
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night

by Rixizu

Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“You’re not looking too good.” Trixie glanced over at her fellow Ranger. Despite putting on a brave face, Lyra could barely stand.

“I’m fine.” Lyra pointed at Magnific. “That’s actually Puissance. She stole your face!”

“I know. Annoying, right?” Trixie replied. Of everypony, why steal her face? She’d believed Puissance too vain to inhabit any other body but her own. Fisher had been just as baffled. It offended Trixie to see Puissance prancing about in her body, copy or not. The ex-noble didn’t even have the Trixie swagger. Ridiculous.

Lyra rubbed her brow. “Evil clones, Ditzy turning to the dark side. What the hay is going on today?”

“Something I intend to fix! Ditzy, I’ll save your daughter! That I promise you!” Trixie said, making a solemn vow in her heart. Nothing would sway her from accomplishing her goal.

“Shut it. Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” Ditzy snarled, then charged straight at Trixie. Her speed was astonishing. A single flap of her wings and the Pink Ranger was already upon her, bow staff raised to strike. Trixie blocked the strike with her sword, the blow almost throwing the Ranger off her hooves.

Such power. Somehow, Nightmare Moon had gifted Ditzy with Notary’s Planetary Gem. The mere sight of the gem returned awful memories. Somehow, the stupid thing had returned with a vengeance to haunt her. Well, Trixie refused to allow it to steal away another of her friends!

Several illusions of Trixie appeared and attacked Ditzy from every side. With a single swipe of her staff, a vicious wind tore the fake Trixies to shreds. Trixie darted forward, attacking Ditzy from behind.

“I’m not falling for that!” Ditzy redirected her staff to strike at the new arrival, then gasped in shock when that Trixie also dissipated. Sparks flew as Trixie slashed the Pink Ranger across the chest. The real Trixie had been standing in front of Ditzy the entire time, hiding behind invisibility. Ditzy grunted in annoyance, and Trixie howled in pain, receiving a crushing blow across the chest, throwing her several hooves away.

“This won’t be as easy as I thought.” Trixie rubbed her injured chest. Even the combined might of Raindrops and Trixie’s special attacks had done minimal damage. Beating her wouldn’t be easy.

And what would happen if they destroyed the Venus Gem? Would her Ranger powers protect Ditzy against its dark side effects, or would she age several decades? Sparks flew when Ditzy jabbed the Red Ranger in the chest. As much as Trixie hated it, they needed to throw their full might against their old friend. They couldn’t afford to hold back. They’d deal with the consequences as they arose.

“Don’t forget about me!” Puissance flew down towards her, and Trixie blocked a swing of her sword towards her head. The heat from Magnific’s blade created puffs of steam as the rain pelted it from above. Her opponent readied another strike, but arrows of energy struck her. It knocked the former pegasus off balance, and she wasn’t capable of deflecting Trixie’s next attack across the chest. Sparks flew from the wound.

“I’m paying you back for the grief you caused me earlier!” Lyra shot several more arrows at Puissance, who struggled to block them all.

Ditzy used the opportunity to throw a cyclone towards the Blue Ranger with her staff. But a chop from Raindrops’ axe dissipated it. With almost reckless abandon, Raindrops charged forward. The ferocity of the Black Ranger’s attacks surprised even Ditzy. It put the Pink Ranger on the defensive, giving Lyra and Trixie room to deal with Magnific.

Trixie summoned several illusions and used them to confuse Puissance, attacking the Rider from all sides as Lyra continued to bombard her with arrows. Puissance started as she deflected an illusionary arrow, and Trixie used the opening to strike.

“Searing Blade!”

Puissance screamed in pain. Her hooves dug into the mud as she attempted to regain her hooving.

“Not so weak now, am I!” Lyra unleashed more arrows into the Rider. While not inflicting as much damage as Trixie’s sword, Lyra’s attacks were causing Magnific pain to the Rider's growing irritation.

“You weren’t this strong before. Are you more powerful when you fight together? No matter.” Puissance pulled out a blue disk and inserted it into her buckle.

Wave Mode.

