
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - Eternal Night

by Rixizu

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

In a violent gust of wind, the illusion around Trixie and her allies shattered. Trixie careened away from the Ditzy’s wind vortex before deftly landing on her hooves. Her allies weren’t so skilled, yelping in fright as it tore them from the ground and tossed them aside. Much to Ditzy’s shock, Trixie had joined forces with the worst of the Night Court.

Ditzy rushed forward, stopping her staff’s edge inches before Trixie’s throat. “Surrender now and come peacefully.”

“What is the meaning of this Ditzy?” Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Has Nightmare Moon brainwashed you?” Her eyes flickered to the rest of her team. “Is everypony okay back there?”

“Yes, I believe so.” Fisher struggled to his hooves. Ditzy hadn’t seen the ex-archduke since their battle with the Night Court Ranger. It shocked her to see him so aged. The Planetary Gem had destroyed his youth. Yet, somehow, the snake Greengrass and the pretty rad Vinyl appeared younger than ever.

“Ow, what was that for? We’re on the same side!” A unicorn mare with a bright yellow coat said. Who was she? Ditzy didn’t recognize her.

“Intruders?!” Brugmansia’s eyes widened in alarm. He shouted his warning again while climbing the stairs, calling for reinforcements. Radiosity’s eyes widened in terror, following behind with haste.

“Ugh, now you’ve done it!” Trixie rolled her eyes. “We had a brilliant plan and everything!”

“I’m not kidding, surrender!” Ditzy’s voice gave no room for compromise.

Much to Ditzy’s surprise, Trixie knocked her weapon aside with blinding speed and jumped back, wielding her sword in hoof.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but that isn’t happening.” Trixie gritted her teeth and readied her sword.

“Idiot! Too much is at stake!” Ditzy thrust her weapon forward, but Trixie blocked her blows. The mare remained untransformed, content to fight Ditzy back for the moment.

As they exchanged blows, Carrot Top and Raindrops stood on the sidelines. They each wore an indecisive, pensive look, unsure if they should get involved.

Trixie jumped over a swing meant to sweep her hooves from under her and blocked another aimed towards her chest. Her skills were on display as she deflected every blow Ditzy sent her way, yet still hadn’t gone on any offensive. The Red Ranger cursed as two Ranger Killers lumbered down the stairs, coming into view. Trixie knocked Ditzy’s bow away and leaped back, retreating towards her allies.

“Sorry, but it seems like the fight’s about to get serious,” Trixie said towards the yellow-coated mare. They stood side by side, entering a fighting stance.

“So, we have to fight your friends now?” The unknown mare asked.

Trixie scowled. “I hope not.” She planted her sword into the ground and summoned her morpher.

“It’s morphing time, Ursa!”

Ditzy gaped as the yellow-coated mare summoned her own morpher. Worse, she recognized its design. It was a planetary morpher, and its green gem glinted in the lamplight.

“It’s morphing time, Pluto!” A brilliant light consumed the mare and green armor formed around her. “You may call me, Pluto Green!” She did a pose, standing on her back legs. A cry of surprise escaped her lips as she toppled over onto her face, unable to hold her awkward pose.

“We must work on that.” Trixie shook her head.

A new Ranger?! They’d long speculated during their many hangouts about if the dwarf planet had a gem. Except for Venus, they had destroyed the inner Planetary Gems. Luna had locked up Notary’s gem somewhere tight in the castle vault. Before the fallen princess had displayed the Neptune and Uranus Gem, the existence of the outer Planetary Gems had only been theoretical. The final gem had finally revealed itself as this unknown unicorn mare transformed into her armor.

Ditzy tensed as the Ranger Killers came closer. “Hurry and transform!” She yelled to friends, who remained hesitant to take up arms. They nodded, summoning their morphers.

“It’s morphing time, Hercules!”


Trixie tensed as she noticed her friends weren’t joining her side. Instead, taking position behind Ditzy. “Not you guys too!”

“We have no choice. Dinky’s life is on the line!” Ditzy pointed her staff towards her leader. “Nightmare Moon’s turned her to stone!”

“What?” Trixie said, surprised. The unwelcome news was enough to break her concentration, wincing as Ditzy struck an unexpected blow into her sternum, flipping her onto her back.

