
Pearl's Beloved Forestsong

by Valtyrian

Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - His Vixen

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Chapter 8 - His Vixen

Pearl ideally dangled her hoof along the top of the cool river. Off in the distance, she could hear the roar of a waterfall. The same one she and Kohaku came to every morning. This was becoming a ritual for the two of them. Every morning, they would walk to this spot in Fluttershy’s sanctuary. He would sit under the waterfall for hours on end while she would amuse herself.

Pearl never talked about what she thought of while he meditated. And he never asked. It wasn’t necessary, as they both knew. She was recovering from what she saw in his spirit ball. Cataloging and filtering it in her mind so that she could make sense of everything.

When that glowing sphere touched her hooves, Pearl almost passed out from the onslaught of images and feelings. When Pearl had recovered, she saw things easier. He instructed her to breathe and not close herself away to what she was experiencing. Sure. Easy for him to say.

Rolling onto her back, Pearl looked up at the clouds rolling in from the Everfree Forest. Closing her eyes, she pictured what she had seen all those nights ago. Images of his family. Memories dating back to when he was no larger than his father’s massive paw. Those mattered little, but they were fun to watch. He had been a pain in the flank all his life, just like his father was. That brought a smile to her face.

It was the memories Kohaku had of his sisters. How they touched him, talked to him. Nuzzled him, their voices conveying everything. Kohaku never, ever, once questioned their love for him. He had no need to. He felt it with every waking moment. Words were unnecessary. Even his parents never said them aloud. She saw it in the way they looked at each other. The playful way they would feign biting at each other's necks.

She still told him she loved him, and every time he gave her a look. How she had missed it so many times before. It was always there, even when they were just friends. That look was identical to how his father looked at his mother. So now when she tells him and he looks at her, Pearl smiled and happily slugged his shoulder and went about her day. She no longer needed him to say it. She knew.

Stretching about, Pearl yawned and pushed herself up with her front legs. “Gahh Just how long is he going to stay up there?” Turning her head, Pearl looked at the waterfall. “I’ve been thinking half the day away already and I'm getting hungry.”

Hearing a few shufflings behind her, Pearl turned and saw Twilight coming up the pathway. “Oh, hey Twilight.”

“Pearl.” Twilight smiled and nuzzled her student before sitting down next to her. “Hasn’t he invited you to meditate beside him?”

“OH yeah, every time.” Pearl leaned into her teacher and sighed. “I tried it once, first day out here. He got me into position. Slowly pushed back the wooden shelf blocking the seat. And in half a second, I screamed bloody murder and bolted. I then spent half an hour chipping the ice that had formed on my wings.” Shivering, Pearl remembered the moment fondly. Even now. “I know he says it’s good for training the spirit and all. But how in the seven hells can he stand being in water that’s below freezing? I’m a Pegasus, resistant to cold weather. And I couldn’t take it for less than a second.”

Laughing, Twilight wrapped her wing around Pearl. “Well, to be fair, he had been training under ice cold water since he was a kit. Something his father got him started on. Of course, he only usually does two to three times a year. And Kohaku strictly forbidden females to be anywhere near him.”

“Yeah, he told me about that. Not sure why though.” Pearl huffed. There still were secrets to unravel in that wild mind of his. “I even took a chance and asked Sweetie Belle. She just gave me a horrified look and clammed up. Asking me to never bring it up again and left.”

“It’s not my place to say Pearl. When he’s ready to tell you about it, he will. Just know that if he says stay clear of this place. You would do well to listen.” Pearl just nodded slowly. “Sweetie Bell didn’t and almost paid a price too steep to mention.”

Pearl understood partly. Whatever happened was bad, not bad enough to break them up, as she learned they still dated afterwards. But bad enough to keep it quiet. “So I take it you’re here to drag him back to the doctor’s for another treatment session.”

“I am. The third in many, many treatments.” Twilight’s her voice filled with optimism, but still held a lot of worry. “There’s still so much we don’t know about Kitsune magic. His pathways are so different from ours, but the Doctor is confident that he’s making progress.”

