He simply puts it, Twilight sighs and continues to walk, soon her hooves also start to hurt, just like Pansy, but she weakly pushes on, she yawns as she gets to the bottom of the mountain.

Twilight smiles and falls to the ground with Pansy still on her back
“F-finally, some rest.. Ugh!” Twilight and Pansy say in sync, good minds thinking alike, but there rest doesn’t last long, as a peach coloured earth Pony with a green and yellow mane, a big hat with a big, long feather on it, and old fashioned clothes, almost like Tudor inspired, she walks up to the diverse trio of Ponies and looked at them, soon cutting the silent air like butter.

“State your business, quick, before Chancellor Puddinghead does something reckless” The earth Pony commands before letting them speak, Pansy getting scared and hiding under Twilights cloak, Twilight seeming shocked, but lets her stay under there, to let her calm down, Starswirl looks up at the peach coloured Mare, glaring
“We come with a message to evacuate your frankly... Awful land..” Starswirl, exclaims, not noticing that he said that last of, until Twilight makes it overly clear by bumping his side and coughing so he gets the message, Twilight then apologises
“I’m soo sorry about my associate, he’s a bit too honest bout his feelings” She backpedals, smiling a nervous smile, the earth pony nodding, in understanding but also a little confusion
“Its quiet alright, I’m quiet honest myself” She confirms, truthfully, continuing with
“Sooo.. Why do we need to evacuate” She asks, concerned that the other tribes might try to invade the land, Starswirl goes to speak, but the purple Unicorn cuts him off quickly to avoid anymore mistakes
“There’s a sno-” She suddenly sneezes, wiping her snout and continues, but gets cut off by the earth Pony
“Bless you” She says calmly, Twilight then comments
“UGH! Finally someone says bless you..” She rolls her eyes, the peach coloured Pony snickering, sorta hitting it off with Twilight, but the purple Mare doesn’t have time for laughing, she knows what’s coming, so she repeats
“You have to go south, there’s a snow storm coming, through things called Windigos” She finally gets out, Pansy whimpering under Twilights cloak as she says that word, the earth Pony nods and begins to lead the trio to a Hut at the end of the village
“Come with me everyPony” She commands, the two unicorns following, Twilights cloak slowly going over and off Pansy, revealing her once again, she yelps like a cute, fearful puppy and dashes quickly back to the others, hiding her face with her off white, almost cotton like wings, covering her face, every other Pony walks into the Hut, but Pansy, with her eyes covered, she bumps into the wall, squealing, Starswirl using his magic to pull her into the building.

A pink Stallion with a pink mane, a weird, goofy hat on with Pudding on it, he turns around in his chair, licking up the Chocolate on the Pudding that drips down, he looks down at the four Ponies, looking weirded out, besides the peach coloured Mare, who’s snickering, the Stallion shrugs
“What you looking at me like that for? Its just Pudding!” He says, giggling in excitement, smiling, as he keeps going, then continues speaking.

“What is it Smartie A Cookio!?” He asks, bursting laughing at his frankly boring joke, but Smart Cookie laughed with him, just less exaggerated, Twilight then goes to speak
“I’m assuming your Chancellor Pudding?..” The pink Stallion nods rapidly and gets up, doing a cart wheel around the room, up the walls, around the ceiling and falling back onto his chair, taking it hat off and giving it to Twilight
“Pudding!!?” He asks randomly, being the weirdest, goofiest and most random Pony anyone has ever seen, Starswirl groaned at this and looks away getting annoyed, but Twilight just smiles and begins to eat some of the Pudding, giving some to Pansy, as she knew she was starving, the Pegasus digs in, going all out, flying around with it, nomming on the sweet Chocolate treat, Twilight, Cookie and the Chancellor giggling, but Starswirl breaks the mood suddenly, by saying
“I don’t mean to inter-” But he gets cut off by Chancellor
“What!? You don’t want Pudding!? That’s a shame..” He states, his ears going down, sighing
“We just.. We have wanted new friends for...” Pudding pauses and sighs once again, continuing
“Sooooooooooo... Long, and now we have some Ponies.. But they don’t seem to want to be friends..” He finishes, just bashing his head into his desk once, sobbing, Twilight feeling bad and looking down, sighing, Pansy sees the Chancellor upset and thinks to herself, she then puts the Pudding hat down near the pink stallion and pets him, comforting, nuzzling, Chancellor Puddings ears perk up suddenly and he just hugs Pansy closely, purring like a cute, fluffy Kitty Cat
“So kind..” He whimpers, smiling a small bit, leaking a tear, Pansy wipes the tear away, Twilight goes over to the pink Pony, rubbing his back
“Hey, I know you want some Unicorn and Pegasus friends, and we will be those friends for you” The purple Unicorn states with confidence and holds his cheek to look up at the cloaked Pony
“But we need you to listen, its important for your village..” She tells, the Chancellor nods and looks u at her, asking her
“Ok.. Ill listen.” He smiles, hugging Pansies hoof, Twilight nodding and starting to speak
“Today up north there was a snowstorm cast by three Ghostly Ponies called Windigos, they moved down south to the Pegasus Kingdom, and its going to come here, we need to leave..” She told him but before he could comment, Twilight continues
“But I’m afraid that the other Pegasi and Unicorns will flee here and start a war, so please get ready..” She finishes.