“Trixie!” Pluto moved to intercept, but the two Ranger Killers blocked her path.

“Surrender, or Nightmare Moon won’t turn my muffin back to normal!” Ditzy placed a boot on the prone Trixie’s neck.

“But, she’s evil!” The news of her favorite fan’s fate startled Trixie, but she still wasn’t in a hurry to surrender.

“Better than Dinky getting hurt.”

Indecision wracked Trixie, but she came to a decision. “Sorry, but I can’t! Too much is at stake! I’ll save her too, I promise!”

“That’s not good enough, Trixie!” Ditzy snarled, and tears stained her face under her helmet. It didn’t matter what her friends thought, she’d protect Dinky, and she swung her bow down towards Trixie’s head. Metal clashed as somepony interrupted her attack. Ditzy’s eyes widened when an axe hovered in front of her face.

“No, this isn’t right.” Raindrops said. With a thrust of her leg, she knocked Ditzy off balance, sending her flying across the room. Brick shattered as she smacked into a wall.

“What are you doing?!” Ditzy returned to her hooves. “Don’t you realize that Nightmare Moon will go after Snails if you act against her?”

Raindrops didn’t reply, helping Trixie to her hooves instead. “It isn’t right.” She shook her head emphatically.

“Yes, there’s no need to fight. What about them?” Trixie pointed towards the two Ranger Killers Pluto was trying to fight off. The mare deflected their mace arms with her twin blades crossed, but each blow she blocked sent her backward, overwhelmed by their strength. “This won’t stop if we don’t defeat Nightmare Moon!”

“I don’t care!” Ditzy pressed a button on her morpher. “Gales of Destruction!” She summoned the most powerful windstorm she’d ever created, putting her entire being into this one attack. Raindrops and Trixie tried to retreat in different directions, but the winds were too powerful, sucking them inside. Sparks flew as the winds bombarded them, and they smacked hard through several walls before Ditzy directed the gale towards the ground. Her friends unmorphed as they collided with the floor.

Why couldn’t these idiots understand? Dinky was everything. Her muffin was the world. Nothing else mattered, right?

Pluto cried out in pain as the two Ranger Killers bombarded her with blows with their maces. She untransformed, rolling towards her traitorous comrades.

“Are you okay, Lemon Hearts?” Trixie asked the unknown mare.

The mare breathed painfully. “I unmorphed before my gem got destroyed, but I’m fine otherwise.”

“You’re really doing this, Pink Ranger?” Greengrass shook his head. Vinyl also gave Ditzy a look of disapproval. Fisher only crossed his front legs, interested in what might happen next.

“Get some rope,” Ditzy yelled towards Carrot Top. “The fight’s over with.”

She turned her attention towards Trixie’s Night Court allies. “Don’t cause any trouble.”

“Nova Crasher!” The blow tossed the two Ranger Killers aside as Carrot Top attacked them from nowhere. Ditzy grimaced as they collided with her.

“What are you doing?” Ditzy tossed a Ranger Killer away, furious at the newest betrayal.

“No, Raindrops is right.” Carrot Top jumped before the other Rangers. “Nightmare Moon needs to be stopped. You okay?” She tilted her head towards Trixie.

“With you by my side? Always.” Trixie eyed the two Ranger Killers circling her and the others. “It’s morphing time, Ursa!”



Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I’ll protect Dinky without their help! Ditzy joined the Ranger Killers against her fellow Rangers.

Carrot Top blocked a blow with her shield, protecting Trixie’s back as she engaged the Ranger Killer standing before her. The Red Ranger ducked under a mace, swinging towards her head, and slashed at the creature’s exposed belly. Sparks flew, but her sword inflicted little damage. Ditzy swung her staff at the distracted Trixie, but Raindrop’s axe blocked the Pink Ranger’s advance.

“Please don’t do this.” Raindrops said, her voice filled with pain and regret.

“Get out of my way!”

While Raindrops was powerful, Ditzy moved like the wind, darting around the Black Ranger’s languid attacks. Raindrops winced as the Pink Ranger smacked her across the head then redirected her attention towards Carrot Top attacking the earth pony’s legs under her shield. The Yellow Ranger jumped over the bow, but it distracted her long enough for a Ranger Killer to plant a mace into her back, throwing her aside. The Yellow Ranger rolled away before getting struck by another follow-up attack.

