
The Iron Guard : Part I

by Honor Quill

Chapter 2: Awakening

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Back to the present. It has been a few years since the defeat of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. Our story begins with Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron exploring an ancient temple-like place in the frozen north. In this time, with Princess Twilight’s help, they put aside their differences and work together, while Daring Do keeps Dr. Caballeron in check so he doesn’t steal anything.

The place that they are exploring is older than Equestria itself, and interestingly, it is simply a network of plain metal hallways – some ending at dead ends while others simply lead to repeated junctions. Strange how everything in the area was made with bare and smooth metal. Hooves clanging against the metal flooring, they come across a different area – this one is large circular room with two giant metal Alicorn statues on either side of what appeared to be a massive metal egg.

“Large enough to fit a pony inside.” Daring Do thought to herself. She approached the egg, her interest in it suddenly spiking upon hearing a familiar sound emerge from it. Upon more focused listening, Daring Do finds out that this ‘egg’ has a heartbeat. With the help of Caballeron and his goons they crack it open. Weird yellow goo bursts out along with a familiar looking unconscious cyan rainbow-haired pony.

Panicking, Daring Do hastily dries the pony and puts her in an earlier discovered south-Equestrian sarcophagus that, Dr. Caballeron had with him for some reason, to take her to Princess Twilight without raising suspicion. At this time Twilight is about as tall as Luna with a flowing and sparkling mane.
Daring do interrupts her meeting in the throne room of Canterlot Castle and gets her attention by whispering something in her ear. Upon hearing this she appears shocked and excuses herself from the now unimportant meeting – she immediately calls the rest of her friends who are all equally surprised by the sudden urgency of the situation.

While Dr. Caballeron stays behind, Daring Do unveils her find to Twilight in the additional company of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. They have not changed by much. She shows the group a pony mare who looks exactly like Rainbow Dash, except without wings and a cutie mark while being noticeably younger than her – but still fully grown. Rainbow Dash has no remote idea who she is. Twilight then calls Zecora to confirm the why the pony is unconscious, as her own magic was ineffective in waking her up.
Zecora arrives promptly, and confirms that the pony in question is indeed in a drug-induced coma. She then tells Twilight that she knows how to make the required potion to wake her up. “Although the cure is easy to prepare, I must confess, the key ingredient is quite rare.” She goes on telling them that a rare type of lichen that can only be found in the frozen north is needed for the potion. However, if she is not woken up in three days’ time she will have permanent brain damage and may never wake up. Upon hearing the chilling news, Rainbow Dash immediately volunteers herself and the Wonderbolts to go find it, as she needs to know who this pony is. She sets off with Soarin, Fleetfoot and Spitfire, who trust her judgment and follow her willingly despite her short notice.

The Wonderbolts fly above and over the Pie family rock farm, where Marble is sulking around some rocks. She is still bitter about Big Mac marrying sugar belle. To calm herself, she retires to her own quite place, a small cave lined with gemstones, and begins hammering a wall with her hooves in hopeless frustration. Suddenly, it collapses and she squeals as she falls into a strange undiscovered area. It has remarkable similarity to the area previously discovered by daring do and Dr. Caballeron. Except this room has four imposing metal Alicorn statues rather than two. Scared, she tries to make her way out, only to find that her exit has been sealed by falling rocks. Her panic attack is interrupted by a soothing voice that appears to be coming from nowhere. It tells her that it can help her get over her fears and weaknesses by giving her a power that will destroy her needs for companionship. It convinces her to break the giant egg in the center of the room and to tell the pony who comes out of it that her name is Black Nebula and she must remember Citadel – this pony will give her a set of tasks to strengthen her and help her get over her ‘pathetic’ crush. Marble complies – not knowing what else to do.

A Black Furred pony with Blue hair tumbles out of the egg in a heap of yellow goo, immediately regains her consciousness as Marble approached her slowly. She leaps up and tries to choke Marble against a wall, who quickly tells her what the voice had told her earlier through gasps – almost blacking out in the process. Black Nebula’s eyes widened and she drops Marble, and tells her that she is impressed. She somehow forms a metal horn on her head out of with red lightning – and then strikes the four statues with four bolts of it, turning them into ponies – Silver Void, Solar Flare, Stellar Phantom and Dark Abyss. She then looks at marble and tells her, “Here’s what you have to do.”

Author's Notes:

Should I paragraph it more or is it fine?

Next Chapter: Sapphire Prism Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 19 Minutes
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