Copies of Trixie dissipated as torrents of water shot from Magnific’s sword, devastating everything in their path. One shot towards Trixie proper, who jumped out of its path. Magnific spotted the real Trixie, sending more and more streams in her direction, too many for the Red Ranger to dodge them all. Each impact sent a wave of pain through her body. Lyra used her bow to destroy the torrents aimed in her directions, but it drove her back. Realizing the futility of dodging Puissance’s attack, Trixie charged forward, either destroying her waves with her sword or bearing the pain of each blow. Her opponent hadn’t expected such a reckless action and almost didn’t block Trixie’s sword.

“You don’t know when to quit, do you?” Magnific staggered backwards as Trixie struck her across the chest.

Trixie pressed her advantage, pushing Puissance back with each frantic blow. Her opponent had dealt with some serious damage to her, and each swing sapped her reservoir of energy. But the Red Ranger only pushed her opponent harder. The difference in their swordsponyship gave Trixie the slight edge she needed.


“Searing Blade!” The force of Trixie’s attack threw Puissance off her hooves, and she rolled across the mud. Yet Magnific still refused to surrender.

“I won’t lose. I can’t lose.” Puissance pulled herself out of the puddle and tossed her sword aside. She pulled out her white disk and returned to her default form.

“Bad move!” Lyra, thinking Magnific helpless, shot several arrows towards the Rider.

Instead of dodging, Puissance withdrew her white disk and reinserted it. Her belt emitted a warning klaxon and flashed a red light. White energy gathered around the Rider and destroyed Lyra’s arrows before they even touched her.

In a flash, Puissance appeared behind Lyra and delivered a swift kick into the bard’s sternum. The impact sent the Blue Ranger crashing into a surprised Trixie, and they collapsed together in a heap. In another flash, Puissance appeared next to them, kicking both Rangers into the air. Puissance bent down and took to the air, arms spread wide like a bird flying towards the helpless Trixie and Lyra. She extended her leg and kicked into both her opponents.

“Rider Kick Perfection!”

The two Rangers exploded, and Trixie screamed in pain as her face smacked directly into the ground. Lyra plopped next to her. Both Rangers had lost their transformation. Magnific landed gracefully on the other side of the field.

“This isn’t our day, is it?” Lyra said with a self-deprecating laugh.

“Okay, so maybe we aren’t ready for this fight.” While pained, Trixie returned the smile.

“Here’s another one.”

Trixie looked up and watched Ditzy throw down a still transformed Raindrops next to her friends, splashing mud everywhere. The storm above the pegasus dissipated somewhat, but Trixie couldn’t be certain without proper sunlight. Unwilling to surrender, the Black Ranger stood on shaky hooves.

I have to help her. But Trixie’s legs refused to cooperate, her entire body throbbing with pain. Lyra wasn’t in much better condition. Despite having the will, neither Ranger could continue the fight.

“Stand down, Raindrops. You’ve lost. This is your only warning.” Ditzy’s voice was icy.

“Never, we aren’t finished yet!” Cadance emerged from the train, supported by Bon-Bon. For some reason, Lyra’s marefriend also lunged around a suitcase. Cadance bled in several places, but the princess gritted her teeth, refusing to surrender.

“Princess!” Trixie’s mind raced, not wanting Cavallia’s princess to get any more hurt. While they were never close, she knew how much Luna adored her adopted daughter.

Fine then, I’m holding nothing back! She pressed several buttons on her morpher, using Cadance’s appearance as a useful distraction.

“Back off.” Ditzy said, her voice full of warning. “I’m doing this to protect my daughter. I’ll smash anypony who gets in my way.”

“Yes, I can feel the love radiating from you,” Cadance replied. She released herself from Bon-Bon, standing on her four hooves. “But Nightmare Moon is using it against you, twisting it into something monstrous.”

“Like it matters. You’re not a mother. None of you can understand what I’m suffering.” The princess sputtered in pain as the Pink Ranger leaped forwards and drove her weapon into her throat. “Losing isn’t an option. Stay down. I won’t ask again.”

Ditzy has completely lost it! Even Puissance seemed disturbed by the Pink Ranger’s demeanor. The fates of Notary and Night Light flashed through her mind. Dear Luna, she’d thought Ditzy would be strong enough to resist the Planetary Gem’s influence. It might drive her friend to become something even worse.

