
Demon Slayer Equestria: Legend of the Hinokami

by Kitsune_Kenshi

Chapter 1: Prologue: The God of Fire and Blood

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(I just love the intro)

The village lay in ruins, fire cracks as houses are being blown and burned, screams of the villagers can be heard all over the place. This village is once full of peaceful Abyssinians, and the view is absolutely beautiful... At least until they came.

It was a normal day for the Abyssinians, due to the fact that this village is located between the borders of Abyssinia and Equestria, many traders came for goods, making this town extremely wealthy and successful in economy. However, this attracted not only the traders and travelers, but also invaders. Over decades, many other tribes tried to take down this town, but failed to do so due to their strong army. The Abyssinians believed they're undefeatable...

Not until now.

They arrived so suddenly, the Abyssinian military never had time to react before the halt of the town was taken. When the Abyssinian army came, they found their town in ruins. As for their enemies, it's not like anything they've ever seen. They have more advanced technologies, strategic formations, and a dangerous commander.

They're known as the Storm Armed Force.

Their leader, a satyr whose name is Storm King, planned this attack for years, first he'll strike Abyssinia, then Mount Aris, lastly Canterlot; the capital city of Equestria. This horrifying slaughter is only the beginning.

The Storm creatures seemed to be enjoying this, they cheered in undefined languages, killing every Abyssinians they see off road, robbing their bits and food, the kittens were in their lists as well... The order was to strike terror down to the hearts of the Abyssinians.

In a corner of the street, three Storm Creatures found an Abyssinian mother and her child. The Kitten was crying loudly, the mother was begging for spares. However, before she could finish talking, her throat was slit open by one of the Storm Creatures, blood sprayed over the crying kitten. Then another flesh tearing noise, the crying stopped instantly.

The screams and cries stopped eventually, corpses and blood were like hills and rivers. Smell of rusting iron filled the air, and smoke could be seen even thousands of feet in the air and miles away. The Storm Creatures set up their campsite, and are soon asleep for tomorrow's bloody campaign.

At the entrance of the campsite, two Storm Guards stood, their muscular bodies gave away dangerous accents, however, after a long yawn was heard from them, the dangerous accent went away.

"&**@@)%#____&@#^@~?" (Why are we even doing this if there's nobody alive?) One of them grunted.

"*&^&#%&@$! &#^^#%, *^*@@!." (Quit complaining! If the commander heard this, we're done for!) The other guard glared at the first guard.

"**&**, ^*." (Okay! Chill the fuck off.)

Just as the two guards were arguing, a mysterious bipedal figure slowly appeared from the shadows behind the boulder. Making the two guards jump.

"&*^%#^#!!! *#*#&^*#))@^#!" (Cease approaching!!! State your identity and purpose!), one of the guards raised his spear.

The hooded figure did not say a word, instead, one of his eyes beamed in a creepy red color, before anyone could react, he leaped into the air and vanished.

"**&... &#^&%@?!" (Where the fuck is he?!)

"&#^*@&!" (Hell if I know!"

"&*#^---" Before one of the guards could finish cursing, the mysterious figure just... Teleported RIGHT BEHIND the cursing Storm Creature, on its right claw was a shining red blade, ready to be unleashed from its sheath.

The last thing the storm creature ever saw in his ugly life is the red, glowing eye of the figure, full of hatred. Then the storm creature's head was sent flying across the field.

Seeing the beheaded body of his teammate fell onto the ground, with blood spraying out from the nick, the other guard dropped his spear, legs shaking in enormous fear. The figure appeared again, this time, it aimed for the guard's lower body instead of the head.

Flesh torn, the guard stared in horror as his organs slid out slowly, then, he screamed in enormous pain. The scream was so painful and loud, the entire camp was woken by it. However, the figure did not seem to mind at all, it just stood there, staring at the screaming s as if enjoying this.

By hearing the sound of troops approaching, the fire beheaded the storm creature, then turned around to face the storm creatures which had him surrounded. The figure slid his blade back into the sheath, however, his grip on the handle did not loosen.

The crowd of storm creatures suddenly made way for a tougher looking storm creature, the captain as it seemed; he had a sword on his shoulder, it was stained in blood.

"Creature!" The captain said in Equestrian, "You are brave enough to enter our territory, and slayed two of our brothers, now, face me in a stand-off so you die like a warrior!"

The figure did not move a single muscle, the air around them tensed up.

"YOU DARED TO IGNORE ME?!?!" The captain of the storm creatures roared in berserk, "THEN FACE THE PUNISHMENT!!!" He then raised his huge sword and ran toward the figure.

The hooded figure, however, stood its ground, the grip on its blade's handle tightened, if observing closely, jets of steam can be seen shooting out of the figure's mouth. Then, he spoke.

"Sun Breathing First Form..." The jets of steam became bursts of flame, his blade was lit up in bright golden yellow as well.

"Dancing Flash!" A single high-powered vertical flaming slash can be seen, the brightness blinding everyone, the captain stared in shock and fear, as the blade suddenly came up to his eyes...

After the light faded away, the storm creatures were horrified by the body of their captain; it was sliced, perfectly from down to top, in half, the smell of cooked flesh filled the air.

"*&@&!!!!" (KILL HIM!!!!)

It was chaos unleashed.

However, the figure still stood his ground, his steaming Tachi glowed again, "Sun Breathing Second Form... Clear Blue Sky!"

The air seems to be heartened up to at least a hundred degrees, then, the figure's tachi slashed a perfect 360 degrees slash of flame. It's like a 2,000 pound Napalm, the flame erupted, along with the beheaded bodies of the storm creatures flying across the air.

The entire campsite was wiped out in less than ten minutes, after the slaughter ended, the figure slid the tachi back, his hood were burnt down when he unleashed his attack earlier, exposing a young face of a dragonet around 14 or so. However, his expression when seeing all those beheaded bodies remained calm and cold, as if he had been doing this for a while.

"The demons... Get what they deserve..." He muttered before walking into the shadow and disappearing without a trace.

About an hour or so later, two Storm creatures scouts came back from the distance, their eyes widened in horror as the hell-like scene was displayed in front of them.

"*(&#)#&E&E..." (Holy shit...), one of them grabbed the other and ran quickly as he could, towards their other campsite, "*&&#%@))W^#! &#^&#... &*@&#&@!!!" (I'm getting the fuck outta here! My fucking god... It's the God of Fire and Blood!)

Little do they know, the figure which they called 'God of Fire and Blood', is standing on the peak of the boulder near the ruins of the town, staring coolly at the two escaping storm scouts.

"Soon..." he murmured.

Author's Notes:

There's the first chapter done! This is set in an alternative Equestria, so if any of my settings were incorrect, please don't mind because it's NOT supposed to be the same as before. As for the main protagonist's background and his breathing technique, I'll get into it later.

Until then!

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: Storm Armed Force & Rugen Solaris Estimated time remaining: 11 Minutes
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