
LittleBigPony 3

by ShaggyBoi23

Chapter 1: Introduction: A lovely day to Ponyvile/Going to Bunkum to meet a talking Light-Bulb

Introduction: A lovely day to Ponyvile/Going to Bunkum to meet a talking Light-Bulb

I know I've should've worked on LittleBigPony 2, but given that I have another Sackboy story and the Rabbids one, I wanted to give this a heads start with the Introduction. I'm currently working on “Mario & Luigi: Equestria of Magic” but it's gonna take a while to get it finished since that's my main focus.

But for my version of LittleBigPony 3, this will include the cut content of LBP3 from the Alpha to Pre-Beta. This includes the cut Stitchem Green area, Newton getting more dialogue throughout the story, Jacob the Deer appearing with a new area "Jacob's Well" in Bunkum, and supposedly the in-between of Craftworld and Equestria.

Introduction: A lovely day to Ponyvile/Going to Bunkum to meet a talking Light-Bulb

After saving Craftworld and Equestria from the evil Negativitron from plotting to destroy both worlds and The Hollows who tried seizing control of Carnivalia to lure the unexpecting visitors to turn to themselves to them to create a Hollow army, Sackboy and the Main 6 are now together as both worlds are now neighbors. With Spike, CMC, Derpy Hooves, and Docter Whooves being part of the journey, the CMC talked to the rest of the fillies about their wild stories with Sackboy, and Spike takes to Thorax and Ember during his time with Sackboy (with the part he mentioned on riding a controllable bee fighting against one of Negativitron's strongest bosses), while Derpy Hooves was talking to Dinky doo about his Carnival adventures with Doctor Hooves.

With the Alliance now having saved Craftworld with the help of Sackboy and the Main 6, Da Vinci currently visits Canterlot to talk with Celestia and Luna, Victoria works with Mr. and Mrs. Cake with her bakery skills with the Sackbots, Clive hires Ponies to work on his "Factory for a Better Tomorrow", Avalon showing the ponies on his technologies and work to show how he's the best at it, Eve working at Flutterhsy's Sanctuary with her plant life and compassion with the animals, and Dr. Herbert Higginbotham currently works at the Cosmos, which is now safe.

As for Carnivalia, it's on its roots to be a joyful carnival planet. Colonel Flounder started to help train the dancing ponies for the circuits, and Marianne Noisette began inviting ponies to show The Land of Odd and would require help to rebuild it, Sean Brown brought in Vinyl Scratch to build a music studio, The Unbelievable Otis got Pinkie Pie and Applejack to help redesign the rollercoasters, and Mrs. Sunshine decides to sleep in the mansion.

Despite Craftworld and Equestria being saved, Sackboy was alone in his journey going Kart Racing to fend off the Hoards (who are greedy of stealing the most precious items in Craftworld) while the Main 6 are working with the Pillars to stop a looming threat in Equestria with the help of Starlight and Starburst.

After both events, Sackboy and the Main 6 are now together with Starlight and Spike tagging along to tell stories after clearing some loose ends to have a peaceful day... that is... where someone from another planet from the Imagisphere came in contact.

"Man, I can't believe Sackboy managed to get rid of the Hollows with the Puppets and Race Karting with those Greedy Hoards!" Rainbow said. "Can't believe he actually handles them by himself while we were with the Pillars."

"At least Sackboy knows that if there's a threat looming through, he'll swoop in and save the day!" Pinkie exclaimed. "With Victora, she will work with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and I will bake cakes for everypony!"

"Well, Darlings, Eve along with Victoria are beautiful. I hope those two are having a nice day in Ponyvile here." Rarity says, "I could give Eve a beautiful dress."

"Aside from helping the Pillars and teaching Starlight, I wonder what planets are there from the Imagisphere." Twilight said, "At least Carnivalia is now reformed and the Hoard Plant is gone at least without greed."

"Well, Sackboy has told me that them Hollows were created by the Puppeteer because of the loss of his Puppet and those Hollows imprisoned him after he regretted creating those monsters." Applejack said, "And those Hoard Critters are actually greedy, especially when we arrived to see Craftworld being empty."

"I met Marianne Noisette when Carnivalia was reformed," Fluttershy said, "The Land of Odd is a place the animals would like to explore."

"Speaking of Carnivalia, Otis is one crazy Curator," Spike said in a calm voice, "Besides, he lives in a Rollercoaster junkyard.

"Beats me, Spike," Starlight nodded, "You know, what else could possibly go well in a normal day in Ponyvile?"