“Pah,” Pearl spat as she got up and started walking toward the waterfall. “You know he hates it.” Twilight nodded as she followed Pearl.

“Even with the last three sessions, Kohaku can barely manage making a sphere of flame. And even then it hurts him” Pearl kicked a stone into the waters of the flowing river. Keeping her sight away from Twilight to hide the fact she was near tears. “He’s been complaining that he can’t even hear the forest any longer.”

“I know, I hate it too Pearl.” Stopping in her tracks, Twilight looked up and saw Kohaku. Seated cross legend on a flat smooth stone. Gallons of freezing water striking the boy’s compact frame. Even with the force on his shoulders, he never once shivered or crumpled. His eyes closed as his front legs rested on his folded hinds legs. His paw palms upturned with this thumb touching the center finger. Even from this distance, she saw his focused breathing.

Pearl stood by Twilight and looked up at her boyfriend. Pearl just shivered at the sight of him. “For all his mischief making. It’s hard to believe he shows such focus. Even after all these years.”

“You still see him as that annoying thirteen-year-old, don’t you?” Twilight smirked.

“Yeah. I do.”

“So do I.” Twilight sat down. “Of course, I still see you as that sweet little thirteen-year-old girl who graced the steps of my castle so long ago.”

Watching Kohaku, both Pearl and Twilight’s eyes widened as he thrusted both his palms outward before pressing together. They both knew what was going to happen. Kohaku was going to attempt his healing spell. With the memory of the last time he attempted it fresh in their minds, they took to the sky hoping to reach and stopping him in time.

Kohaku kept his breathing slow and steady as he set his focus inside of himself. The force of the water on his shoulders and the roar of falls soothed to a tender touch and a whisper. Ones that reminded him of his big sister Riko. He missed her waters, but here he felt connected to her. He wished with all his might that she was here with him now. Her healing touch could have cured him in an instant.

“Oh, little brother. Did you scrape your knees again?” Riko soothingly caressed her five-year-old brother’s back as he cried. Reaching down, she ran her paw across the red patch on Kohaku’s legs. As the water she conjured touched his fur. The wound healed. “There. All better.”

In the blink of an eye, her paws tickled along her little brother’s sides. Making him laugh uncontrollably. Her own laughter mingled with his. After they stopped, Kohaku lay out over his sister’s chest and she ideally teased his short hair.

“Thank you, sis.”

“Anytime, my little Kohaku. Remember, I’ll always be here to heal your wounds. And make you feel better” Feeling a kiss on his forehead, Kohaku nuzzled his sister before he fell asleep for his afternoon nap.

“I’ll always be here. Even if you can’t see me.”

Those words had always echoed in his ears when he was by a forest river. His sister's waters. Lifting his head up, Kohaku let the waters clear the tears from his eyes.

I’ll always be here, even if you can’t see me. I will always be here to heal your wounds. Her words echoed in his mind. He wanted to break into tears, to curl up and cry out for her. Cry out for them all.

He wanted to hear them. To feel their touch once more. Yes, he had Fluttershy, the Apples, Twilight and even Pearl. He was grateful for their love and comfort. But they couldn’t make him whole again. Not like they could.

In the distance, he heard the soft steps of hooves on the stones. And knew Pearl and Twilight were coming to get him. Yet another pointless treatment by that quack of a magical surgeon.

Please sister, I need you. I can’t do this, I can’t hear my forest. Kohaku pleaded in his mind when another mind touched him. I can’t hear the sturdiness of our sister's stones. The warmth of sisters ' flames, even the fierce protection of the storm. Worst of all, not your sweet waters. I feel lost in the dark, with no light to guide me.

Oh my little brother, the melodic voice rushed with the water on his shoulders was only a whisper. I would never leave you in the dark. You know what to do. Your words, my power. Like we did before.

Kohaku took a deep breath. Praying he didn’t imagine the voice, Kohaku thrust his paws out and formed the hand sign. As he spoke, Kohaku’s tails formed the seals.

“Rin, Pyo, Toh,” Kohaku waited for the initial pain that came so recently, but there was none.

