
Truth or Dare: The Most Anxious Slumber Party Ever

by TheStallionofDarkCavalry


Chapter 1: The Invitation

You were in a very exciting mood today. And that reason is that it's Friday.

For anyone your age, Friday is easily the best day of the week. Why? Because there are no school nights on Fridays. So that meant parties with friends, all-nighters, and tons of snacks and video games to play all night long. Of course, the last point is what you're most excited about since you had recently bought a game that your friend Sunset Shimmer told you about called Tirek's Revenge and you've heard a lot of great things about it from her. And to you, if Sunset tells you something is good, it's worth trying out. And she's definitely gonna be happy about this since she is one of the biggest video game lovers you know.

As the bell rang after your final class for the day ended, you excitedly rushed to your locker to get your stuff and get home as quickly as possible. As you open your locker, you are suddenly greeted by an intense blast of impact coming out of it that knocked you down to the floor. You get back up to see what it was, and it was certainly nothing you were expecting.

The blast from your locker was a huge shot of confetti and pink smoke coming out of it, and you were jokingly hoping that a clown didn't climb into your locker and let out a big one from too many bean burritos. No, it looked like there was a small present inside that created the blast and there was a note inside it. You read the note to see what it says.



Even before getting to the bottom of the note, you immediately knew who wrote it based on the heavy use of interjections and the surprise you got in your locker: Pinkie Pie.

You continued reading on.


You stopped reading again and hoped that Pinkie didn't need to be defibrillated from being too excited when she wrote this invitation, and you then chuckled to yourself at your little joke.

And you finally got to the bottom.


As you got done reading the note, you suddenly noticed someone looking over your shoulder. And it was the party-planning energized girl herself, giving you her trademark stretched-out smile that would scare children into a coma.

It certainly almost scared you into a coma as Pinkie Pie excitedly asked you about the invitation while bouncing off the walls. Literally.

"So, Anon. What do you say?" Pinkie asked excitedly after literally bouncing off the walls. "Are you coming to the sleepover?"

You were a little caught off guard from noticing Pinkie behind you with that creepy smile, but you managed to quickly regain your composure to respond.

"I don't know, Pinkie." You responded. "I've already made some plans to spend my evening, and I was really looking forward to them."

Pinkie in response gives you a sad puppy dog-looking face. If there's anything in the world that saddens her, it's when people decline her party invitations.

"Oh, come on! Please!" Pinkie begged. "I promise the party will be lots of fun! There will be everything at that party that super-duper party planners like me have to offer! There will especially be lots of yummy delicious food there!"

She then pulls a list out of thin air, with no explanation as to how she did that, and she shows a very long list of food that will be at the party and it was written on a long scroll instead of a single piece of paper. The list contained typical food at most sleepovers such as apples, pizza, soda, ice cream, popcorn, and cake. But then you see more food on the list that looks more like they belong at buffet restaurants such as tacos, burgers, hot dogs, sushi, donuts, watermelon, the list goes on and it's a very long list.

"Uh, Pinkie?" You asked. "Is this food for a party for all of our friends and us, or a party for a large group of women that are eating for two?"

Pinkie then drops to the floor laughing hysterically with tears rolling down her eyes with some of them getting all over the scroll as she lays on her back kicking her feet up in the air. You rolled your eyes at her reaction over a joke that wasn't that funny.

"Oh, Anon! You are so funny!" She laughs as she pulls you into a hug. "It's so good to see you showing this side of yourself to me and my friends, especially after the first time you met all of us."

"Yeah, I was not much of a happy person before I met all of you." You said while having a depressed look on your face while Pinkie hugs you. "And for a person like you whose hobby is making people smile, it must have been very sad for you to see me that way."

"Yeah, it was." Pinkie said gloomily while wiping a single tear rolling down her eye along with her hair drooping down representing her sadness.

You then think back to those moments during your first week when Pinkie tried her hardest to get you to laugh through jokes, funny faces, and showing you her pranks on her friends, but to no avail. It must have been very miserable for Pinkie to continuously fail at something that pretty much defines who she is. Anyone would be very sad if they were in that situation.

"Pinkie, I'm sorry that it was difficult for you to make me smile." You said with concern for your friend. "I've just been through one too many bad days in my life that it was difficult for me to move past them and I just could never stop worrying about everything that would happen to me."

She then stops hugging you and gives you her usual happy smile and ruffles your hair.

"It's okay, Anon. I'm just really happy that me and my friends managed to make you come around and feel better." She said while bending backward and getting on her hands to stand on them for some reason. "I'm super duper glad we managed to make your frown turn upside down!"

And then suddenly much to the incredibly puzzled look on your face, Pinkie used her arms to spring herself up to the ceiling and then started standing on the ceiling.

"Oh, and I of course sent invitations to the other girls. If you decide to come, just show up at my house with your sleeping gear. See ya later, Anon!" She giggled.

Pinkie then walks away humming to herself still upside down on the ceiling as the students in the hallway look up to see Pinkie with weirded-out looks on their faces.

"How did she do that?!" You asked aloud.

"That's just the unexplainable goofy magic that is Pinkie Pie." Said a recognizable voice behind you.

You turned around to see that the recognizable voice belonged to Sunset Shimmer, who was standing behind you as she was too watching Pinkie walk away on the ceiling and she was giggling at all of the reactions of the other students that were looking at Pinkie.

"Hey, Sunset!" You said very happily as you two do a fist bump.

"Hey, Anon!" She says back at you with a wide smile that then turns into an annoyed look. "Man, class with Mr. Cranky Doodle was not fun today."

"You're telling me." You responded while rolling your eyes. "Whatever it was that gave him a bad day, it must have been pretty bad. He was so on edge he even snapped when Trixie dropped her pencil on the floor when she was flicking it like a magic wand."

"Ms. Lulamoon! You're in a classroom in front of a teacher, not a theater in front of an audience! Now pay attention or your next vanishing act will be from here to the detention room!" You said while doing an impression of Mr. Cranky Doodle while imitating his cranky face.

Your pretty spot-on impression managed to make Sunset laugh, very hard, which lasted for about ten seconds. You're pretty good at voice impressions and you sometimes do them to make your friends laugh, especially Sunset since making her laugh instantly puts you in a good mood.

"You sound just like him! That was great, I needed that!" She laughs as she high-fives you for her making her day.

"I'm always happy to cheer up my best friend in the whole world from a stressful school day." You say while having a wide smile of pride.

Sunset smiles and blushes a bit from your flattering comment and then notices the invitation in your hand.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie gave you one too?" She asks while pointing to the invitation in your hand.

"Huh?" You asked back.

Sunset pulls a piece of paper out of one of the pockets on her black leather vest and shows you that she also got an invitation to Pinkie's slumber party.

"Oh, yeah! She did!" You said as you held up your invitation to Sunset. "You know, I don't understand what was the point with these invitations outside of the confetti and pink smoke explosion in the lockers. If she's just inviting all of us and nobody else out of the group, then why make invitations?"

"That's Pinkie for ya. She tries to put a lot of emphasis on the word "surprise." It's what makes her the best party planner around." Sunset chuckles as she brushes some confetti out of her hair.

"Yeah. And she seemed a little sad when I told her that I'm probably not going." You said.

"What? Why not?" Sunset questioned in a sort of sad tone.

"Because I already have plans for tonight that I am very excited about." You replied.

Suddenly, you realized that you had forgotten to tell Sunset some big news she'll be excited to hear, and now's your chance to tell her.

"That reminds me. I got some exciting news!" You said very excitedly.

"Cool! What is it?" Sunset happily asked in curiosity about your excitement.

"You know that awesome game you've been telling me about?" You asked with a wide smile.

"Yeah! That game is amazing!" She says with her fists clenched in excitement. "I can't wait till you get..."

Suddenly, Sunset's eyes widen and the size of her pupils decreased once she read the smiling look on your face.

"You finally bought the game?" She asks in a quiet squeaky tone.

"Yep." You responded happily. "I now own a copy of Tirek's Revenge."

Upon hearing this, Sunset gives you a huge toothy smile with her huge pupil-expanded eyes giving off a sparkle as she then pulls you into a hug.


"Be careful, Sunset. Your Pinkie side is showing." You say with a smirk as she's hugging you.

"I DON'T CARE!" She screams as you see tears of joy running down her eyes. "I THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD NEVER COME!!! I'M SO DARN HAPPY THAT IT HAS!!!"

After she spends about a minute screaming like a crazy fangirl who saw her favorite boy band drive by in a van, she finally starts calming down and finally takes a breath. As she was finished screaming, you both suddenly became the center of attention to everyone who was near you two in the hallway, as it seems Sunset's loud fangirling had created quite a commotion that had caused a lot of people to look at you two with confused and creeped out looks on their faces.

"Whoops. Maybe I was a little too loud." She nervously giggles while blushing.

"Ya think?" You say with a deadpan tone.

Suddenly, you noticed a group of boys smiling and grinning at you, giving you thumbs-up while pointing at Sunset. You are confused by what they were trying to tell you, but then you realized what it was and suddenly you just entered a fiery pit of embarrassment. Sunset still hasn't let go of you when she was hugging you from her excitement, and those boys think her hugging you indicates you and she are together in a romantic relationship. A huge blush suddenly appears across your face from the embarrassing misconception, and Sunset notices.

"What's wrong?" She asks. "Why are you blushing?"

'W-well..." You stuttered. "Y-you're still hugging me, and..."

You point to the boys for Sunset, and then she immediately gets the message and then starts blushing about as much as you are.

"Oh! Uh... Sorry!" She stutters as she lets go of you and steps back in embarrassment.

"It's all good." You tell her while still trying to calm yourself down from the humiliation.

You both decided that it would be best to walk away from the commotion you caused since nobody would stop staring at you two. You both head into another hallway to continue the conversation.

After you both headed into a new hallway that was far away from the crowd that witnessed Sunset hug you so overexcited that it could rival Pinkie's overexcitement, you and she get back to the topic at hand.

"So, anyway. Since I want to get started on that game immediately, I don't think I'll make it to the slumber party." You say finally relieved to be away from that crowd.

"I understand." Sunset says with a respectful tone and body language. "But still, as much as I want you to play that game, I really would like you to come to the party."

"Why's that?" You asked.

"Because while I still obviously enjoy the company of my friends, whenever you have the chance to hang out with us, you add a lot of enjoyment to the group just like they all do." Sunset confesses while looking down at the floor and then back at you repeatedly as she explains her reasons to you. "Just like them, you've become one of the greatest friends I've ever had and you really have created a space for yourself in our friendship circle that it just doesn't seem that right to me whenever you aren't around when they're all together with me. And I have to be honest, I just don't like seeing you or thinking about you being alone either."

"Alone? What's wrong with being alone?" You asked with a concerned look on your face.

"Oh, nothing!" Sunset responds quickly. "Every now and then, it's nice to have some time to yourself. But with me and the others knowing what your life was like before you met us, I'm just worried about you and I think alone time is one of the things you need less of right now. You've had anxiety problems that have made it difficult for you to be happy, and you've also had loneliness problems since you once mentioned that we're the first friends that you've ever had in your life."

"That's true. I did say that." You said with a sad look on your face.

Sunset then looks at you with a worried look on her face in response to you confirming this.

"And with how long these problems have stuck with you," Sunset proceeds with her explanation. "I think maybe you should spend more time with us and less time being by yourself since these problems are easier to manage with social support. Anxiety is not something you can simply get rid of permanently. Like stress, It's something that's a part of you and always will be, Anon. And you're still doing a lot better to manage it than you did before."

You thought about what she's saying to you, and she does make a really good point. You have spent too much time with no friends and the fact that you've finally made some should be something you should be embracing a lot more now that your anxiety is more manageable.

"I promise that we'll get to that game later this weekend." Sunset as she finishes up. "So please, come hang out with all of us so you can continue to get better and have a fun time. For yourself, and for me and the others."

You thought about it some more, and it does seem like Sunset wants you to be at that party. You may not be a big fan of changing plans that you were looking forward to, but if this is to improve your happiness more and make Sunset happy by being there for her and her friends, then it's worth it to postpone your plans for another day.

"Okay, Sunset. I'll come to the party." You say with a reassured look.

Sunset then looks at you with a relieved smile.

"Thank you, Anon." She says as she pulls you into a hug.

You hug her back as you both squeeze each other real tight, but not too tight that would make either of you suffocate. Just tight enough to make the hug warm and tender enough to show how much you two care about each other and want to relieve each other of even the slightest form of pain you two experience from a bad day.

"Mmmmm." Sunset cooed as she's hugging you while keeping her embrace intact, which tells you that she was enjoying the hug.

You both continued the comfortable hug for about two minutes, unaware that you were being watched by someone.

Suddenly, you and Sunset hear a small giggle from behind you. Wondering who was making that noise, you turned around and Sunset looks over your shoulder to see who was making that noise. And much to your displeasure, the person who was giggling was the last person you wanted it to be:

Rainbow Dash.

"Oh no." You thought to yourself with a nervous look on your face. "This is not gonna be fun."

Chapter 2: What is Truth or Dare?

"Hey, you two. What's going on?" Rainbow Dash says while trying to contain her laughter with tears rolling down her face. She was not only watching you and Sunset hug, but she was eating a bag of popcorn as a clear sign that this is all entertainment to her.

You and Sunset both stood there with your arms still around each other with wide-eyed expressions and huge blushes on your faces. You both then quickly separated from each other and tried your hardest to tell Rainbow Dash that it wasn't what it looks like.

"Oh! Uh... Hi, Rainbow Dash." Sunset nervously stutters. "I-I was just telling Anon about Pinkie's slumber party. About how it would be best for him to join all of us. Right, Anon?"

"Uh... Yeah!" You told Rainbow Dash. "And I told her that I would be able to make it."

Rainbow Dash smirks at you and Sunset as she eats a handful of popcorn.

"From the looks of who knows how long you two would hug each other, I'd figure neither of you would be able to make it." Rainbow Dash chuckles with popcorn in her mouth.

Both you and Sunset blush even harder as Sunset takes a few steps back away from you and suddenly seems to have a hard time looking you in the eye.

"Uh, Anon." Sunset says while looking away rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "I got to get going. I'll see you at Pinkie's, and sorry for all of that."

"All of what? "You ask.

"All of that embarrassment I put you through." Sunset says with a sad look on her face.

"It's all good, Sunset." You say with a smile. "You don't mean to embarrass me. You just want to have fun with me and I'm always up for having fun with you."

"What kind of fun?" Rainbow Dash asks while still smirking.

"SHUT UP, RAINBOW DASH!" You shouted as Rainbow Dash couldn't hold her giggles in anymore and then started laughing while unintentionally dropping her popcorn on the floor.

"Don't mind her, Sunset." You say in an annoyed tone as Rainbow Dash laughs at you two as you both try to ignore her.

"Anyway. People do embarrassing things all the time. It's perfectly normal." You reassure her. "No matter what, I'll always enjoy having you around. So don't think of yourself as a nuisance to me, because you aren't. You never were, and never will be."

Your words seemed to have cheered Sunset up as she smiles at you and can look you in the eye again.

"Thank you, Anon. That really means a lot to me." She says to you. "I'm really glad that you think of me that way and that you don't find me annoying."

She then walks up to you to give you another hug, but then she blushes and puts her arms down.

"Uh, I think I've given you enough hugs today." She says as she gives you a fist bump and then walks away to go get her stuff from her house for the sleepover.

"See ya at Pinkie's!" You shout to her.

"See ya there!" She shouts back.

As you decide that it was about time to go get your things from your house, you notice that Rainbow Dash is still behind you and hasn't stopped laughing. You walk up to her as she is still laying on her knees and she looks up at you with a wide smile and tears in her eyes.

"You done?" You ask with a deadpan town and an unamused look on your face.

Rainbow Dash nods and then gets up off the floor while still smiling from her laughter.

"Sorry. I guess I was enjoying pulling your guys' legs a little too much." She says. "I do that to all my friends. It's my way of being funny."

"Yeah. You're a real funny girl, Rainbow Dash." You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes. "You might be able to replace Pinkie Pie as the element of laughter."

"Ha! Of course, I'd be able to." She says with a smug face. "I'm awesome at being funny. Just like I'm awesome at everything else I can do. Which is everything, because I'm so awesome."

"Yet, you're not that awesome at detecting sarcasm." You said while rolling your eyes again.

"What?! Are you kidding?!" She questions with her usual overconfident tone whenever someone doubts her "awesomeness" and she looks at you with a scowl. "I'm awesome at detecting sarcasm! I can detect more sarcasm than anyone in this school. I'll bet you a bottle of fizzy cider that I can detect more sarcasm from people than you can, Anon!"

You somehow always end up forgetting how much this girl treats everything as if it were a competition, no matter how petty it is. Of course, since you don't engage in anything as petty as seeing who can detect the most sarcasm, you back off.

"I think I'll pass." You reply.

"That's what I thought." She says proudly as she views herself as the victor because you stepped down from her ridiculous challenge. You then changed the subject to engage in a more friendly conversation with your friend.

"So, Rainbow Dash? I take it that you got an invitation from Pinkie Pie?" You asked expecting her to talk about how "fun" the surprise in her locker was.

"Yeah, I did, actually." She replied while holding it up for you to see. "And man, was it an interesting and pretty painful way to invite someone to a party."

She rubs the back of her head as her face clenches in pain, meaning that the pink smoke explosion must have made her hit her head against the other side of the hallway.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you some ice?" You ask out of concern.

"Nah, I'm fine. But thanks, though." She says while still rubbing her head in pain.

With all of Pinkie's friends going to her slumber party, you just realized that you forgot to ask her or Sunset about what usually happens at those slumber parties since this is your first time going to one of them. This is even the first time you've ever been to a sleepover. And since you forgot to ask them, you don't have a clue. Luckily, you managed to run into one of them before you head over to the party, so now's a good time to get to know more about them.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash? Since you're one of Pinkie's friends and you've been to her sleepovers before, what are they like?" You asked.

"Oh, they are awesome!" She replies with an excited look on her face. "Pinkie can throw any kind of party and make it an awesome one! There's a lot of great food there, movies to watch, and games too. And naturally, as a competitor for games, they're my favorite part."

"What kind of games do you guys play?" You asked.

"Lots of great games!" She replies. "Pillow fights, multiplayer video games, Pin the Tail on Mr. Cranky Doodle, and of course my favorite out of all of them: Truth or Dare."

"Truth or Dare? What's that?" You asked.

Rainbow Dash gave you a shocked expression as you asked her about that game. She then leans over to you with her face a couple of inches away from yours while grabbing you by your shirt collar.

"What?! You've never played Truth or Dare?!" She exclaims in your face while getting some spit all over your face. "Have you been living in a cave before you moved to this town?!"

"No, and will you please let go of me and step back?!" You shouted in a peeved tone while wiping Rainbow Dash's spit off your face. "You're getting your spit on my face!"

"Whoops. Sorry." She chuckles nervously as she lets go of your collar and steps back to give you your space.

"Anyway. I'll tell you what the game is." Rainbow Dash says as she explains about this favorite game of hers. "Truth or Dare is a game where the player is selected by another player, and the selected player has to either reveal something truthful which is where "Truth" comes into play, or they have to do something which is where "Dare" comes into play. And what that selected players reveal or do is up to the player that selected them."

"I see." You respond to her explanation of the game. "One question. Are there any types of truths or dares that are forbidden from the game?"

"Nope." Rainbow Dash says with a grin. "Anything in that game goes."

"What?" You asked while having a worried look on your face. "But shouldn't there be rules to make sure nobody goes too far with any of that stuff?"

"Relax, Anon." Rainbow Dash says while rolling her eyes. "We all know better than to not make each other say or do immoral things. We are heroes after all. So we must have a moral code."

"Oh, that's good." You said while relieved.

"But it's not like we never make each other say or do embarrassing things in that game." Rainbow Dash chuckles.

As Rainbow Dash tells you this, you suddenly become curious about the truths and dares again. Though this time, you have a small uneasy feeling about it when she said the word "embarrassing."

"What do you mean by the word embarrassing?" You asked while still having that uneasy feeling.

"Exactly what the word means, my man." Rainbow Dash says while smirking. "I've made those girls say and do so many embarrassing things during that game. Like the last time we had a sleepover, I made Applejack reveal to all of us that she once had a dream where she was sitting in class wearing nothing but her underwear!"

"That's pretty embarrassing. Poor Applejack." You say with a sad expression. You then suddenly felt something strange inside of you. It felt as though that uneasy feeling you had when Rainbow Dash said the word "embarrassing" had slightly expanded.

"Oh, she was pretty embarrassed. None of us could stop laughing." Rainbow Dash laughs while she continues to give you examples. "Then there was that night where I dared Rarity to wear a bald cap in front of all of us for the rest of the night. Rarity looks so weird without any hair!"

"Well, that's pretty embarrassing too." You said as that uneasy feeling inside of you got bigger.

"And then there was this awesome dare that I made Sunset do one time!" Rainbow Dash says while trying to contain her laughter. This tells you that the dare must be the most embarrassing of all the examples, and assuming this alone continued to make your uneasiness increase so big that you started to become worried about what goes on in that game. Very worried.

"What did you make her do?" You asked regrettably as your interest in the game slowly started to become fear.

Rainbow Dash then started giggling as she tries to tell you while struggling to keep a straight face about it. This at the point was when you realized that asking Rainbow Dash about the sleepovers was not a good idea.

"I made Sunset..." She says slowly trying to build up the suspense.

"Yeah?" You nervously responded.

"KISS TWILIGHT!" She shouts as she starts laughing again clearly proud of herself for that dare. "Aw, man! That dare was one of the best I've ever done in that game! You should have seen the look on their faces when I made those two kiss! They were so embarrassed that they couldn't speak to each other for days! I wish you were there, Anon! You would have laughed so... Anon?"

Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash while she was laughing after she revealed the dare she made Sunset do, you ran off to head for home.

As you exited through the school entrance, you tried to get home as fast as you could.

Why? Because you were having an anxiety attack.

Chapter 3: Returning the Favor

After Rainbow Dash revealed to you the dare that she made Sunset do back at the school, you were now not looking forward to going to that party. The things that go on in that game that the girls play make you wonder who was the idiot who came up with that game, you were terrified of what humiliating secrets you would have to say and embarrassing dares you would be forced to do. So much so that it was enough to give you an anxiety attack. Just when you thought those constant panicking days were over after weeks of your friends helping you recover, one of them managed to bring them back. It's like it was all for nothing.

As you finally make it to your house, you ran inside and sat on your living room couch to manage your anxiety attack. Your parents were doing business travel for the weekend and will be back home at night on Sunday. So you have the entire house to yourself, which was another reason you were looking forward to your original plans for the weekend. But of course, since you told Sunset you were going to improve upon your recovery, that plan was scrapped.

As you spend the next five minutes trying to calm yourself down from the overwhelming fear and rapid breathing problems you were having, you suddenly get a text on your phone from one of your friends. It was Rainbow Dash. As you looked at her profile picture that has her face on your phone, you look at her with an anger and rage-induced face. You then read the text she sent you.

Hey, Anon? Why did you run off? Especially when I was in the middle of telling you the best dare I've done in Truth or Dare? LOL

Typical Rainbow Dash. Always treating everything like it's a joke to her. After looking at that text, you wanted to tell that jerk off over how insensitive can be at times especially when it comes to competitions, and you were just about to do that through a text. But then you thought about it for a second, and you decided not to. If your friends managed to help you move on from these anxiety problems, then they can do it again. And maybe if you tell Rainbow Dash how you feel about playing this game instead of lashing out at her, she'll consider taking it easy on you tonight.

You then texted back to her.

I ran off because I was getting a little too worried for the party because of that dare you told me that I ran home in a panic. And I have to be honest with you, that dare was a little too much. Since this is my first sleepover with you girls, could you please go easy on me with the truths and dares?

She then texted back at you as you hope she decides to be less while playing the game. But sadly, even for something as simple as that request, you got your hopes up.

Oh, okay. Well hurry up and get over to Pinkie's house or you'll miss out on the awesome party. And about the Truth or Dare request, sorry but I can't. I don't go easy on my competition. See ya at the party, Anon.