While the group and Sackboy walk around Ponyvile to tell their stories, someone from another planet in the Imagisphere is watching them. A tv screen display shows the group walking in Ponyvile, somewhere where someone wearing a black hat is eying on them.

“Yes yes yes yes! Thanks for that Narrator, I’ll take it from here!” The voice said. “Ah, what luck! There’s my little Chum-to-be and his fellow-creatures from another world, ready to come and help me sort out Bunkum!”

“Just a simple press of a button, and our adventure will begin!" The voice said as he pressed the button.

Just as he pressed the button, the tv display shows the group seeing the weather going chaotic with the wind blowing on the breeze, rain starts pouring out of nowhere and having to see manufactures flying around. Sackboy and the Mane 6 thinks it was Discord causing this, but since there isn't chocolate rain with pink clouds, everyone in Ponyvile was running around as if a threat was happening or the weather has been hitting too early.

"Ah... oh... so..." The voice said knowing he pressed the wrong button, which is the wether going crazy, "The one on the left... no. If I'm facing it, then... that would be... on the.. ahh, yes..."

"That's the one!" The voice said as he press the button of a swirling icon.

As the mysterious curator watches the screen if his plan has succeeded, the TV display is still on, and as Sackboy and the Mane 6 tries to figure out the anomaly of what has happened with the weather, a vortex opens trying to suck them in. Sackboy was frankly scared of the vortex as he tries to swim his way out of the vortex along with Rarity, Starlight, Spike, Pinkie, and Applejack. Not even Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight can't fly fast enough to get out of the sucking vortex. Just then, Da Vinci swoops in along with Celestia and Luna to save Sackboy and the Mane 6, Spike, and Starlight.


"WHAT IS EQUESTRIA IS GOING ON CELESTIA!" Twilight exclaimed as she was struggling to get out of this chaos. "IS THIS DISCORD'S DOING?!"

"WE DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON TWILIGHT!" Celestia exclaimed, trying to get Twilight and her friends out of the vortex, "IT'S NOT DISCORD, BUT SOMEPONY FROM ANOTHER PLANET TAKING YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS AWAY HERE!"

Just as Da Vinci, Celestia, and Luna try to get Sackboy and the Mane 6, Spike, and Starlight out of the vortex with the ponies (Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Limestone Pie, Marble Pie, Big Mac, Cheese Sandwich, Trixie, Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Derpy, Doctor Whooves and the Pillars) watching the madness happening, the Curator was displeased by Da Vinci and Celestia's ways to get them out asap.

"Hey! if Da Vinci and Celestia really want to go this easy to get Chum and his Creature Friends, then I'm going to turn up the pressure!" The curator said as he turns in to have the vortex goes stronger to get Sackboy and the Mane 6."Face the facts Da Vinci and Celestia! I'm doing this to show Chum and his Creature Friends about the new heroes!"

I... CAN'T... HOLD... ON... THIS... LONG!" Rainbow exclaimed as she struggles to fly away from the vortex.


With that, the Mane 6, Spike, and Starlight struggle to get out of the vortex, while Sackboy's Grappling Hook seems to get loose on his hand, meaning he's struggling as well. The ponies that are away from the vortex are horrified, seeing the heroes of Equestria and Craftworld are being sucked away from the vortex.

"Ah, that should be good enough!" The mysterious curator said as he head off from his lab, "Now then, onto the stage to meet Chum and his Creature Friends!"

With the Mysterious Curator heading off outside from his world, the Pillars opening a shield to prevent the ponies (with Da Vinci, Celestia, and Luna) from being sucked away as it was too strong. Sackboy and the Mane 6 along with Spike and Starlight unsuccessfully escaped the sucking vortex as they all got sucked in, making Da Vinci and the ponies screamed that they lost their heroes.

"SACKBOY!!! NOOOOO!!!" Da Vinci screamed as he sees the hero of Craftworld taken away in his eyes.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Celestia screamed in horror, seeing the Princess of Friendship taken away from her.

"APPLEJACK!!!" Apple Bloom and Big Mac screamed, seeing her brave sister being taken away.

"RARITY!" Sweetie Belle and Octavia screamed, seeing the beautiful mare being taken away.

"RAINBOW DASH!!! NOOOO!!!" Scootaloo and Derpy screamed devastation, seeing their fast pegasus friend taken

"FLUTTERSHY!!!" Luna and Doctor Hooves screamed, seeing the shy pegasus taken away in terror.