“Sha, Kai, Jin,” Nearing the end, he tried to feel out for the warmth of his sister's magic. Tears welling behind his eyes. Praying he wasn’t going crazy and that it was his sister that spoke to him.

“Retsu, Zai…” Taking a long deep breath, he focused everything he had.

“Zen!” in a heartbeat. His whole body felt like it was on fire. His markings blazed almost as bright as the sun.

A focused mind and a sturdy soul can bear any pain. The firm voice of his father echoed in his mind. And like the great oak that survived your sister's lightning, you, too, will grow stronger. Have faith, my son.

Gritting his teeth, Kohaku felt himself slip from his body. For one shining moment, he touched his paw to his father’s amongst the stars.

Pearl and Twilight hovered there before the waterfall. It was only for a moment, but they both could swear that there was a fox made of water behind Kohaku. By the shape, it was certainly female, her paws around his shoulders and her head down on his. Before they could blink, the water fox had vanished as the waters glowed. After clearing their eyes, they heard a loud excited whooping.

Flying down Twilight and Pearl saw Kohaku slowly spinning about on the stone he had been sitting on only moments before. Three brilliant emerald flames spinning about around him. An enormous grin on his face.

“Kohaku, be careful. Those stones are…” Twilight began, only to see her student slip and tumble into the small pool at the base of the falls.

“Slippery.” Pearl groaned as she finished her mentor’s sentence. “Why do I love him again?”

“Because he makes you feel special.” Twilight had to suppress a giggle as Kohaku surfaced the pond with a fish lodged in his teeth. Its tail slapping the side of Kohaku’s face. Her ears perked up, as Pearl couldn’t contain the laughter. “And he knows what it takes to make you laugh.”

Sighing, she just shook her head and flew down. “You have a knack for driving me crazy, you know that? Do you honestly work at it or is this some natural ability you never told me about?”

Spitting out the fish, Kohaku dived. A few seconds after, the fox leaped out of the waters and landed on the surface of the water. His paws emitting a small emerald flame around them. Walking along the water’s surface, he met his girlfriend and lifted his head up to hers. Their noses almost touching. “Oh, I certainly work at it. If I didn’t, you’d get bored with me.”

Puffing up her cheeks, she sucked in and stared down at him. That smug smirk on his face. The mischievousness in his eyes. The way his tails swished about. He was an ever present pain in her flank. Reaching out, she slugged his shoulder hard enough to make Kohaku stagger, only to catch him with the other front leg and pull him in close.

Tilting her head to the side, Pearl planted a deep kiss on his ever sweet lips for a few seconds before pulling back. “If you ever scare me like that again.” her eyes narrowed as she kept the firm grip on her left front leg.

“You’ll kiss me harder than that?” Kohaku grinned wide.

“I hate you.” She sighed out before pushing him away. Kohaku splashed down in the water, treading it slowly.

“No, you don’t.” Pearl rolled her eyes and turned away, but gave him a smile over her shoulder before flying off to the shore.

“You have to be glad that he’s back.” Twilight whispered to her.

“Yeah, but I don’t want him to get an inflated ego.” Pearl smirked back at Twilight.

“Kohaku, what happened? That was some impressive magic. Especially with your injury.” Twilight stood on the edge of the pond as Kohaku left it and shook himself dry. Pearl and Twilight using their wings to shield themselves.

“I’m not injured anymore. I can hear it all again, Twilight-sama. The forest, the trees, the leaves, the grass. A symphony of music pouring into my head again. I was so scared I’d never hear it again. I felt as if I was fading away. Dying.” Kohaku kept his gaze up at Twilight as he felt Pearl rest her head down on his shoulder. A comforting alabaster wing wrapped around his chest. “Now, thanks to my sister. I’ve never felt so alive.”

“Well, I still want you checked out by the doctor. And then I want you to tell me all about it.” Twilight firmly put her hoof down on the ground.

“Alright, but I owe a certain pegasus girl something for putting up with my foul attitude all these weeks.” Kohaku rested his head up against hers and purred loudly. “How about a bit of lunch at the Hayburger?”