This was the last thing, even from someone who's your friend, you wanted to be told. Not just that she said no about going easy on you, but that she doesn't go easy on her competition. Based on those truths and dares she told you about along with this text she sent you, Rainbow Dash never goes easy on her opponents one bit.

Suddenly, your anxiety attack started to seriously overpower you to the point where you started to seriously sweat and tremble as your fear about the game expanded more from the thoughts that were rushing through your head about what Rainbow Dash would make you say or do in that game.

"WHAT IF SHE MAKES ME REVEAL AN EMBARRASSING SECRET?!" You thought to yourself as your fearful thoughts clouded your mind. "WHAT IF SHE TELLS ME TO SHAVE MY HEAD?! WHAT IF SHE TELLS ME TO SAY SOMETHING INAPPROPRIATE ABOUT MYSELF OR TO ANY OF THE GIRLS?! OR WHAT IF... WHAT IF SHE MAKES ME KISS ONE OF THEM?!" Your intense worrisome thoughts didn't stop there. There was one person who came to mind that you especially did not want to get caught up in when it came to those truths and dares. As that person came to your mind, you panicked even more. "OH NO! SUNSET IS GOING TO BE THERE TO WITNESS WHATEVER HUMILIATING THING RAINBOW DASH WILL PUT ME THROUGH WITH OR WITHOUT HER! JUST LIKE THAT HUMILIATING DARE SHE PUT SUNSET THROUGH WITH TWILIGHT!"

After this realization hit your mind, tears started forming in your eyes and then you quickly broke down and started crying.


You then picked up your phone and texted Sunset that you changed your mind about going to the party.

Sunset? Are you still home?

A couple of seconds later, she texted back.

Yeah. What's up?

You texted back to her with a guilty look on your face. You told her that you would come to the party to continue to improve your mental health for yourself and your friends, and telling her you changed your mind about that felt like breaking an important promise to her.

I changed my mind. I'm not going to the slumber party.

About fifteen seconds after that, she replied with the text you were expecting from a concerning friend.

What? Why not? Is everything alright?

You then replied back, as you were about to do the biggest vent you've ever made to someone.

No, nothing is alright! I don't want to go to the party because I'm scared! Rainbow Dash told me about a game you girls always play at the parties called Truth or Dare! And she told me about all the embarrassing things she made you and the rest of the girls say and do! I don't want her to do the same to me! I'm sorry, but I can't do it! I don't want you to witness me be put through anything humiliating, and I don't want you to be dragged into doing anything humiliating with me! I don't think I would ever have the will to speak to you again if that happened! Please forgive me for going against my word! You're one of the best people in my life and I don't want to lose you as a friend!

As you sent the text and set your phone down on one of the couch cushions while crying into a pillow, you hope that Sunset will understand and let you go back to your original weekend plans without getting mad at you for going back on your word.

About five minutes later after sending the text, you heard your phone make a notification sound and it was another text from Sunset. Although for some odd reason, all she texted back to you was one word:


You were confused by this text so you attempted to reply to it to know what it meant, but then Sunset sent another text before you could start typing.

I'm coming.

She didn't send anything a few minutes after that. This must mean that based on the text you sent her, she knows you're having an anxiety attack and she's on her way to your house to help calm you down.

After ten minutes since you got that text, you hear a knock on your front door. You got off of the couch to open it. And sure enough, as you opened the door to see who it was, you were correct about your assumption, it was Sunset.

As you look at her in the eyes trying to come up with something to say to her, she looks at you with a worried face and she has a small trail of tears running down her eyes. She also seems to be breathing heavily like you just were. Looks like your text made her so worried that she was scared that you were on the verge of going off the deep end, causing her to have an anxiety attack. You feel as if she needs help from you just as much as you need help from her.

"Anon..." She spoke as if she were about to cry. "Are you okay?"

"Sunset. Come in." You said as you stepped aside to let her in. You headed over to the couch to sit down, and you patted the cushion to you to tell Sunset to sit next to you. She walks to the couch and sits down next to you. As she was about to speak up, you immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Anon? What are you..." She asked while still having tears running down her eyes.

"Sunset. You've helped me feel better a lot of times ever since I moved to this town. Now it's my turn to return the favor." You said as you prepare to instruct her with the same treatment for anxiety she's taught you.

"Okay, Anon. But let me help do the same for you." She said as she tightens her embrace around you.

"Okay." You say to her as you tighten your embrace around her. "Then let's do this, Sunset."

"Yeah. Let's fight this pain inside of us together." She replied in a confident tone.

You both spend the next five minutes taking long deep breaths from in the nose and out the mouth while keeping your tight embrace intact and reassuring each other that you're going to be okay. And then after that, you both then separate from the hug and then lay your backs against the couch.

"How are you feeling, Sunset?" You ask.

"A little better." She replied. "When I saw your text, I was really worried about you. I knew from your choice of words that you were having an anxiety attack, so I rushed over as quickly as I could. And I guess I was so worried that I too ended up getting an anxiety attack."

"That's the first time I've ever seen you have one." You said with a sad expression. "You said you've had them before, but I've never seen any of them."

"Yeah." She said while looking down at her lap with her hands on her lap. "And that was probably one of the worst anxiety attacks I've ever had."

Upon hearing this, you feel as though you have hurt Sunset due to your breakdown over that game you're scared to play at the party.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." You say in a guilty tone. "If I hadn't sent you that text and went straight to the party instead of acting like a baby about it, this wouldn't have happened."

"It's okay, Anon." She replied while looking at you. "And you weren't acting like a baby. Your situation is completely relatable. I can understand not wanting to be put through embarrassment like that. But let me assure you that the truths and dares that happen in that game don't go too far, even when it's Rainbow Dash's turn. The dares especially don't go over the line. Sure, some of the dares can be pretty embarrassing, but we don't do things like break the law, eat or drink something disgusting, or strip naked. That's all off the table thanks to our sensitivity for each other."

"Yeah. Rainbow Dash did say that there were dares you guys wouldn't do thanks to being heroes and having a moral code." You replied to her.

"If that's what she wants to call it, she can go ahead." Sunset giggles. "But even if with those kinds of dares, the game itself is still very funny. The stuff we reveal and do to each other is very funny that it's a very popular game for us at the sleepovers. All you have to do is just look past the more embarrassing parts of the game that would make someone resist to play it."

"Yeah. Like that dare Rainbow Dash mentioned where she made you kiss Twilight." You said to her recklessly.

Sunset's eyes widened and a blush appeared over her face as you asked her this.

"She... she told you about that?!" She shouted in embarrassment.

You nodded while regretting asking her that.

"She said that she would never tell anyone about that!" Sunset shouted while having her face buried in her hands.

"Those are the kinds of dares I'm worried about, Sunset. The ones where you have to do something to the other player that steps out of the friendship zone." You tell her as she continues to have her face buried in her hands. "I want to believe you about that game being no big deal, but I don't trust Rainbow Dash as far as she can run in under a second when it comes to playing a game with her. She takes games way too seriously and pulls no punches on her opponents."

"Yeah, she's certainly not the most compassionate sport when it comes to competition." She replies while looking down at the floor still thinking back to that dare Rainbow Dash made her do.

"Why do you girls always play that game at every sleepover, by the way?" You asked. "Doesn't that game ever get old after a while, especially after all those embarrassing dares Rainbow Dash comes up with?

"Yeah, it does get a little old. But the reason we always play it every sleepover is because we always ended up playing that game that Pinkie decided as a party tradition that for our sleepovers they will always involve that game being played, and Rainbow Dash convinced her to add in the rule that every person at the sleepover must participate in the game." Sunset explained as she finally stopped looking at the ground and looked at you.

"Let me guess: She suggested that rule to Pinkie because Fluttershy never joined in and Rainbow Dash wanted to make her experience those truths or dares?" You asked.

"Right on the nose." She replied while tapping her nose.

"Yikes." You say while feeling a shiver run down your spine. "It's a bad enough thought about you guys being put through all of that. But Fluttershy? Now that's a scary thought."

"Tell me about it." Sunset replies as she too feels a shiver going down her spine. She then asks you about the party again. "Hey. Do you still want to go to the party?"

"I don't know." You reply while feeling conflicted. "I feel much better thanks to you for coming to check up on me, but I still have qualms about going to that party if it meant playing that game with Rainbow Dash included as a player. I would be able to have no problem about going if Rainbow Dash wouldn't be playing that game with us."

"Yeah. I too don't want to see Rainbow Dash doing those kinds of embarrassing truths and dares to you." Sunset says while placing her hand on your shoulder. "Especially when just thinking about them alone was enough to cause you that anxiety attack."

"Yeah." You replied while looking back on that painful experience that happened to you about twenty minutes ago. "If I'm lucky enough, Rainbow Dash might not pick me for any of her truths and dares. Or if you guys use something to randomly pick players like a spinner or something, hopefully, it won't land on me."

Suddenly, Sunset's face lights up with a smile as it appears she just may have an idea to help you.

"Anon! I've got an idea!" She tells you. "I know how we can keep Rainbow Dash from putting you through those truths and dares."

"How?" You ask.

"You'll see." She says while giving you that adorkable grin you always love to see her wear.

"Okay. If you have a plan to get me out of this, then I'll be happy to go to the party." You say to her with a trusting smile. "I just hope it works."

"Don't worry. It will." She says while wrapping her arm around you. "And I know just who to help us with that. In the meantime, you should get your stuff and head over to Pinkie's. The party starts in forty-eight minutes."

"Okay. Thanks again, Sunset." You said with a more hopeful smile knowing that someone has your back.

"You're welcome, Anon." She replies with her arm still wrapped around you. "I'd do anything for one of the greatest friends I've ever had."

"Right back at ya, my favorite pretty sunshine." You said without thinking before you said what you just said. You then just instantly realized what you had just said and your eyes widened and a blush appeared on your face.

Sunset gives you a similar shocked expression with the same wide-eyed look as yours with a similar blush on her face. You started to sweat with you still making that shocked face. You then look at your shoulder from your right, and you see that Sunset still has her arm around you. Sunset then gives you a bashful smile as the blush on her face got even brighter as she sort of had trouble looking you in the eye.

"Anon? What did you just say?" She asked as she started twirling her hair with her index finger while still smiling at you.

Just watching her twirl her hair with that bashful look was just absolutely adorable. But this was not the best time to admire Sunset's attractiveness since you just opened up a can of worms.

"I... I..." You stuttered trying to give Sunset an answer.

"Yes?" Sunset asks as she flutters her eyelids at you.

As you had tried your best to answer Sunset's question, but you were sort of in a trance by her beauty. You never knew how much of a pretty girl Sunset is. You always did find her cute and pretty, but you had no idea she was this cute and pretty.

"I said... My favorite pretty sunshine." You confess while making a huge gulp.

The blush on Sunset's face got even brighter as her eyes looked away from you in embarrassment. She doesn't seem embarrassed in a bad way like she felt uncomfortable, she seemed embarrassed in a good way like she was flattered for being called pretty. She then looked back at you for a second and she noticed she still had her arm around you. She then pulled her arm away from you and then finally spoke up.

"Um... I'm very flattered that you think I'm pretty, Anon." She says while smiling and trying her best to look you in the eye in a very socially awkward manner.

"Of course, I think you're pretty, Sunset." You said while trying not to stutter. "You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever met."

Sunset then quickly looks away from you again unable to look you in the eye and then you hear her giggling a bit. She then snaps out of her embarrassment and then remembers about the party and the fact she hasn't gotten her stuff yet.

"Uh... Okay, Anon. I... I think it's about time we got our sleeping gear together." She says while trying to regain her composure while still clearly flattered by you complimenting her looks. "Remember? There's a party we need to be going to."

"Oh, yeah!" You exclaimed after Sunset snapped you out of your trance. "We still need to get our stuff."

"Yeah. So I'll see you at the party, Anon." She says as she gets off the couch to head out. As she leaves through your front door to go get her stuff she turns around to say one last thing: "Oh, and one more thing. In case if something goes wrong, I promise I won't look at what Rainbow Dash puts you through in the game and I won't listen to what truths she makes you reveal about yourself. And anything she makes you and me do together, it won't affect our friendship."

Suddenly, your relief of being free from Rainbow Dash's plans for you in this game clasped. The possibility of this plan going wrong is the last thing you need on your conscience. But you managed to hang onto a little bit of relief with Sunset promising you that she won't witness anything embarrassing being done to you and anything Rainbow Dash makes you do with Sunset won't affect anything between you two.

"Okay, thanks." You say with a smile as you waved her goodbye as she shut the door behind her on the way out. You then rushed to your room to grab your sleeping bag and your backpack. As you pack your things, you start to think about what Sunset's going to do to keep you from being selected by Rainbow Dash for the Truth or Dare game, and that person Sunset mentioned who was going to help you two.

"Who was Sunset talking about?" You thought to yourself. "Eh, I'll just wait to find out instead of standing here guessing."

You also couldn't help but think of Sunset's embarrassing reactions to you calling her pretty. They made your heart melt. But then you slapped yourself out of it to focus on getting to the party without being late.

You then finished packing your stuff then you grabbed your backpack and sleeping bag, and then you departed from your house to head straight for the party.

As you walked down the sidewalk to Pinkie's house, you began to have further thoughts about what awaited you at the party. You hope that the scroll that Pinkie showed you definitely lived up to what she was building your hopes up for in terms of the food and games. Even if one of those games was definitely something you wanted to stay away from, Sunset did say she had a plan to get you out of it, and she's a pretty smart girl who comes up with great plans that often work. It still makes you worried about everyone else witnessing what's going to happen, but Sunset is the one person you absolutely do not want to embarrass yourself in front of. So thank goodness for that.

After ten minutes of walking and still a couple of minutes away from Pinkie's house, your mind begins to become free of any worry. But then something else popped into your head that you forgot about that made you worried again: Rainbow Dash made Sunset kiss Twilight. Sunset's planning to keep you from being put into Rainbow Dash's grasp, but what about herself. She's still going to be a victim.

"What if Rainbow Dash makes Sunset do something to me?!" You thought to yourself while panicking. But you then had an idea that you should talk about with Sunset at the party in private. "If Sunset can stop Rainbow Dash from targeting me with truths and dares, then maybe she can do the same to herself! That way the both of us are completely safe!"

With that major worry out of the way, you had one last thing to worry about, and it's the possibility of this plan of Sunset's not working. Regardless of how much you trust Sunset, things can still go wrong no matter how careful you are.

As you finally make it to Pinkie's street and with only a few minutes away from her house, you pray with all your heart that nothing will go wrong and you'll still be able to show your face around Sunset with no humiliating situation to keep you from talking to her again.

Chapter 4: Arrival at Sundown

After fifteen minutes of walking from your place, you finally reached Pinkie's house. As you approached her yard, the sun was setting and it was a beautiful sight to your eyes. The orange-colored light shining at you with the usual blue sky about to be turned into a dark sky in a few hours was arguably your favorite display in the sky next to stars at night time. As you get lost in the beauty of the view, what comes to your mind is someone who has the same name as what you're looking at and is just as beautiful as this visually pleasing color.

"Man, I had no idea Sunset was that beautiful." You said while still watching the sunset with a peaceful look on your face as you think back to when Sunset was being so bashful from you calling her pretty. Her cute smile, her bright red cheeks that highlighted her bashfulness, and the way she tried to look at you in the eye which looked so awkward. The more you think about her as the sunset kept shining at you, the more relaxed and happy your mind feels as all your worries drift away. You actually wouldn't mind spending the next few hours outside with what was all in front of you giving your mind this amazing pleasure, but it sadly had to end for you as you hear a finger snap near you trying to snap you out of your trance.

"Hey, Anon! Wake up!" You heard a snickering voice say to you as you were being snapped out of that pleasing state you were in. You then looked to see who was doing the snapping, and that voice came from Rainbow Dash. "It isn't bedtime yet. You still have a party to go to, sleepyhead."

You looked at her as she was in front of you with her sleeping gear on her as you both were in front of Pinkie's house. You couldn't help but scowl at her for what she convinced Pinkie to do with making Truth or Dare a traditional game that everyone had to play. Rainbow Dash noticed your scowl and she was puzzled by it.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a confused look on her face. "Did I do something wrong?"

You seriously wanted to tell her off now as she asked you that, telling her how callous and sadistic she can be when it comes to that game. But you didn't want to start any fights and try to enjoy the party like Sunset asked you to. And Rainbow Dash already told you she wouldn't go easy on you in that game from the text message. So you just had to forget about it and still hope Sunset's plan will work.

"It's nothing, Rainbow Dash." You said while trying to keep a straight face. "You just interrupted my gazing at that beautiful sunset."

Rainbow Dash smirked as you say this. You then blushed about what you were thinking the entire time you were looking at that sunset and the look on Rainbow Dash's face as you knew where this was going.

"Ooooh. Was it reminding you of someone?" She says as she playfully nudges your shoulder.

Your eyes widen as Rainbow Dash teases you. Reading your expression, she continues to tease you even more.

"What was it about her were you thinking about?" She chuckles while smirking at you. "Her sparkling turquoise eyes?" She flutters her eyes at you in a mocking manner. "Her lovely red and yellow hair?" She flips her hair with her hand like she's mimicking Sunset whenever she flips her hair. Her eyes suddenly widen and then giggles into her hand as she comes up with ideas to make fun of you for thinking about Sunset. "Or..." She then turns around with her butt sticking out at you. "Maybe you were imagining her making a sunrise and a sundown for you!"

You instantly became dumbstruck at what Rainbow Dash was doing. She was squatting her butt up and down like she was shaking her butt at you while imitating sun positions.

"Sunrise, sundown! Sunrise, sundown! Sunrise, sundown!" She laughed while continuing to squat her butt up and down.

You were completely speechless about how she would go that far into teasing you. As unamused you were at what was going on in front of you since she was making fun of you for thinking about Sunset, you couldn't help but laugh a bit under your breath because you had to admit, this was actually kind of funny.

As Rainbow Dash kept "Raising and dropping the sun" at you while laughing, suddenly a car drives by coming from the direction you came from, and it parks right near you two. And then suddenly, the window of the driver's door rolled down and then the driver of the car peeked out of the window to say something.

"Yeah! Shake it, Rainbow Dash!" The driver shouted.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash stopped shaking her butt at you, and then she turned around with an appalled look on her face as if she was hoping that the driver of the car wasn't someone who she thinks it is. As you look at the windshield of the car you see two people in the car: The one in the passenger seat was a girl with pink hair and light gold-colored skin, who you immediately recognized as Fluttershy, who was looking down with her hands covering her face in embarrassment. And the one in the driver's seat was a guy with blonde hair that was coiffed into a peculiar-looking hairstyle that you've never seen before and he had aquamarine-colored skin. As you finish examining the front seats of the car, you notice that the driver was grinning at Rainbow Dash.

Upon seeing the guy, Rainbow Dash shrieked as she turns around with her hands covering her butt while giving the guy a nasty look with a slight blush on her face.

"Zephyr Breeze!" Rainbow Dash shouted while clenching her fist. "Don't ever say that to me again!"

"My apologies, Rainbow Dash." The guy said while still grinning at Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry, I understand. I know how it must be to try and get a man attracted to you though resorting to desperate actions that make you feel humiliated for doing them. Kind of like what you were doing just a second ago. But you don't have to worry about doing any of those things, milady. I'm already very attracted to you." The guy then winks at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash reacts to the guy's wink at her with a disgusted face. "I think I'm gonna be sick." She says nauseously while picking up her sleeping gear off the ground as she heads to Pinkie's front door looking green in the face. She quickly knocks on the door as she looks like she needs to go lose her lunch in Pinkie's bathroom. Pinkie answers the door to greet Rainbow Dash.

"Welcome to the party, Rainbow..." Pinkie greets Rainbow Dash but is unable to finish the greeting as Rainbow Dash quickly runs past Pinkie.

"Wow! She's a lot more excited about this party than I am! And that's saying a lot!" Pinkie giggled as she notices you and Fluttershy.

"Anon! Fluttershy! Welcome to the party!" Pinkie shouts while waving at you two as Fluttershy gets out of the car.

"Hey, Fluttershy." You say to her.

"Hi, Anon." She says to you in her soft and gentle voice. "Uh... Sorry about my brother. He has a crush on Rainbow Dash, and he's very open about it. Too open about it."

"It's all good, Fluttershy." You say to her with a reassured smile. "If anything, it's cathartic considering she's been teasing me a lot today."

"Oh. I'm sorry about that." She replied with a sad expression on her face. "Listen. Don't get too upset with her. I know that sometimes she has a problem when it comes to her moments of poor behavior, but Rainbow Dash is a great person and a great friend who cares about all of us and tries her best to come through for me and the others when we have problems."

"I hear ya." You say as you think about how Rainbow Dash's poor behavior can affect you and your friends. "She can be a handful, but she's our friend no matter what. And I do enjoy her company, except when she's teasing me too much."

"Yeah." Fluttershy agrees as she smiles at you.

"Yeah, that Rainbow Dash can be quite a bad girl, but that's one of the best things about her." Fluttershy's brother says as he continues to wear that stupid grin that could probably put Rainbow Dash's annoying smirk to shame. Since this guy is Fluttershy's brother, you might as well introduce yourself to him.

"Uh, hello." You say to him. "Zephyr Breeze, right? My name's Anon. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Right back at ya!" He says as he shakes your hand. "Your Futtershy's new friend, right?"

"Yes, I am." You say back to him. "She and the rest of the girls are the best friends someone like me could ask for."

"Well, it's nice to know my baby sister is on her best behavior with you guys like she always is." He said while patting Fluttershy's head as she looks at him with an annoyed look on her face.

You thought it would be best to get things moving along so Fluttershy could enjoy the party without her brother bugging her. He seems to be a nice guy, but he can be annoying, and he can be a bit of a creep based on his inappropriate behavior towards Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Fluttershy. I'll see you inside. I kind of want to sit out here for a little while longer." You say to her

"Okay, Anon." She replies to you. She then looks at Zephyr Breeze while still wearing her smile despite her annoyance with him. "Thanks for the ride, Zephyr."

"Anytime, sis! Anytime!" He said while waving to her as Fluttershy headed to Pinkie's doorstep.

"Welcome to the party, Fluttershy!" Pinkie says as she greets Fluttershy. "Rarity and Applejack are already here, and Rainbow Dash obviously. It's just Sunset and Twilight who we are waiting on." She then looks at you. "And Anon since he's still outside my house."

As you go back to staring at the sunset, you quickly replied to Pinkie.

"Don't worry, Pinkie. I'll be joining you." You say to her as you hope she's not getting impatient. "I just want to sit out here for a few more minutes."

"Okay, Anon." She replied with a cheerful smile. "But don't stay out for too long. I wouldn't want you to miss out on this exciting fun party that I made as a special welcome for you to the friendship of me and my friends!"

"I won't." You replied to her.

As Pinkie and Fluttershy head inside, you sat down on Pinkie's lawn to continue to enjoy the sight of the sunset, and your happy thoughts about that girl with the same name whose beautiful smile and eyes are absolutely wonderful to think about. As you sink deeper into the view of the orange color in the sky and your thoughts about Sunset, you suddenly have questions for yourself regarding her.

"Why am I thinking about Sunset so much right now?" You ask yourself aloud. "And why are these thoughts a lot more pleasing than they usually are?"

"You mean one of Fluttershy's friends? Maybe it's because you're in love with her." Zephyr Breeze said to you as you quickly looked at him to find that he still hasn't left yet.

"You're still here?" You asked as you got up and walked over to him.

"I figured that since you were gonna hang out here for a while, I could say a few more words to you and a favor to ask of you." He said as he scoots over to the passenger window to talk to you.

"Okay." You reply to him with a curious expression. "But before we talk about Sunset, let's get the favor out of the way. What do you want?"

"You have Rainbow Dash's number on your phone, right?" He asks as he pulls out his phone, clearly going to ask you for Rainbow Dash's number. You resisted the favor since Rainbow Dash didn't seem to have very comfortable reactions around him.

"Uh, I don't think she would be happy with me for giving her phone number to you." You say to him as you pull your phone out. "But I can give you mine if you want."