"PINKIE PIE!!!" Limestone, Cheese Sandwich, and Vinyl Scratch screamed. seeing the joyful pink puffy pony taken away in their eyes with Marble screaming to see her sister sent away.

"SPIKE!!!" Lyra and Bon Bon exclaimed.

"STARLIGHT!!!" Trixie shrieked in horror, seeing her best friend taken away from her.

After the heroes were sucked away, the vortex closes. Da Vinci was in shock but defeated by the vortex that Sackboy was taken away from him like it were his son, Celestia tearing up to see her Student gone, Apple Bloom and Big Mac huddle together whimpered seeing Applejack taken, Sweetie Belle and Octavia cried loudly, Scootaloo and Derpy were hugging in tears that the fastest Pegasus was taken, Luna feeling ashamed while Doctor Hooves comfort her about the Shy Pegasus, Limestone and Marble hugged, never to see their sister again from that vortex while Cheese Sandwich believes she wasn't gone but devastated seeing her taken, Lyra and Bon Bon holding their tears seeing the brave little Dragon gone, and Trixie crying so loud that the rest of the ponies can hear her, now that Starlight is gone with the heroes of Equestria.

The Pillars were shocked and feel ashamed that they unsuccessfully saved the heroes except for Starswirl. He believes the heroes of Equestria and the hero of Craftworld weren't taken away as he knew someone from another planet in the Imagisphrese needed them, hoping to find a new set of heroes from another world.

Going back to the Imagisphere, the beam with Sackboy and the Equestrian heroes that the vortex sucked them in have bumped to planet by planet, (with the "LittleBigPony 3" title Sticker slapped in as it's the introduction) as the heroes have no idea where they're going as the beam flies straight through, bumping from planet to planet.


"WEEEE!" Pinkie yelled, as if she wasn't scared but having fun that they weren't taken away. "THAT... WAS... AMAZING!!!"

"AH DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON, BUT SOMEPONY TELL ME WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" Applejack yelled, waning to know where they're going.

"I DON'T KNOW WHERE APPLEJACK!" Fluttershy yelled, hoping it's not into a monstrous world, "PLEASE NO MONSTERS PLEASE!!!"

"WHOEVER'S IDEA IS THIS IS GOING TO GET A HUGE BEATING!" Rainbow exclaimed, growling that she wanted to find who was responsible for the vortex.

Just as the conservation goes chaotic, the beam goes through a Planet that the heroes are going. One Planet faraway from Craftworld that's called Bunkum!

The Beam that has the heroes goes past the mountains and Stitchem Green, where the heroes are now flying down through a machine, bumping inside through the pipes, and finally out of the Mysterious curator's machine. As Sackboy and the Mane 6 got up along with Starlight and Spike, they finally got a look at the one who was responsible for the vortex. The Curator shares a similar physique to that of a Sackperson, but instead has a large light bulb as a head. He wears a bowler hat that appears to be an egg timer, along with a purple cotton jacket, a magenta undershirt with pants, and black boots with cardboard soles. He then speaks, finally that his plan had succeeded.

"Crumbs! It worked! You're here!" The Curator said in excitement seeing Sackboy and the Equestrians, "Sorry for the ride old chap and fellow creatures: my name's Newton."

With Sackboy, Starlight, and Spike confused, the Mane 6 (expect Fluttershy as she’s confused) were dumbfounded by Newton. How such a light-bulb himself would manage to get the heroes of Equestria and the hero of Craftworld by opening a vortex to get them to a planet they've never visited before. Although being far away from Craftworld and Equestria, Twilight was the first to speak.

"Excuse me, but what planet are we in Newton?" Twilight said, glaring at the Light-Bulb as she wants to know why he got them to this planet, "You're lucky that this planet looks peaceful, but managing to get us here with your intentions of harming anyone is off the limits"

'Yeah, you light bulb thing! Why did you open up that portal to take us away from Equestria!" Rainbow exclaimed, "If you dare to take Fluttershy away, I'm going to swoop through your head!"

"How dare you!" Rarity yelled, "Can't you believe after we defeated that dreadful Nevativitron, we just wanted a lovely day in Ponyvile! And now we're lost from another world thanks to your stupid machine!

"Oh, you done messed up talking bulb!" Applejack roared, with Newton confused at the 4 ponies glaring at him, "Now it's the time for an absolute beating!"

Lucky, Pinkie Pie calms them down that they're on a peaceful Planet and Newton wanted to bring them here for a visit to this faraway planet.