“How about at that new cafe that opened?” Pearl playfully nudged Kohaku.

“Eh, why not. Rarity said good things about it.” The pair walked together along the edge of the river. “But we’ll have to stop off at home first. I’ll need to change into something they’ll accept.”

“Oh Celestia, they have a dress code, don’t they?” Kohaku nodded slowly.

“Yeah, it’s the main reason Rarity loves that place so much.”

“Fine, let's forget that place. The Hayburger is just fine. I heard they have a few new items on the menu.” Pearl sighed. She disliked dress codes as much as Kohaku did.

Twilight smiled as she watched the pair walk off. “Now I understand why Celestia said I should have a drink cabinet. Those two.” Shaking her head slowly.

“Oh, I don’t know. I find them rather cute. He needs a strong filly to keep him in line,” a soft voice said beside Twilight.

“That’s true. And no filly stronger than her.” Twilight smiled, tilting her head. After a few moments, she blinked and turned her head to see a fox made of water only slightly larger than herself. The water vixen smiled before the water broke apart, like a balloon being popped. Sitting there with her eyes wide, Twilight just took a deep breath.

“I need a drink.” Watching the river flowing about, she watched a fish wink at her. “Maybe a double.”

Pearl comfortably rested under the large oak in the Ponyville park. One hoof on her belly, the other tenderly caressing Kohaku’s back. Her fox stretched out on his belly. “Thanks for the wonderful lunch, Kohaku. That new veggie burger was amazing. So juicy and flavorful.”

“Yeah, that new recipe really worked out.” Kohaku purred as he felt that hoof along his back. “I don’t think I've ever felt so full before. I doubt I'll be able to eat dinner tonight. Shame too as Oneechan is making her vegetable melody stew tonight.”

“Well, it’s your fault for eating two of those burgers.” Pearl playfully slapped his side. “And a large basket of onion rings as well? I thought I was dating a fox, not a pig.”

“Hehe, yeah, you're right. But I needed to replenish my energies. That was a lot of magic I dispelled earlier.” purring louder, Kohaku felt Pearl’s hoof play at the base of his three tails. The tips of them flicking wildly. “Pearl, you know what that does to me.”

“Yes, I do. You’ve tormented me for years. Now it’s my turn. Being your girlfriend now means I have so many ways to make you suffer.” Pearl giggled, trying to sound evil, but at the sound of his chuckle proved she failed.

“And you're not going to go easy on me, huh?”

“Never, would I be worth your time if I did?” Pearl rested her hoof on her belly with the other one as Kohaku rolled onto his side and looked at her.

“Truthfully?” Pearl nodded. “I’d drop you like a sack of stones if you did. My sisters never made my life easy. Loved yes, but never easy. So I expect that from my girlfriend.” Rolling over the other way, Kohaku lay out between Pearl’s legs, his head resting on her lap.

“Have you noticed our relationship hasn’t really changed all that much?” Pearl rested her head back against the tree, thanks to Kohaku, the spot where her head rested was now as soft as a pillow. “We do the same things we did weeks ago. I’ve seen other couples change when they get together. I know me and Lotus did. Why not with us?”

“Well, tousan said the best relationships are between the best of friends. Even Applejack says that dating your best friend means you never have to live up to some expectation the other might have about you.”

Pearl nodded slowly. “Yeah, mom and dad say the same thing. I mean, I’ve seen couples go all sex crazy about each other. Constantly kissing, touching, pushing each other to get between the sheets.” Kohaku arched his head a bit and looked up at Pearl’s face. “Don’t get me wrong, I love how our relationship is right now, but you haven’t made even one attempt towards sex.”

“Well, I will not lie. Sex has crossed my mind. Surely you caught how my tails puff up when you move or bend a certain way.”

“Yeah, what is up with that? It’s almost like how we Pegasus ponies have our wings pop out when we’re…” Pearl watched as Kohaku’s eyes slightly shifted off to the side. “It’s the same, isn’t it? Your tail boners are the same as our wing ones?” Kohaku nodded slowly. “Then I'm super flattered. Cause you seem to pop a lot of those around me.”

