
Truth or Dare: The Most Anxious Slumber Party Ever

by TheStallionofDarkCavalry

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: What is Truth or Dare?

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Chapter 2: What is Truth or Dare?

"Hey, you two. What's going on?" Rainbow Dash says while trying to contain her laughter with tears rolling down her face. She was not only watching you and Sunset hug, but she was eating a bag of popcorn as a clear sign that this is all entertainment to her.

You and Sunset both stood there with your arms still around each other with wide-eyed expressions and huge blushes on your faces. You both then quickly separated from each other and tried your hardest to tell Rainbow Dash that it wasn't what it looks like.

"Oh! Uh... Hi, Rainbow Dash." Sunset nervously stutters. "I-I was just telling Anon about Pinkie's slumber party. About how it would be best for him to join all of us. Right, Anon?"

"Uh... Yeah!" You told Rainbow Dash. "And I told her that I would be able to make it."

Rainbow Dash smirks at you and Sunset as she eats a handful of popcorn.

"From the looks of who knows how long you two would hug each other, I'd figure neither of you would be able to make it." Rainbow Dash chuckles with popcorn in her mouth.

Both you and Sunset blush even harder as Sunset takes a few steps back away from you and suddenly seems to have a hard time looking you in the eye.

"Uh, Anon." Sunset says while looking away rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "I got to get going. I'll see you at Pinkie's, and sorry for all of that."

"All of what? "You ask.

"All of that embarrassment I put you through." Sunset says with a sad look on her face.

"It's all good, Sunset." You say with a smile. "You don't mean to embarrass me. You just want to have fun with me and I'm always up for having fun with you."

"What kind of fun?" Rainbow Dash asks while still smirking.

"SHUT UP, RAINBOW DASH!" You shouted as Rainbow Dash couldn't hold her giggles in anymore and then started laughing while unintentionally dropping her popcorn on the floor.

"Don't mind her, Sunset." You say in an annoyed tone as Rainbow Dash laughs at you two as you both try to ignore her.

"Anyway. People do embarrassing things all the time. It's perfectly normal." You reassure her. "No matter what, I'll always enjoy having you around. So don't think of yourself as a nuisance to me, because you aren't. You never were, and never will be."

Your words seemed to have cheered Sunset up as she smiles at you and can look you in the eye again.

"Thank you, Anon. That really means a lot to me." She says to you. "I'm really glad that you think of me that way and that you don't find me annoying."

She then walks up to you to give you another hug, but then she blushes and puts her arms down.

"Uh, I think I've given you enough hugs today." She says as she gives you a fist bump and then walks away to go get her stuff from her house for the sleepover.

"See ya at Pinkie's!" You shout to her.

"See ya there!" She shouts back.

As you decide that it was about time to go get your things from your house, you notice that Rainbow Dash is still behind you and hasn't stopped laughing. You walk up to her as she is still laying on her knees and she looks up at you with a wide smile and tears in her eyes.

"You done?" You ask with a deadpan town and an unamused look on your face.

Rainbow Dash nods and then gets up off the floor while still smiling from her laughter.

"Sorry. I guess I was enjoying pulling your guys' legs a little too much." She says. "I do that to all my friends. It's my way of being funny."

"Yeah. You're a real funny girl, Rainbow Dash." You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes. "You might be able to replace Pinkie Pie as the element of laughter."

"Ha! Of course, I'd be able to." She says with a smug face. "I'm awesome at being funny. Just like I'm awesome at everything else I can do. Which is everything, because I'm so awesome."

"Yet, you're not that awesome at detecting sarcasm." You said while rolling your eyes again.

"What?! Are you kidding?!" She questions with her usual overconfident tone whenever someone doubts her "awesomeness" and she looks at you with a scowl. "I'm awesome at detecting sarcasm! I can detect more sarcasm than anyone in this school. I'll bet you a bottle of fizzy cider that I can detect more sarcasm from people than you can, Anon!"

You somehow always end up forgetting how much this girl treats everything as if it were a competition, no matter how petty it is. Of course, since you don't engage in anything as petty as seeing who can detect the most sarcasm, you back off.

"I think I'll pass." You reply.

"That's what I thought." She says proudly as she views herself as the victor because you stepped down from her ridiculous challenge. You then changed the subject to engage in a more friendly conversation with your friend.

"So, Rainbow Dash? I take it that you got an invitation from Pinkie Pie?" You asked expecting her to talk about how "fun" the surprise in her locker was.

"Yeah, I did, actually." She replied while holding it up for you to see. "And man, was it an interesting and pretty painful way to invite someone to a party."

She rubs the back of her head as her face clenches in pain, meaning that the pink smoke explosion must have made her hit her head against the other side of the hallway.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you some ice?" You ask out of concern.

