
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night

by Rixizu

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“He can’t have gone far. Keep searching!” A lunar guard pointed towards two different alleyways.

“Yes, sir!” The other guards flew in separate directions, their black armor blending into the surrounding night sky, making them almost invisible.

Spike panted as a guard flew over the trash can he was hiding inside. It smelled rancid, covering him with Celestia knew what, but his terror of getting caught made him forget it. He forced his teeth to stop chattering. After seeing what they’d done to poor Flitter, he feared what they’d do to an innocent dragon like himself. He thanked his lucky stars that Celestia had a secret portal to Ponyville for dire emergencies like this one. Out of nowhere, Luna’s guards had raided Celestia’s castle, and he’d been running for his life ever since.

“The rat couldn’t have gotten far.” The lunar guard checked each trash can, giving each one a careful search.

Rat?! I’m a proud dragon! Spike fought back his indignation. If the jerk investigated his can, he’d get a face full of dragon fire! His heart raced as the jerk got closer and opened the one next to Spike’s can.

Any minute now. Spike only hoped the other guards wouldn’t swarm him when he ran into the open.

The guard moved towards the dragon’s hiding place and froze when a sound caught his attention. He pulled out his nightstick, ready to pummel the criminal he’d been chasing. A trash can toppled over and a cat meowed, disturbed by the guard’s racket. It cried out in pain when the guard whacked it across the head.

“Scat, you pest!” The guard said, sneering. “I’m trying to work here.” The cat hissed at the monstrous jerk but fled when he approached with his nightstick.

That’s it, I’ll enjoy frying this guy’s face! Come closer, I’m waiting for you! Before Spike could spring on the guy, another guard approached.

“What are you doing, Misty Moon?” The second guard said, outraged. “That was horrible. What’s wrong with you?”

Misty Moon sniffed. “Doing my job, Night Terrors. It got in my way.”

“Luna wouldn’t approve of this.” Night Terrors shook his head. Thank goodness not all of Luna’s guards were horrible monsters.

“Queen Nightmare Moon wants strong ponies that follow orders.” Misty Moon snapped. “Focus on finding the dragon. Nopony cares about some stupid cat. Get lost!”

“Whatever.” Night Terrors replied. “But I’m still telling the princess!”

“Queen, you idiot!” Misty Moon gave a guttural cry of annoyance, watching as Night Terror flew away from the alley. “Doesn’t deserve his uniform if you ask me.” He mumbled. “Times are changing. Our queen demands absolute loyalty.”

The evil guard turned his back, cursing when somepony coughed. “What is it?”

“You ponies seemed lost and full of doubt.” Spike’s heart raced at the familiar voice. “Perhaps I may aid you if you tell me what’s this about?” Dear Celestia, it was Zecora! The same Zecora who betrayed his princess.

“Who are you?” Misty Moon asked, giving the intruder a suspicious look.

“A zebra from a faraway land,” Zecora said. “Ready for your command.”

“I don’t need your help.” Misty Moon smirked. “What can you possibly do?”

“I have potions of many a category.” Zecora ignored the guard’s rude tone and continued. “One of which will certainly guide you to your quarry.”

Oh crap. If Zecora gives this jerk a magic potion, I’m screwed! The traitor!

“Give me a break. That can’t be true!”

“Really!” Night Terrors flew in wearing a wide grin, interested in whatever the zebra was offering. “That’s super helpful, thank you!”

Misty Moon gave his compatriot a blank look. “What?! Don’t tell me you believe this garbage.” The last word contained obvious disdain, but gave Zecora him an encouraging smile.

“Every bit helps.” Night Terrors pulled out several bits and presented them to the zebra. “We’ll take them!”

Zecora took the bits and presented two vials containing an inky purple color to the guards. Spike realized he needed to do something. Once they drank the potions, he couldn’t hide anywhere. He couldn’t fight them alone, but with an unexpected ambush, he might stand a chance. Spike readied himself to spring into action but stopped when the zebra looked right at him, giving him a slight shake of her head.

