
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night

by Rixizu

Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“You swore loyalty to the crown, Puissance.” Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes. “Why are you doing this? I offered you your heart’s desire and more.”

Puissance only shrugged in response. “It wasn’t enough. This entire situation has gotten out of control.”

“What? So now you develop a conscience?” Trixie said, skeptical.

Puissance ignored her. What the annoying mare said didn’t matter. Puissance lived her life however she wanted, always had. She didn’t bother caring about the ignorance of others. Despite burning her bridges with the crown forever, Puissance felt elated, and a strange warmth grew in her chest. Since Nightmare Moon revealed herself, Puissance felt she was trotting down the right path for the first time.

“Very well! You’ve dug your own grave, Puissance. I’ll make you pay for this,” Nightmare Moon readied her scythe, eyes eager for revenge.

“If you can,” Puissance summoned her own weapon, and the combatants squared off, circling each other.

Each waited for their opponent to act first. Despite her bravado, the Rider wasn’t certain she was powerful enough to defeat the mad alicorn. From the shadows, she’d watched Trixie’s failed fight against Nightmare Moon. The queen proved stronger than Puissance had expected. It didn’t matter. Magnific’s might was unbeatable.

“I’ll just wait here on the ground, I guess,” Trixie said, but everypony ignored her, focusing on more important matters.

In a flash, Nightmare Moon disappeared, and twenty copies of her appeared around Puissance. Despite being surrounded, Magnific kept her ground, waiting and watching. Try as she might, piece the illusions proved impossible. Instead, she prepared to act when her opponent struck. She didn’t need to wait long. Illusionary scythes passed through her as Puissance waited for the real Nightmare Moon. Her sharp hearing caught the sound of Nightmare Moon’s outtake of breath, and her sword blocked Nightbringer, catching the weapon from within its curved blade. Her triumph was short-lived as she soon howled in pain as Nightmare Moon kicked her across the room from behind.

“What?” Pain erupted in Puissance’s chest as another Nightmare Moon copy punched her in mid-air, and the stone floor cracked as a body struck it.

Nightmare Moon’s mocking laughter echoed through the chamber, and Puissance pushed herself back to her hooves. The Nightmare Moons were dancing around her, each wearing a smug smile.

“Clones too? Cheap trick.” Trixie said. “I never realized you were skilled enough to use both clones and illusions.”

I’ve underestimated her. Puissance recalled rumors that Luna could split herself into multiple copies. She hadn’t cared enough to investigate such stories. It was a mistake that would cost her.

“I’ve never needed to use my full ability for battle.” Nightmare Moon said. “Even against my sister in ancient days. It will be an entertaining learning experience for both of us.”

“Let’s even the playing field then.” Magnific withdrew a yellow disk and inserted it into her buckle.

Storm Mode.

Sharp winds surrounded Puissance’s blade, distorting the surrounding air. Illusionary Nightmare Moons wavered as the shift in the air struck them. Only four copies remained visible after Magnific’s attack. After studying Trixie’s annoying illusionary skills, the Rider knew exactly how to counter them.

“Impressive.” Nightmare Moon said. “This battle will prove most entertaining. As the alicorns moved to surround their opponent, Puissance noticed snow hitting against a far window. She didn’t have time to consider the strange phenomenon, readying her sword to confront Nightmare Moon.

Puissance watched with bated breath, waiting for her opponent to make the first move. She jerked in pain as a Nightmare Moon appeared from nowhere, slashing her across the chest. Magnific swung her sword wide but stumbled as another Nightmare Moon barreled into her. The other three alicorns took advantage of her weakness and ravaged the helpless Ranger with their scythes.

The pain burned Puissance’s entire being. It was like her soul was being ripped apart from the inside. A swing of her sword summoned a whirlwind and threw the three Nightmare Moon away from her. Puissance pulled out a red disk, inserting it into her buckle.

Blaze Mode.

“I haven’t lost yet!” Flames surrounded her sword, and she unleashed a trail of fire, swinging towards the three Nightmare Moon. Puissance winced in pain as another Nightmare Moon appeared from nowhere and slashed across her back. The attack sent her fire off course, melting a nearby wall instead.

A sheet of white blew in from the hole, filling the corridor with snow. Somehow a terrible storm had formed outside, but Puissance didn’t have time to consider such matters. The Nightmare Moons left trails in the snow as they approached, and Magnific held her sword tight, ready for whatever trick they had planned. Metal clashed against metal as Puissance blocked Nightbringer, only for her soul to scream in agony again as another Nightmare Moon slashed her before she could react. She winced as another alicorn kicked her, throwing her across the room. Snow covered her prone form as the storm outside worsened even further.