The pair lovingly laughed together as the afternoon sun drifted along the sky. After a few moments, Kohaku turned around and got up on all fours again. Slowly crawling up over Pearl’s body.

Pearl smirked as she playfully feigned protest as he got closer and closer. Her hooves weakly pushed against his chest as Kohaku got closer and closer. After a few slow moments, their noses touched.

“Oh, my Celestia! As if fucking a fox isn’t bad enough. Now you're doing it in public?” A harsh, mean girl's voice rang out in the secluded part of the park. “You really are a freak aren't you Pearl.”

Pearl groaned and closed her eyes. She was in no mood to deal with this. Turning her head to the side, she saw Lotus standing there. Her black unicorn stallion, Thunder Thrust, standing next to her. His bright yellow mohawk mane almost blinding her. Red Light and Cloud Dancer were off to the side, giggling.

“Hello Lotus.” Pearl half growled between her teeth. She wanted nothing better than to get up and tear that mean girl unicorn apart, but a gentle paw firmly kept her down.

Leaning in, Kohaku kissed Pearl’s cheek and nibbled her ear for a second. “Leave this to me.” Standing up, Kohaku turned and looked at the quartet before him. “So, what brings you out here? Taking your pet for a walk?” Kohaku turned his gaze to Thunder, who half growled.

“Hardly. My stud here just finished treating me to lunch at that new fancy cafe.” Lotus smirked, running a hoof along Thunder’s neck. “We just couldn’t help but notice you and your whore pass the cafe and head to the Hayburger, of all places. I’m surprised they’d even let you in smelling like wild animals.” Light and Dancer both laughed aloud with Lotus. “So why don’t you and your whore leave the park to real ponies.”

Pearl growled and leaped up, intent on tearing Lotus’s head apart. Only to be held back by Kohaku’s tails.

“You know, I’d rather she be my whore. Then that bastard side slut.” Kohaku motioned toward Thunder. Kohaku watched as Thunder moved up and gripped Kohaku’s silk shirt with his right hoof.

“What did you call my girl punk?”

Kohaku looked down and then back up. “Remove that hoof. Before you lose it.” Narrowing his eyes, Kohaku looked into Thunders. “There’s a special reason I was born with razor-sharp claws and fangs.” Smiling, the light of the sun glinted from the ‘knives’ that had been unleashed.

“Teh,” Thunder spat as he lifted his right hoof up. “You don’t scare me, punk. I’ll beat you so bad your parents will feel it. Oh wait, you don’t have any parents. That’s why you were adopted by the weakest pony in all Equestria.”

Reaching up, Kohaku unleashed his claws and wrapped his paw around the hoof at his neck, the blades lightly cutting into Thunder’s hoof. “Lets not make this into a dick measuring contest between us. Because the word around the forest is you don’t have the equipment to satisfy a bunny let alone a mare.”

Thunder roared out and thrust his hoof forward only to have it pass through Kohaku’s head. Chuckling off to the side made the stallion turn his head. Only to see Kohaku standing there munching on popcorn.

“You lil fuck, I’m gonna…”

“Fuck me up? I’ll pass. After all.” Kohaku's smirk grew larger. “Why would I want to be in the same situation as Light and Dancer?”

As Kohaku smiled. Pearl, Lotus, Thunder all turned and stared at Red Light and Cloud Dancer. The two mares blushed and looked at each other.

“OH you didn’t know that Thunder here impregnated both those girls there?” Kohaku chuckled as he walked up toward Lotus. Who stared at her two friends with betrayal?

“Are you sure?” Pearl asked as she looked at two of her former friends. “They don’t look pregnant.”

“Oh, certainly mares have a unique smell when pregnant. And they reek of his sex, which means, he rutted them as early as this morning.” Kohaku half held his paw over his nose.

Pearl couldn't help but giggle at the thought. This was the sweetest revenge she could have ever thought of. “I guess now you know what it feels like, Lotus. Someone you thought you loved betraying you.”

