

by flowgninthgil

Chapter 1: You Should have Listened

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"You have a lot to think about." She said as she passed by Twilight.
"No." Rainbow, who was ready to say something turned her head toward her marefriend
"I do not. Since the start, again, and again i warned you all, I added proofs and seen more and more signs of this pony not being cadance." the princess stopped and, hearing the voice of twilight with such animosity made her friends stops. "Again and again you told me 'She is stressed because of her wedding, she has a lot to manage, you should understand.' 'It's not her fault, a wedding can be stressful' and you? Oh no! The all-lnowing princess of Equatria has more to do than to listen to her student, surely she know more about a pony than the one who spent her entier childhood with, how could I even dare think to know better of her!"

"Twilight! I order you stop immediatly!" said the princess, anger pointing in her voice.
"I don't care what you want, Rainbow was here, I showed up and she understood what I meant, and this because she cared enough to listen to what I had to say! Not like my friends that decided to suddenly forget that they had promised, after an incident that should have taugh us all something about friendship, that they will never ignore a problem of mine if I started to become hysterical about it" she scoffed a bit
"Oh no! They were too busy looking good for the Princesses of Equestria and the captain of the royal guards! How foolish of me to think that THEY WOULD EVEN CARE A LITTLE ABOUT THEIR OWN FUCKING FRIENDS! YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN DEEPSHIT COWARDLY FUCKERS!"

"Twilight! How could you say somehi-" Rarity was cut short by Twilight. "Oh? So that all that matters? the fact that 'Im being FUCKING vulgar when FUCKING Speaking? Let me laught a bit! You four are meant to be my friends, to support me when things aren't going well, listen to me when I need to be listened to, but you? YOU? You are the worst being that coudl ever exists!" She took a deep breath, anger clearly seen on her face and the five other mare frozen from what they just heard.

"Twi-" started the princess before being cut off again
"All of you! I hate all of you! For two years I've been your friends and for two years you've been using me to get closer to the princess and your own self-gain! You nearly killed us both with rainbow at the last summer sun celebration! and for what? Because you were too dense to leave us alone for our first days as marefriends! Then you have the promise that you broke of today multiple times because, how could a pony know better than the Princess that we all love and cheris! DO YOU EVEN HAVE SPINES?!" she turned toward Celestia.

"And don't get me started on you, Celestia! The O-great immortal ruller of Equestria, all-knowing and all-wise, not even Capable of defending her nation HERSELF?! Hiding behind mares like us to do the dirty work that you are too busy to do? Training a student but not even listening to what she could say? Sending her to fight foe that she can't beat without pretty-looking stones while she could have done it alone? Wait..." She marked a pause before a smirk appeared
"Oh, my bad. I said you were too busy to listen to me but you obviously have all the time needed time to spare some and see your niece enough and know her more than me. That's why you know about the bride being that real cadance, how stupid of me to think you wouldn't! That's why you probably know everypony better, beause you have all the time you want to meet them!" she let out a chuckle "How foolish of me I would have even a chance to be listened to with an all-knowing methor and power-carving friends. I guess I was too dense to see that you were all using me.

she started walking toward the exit of the room but just before leaving she turned back to her former friends and menthor. "I am leaving, I do not want to see any of you again nor to hear of any of you. Do not search for because even if you did found me, it would be pointless. When everything will be over and the true cadance is back, I'll let you explain her why I am not here and what happened, it will be very fun to explain! Too bad I won't be here to see it." she started to go again before stoping "One last thing, knows that Cadance, the true one, and Luna are still dear to my heart, and consequently, the only ponies I still think as friends and trustworthy. May you all live a life full of regret!" and with those last words, she left the room.

There was a tense silence in the room for a moment, before the blue pegasus in the room decided to break it. "You know, I liked you all. You were my friends and I am loyal to my friends. Sadly, I can't consider ponies that don't care about their own friends mine." she looked at all of them one by one before walking toward the exit herself. "I would hold my breath if I were you, you broke her heart and there's nothing you can do. Don't you know? True friends stabs you in the front. But I guess you wouldn't know that do you? it's not like you cared for anypony else, even long-time friends." and with tose last words she left down te hallway, leaving behind five mares and a dragon silent and alone in the throne room.

Author's Notes:

Prologue to The Crystal Twilight (name may change)

Next Chapter: For she Care Estimated time remaining: 8 Minutes
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