"Oh." He replies with a disappointed look on his face. "I guess if getting one of the numbers to one of my sister's friends is the closest I'll ever get to having Rainbow's number, why not?"

You then show him your number and he then shows you his and you both put them into your phones as one of your contacts.

"Why hasn't that girl given me her number yet?" Zephyr says while slouching his head down. "One of these days, she really needs to build some self-confidence so she'll stop being so shy around me."

This guy was oblivious to Rainbow Dash not having the same feelings that he has towards her, and it's actually kind of amusing how he doesn't notice when it's pretty obvious she doesn't like him.

"Yeah, that's the reason why she won't give it to you." You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes.

"Wow. You and I already agreed on something despite that we just met. We're good friends already!" He said while smiling at you.

"Yeah, whatever." You replied to him while trying to resist yourself from telling him that he's such an idiot. "So, anyway. What about my more peaceful thoughts involving Sunset?"

"I said that it might be because you're in love with her." He says while nudging your arm.

You were then startled as he said this to you with a huge blush on your face.

"Lo-love?!" You questioned in a stutter. "No, you've got the wrong idea! Sunset and I are just friends!"

"You seem pretty defensive about it." He says while smirking at you. "You think that maybe you're just not aware that deep down inside that you are in love with her, and that maybe you're just too shy to talk about it because you're afraid of embarrassing yourself?"

As you thought about what he's telling you, you wonder why he thinks this is what you're thoughts about Sunset mean.

"Why do you think this is the case with me? You asked.

"Because that's exactly how Rainbow Dash is when it comes to me!" He replies with a wide toothy grin while pointing his thumb at himself. "Well, except for the fact that she is aware that she loves me. That's why I always try to give her a push so she'll one day be able to finally have the courage to say that she does indeed love me."

You rolled your eyes once again at this boneheaded Casanova wannabe.

"Give it some thought, Anon." He says as he turns on the car and pulls into the right lane of the road to drive away. "Always be honest when it comes to your feelings, even if it may put you in an embarrassing situation with the person you love. It's perfectly natural whenever that happens. I hope Rainbow Dash will one day learn that. Enjoy the party and have a good night." He then drives off, leaving you alone to once again enjoy the sunset.

You sat back down on the grass to stare at the sunset while you gather your thoughts to think about if what Zephyr Breeze said is true.

"Could Zephyr be right? Am I really in love with Sunset and I'm too embarrassed to admit it?" You ask yourself in your head as you continue to gaze at the sunset. "I mean, he does have a point about how I'm shy and I don't want to embarrass myself, and also about my lack of awareness when it comes to my romantic feelings. But that's only because I've never fallen in love before. So how would I know that I'm in love? And ever since I became friends with Sunset, that's all I ever thought of her. I only thought of her as a great friend."

As you lay down on your back with your hands resting behind your head, you continue to figure out if you were unaware of any hidden feelings for Sunset this entire time. "But then again, that was all before I saw her look so bashful, which seriously highlighted her attractiveness. She really is a cute and beautiful girl, and just thinking about her blushing face as she twirls her hair eats away at the negative feelings in my body."

With every thought popping into your mind, the deeper your mind goes into relaxation. As you continue to think back to Sunset's awkward cuteness, you also think back to all those times you hung out and how she was always there for you when you needed help. Every single one of those moments were all so special to you that they really hold a place in your heart. "Maybe I really am in love with Sunset, and these romantic feelings I'm having from thinking back to her while watching this sunset prove it. I know that I'm not against the idea of being in a relationship with her, I just don't know how well it would work out." With your thoughts about you loving Sunset fully thought through, you then thought about if Sunset thinks the same about you. "What if she's in love with me, too? We always get along and she always enjoys me hanging out with her. She also seems to really like those hugs that I give her whenever we usually hang out to have fun or manage each others' anxiety." With all of this relaxation hitting your mind, you were starting to feel drowsy, to the point where a few minutes later after your thinking, you fell asleep with one last thought. "I really hope she does love me."

About after twenty minutes of taking a nap, you're still peacefully asleep with everything you thought about Sunset creating for you a wonderful way to dose off after a day of a really bad anxiety attack from the fear of a game you have to play. That girl does so much for you that you just can't help but love her for how much of a bighearted human being she is. As you are still in your sleep, you began to regain consciousness as you notice that something was touching you that's causing you to wake up. And the place you can feel it on was your head, your hair to be more precise. As you continue to regain consciousness to determine that feeling, it felt like someone was ruffling your hair since you can tell there was a hand and fingers running through your hair. Even though you're still not fully awake, you could hear some voices that were right next to you.

"Awww! He's so cute." One of the voices said. "He's not as cute as Ray, but still very cute."

"Are you sure we should be waking him up this way?" Another one of the voices said. "It feels rather creepy."

"It's alright, Twilight." The previous voice said. "I've seen him fall asleep plenty of times whenever we stargaze at night. Just as long as he wakes up to people he knows, it'll be fine."

With your last bit of consciousness coming back to you, you suddenly recognized those two voices. You then opened your eyes slowly to see what was going on. Those two voices came from the two girls who were looking down at you. It was Sunset and Twilight.

"Anon, you are such a sleepyhead." Sunset giggles as she looks at you with an adored look on her face. "And you look so cute when you sleep."

"Hi, Anon." Twilight says to you while smiling nervously.

You noticed that the hand that was running through your hair was Sunset's hand. You then blushed as you realized this, causing you to get up back onto your feet quickly in embarrassment. You then look back at them with your blushing face as they both stand up as you did. Sunset giggles at your reaction while Twilight reacts with a rather apologetic-looking expression.

"We're sorry for watching you sleep, Anon!" Twilight tells you in a worried panic. "We saw you were asleep, and we wanted to wake you up. But you looked so peaceful in your sleep that we worried about disturbing you in the middle of something pleasant you may have been dreaming about, and we didn't want to watch you sleep because that would have been creepy of us!"

"And yet, you both did anyway." You said teasingly.

Twilight groaned while swatting her forehead with her hand, indicating she was ashamed of herself.

"Twilight, I was only kidding." You chuckled. "I had to be waked up anyway to avoid missing the party, so thanks for waking me up."

Twilight then looked up at you with a relieved smile.

"Sure thing, Anon." She says while nodding her head.

You then smiled back at her to show there were no hard feelings from being woken up. As you looked at Sunset, you just remembered about her plan to keep you from being selected by Rainbow Dash in the Truth or Dare game. And you also wanted to discuss about keeping Sunset from being selected, too. You then leaned over to Sunset to whisper to her about who was going to help you two.

"By the way, Sunset." You whispered into her ear. "You said you knew someone that could help us with your plan. Where is this person?"

"That person is right here, Anon." She proudly said aloud as she pointed at Twilight.

"Yep." Twilight says in a friendly tone. "Sunset and I have a plan to keep you from receiving Truth or Dare demands from Rainbow Dash."

You smiled at both of them as you are touched at how you are once again being helped to avoid a bad situation that you would normally inevitably face. It really does show you how having friends really can make a difference in your life.

"Thank you, you two." You say as you pull them both into a hug. "You both are really great friends. You two, as well as the others, really made such a difference in my life, and I can never thank you enough for all you've done." You give both Sunset and Twilight the same tight embrace you give to Sunset when you give her hugs.

"You're welcome, Anon." They both say as they hug you back while also hugging each other.

"Wow!" Twilight says in amazement. "You were right, Sunset. He really does give amazing hugs!"

"Told ya." Sunset replies in a relaxed tone as she enjoys the hug. "Anon's hugs are more relaxing and refreshing than a hot tub."

The three of you then separate and then look at each other in a refreshing state.

"So." You say to your two friends. "Party time?"

"Party time!" They respond to you.

You pick up your stuff off of the lawn and then head to Pinkie's front door with Sunset and Twilight to have hopefully the greatest night of your life without it being ruined by anything bad, especially by Rainbow Dash's anxiety-inducing ideas for her opponents in Truth or Dare.

Chapter 5: The Party

As the three of you approach Pinkie's doorstep, you ring Pinkie's house doorbell, and then a literal millisecond comes the door swinging open with a hyperactive Pinkie Pie with frosted pink cupcakes in her hand and her mouth smothered with pink frosting.

"HI, ANON!!! HI, SUNSET!!! HI, TWILIGHT!!!" Pinkie exclaimed while having a serious sugar rush.

"Hi, Pinkie." Said the three of you nervously as you all are a little freaked out by Pinkie's hyperactivity.

"What took the three of you so long?!" Pinkie asked while still hyper but mellowing out a bit. "We couldn't start the party yet without you three, and I tried to wait patiently but there were so many cupcakes staring at me waiting for me to be eaten that I..."

"Pinkie, it's alright." Sunset says as she puts her hand over Pinkie's mouth, unintentionally getting pink frosting and saliva on her hand. She looks at her hand in disgust. "Ew. I think I better wash my hands before I touch any of the food."

You and Twilight chuckle as Sunset accidentally got her hand dirty from touching Pinkie. The three of you then look back at Pinkie.

"Come on in, guys!" Pinkie says excitedly as she steps aside to let you three enter her house. "Everyone else is in the living room! Go on and join them!"

As the three of you enter Pinkie's house with Pinkie in front of you, you hear a noise coming from the hallway on the right. You stepped closer to identify the noise, and it sounded like someone was throwing up.

"Wow. Rainbow Dash has been in the bathroom ever since she came in." Pinkie said while raising a suspicious eyebrow. She turns to you. "Is she alright, Anon? You're the last one who saw her besides me and Fluttershy."

You thought about keeping this in confidence since it's pretty embarrassing for Rainbow Dash. But then again, you did recall that Rainbow Dash put the others in situations that are just as embarrassing as hers, and since it's just gonna be your friends knowing this and nobody else then it's no big deal. So you decided to tell her.

"Rainbow Dash is throwing up because she was disgusted by Zephyr Breeze flirting with her when he saw her shaking her butt." You said with an amused smile.

Pinkie became wide-eyed when you said this, and so did Sunset and Twilight. And then the three of them started to snicker, and then a couple seconds later they all started laughing. The three of them were laughing pretty hard that you hoped that Rainbow Dash wouldn't hear you guys.

"I can't believe I wasn't there to see that!" Sunset laughs while pressing her arms against her belly in laughter.

"Yeah, that would have made this party so worth it even without the food and games!" Twilight replies while still laughing hard.

"And that's definitely saying a lot, Twilight! Because the food and games always makes my parties worth it!" Pinkie says as she unsurprisingly laughs the most between the three of them with tears rolling down her eyes.

Sunset and Twilight immediately stop laughing and then look at each other. Sunset then looks at the kitchen and then tilts her head to it while still looking at Twilight. Twilight then nods and the two of them both get up to head into the kitchen.

"Since Rainbow Dash is still in the bathroom, I'll go wash my hands in the kitchen." Sunset says to Pinkie.

"Me, too." Twilight says as she tags along with Sunset.

"Okay, but don't too long!" Pinkie giggles to the both of them. She then looks at you and then grabs you by your hand. "Come on, Anon! The others are waiting!"

Pinkie drags you into the living room where you see tons of tables everywhere around the couch that have tons of different foods on them. That scroll Pinkie gave you to read certainly wasn't lying. Everything on that list that you got a quick glance was all on those tables. As you got a quick look around at the food, you looked at the couch to notice that Fluttershy was sitting on one of them while Applejack and Rarity were sitting on the other one. As you noticed the three of them, they all looked at you with a friendly smile as you stepped into the living room to greet them.

"Hey, girls." You said while waving them.

"Howdy, Anon." Applejack says while tipping her hat.

"Hello, darling." Rarity says to you.

"Hi." Fluttershy says to you as you greet her twice.

After you greet them, Pinkie goes to sit down on the same couch Fluttershy is sitting on. Rarity and Applejack both scoot apart and then they both pat the middle spot next to them.

"Come on. Sit down next to us." Rarity says to you.

"Okay." You say as you sit down between them. "Sorry for keeping you all waiting. I got distracted by that wonderful sunset outside."

"Yeah, that sunset was absolutely gorgeous." Rarity agreed. "It actually gave some remarkable inspiration for the color scheme of my next line of dresses. They'll have a color pattern of both the sunset and the sky to recapture that stunning beautiful view."

"Ah always like it when those kinds of sunsets are shinin' down at me after ah do my afternoon chores." Applejack said while resting her arms behind her head. "They help wipe away that exhaustin' feelin' Ah get after Ah spend hours workin' my keyster off at home."

"Yeah, they are really amazing." You say as you briefly think back to that sunset. Since you were here at the party now, you decided that it was time you stopped stalling things to have some fun with your greatest friends in the whole world. "So, Pinkie? What kind of games did you have in mind for the party?"

"Lots of exciting fun games, Anon!" Pinkie says as she once again pulls her scroll out of nowhere to read off of the list. "Let's see... There will be a game of Pin the Tail on Mr. Cranky Doodle, a round of the multiplayer racing game The Applewood Derby for each guest including me, one game of Dragon Pit, a game of pillow fight, a game of..."

Before Pinkie could say the next game on her list, you all turned to see Rainbow Dash walking into the living room still feeling a bit nauseous as she has her hand on her belly to indicate she was seriously sick to her stomach for more than ten minutes. She then sits down on the couch that Fluttershy and Pinkie are sitting on right in the middle spot between them. You all look at her as she lays back against the couch while trying to keep her head from spinning.

"Are you alright, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm feeling a little better, Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash replied as she looked at Fluttershy with a gloomy face. "Why did you have to let your brother give you a ride?"

"He was the only one home." Fluttershy said with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry about my brother. And I don't mean to start an argument or anything, but if you weren't shaking your..."

Rainbow Dash immediately cupped her hand over Fluttershy's mouth to stop her from finishing her sentence.

"Shh!" Rainbow Dash hushed Fluttershy as she blushed while having a panicking expression on her face. "Don't tell them what happened! It's so embarrassing I don't want anyone knowing!"

"Oh, you mean about how Zephyr Breeze saw you shaking your tushie?" Pinkie asked.

Rainbow Dash then looked at Pinkie with a wide-eyed face as her blush got even brighter. Rarity and Applejack both got wide-eyed, too. They then started snickering.

"Rainbow Dash did what?" Applejack asked while trying to contain her laughter.

"I DID NOTHING!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in panic.

"I believe Pinkie said that Zephyr Breeze saw Rainbow Dash shaking her rear end." Rarity said while snickering.

"Oh. Ah see." Applejack replied.

They both glanced at each other few a couple of seconds, and then immediately burst out laughing.

Rainbow Dash watches as Rarity and Applejack laugh at her for doing something at the wrong place and time with quite an embarrassed look on her face. She then looks at Pinkie with a scowl.

"Pinkie! Why would you tell them that?!" Rainbow Dash asked as she shouted at Pinkie while grabbing her by the shoulders.

"Oh, you didn't want everyone else to know about that?" Pinkie asks while looking very puzzled.

"No!" Rainbow Dash replied while still shouting as Rarity and Applejack continue their laughter. "I didn't want everyone else... Wait. What do you mean by "everyone else?" And how did you know about that? You weren't even outside when that happened."

"Oh, Anon told me about that." She said with a huge toothy smile while she pointed at you. "Sunset and Twilight were with him, too."

You made a huge gulp as sweat started to form on your forehead and fell down your face Rainbow Dash looked at you with a pretty scary-looking scowl while the blush was still on her face.

"ANON!" She growled through her teeth as she was furious at you.

You just made a serious mistake. You both embarrassed and angered Rainbow Dash at the same time as you recklessly revealed something seriously embarrassing about her to her friends because you thought it would be no big deal, and you were seriously wrong about that as a result. What's even worse about this is that you all are going to be playing Truth or Dare, and Rainbow Dash was probably going to go even harder on you with even worse ideas for you in terms of the truths or dares. You had to fix this to save yourself from an already bad situation. So to do that, you had to come clean and tell everyone in the room what really happened, including what you were thinking while watching the sunset. That's right. You were going to tell them about your secret feelings for Sunset Shimmer. It might be incredibly embarrassing for yourself to announce your secret feelings for Sunset and make it difficult for you to interact with her in front of everyone, but nothing could be as embarrassing as what Rainbow Dash comes up with in that game.

"Uh, guys?" You nervously said from the awaiting embarrassment and from looking at Rainbow Dash's angry face. "I didn't finish explaining what happened with Rainbow Dash and Zephyr Breeze. The reason why Rainbow Dash was shaking her butt in the first place was because she was only making fun of me."

As you said this, Rainbow Dash stopped scowling at you and then looked at you with a perplexing look. Rarity and Applejack stopped laughing to hear what you had to say, and Fluttershy and Pinkie turned their attention towards you. You then looked at Rainbow Dash and gave her serious look while nodding your head to nonverbally tell her that you were going to confess your feelings for Sunset. She at first didn't understand you, but then thought about for a couple of seconds and then had a look of surprise on her face from realizing what you were trying to tell her.

"The reason was because I..." You stutter while trying to build up the courage to confess as Rainbow Dash continues to shake her head telling you not to announce your feelings for Sunset. "I... I..."

"Was it because you were staring at the sunset in the sky, which was such a beautiful view that it caused you to think back to Sunset Shimmer at her most cutest moment that it made you realize that you have a crush on Sunset, which Rainbow Dash noticed and decided to make fun of you by using her heiny to imitate the sundown and sunrise sun positions as a visual metaphor of you thinking about Sunset shaking her butt at you?" Pinkie asked very rapidly while making a very wide toothy grin as she finished her sentence while making a squee sound.

You stared at Pinkie completely dumbstruck at how specific and on-point she was with her assumption. Everyone else was staring at her too, but they weren't as shocked as you. You couldn't be able to form a sentence as Pinkie continues to smile until she spoke up about something.

"Speaking of Sunset, she and Twilight haven't entered the living room yet." Pinkie said while looking very curious about them.

"I think I'll go check on them." You said as you got up off the couch. This was definitely the right time you needed to exit the room since now everyone knows you have a crush on Sunset except for Twilight and Sunset herself. So this was the perfect time to save yourself from embarrassment. You exited the living room and headed into the kitchen. And sure enough, Sunset and Twilight were still there. They were sitting at the table with one of those arrow spinners that's common in most games such as board games.

"Hey." You say to them. "You two have been in here for while. What are you doing?"

They both look up to see you standing inside the kitchen.

"Perfect timing, Anon!" Twilight says with her happy "eureka" face that she usually makes when she succeeds with her ideas for her inventions. "Come over here and give this spinner a try."

"Okay." You say as you walker over to the spinner. You span the arrow with a quick flick of your finger. As you watch the arrow spins around at very intense speed, you suddenly notice something glowing near where Twilight was sitting. You looked up to see that it was Twilight making that glow. Her hand was covered in a magenta colored aura as she was moving her hand and fingers a bit. She has super powers, which are telekinetic abilities. You've seen her do this before, just like with the other girls because they have super powers too. You've seen Sunset demonstrate her powers the most. Her powers allow her to see a person's thoughts and memories, as well as understand their emotions by just physically touching them. During your first week at Canterlot High, you had some serious issues when it came to communicating with people that the only way for Sunset to figure out what's wrong with you was by using her powers to see into your mind. At first it felt like an invasion of privacy to you, but then after a while you viewed it as a symbol of Sunset's empathy which is one of the reasons why you like her so much. And once you started to communicate more with people, Sunset didn't really need to use her powers to understand you anymore since you've become so open with her that her powers were rendered unnecessary. And between the two, actually talking to Sunset was a lot better than just having her see into your mind.

"Now, watch this!" Sunset says to you.

Suddenly the spinner started to slow down as it was about to land on you, but then it slowly landed on Sunset instead.

"Yes, it worked!" Twilight excitedly said.

"What worked?" You asked.

"We'll explain later, Anon." Sunset replied while smiling like Twilight was. "But for now, I think it's about time the party started!"

"But shouldn't we..." You tried to object but Sunset put her index finger over your lip to silence you.

"We've got plenty of time to discuss about this." She said with a reassuring smile. "Let's spend the majority of the night making it special for you just like we all wanted it to be to help you improve your mental health even further."

"Okay." You said as Sunset lift her finger off your mouth. As much as you wanted to get the Truth or Dare problem taken care of, you thought that Sunset had a point and there will be plenty of time to sort that problem out.

The three of you exited the kitchen and headed into the living room where everyone else was.

"Sorry about the long wait, guys." Sunset said to everyone. "But now that's out of the way, let's all introduce Anon to a party that will be the best night of his life!"

Everyone in the room cheered as Sunset said this. Suddenly you heard some giggling from the other girls that were sitting on the couches. You then looked at the right side of your shoulder, and you noticed that Sunset's arm is wrapped around you. You started to blush again, but you were too embarrassed to speak up since they all know your little secret about Sunset. So you just pretended not to notice Sunset has her arm around you and let her get the message herself.

"What are you girls giggling about?" Twilight asked them.

"Nothin'." Applejack responded with a giggle.

Twilight knew they weren't giggling about nothing. She then made a questioning facial expression as it seemed like Applejack's response reminded her of something.

"Why do I feel like I'm getting déjà vu from this?" Twilight asked herself aloud. "This reminds me of when we went to Camp Everfree, and you girls were giggling when I first met..." She then looks to her right and sees Sunset with her arm around you. "...Timber Spruce." As she noticed Sunset's arm around you, she also started to giggle.

Sunset was then wondering why Twilight was giggling all of a sudden, particularly at her. She then looked at you and noticed she had her arm around you, and then she looked back at the giggling girls which caused her cheeks to turn red and her questioning face turned into a shocked face.

"Oh, uh..." Sunset stuttered embarrassingly. "I-I was just... going to give Anon a shoulder massage!"

Sunset then started giving you a shoulder massage while having a nervously toothy smile. She was certainly making this situation a lot more awkward.

"Okay. So thanks for the massage, Sunset." You awkwardly said while stepping away from Sunset and then looking at Pinkie. "So Pinkie, are you ready?"

"ABSOLUTELY!!!" Pinkie shouted at the top of her lungs while jumping on the couch cushion. "But before we start, I just realized that we all haven't changed into our pajamas yet. It wouldn't be a slumber party without pajamas, so go change everyone."

You all then went to separate parts of the house to change into your pajamas. Your pajamas were a purple flannel shirt and with flannel pants to match. You all then came back to the room in your pajamas. As you reenter the living room with everyone already there, you get a bit of attention from everyone, which is probably because of the pajamas.

"Oh my word!" Rarity said in amazement. "Anon, those pajamas look so dashing on you. They really bring out a handsome side to you. Uh... Not that you were never handsome, you just look even more handsome."

"Thanks, Rarity." You said as you were flattered by the compliment. "I appreciate that I'm considered attractive."

"Oh, you are most welcome, darling." She said to you as she started to giggle again. "Hey, Anon. I think there's someone else who thinks that you look more handsome than I do."

"Who? You asked.

Rarity then pointed to her right while giggling even more.

You looked to where she was pointing, and what she was pointing to was Sunset. It looks as if Sunset was gawking at you. Her face was blushing, her eyes were wide, and her mouth was agape. This made you feel even more flattered that the girl you have a crush on found you really attractive. You couldn't help but smile at Sunset. She then snaps out of her gawking state and then speaks up.

"Uh... Sorry for staring at you like that, Anon. "Sunset said as she apologizes while looking down at the ground. "I always thought you were attractive, I just never knew you were THAT attractive."

"It's alright, Sunset." You said while smiling at her. "I'm actually very flattered you find me all that attractive."

As Sunset smiles at you with her usual cute blushing face she makes when she's so bashful, you turn to Pinkie as she stands on the couch ready to begin the party.

"Alright, everyone! Let the party begin!" Pinkie said with excitement.

As you quickly head to the food tables to get some dinner before the first game starts, you couldn't help but once again worry about the upcoming Truth or Dare game as it was a bit difficult to get that off your mind while trying to enjoy yourself.

"Are you alright?" Sunset asked you as she was getting herself some sushi and pizza.

"I'm fine." You replied. "You sure you can't tell me now what you and Twilight have as a plan because I want to get this worry off my chest."

"It's best to talk about it later when nobody is looking and when nobody will get suspicious since a lot of these party activities require all of us to be around." She said to you as loads her plate with a lot of sushi. "Me and Twilight will tell you before the game starts. And don't worry. You'll be okay. You won't be chosen by Rainbow Dash to do anything embarrassing, and nothing that happens in the game will change anything between us."