In the distance, Trixie watched the fight, tapping her chin in thought. Seeing Trixie only spurned Puissance on, not wanting to appear like a foal in front of the annoying mare. Magnific withdrew a blue disk and inserted it into her belt.

Wave Mode.

The four Nightmare Moon pounced on Puissance at once. Despite summoning tidal waves to blow her opponents back, she screamed in pain as they slashed her body. While as Magnific, the Rider could endure a considerable amount of damage, Nightmare Moon’s Nightbringer somehow negated that benefit, attacking her very soul.

“You fight valiantly, Puissance.” The Nightmare Moons said. “But your inexperience shows too greatly.” A kick sent her through a wall, and Magnific landed in a snowbank outside.

“I’m not finished yet!” Puissance snarled.

While she realized her opponent was winding her up, Puissance couldn’t help herself. It made her feel stupid and foalish. Snow collected on her armor as she considered her options, eager to turn the battle around. Much to her surprise, Trixie ran out through the hole Nightmare Moon created.

“There’s one real Nightmare Moon! The rest are still fakes!” Trixie screamed over the howling storm.

“What are you talking about?” Puissance snapped, not in any mood for the Ranger’s nonsense.

“No! Listen! Think about it! When Nightmare Moon attacks you with Nightbringer, only one does any real damage to you! That’s the real Nightmare Moon. The rest are using copies!”

Puissance readied a retort, but froze after absorbing Trixie’s words. The accursed annoying mare was right. Several scythes had slashed her, but only one had caused her searing pain. Why hadn’t she picked up on it sooner?

“Clever, my former student.” Nightmare Moon said, entering the storm. “You are correct, of course. Only one wields the real Nightbringer. The rest are only weaker copies constructed by magic. So, Puissance, how will you use this information? Will you at least make the fight more entertaining? So far, Trixie has proven herself as a more formidable opponent.”

The jib made Puissance’s blood blow, but she thought furiously as well. Why was Trixie so certain that the Nightmare Moon wielding the real Nightbringer was the original? Didn’t the clones have some autonomy of their own? She recalled hearing that the clone Lunas united their memories once they rejoined as one being. Was there a prime Luna that controlled the spell and kept it together? Did her scythe act as a focus for her magic? Puissance cursed, hating the need for baseless speculation. She knew almost nothing about magic. Still, it gave her something. If she could target the real Nightbringer, it might turn the fight around in her favor.

Puissance charged recklessly forward. A torrent of water slashed towards the nearest Nightmare Moon while her next attack targeted the one attacking her from the side. Her water attack missed, but her blade struck flesh. A flicker of pain passed over the Nightmare Moon’s face. While it lasted only a moment, the clone alicorn’s body rippled, losing its solidity. Agony filed Magnific as the other two Nightmare Moon wailed on her. As Trixie had described, one Nightbringer hurt her worse than the others. Puissance swung back in retaliation, but the real Nightmare Moon turned into smoke before her blade struck.

A kick sent Puissance flying, and the real Nightmare Moon solidified, attacking from above. Magnific’s armor disappeared in a flash as Nightmare Moon’s final slash struck, leaving Puissance bare and vulnerable to the world. Unbelievable! She, Puissance, had lost. She closed her eyes, preparing to endure the pain of hitting the cold, hard pavement. But warm, strong hooves grabbed her mid-air before she struck the ground. It was Trixie.

“Get off me!” Puissance pushed her rescuer away, mortified a mortal enemy had helped her.

“You realized we’re in a battle for our lives, right?” Trixie replied, raising an eyebrow. It only stoked Puissance’s temper.

“I don’t need anyone! Never have!”

The annoying mare only sighed and shook her head. “Really?”

Puissance snarled and stamped the ground. It caused a burning pain to pass through her hoof, but she didn’t care. How had she failed so badly? She was the world’s strongest pony! How could she fail? She never failed.

I failed. The pain of her loss hurt worse than any of the damage Nightmare Moon had inflicted on her.

Scepter, I’m sorry. Stange, failing to protect her great-grandfoal, weighed heavily on her mind. Why? She was fighting for herself, right? To protect what belonged to her?

Much to her surprise, Trixie patted her on the shoulder. “It isn’t over yet. We can still do this. Can you re-transform?”

“I don’t know.” The quavering in Puissance’s voice brought her pain and embarrassment. She hated looking weak. The Night Court had taught her long ago that weakness meant death.

“Still some fight left in you, my former student?” The Nightmare Moons asked in unison. “No matter. This fight is finished.”