Wait, she’s not helping them after all? Hope blossomed in Spike’s tiny dragon heart.

“Come on, drink!” Night Terrors pushed the potion into the other guard’s hooves. “How can it hurt? Besides, it smells of peppermint!”

“This is so stupid.” Misty Moon rolled his eyes. “We don’t even know if they’re even magical!”

“Your princess has demanded you complete this task with much haste,” Zecora replied. “Giving you little time to waste.”

“Fine, whatever!” Misty Moon downed the potion in one gulp.

“Bottoms up!” Night Terrors drank his next.

The sound of snoring echoed through the alley. The guards had fallen asleep in seconds. Whatever draft the zebra had given them, it had been powerful.

“Is it safe now?” Spike peeked his head out of the trash can.

“It is, my friend,” Zecora said, wearing a satisfied smile. “But hiding here for much longer is not something I can recommend.”

“Thanks for helping me.” Spike winced when his foot accidentally knocked over the trash can. Thankfully, no guards came to investigate. He wiped the sludge off his scales.

“Why are you helping me?” His mind flashed back to when she’d betrayed Princess Celestia after promising her loyalty. The false potion she’d given the princess had poisoned the alicorn’s power. Months later and Celestia still hadn’t regained her full strength.

“Helping someone in need,” Zecora replied. “Something smells wrong in the air, and we must work together if we are to succeed.”

“Something wrong?” Spike asked.

“Dawn has already come along.” Zecora motioned her head towards the night sky. “Tet we continue to live in darkness’s throng.” Spike realized she was right. A nearby clock in a window indicated it was already past six. And apparently, Luna was calling herself Queen? What was that about?

“True. But we can discuss that later. We need to hide!” While still reluctant to trust his old friend, he didn’t have much choice.

“Follow me. I will lead you away from your pursuers.” Zecora left the alley and opened her cloak. “Hide here and I will shield you from unwanted viewers.”

Spike reluctantly entered under her cloak. It was awkward walking under the zebra’s legs, but nopony even glanced at them, much to his relief. Whatever was happening, he’d stop Luna or Nightmare Moon or whatever, and save his princess. She never returned from the Gala, and Spike feared what the crazed queen might have done to her.

Don’t worry, Celestia. I’m coming to save you!


“Still no sunlight, huh?” Trixie let out a curse. She’d hoped Luna had been joking when she’d said she’d never raise the sun again. Was she really planning on making the Earth a world of eternal darkness?

While confused the sun still hadn’t risen, the citizens of Canterlot weren’t overly concerned. The princess must have not given a general announcement about her big plans yet. Trixie feared the panic which would occur once the news spread around.

“Another coffee, please,” Trixie told the server. She was sitting in Black Aroma, her favorite little café in Canterlot. It was off the beaten path, but it served the best coffee in Equestria and divine croissants.

“Right away, sir.” The waiter bowed and left her. A slight smile formed on her face. As usual, her disguise was perfect. She was a cherry red stallion with a bright green mane. Her fake cutie mark was a green apple next to two cinnamon sticks.

“May I sit next to you, sir?” Greengrass asked, approaching her.

“Do what you want.” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof.

Greengrass gave her disguise a careful look before nodding in approval. “You didn’t even need magic to hide. I doubt even Princess Luna would recognize you. Sorry, Queen Nightmare Moon.”

The name Nightmare Moon dowered her mood, making her jalapeño laced coffee with three sugars taste sour. Even speaking Luna’s new name made her wince.

“I always come prepared,” Trixie replied. “What have you found? I know verbal sparring sates your ego, but I’m not in the mood.”

“I found a few interesting things. When the Queen had everything about the Planetary stones seized, she placed it in a secure facility on the outskirts of Canterlot. You won’t guess who owns it.”