"Okay, Sunset." You said while taking a deep breath. "I'll just try to enjoy myself for the time being."

She smiled as you said this, and the both of you head to the middle of the living room to get started with the first game.

Chapter 6: Crushed

As the hours pass, you and everyone else go through so many games. There were so many of them and you got through them pretty quickly that it was rather difficult to recall all of them. Regardless of how short they were, they were still very fun. The most entertaining games were the ones you remembered best. Pin the Tail on Mr. Cranky Doodle gave you the excuse to make the girls laugh with your impression of Mr. Cranky Doodle that you showed Sunset earlier. That multiplayer game The Applewood Derby was apparently a demolition derby game, which you thought was just going to be a typical soapbox derby game. And you and your friends had a food eating contest to see which one of you could eat foods of your choice the fastest. Unsurprisingly, Rainbow Dash won them all with Applejack and Sunset respectively behind her. As you all finished that food eating game, you and the girls were lying on the floor with very full stomachs.

"Ugh..." Sunset groaned while holding her stomach in pain. "...Too much sushi and pizza."

"Too many cheeseburgers and fried chicken wings." Rainbow Dash said as she was too having stomach pain.

"Too many quesadillas and vanilla ice cream." Twilight said while trying to keep the food in her stomach.

As you all lay on the floor in pain, you hear munching coming from the table with all of the desserts. You set up off the floor to see who it was, and it was unsurprisingly Pinkie Pie still at it at the desserts. As unsurprising as it was, you were in serious full stomach pain that you all couldn't help but wonder how Pinkie could still be able to eat.

"HOW ARE YOU STILL EATING?!" You question Pinkie in exclamation.

"That's just Pinkie being Pinkie." All the girls on the floor respond at the same time.

As you all stand up, Pinkie looks at all of you still as excited as she was hours ago. Nothing slows that girl down when it comes to having fun.

"Okay, everyone." Pinkie announces to all of you. "We all have one final game to play. The most exciting game which I saved the best for last so we could all spend the most time playing since it's the most popular game at our sleepovers: Truth or Dare!"

There it was. The point at which there was no going back now. The one game you and everyone had to play.

"And of course as a part of the game's tradition, we play the game up in my room." Pinkie said as she finished explaining about the game.

"All right! Rainbow Dash said with excitement. "My favorite game of the sleepover!"

"Same here." Applejack replied to Rainbow Dash with a smirk. "Out of all the games we play at these sleepovers, that one there's my favorite way to trounce your behind, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash smirked back at Applejack in response.

"Heh. Big talk coming from someone whose behind is always trounced at that game by yours truly." Rainbow Dash snapped back at Applejack.

"Not this time, Rainbow Dash." Applejack replied. "Ah was close to beatin' you at all those games we played earlier, some of them I would have won if you hadn't cheated. And Ah still have yet to get back at you for what you made me reveal at our last sleepover when we played that game."

"Give me your best shot, Apples." Rainbow Dash snapped back at Applejack again. "I'm not even that interested in targeting you this time."

Rainbow Dash then looked at you with an even wider smirk, which caused you to sweat. Applejack caught her eye, and her smirk turned into a worried expression as she noticed Rainbow Dash was referring to you and noticed your nervous reaction.

"Now, hold up there, Rainbow Dash." Applejack said to Rainbow Dash. "Anon is new to this game, and he's had a not so good history before he met all of us. Can't you go easy on him?"

"Sorry, Applejack." Rainbow Dash responded with her arms crossed. "It wouldn't be fair for everyone else if I only went easy on him, especially when you're playing the game too. Which is why I'm afraid Anon has to be treated like an equal in the game just like the rest of you."

"Fair?" You said quietly. "That's rich coming from a cheater."

Rainbow Dash turned her face back at you.

"What was that?" Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." You replied with a straight face. "It's alright, Applejack. I don't mind Rainbow Dash throwing no punches on me during this game."

"You sure?" Applejack said in a concerned tone.

Sunset and Twilight both wink at you, singling that you have nothing to worry about.

"I'm positive." You said with a smile.

"Okay! If we're all ready for the most exciting game of the sleepover, then everyone had up to my room with all of your things that you brought!" Pinkie instructed excitedly.

You picked up your stuff as everyone else did as you all are about to head up to Pinkie's room. Everyone already heads up there except for you, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and Twilight. Just as Rainbow Dash was about to head up the stairs, and with Sunset and Twilight heading back into the kitchen when no one was looking, you decided to quickly tell Rainbow Dash something.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash." You said to Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Sorry that I told Pinkie about what you did in front of Zephyr Breeze." You said apologetically.

"It's okay, Anon." Rainbow Dash responded with a deep sigh. "They would have probably found out about it even if you didn't say anything about it."

"I guess." You said back to her.

"And I have to say, that was pretty gutsy about how you revealed to everyone you had a crush on Sunset." She said to with an amused face. "Why did you do that, anyway?"

"So you wouldn't come up with even worse ideas for me in the Truth or Dare game." You replied while looking down at the ground.

Rainbow Dash chuckled in response and ruffled your hair a bit.

"I wouldn't have done anything different to you even if I was angry at you." Rainbow Dash said with a smile. "Still, I thought it was cool how you would risk yourself of embarrassment for me. I mean, I wouldn't say it was a smart thing to do, but it was pretty considerate."

"If I had done that during the Truth or Dare game instead, would it have been different?" You asked.

"A little bit." Rainbow Dash responded. "It would be more of in the spirit of the game to me."

"Really?" You replied with a smirk. "Then I guess you won't mind me going even further with that."

Rainbow Dash smirked as it seemed like to her you were offering her a challenge.

"Be careful, Anon." Rainbow Dash said in a cocky tone. "Remember which awesome girl at Canterlot High that you're offering a challenge to."

"Oh, I do." You responded in the same cocky tone as her." And you're not gonna look so awesome after I'm through with you.

Your comment made her smirk even wider.

"Is that a challenge?" She asked.

"You bet." You replied.

"Challenge accepted." She said back as she started climbing the stairs. "I'll see you upstairs, Anon. You're gonna regret ever challenging me to anything."

"And you're gonna regret whatever it is you have planned for me." You said back to her as she continued climbing the stairs until she got to the floor above you. You then headed into the kitchen to finally see what Sunset and Twilight's plan is. As you once again entered the kitchen you were greeted with welcoming smiles from both of them. "Hey, you two. So can you finally tell me what your plan is?"

"Yes, we can." Twilight responded as she walked up to you while pulling up some sort of skeleton looking app on her phone. She then held the phone over the arrow spinner that she and Sunset were using earlier, and through the phone you could see the insides of the spinner. "This app I'm using to see through this arrow spinner is an X-Ray app that I designed myself, which has the function to see through any object that my phone is in front of."

As you observed the inside of the spinner, Sunset spoke up with a question about the app.

"Uh, Twilight?" Sunset asked with her hand up. "That app doesn't allow you to see through people's clothes, does it?"

"Why, of course it does, Sunse..." Twilight replies but then stutters as she almost finished her sentence, as she was now blushing with a wide-eyed expression. Sunset then smiles amusingly from Twilight's reaction and starts to giggle.

"Looks like you've found a way to make your dates with Timber Spruce more entertaining." Sunset giggled while winking her eyebrows up and down at her.

"Uh... Anyway! Can we please get back to the topic at hand?!" Twilight embarrassingly exclaims in a defensive manner.

"What were you girls talking about?" You asked as you weren't paying attention to what Sunset asked Twilight.

"Nothing, Anon!" Twilight replied as Sunset was giggling at her which made Twilight lightly slug her in the arm. "Anyway, you see that thing in the middle of the inside of this spinner?" She points to the part in the middle that makes the arrow spin. This arrow spinner was definitely unlike most arrow spinners you've seen in games. It was pretty huge, and that thing Twilight was pointing was something that wouldn't usually fit in a smaller arrow spinner. Your guess was that this was an arrow spinner that Sunset and Twilight made themselves while you and everyone else were in the living room. "That little metal rod is inside this spinner where nobody can see it. And by using my telekinetic powers, I can stop the spinner from landing on you and Sunset when it's Rainbow Dash's turn without anyone noticing as long as the aura from my powers is projecting from inside the spinner."

As you've finally found out about the plan, you couldn't help but be impressed by it. It was a pretty good plan. You then looked at Sunset, who smiled back at you with thumbs up.

"Thanks to our plan, there's no way you'll..." Twilight was then interrupted by a notification sound on her phone. "Ooh! Timber Spruce texted me!" As she immediately became distracted, Sunset whispered something in your ear.

"She gets very easily distracted when Timber Spruce texts her." Sunset whispers to you. "So much so that she totally forgets about what she was in the middle of a second ago."

"I see." You whispered back to her.

As Twilight finished texting to Timber Spruce, she then gets back to finishing her statement.

"Now where was I?" Twilight asked herself aloud. "Oh, yeah. So you don't have to worry about those truths and dares Rainbow Dash may put you and Sunset through."

"I was actually going to say something regarding Rainbow Dash making Sunset do any of those embarrassing dares involving me." You responded to Twilight. "I'm glad you thought ahead, Twilight."

Twilight nodded with a smile.

You then suddenly realized something else that immediately crossed your mind.

"Hold on, Twilight." You said. "What about you? Can't you also stop yourself from being picked by Rainbow Dash?"

"I'm afraid I can't, Anon." Twilight sighed as you asked her this. "With me stopping Rainbow Dash from landing on you and Sunset, and considering how long we play that game, we can't let anyone get suspicious about why Rainbow Dash isn't able to randomly select anyone of the three of us and allow them to put two and two together that I'm using my powers since using powers is forbidden when we play games."

"Okay." You responded as you once again experienced an anxious feeling. "I'm not worried about anyone else putting me through anything that would affect my friendship with Sunset, but I still have this unexplainable anxious feeling."

You then felt a hand placed on your shoulder, which was Sunset's hand as she looks at you with a friendly smile.

"Don't worry, Anon." She said to you. "Nothing about our friendship will change because of this game. We'll always be friends and nothing more."

"I still hope you're right. Because I..." You replied as what Sunset said seemed to have caught your attention, but not in a good way. "What do you mean that we'll always be friends and nothing more?"

"What I mean is that I think of you as a friend, and that's it." Sunset responded honestly. "You're one of the best friends I've ever had and that's all that I think of you. I don't have any romantic feelings for you or anything. And nothing about this game will ever affect the friendship that me and you have right now, nor anything else."

As Sunset said this, you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your chest that caused you to experience some sadness inside you.

"I-it won't?" You asked as your voice cracked from the sadness you were experiencing.

"Nope." Sunset replied as she shook her head. "To be honest, Anon. In terms of relationships, you always seemed more like the friend type to me than the boyfriend type. O-of course, I'm not saying no other girl will think of you as a boyfriend type. I'm saying that I personally don't and only see you as a friend. You feel the same way about me, don't you?"

"Y-yes I do." You said as your eyes dotted to the side as you weren't doing the best job to hide the fact that Sunset had unintentionally hurt your feelings, though it doesn't seem like Sunset caught on about how you were feeling. So you felt like it would be best to keep a straight face and not let Sunset know you do have different feelings about her. "Ever since you and I have been friends, I've never had any other different thoughts about you."

"Good. I'm glad that you feel the same way, Anon. And I can't wait till this night is over so that we can get to Tirek's Revenge tomorrow." Sunset said happily as she picked up the arrow spinner while also grabbing her stuff. "I'm gonna go set things up in Pinkie's room. I'll see you two upstairs."

"See you upstairs." Twilight said back to Sunset as Sunset headed upstairs for Pinkie's room. Ten seconds after Sunset left the kitchen, Twilight picked up her stuff as it was just about that time for everyone to be in Pinkie's room for the game. As she was about to head out of the kitchen, she noticed you were still sitting down at the table.

"Hey, Anon? Are you coming?" Twilight asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm coming." You responded while trying your best to keep Twilight from reading your sadness. "I just need five more minutes down here to prepare myself for this."

"Okay." Twilight responded as she then looked at you with a concerned look on her face. "By the way, did Sunset say something that bothered you?"

"No, why?" You said.

"Well, when Sunset said she only thought of you as a great friend and nothing more, you reacted rather sadly." Twilight explained to you.

"I was just a little surprised, that's all." You responded as you could feel even more sadness build up inside of you. "I don't think of Sunset as more than a best friend either.

"Okay. I really hope you're telling the truth and not bottling anything up." Twilight said while still looking concerned but also suspicious at the same time. "I'm gonna head upstairs. You come when you're ready."

"Okay." You replied while still having that fake smile as Twilight exited the kitchen and headed upstairs. As soon as she left, you got up off the chair to get yourself a drink of water. As you drink your water, you once again thought back to the sunset. Only this time, your thoughts about it were not pleasant. It's as if all those positive thoughts and feelings you got from that sunset had vanished, and all you were experiencing were negative thoughts and feelings. Instead of thinking about Sunset being bashful, you thought about her saying that she only thinks of you as a friend, and your feelings felt like emptiness and sadness. As if you weren't sad enough, that positive sunset gazing added on top of you're already sad state, making you even more sad. You then began to have tears forming in your eyes with them rolling down off of your face, which pretty much indicates you are heartbroken. At that point, you just couldn't hold it in anymore and started to cry. You tried your best to cry quietly so no one upstairs would hear you. As you continued to cry that exact same sentence from Sunset continued to cross your mind.

"Nothing about our friendship will change because of this game. We'll always be friends and nothing more." Sunset said in your head as you thought back to it.

As that thought crossed your mind while your crying wasn't over yet, you also began to think about everything else that was going on that you were either worried about or was making you upset. All of which makes you say one thing in your head.

"I wish I had never came to this sleepover." You said in your head while crying over being rejected by Sunset. "I wish I had just stayed home and stuck with my original plan. And I wish I hadn't complimented Sunset's looks and looked at the sunset in the sky." As you sit alone in the kitchen, you waited until you were done crying before you head up to Pinkie's room so nobody will see you like this.

After five minutes of quiet crying to yourself, you decided it was time to head to Pinkie's room to start the game. Before you head upstairs, you tried to reassure yourself once again.

"It's okay. I can handle Sunset not loving me back." You said in your head as you slowly climbed the stairs. "I just need to keep my feelings for her to myself, and then after tonight I'll just wait for awhile until my feelings for her eventually fade away and I'll go back to only thinking of her as a friend." You then made it upstairs and you approached the entrance to Pinkie's room. Before you opened the door, you gave yourself one last reassurance. "First things first, I just need to get through this game. After that, everything will be fine." You then turned the doorknob to open the door and enter Pinkie's room.

As you entered Pinkie's room, all of the girls were talking to each other as it seemed like they were discussing about the game, particularly Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they were once again escalating their rivalry when it comes to games. The only two who weren't part of the discussion was Sunset and Twilight, as it looked like they were having their own discussion. Twilight sees you walk in, and Sunset turns around to see you as she had her back turned while conversing with Twilight. Sunset then stands up and walks to you with her usual bright smile.

"Hey, Anon." She greets you. "Pinkie said just put your stuff anywhere you like."

"Okay." You responded as you set your backpack down near a wall and you rolled out your sleeping bag which was a large black double sleeping bag. Sunset's eyes widened from looking at it.

"Wow." Sunset said with surprise. "That's a huge sleeping bag. More than one person could sleep in that."

"I have a very large bed at home." You responded. "I like having the extra space since it gives me more room for my limbs to spread out so they don't go numb in my sleep. Which is why my parents bought me this for whenever I sleep outside or at someone else's house."

"Those are some pretty nice parents you have." Sunset said with a smile.

"Yeah. They're really nice people." You said while looking down with a depressed look. "But too bad they're either working or on business trips that I don't get to spend much time with them."

As you said this, Sunset's smile changed into a sad look as she places her hand on your shoulder while looking at you.

"But it doesn't matter." You said while looking back up at her with a reassured smile "I've got you all as friends and I've never felt as lonely as I did then. I don't need my parents to keep me company when I have you guys around." You then kneeled down and patted down on your sleeping bag. "Go on. Feel the fabric."

Sunset kneeled down to feel the fabric with her hand. As she moved her hand up and down the covers of the sleeping bag, her eyes began to feel heavy with her smile becoming even wider. She then laid herself down on the sleeping bag as it looked like she was about to hit the hay.

"Wow." Sunset cooed with a peaceful look on her face. "I feel like I'm in heaven. I could actually go to sleep right now."

"Well, too bad you can't enjoy heaven right now since we've got to deal with the opposite from that game we have to play." You replied with an amused smile as you shook Sunset out of her relaxation.

"You'll enjoy the game. Trust me." Sunset said as she set up while you and her sat on your sleeping bag. "By the way, Anon. There's something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it?" You asked.

"A few minutes ago back when you and me and Twilight were downstairs, did anything happen after me or Twilight left the kitchen?" Sunset asked while looking you with concern.

You didn't have the guts to tell Sunset how you really feel about her since you were too shy, and you also felt like it wouldn't make a difference if you told her how you felt other than another rejection from her. So you had to stick with your plan with hiding your feelings from Sunset until you would be able to get over her and forget that you had feelings for her.

"Oh, nothing happened." You said with a straight face. "I just needed a bit more time to mentally prepare for the game."

Sunset raised a curious eyebrow while crossing her arms like she wasn't buying your fib.

"You sure?" Sunset asked suspiciously. "Because while you were still downstairs, Twilight told me that you looked sad after I said something to you."

You looked over at Twilight who was looking at you and Sunset conversing. Like Sunset, she was looking at you with a concerned look. She then looks away from you and then goes back to looking at something she was reading on her phone, which was probably a text from Timber Spruce. You then looked back at Sunset.

"Is she right?" Sunset continued to ask. "Did I say something to make you feel sad?"

This was starting to get difficult. You've lied to people before, and it was usually pretty easy. But with Sunset, that's a different story considering how observant she can be, especially when it comes to knowing how you feel about things. She was definitely quite gifted when it comes to empathy, which at this moment was bad news for you. And regardless of how much you think you can't fool Sunset, you still continued to forward your lie to her the best that you could in hoping she would believe you. Though with your attempts to hide your feelings from Sunset making you feel more desperate, you were starting to lose your straight attitude.

"Sunset, I wasn't sad about anything. And you did nothing wrong." You said as you started to lose your straight tone and attitude. "Twilight just wanted to make sure that I was okay before she left me alone, and that's it. Whatever she told you, it's not a big deal in the slightest. End of story. Now will you please drop it?"

As you finished your sentence, Sunset's suspicious face turned into a scowl. She definitely knows now you're not telling her the truth.

"Anon?" She asks in a serious tone. "What aren't you telling me?"

You started to feel guilty about lying to Sunset. You didn't like doing it, but you had to. As you tried to come up with ideas to keep yourself from spilling the beans, you came up with one that will hopefully divert attention from you long enough until it's time to play Truth or Dare. But to do so, you have to be only partially honest about what happened back in the kitchen.

"Okay, Sunset." You said to her while dropping your act. "I was sad about something in the kitchen and I'll confess about it. But first, let me ask you something. Other than because you care about me, why do you want to know so much?"

"M-me?" She stuttered while looking a bit off guard. She then started to blush as she looked back at Twilight, and Twilight gave a determined look at Sunset while tilting her head at you like she was nonverbally telling her to do something. You didn't know what it was, so you just waited for Sunset to continue. She then looked back at you to answer your question. Though the blush on her face seemed to have gotten brighter and she was having trouble looking at you in the eye just like the way she looked bashful back at your house. "Well... Y-you see, Anon. I have something to confess, too."

"You do?" You questioned her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." She responded while still looking at you with her bashful face that was then starting to form sweat on her forehead while still being unable to look at you in the eyes. "I wasn't exactly being honest with you about something either. And the other reason why I wanted to know what I said that made you feel sad was because I wanted to know if you had any feel..."

"OKAY, EVERYONE!" Pinkie announced at the top of her lungs. "LET'S GET THIS SUPER DUPER EXCITING GAME STARTED!!!"

Everyone in the room including Twilight gathered around the arrow spinner that was in the middle of the room. Pinkie's loud announcement interrupted what Sunset was trying to confess to you.

"Well, looks the game is finally ready." You said to Sunset. "Don't worry. After the game, you can tell me what you wanted to confess. Come on. Let's join them."

"Oh, okay." Sunset said while looking down at the floor with a sad expression as you both sat down in the circle everyone formed. She sat down in the circle between Rarity and Applejack while still looking down at the floor with sadness.

As you sat down in the circle between Applejack and Pinkie Pie, you noticed you were sitting across from Rainbow Dash, and she was smirking at you. You smirked back at her knowing that you'll be safe from her thanks to Sunset and Twilight.

"Let the games begin." You confidently said to yourself in your head.

Chapter 7: The Game

As you and everyone else sat around the arrow spinner, the order in the circle had you facing Rainbow Dash, which made her at the top of the circle and you at the bottom of the circle. Counterclockwise, the order of the circle was you, Pinkie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset, and Applejack. With everyone seated, it was now officially time to play Truth or Dare. Pinkie then spoke up to decide who will go first.

"Okay. Since this is Anon's first time, we'll let him go first." Pinkie said.

"That seems fair." Applejack said next to you.

"I agree." Sunset said while giving a thumbs up for good luck.

"Okay. Just don't make the game start off with a lame one." Rainbow Dash quipped at you.

"Rainbow Dash. Don't be mean." Rarity said while giving Rainbow Dash a look of disapproval.

"Hey, I'm just saying that we would all like to have a good start." Rainbow Dash responded defensively.

"I agree. I think we could all use a good start, too." You said while looking at Rainbow Dash with an annoyed look. "A good start of Rainbow Dash shutting up."

All the girls laughed at your insult towards Rainbow Dash. Unsurprisingly, Pinkie was laughing the hardest.

"Oh, Anon!" Pinkie roared with laughter. "You never cease to make me split my sides!"

"Yeah, he's a real professional comedian." Rainbow Dash replied sarcastically with an unamused look. "Will you start the game already?"

"Okay. Okay. Here it goes." You said as you give the arrow a quick flick, which caused it to spin around at very fast speed. It continued to spin around for about seven seconds until it landed on one person you didn't expect to be your first person: Twilight.

Twilight looked at the arrow pointing at her with wide eyes and a face that said "Oh no!" on it. She definitely didn't want to be the first person to be selected based on what Rainbow Dash made Sunset do to her as a dare. But you of course are not going to do anything that Rainbow Dash does to them in this game, meaning you weren't going to go that hard on them like she does.

"Okay, Twilight. Truth or Dare?" You asked Twilight as she was looking at you with a nervous sweaty look. She looked over at Sunset who looked like was trying to mouth something to her, which looked like she was telling her what to choose. Twilight then looked back at you to decide.

"Uh... D-dare." Twilight stuttered nervously.

"YES!" Rainbow Dash shouted with excitement. "We start off with a dare!"

"Okay, let's see." You said to yourself as what your dare for Twilight should be. It was a little difficult to come up with something since there are so many things you could do, but you didn't want it to be anything way too embarrassing. You then suddenly had an idea. Before the school day ended today, Mr. Cranky Doodle said something about playing card games with Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and a couple of other teachers in the teacher's lounge tonight. You then pulled out a piece of paper and pen, and you then stepped out of the circle to keep your idea a surprise. You then walked over to Twilight to pull her out of the circle and show her what you want her to do.

"Okay, Twilight." You said as you showed her the paper. "Here's your dare. But don't say what it is to anyone out loud."

Twilight reads the paper you wrote for her, and then afterwards she looks at you with a worried look on her face as she pulls out her phone.

"I don't know, Anon." Twilight said as she's about to dial her phone. "What if he knows it's me?"

"Just use one of those voice impressions I helped you with." You said while keeping the paper hidden from the others. "You have a really awesome voice that makes you sound like a totally different person when you do impressions. There's no way he'll recognize you."

"Okay." Twilight responded as she starts dialing her phone.

"It helps when you're played by a very talented voice actress." Pinkie pointed out.

"What?" Twilight replied to Pinkie's bizarre statement.