Sparks flew, and the Nightmare Moons whinnied in surprise and backed up several steps, and several bolts of energy crashed into them.

”Seems I’ve arrived at the right time!” A familiar voice said. A white figure dropped from the sky, standing protective in front of them.

“Twilight!” Trixie exclaimed in utter delight.

“That’s right.” Night Light’s whelp, Twilight Sparkle spun her twin guns before entering a battle pose. “The White Corvus Ranger is here to save the day!”

The Nightmare Moons snorted. “Another interruption. How bothersome, but not unexpected I suppose.”

“Where the heck have you been, Twilight!” Annoyance crept into Trixie’s voice. “Did you fall asleep in a library or something?”

“It’s a long story. Cheerilee’s off dealing with whatever’s causing this horrible storm. Can you still fight? You look hurt.” Twilight Sparkle’s head gestured towards the blood dripping from her ally’s mouth.

Trixie smacked her hooves together and gave a cocky grin. “I was only taking a breather. Now I’m ready to go! It’s morphing time, Ursa!”

She’s still fighting? Trixie’s suicidal bravado baffled Puissance. She doubted one more fighter would change the course of this hopeless battle.

“Henshin.” But Puissance refused to be upstaged by anyone. Her movements were stiff and slightly painful, but she could still fight.

Trixie slapped Magnific across the back. “Good. Now stop trying to fight on your own. Together, we can beat this monster!” Despite herself, Puissance somehow believed Trixie’s words. The Ranger’s confidence infected her like a disease, making her believe the battle wasn’t hopeless.

“Fine, but only this once,” Puissance replied. “After this, we’re settling things.”

Despite her helmet, Puissance still sensed Trixie’s cocky grin. “Suits me just fine. Let’s beat this sucker!”


Cheerilee’s teeth chattered as she rushed through Canterlot’s frozen, barren streets. She used a hoof to guard her head, but the frigid wind and snow continued to whip against her face. The storm had worsened since she’d arrived in Equestria’s capital and the deep snow made getting around almost impossible.

“What is happening here? Despite not being a pegasus, Cheerilee sensed the pervasive wrongness of the storm. Above, the Canterlot Weather Patrol fought hard to contain the storm. But it was clearly beyond even their ability to stop.

Cheerilee fought forward, heading towards the epicenter of the storm. The frigid air became more intolerable, the winds almost impossible to fight against. The teacher feared she’d freeze to death before she reached her destination. Through the howling winds, the Ranger could hear clashing steel. Lightning flashed in the distance, and Cheerilee recognized it. Raindrops and the others were fighting something.

Who could it be, though? She’d left Twilight to fight against Nightmare Moon with Trixie while she investigated this bizarre storm. Was it some new enemy the Galaxy Rangers hadn’t encountered yet?

A familiar voice screamed out in pain. It landed in a crater several hooves away from Cheerilee’s position. The teacher hurried towards her friend’s side, and not even the storm could withstand her determined stride.

“Carrot Top, are you okay?” The impact of the Yellow Ranger’s landing had created a deep crater in the pavement. Water from broken pipes instantly froze as it touched the air.

“Cheerilee?” Carrot Top replied, her voice shaky. “Is that you?”

“I’m here. What’s happening?”

Instead of replying, the Yellow Ranger pointed up. Cheerilee followed her friend’s hoof, and her breath caught. Flying in the center of the terrible storm was a pink figure, familiar yet distorted. Questions died when she noticed Ditzy’s morpher and the familiar gem in its center.

“Q.” Cheerilee spat the name like a curse. She should have known. If that monster’s influence could twist the mighty Thunderbird’s mind, why not a Ranger also?

This must be Nightmare Moon’s doing. She has much to answer for.

“Sorry?” Carrot Top tilted her head in puzzlement, pushing herself back onto her hooves.

“It’s a long story. Short version, an extra-dimensional being called Q created the Planetary Gems. It’s behind much of the world’s suffering of late.”

Carrot Top nodded her head. “Makes sense. We’ve been trying to destroy her Venus Gem, but we can’t even get close. Raindrops is around here somewhere, but I’ve lost sight of her.”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine!” A green armored figure, pulling herself from a snow pile. “Think it knocked the wind out of me though.”

“Who are you?” Cheerilee asked in alarm. Her concern grew when she noticed her mare’s morpher. It was another of the Night Court Rangers.

“That’s Lemon Hearts. Fisher found her. She’s the Pluto Ranger.” Carrot Top said, catching Cheerilee’s reaction. “She’s fine. Her morpher stops the gems’ evil influence.”