Chancellor Pudding suddenly runs up to a giant party horn and honks it
“HONK HONK” The party horn goes, sounding like the noise a clowns nose makes, this scares all the other earth Ponies and they all begin to rush south, before everyone in the Hut hears a loud thud and a crack, like thunder, Pansy gets scared, getting under Twilights cloak again, Twilight sighs and makes her horn glow, Starswirl getting prepared and getting into position, his horn magic going through the carvings of stars, and making them glow, ready to fight, they all know what’s going to go down.


The grey Stallion waits for second for the perfect time to strike, tracing his hoof across the wooden floor, he then shoots a laser at the door, striking a horde of winged Pony guards, he suddenly gets tired quick from this, he huffs and falls to the ground, Twilight then makes a magical shield, she knows she might need to fight the Pegasi army off, but she doesn’t want to, she’s scared, she’s never been in a fight like this, she just wants all Pony tribes to be friends and now she might have to fight some of them, her whole goal may never work, she looks at Starswirl, then Smart Cookie, and finally at Private Pansy.
Who’s below her and she sighs, she then looks back at Smart Cookie one last time and opens her mouth to say
“Please.. Take her to a safe place when I close the shield..” Twilight asks, referring to keeping Pansy safe, Cookie nods and takes Pansy, keeping her close and getting ready, Twilight then looks at Starswirl, at this point Pegasi swarm the magical dome like a bunch of Zombies, bashing against it, Twilight struggling to hold in
“STARSWIRL!!” She yells in desperation, stamping her hooves, Starswirl looks up at her and gets up, getting the message, before Twilight can finish what she’s trying to say, Starswirl cuts her off
“Ill take these little Ponies down south into some caves, if you make it, go there!” He shouts, preparing his new spell, but gets cut off by the purple Unicorn.

“OK!! JUST COME HERE PLEASE!!” She yells louder this time, sweating bullets, panting as hard as she can, Starswirl comes to her and they soon share and intimate moment together, Twilight giving the Stallion a small kiss on the cheek, encase she doesn’t make it out alive
“GO! AND TAKE THE CHANCELLOR WITH YOU!!!” She screams at this point, Starswirl getting back to the others, Twilight lowering the shield, weakly falling to the ground with a thump, Pegasi closing in on the five Ponies, but the grey Unicorn casts a magic shockwave, making a loud crackle sound, blasting the Pegasi horde back, he runs with the other 3 Ponies from his group, putting Pansy on Smart Cookies back, they all race to a mountain in the north.

Meanwhile Commander Hurricane slams into the ground in front of Twilight, huffing in fury, before the Unicorn can get up, she’s striked back from the shockwave of landing, Hurricane slowly walks to her and growl lowly at the much smaller Pony, he picks her up and stares her down, flying back up to the sky, even higher this time, making sure she will die this time, but before he drops her he begins to taunt her
“Poor, Poor cloaked Unicorn, no more Unicorn wizards no more traitors, no more Earth Ponies, all alone!” He states, throwing Twilight in the air to flip her around and grabs her by the horn, the Unicorn beginning to scream in agony, wiggling and squirming, putting her hooves to her head, she flails her hind legs, feeling her horn begin to crack at the base, she then closes her eyes, being terrified, but in her mind she sees the Memories of her brother, bouncing back to her, a white male Unicorn with sleek blue mane and a shield with a pink star in the middle of it, as his Cutie Mark, just like her other universal counterparts Cutie Mark, just without the shield, she leaks a tear, seeing how her land looked like before a white, beastly demon looking animal cast that whole storm, making life a wasteland, she remembers why she’s here in this situation in the first place, her horn cracks a bit more, but before it can crack any further, she says something.

“Shining armour..” She says with more tears leaking out her eyes, the horn glows suddenly, in a swirl, up her horn, she then opens her eyes widely and they glow bright pink just like her horn, casting a huge blast of magic, in the shape of Shining’s Cutie Mark, Hurricane yells in pain from this, being flung back, dropping Twilight, she opens her eyes, tears flowing up into the sky as she’s falling that fast, Hurricane stabilises himself in the air and looks down at the Unicorn, grinning and flying over to the other 4, hunting them down, but Twilight in her last hope of desperation, shoots Hurricane down and makes him fall into the grass, the purple Unicorn teleports in front of the royal Pegasus.