"Nothing." Pinkie giggled.

You and the girls looked at Pinkie with confusion, you all then chose to forget about it and got back on topic with the dare you were giving Twilight.

"Anyway. Put it on speakerphone, too." You said as you wanted to make sure everyone could hear this.

"Anon, what are you making her do?" Sunset asked.

"You'll see." You say with a wide grin.

As Twilight finished dialing, she held her phone up while on speakerphone as Mr. Cranky Doodle answered the phone.

"Hello? Who's speaking?" Mr. Cranky Doodle asked on Twilight's phone.

"Is this Mr. Cranky Doodle?" Twilight asked while trying to make herself sound like an old lady.

"Yes, it is." He responded. "Why are you asking?"

"Well, I'm looking for a student who goes to Canterlot High School as a freshman." Twilight said while still doing the impression. "She's my niece. Her name is Ms. ScratchMaHeiny, first name Ivanna."

"I'm afraid I don't know a student by that name." He said as he didn't seem like he was catching on about what was going on. "The principal, the vice principal, and a few other teachers are in the room with me. I'll ask them."

"Here it comes." You said to the girls while trying to contain your laughter.

"Hey, do any of you know Ivanna ScratchMaHeiny?" Mr. Cranky Doodle asked the teachers in the room with him over Twilight's phone. There was then sudden silence over the phone. About five seconds later, Mr. Cranky Doodle repeated himself.

"Well? Did you hear what I said? Ivanna ScratchMaHeiny!" He repeated himself.

Suddenly, you and the girls heard a bunch of hard laughter over the phone with one laugh in particular that you recognized, which was Principal Celestia, who was laughing the hardest and a loud thud you all heard must have been from her falling out of her chair from laughing too hard.

"What are you all laughing at?!" Mr. Cranky Doodle shouted with confusion at the teachers.

"YOU JUST GOT PRANK CALLED!" Principal Celestia responded while still laughing hard at him.

"What?!" Mr. Cranky Doodle responded with anger.

"Quick, Twilight! Hang it up!" You said to Twilight.

Twilight hung up the phone as quickly as she could in a panic. The other girls started laughing as hard as the teachers did, which Twilight slowly started to join in on.

"That was classic, Anon!" Rainbow Dash said while high fiving you as you sat back down in the circle. "Now that's what I call a good start!"

"It sure was." Rarity agreed while giggling. "It was a little immature, but still very funny."

"That's why it's funny, Rarity!" Pinkie explained while laughing. "It's funny because it IS immature!"

"That was actually pretty fun." Twilight said while laughing a bit. "Thanks for not making it one that I wouldn't enjoy, Anon."

"Of course." You responded as you looked over at Sunset who gave you a wink which told you you did a nice job as your first time playing.

"Okay. We're going to take turns by doing it clockcounterwise." Pinkie said to you all with her usual excitement she gets from games.

"You mean counterclockwise." Applejack corrected Pinkie with a deadpan expression.

"To-may-to, to-mah-to." Pinkie responded. "It's just another way of saying it like calling a keytar a guitarkey."

"For the last time, Pinkie! It's only called a keytar!" Rainbow Dash frustratingly told Pinkie.

You had no idea what they were talking about, so you encouraged to press on with the game.

"So anyway, that means it's Pinkie's turn." You said.

"Alright!" Pinkie said as she gave the arrow spinner a quick flick while looking at it with dilated pupils. "This is going to be so exciting!

About ten minutes into the game, everyone in the circle has had one turn so far including you. In the first round, Pinkie truthed Applejack into admitting she has a snoring problem. Twilight dared Pinkie into juggling a dozen eggs, which she did flawlessly, until when one of them slipped out of her hands and hit Rainbow Dash in the forehead, which was so funny that it caused you all to laugh. Fluttershy skipped her turn. Rainbow Dash dared Rarity into armpit farting the alphabet, which made Rarity remotely embarrassed to do something like that in front of her friends. Rarity truthed Fluttershy by asking her if she ever painted a picture of herself eating a Minotaur in art class, which was a pretty odd question that made Fluttershy confused and she of course said no to that question. Sunset dared Rainbow Dash into dumping all the bottles of fizzy cider that she brought with her outside, which made her burst into tears when doing it. And Applejack dared you into saying "Video games stink!" to Sunset's face, which made her give you quite a scary looking face that tells you that insulting video games in front of Sunset was a grave mistake. You of course said you didn't mean it to her and apologized. As the first rounded ended, it was your turn again. So far, the game didn't seem too bad to you. And now, it was your turn again.

"Alright, Anon. Your turn!" Pinkie told you excitedly.

"Okay, here we go." You said as you gave the arrow another quick flick. The arrow once again spun around at fast speed for about a couple of seconds until it landed on the girl to your right, which was Pinkie.

"Yay! I'm Anon's next choice!" Pinkie cheered as she faced you. "I choose dare."

"That was a quick decision I didn't have to ask you for." You said with an amused smile as you tried to think of what would be the perfect dare for Pinkie. You then looked over at Rainbow Dash who was as usual wearing that annoying smirk. You seriously wanted to get her on this turn, but you have to do Pinkie instead. So you couldn't do anything to Rainbow Dash on this turn. Or maybe you could. You then suddenly had an idea for Pinkie's dare that would involve Rainbow Dash, and it was gonna be a good one.

"You gonna decide, or are we gonna stay up all night until you do?" Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.

You then gave her a devious grin that made her look puzzled at what you had planned. You then turned to Pinkie to give her the dare.

"Pinkie. Your dare is..." You told Pinkie her dare as you then turned to Rainbow Dash while still grinning to build up suspense. "...Give Rainbow Dash a double wet willy."

Rainbow Dash's puzzling face instantly became an appalling face after you ordered Pinkie to do her dare, which was pretty much the same reaction she had when she noticed Zephyr Breeze was watching her shaking her butt at you.

As Pinkie stuck her two index fingers in her mouth, all of the girls started to giggle particularly Applejack.

"You're in trouble now, Rainbow Dash." Applejack giggled with her hand over her mouth.

Pinkie then pulled her two fingers out of her mouth that were covered in her saliva as she looked at Rainbow Dash with that same smile she always wears when she's excited. She then stands up and slowly walks over to Rainbow Dash as the other girls continued giggling. Rainbow Dash then stood up and started backing into a wall with a freaked out expression. She then looks at you with the same expression.

"Anon. Please give Pinkie a different dare." Rainbow Dash begged you in a squeaky tone.

"Sorry, Rainbow Dash." You told her while smirking. "You agreed to a challenge, and now you must live with the consequences." You then turned to Pinkie. "Do it, Pinkie."

Pinkie then tackled Rainbow Dash to the floor and stuck both of her saliva covered fingers in Rainbow Dash's ears, much to Rainbow Dash's dismay and disgust.

"OH! THIS IS SO GROSS!" Rainbow Dash cried in terror. "HAVE MERCY, PINKIE! ANON, GET HER OFF ME!"

The other girls once again roared with laughter from your dare as Pinkie was cleansing Rainbow Dash's ear canals. Out of all of them, the one who was laughing the most was Applejack. Who wanted to say something to you for that dare.

"Anon, you really made my night." Applejack giggled while patting you on the back. She then handed you an apple. "For that, you can have this apple Ah was goin' to eat."

"Thanks, Applejack." You said as you took a bite out of the apple. You then turned to Pinkie as she was still giving Rainbow Dash the double wet willy. "Okay, Pinkie. I think Rainbow Dash has had enough. You'd better stop."

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie replied as she pulled her fingers out of Rainbow Dash's ears while getting off of her. Pinkie then walked back to the circle and sat back down in her spot while Rainbow Dash followed her. She sat back down trying to get Pinkie's spit out of her ears.

"Great. Now I'm probably gonna get sick and my skin and hair is gonna turn pink." Rainbow Dash grumbled as she then looks at you with an angry look. "You're gonna get it now, Anon."

"What? You have a problem with pink?" You joked while eating the apple.

"Just you wait once it's my turn and that arrow lands on you." Rainbow Dash says as she points to the arrow spinner with a devious look.

"Yeah. If that arrow lands on me." You replied with a toothy grin.

"Even if it doesn't, I can still get the others here to do something to you like you did to me." Rainbow Dash remarked with an even wider smile.

"Yeah, but it depends on who exactly if you really want to take quite a hit at me." You pointed out to Rainbow Dash as you point to all of the girls. "There's one in particular I'm sure you want to choose, but you have to randomly select her."

You were obviously referring to Sunset. As you and Rainbow Dash were talking, Sunset looked at Twilight and gave her a smile and a thumbs up while Twilight gave her a smile and a wink in return.

"Oh, I will randomly select her, Anon. And if not, then it will be you." Rainbow Dash replied while looking at you with confidence that you or Sunset will be chosen by her.

"We shall see." You said back to her. You then turned to Pinkie. "Okay, Pinkie. Sorry that we keep dragging things on. Go ahead and do your turn."

"You got it, Anon." She said as she reaches for the arrow and then gives the arrow a quick flick as it once again spins in the middle of the circle.

Five minutes later after your turn, it was now Rainbow Dash's turn again.

"Okay. My turn again." Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed her hands together. She gave the arrow a quick flick and it then spun around. After a couple of seconds of spinning, the arrow then begin to slow down. The part that it began to slow down was after it passed Twilight. The arrow was clearly about to land on you, which made you panic while Rainbow Dash smiled in hope that you would be chosen. As the arrow slowly approached you, the arrow then moved at the same slow pace which allowed the arrow to pass you and avoid landing on you. Instead the arrow landed on the girl to your left: Applejack.

"Aw, heck!" Applejack cried while slapping her forehead with her hand.

Twilight then gave you a wink that she used her magic to stop the arrow from landing on you, which proved the plan to be a success. You winked back at her to tell her thank you. Though, you did feel bad since Applejack was chosen and she just gave you a delicious apple.

"Okay. I was hoping that arrow would land on Anon." Rainbow Dash said with disappointment. "But on the bright side, it landed on Applejack. Which is just as good of a choice as Anon is." Rainbow Dash then turned to Applejack with a smirk on her face with Applejack looked at her nervously with sweat coming down her face. "Okay, Applejack. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Applejack replied rather quickly.

"Dare?" Rainbow Dash asked with confusion.

"After that one time you read my diary, Ah don't want to take any chances." Applejack firmly said while crossing her arms.

"Oh, yeah. And that underwear in class thing I made you reveal was in your diary." Rainbow Dash stated with a casual smile. "I'm glad you're learning from your mistakes after our last sleepover."

Applejack's face immediately went red with intense anger and it was making a sound like whenever a teapot boils.

"I-I'm sorry!" Rainbow Dash apologized with a nervous grin. "Anyway. It's time to choose your dare. Lets see..."

As Rainbow Dash was thinking to herself, you continued eating your apple that you stopped eating for a while after your turn ended. You took a quite a big bite out of the apple which made a larger crunching sound that everyone in the room could here. After you took that large bite, you noticed that Rainbow Dash was looking at you. But she wasn't looking at you specifically, she was looking at your apple. That loud bite must have got her attention due to how loud it was. Her eyes were then directed towards Applejack, and then they directed back at your apple. And then suddenly, a very wide smirk appeared on Rainbow Dash's face. Applejack noticed, and she look very terrified.

"Why are you smirkin' like that?" Applejack asked while looking frightened.

"You'll see." Rainbow Dash replied as she got up and walked over to you. Just as you were about to take another bite of your apple, Rainbow Dash snatched it out of your hands.

"Hey! I was eating that!" You exclaimed angrily.

"I know." She said with a grin as she then looked at Applejack. She then took her hand that had your apple in it, and stuck it out in front of Applejack.

"Applejack." Rainbow Dash said to Applejack. "Eat this apple."

Applejack's eyes widened from Rainbow Dash's dare demand, and also looked at the apple with a disgusted face.

"You want me to eat an apple that was already in someone's mouth?!" Applejack asked in exclamation and disgust.

"Yep." Rainbow Dash snickered as she was finding this funny. "I figured an apple lover like you wouldn't resist this kind of dare."

Rainbow Dash then sat back down in her spot as everyone watched in disgust as Applejack was going to eat an apple that you already touched. You didn't feel like watching since this was partially your fault she has to do this and you felt guilty about it. So you turned your head away as you heard a crunch next to you that was followed a muffled sound from Applejack that showed how disgusted she was. Everyone in the room made "Ew!" sounds while Rainbow Dash laughed at what she made Applejack do. As Applejack finished the apple and tossed the core outside Pinkie's bedroom window, she set back down looking very nauseous.

"You okay?" You asked her out of concern.

"Ah'll be fine." She replied in a groaning sound. "But Ah think it might be a few days before Ah'm ready to eat an apple again."

You then looked at Rainbow Dash with an angry expression for what she made Applejack do.

"That was pretty gross, Rainbow Dash." You say to her.

"That's one of my main themes in this game." She replied vainly. "And you have no room to talk, Anon. You did a disgusting dare, too."

"Well, at least mine was funny. Yours was just gross and nothing else." You said back to her.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes at you. "I can come up with other dares in case if the gross ones are too much for you."

"You can do what you want. I'm still gonna beat you at this game no matter what you come up with." You said back to her.

"Maybe you will. That is, if you are playing the game." She replied vainly once again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked as you found Rainbow Dash's reply rather senseless.

Rainbow Dash didn't answer. Instead, she just continued to give you that same wide smug she's always giving to her opponents in a game. What Rainbow Dash said to you made absolutely no sense. You are playing this game right now with everyone, and you already gave two great dares to Twilight and Pinkie. So what was Rainbow Dash talking about? The only thing that could come to mind about that would be if Rainbow Dash made you do something that would put you out of the game for the rest of the night. But that's completely absurd. One of the rules of playing this game is that all people at the sleepover must play this game. So there's no way a dare like that would be allowed. Maybe the simple answer to your confusion is that Rainbow Dash is just trying to toy with your mind to throw you off your concentration. That does seem like the most possible reason for why she said that. As you continued to look at her, you noticed that she darted her eyes at Sunset and then darted her eyes back at you very quickly as that grin on her face got even wider and wider. She was obviously planning something that involved you and Sunset since you already know that she is the other person that Rainbow Dash wants to select along with you. But sadly for her, her plan won't work thanks to Twilight. So there was nothing to worry about when it comes to Rainbow Dash's empty threats. With all of the needless worrying aside, it was time to get back to the game.

"Okay, Rarity! Your turn!" Pinkie said.

"Alright, darlings. Here we go!" Rarity said as she gave the arrow a quick flick with another spin in front of the circle of eight.

Another five minutes pass after Rainbow Dash's turn, and it was now your turn again.

"Your turn again, Anon!" Pinkie said.

"Alright. Here we go again." You said as you decided that this game was really that fun to you. You gave the arrow a quick flick like the previous two rounds, and it spun around the eight of you once again. It spun around for about a couple of seconds until it finally stopped. The arrow stopped on the left part of the circle. You looked to the left to see who it landed on in the circle. And much to your surprise and dismay the arrow landed on the one person you hoped that you wouldn't get involved with in the game: Sunset.

"Hey, it landed on Sunset!" Pinkie told everyone. "Anon gets to make Sunset do a truth or a dare!"

Sunset looked at you with that same adorable smile while she waved to you.

The other girls giggled about Sunset being the next person you have to do a truth or dare to. The giggling was making you really nervous and causing you to lose your concentration.

"O-okay, Sunset." You stuttered while trying to not look weird. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Sunset replied cheerfully.

The girls started giggling again, though this time it was a bit louder.

"So, darling?" Rarity asked you teasingly. "What are you gonna make Sunset do?"

"I-I h-haven't decided yet." You replied in a stutter.

"Ah think you have, Anon. You just can't say it." Applejack while winking her eyebrows up in down.

"N-no! I'm serious! I don't know!" You stuttered again.

"Girls, stop teasing him." Sunset demanded in a levelheaded tone. "I'm sure Anon doesn't know what to choose as a dare for me. He's probably got a lot of good ideas in his head but he can't decide because your teasing is ruining his concentration." She then turns to you. "Hey, Anon? If you can't decide on a dare, do you want me to make you a request?" Sunset asked.

"Uh, sure. Go ahead." You responded quickly.

"Okay." She said as she then got out of the circle and then walked over to you. She then pulled you out of the circle and made you stand up on your feet. "How's this for a dare?" She then quickly wraps her arms around you and pulls you into a hug. After a couple of seconds, she then releases you from her embrace.

"A hug?" You asked while looking confused.

"Yeah." She answered you with a warm smile.

"Odd choice for a dare, but I'm always open for a hug from you." You said as you smiled back at her.

"That's why I chose that as the dare for you." She said as she walked back to her spot and sat back down.

"Well, that was definitely a great dare." You replied as you sat back down in the circle.

As you both sat back down in the circle, the giggling from the other girls continued. Applejack gave you a nudge and a thumbs up. You blushed while rolling your eyes. Rarity did the same to Sunset, and her reaction was the same as yours. As you then faced forward, you noticed that Rainbow Dash was not only having a wide grin, but her eyes were wide too. It looks like she has an idea for a dare that she can do whether the arrow lands on you or Sunset. Whatever her dare is, it's too bad for her that she's not going to use it on either of you two.

"My turn, again!" Pinkie said as she spun the arrow around with a quick flick for her third time.

It has been almost a half hour since you all started this game. And currently, it was the third turn for everyone. You, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy all had your turns. It was now Rainbow Dash's third turn in the game. As she was about to spin the arrow again, she looked at you as she had something to say.

"So, Anon? You still think you can beat me at this challenge?" Rainbow Dash asked while smiling at you.

"You bet I can." You replied with a smirk.

"Well, I have something in mind that just might instantly make me the victor." Rainbow Dash told you vainly while pointing her thumb at herself.

"That actually sounds very interesting." You said while stroking your chin in curiosity. "Well, go ahead and see if the arrow will finally land on me for your current turn."

"Actually, in order for me to do this idea of mine, the arrow doesn't have to only land on you." Rainbow Dash said while crossing her arms. "I can also do it if it lands on someone else."

"And who would that person be?" You asked.

"It's a surprise." Rainbow Dash whispered.

"Ooh! I love surprises!" Pinkie exclaimed with glee. "Don't say who it is, Rainbow Dash!"

You obviously knew who Rainbow Dash is referring to. It's Sunset. Who else would it be? Your most closest friend out of all your friends who has left the most impact on you. She was the person you were afraid of being dragged into a dare that Rainbow Dash would come with. Just like that dare she pulled Sunset into with Twilight. But it's so sad for Rainbow Dash that she won't get to do this idea of hers since Twilight is preventing her from selecting you or Sunset. And knowing that you and Sunset are safe is definitely a breath of fresh air because you were so anxious a few hours about what Rainbow Dash might do to you that would involve Sunset that it made you reluctant to come to the party. But thanks to Sunset and Twilight, you all were able to turn the tables on Rainbow Dash where she would be on the receiving end instead of you. And after so many times of your friends being the ones on the receiving end by her, it was certainly cathartic for you to get at her like that. At this point, you decided that coming to this party was a good idea after all and you were going to thank Sunset a tons for convincing you to come regardless of you already having plans to spend your Friday night. With no anxiety present in your system, you could just kick back at watch Rainbow Dash once again fail at randomly selecting you or Sunset.

"Alright, Rainbow Dash! It's your third turn!" Pinkie said to Rainbow Dash.

"YEAH!" Rainbow Dash shouted with confidence as she looks at you before spinning the arrow. "You'd better hope it doesn't land on you or that surprise person!"

"I certainly hope that it doesn't." You replied while giving her the same smirk.

"Alright, then. Here we go!" Rainbow Dash said as she gives the arrow a quick flick that makes it spin around at fast speed.

You watch the arrow spin with a smile of amusement knowing that it wasn't going to land on you or Sunset. As the arrow continued to spin very fast, it was just about to slow down at the point where Twilight would use her telekinetic powers to either make it land on the girls either between you or the girls between Sunset.

"Alright, Twilight. Do your stuff." You said in your head as you looked at Twilight with confidence in her.

Suddenly, you heard a sound coming from Twilight that sounded like a text message notification from a phone. She then pulls out her phone with excitement.

"Hey, Timber Spruce texted me!" She exclaimed with joy.

As Twilight looked at her phone, that smile on your face immediately vanished as your eyes widened from this turn of events. You remembered back in the kitchen about Sunset telling you that Twilight gets easily distracted and forgets about what's currently happening whenever Timber Spruce texted her. And since Timber Spruce texted her right in the middle of Rainbow Dash's turn, she's totally distracted and has forgotten that she's supposed to be using her magic right this minute. You looked back down at the arrow, and it was starting to slow down. You then looked back up at Twilight who is still distracted by the text. You immediately started to have a huge panic since you and Sunset were now at this moment not safe from being randomly selected. You then quickly looked over at Sunset as she was too panicking from Twilight getting distracted. To save you and Sunset, you stealthily texted Twilight with your phone under your leg to get her attention without saying anything. You then heard the notification sound from Twilight's phone as she got your text.


Twilight then immediately looks up from her phone to notice that the arrow was close to stopping. She then put her phone down in a panic and immediately tried to use her magic with her hand behind her back to stop the arrow from landing on you or Sunset. You then immediately closed your eyes and turned your head away in hopes that Twilight wasn't too late.

A couple of seconds later, you started to hear giggling from in front of you. The giggling then slowly turned into laughter as you immediately knew who was making that laugh. You then turned your head to face forward and slowly opened your eyes and hoped that it wasn't who you think it was making that laugh. And much to your dismay, it was that person. It was Rainbow Dash. As you continued to slowly open your eyes, what you only saw was Rainbow Dash laughing in victory. She then stops laughing and then looks at you with a smirk that was even wider than the most smirks she gives. You then suddenly could feel that anxious feeling appearing inside of you again as you looked at Rainbow Dash. You really didn't want to, but you had to look at who the arrow landed on. You looked at the spinner, and much to your surprise, the arrow didn't land on you. But that didn't relieve you in the slightest as you noticed that arrow landed on someone to your left. And based on Rainbow Dash's reaction, your worst nightmare was about to come true. You then looked to see who the arrow landed on, and much to your dismay, the arrow indeed landed on Sunset. It's official. Twilight was too late to stop the arrow from landing on Sunset.

As Sunset glanced at the arrow pointing at her, she is clearly in a panic from being chosen by Rainbow Dash for her third turn. Sunset then looked at Twilight with an angry expression for her messing up, which Twilight reacted with the same panicking expression that was also a apologetic expression.

"Alright!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "It's about time Anon got to have a taste of what I can cook up in this game!"

"Oh, so it was Sunset that was the surprise person." Pinkie said. "When you think it about, it does seem pretty obvious."

You looked straight at Rainbow Dash in total panic as you were about to face the reason why you didn't want to come to this sleepover.

"Well, Anon. It looks like I win this challenge of ours." Rainbow Dash gloated victoriously.

"What do you mean you win?" You asked as that anxious feeling slowly started to grow inside you.

"Actually, depending on what Sunset chooses, I win." Rainbow Dash corrects herself. "You see, earlier when I told you that you might beat me if you are playing this game, I meant that I was thinking of an idea for a dare that would end up having you booted out of the game for the rest of the night. That way for the rest of tonight's game, you can't do anything to me. So you automatically lose."

"Wait a second, Rainbow Dash." Pinkie interrupted her. "A dare like that would be against the rules."

"Rainbow Dash doin' something that's against the rules? So what else is new?" Applejack asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, but once you all know what it is, I'm sure you would all have no problem with an exception." Rainbow Dash replied. She then turned to Sunset, who was looking at Rainbow Dash with a determined look. "Alright, Sunset. Truth or Dare?"

As Rainbow Dash awaits Sunset's answer, you look at Sunset as she makes her decision. As Sunset decides, she looks down at the floor with a sad expression and then sighs deeply while also giving you a quick glance with that same exact sad expression. She then looks back at Rainbow Dash and switches back to her determined expression.

"Dare." Sunset responds.

You were seriously hoping that Sunset would choose truth instead. As Sunset made her decision, you look down at the floor with sadness as your anxiety continues to grow.

"YES!" Rainbow Dash celebrates while doing a victory dance. "Oh, yeah! I win! I beat Anon! I'm the best at all the games at this sleepover!"