“Hi!” The new Ranger gave Cheerilee a cheerful wave.

Cheerilee opened her mouth to reply, not entirely convinced by this statement. The teacher yelped in surprise when a sudden gust almost threw her clear off her hooves. Ditzy flew down towards them, bringing winds of a power Cheerilee had never seen before with her. Snow and frost clung to her mane and fur, and a chill that froze a pony to their bone washed over the Green Ranger.

“You’re here too, Cheerilee?” Ditzy said. “Another betrayal? Another pony trying to steal my Muffin from me?”

Ice formed around Cheerilee’s hooves as the shrill winds struck her. “No, I’m here to help! I don’t know if you can understand me, but a great evil lives in your Planetary Gem. It’s twisting you into something you’re not!”

“I don’t care! You wouldn’t get in the way of my Muffin!” Ditzy snarled.

While Cheerilee wasn’t sure what her friend was talking about, it confirmed her worst fears. Q’s influence had a complete stranglehold on poor Ditzy. Somehow, it was using her pegasus magic to create this world-destroying storm.

Cheerilee took a painful intake of breath, the cold burning her lungs. It was nothing compared to the agony of seeing her friend so twisted. Her pain turned to determination, and she pulled out her morpher. While she hated the idea of fighting a friend, the Green Ranger had little choice. If she wished to restore Ditzy Doo’s smile, they needed to win this. Bringing happiness was the reason she fought as a Ranger.

“It’s morphing time, Libra!” Cheerilee pressed a button on her morpher and summoned her whip. “I don’t know if you’re still in there, Ditzy, but I’m coming to save you! Ready Carrot?”

Carrot Top snorted and pulled out her shield. “As if you needed to ask.”

The two Rangers charged their opponent head-on. The winds surrounding Ditzy only blew them aside like a leaf in a hurricane. Despite her armor, the cold pierced her protection, making each movement stiff and awkward.

“Solar Sting!” But Cheerilee’s special attack barely pierced the storm barrier. Dear Luna, the fight had barely begun, and they were out of options. She kept fighting anyway, confident a solution would reveal itself.

The wind tore asunder buildings and pavement as Ditzy swung her staff, aiming towards her opponent’s. The cyclones were massive, but Cheerilee weaved around them, joining Carrot Top and Lemon Hearts in a tri attack. Unimpressed, the storm protecting Ditzy increased its intensity threefold, making approaching the Pink Ranger almost impossible.

“Keep fighting!” A voice said from above. “I’ve got a plan!”

Glad to see that Raindrops was well, Cheerilee rushed towards her opponent, screaming a battle cry. Her steps tore apart the pavement with each stride, but Cheerilee was gaining some ground. Her eye caught a black figure hovering above them. The Green Ranger was too busy fighting for her life to give the other Ranger much notice, but she trusted her friend.

With considerable effort, she joined Carrot Top and Lemon Hearts in facing her fallen friend. It was almost impossible to tell where Ditzy stood. The storm and winds hid her location.

“Use your special attack now!” Raindrops commanded, and a three Rangers did as instructed.

“Solar Sting!”

“Nova Crasher!”

“Reaper’s Touch!”

“It’s useless!” Ditzy raised her staff to blow her attackers away but froze in shock as Raindrops dive-bombed from the sky, axe in hoof. She was unprepared for what happened next.

“Wave Cleaver!”

With incredible power, Raindrop’s special attack sliced through the winds and storm. All three Rangers’ special attacks slipped through the barrier and Ditzy screamed in pain as they struck her, knocking her from the air.

“How did you do that?” Cheerilee asked.

“I’m a weather pony. It’s my job to understand storms.” Raindrops gave no further explanation, but Cheerilee caught her friend’s meaning. As a pegasus, Raindrops must have an instinctual understanding of how to disrupt storms. An impressive power.

“You’re so cool, Raindrops!” Lemon Hearts said.

“This isn’t over yet. That was just a lucky shot,” Ditzy said, extricating herself from a half-destroyed five-star rated restaurant. Much of its roof had collapsed. She pressed a button on her morpher, and impossibly powerful winds gathered around her staff. The winds whipping around at deadly speeds tore through anything they touched. Little remained of the once-grand restaurant.

“It’s time for my special attack. Gale of Destruction!”

Cheerilee’s heart raced, realizing the amount of havoc her friend was about to unleash. If they didn’t stop Ditzy’s attack, it would destroy not only Canterlot but the entire mountain range.

Next Chapter: Chapter 20 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 24 Minutes
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