“Puissance, of course,” Trixie replied. Greengrass’s nod confirmed her suspicions. “It makes no sense to me. Why is she helping Nightmare Moon after destroying the nobility? Fear?”

“That mare could stare down a chimera and make it flee in terror.” Greengrass gave a chuckle. “I imagine she has some other motive that goes beyond political power and money. What, I’m not sure yet.”

I suppose that the old crone’s motives don’t matter. “Whatever the case, if we’re lucky, this facility will also have more information on the Ranger Killers. Is it too much to ask that they have a big weak point we can hit which instantly defeats them?”

Greengrass chuckled in amusement, but a scream interrupted his next words. Trixie stood to attention, searching for the source of the scream.

“It’s fine, miss, they’re only here to help!” Shining Armor said, showing his best reassuring smile. Next to him stood a Ranger Killer in all its black creepy glory.

“Sure, they just surprised me.” The mare replied. She nervously trotted over to the Ranger Killer. “My name is Twinkleshine. Who are you?” Wasn’t she Twilight’s old roommate?

An awkward silence stood in the air. Twinkleshine gave her best friendly smile, but the monster didn’t even twitch in response.

“They’re very shy.” Shining Armor said. “But don’t worry, they’re here to protect the citizens. They’ll soon be a common sight all throughout the Republic! You’ll come to love and appreciate them just like the royal guards!”

“Republic?” Twinkleshine replied, confused.

“What is Nightmare Moon thinking?” Trixie returned to her conversation with Greengrass. “Are they meant to put ponies at ease? This can’t possibly end well.”

“It’s a power move,” Greengrass replied, “it’s showing her strength to the ex-nobility and to her loyal knights.” He said the word loyal with some irony.

“We’ll stop those things somehow.” Trixie downed her coffee, realizing it was getting cold. “Discover what you can about Puissance’s facility. We’re striking it tonight!” She slammed a hoof against the table for emphasis.

Greengrass chuckled. “Bold as usual. Very well. We’ll see you at midnight. We won’t have to worry about waiting for the cover of night, for obvious reasons.”

“Waiter, could I have a cappuccino, please.” Greengrass signaled to the nearest waiter. “I haven’t eaten here before. It’s a delightful little place.”

Let’s just hope you don’t start coming here often. This is my getaway from ponies like you. Still, she supposed she should be grateful. Selfish or not, Greengrass was risking his neck. She only hoped his help would be enough.


Lemon Hearts hummed to herself as she watered her flower beds. She whispered to them, encouraging them to grow big and strong. From her window, she saw ponies going about their day. Rusty Spoon, a neighbor, was rushing to his shift at a nearby restaurant, almost late as usual. Yet, somehow always making his shift with several minutes to spare. Everypony was doing their darndest to make do despite the sun still being set.

Did Princess Luna oversleep? Lemon checked the clock. It said the time was twenty-five minutes past nine. While the princess was sometimes a few minutes late raising the sun, she’d never forgotten to raise the sun completely, even when sick.

“I hope you guys will do okay without a day of sunlight,” Lemon told her flowers. Shame on the princess for making her flower friends starve. Would a sunlamp help?

Her mood brightened when her roommate and best friend, Twinkleshine, walked up towards their townhouse. Lemons waved in greeting.

“Hey, Lemon.” Twinkleshine greeted after Lemon went back downstairs. The mare wore a pensive expression.

“Is something the matter?” Lemon asked, concerned.

“Nothing really,” Twinkleshine replied. “Canterlot’s been odd lately.”

“Right, Luna’s being lazy.”

“Not just the sun.” Terror filled Twinkleshine’s eyes, alarming Lemon Hearts. “I’ve heard all these crazy rumors. Nopony really knows what’s going on anymore.”


“Well, for starters, there are these weird armored ponies called Ranger Killers patrolling everywhere. The royal guards say they’re for our protection, but they give me the creeps!”

“Ranger Killers?!” A chill went down her spine. What could this mean? Was it time for the Pluto Ranger first appearance? Fisher had ordered her to keep a low profile, but a crisis might be happening! Lemon returned to the conversation, realizing she’d let herself get distracted.