“That’s it!” Carrot Top ducked lower to the ground and pressed a button on her morpher. “Nova Crasher!”

With surprising speed, the Yellow Ranger careened into Ditzy at full speed, striking her dead on before she had any chance to avoid it. Her chest exploded in pain, almost losing consciousness from that single blow. Dear Luna, Carrot Top wasn’t messing around and Ditzy almost lost her transformation. Flipping in the air, the Pink Ranger hovered above the fight. She gripped her bow tight, refusing to surrender.

But, Ditzy realized too late, that’d only been a diversion. It gave room so Raindrops, Trixie, and Lemon Hearts could shift their attention towards the Ranger Killers. The Red and Black Rangers fought in unison against the monster, while Pluto kept the other one distracted. She darted around her foe with deft hooves. Much to Ditzy’s amazement, a blow from a Ranger Killer passed through Pluto harmlessly as she turned to shadow and repaid the compliment with several slashes across its back. While powerful, the Ranger Killers didn’t fight together in any strategic way. Her friends were taking advantage of that weakness.

The movements of Raindrops and Trixie were graceful, almost dance-like, as they hacked away at the single Ranger Killer. They weaved through its attacks while commencing their own assault. The Black Ranger focused on the legs, keeping it staggered, while Red struck its face, confusing it. While the damage remained minimal, they chipped away at its defenses. The other Ranger Killer noticed the state of its fellow, turning its focus away from Pluto. One of its arms extended, becoming a chained mace, power burning around them. It whipped them wildly towards the Rangers, but Raindrop and Trixie had a plan.

Simultaneously, they ducked under the ball, its sharp spikes just missing their armor. Then they kicked the other Ranger Killer into the path of the attack. Sparks flew and deep cracks formed in the injured Ranger Killer. It bled darkness, staggering in pain. Seeing their opportunity, Raindrops and Trixie thrust their weapons into the cracks, digging them deep inside.

“Searing Flame.”

“Wave Cleaver.”

Together they pulled out their weapons, flame, and water bursting from the Ranger Killer’s injuries. The monster exploded behind them, and the Rangers pointed their weapons towards the remaining Ranger Killer.

“Good work!” Raindrop said, her voice holding a smile.

Trixie returned her friend’s enthusiasm. “Our hard work is paying off.”

Ditzy cursed. When did her friends get so skilled at fighting? Her chances of success just plummeted. If only Raindrops and Carrot Top hadn’t betrayed her. She hesitated, wondering what her next action should be. The question soon became moot.

“Nova Crasher!” Carrot Top thrust her shield forward, knocking the remaining Ranger Killer into the air.

“Nice!” Pluto somersaulted in the air with her butterfly swords, slashing with blades constructed from blackness. “Reaper’s Touch!” The final Ranger Killer exploded above the Pluto Ranger, her back towards the explosion.

“Y-you foals!” Ditzy flew towards the stairs. She retreated outside, flying back towards her Zord. Her friends called after her, but she ignored them, too lost in her anger and grief. Anguish consumed her, lost at what her next action should be. Horrified, the Pink Ranger realized she’d ruined her friendship with the other Rangers forever. She’d betrayed them to save her daughter, her Muffin. She ran away from her friends, but couldn’t escape the all-consuming guilt which assaulted her.


“Ditzy.” Trixie hung her head as she unmorphed. She hadn’t expected her friend to turn on them. Worse, Dinky was in danger, and they might have made the situation worse. It had been a terrible mistake to act on her own without speaking with her fellow Rangers first. But what could she have done? Let Nightmare Moon win? Allow her mother figure and mentor to stay insane, possibly dooming everyone?

Greengrass shook his head. “This complicates matters, but don’t fear. We’ll get Dinky back.”

“Really?” Carrot Top raised a skeptical eyebrow. Trixie, however, believed him. The ex-archduke may be scum, but he cared for foals. His charity to orphans and schools was legendary. Despite herself, Trixie sensed the sentiment was sincere. Vinyl Scratch was the proof. As a foal, she’d tragically lost both her parents and her back leg in a terrible cart accident. Greengrass had stepped up to act as her patron for the orphan, taking good care of her ever since. It explained the fanatic devotion the DJ had for the ex-archduke.

“Quite,” Fisher said. “Taking a foal hostage is low.”