Unexpected tears gathered around Trixie’s eyes. I’m sorry, but I can’t afford to lose either. Forgive me Ditzy, Dinky. She frantically whipped away the tears and pressed several more buttons on her morpher.

“Get ready to grab Princess Cadance and Bon-Bon.” Trixie stage whispered to Raindrops. The Black Ranger didn’t react but gave a slight nod of acknowledgment.

“What are you planning, Trixie?” Lyra demanded.

Trixie smirked and kicked her front hooves in the air. “What I’m best at, being the Great and Powerful Trixie! Escape artist extraordinaire!”

“What are you talking about?” Before Ditzy could finish, she screamed in surprise as something dropped from the sky at extraordinary speed. The ground rumbled and everypony, but Trixie, lost their hooves as it landed. Two unexploded missiles had landed right where Ditzy and Puissance had been standing.

“You have got to be kidding me! Are you trying to kill us?” Lyra said in equal parts fear and astonishment. It would take some time for Trixie’s Zord to arrive, so she used its missile launcher instead.

“Hurry!” Trixie ran with her last remaining strength away from their current location, dragging Lyra along with her. Raindrops was already flying and scooped up Cadance and Bon-Bon in her powerful hooves.

“It’s morphing time, Ursa!” The distance between Trixie and her opponents increased as she ran at full speed.

“You’re kidding me.” Puissance whipped the mud from her nice white armor and returned to her hooves.

“You aren’t getting away!” Ditzy moved to follow, but Trixie pressed a button on her morpher and both missiles exploded. It left a vast crater and destroyed whatever remained of the Friendship Express. The force of the explosion threw Trixie off her hooves, but she landed in a roll, unharmed.

“Easy as pie,” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof. She blinked, realizing she wasn’t holding Lyra anymore. After a quick search, she discovered the Blue Ranger face first in the mud. “Oops. Must have accidentally let you go during the roll.”

“You’re insane, you know that!” Lyra growled after spitting out mud.

“Lyra!” Bon-Bon said from above.

Raindrops lowered down from the air, returning Cadance and Bons to the ground. Bon-Bon ran to her marefriend’s side and wiped Lyra’s dirty face with a handkerchief.

“Let’s get going before they follow!” Trixie said, ignoring the scathing glare Bon-Bon was giving her.

While that had been an impressive explosion, Trixie doubted it defeated either Magnific or Ditzy. Still, she’d shown neither was invincible. A small comfort, but it was something.


“That Trixie!” Queen Nightmare Moon paced around her throne room so hard her hooves dug into the polished marble floor. “Why must she bring destruction wherever she goes!”

The explosion that had allowed Trixie and her allies to escape had engulfed the Friendship Express in flames and destroyed a good chunk of the rail line. In mere moments, the Red Ranger had wasted millions of bits.

“While irritating, they’ve also gained a new ally, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Puissance sighed in agitation. “I fear they might use her to rally the people against you.”

The entire castle shook as Nightmare Moon slammed her hooves against the floor. “They wouldn’t dare! Not after everything I’ve done for them! I’ve sweated and bled for them for countless years!” Genuine emotion showed on the queen’s face, breaking through whatever madness had overtaken her. Luna almost broke down into tears. Moments later, her sorrow passed, turning into abject fury.

“They will come after Dinky! We can use that to trap them!” Nightmare Moon stomped her hooves, leaving deep cracks in the floor. Ditzy twitched but nodded. Whatever reservations she’d had vanished, and the vengeful glee on the Pink Ranger’s face disturbed Puissance.

Puissance rubbed her temple. What had she gotten into? Beyond the two mares’ madness, she sensed something, a malevolence coming from their Planetary Gems. Whatever evil laid within was becoming more powerful.

Look at me, talking about evil. Until now, I’d only believed it as a pony-created concept. Puissance couldn’t deny it, however. A sinister aura had surrounded the castle. Some servants had already lost their nerve, fleeing their duties. The problem was what she’d do about it.