“Really! It’s crazy if that’s true!”

“Sorry, what?” Lemon said, a little embarrassed.

“Lemon! I said I heard a rumor from Starfire that the princess has deposed the Night Court.”

Lemons’ jaw dropped. “No way!”

“It’s total confusion out there.” Twinkleshine shook her head. “Yet the princess wants us to stand around and accept it!”

A knock at the door startled them and when they opened it, they discovered a creepy black armored pony standing at their doorstep.

“A Ranger Killer!” Twinkleshine cried out in alarm.

Is it time for battle at last? Thanks to Fisher’s personal trainers, she’d gained some fighting experience. But she wasn’t even close to Trixie and Twilight’s level yet. Surreptitiously, she reached for the morpher attached to her purse.

“What’s this?” Twinkleshine grabbed the letter the Ranger Killer had presented her. Before they could thank the creature, it left without another word.

“Okay, that was weird,” Lemon said. “What does it say?”

Her roommate scanned the paper. “It says our Queen is giving a speech at Canterlot Stadium at noon today. She’s planning to announce some exciting new changes to this great country of ours.”


Twinkleshine sighed in relief. “It seems Luna has everything sorted out, so there’s nothing to worry about. Oh! And it says there will be snacks and games there too! I should wake Minuette. Do you think we should dress up for it? There might be some handsome stallions there. So much to do!” She left to go upstairs, waking their other roommate, Minuette, who usually slept in every morning.

Despite Twinkleshine’s assurances everything was fine, her roommate forced a smile, pretending to ignore the eerie atmosphere that permeated Canterlot. Another knock at the door caught Lemons’ attention. It didn’t surprise her to find Fisher standing there.

“Come, time is short,” He said, moving away from her townhouse. Despite his advanced age because of the Planetary Gem’s dark magic, he strode confidently like a stallion half his age.

“I’m going out!” Lemon Hearts yelled to her roommates before following.

“What’s that, Lemon?” But Lemon Hearts had already disappeared, her friend’s words almost indistinct.

“What do you know of these Ranger Killers?” Lemon asked.

“Not as much as I wish.” A scowl formed on Fisher’s face. “I’m ashamed to say I paid more attention to Celestia than Luna. I knew the princess had been acting strangely, but it never occurred to me she’d be capable of this.”

Lemon forced a smile. “What now? Combine forces with Trixie and fight whatever’s happening?”

“Not yet,” Fisher replied. “Luna doesn’t know you exist, and that’s our advantage. My info tells me she’d been working closely with Puissance. The old crone has a facility containing secret and forbidden knowledge the princess has been researching. I fear the Ranger Killers won’t be the only nasty surprise Luna will throw our way.”

Lemon nodded. “Okay, we can worry about Corona later.”

Fisher let out a breath. “Corona, won’t be an issue. Luna has taken care of that.” He briefly explained the events at the Grand Galloping Gala last night. Lemon’s eyes widened fearfully at the sun princess’s fate.

“Yes, my source in the castle says she’s getting worse. Without warning, she’s decided to never raise the sun again. If Nightmare Moon isn’t stopped, we’re all in serious trouble.”

“What a mess.” Her thoughts flashed to her poor flowers. Without sunlight, they wouldn’t last long.

“Do you still wish to continue?” Fisher asked, his tone becoming deathly serious. “I won’t ask you to risk your life if you don’t want to. This is your choice.”

“No,” Lemon replied without hesitation. “I’m a Ranger now. If Twilight and Trixie risk their lives to save the world, so will I.” Despite being afraid, Lemon Hearts was ready despite the risks. She’d trained hard for this very moment, refusing to let Equestria down.

Fisher’s face broke into a proud smile. “Let’s start our plan of attack, then. We’ll discover a way to defeat these Ranger Killers.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 3 Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 15 Minutes
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