“We better hurry before Nightmare Moon learns of this,” Greengrass said. “Rescuing Dinky will be our next course of action.”

“I like the sound of that. Let’s go!” Trixie said, nodding.

“Who the heck are you?!” One of the scientist ponies yelped in surprise as the intruders burst through the lab’s door. It contained an impressive amount of scientific equipment. Trixie noted drag marks on the ground, guessing they had recently added the equipment. The middle of the room held a strange tube with metal shutters covering what it held inside.

“Ponies who’ve had a bad day.” Trixie wasn’t in the mood for any nonsense. “Just tell us what you’ve been doing here, and make it quick.”

“And where Celestia’s secret library is located.” Lemon Hearts added.

“Yeah, that too.”

“We aren’t telling you anything!” A defiant scientist replied before shrinking back as Carrot Top glared at them. One pointed a shaky hoof towards a pile of papers.

“Alright, gentleponies. Let’s get to work!” Fisher rolled up his sleeves, shifting through the reports. Without Twilight, he was the only ponies capable of understanding this nonsense.

“Interesting,” Fisher said as he scanned the pages. “I never realized such feats were possible!”

“What is it?” Vinyl asked, peering over the ex-archduke’s shoulder.

Lemon Hearts sighed after doing her own cursory examination of the scientific research papers. “It’s all Prench to me.”

If only. I could easily understand it then! thought Trixie.

“It’s a complicated process, but this device channels magical solar energy and diverts it into the moon’s surface, heating it up,” Fisher said. “Its power source is whatever’s in that tube.”

“Fascinating. Let’s check it out.” Trixie searched the panel of buttons, hoping to uncover the one to open it. After finding none, she pressed random buttons. One had to work, right?

“Hey, that’s fragile equipment, don’t touch!” A scientist pony tried pushing Trixie away, but she dodged away.

After more button pressing, a hissing sound caught their attention, and steam burst from the tube. Everypony watched in anticipation as the metal panels opened, revealing what they hid inside. A gasp escaped Trixie’s lips.

“Celestia?!” There, submerged in a green viscous liquid, was the statue form of the sun princess.

“How else do you think we’re getting enough solar power to brighten the moon?” The scientist pony said, amongst his visitor’s shocked expression.

“Using your own sister as a science experiment is pretty cold.” Vinyl shook her head.

“So creepy!” Lemon Hearts shuttered in horror.

A sudden thought struck Trixie, and she whirled on the scientist. “Have you by chance seen a statue of a unicorn filly?”

“Nope.” But the scientist’s eyes dilated a small fraction.

“Come again?” Carrot Top stomped forward, anger blazing in her eyes.

“She’s in the royal gardens!” The scientist blurted, almost sobbing. “I noticed it when I gave Nightmare Moon my progress report earlier today! The queen keeps it close and under constant guard! Please don’t hurt me!”

Trixie blinked. Was her farmer friend that intimidating? Did those rumors about ponies keeping their distance from Carrot Top have some merit? True, her friend was having trouble controlling her temper lately, but was it getting that bad? It was something worth investigating later.

“Now where is the secret library?” The other scientist ponies cowered as Carrot Top approached. This extended a hoof towards a shelf in the corner. Celestia’s collection of dark knowledge was smaller than expected, sitting on a single five-row shelf. Most of its contents were a random assortment of old scrolls and parchment. Trixie feared touching several of them, worried they might collapse into dust from the slightest disturbance.

“Again, no books made from pony skin!” Vinyl whined. “What kind of villain is Corona, anyway?!”

Fisher stroked his chin before brightening, pulling a volume made from a collected binder of pages after a title caught his eye. “Perfect, there is information on the Planetary Stones. And multiple volumes.”

“Take whatever you can,” Trixie said. She winced as she heard the clanking sound of Ranger Killer boots, and her eyes widened upon seeing who’d been leading them.

“You aren’t going anywhere, my traitorous student!” Queen Nightmare Moon said, followed by six Ranger Killers. Her mane flew around her, blown by an invisible wind. “Shame for you. I can sense the death of each of my precious Ranger Killers. They each exist as an extension of myself! You aren’t leaving here in one piece!” She broke into a howling cackle of delight and victory.

Next Chapter: Chapter 11 Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 30 Minutes
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