"Aww... don't be hush Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Dashie. Newton brought us here to this wonderful new planet." Pinkie said, caking Twilight down after going through this kind of experience, "Hey Newton, care to know what planet we're in?"

"Welcome to Bunkum, chummy chum-chum and his creature friends from another world; where the sky is strewn with circling clouds of imagination!" Newton said as he introduced the heroes of Equestrians and the hero of Craftworld about Bunkum, "All ceaselessly pumped into Bunkum's atmosphere by the pondering Creative Heart at its core."

As Sackboy observes the areas in Bunkum, he and the Equestrians looked around to see floating ideas, props, and anything in Bunkum floating around. Now impressed, they seemed to get used to visiting Bunkum (knowing it their first time). Newton then explains to the group the origin story of the three heroes of Bunkum and the current state of the planet.

"But, I'm afraid Bunkum's destiny lies in our hands," Newton said, telling them the origin story of Bunkum's heroes, "Let me explain..."

"I have to admit, as much we ran to some crazy adventures, I'm interested in the heroes of Bunkum," Spike said.

"Shh... he's going to tell the story, Spike." Starlight whispered.

"Long ago, before the Negativitron nearly laid waste to Craftworld and Equestria, three gluttonous gargoyles, gorged on Bunkum's bountiful creativity," Newton explained as the scene shows three gluttonous gargoyles sucking up Bunkum's creativity around the planet and the next scene shows Stitchmen Green being surrounded by the gluttonous trio sucking enough inspiration to let the planet dry up, "Inspiration dried up. We teetered on the brink of the abyss!"

"And then... Three heroes came!" Newton explained, revealing the three heroes of Bunkum. From left to right: a bird made of beige canvas with a clay painted beak two black bead eyes and orange pipe cleaner talons, one that's bigger and wider than the other heroes they have they have a pear-shaped body and a wide mouth that is almost always smiling, and the last one is a sock, they have the same black button eyes and pink bandaid tongue as Sackboy and their body shape somewhat resembles a dog or a frog. "With their Speed!” As the shows the frog/dog-like sock runs through with the Purple Gluttonous, “With their Power!” showing the big pear shape crashing through by the Green Gluttonous, “With their Grace!” showing the bird beige dodging the Yellow Gluttonous’s attack.

As the scene shows the defeat of the trio, their gluttonous gargoyle forms have dissolved, now turned into 3 floating orbs.

“They finally managed to capture the Titans,” Newton explained, that the trio of the 3 floating orbs is known to be the Titans. As the scene goes on, a tin can sucked the trio of the Titans back to its prison, and as the lit closes with capturing the purple one, a lid falls in and screws it as a way to prevent the trio bust through, “With Bunkum restored to the creative paradise you see around you, the Heroes retired to the pages of myth.”

“A myth that also foretells the return of the titans,” Newton explained, ending the story of Bunkum’s heroes, with Sackboy and the Equestrians feeling nerves about the trio orbs. “Tonight... Just before bedtime, all of Bunkum's nightmare become real!"

After finishing the story of Bunkum's heroes and the Titans, Sackboy and the Equestrians were curious about the three heroes along with the three titans. How three brave heroes saved Bunkum from the trio of the orbs, only to vanish and retire from their old days of being heroes. Thus, resulting in that Bunkum may be in trouble once again by Newton's information.

"And that's where I- I mean... WE come in!" Newton said but tries to cover it up about his intended plan, which made Sackboy and the Equestrians suspicious. "Join me, my noble assistants!"

"Bunkum's very future depends on we nine heroes!" Newton exclaimed, now walking to a path to lead the heroes.

As Newton goes to the path, Twilight was very suspicious of Newton due to Newton trying to cover up his intentions, while Sackboy and the rest of Twilight's friends followed the Bulb Curator. Starlight noticed Twilight looked suspicious so she asked her what's going on.

"Anything okay Twilight?" Starlight asked, calming her down. "You seemed to be getting a bit... cranky."

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine Starlight. But something seems fishy going around about Newton." Twilight answered as she feels that Newton is up to something. "Whatever the odd is Newton doing is pretty much where I'll keep an eye on him."

"Don't worry, I hope the rest in Ponyvile and Craftworld wouldn't worry about our whereabouts." Starlight said calmly. "But we should catch up with Sackboy and your friends since we're behind."

"Alright, but I'm going to keep an eye on Newton if he does something based on his intentions." Twilight nodded.

With that, Twilight and Starlight catch up with Sackboy and their friends to discover the world of Bunkum guided by Newton!

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