"Just tell me the dare, you egomaniac." Sunset told Rainbow Dash while looking very annoyed.

"Oh, but of course." Rainbow Dash replied proudly. She then looked to her right over to where the sleeping bags were lying. Yours was near Pinkie's bedroom window. She then looks back at you to ask you something. "Hey, Anon. That huge sleeping bag by the window is yours, right?"

"Yes." You responded as you continued to stare at the floor.

"I have to say. The size of that thing is pretty huge." She said in amazement. "I bet more than one person could fit in there."

"Yeah, so?" You asked in response to Rainbow Dash's statement.

Rainbow Dash once again did not respond to one of your questions. You then looked up to her as she was smiling a lot more deviously than she did the entire night, which did not help your already panicking self.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you going to make Sunset do to me?" You asked as your panicking started to become a lot more obvious to everyone around you.

Rainbow Dash still refused to answer and just continued to smile at you for a couple of seconds as she then turned her attention back to Sunset.

"Sunset. Get ready for probably the best dare that I'm ever going to give you in this game." Rainbow Dash told her as Sunset kept looking at Rainbow Dash with an angry look. "Sunset, your dare is to get in Anon's sleeping bag..." She then stops halfway and quickly gives you one last smirk before she gives Sunset her dare. She then turns back to Sunset to finish her sentence. "...and cuddle with him for the rest of the night!"

Chapter 8: The Dare

As Rainbow Dash just told Sunset what she had to do to you as a dare, it immediately became a room of silence. The silence was then broken by your heavy breathing as Rainbow Dash's dare for Sunset has given you an anxiety attack. You glanced over at Sunset who had a huge blush on her face after Rainbow Dash told her what her dare is. You then finally spoke up as you turned your attention to Rainbow Dash.

"YOU WANT SUNSET TO DO WHAT WITH ME?!" You asked Rainbow Dash while shouting at the top of your lungs in a dramatic manner.

"Cuddle you in your sleeping bag." Rainbow Dash repeated herself while giving you that same annoying smirk.

You then looked down to the floor as a blush appeared on your face while you continued to breath heavily.

"We can't do that! We're only friends!" You protested with a lot less loud of an outburst.

"Sorry, Anon. You agreed to a challenge, and now you must live with the consequences." Rainbow Dash chuckled while using your own words against you. "And besides, what are you so worried about? You and Sunset practically cuddle all the time. You two always give each other hugs that go on for more than a few minutes. You can't deny that you and Sunset might be a little too close to each other."

"That's because Sunset used long hugs as one of her best methods to help me manage my anxiety!" You explained while your anxiety continued to intense worrying through out your mind. "We've done it so much that we got used to it to the point where they don't bother us when they go on for a bit too long! And in case if you haven't noticed Rainbow Dash, my anxiety is acting up now!"

All the girls except for Rainbow Dash looked at you with concern as you said this, Sunset especially as she looked even more worried than everyone else.

"Well, if long hugs help you with anxiety, then I think this dare might help you a lot with that." Rainbow Dash tells you as she continues to smile like this was all funny to her. "This dare would definitely help you with your anxiety." Her smile then turns in an amused grin. "And probably even help you get a girlfriend!"

As Rainbow Dash said that, your worriedness suddenly turned into anger as you stood up on your feet and looked at Rainbow Dash with quite an angry look as you clenched your first with the desire to punch her for mocking your situation.

"Rainbow Dash..." You said through your teeth as you slowly step towards her. "I am going to..."

"Anon, stop!" Sunset told you as she got in front of you to stop you from doing something you'll regret. "Calm down. I know this may sound strange to you, but I think Rainbow Dash is right. I think maybe this dare is something you need right now."

"What?!" You exclaimed with a blush on your face. "Sunset, whenever this happens you can just give me a hug while I take slow deep breaths. We don't need to do anything other than that!"

"Anon, your anxiety is seriously acting up and you're also angry." Sunset explained as she placed her hands on her shoulders while giving you a concerned look. "I know I usually give you hugs to help you calm down, but I think maybe this time you need something more effective." She then glances to the side as a bright blush appeared on her face and then looks back at you in the eyes. "And I think maybe me cuddling you for the rest of the night is effective enough."

"How is it more effective?!" You asked her.

"Well, you and me don't have to play this game for the rest of the night. That's already a huge pressure of your mind." Sunset responded as she turned to Pinkie. "By the way, Pinkie. About Rainbow Dash asking you to make an exception, can you do it?"

"You bet I can do that, Sunset." Pinkie says as her eyes sparkled while giving off a heart melting expression. "If it means allowing you two to give each other long snuggles, I'm all for it! There's nothing that makes someone more happy and shows that you care about each other than a tight warm hug!"

Both you and Sunset look at Pinkie in cringe.

"As much as you are correct Pinkie, that came off as rather sappy." Sunset said as she then looked back at you after getting an oversaturated response from Pinkie. "Anyway, and also we don't have to break the hug. So you'll be able spend the remainder of the night feeling better and we can do something fun in case if we don't feel like sleeping."

"How are you so calm about this, Sunset?" You asked her in confusion. "You do realize that we have to do this while our friends are watching us, right?"

"And we're going to enjoy every second of it, darling." Rarity giggled.

"Ah'm lookin' forward to it, too." Applejack agreed.

"I won't watch you guys for too long, but I still want to see it since you both do look cute together." Fluttershy said honestly.

You and Sunset blushed as your friends said that while giggling. The only one who wasn't giggling was Twilight, who wasn't paying attention since she was staring down at the floor in shame for what she accidentally allowed to happen. Sunset then looked back at you to finish answer why this doesn't bother.

"The reason I'm calm about this Anon is that why it's still embarrassing to me too, it's a lot better than those other things Rainbow Dash made me do. And it's a dare that I can at least enjoy." Sunset said with a warm smile and a blush still on her face.

"Okay." You responded after taking a deep breath. "If this is what I need and if it's really no big deal since we practically do this all the time, then okay. Lets do it."

"Hooray!" Sunset cheered while jumping up in down in excitement. She then stops and looks back at you while you look at her with a weirded out face. She then gives you a toothy smile to hide her embarrassment. "U-uh, I mean I agree. Lets do it."

You couldn't help but chuckle from Sunset's excitement that made her sound like Pinkie like she did earlier when you told her about that game she wanted you to play. As you both finished conversing about the dare, you two then started walking towards the sleeping bag as you pass the girls who are all giggling and waving at you two. As you both approach the sleeping bag, you unzipped the end of the covers on the top to allow you and Sunset to get into the sleeping bag. You then stepped back to allow Sunset to go in first.

"Ladies first." You said to her.

"What a kind gentleman." Sunset responded in the exact same mannerisms that Rarity speaks in, which made you chuckle a bit. She stepped inside the sleeping bag and moved to the far right of it. It was a pretty big sleeping bag, and there was quite a far gap in between you and Sunset. As she laid down inside the bag, her eyes shot open and huge smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, wow!" She said in amazement. "This sleeping bag is unbelievably comfortable. I'm so jealous of you, Anon."

"I'm glad that you love it." You said to her. As she enjoys the inside of the sleeping bag, you climb into it and laid down on the far left side and then you zipped up the sleeping bag to have the covers over you and Sunset. You then turned to face Sunset as she was still enjoying the sleeping bag that you waited until she was done. After about ten seconds she then turned to face you. She was looking at you with a warm smile and drowsy eyes as it seemed like the sleeping bag was so comfortable to her it was making her sleepy. You're used to this sleeping bag, so it wasn't really making you sleepy. You were getting sleepy, but it was from looking at Sunset that was making you sleepy. You then decided to ask her how you and her were going to do this dare.

"So how do you wanna do this?" You asked as you scootched over to her a bit.

"Well, I think since that I'm the one being dared, I should probably take the lead." She responded as she scootched over to you a bit.

"Well, I'm ready when you are." You told her as you opened your arms to allow her to embrace you.

"Okay." She said with the same drowsy smile. She then scootched over more until she was a couple inches away from you. As she was now closer to you, she opened her arms as she was ready to cuddle you. She slowly wrapped her arms around you until she pulled you into an embrace. You jumped a bit as she hugged you since you were still experiencing anxiety from doing this. Sunset noticed this and looked up at you.

"You okay?" She asked you out of concern.

"I'm fine." You responded to her with a reassured smile. "I'm just still feeling rather anxious."

"Don't worry. I'm right here for you, Anon. Like I always am." She tells you as she tightens her embrace around you. "And just like I do whenever I'm there for you, I'm gonna make you feel better."

"Thank you, Sunset." You thanked her as you wrapped your arms around her to pull her into a hug.

"Anytime, Anon. Anytime." She replied as she slowly closed her eyes as you pull her into an embrace. You then tightened the embrace a bit to make it like the same hugs you usually give Sunset. You were both now completely cuddling each other. And to you both, it felt amazing. This was pretty much the best hug you two have given each other, and to you it was the most relaxing and the most cathartic hug Sunset has ever given you. It was so pleasing to you that tears started forming in your eyes. You even sniffled a little bit. Sunset heard you and then looked up with an amused smile.

"I see you're enjoying this so much it's making you cry tears of joy." Sunset giggled.

"So very much. And we get to do this through the whole night." You said as you closed your eyes and positioned yourself in a comfortable position.

"Yep." Sunset replied as she closed her eyes again. "And I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

"Me, too." You said back to her as you became so sleepy from the comfortable sleeping bag and cuddling that you felt like dozing off. As you both snuggled each other, the girls watch as their hearts melted from the intimacy you were giving each other.

"Oh my goodness!" Rarity exclaimed as tears ran down her face. "That is so peaceful and wholesome that it's making my heart too full to handle it!"

"It's like watching two kittens snuggle in their sleep." Fluttershy said while smiling warmly.

"Ain't that just a sight? Watchin' those two sugarcubes givin' each other the sweetest of warm and comfort?" Applejack said while also smiling warmly while resting her face on her hand.

"They always make each other so happy, and I'm happy I get to see them at their most happiest." Pinkie says as tears of happiness roll down her eyes.

Twilight was still not paying attention to what was going on due to her still hanging her head in shame, which Pinkie noticed when she looked away from you and Sunset.

"Hey, Twilight. You're missing out on this." Pinkie said while shaking Twilight by her shoulder.

"Huh?" Twilight asked as she looked up and saw you and Sunset cuddling in your sleeping bag. And much to her surprise, you two not only looked so cute together, but also looked so happy and carefree. Even though Twilight still felt bad for letting you both down, she couldn't help but smile warmly like everyone else except for Rainbow Dash.

"Wow. They look so peaceful and comfortable." Twilight said while watching you and Sunset cuddle. "They don't seem the least bit bothered or embarrassed by what they have to do to each other." Twilight then looks down at the floor while looking sad again. "If those two are really that happy right now, I hope they're not too mad at me."

"Mad? About what?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh! Uh, nothing!" Twilight giggled nervously.

"Hey, guys? Are we going to continue the game, or continue to gawk at those two needy lovebirds?" Rainbow Dash asked rather rudely.

"In a minute, Rainbow Dash." Pinkie responded while sounding annoyed. "You know I don't like to miss out on happiness like this."

"If watching that is what makes you happy, then you're more weird than I thought, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said while chuckling.

"Rainbow Dash, don't be so heartless!" Rarity shouted. "You're really not giving those two enough credit for how they're handling this dare of yours. You put them both in such an embarrassing situation that would usually cause awkwardness and resistance between most people. But instead, they're going along with it while being so kind and encouraging to each other that it not only allows them to handle the dare, but also make each other so very happy for what they have to do as a dare."

"They can handle it so well because they are friends who are way too close to each other." Rainbow Dash responded while rolling her eyes. "I mean, since when are friends that close to each other unless if they're dating? It's no wonder why people think those two are a couple when they're giving each other their drawn-out hugs."

"Rainbow Dash. Anon already told you why they..." Applejack tries to respond but then gets interrupted.

"I know, it's because of Anon's anxiety and them being so used to long hugs." Rainbow Dash interrupts Applejack. "Still, those two really should have had better boundaries. What they do as friends is just plain weird and uncomfortable."

"What they do as friends is none of your business, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight shouted. "The stuff that they do together doesn't matter as long they're not hurting each other or doing anything immoral. And they shouldn't have to listen to people like you who look down on them for doing things so harmless like giving each other long hugs just because you think intimacy is weird and uncomfortable."

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash said while rolling her eyes again and giving a deadpan expression. "Can we just get back to the game already?"

"Okay, I'll go." Rarity said with an annoyed tone as she gives the arrow a quick flick. It spins around for a couple of seconds until it slowed down to land on one of the girls. And the arrow landed on Rainbow Dash.

"Alright, Rainbow Dash. Truth or Dare?" Rarity asked while still sounding annoyed.

"Truth." Rainbow Dash replied.

As Rainbow Dash decided, Rarity then immediately got an idea with a smirk to go with it.

"Rainbow Dash?" Is it true that you're jealous of Sunset and Anon?" Rarity asked while giving Rainbow Dash a curious eyebrow.

"Why, yes I'm... Wait, what?" Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity with confusion while she and the other girls grinned at Rainbow Dash.

"So that's the reason why you're being so cold, Rainbow Dash." Rarity said. "You're just jealous."

"Wha... What are you talking about? I'm not jealous." Rainbow Dash replied with further confusion.

"Don't play dumb, Rainbow Dash." Applejack said while looking at Rainbow Dash with a suspicious grin. "You act like all that huggin' and other sweet stuff people do is lame and gross, but you've shown us that you're not really against it and you actually do like that stuff."

"I don't have a problem with hugs. But that cuddling stuff, yes." Rainbow Dash replied honestly.

"But I'll bet you secretly wish you had someone to give you cuddles, but you don't want to admit it for the sake of your tough and aloof reputation." Twilight said mockingly.

"Ooh! Maybe that's the reason she was shaking her tushie when Fluttershy arrived!" Pinkie said in her usual innocent and exciting tone. "She's desperate for cuddles so she shook her fanny at Zephyr Breeze to get his attention!"

Rainbow Dash eyes suddenly widen and a huge blush appears on her face, and the girls started laughing as Pinkie suggested this. Fluttershy was the only one who wasn't laughing since she didn't think the way her brother treats Rainbow Dash is funny.


"Okay, that's a fair point." Applejack said. "And technically, we all already know the real reason why you did that since Anon already told us."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot." Pinkie responded in realization that she already knew the reason this whole time.

"Anyway, we're stalling again." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Let's just back to the game again."

"Okay!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "I believe it's your turn, Applejack."

"Alrighty." Applejack said as she gives the spinner a flick.

As the other girls continue the game, you and Sunset were still cuddling while sleeping. You and her couldn't hear them due to being asleep, so you both weren't aware about whatever they were doing in that game. Even though you were in a deep sleep, that doesn't mean you couldn't feel anything that was going on. Because the next thing you knew, you felt a ticklish feeling in your ribs. You started giggling as the ticklish feeling continued, which suddenly got more frequent to the point where you started laughing. The tickling you were experiencing and the laughter combined caused you to wake up from your sleep. You then open your eyes to see Sunset giggling with her hands on your ribs, as it turns out that the ticklish feeling came from her tickling you.

"Hey. What was that all about?" You said while still giggling from the tickling.

"Come on, Anon." Sunset chuckled while rolling her eyes. "You're telling me you wanna go to sleep now? It's still a bit too early for that."

"I suppose you're right." You agreed as Sunset removes her hands from your ribs and wraps her arms around you again. "If you think that we shouldn't sleep, then what should we do instead?"

"Alright, Twilight. Now it's your turn again." Pinkie said while looking at Twilight.

"Okay." Twilight replied as it was now her turn.

Both you and Sunset noticed that it was now Twilight's turn in the game. As she was about to spin the arrow, you suddenly got an idea.

"Hey, Sunset." You whispered to her. "I know what we can do instead of sleeping."

As you whisper to Sunset your idea, the other girls in the circle cheered on for Twilight.

"Make it a good one, Twilight!" Pinkie said while patting Twilight on the back.

"Yeah. And please don't make one of us juggle food again." Rainbow Dash said in an annoyed tone while looking at Pinkie and crossing her arms.

"Come on, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie exclaimed in a apologetic tone. "I said I was sorry about that!"

"Ya'll have to admit, Pinkie was pretty impressive when she juggled those eggs." Applejack pointed out.

"Yeah. Until when one of them ended up scrambling on my forehead." Rainbow Dash replied while still sounding annoyed.

"Oh, that was hilarious." Applejack chuckled.

Rainbow Dash was starting to get even more annoyed.

"Will you please go already, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.

"Okay, I'll go. Sheesh." Twilight said while rolling her eyes from Rainbow Dash's impatience. "Here we g..." Suddenly, Twilight got a text notification on her phone, and she immediately pulled her phone out to see who texted her.

"Let me guess: A text from Timber Spruce?" Rarity asked in a teasing tone.

"No, I-I mean yes!" Twilight stuttered while changing her answer quickly. She then stepped out of the circle. "Uh, Pinkie? Is it okay if we take a five minute break? I need to use the bathroom."

"Of course!" Pinkie responded.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash shouted from her lack of patience and annoyance.

"Thanks." Twilight said as she exited the room and headed to the bathroom near Pinkie's room. She closed the door and locked it to respond to her text. The reason why she's looking so secretive about her text is not because it came from Timber Spruce, but because the text came from you. Twilight then read the text you sent her.

Hey, Twilight. How's the game going so far?

Twilight then texted back to you with an apologetic look on her face.

It's going fine. And Anon, I'm very sorry that I got distracted and let you and Sunset down. If there's anything I can do to make up for it, I'll gladly do it.

You then texted back to Twilight.

It's all good, Twilight. I forgive you. Actually now that you mention it, there's something I would actually like you to do.

Twilight then texted you back while expressing a curious face.

Sure. What is it?

You then texted back very quickly.

I want you to help me get payback on Rainbow Dash.

Twilight texted you back just as quickly.


You then texted back again but with a much more longer response.

Yes. But it's not just about the dare. It's about what we've had to go through for the past couple of hours. When I found out about that game and what Rainbow Dash dared Sunset to do to you, I got a serious anxiety attack from worrying about what Rainbow Dash would make me or Sunset do to each other as a dare. And my anxiety attack also caused Sunset to have one since it scared her and forced her to come help me at my house. And when I had another one when Rainbow Dash gave Sunset her dare for what she had to do to me, Rainbow Dash made fun of me for it. What we had to go through was just too much for us, and I want to get back at Rainbow Dash for causing us those anxiety attacks and making a joke about it.

Twilight read the long text, and then after a minute of reading she replied back.

Okay, Anon. I'll do it. Just tell me what you need me to do.

You texted her what you wanted her to do. It was a simple thing, but still very important.

Okay. Here's what I need you to do...

Chapter 9: Payback

As you explained your plan to Twilight through texting, you waited for Twilight to come back from the bathroom. As you wait, you and Sunset continue to converse since you both had just woken up a few minutes ago. And you both also separated from the hug to take a few minute breather.

"You sure you wanted to stop cuddling for a few minutes?" Sunset asked as you two were now laying a few feet away from each other. "I don't mind if you don't want us to stop."

"I figured the both of us could use a short break." You said as you were staring at the ceiling while talking to Sunset. "I'm feeling better now enough to take a break from it."

"A break from one of the most comforting things you've ever experienced in your life?" Sunset questioned while smiling at you amusingly. "There is something seriously wrong with that."

You both laughed at Sunset's comment as you both stared up at the ceiling while still a few feet away from each other. You then looked back at the text on your phone about what you wanted Twilight to do as part of your revenge plan, and she seems totally fine with it. You're not usually a revenge type of guy, but you still really wanted to do this. You then wonder if Sunset might think that this is not a good idea, so you ask her what she thinks about getting back at Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Sunset. I know revenge is never really a smart idea, but what Rainbow Dash made me and you have to go through today, she seriously deserves it." You say to Sunset as you expect her to be reluctant with your idea. "Do you agree?"

"Yes, I agree." Sunset replied while nodding in agreement. "Those anxiety attacks you had and the one I had were just too much that I just can't let that go, even if you and me do feel better now."

"Yeah. And I can't wait for her to get what's coming to her." You said while smirking. You then thought back to before the game started, about what Sunset wanted to say to you that was about a confession. You then figured that since you and Sunset were out of the game for the rest of the night, now's a good time to ask her about what she wanted to tell you. "Hey, Sunset? What was it you wanted to say to me?"

"Huh?" Sunset questioned.

"Remember? You said you wanted to confess something to me when I asked you why you wanted to know if you hurt my feelings." You said as you tried to jog Sunset's memory.

"Oh! R-right! Of course!" Sunset stuttered as she remembered what she wanted to tell you. She then blushes again like she was when she was about to tell you what she wanted to confess. "What I wanted to confess was something that I wanted to say after I asked you something."

"What would that be?" You asked.

"Uh... I w-wanted to know i-if..." Sunset stuttered as she tried to say her sentence while looking very embarrassed. She then takes a slow deep breath to calm herself so she can give you her question. "I-I wanted to know if you had feelings for me."

"F-feelings for you?" You questioned with a slight stutter.

"Yeah." She replied honestly while dotting her eyes to her left to show her shyness in asking you this question. "Twilight said that I said something to you that made you feel sad, and we both figured it was due to me saying that I only thought of you as a friend. Is that true?"

This right here was the reason why you didn't want to tell Sunset the truth about what happened in the kitchen since it would give away your feelings for Sunset to her, and your anxiety and shyness is what's keeping you from being open about it to her since you didn't want Sunset to feel weird due to having a friend that has a crush on her. So of course, you stuck with your plan to hide your feelings from Sunset until you are over her. But since Sunset knew you were lying about what she said in the kitchen, you only needed to be partially honest while still keeping her from finding out you love her.

"Uh, y-yes." You said while blushing and trying your best to look at Sunset in the eye. "But it's not what you think is what made me feel sad."

"It's not?" Sunset asked while looking at you while raising a curious eyebrow.

"No, it's not." You said to her while trying to sound honest. "I don't have feelings for you."

"You don't?" Sunset asked again.

"No, I don't." You answered again. "I felt sad by what you said because it made me feel like I wasn't romantically attractive. Not so much as only to you, but to girls in general. It just kind of hurts when a girl says something to a boy that makes them feel like they'll never find love."

Sunset then looked at you as you tried to your best to keep a straight face so she won't detect any trace of lying after you tried to give her a lie that sounded as real as you could make it. After about a few seconds of staring at you, Sunset started to giggle into her hands.

"What's so funny?" You asked her.

"I just find it a little ironic." She said while still giggling. "Usually in situations like that, the reason that person is sad is because that other person told them that they don't have a crush on them and only think of them as a friend."

"Yeah. It actually is kind of funny when you think about it that way." You said while chuckling nervously due to how on point Sunset described that situation.

"Yep." Sunset replied as she then looks back at you as she stops giggling. "I mean, like you said, it's not the same case with you, right?"

"No it isn't." You said to her as you once again started to have a difficult time keeping a straight face. "So what was it that you wanted to confess to me?"

"Oh, nothing big." Sunset said while still smiling at you. "I was just gonna tell you that I'm a kind of a slob."

"A slob?" You asked as you were expecting a different kind of answer since Sunset seemed rather embarrassed to tell you her confession earlier. "That's what you seemed embarrassed about?"

"It's a pretty embarrassing habit." Sunset said as she darted her eyes to her left as her suspicious smile turned into an embarrassed smile. "I once actually found a moldy piece of pizza in my closet when I was trying to find a Halloween costume for Fluttershy."

"Ew." You replied while giving Sunset a disgusted expression.

"Heh. Bet you weren't expecting that from me, huh?" Sunset chuckled. "It goes to show you that someone like me who you may think is very beautiful and talented is not without her flaws."

"I always knew you had flaws, but I never knew that was one of your flaws." You said with an amused smile

"Surprising, isn't it?" Sunset says sarcastically while giggling. "It's almost as if you were talking to a real live human being."

"I guess I am." You said as the both of you laughed again from your joking comments. As you both finish laughing, Sunset then looks at you with that suspicious smile of hers again. The difference about this time is that she leaned her face in a bit towards you.