"Nah, I'm fine. But thanks, though." She says while still rubbing her head in pain.

With all of Pinkie's friends going to her slumber party, you just realized that you forgot to ask her or Sunset about what usually happens at those slumber parties since this is your first time going to one of them. This is even the first time you've ever been to a sleepover. And since you forgot to ask them, you don't have a clue. Luckily, you managed to run into one of them before you head over to the party, so now's a good time to get to know more about them.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash? Since you're one of Pinkie's friends and you've been to her sleepovers before, what are they like?" You asked.

"Oh, they are awesome!" She replies with an excited look on her face. "Pinkie can throw any kind of party and make it an awesome one! There's a lot of great food there, movies to watch, and games too. And naturally, as a competitor for games, they're my favorite part."

"What kind of games do you guys play?" You asked.

"Lots of great games!" She replies. "Pillow fights, multiplayer video games, Pin the Tail on Mr. Cranky Doodle, and of course my favorite out of all of them: Truth or Dare."

"Truth or Dare? What's that?" You asked.

Rainbow Dash gave you a shocked expression as you asked her about that game. She then leans over to you with her face a couple of inches away from yours while grabbing you by your shirt collar.

"What?! You've never played Truth or Dare?!" She exclaims in your face while getting some spit all over your face. "Have you been living in a cave before you moved to this town?!"

"No, and will you please let go of me and step back?!" You shouted in a peeved tone while wiping Rainbow Dash's spit off your face. "You're getting your spit on my face!"

"Whoops. Sorry." She chuckles nervously as she lets go of your collar and steps back to give you your space.

"Anyway. I'll tell you what the game is." Rainbow Dash says as she explains about this favorite game of hers. "Truth or Dare is a game where the player is selected by another player, and the selected player has to either reveal something truthful which is where "Truth" comes into play, or they have to do something which is where "Dare" comes into play. And what that selected players reveal or do is up to the player that selected them."

"I see." You respond to her explanation of the game. "One question. Are there any types of truths or dares that are forbidden from the game?"

"Nope." Rainbow Dash says with a grin. "Anything in that game goes."

"What?" You asked while having a worried look on your face. "But shouldn't there be rules to make sure nobody goes too far with any of that stuff?"

"Relax, Anon." Rainbow Dash says while rolling her eyes. "We all know better than to not make each other say or do immoral things. We are heroes after all. So we must have a moral code."

"Oh, that's good." You said while relieved.

"But it's not like we never make each other say or do embarrassing things in that game." Rainbow Dash chuckles.

As Rainbow Dash tells you this, you suddenly become curious about the truths and dares again. Though this time, you have a small uneasy feeling about it when she said the word "embarrassing."

"What do you mean by the word embarrassing?" You asked while still having that uneasy feeling.

"Exactly what the word means, my man." Rainbow Dash says while smirking. "I've made those girls say and do so many embarrassing things during that game. Like the last time we had a sleepover, I made Applejack reveal to all of us that she once had a dream where she was sitting in class wearing nothing but her underwear!"

"That's pretty embarrassing. Poor Applejack." You say with a sad expression. You then suddenly felt something strange inside of you. It felt as though that uneasy feeling you had when Rainbow Dash said the word "embarrassing" had slightly expanded.

"Oh, she was pretty embarrassed. None of us could stop laughing." Rainbow Dash laughs while she continues to give you examples. "Then there was that night where I dared Rarity to wear a bald cap in front of all of us for the rest of the night. Rarity looks so weird without any hair!"

"Well, that's pretty embarrassing too." You said as that uneasy feeling inside of you got bigger.

"And then there was this awesome dare that I made Sunset do one time!" Rainbow Dash says while trying to contain her laughter. This tells you that the dare must be the most embarrassing of all the examples, and assuming this alone continued to make your uneasiness increase so big that you started to become worried about what goes on in that game. Very worried.

"What did you make her do?" You asked regrettably as your interest in the game slowly started to become fear.

Rainbow Dash then started giggling as she tries to tell you while struggling to keep a straight face about it. This at the point was when you realized that asking Rainbow Dash about the sleepovers was not a good idea.

"I made Sunset..." She says slowly trying to build up the suspense.

"Yeah?" You nervously responded.

"KISS TWILIGHT!" She shouts as she starts laughing again clearly proud of herself for that dare. "Aw, man! That dare was one of the best I've ever done in that game! You should have seen the look on their faces when I made those two kiss! They were so embarrassed that they couldn't speak to each other for days! I wish you were there, Anon! You would have laughed so... Anon?"

Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash while she was laughing after she revealed the dare she made Sunset do, you ran off to head for home.

As you exited through the school entrance, you tried to get home as fast as you could.

Why? Because you were having an anxiety attack.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: Returning the Favor Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 57 Minutes
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