“Mistress Puissance.” Solar Flare said, disrupting her reverie, proving a welcome distraction.

“Yes, Solar Flare?”

“Banner and Specter have arrived in Canterlot. They’re waiting for you at your manor.” Puissance’s assistant hesitated, not wanting to speak her next news.

“What is it? Spill it out.” While Solar Flare was unflinchingly loyal, she hated upsetting her mistress. A habit Puissance disliked. It sometimes took serious coaxing to make her assistant speak bad news.

“North Star has gotten to them first.” Solar Flare replied. “It hasn’t been charitable.”

“That North Star. Never mind, call a carriage. We’re leaving right away.” Anything to leave the oppressive atmosphere of the castle.

Much to her surprise, the air seemed lighter upon leaving the castle grounds, and Puissance released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. The sights of Canterlot brightened her spirits somewhat. Puissance had always enjoyed the glamour and bustle of the city. It contained an undeniable energy that she loved. It was a shame most ponies had fled indoors to escape the cold, but many ponies were still trying to live their usual lives despite the circumstances.It soothed some of her anxiety about reuniting with her grandson and great-grandson. North Star’s distrust and attitude had rattled her more than she’d expected.

I’m me, but… No, I am Puissance. This body changes nothing. Thinking otherwise is self-destructive. At this crucial hour, she couldn’t afford to fall apart. She needed to make a strong first impression on her children. Puissance had to admit, the change was drastic and off-putting, but she was still their mother, regardless.

Puissance could hear voices as she approached the sitting room of her manor. Instead of charging inside, she waited by the door, reading the room’s atmosphere first.

“I’m just saying. It isn’t fair! You don’t know what mother is like!” North Star said.

“I’m her grandson, uncle. I think I know my own grandmother, thank you very much.” Banner’s voice was frosty.

“You didn’t have to live with her.” North Star’s tone matched his great-nephew. “She’s poisonous, always has been. She smothered us with her expectations. We were never good enough.”

“Why are you saying this now? Where did this come from?”

North Star sighed. “This isn’t a new development. I thought about it for years, and I’m at my wits’ end with her. I don’t want my new grandfoal living under her hoof, too. You know how she treats Flicker. He can’t even keep his own damn name.”

“Yeah.” Banner’s voice trailed off.

Mixed emotions washed over Puissance, both furious and mortified. It infuriated her that her own family didn’t understand the sacrifices she’d made for them. Yet it mortified her they considered her a burden. Her body sagged involuntarily against the wall.

“You’re not wrong. Flicker loves his great-grandmother, but he’s too young to understand how oppressive it is to be constantly under her expectations. Success, no matter what. I’d hoped he wouldn’t have to deal with that, too. But now she’s immortal.” Banner gave a bitter laugh.

“Mistress?” Solar Flare said in alarm.

“I’m fine,” Puissance replied, fighting back tears.

A burden, huh? Despite being a parent himself, why couldn’t North Star understand her? At moments like this, Puissance felt terribly lonely, abandoned.

Why can’t they understand me! I only want what’s best for them! Before Puissance could charge into the sitting room and spill her rage and disappointment at her children’s attitude, a fresh voice caught her attention.

“Solar Flare!” A small colt said, running up to Puissance’s assistant and giving her a hug.

“How are you, Scepter? It’s been too long.” Solar Flare returned the hug.

Scepter looked around before lowering his voice to a conspiratorial level. “You don’t have to call me that when Grandma Puissance isn’t around. It isn’t actually my name.”

“Flicker it is then!” Solar Flare gave Puissance a sidelong glance and a helpless shrug.

Scepter turned his attention to the pony he didn’t recognize next. “Hello! My name is Flicker. Are you a new servant of Grandma Puissance’s? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”

Puissance opened her mouth to respond. Something caught in her throat, making her hesitate. Which was ridiculous. She never hesitated. “My name is Pru.”

“You’ve got the same cutie mark as Grandma! Are you a relative? We have so many, it’s impossible to keep track! I have, like, eighty thousand cousins.”

“I’m a distant relative.” Why was she lying and not revealing her true identity? Something inside made her hesitate, fearful her great-grandfoal might lash out like North Star. A ridiculous notion, but Puissance couldn’t help herself.