"So, Anon?" Sunset asked you as her smile got a bit wider. "You sure you don't have anything else you want to tell me?"

"Y-yes, I'm sure." You stuttered as you once again continued to give her your straight face.

"You sure?" She asked again as she scooted closer to you until you were only a couple of inches apart from her.

"Yes! I'm definitely sure!" You replied once again but in a more exclamative tone that doesn't really make you sound all that honest.

Sunset kept staring at you with her smile as she continues to scoots over to you, until she reaches you and then wraps her arms around you again to pull you back into a cuddle.

"Okay, I trust you. But in case if you do have anything else you want to tell me..." She said as she tightened her embrace around you. "...I'll be right here with you for the rest of the night."

"O-okay, thanks." You stuttered as you wrapped your arms around Sunset to return the embrace. As you tightened your embrace around Sunset, she still wouldn't stop giving you that smile. It was really starting to weird you out with confusion and also a lot of bashfulness.

"Sunset? Why do you keep smiling at me like that?" You asked as a huge blush appeared on your face again.

"Oh, nothing." She said while still keeping her eyes on yours. "I'm just waiting for something."

"Waiting for what?" You asked.

As you asked this, Twilight entered the room as she came back from the bathroom.

"I'm back, girls." Twilight announced as she entered the room. "I believe it's my turn. Right, Pinkie?"

"Absolutely, Twilight!" Pinkie replied cheerfully.

As Twilight sat back down in the circle, you wondered if that's what Sunset was waiting for. She was waiting for Twilight to return so that the payback plan would initiate. But now wasn't the time for that, as it was time to focus on something more important at the moment. You then pulled out your phone again to get down to business.

"So what did you want Twilight to do?" Sunset asks as looks at your phone with you.

"I want her to use her magic to land on one of the girls I want chosen for her turn." You said to her as you put your phone down again so Sunset couldn't see it. "I want it to be a surprise, so I can't say who it'll be. What I can tell you is that girl won't be Rainbow Dash."

"Well, whatever you're planning, I just hope you won't do anything seriously bad to Rainbow Dash." Sunset said while looking at Rainbow Dash with a concerned look on her face.

"Actually, Sunset. It's likely that this plan will end up hurting her feelings." You said while hanging your head down while having a sad facial expression.

"What?! Then why are you doing it?!" Sunset asked in exclamation. "Hurting one of your friends is..."

"I know. It's wrong if I do something that involves hurting a friend." You interrupted Sunset to put her worry at ease. "Which is why in case if this plan hurts Rainbow Dash, I'll make it up to her by fixing it. And trust me, it'll be something that I know that Rainbow Dash will forgive me over."

"Okay. As much as I disagree with a plan like that, I trust that you know what you're doing." Sunset replied with a hopeful smile.

"Don't worry. I am." You replied with a friendly smile.

As you and Sunset finished discussing your payback plan, it was now time for the plan to begin as it was now currently Twilight's turn in the game.

"Alright. Here I go!" Twilight said as she gave the arrow a flick which caused it to spin around at fast speed in the middle of the circle. The arrow spun around for a couple of seconds and as it began to stop moving, Twilight used her powers once more in secrecy to make the arrow land on a specific girl that wasn't Rainbow Dash. As the arrow stopped, it landed on the girl that you wanted to be chosen:


"Yes! It landed on Fluttershy!" You whispered to Sunset as you and she observed the success to the first step to your plan.

"Fluttershy?" Sunset asked as she was wondering why you wanted Twilight to choose Fluttershy. "Why did you choose Fluttershy? There's not really anything that I can think of about her that would hurt Rainbow..." Her eyes then widen as she understood why you chose Fluttershy. She then looks at Rainbow Dash with a sympathetic look. "Oh, yeah. This is so gonna hurt Rainbow Dash."

"Okay, Fluttershy. Truth or Dare?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"Uh..." Fluttershy says as she thinks to which one of those two would be the best option. "I-I choose dare."

"I knew she was gonna choose dare." You whispered to Sunset again.

"How did you figure that?" Sunset whispered back to you.

"Because it's Twilight." You explained to Sunset. "Out of every single one of us that is the most gentle towards Fluttershy besides you and me, it's Twilight. From Fluttershy's perspective, she would rather have someone that she has the uttermost trust for to give her a less harsh dare than make her reveal an embarrassing secret that Twilight might know."

Sunset then looks at you with a suspicious look.

"You're lying, aren't you?" Sunset responded in question. "You were just simply hoping that Fluttershy would choose dare over truth."

"Yeah, I didn't know what Fluttershy was going to choose." You honestly said as you scratched the back of your head in embarrassment.

Sunset rolled her eyes as you and she continue to watch as Twilight gives her dare to Fluttershy.

"Okay, Fluttershy. I dare you to..." Twilight tells Fluttershy her dare as she quickly looks at you before giving Fluttershy her dare. You give Twilight a nod, and then she nods back. "I dare you to call your brother and allow him to speak to all of us for ten minutes on speakerphone."

"What?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash asked in exclamative dismay. "TWILIGHT, WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE THAT AS A DARE FOR FLUTTERSHY?!"

"B-because I-I wanted it to be a dare that we can all suffer from together as friends." Twilight stuttered nervously. "And I'll be suffering from it too, so at least I won't feel left out."

All of the girls in the circle look at Twilight with bewildered looks as she smiles awkwardly while trying not to look suspicious.

"O-okay, Twilight. If that's what you want me to do." Fluttershy said as she pulled out her phone to call Zephyr Breeze.

"Please, Twilight! Anything but that!" Rainbow Dash whined as she begged Twilight to give Fluttershy a different dare.

Twilight ignored Rainbow Dash as she stared at Fluttershy's phone as she was scrolling through her contact list until she found her brother on the list. Twilight darted her eyes back at Rainbow Dash as she was on her knees still begging, which made Twilight react to Rainbow Dash's begging with guilt. Fluttershy then turns on speaker phone as her phone connects to her brother's phone. After a couple of seconds of waiting, the phone finally picks up. And sure enough, it was indeed him.

"Hello, Fluttershy!" Zephyr Breeze greeted her sister in that same flamboyant voice he always speaks with.

"Hello, Zephyr." Fluttershy replied back in a very unenthusiastic tone.

"You sound gloomy. Everything alright, sis?" Zephyr Breeze asked.

"Yes, Zephyr." Fluttershy replied back in a now annoyed tone.

"Well, I hope the party is going well for you." Zephyr Breeze says happily. "By the way, is Rainbow Dash in the room with you?"

"NO, I'M NOT!" Rainbow Dash shouted. She then cupped her hands over her mouth since she pretty much just told Zephyr Breeze she's there.

"Ah! Rainbow Dash!" Zephyr Breeze said with excitement. "You know I must say, even when we're not speaking face to face you still act so shy around me. I know I can be too hot to handle for you, but I never thought that you found my voice just as hot."

Rainbow Dash was disgusted by Zephyr Breeze's terrible pick-up line while the other girls except Fluttershy giggled at Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was especially very annoyed by her brother's behavior and the fact that the girls were finding this funny.

"Girls. Stop laughing at Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy demanded quietly. "None of you would be laughing if this was happening to you."

"Sorry, Fluttershy." Applejack chuckled. "It's just that it's a bunch a cheesy flirtin' that's grossin' out Rainbow Dash. We all can't help but find it a bit funny."

Fluttershy sighed as she reluctantly continued to let her brother talk.

"You know, Rainbow Dash. I am still very flattered by that little dance you performed for me when I dropped Fluttershy off." Zephyr Breeze says as he continues talking to Rainbow Dash. "It's too bad you won't let me keep in touch with you by phone, because I wouldn't mind returning the favor by recording myself doing that dance and sending it to you."

All of the girls except Fluttershy giggled at Rainbow Dash once again.

"Or you could just record yourself doing that dance and then send it to me so I can see it again." Zephyr chuckled suggestively.

Rainbow Dash's disgust for Zephyr Breeze's behavior towards her reached to levels of uncomforting, to the point where she started to express embarrassment and sadness from Zephyr Breeze talking to her like this while she was being laughed at by her friends.

"Girls. Please stop laughing at me." Rainbow Dash quavered while staring down at the floor in sadness. "This isn't funny."

The girls stopped giggling once they notice Rainbow Dash's sadness and then they all look at her with concerned expressions as they all realize that they should stop since it's starting to hurt Rainbow Dash's feelings.

"Zephyr. I think Rainbow Dash has had enough of that." Fluttershy says as she was worried about her brother making Rainbow Dash cry.

"Oh, Fluttershy! Don't be silly! Rainbow Dash likes it when I do this. You'll understand when you have your first crush." Zephyr Breeze replies insensitively.

"No, I don't! I don't like it at all, you moron!" Rainbow Dash shouted at Zephyr Breeze through Fluttershy's phone.

"Listen, Rainbow. I know that you're not ready to be open about your feelings for me to anyone, but that doesn't give you the right to be rude." Zephyr Breeze replies to Rainbow Dash condescendingly.

"I'm the one being rude?!" Rainbow Dash questions in anger and frustration.

"Yes, you are." Zephyr Breeze replies. "So unless if you don't want us to work, I'd suggest you'd better straighten yourself up."

After Zephyr Breeze made that insulting remark, Rainbow Dash's anger started to escalate to the point where her face was turning hot red and you could hear her blood boiling. Rainbow Dash was close to her breaking point.

"And by the way, remember a couple of hours ago where I said that you don't have to do any of those humiliating things to me to get my attention?" Zephyr Breeze asked while continuing to be delusional about how he's driving Rainbow Dash up the wall. "Obviously I changed my mind when I suggested sending me a video of you doing that butt shaking dance. If you don't feel like doing that, then will you please do that dance again the next time I see you? You have a really nice butt."


Fluttershy hangs up the phone quickly and then sets it down. The room then instantly filled with silence as you, Sunset, and the other girls were all staring at Rainbow Dash. As Fluttershy hanged up the phone, Rainbow Dash continued to act angry at the way Zephyr Breeze talked to her like that. After about a couple of seconds, she took a deep breath and then looked at the floor as she was unable to look up at anyone due to her outburst and the embarrassment she went through. None of you could see her eyes due to her looking down. You and everyone in the room were all staring at Rainbow Dash as you were all very concerned about her after what just happened. Applejack finally spoke up.

"Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?" Applejack asked.

As Applejack asked this question, Rainbow Dash didn't answer. All she did was walk back to her spot in the circle and then sat back down while still looking down at the floor. About six seconds later after sitting down, you all heard a sniffle coming from her. She then covered her eyes with her face as she slowly started to cry.

"Why can't he just accept that I don't have feelings for him?" Rainbow Dash sniveled in her hands. "I try to be nice to him since he's Fluttershy's brother, but his attempts at making me fall for him make him so unbearable."

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy says as she stares at her crying friend who's hurt.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Rainbow Dash shouts at the top of her lungs. She then finally cries very hard into her hands as she was finally fed up with Zephyr Breeze. The other girls stepped out of the circle and all walked behind her to give her a group hug and apologize to her.

"We're sorry for laughing at you, Rainbow Dash." Rarity apologetically said while hugging Rainbow Dash.

"It was so wrong of us to do that to you, sugarcube." Applejack apologized while hugging her friend.

"I'M SO SO SO VERY SORRY, RAINBOW DASH!!!" Pinkie shouted while crying hard.

"Me, too!" Fluttershy said while crying.

"I'm sorry as well." Twilight said.

"Same here." You said.

"Thank you all..." Rainbow Dash was caught off guard as she noticed that you were out of bed hugging her. "Anon?!"

All of the girls and Twilight looked at you as they were all surprised because they did not notice you.

"What are you doing out of your sleeping bag?" Rainbow Dash asked while looking suspicious. "Remember? I dared Sunset to cuddle you."

"Which is the reason why I asked Twilight to dare Fluttershy into calling her brother." You replied while looking guilty.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I wanted to get back at you for what you dared Sunset to do to me, as well as those anxiety attacks you caused us for the past couple of hours." You explained as you looked at Twilight and Fluttershy. "I asked Twilight that for her next turn, she would dare Fluttershy to call Zephyr Breeze if she was chosen by Twilight with the spinner.

All the girls gasped as you confessed this to them.

"So you're the reason why Twilight dared me to call my brother?" Futtershy asked.

"Yes." You replied while looking down at the floor with regret. "And don't worry. I'm going to fix this." You then pulled out your phone as you were going to call Zephyr Breeze.

"Don't bother, Anon." Rainbow Dash gloomily said. "Nothing you do will ever get through to that idiot's head."

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing." You replied as you turned on speakerphone so that everyone in the room can hear. You waited for the phone to pick up, and eventually Zephyr Breeze picked up.

"Hello?" Zephyr Breeze greeted you through your phone.

"Hey, Zephyr Breeze." You greeted back to him.

"Oh hey, Anon!" Zephyr Breeze said excitedly. "Is Rainbow Dash there?"

Rainbow Dash reacted with a panicking look as Zephyr Breeze asked you that. You of course gave him the most obvious answer to give him.

"No, she's not." You replied with a straight tone. "She and the other girls are in another room. It's just me who you're talking to."

"Oh." Zephyr Breeze said while sounding a bit disappointed. "Okay. So what did you want to talk about?"

"It's about Rainbow Dash." You said as Rainbow Dash looked at you with hopelessness. "I wanted to talk to you about the real reason why she was shaking her butt."

"Oh?" Zephyr Breeze asked as he sounded curious to know the reason. "So she wasn't doing it for me?"

"No, she was not." You replied. "She was doing that for a few minutes before you showed up."

"Really?" Zephyr Breeze asked as he started to become very confused. "Well, then why was she doing that butt shaking dance?"

Before you answered you gave Rainbow Dash a friendly smile and gave her a wink, which was to tell her that her problems with Zephyr Breeze are going to get better. Though, Rainbow Dash still looked unconvinced that this was going to work.

"The reason she was doing that was because I was doing it, too." You replied.

"You? Why?" Zephyr Breeze asked again.

"Because we were both doing it for fun." You explained as the girls and especially Rainbow Dash raised a curious eyebrow at you. "See, me and Rainbow Dash showed up at the party a lot more earlier than we thought. And Pinkie wasn't exactly finished setting the party up, so she asked us to wait outside."

"I did no..." Pinkie tried to speak up but was then caught off by Rainbow Dash covering her mouth.

"Shhh!" Rainbow Dash hushed Pinkie.

"What was that?" Zephyr Breeze asked as he heard Pinkie's voice.

"Uh... That was just the TV." You replied while trying not to give away that the girls were in the room with you. "Anyway. So Pinkie wanted us to wait outside, and we decided to fool around for a bit to kill time. And one of the things we did was that we took a handful of ants and then stuffed them down our pants. And that dance we were both doing was the "Ants in the Pants" dance."

The girls except Rainbow Dash started snickering as you said that. You then glanced at Sunset who was still laying in your sleeping bag, and she too was snickering. You then glanced back at Rainbow Dash, who was starting to become even more puzzled about what you were trying to do.

"That's a rather weird kind of dance, especially for someone like Rainbow Dash." Zephyr Breeze replied.

"It's a very fun dance." You explained further. "You know, you should try practicing that dance. Like, right now."

"If it's a dance that Rainbow Dash likes that involves her shaking that booty, then I'm in!" Zephyr Breeze replied excitedly.

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide. She then stood up and walked over to you as she looked angry.

"What are you doing?!" Rainbow Dash whispered to you.

"Don't worry. You're going to enjoy what's gonna happen next." You whispered back to Rainbow Dash. You then turned back to your phone to continue to make happen your plan that you know that Rainbow Dash is going to enjoy very much.

"Say, Zephyr. Would you like to know a way to get really good at the "Ants in the Pants" dance very quickly to impress Rainbow Dash?" You asked Zephyr Breeze hoping that he will take the bait.

"Oh, boy! Absolutely!" Zephyr Breeze cried happily.

"Okay." You reply as Zephyr Breeze successfully took the bait. "Well, one of the ways to get very good at that dance instantly depends on the type of ants that you stuff down your pants. And there is one type of ant in particular that improves your dancing the most."

"Oh, cool!" Zephyr Breeze replied. "What ant would that be?"

You then looked at Rainbow Dash with a smirk while you answered Zephyr Breeze.

"A fire ant." You said.

All of the girls instantly went wide-eyed as you said this. You then gave them all a smirk while nodding your head to tell them that this is indeed what your plan is.

"A fire ant?" Zephyr Breeze asked. "Wait. Aren't fire ants the ones that can sting you?"

"Oh, no." You replied while still smirking. "Someone told me this morning that fire ants being able to sting people is a myth. I was actually surprised myself."

"Oh. Okay, then." Zephyr Breeze said. "Well, luckily we have a lot of ant mounds in our backyard. I think one of them contains fire ants."

"Good." You replied with a casual friendly tone as you tried to conceal your snickering. "Call me back once you managed to find those ants."

"Okay. See you in a few, Anon." Zephyr Breeze said as you heard a door open on your phone which meant he was heading outside.

You then hung up the phone and then waited for the magic to happen. All the girls started snickering at what was going to happen except for Rainbow Dash, who was still staring at you with the same face she and the other girls had when you told Zephyr Breeze about how fire ants can improve the "Ants in the Pants" dance very quickly. You then looked at Fluttershy, who was also snickering about this, which makes you wonder if she wants this to happen even though it's her own brother.

"Hey, Fluttershy?" You asked as you wanted to know if you're correct. "I hope you don't mind me doing this to your brother."

"No, I don't mind." Fluttershy said who's giggling face turned into a scowling face and had a very serious tone. "In fact, I actually want this to happen. I don't really approve the way Zephyr usually talks to Rainbow Dash but it always seemed harmless. But this time, he crossed a line and has to be punished for it."

"Ah sure wouldn't mind givin' that creep a knuckle sandwich if he was here right now." Applejack replied while agreeing with Fluttershy.

"I wouldn't mind kicking that neanderthal in the shins and poking him in the eye." Rarity replied while also agreeing with Fluttershy.

"And I wouldn't mind shoving a cherry popsicle up his nose and giving him a brain freeze that will never go away." Pinkie replied as she too seemed to want in on the violence. Suddenly everyone looked at Pinkie with confusion, which causes Pinkie to at you and the girls with the same confusing expression. "What? Brain freezes are the worst."

The girls rolled their eyes at Pinkie except for Rainbow Dash, as she still hasn't had any other reaction to what you want to pull on Zephyr Breeze as she was staring at you the entire time. You were about to ask Rainbow Dash if everything's alright, but then suddenly your phone rang. And of course, it was Zephyr Breeze. You answered your phone hoping that he indeed found some fire ants.

"Hey, Zephyr." You greeted him. "Did you find any fire ants?"

"You bet I did!" Zephyr Breeze confirmed. "I looked up what they looked like on the internet and scooped some of them into a jar."

"That was fast." You replied.

"Sure was." Zephyr Breeze agreed. "Hey, are the girls with you now? I want them to watch me do this dance through a video. Especially Rainbow Dash."

You then looked up at the girls to see if they wanted to watch him do this, and they all nodded which nonverbally tells you that they want to see him dance. And surprisingly, Rainbow Dash nodded along with them even though she still hasn't changed her expression.

"Yep, they're in the room with me." You said while grinning.

"Cool!" Zephyr Breeze replied with glee. "Then I'll record myself doing the dance and then send it to you so you and the girls will be able to witness how much of a skilled dancer I am."

"Oh, trust me. We'll be expecting quite an entertaining performance from you." You said as your grin got even wider. The girls snickered again except Rainbow Dash again. You then yawned as you were starting to get tired.

"You sound tired, Anon." Zephyr Breeze pointed out. "Why don't we just let this be the final call for the night and I'll give you the feedback through texting after I send you the video and you can reply whenever you get the chance tonight or tomorrow."

"Okay." You yawned again. "Nice talking to you."

"Nice talking to you, too." Zephyr Breeze replied. "See ya."

"See ya." You said back. You then hung up the phone and then walked over to the girls and then sat down with your back facing them so they could see the phone. They all scooted up to you so they could see the video. Sunset even got out of your sleeping bag to see the video, too. As every couple of seconds pass, you get even more drowsy that it was becoming difficult for you to keep your eyes open. About a minute later, a video was sent to you from Zephyr Breeze. You noticed there was some text at the bottom, but you were gonna read it after you all watch the video. You then played the video as you all couldn't wait to see this.

"Hey, Anon! Hey, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and the rest of you." Zephyr Breeze said on the video.

"Rest of us?" Sunset said with a deadpan tone. "And here I thought we had names."

You and the other girls giggled at Sunset's sarcastic comment as you all continued watching the video, except for once again Rainbow Dash. At this point, her silence and lack of reaction to things was starting to weird you out.

"Now just like Anon said, I'm going to dump this jar of fire ants down my pants to instantly perfect my dancing skills for the "Ants in the Pants" dance." Zephyr Breeze said proudly while looking at his phone camera with a toothy grin. "Get ready, Rainbow Dash. You're about to witness some real topnotch dancing for the first time in your life." Zephyr Breeze then turned around while holding the jar in his hand so nobody could see him stretching the opening of his pants. He then took the jar of fire ants and then dumped them down his pants.

"Show time." You said while smirking about the "topnotch dancing" you and the girls were about to witness.

He then turned around and gave the camera that same toothy grin. "Now Rainbow Dash, watch as I..." Suddenly, Zephyr Breeze's eyes went wide and he then started screaming very loudly that sounded very girly as he started rubbing his pants as the fire ants started to bite him. "AAAAHHHH! THESE ANTS ARE STINGING MY LEGS AND MY BUTT!!!" Zephyr Breeze then ran out of the room as you all could hear him going back outside and was still screaming like a little girl. He was pretty darn loud so you could still hear him. "I GOTTA GET THESE PANTS OFF!!! GET OFF OF ME YOU STUPID ANTS!!! GET OFF ME!!! WHERE'S THE HOSE?! WHERE'S THE HOSE?!"

You and the girls started howling with laughter at what you were all watching. You and Sunset were both kicking your feet up in the air with laughter, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were both pounding their fists into the ground, Rarity and Twilight were both rolling on the floor, and Fluttershy's laughter wasn't as hard as you and the others but she was still laughing. The only one who wasn't laughing was Rainbow Dash, though the expression on her face finally changed but only slightly. Upon seeing the fire ants bite Zephyr Breeze, her eyes went a bit wider than they were.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" Zephyr Breeze screamed which was at this point all you were hearing from him, to the point where his screams started to get even longer and high pitched that it was just absolutely hilarious.

You and the girls except for Rainbow Dash laughed even harder as Zephyr Breeze's screaming became more frequent in the video. This was honestly probably the funniest thing you've ever seen before in your life, and you will definitely be holding onto that video.

After about a few minutes of hearing Zephyr Breeze screaming, his screaming suddenly stopped. You all then could hear a door opening and closing. And sure enough, Zephyr Breeze reentered the room. He looked into the camera with a miserable look on his face and ended the video with one last thing:

"And that was for Rainbow Dash." Zephyr Breeze said as the video stopped.

You then looked at the text on the bottom.

Well, Anon. It turns out you were wrong. Fire ants do sting you.

You and the girls continued to laugh at what you tricked Zephyr Breeze into doing. And the girls were certainly impressed by this as they all then approached you to compliment you on it.

"Anon, that was amazing!" Sunset laughed as she hugged you.

"Yeah, it was!" The other the girls except Rainbow Dash said to you as they pulled you and Sunset into a group hug.

"Thanks, girls." You replied while still laughing a bit.

You and the girls all looked at Rainbow Dash as she still has not said or done anything other than just sit and stare at you. And this still continued to puzzle you as Rainbow Dash of all people should have had the biggest reaction to this out of anyone in the room. You then separated from the group hug to know if Rainbow Dash was alright.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?" You asked as you walked over to her. You squatted down to her eye level as you were about to give her a bit of a nudge on her shoulder to give her some alertness. And then suddenly, she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into a hug. And then, she started giggling quietly. As she tightened her embrace over you a bit, as her giggling started to get louder. And then five seconds later, she then started howling with laughter like the other girls were as she continued to hug you. After about another ten seconds of hugging you and laughing, she then stops laughing and then finally separates from you. She then looks at you with a warm smile with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Anon. You are awesome." She says to you. "Nobody has ever done something like that for me. I mean, my friends always do great things for me. It's just you're the first person who has ever stepped up for me when it comes to Zephyr Breeze."