Twilight lands beside the Pegasus and coughs a bit, getting up and coughing a bit more, looking up at Hurricane, who slowly gets yo
“C-come on.. You don’t have to do any of this... All Pony kind can be friends.. If you just let me tr-” Twilight states, but gets cut off
“You cant bring us together!!!” Hurricane yells, pushing Twilight back and then turning around to kick her back into the air, the Unicorn just takes it, groaning from the hit, Hurricane flying up to her and grabbing her like before
“IT ALWAYS GOES INTO A BAD DIRECTION!” The Pegasus states, in an angry, aggressive tone, throwing her into the ground and chasing after her, so this time he can confirm a death, but twilight yells back
“BUT IF THIS KEEPS GOING ON! THE WORLD WILL DIE BY ETERNAL WINTER!!” She then pushes the commander away from her and uses magic to save herself from going splat on the dirt road, she lands safely on the ground, the Pegasus screaming in fury as he steadies himself in the sky
“The u-ultimate what now?..” She asks, panting heavily and getting tired, being surrounded by flying Pegasi, flying in a circle, all in a tube formation, Twilight looks around, seeming to panic, shaking in fear and taking a few steps back
“ALL PONY KIND TAKES US PEGASI AS THE BAD GUYS, FRIENDSHIP WONT HELP THAT!!” The lead Pegasus admits angrily, with a quiver in his voice, like he’s going to cry, soon a gust of wind comes from the circle from how fast as there going, Twilight yells in a panic to get him to listen and stop
“LIAR!!” Before the twister is created and the Unicorn begins to freak out, being dragged around into the sky, not able to hold the ground for safety, a downside of having hooves, she screams in fear, parts of buildings and woodling creatures flying about.

The Unicorn throws herself at some rubble, holding onto it as hard as she can, squirming and whimpering, making noises of struggle, the Mare uses her magic on the animals to levitate them gently out of the tornado, before getting bucked in the head, flung out the twister, but Twilight is brave enough to charge up soo much power in her horn to fling herself back inside the ravaging wind, and then strikes Hurricane in the wing with her horn, cutting off a few feathers, Hurricane getting off balance again before Twilight landing on a broken building, her mane flowing in the wind around the twister
“LOOK AT PA-” She cuts herself off, the Windigos going into the tornado, setting everyone in there off balance, the whole storm making the twister go more insane as it slowly inch’s to the cave, another Unicorn shows up, already caught in it before this, it seems to be a white Mare with a pink mane, in a royal gown, she was screaming, Hurricane looks at her
“PLATINUM!!” screams in fury, trying to attack her, like he knows her, but he misses, getting flung around by the wind, everyPony shivering, Twilight then grabs Platinum’s hind legs and yells at her
“GRAB ONTO HIM!” she yells, Platinum normally doesn’t take orders from Ponies smaller in status, but she does it anyways not wanting to freeze to death, Twilight then yells again
“COMMANDER HURRICANE!! LOOK AT PRIVATE PANSY!! SHES LIVNG PROOF THAT ALL PONY KINDS CAN BE FRIENDS!!” She states, but before Hurricane can comment, he’s cut of by Princess Platinum
“PLS!! TRUST ME ILL MAKE ALL OF THIS BETTER, I PROMISE, WE WILL TREAT EACHOTHER AS EQUALS!! WE CANT LIVE WITHOUT EACHOTHER!” She confirms, Hurricane hearing the truth in her voice, he then nods and hugs Platinum.

Meanwhile the storm gets closer and closer to the cave everyPony else is hiding at, they quickly get engulfed by the Windagos, shivering in the freezing tornado, Twilight, Hurricane, Platinum, Pansy, Cookie and Pudding all hold hooves quickly, accepting there fates, before slowly freezing up, Twilight soon close her eyes, leaking tears that quickly turned into shards of ice, saying.

“I love you... Friends..” they all finally freeze over, but then before Twilights horn fully froze over a huge, pink fiery blaze comes out of her horn, unfreezing everyPony and whisking the Windigos away, all Ponies fall down onto the ground and pant heavily, coughing and sneezing, Twilight very slowly and weakly gets up, rising from the ground, her cloak lifting up to she her flank form into her new Cutie Mark, just like the one from the Twilight she saw from another timeline
“What was that?..” Asks Platinum and Starswirl, confused as they all look up at the sparkling Unicorn, she lands back onto the ground and looks around.

“I.. I have no idea...” Twilight says to herself, confused herself, looking up at her horn with new stars carvered into it
“Hmm.. Ill call it the friendship fire..? It seemed to have ignited when we became friends, I think it maybe related to that!” She states, being excited by this new discovery.


After a few months, all Pony tribes got along, however there is still was a bit of tension, but there relationship much better, Platinum, Pudding, Hurricane, Pansy, Cookie and Twilight who went by the new name Clover the clever, they all founded this new land and called it Equestria, the first thing they did was make a village, they called it Ponyville, based on the original Earth Pony village, but now its build for all Ponykind.

Mostly a farming area, there was a forest near by they called the Everfree forest, they soon made Canterlot and Cloudstale as well, Canterlot being a space for magic studies and meditation, Cloudstale used as a space for Pegasi only, but not for isolation, for weather management, they all lived with harmony, the place where the friendship fire happened, made a tree grow there, only a sapling at this time, a grey sapling with some crystals inside, a small crystal in the shape of Twilight’s Cutie Mark, inside a giant tree shaped library in Ponyville, where Twilight lived and mentored Starswirl, Twilight got Starswirl to be open to being friends with other tribe, and the purple Unicorn was at piece, thinking her future is safe, sighing and relaxing as her and her Friends lived happily ever after in a hot summer.

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