“You look familiar,” Specter said, puzzled. “Have I seen you around at a family reunion? We had one like two years ago. It was pretty scary. I’m not sure I’ve seen so many ponies in my life.”

“Grandma Puissance likes to have her progeny.” And with any hope, she’d have more soon, eventually. It was a perk of having a youthful body back.

Still, they’ll technically be Trixie’s children. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Scepter looked around. “Funny, I thought Grandmother Puissance would be here by now. I’m not sure what’s going on with her. First, I heard she was sick, but now she’s fine? The adults won’t tell me anything about it. Do you have any clue why?” The colt gave Solar Flare a pointed look.

“It’s complicated.” Solar Flare said after a moment’s hesitation.

Scepter groans. “That’s what my father said!”

“Whatever the case, we should do something fun. It’ll give Grandma Puissance time to return.” A strange idea popped into Puissance’s head. She was young again, darn it. Why shouldn’t she enjoy it? “Let’s go out for ice cream! Do you like ice cream?”

Much to Puissance’s mortification, she didn’t know. Business had occupied much of her time, greatly restricting her visitations with her great-grandchild. Well, she intended to change that. Besides, didn’t she deserve this? Nightmare Moon could deal with her Trixie problem herself.

Scepter bounced with excitement. “Yes! I love ice cream! Rocky Road is the bestest!”

Puissance coughed. “My favorite.”

“Right, oops.” The colt darted into the sitting room. “Is it okay if I go out with Solar Flare and cousin Pru for some ice cream?”

“That should be fine.” Banner replied, giving his son a genial smile. “Stay close to Solar Flare and don’t wander off. Be back by five, we’re dining with grandmother.”

“Yes, father!” Scepter darted back towards Puissance. “Let’s go!” Without prompting, the colt grabbed her hoof, giving her a warm, open smile. Sure, Scepter would learn her true identity eventually, but Puissance would enjoy this moment. She’d cherish her time with her great grandfoal unrestrained.

Puissance returned the smile and allowed Solar Flare to lead the way. Thankfully, her secretary knew the location of the nearest ice cream establishment.

“Wait, cousin Pru?” Banner asked, puzzled. “Who could that be?”


“Now Strongheart!” Spike tossed the charm towards the bison, who caught it deftly in her teeth. Twilight, using her monster form, flipped out of the way of a lightning bolt. The gusts of the legendary bird’s wings almost blew them from the air, but Twilight beat her wings harder, flying to a safer location. They only hoped the bison could finish the Q’s corruption for good.

Little Strongheart struggled to hold on to the Thunderbird’s back. The beast flew high into the air, attempting to dislodge the unwelcome rider. She almost lost her grip as the mighty bird flew at almost supersonic speed and flung itself into a loop. Lightning crackled everywhere, reducing most of the remaining mountain to rubble. Cheerilee fought on top of a peek, deflecting lighting with her whip. As Strongheart held on for dear life, an eye opened amongst the inky black ooze. Its iris shifted colors, shifting into a dizzying array of colors that disorientated a pony if you looked into it too long. The bison shook with pain as the thing sent some type of psychic attack towards her. But brave Strongheart’s will was unbreakable.

“No more! You’re finished, Q!” Strongheart drove her pendant right into the corruption’s eye. Instead of a scream, reality wavered in ripples as the monster howled in pain. The slime that covered the Thunderbird oozed off, plummeting into the perilous distance below. Somehow, despite the great fall, it still lived and attempted to reform itself. The lightning that had almost killed them all ceased, and the Thunderbird’s manner became languid and peaceful.

“Let’s finish it.” Twilight flew towards the ooze as it attempted to flee. “It’s morphing time, Corvus!” She shifted back to her Ranger form. Though she’d lost her wings, she absorbed the fall without difficulty and darted towards their enemy.

“Let’s finish this jerk off!” Spike pumped a fist.

It had taken almost a day to defeat the creature. The Thunderbird’s power seemed almost boundless. It shrugged off pretty much every blow the Rangers had inflicted upon it. The Q corruption creature garbled something, but its fear was obvious. Twilight summoned her guns and pressed a button on her morpher.