Lotus looked between her friends and her stallion. With a disgusted look, she slapped him hard across the face. Turning to her so-called friends, the frustrated unicorn just stuck her nose up and walked away with her tail between her legs. Light and Dancer quickly dashing off, embarrassed.

Thunder just stood there in disbelief. Turning toward Kohaku and Pearl, he roared out. “Your fault!” a blast of magic struck pearl on the chest before turning toward Kohaku who had vanished from sight.

“Where did you go, you little punk? You ruined everything. You and that little slut. I’ll destroy you both for this!” Looking around, he turned back toward Pearl and charged her. Before he could take two steps, Thunder found himself flipped over and a strong kick slamming into his midsection. Sending the brute slamming into the trunk of the tree Pearl was leaning up against.

Opening his eyes, he found Kohaku there, standing over him with a paw poised at his jugular. Gone was the innocent look he always sprouted. And what replaced it would haunt Thunder for the rest of his days. As the stallion felt the razor-sharp claws against his throat, slowly slicing in and drawing a thin trail of blood. He looked into the emotionless eyes.

These were the eyes of a skilled hunter, a practiced killer. A creature who would think nothing of killing him in an instant. Thunder’s heartbeat roared in his ears as tears fell from his eyes. “Please… I… I don’t want to die… please don’t kill me.”

Kohaku looked down at Thunder. How easy it would be to end this pony's life. Digging his claws in harder, he heard Thunder’s whimpers grow louder as the scent of urine came from behind him. “I would. I would love to kill you. And if you ever show yourself around Ponyville again, I will without hesitation” Kohaku’s voice was as sharp as his claws. “You should really grow a pair. After all, every creature I hunted and killed. Died with their dignity intact.” With a swift swipe upward, Kohaku left a deep slice up Thunder’s cheek to his eyebrow.

Moving over to Pearl, Kohaku looked over his shoulders. “Now get. Before I change my mind and kill you now.” The teenage fox didn’t even bother to look to see if his prey had heard him. The look of a hunter so swiftly changed back to the gentle face he sported. It made Pearl’s eyes spin. “Are you okay?”

With his paw held out, Pearl could still see a small trace of blood on it. Blood he shed for her. She reached out hesitantly but placed her hoof on it, anyway. It was so easy to forget what he was. Always so gentle with smaller creatures. Watching Thunder dash off faster than Rainbow could fly reminded her of just how scary Kohaku could really be. “I’m fine. Just shaking up. I’ve had rougher hits from bunnies.”

Kohaku laughed and pulled Pearl in close. With a Roll he moved up under her and stood up. Leaving Pearl on his back.

“Hey, I can walk you know.” She slapped his shoulder.

“Oh, hush and let me do this for you.” Kohaku chuckled up at her as he made his way through Ponyville. The pair got a few odd looks and, on over one occasion, whispered conversations started. “Think they're talking about us?”

“The oddest couple in Ponyville? No doubt.” Pearl sighed as she rested her head on Kohaku’s shoulders. “But I have a feeling by tomorrow, they’ll have something more interesting to discuss.”

Nodding, Kohaku watched as the birds flew about in the sky. As they reached the border to the Everfree Forest, Kohaku turned and walked down a small pathway that would lead up to the cabin he called home. “So when do your parents get back?”

“Tomorrow,” Pearl sighed. This was the longest they ever spent away on business. “I miss them. But they wanted to include a few days of ‘rest’ before they came home.” She heard Kohaku chuckle.

“Neechan and AJ are going to be spending a few days out at the Farm’s guest house on the northern side of the Orchard.”

“Big harvest?” Pearl nuzzled her head against his.

“Yeah, but I think they just didn’t want some alone time for a bit of private bucking.” Stopping at the porch, Kohaku felt Pearl’s weight shift off of him. “It thrilled Miss Buttercup when she heard about AJ and Neechan. Even asked when the wedding will be. I never thought a pony could blush so much.”

“Are they going to get married?”

“Yeah, Mac said he was helping AJ shop for a ring earlier this week.”

