

by Vargras

Chapter 21: Epilogue - Fruition

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~Six Months Later~

As the first light of dawn broke across Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was already up and about, preparing herself for another day of tending the orchards. Breakfast, for now, was naught but a cup of coffee, something she was more than content with. From her spot up in the loft of the barn, the earth pony took a single sip from her mug, and felt herself smile as she looked out upon the countless rows of trees.

After all, Twilight Sparkle's plan had worked, and Applejack might have even dared to say that it had worked flawlessly. The entire plan had hinged upon a single, inconspicuous error, a loophole of sorts that Granny Smith had unknowingly created when she first demanded that Applejack leave - so long as she remained with Twilight, she wouldn't be allowed under their roof. That roof was just one of many on Sweet Apple Acres, and through that one statement, the unicorn had managed to find a way to get Applejack back to the orchards she held so dearly. Of course, that then raised the question of where she was supposed to live.

Such a question was soon answered when it was pointed out by Big Macintosh that it wouldn't be difficult at all to convert one of the many barns on the property into a home of sorts, and sure enough, it hadn't been. That created its own slew of problems, however, the most prominent of which was something more... personal. Twilight and Applejack had both grown rather used to staying and sleeping with one another - to live in separate homes now was... silly. Pointless, even. They had moved beyond that, and they were both more than aware of it. And so, Twilight Sparkle made a decision that neither she nor Applejack had ever expected. She sold her home and moved out.

Applejack had initially thought of such a thing as bordering on insanity, but all of that quickly came to an end when Twilight explained her reasoning - "It's easier to move a library than it is to move an orchard". That single phrase, unintentional as it may have been, made it quite clear just how serious the unicorn had been in making their relationship work. The library was sold, all of Twilight's belongings had been moved into the barn, and... that was it, really. Spike found things a little jarring at first, but soon grew to enjoy his new home. The abundance of nearby apples may have helped, of course, but they were willing to look the other way if the baby dragon ever felt like grabbing himself a snack.

Granny Smith was even starting to come around a bit, though she seemed rather reluctant to even change her position. After all, that was tantamount to admitting that she was wrong, and so things were taking much longer than expected. Still, in spite of all that, things were... just about perfect. She was back on Sweet Apple Acres with a home of her very own, and she and Twilight were truly living together. They had their fights every now and then, but what couple didn't?

There were a few hoofsteps behind her, though Applejack made no attempts to turn to see who it was - she already knew. A warm kiss on her cheek, one in sharp contrast to the October weather they were now experiencing, simply confirmed just who it might have been. "Mornin', Twi."

The unicorn took a seat in the loft beside the earth pony, cuddling up to her and giving her cheek another kiss. "Morning, love. Sleep well?"

"I think you know th' answer ta that already."

A faint giggle. "I know, but I figured I'd ask."

"Fair enough." Applejack took another sip and let out a sigh as she gazed out at the trees. "Helluva view, ain't it?"

"Mhm. See it every morning, but it somehow manages to get better every time. I think the trees just get more vibrant." Twilight leaned her head against Applejack's shoulder and stared out towards the orchards, smiling as her eyes met the horizon. "Running of the Leaves is coming up soon, you know."

"Yyyep. RD won't stop mentionin' it every time we meet up or spar - think she wants me ta enter it with her."

"You going to?"

"I dunno. Maybe."

"We could always enter it together. I think it'd be fun. And who knows, you might manage to beat me this year!"

It may have been a thinly veiled insult, but Applejack certainly knew that Twilight meant well by it, and so she faintly laughed in return. "Hun, you keep that up, and I'm gonna make you eat yer words."

"I'd like to see you try." The lavender mare stuck out her tongue, giggling and grinning at the earth pony.

In return, Applejack gave her girlfriend a smile and a kiss on the forehead, pulling her a bit closer as the two of them watched the sunrise. For a few precious minutes, the two of them simply sat by one another, enjoying both the view and one another.

"Applejack, can I ask you something?"

The earth pony turned slightly, grinning as she caught sight of Twilight - the unicorn was staring up at her, with an inquisitive expression. "Twi, darlin'... you oughta know by now that you can ask me anything."

"Alright, well... I was wondering..."

Applejack began to drink from her mug, still listening intently as Twilight Sparkle spoke.

"...have you ever wanted to have foals?"

And then, in the morning light, a spray of coffee slowly turned into a fine mist.

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