“Unyielding Judgment!”

Out of nowhere, Cheerilee appeared behind the creature, cutting off any chance of escape. “Solar Sting!”

The Rangers landed on both sides of the Q corruption, backs towards the creature. It collapsed and exploded moments later, removing any trace of its existence.

Spike released his grip on Twilight’s back, falling to the rocky ground below. It sent a slight jolt of pain through his back, but their hard-earned victory had brightened his spirits.

The sound of mighty wings reached his ear from above him as the Thunderbird flew down towards them, Strongheart perched happily on its head.

“I thank you, great warriors. You have restored me back to my right mind.” The legendary beast’s eyes were calm and full of intelligence. Spike sensed a near-boundless kindness behind them.

“All in a day’s work,” Twilight replied, only for her ears to fall. “Sorry about your mountain.”

“It matters not. I fear I would have done greater damage if Q had corrupted me further. I owe you a great debt.” The Thunderbird’s head tilted in confusion. “Curious. It should be light by now. Has the lunar princess neglected her sacred duty?”

“Great Thunderbird, that’s why we seek your aid,” Strongheart said. “Q has also corrupted Princess Luna’s mind. In her madness, she has cast the world into eternal night.”

“It’s as I feared.” Thunderbird sounded mournful. “Q’s influence has spread further than even I could have ever imagined.”

“Will you help us?” Spike asked tentatively.

The Thunderbird nodded its head in assent. “I consider it my sacred duty to aid the chosen warriors of the Radiance. I shall provide you a boon which will aid you in battle.” Its feathers glowed a brilliant white, and a small bell fell into Twilight’s hooves.

“You are the only one without a guardian beast, correct? Use this bell, and it will summon an avatar that will fight in my stead.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said, voice cracking with unexpected emotion. She held the bell tight against her heart. “Now I am truly part of the team.”

“Congratulations! You finally have a Zord!” Cheerilee said, beaming with excitement. While Spike wasn’t clear what they were talking about, he was happy for his new friends.

“And you, little bison, also deserve a boon. It was your hoof that saved me.” The Thunderbird’s glowed again, and an unusual device appeared in her hoof, a square box molded from some strange white metal. On its surface was colorful artwork painted in the shape of a bird.

“What’s this?” Strongheart examined the device in her hoof, peering at it with curiosity.

“This will help you defend your lands against invaders. Use it wisely. It is an artifact of immense power.”

“I will. It is my sacred duty!” Strongheart’s voice contained conviction and determination.

“Farewell, my friends. Our fight has drained me. I will need to regain my strength before we confront Q. Goodbye and good luck!” The Thunderbird took off, flying at incredible speeds. Spike and his friends waved goodbye, saddened to see the mighty beast leave.

“That’s one problem solved. What about the traitor and evil temple?” Spike asked.

“Don’t worry about that. I can deal with them.” Strongheart withdrew a knife and sliced off a chunk of her fur. It drew some blood, but the bison hardly noticed it. “Here. You need bison fur, right?”

“Thanks, but are you sure you can handle things alone?” Cheerilee asked in concern.

“This is my people’s problem. Never fear. I have this.” Strongheart indicated the Thunderbird’s gift. “Go, the world needs you to defeat Nightmare Moon! Go Rangers, you have the bison’s blessing.”

“Thank you for everything. We’ll come back and see how you’re doing.” Cheerilee gave the bison a hug, who readily accepted it. Strongheart gave the rest of her new friends hugs, too.

“You ponies aren’t so bad. We’ve misjudged you, I think.” Strongheart replied. Spike was hopeful the ponies and bison could settle their differences.

“Call if you need us to kick those cultists’ butts!” Spike gave Strongheart a hoofbump. Finally, they had what they’d come to Appleloosa to obtain. It seemed hard to believe they’d only needed bison fur when they first arrived. They’d gain more than they’d ever expected in this little adventure. Spike had never thought he’d grow to like Celestia’s archenemies. He only hoped Zecora’s depetrification potion would be enough to change the tide.

Next Chapter: Chapter 17 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 3 Minutes
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