“That’s wonderful. Looks like you’ll have a vast family again.” Pearl watched as Kohaku sat on the porch futon. Pearl slowly moved up and sat next to him.

“Yeah. I’m excited about that. The Apples always made me feel like family, and now we will be.”

Nodding, Pearl watched with Kohaku as the sun slowly lowered down the horizon. “So I take it’s just going to be you tonight alone here, huh?”

“Yeah, since you’ve stayed at the palace.”

Biting on her lower lips, Pearl just looked at Kohaku watching the sun. Seeing him put Lotus, Red Light and Cloud Dancer in their place. Not to mention that worthless wimp Thunder. Her heart was still beating fast at seeing all that. “You know. I don’t have to stay there. It’s more convenient as it’s closer to home.”

Turning his head, Kohaku looked at Pearl. “Well, you're always welcome to share my room with me. Not like we haven't done that before.”

“I know. But you see. After watching you today. And before against those Timberwolves. Well.. I.”

“What are you trying to say, Pearl?” Kohaku smirked. His nose caught the scent long before they could say any words.

“Are you really going to make me say it?” Pearl looked into those deep amber eyes and knew the answer. “Of course you are. You live to make me suffer like this.”

Playfully pushing her on her back, Kohaku walked up over her body like he did earlier at the park. His nose dabbing hers. “I do, it gives me a bit of a thrill.”

“Alright, here it is. I want to be your vixen tonight.” As soon as the words exited her mouth, she blushed as red as her hair.

“You know what you're asking, right?” Kohaku lightly nudged her chin with his nose as he kissed slowly along her neck.

“Yes, Don’t treat me like a pony tonight. I want.. I want to know what being a vixen feels like.” Pearl closed her eyes and felt her heart pound in her chest. “You know how tough I am. I can take it.”

“You know, the last time I heard those words was from my Oniisan Starswirl. And he underestimated my big sister Kazumi.”

“I trust you,” Pearl whispered softly as she wrapped a leg around his neck. Her hoof lightly and lovingly caressing his shoulder. “You won’t hurt me. You’ll just push me to the edge. I know you’ll never let me fall.”

“Not now. Not ever.” His eyes looked into hers as he leaned down and kissed Pearl passionately on the lips.

“I thought you were going to lock that door?” Fluttershy huffed as she walked side by side with Applejack.

“I thought I did,” Applejack sighed. “Who knew the lock was broken?”

“I can’t believe it. Your mother saw us both in that… position. I’ve never felt more embarrassed.” Fluttershy lowered her head so that her mane would fall down over her eyes.

“Now buck up sugarcube. Our night’s not over yet. If we can convince Kohaku to spend the night out. We might be able to salvage it.” Applejack took her hat and placed it on her marefriend’s head. “Won’t be hard either, him and Pearl have been getting closer. Even dating now.”

Stopping at the entrance to her cabin home, she nodded. “Yeah, he’s very understanding. And he knows how active we are. I’m sure he’ll have no problem with it.”

“There ya go now. Look lights on, so you know he’s home. Let's go ask him.” Fluttershy just nodded.

Taking hold of the door handle, she found it locked. Nodding again, she always taught him well enough to keep the door locked if he was alone. Grabbing the spare key from under the welcome mat. The lovebirds flung open the door and walked in only to stop dead in their tracks.

“Eep…” was all Fluttershy could say as she backed out of the house and pushed her back up against the exterior of her home.

“Deja Vu.” was all Applejack could utter as she saw Pearl. Laid out on her belly on the sofa, blushing redder than her mane.. Sharing a look, Kohaku, his paws resting on the small of Pearl’s back, and Applejack just nodded to each other. Closing the door, Applejack relocked it and turned to her marefriend.

“I think we should find ourselves a nice hotel room tonight. Or ask if Twilight might lend us one of her royal suite’s.”

Fluttershy just kept blushing as red as Pearl had. Applejack just shook her head and scooped up her marefriend on her back and returned to Ponyville.

Next Chapter: Chapter 9 - Epilogue Estimated time remaining: 6 Minutes
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