"And from now on, whenever he's bugging you and you want him to go away, you can count on me." You replied while giving her a friendly smile. "It's the least I could do after I asked Twilight to dare Fluttershy into calling him so he would embarrass you."

"Thanks, Anon." She says while giving you another hug.

"Anytime, Rainbow Dash." You replied while hugging her back. "Anyti..." You were then caught off by a very long yawn coming from you.

"Heh. Sounds like someone needs to get some rest." Rainbow Dash says as she separates from you again. "Looks like it's time for you and Sunset to get back to the cuddling." She then nudges you while winking at you.

The other girls giggled as Sunset walks over to you while scowling at the girls while blushing. She then stops scowling when she looks at you.

"She's right, Anon. You need your sleep." Sunset said as you stood up on your feet.

"Okay, Sunset." You replied while blushing. Well, girls. Goodnigh..." Suddenly, you feel down to the floor as you instantly fell into a deep sleep. All the girls in the room laughed as this happened.

"Anon, you sleepyhead!" They all said to you. Sunset then picked you up and then carried you by having you lean on her back with your arm around her.

"Goodnight, girls." Sunset said while blushing.

"Goodnight, Sunset." They replied as they all want back into the circle to continue to play Truth or Dare until they were ready to go to bed.

Sunset then turned around and carried you over to your sleeping bag. She unzips it and then places you back onto the left side while she climbs back in onto the right side. She then zips it back up to make sure you both were covered. Sunset then scoots over to you and then pulls you back into a cuddle by wrapping her arms around you while she moves your arms around her. You and her were now cuddling again. And just like before, it felt amazing.

"Ahhhhh. I just can't get enough of this." Sunset said as she was once again enjoying you and her cuddling. She then looks at you as you were fast asleep without even the slightest bit of consciousness at the moment. She gave you a warm smile as she found you so cute when you're sleeping. "What a peaceful looking angel." She then thinks back to one of the last conversations you and she had before when Twilight came back from the bathroom. "I wonder if he knows what it is that I'm waiting for?" As she asked herself this aloud she started to become drowsy from the cuddling and the comfortable sleeping bag like before. "If he hasn't, then I'm sure he'll figure it out in no time." She then positioned herself to get more comfortable as she was ready to hit the hay.

"Anon." Sunset said softly to you in your sleep while slowly on her way to falling asleep herself. "That thing I told you that I'm waiting for is something you still aren't being honest with me about. And I'm still gonna wait until you tell me what it is to prove to you that you can tell me anything that is bothering you without hesitation." She then closed her eyes as she was now close to falling asleep. "Good night, Anon. When you're ready to tell me what it is that I'm waiting for you to confess, I'll always be ready to hear it. I'll gladly continue to wait." With her last bit of consciousness drifting away from her, she said one last thing before falling asleep.

"I'll gladly continue to wait for when you're ready to tell me that you love me."

Chapter 10: A Confession Under the Stars

A couple of hours later after you fell asleep after successfully getting back at Rainbow Dash and then pranking Zephyr Breeze for harassing Rainbow Dash, you woke up again in the middle of the night.

"Why do I keep waking up tonight?" You asked yourself in your head. "I mean, the first time was necessary to get back at Rainbow Dash and to trick Zephyr Breeze into stuffing fire ants down his pants, but there's really no point for me to be up tonight. Whatever's keeping me up I wish would just let me sleep already."

You then looked at Sunset who you had noticed you were still cuddling with when you woke up, and you just couldn't help but smile about that.

"Well, if I get to actually cuddle Sunset while actually feeling it, then I wouldn't mind staying awake again for a while." You said to yourself as you tightened your embrace around Sunset a bit.

Sunset sighed happily as you made your hug tighter.

As you were about to close your eyes and continue to hug Sunset until you fall back to sleep, you noticed through Pinkie's bedroom window as all the stars were out in the nighttime sky shining down on the Earth.

"Man. Those stars look beautiful." You said to yourself. "It actually makes me want to go outside and gaze at them. But..." You then looked back at Sunset who was happily sleeping from cuddling you and you didn't want to disturb her from the happiness she was experiencing. You then looked back at the beautiful stars, and then looked back at the beautiful girl you were comforting as you were deciding on what you should do.

"I won't be gone for very long, so I'm sure it'll be fine." You said in your head as you decided to go gaze at the stars for a couple of minutes. You then moved Sunset's arms off of you slowly so you wouldn't wake her, and then got out of the sleeping bag. You then tiptoed and tried not to step on anyone of the girls as you quietly exited Pinkie's bedroom.

As you exited the room, you headed downstairs and then went outside through the front door. The first thing you glanced at outside was all of those beautiful stars, and much like whenever you stargaze with Sunset, they look so much more beautiful outside than inside.

"Wow." You said with amazement as you were stun by the beauty of the stars. "Absolutely breathtaking."

You then walked over to Pinkie's front lawn and set down on the grass. You then looked up at the sky to gaze at the stars for a couple of minutes. You then thought about Sunset again, which was about how she's usually with you when you're gazing at the sky.

"I really wish Sunset was awake to watch these stars with me." You say to yourself. "She makes everything that I enjoy even better when she's there to enjoy it with me." You then thought back to what Sunset said a couple of hours ago in Pinkie's kitchen about how she'll always think of you as a friend and nothing more. Which thinking back to it made you feel sad. "So much so that I wish we could do those things together as more than just friends." A tear then shed from your eye, which you wiped away to pull yourself together. "But at least that after this sleepover is over by tomorrow morning, me and Sunset will continue to stay as the exact same friends we were before this sleepover and that Truth or Dare game. And that's better than no friendship at all."

You then looked back to Pinkie's house when what Sunset told you back at your house crossed your mind. "Speaking of Sunset, I should probably head back inside in a few minutes." You say while looking back at the stars. "I hope that I didn't disturb her when I separated myself from her." You then looked back at Pinkie's house again, only this time you were a bit concerned about if it really was a good idea to leave the sleeping bag and go outside.

"Eh, I'm sure she's fine." You said as you brushed it off. "Like I said, I'm not going to be out here for very long." You then looked back at the sky to continue your stargazing.

"Sleep tight, Sunset." You said as you called out to Sunset aloud. "I'll be back inside in a few minutes. So you just keep sleeping peacefully with whatever fond dream you're having right now."

"Or I could just join you for the remainder of those minutes." Sunset said.

"Yeah, you could do tha..." You replied to Sunset, who you were surprised to see since you did not notice her come outside. "Sunset?"

"In the flesh." Sunset giggled. "So is it alright if I join you?"

"O-oh course it's alright." You stuttered awkwardly as you tapped on the grass to your right. Sunset then sat down next you to watch the stars with you. "I thought you were asleep."

"I was asleep." Sunset said as she then lightly slugs you in the shoulder while smirking at you. "Until my cuddle buddy decided to leave me all alone while he went to go look at the stars."

"Well, your cuddle buddy really wanted to see those beautiful stars so badly that he figured that you could be able to handle a couple of minutes without him." You said while smirking back at Sunset and lightly slugging her in the shoulder.

"Really? Well, I guess I'm just too needy to be left alone." Sunset chuckled while ruffling your hair.

"Then that would explain why you never want me to be alone." You said with a deadpan tone.

"Oh, shut up!" Sunset laughed as she lightly shoved you and then pulled you into a hug. You also returned the hug as you both fell over and landed on the ground on your sides while laughing and hugging each other. You both slowly stop laughing while keeping the hug intact while lying on the ground. "But joking aside, you did wake me up when you stopped cuddling with me."

"Sorry about that." You said with a guilt-ridden tone as you and Sunset break the hug and then sat back up.

"Don't worry about it." Sunset replied while patting you on the back. "I just wish you had woken me up intentionally so I could watch the stars with you."

"You mean you would have wanted to be woken up if I was going to gaze at the stars?" You asked.

"Yep." Sunset said while nodding. "One of the reasons why I would have wanted that is because gazing at the sky with you no matter whether it's nighttime or daytime is one of my favorite hobbies. We just sit here while watching the beautiful sky as we socialize by talking about our feelings and interests, or just making each other laugh. I would never want to miss out on these things." Sunset then looks down at the ground with a sad look on her face. "And the other reason is because I didn't want you to be out here alone."

"Alone?" You asked while looking concerned since you being alone usually makes Sunset feel sad.

"Yes." She replied while still looking at the ground. "And when I saw you gazing at the stars by yourself, I suddenly felt this sharp sadness pop inside of me."

You then placed your hand on Sunset's shoulder as she once again expressed how seeing you alone always makes her either depressed or very sad.

"I don't know what it is with me when it comes to you being by yourself that gives me sadness like that, even though you're not really lonely anymore." Sunset says while looking up at the sky in sadness.

"Hmmm. Maybe that's a problem that relates to empathy." You said while thinking aloud what Sunset's problem could be.

"What do you mean?" Sunset asks.

"Well, you're the most empathetic person I know." You explained hoping that you can help Sunset with this problem. "I suppose maybe that it could be something about you that's making you empathize with me over things that are not really much of a problem for me anymore, and it's causing you to feel sad in the process."

Sunset thinks about what you said as she tries some brainstorming of her own to figure out why seeing you alone makes her feel this way.

"That's actually a pretty logical possibility, Anon. But the only thing I can think of that would cause me problems when it comes to empathy is my powers." Sunset replied to you to add to the discussion.

"Your powers, huh?" You say as you think back to previous moments where Sunset's powers were involved. What was coming to mind were those times where you didn't feel like talking to Sunset and the other girls back when you were so antisocial. "Well, whenever I wasn't opening myself up to anyone of you, you would use your powers to read my thoughts and my feelings. And then once I started to become a lot more social with all of you guys, you stopped using your powers on me."

"Uh huh. I do remember that." Sunset replied while still thinking. As you recalled those moments aloud, Sunset then gets a sudden idea on how they could possibly be able to solve this issue. "Wait! Anon, I have an idea!"

"What is it?" You asked.

"Let me try using my powers on you again." Sunset said. "I think I know what's causing this problem I'm having about you being alone."

"What do you think it could be?" You asked again.

"Well, it's like you said. I only used my powers on you whenever you didn't feel like talking to me or our friends." Sunset explained as she tried to make you follow her on what she was thinking. "And when you overcame your antisocial problem, I stopped using my powers on you ever since. And even though you started communicating with all of us more, you were still suffering from those problems you had before you met all of us. Meaning that you were still feeling sad, lonely, and you especially had those anxiety issues."

"I see. I get what you're saying." You reply as you start catching on. "All you ever saw in my mind when using your powers was sad memories and feelings, and one of the most recurring memories were the ones where I was alone. And what you want to do is use your powers to cleanse your mind of those sad memories of me being alone, and replace them with happy memories of me being alone."

"You are one hundred percent correct, my friend." Sunset said proudly while patting you on the head.

"Okay, then let's try it." You say as you hold out your wrist so Sunset has physical contact with your bare skin to use her powers.

"Alright. Here we go." Sunset said as she placed her hand on your bare wrist. Suddenly, her eyes started glowing as she was now seeing into your mind.

Inside your mind, Sunset was seeing memories of you being by yourself recently after you have started to become more happier. The memories she saw were you enjoying your hobbies by yourself such as playing video games, jogging, reading comic books, practicing guitar playing, and working on your voice impressions. These were all very happy memories that were to sure to put Sunset at relief knowing how happy you are even when you're alone. The last memory she saw in your mind was a memory that you probably would have rather not let her see. And that memory was you watching that sunset a couple of hours ago when you arrived at Pinkie's house, which made you think back to Sunset's bashfulness back at your place which made you realize how beautiful she really is. She already knew that you found her beautiful, but she did not know you found her as beautiful as a sunset itself, which to you both is one of the most beautiful things to gaze at in the sky. As Sunset viewed that last memory of yours, she let go of your wrist and her powers were no longer active. You weren't exactly aware of the memories that Sunset was seeing, so you didn't exactly know that she saw the last one.

"So, Sunset. How do you feel?" You asked her.

"I feel... fantastic." Sunset replies happily as she bashfully turns her head away from you. Unbeknownst to you, she was once again very flattered about you thinking that she was very beautiful. She then quickly turns her head back at you as you were looking at her with confusion, and you could see her with a warm smile on her face and a bright blush. She then quickly turns her head away from you again and then starts giggling while twirling her hair with her index finger.

"Are you okay?" You ask her while looking at her with puzzlement.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Sunset replied while still giggling and blushing. "I'm just very happy that you think I'm really all that beautiful."

"Beautiful? Well, of course I think you're..." You said but then stopped yourself as you immediately realized what Sunset was talking about. Your eyes then went wide as you knew what memory Sunset saw in your mind. Like Sunset, a bright blush appeared on your face. You then had trouble looking at Sunset as you now in a very embarrassing state, and you couldn't come up with anything to say to her since she just saw the memory of you thinking about her while watching that sunset.

Sunset then looks back at you while still blushing and smiling warmly at you. She then scoots over to you and then put her arm around you.

"Anon? Is there something you want to tell me?" Sunset asked while looking at you with that same warm smile.

You knew now that there was no point in lying anymore. She now knows that you have feelings for her. As much as you didn't want to tell her the truth because of your anxiety and shyness, it would be pointless to lie to her. It was time for you to be brave and tell her how you really felt about her, even if you knew that she probably won't feel the same way about you like she said. You took a long deep breath to calm yourself, and you were now ready to tell her.

"Yes, there is something I need to tell you. And it's very important." You said while looking down at the ground in honesty. You didn't hear Sunset respond, so you then looked up to see how she was reacting to this. As you looked up, you noticed that she had leaned her face into you a bit, to the point where your face was only about a couple of inches away from hers. And she was still smiling at you warmly while blushing. This caught you off guard, but now was not the time to be awkward. So you continued to try and tell Sunset that you have feelings for her. "Sunset. The truth is that, I've always thought of you as the greatest friend I've ever had. And ever since you became my friend, that's all I ever thought of you. Just as a friend. That is, until when I saw you act so bashful for the first time, and when I saw that sunset that made me think back to how cute and beautiful you looked when I complimented you on your looks. And yeah, you are one of the most beautiful girls, if not the most beautiful girl I have ever met."

As you once again complimented her beauty, tears started to form in Sunset's eyes.

"Anon? Are you saying that you..." Sunset asked but then cut off her sentence as she was expecting for you to answer.

You gave one last big deep breath before giving Sunset the ultimate confession.

"Yes, Sunset. I love you." You said while looking at her in the eye with your most honest tone. "And if you don't feel the same way about me, I completely understa..."

Before you could finish your sentence, Sunset immediately pulled you into a hug as tears started pouring down her eyes.

"Oh, Anon!" Sunset said while hugging you tightly and crying tears of joy. "I love you, too!"

You were in absolute surprise by what was going on. You were not expecting Sunset to feel the same way about you, even if it did look very obvious that she would return your feelings after she saw that memory of yours.

"You... You love me?" You asked as Sunset continued to hug you tightly.

Sunset then stopped hugging you while looking at you with an amused smile with tears still running down her face.

"Of course I do, silly." Sunset replied with her voice cracking as she was still crying happily. "I was not even trying to hide the fact that I felt the same way about you after I saw that memory in your mind."

"I figured you were only flattered that I considered you very attractive since that was the same reaction you had back at my place when I called you my favorite pretty sunshine." You said embarrassingly while scratching the back of your head. "And also because when you told me in Pinkie's kitchen that you had no feelings for me, I totally believed it. And I didn't want to tell you how I felt because I felt it was pointless since you already rejected me, and I didn't want to go through it twice in one night." You then look back up at the sky with a very sad expression on your face. "I mean, I was very heartbroken when you said that. And when you and Twilight left the kitchen, I started crying."

"Crying?" Sunset asked as she looked at you with worry. "Did me saying that I didn't love you really hurt you that much?"

"Yes." You gloomily while nodding.

"Aw, man!" Sunset exclaimed frustratingly while slapping her forehead with both of her hands. "I knew that saying that I didn't love you made you feel sad, but I didn't think it made you so sad that it broke your heart!" Sunset then squeezed her head with her hands in frustration. "I'm such an idiot! I should have been the one to confess my feelings first instead of you!"

"Huh?" You asked as it looks like Sunset also has something she wants to confess to you.

After squeezing her head, Sunset then looks down at the ground as she was disappointed in herself. She then sighed as she was going to reveal something that she probably should have told you sooner.

"Anon." Sunset said while still looking down at the ground. "You're reason for not wanting to tell me that you have feelings for me is the same reason why I didn't want to tell you I had feelings for you."

"Really?" You replied in surprise as you were not expecting this.

"Yes." Sunset confirmed while nodding her head while still looking at the ground. "But the only difference is that while you began to have feelings for me after looking at that sunset a couple of hours ago, I began to have feelings for you last week."

"Last week?" You said while still sounding surprised.

"Yes." Sunset replied as she then looked back up and turned her head towards you as she was going to tell when she fell in love with you. "You see, the way that I fell in love with you last week was built up after the previous weeks before that of being friends with you. During the first week you had transferred to CHS, you were very shy and antisocial that you just couldn't talk with anyone, so I had to use my powers to see into your mind so I could understand you. And what I saw inside of you were some things that I personally could identify with, and it made me feel like you could really use a friend who would be able to understand you and one that you would have things in common with. So I allowed myself to become your friend. And during the second week when you started to become more open after I helped you during the week before that with being social, that was when I finally told you about my past as a bully, which was the point where I began to see you as a really special person to me for being able to look past my wrongdoings and being able to see me as a good person for who I am now. And finally during the third week, that was at the point where you started to become more happy and actually have fun with me and our friends. I was the person you hung out with the most, and all those fun things we did together meant so much to me that I just couldn't help but treasure them. I just love being with you so much that I couldn't help but feel an attachment towards you."

Sunset then pulled you into another hug.

"And the other thing that seriously built up my feelings for you was all those hugs we gave each other." Sunset said while looking at you while still looking rather sad. "There is no another person in my life that I have ever been this close to like I am to you, Anon. And all those hugs that you accepted from me to help with your anxiety without expressing inappropriate behavior about them allowed me to feel so comfortable around you that it was easy for me to consider you a very sensitive and wholesome person that I could easily trust when it came to having an intimate relationship with you."

She then released you from the hug and started to wrap up her explanation on what made her fall in love with you and get to the part of why she didn't confess to you about her feelings sooner.

"So, yeah. I've already been in love with you, Anon." Sunset said while still sounding disappointed in herself. "And the reason why I kept it from you was because I was afraid that you would reject me if I told you sooner."

"What do you mean by that?" You asked.

"Well, during all that time I've spent with you, it just didn't seem like you had feelings for me." Sunset replied while looking down at the ground in gloom. "I really wanted to date you, Anon. So very much. That's when I decided to just simply wait until you've developed feelings for me, and then reveal to you that I'm in love with you so that us becoming a couple would be a complete success."

"I see. You just didn't want me to reject you and break your heart." You said as you understood Sunset's reasons for covering up her feelings for you.

"Yes. And when I found out about your feelings for me from Twilight, I was so happy to figure that out." Sunset said as she was now giving you the most complex part of her reason. "And when you came upstairs, I was going to tell you that I love you but I..."

"Wait, what?" You asked again while sounding even more confused. "If you knew that I had feelings for you, then why not just tell me right away that you feel the same way? Why did you wait until right now to tell me?"

"It's a bit complicated." Sunset said while continuing to look away from you.

"I'm all ears." You replied.

"Well, like I said, I was going to reveal my feelings for you when you came upstairs." Sunset said while explaining her complex reason for not telling you how she felt about you. "But I didn't want to start things off so awkwardly so I instead asked you about what happened in the kitchen, and then you lied to me by saying nothing happened. I didn't appreciate you openly lying to me, so I decided to let you be the one to confess first by giving you a bit of a push. But when you told me the truth about you feeling sad and then asked me why I wanted to know what happened, Twilight insisted that I should still be the one to confess first. And I was going to by asking you if you had feelings for me, but then Pinkie interrupted me since it was time to play the game. I finally did manage to ask you if you had feelings for me while we were cuddling, but you said you didn't have feelings for me and I obviously knew that you were lying to me again. I was at first going to tell you that I love you since it was a pretty appropriate time to do that, but then I thought back to when you lied to me about what happened in the kitchen and also when I asked you that question, both of which I did not appreciate. Because of that, I decided once again to let you tell me first so that not only could you tell me that you love me, but also prove to you that you can also tell me anything whenever there's something on your mind that's troubling you."

As Sunset told you this, all you could do was stare at Sunset with a wide-eyed expression over what Sunset just explained to you.

"What?" You responded as you were even more confused than ever before.

"Yep. That's the reason." Sunset replied as looked back up at you again. "A very complicated bag of beans, huh?"

"You're telling me." You said while still looking very wide-eyed at Sunset. "So let's see if I got this straight: You were going to confess your love me when you found out that I feel the same way about you from Twilight, I lied about what happened in the kitchen and about having feelings for you, so you then decided to let me be the one to confess first so you could show me that I can tell you anything without even the slightest bit of hesitation?"

"That is correct, Anon." Sunset said while nodding her head.

You continued to stare at Sunset with a wide-eyed expression after listening to what she just explained to you. After about a couple of seconds, you finally responded.

"Sunset?" You asked.

"Yeah?" Sunset replied.

"That has got to be the most strangest and most needlessly complicated reason I have ever heard in my life." You said while still being very confused.

"But, Anon. It's all true." Sunset replied as she tried get you to believe her.

"If that's what you say is the truth, then I believe you." You said as you believed Sunset's odd reason for wanting you to confess your feelings first. "It's just, you just simply could have told me instead of coming up with this odd idea of getting me to tell you the truth while proving to me that I can tell you anything."

"I know." Sunset replied while covering her face with her hands as she felt foolish. "I feel like such an idiot for not just simply telling you." She then removed her hands from her face and then looked at you while placing her hands on your shoulders. "Anon, I am so very sorry about this."

"It's okay." You said while darting your eyes to the ground as you felt like a fool. "I'm sorry, too. I should have just told you like you would have wanted me to."

"It's alright." Sunset said while still sounding ashamed of herself. "Still, I just feel so bad for what I put you through to get you to confess your feelings for me. I really hope there's a way I can make up for it."

As Sunset said this, you suddenly had a smirk on your face as you had just realized what you and Sunset had not done yet after you both revealed your love for each other.

"I know how we can both make up for what we did to each other." You replied while smirking.

"How?" Sunset asked.

You then wrapped your arms around Sunset and then pulled her into a kiss. As you held her tight while kissing her, she then wrapped her arms around you tightly while kissing you back. Currently, you and Sunset were both in quite a state of ecstasy. You both started sniffling as tears ran down both of your eyes as the kiss was clearly so wonderful that it made the both of you shed tears of happiness. After about a few minutes of kissing you both separated and looked at each other with warm smiles and sparkling eyes.

"I love you, Sunset." You said to Sunset while staring into her beautiful turquoise eyes.

"I love you too, Anon." Sunset said back to you while staring into your eyes.

As you both continued to stare into each other's tear filled eyes, you both then decided that it was now time to go back to bed.

"Hey. I'm gonna head back to bed." Sunset said as she separated from you and then stood up on her feet.

"Yeah. Me, too." You replied as you also stood up on your feet.

You both then turned around to head back inside. And much to the surprise and embarrassment of you both, Pinkie's front door was being blocked. And it was being blocked by your friends as they were all giggling while smiling warmly at you both for what they had just witnessed. As you and Sunset both stand there with bright blushing faces and awkward expressions, you finally spoke up.

"So, uh, how long were you girls watching us?" You asked them.

"Oh, we saw the entire thing." Twilight said while smirking at you two.

"Awwww! That has got to be the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" Rarity cried while adoring over the relationship between you two.

"I have to admit, you two really do belong together." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"Yeah, you both are definitely very cute together." Applejack agreed with a warm smile that then turned into an annoyed look. "Still, Ah do not like the fact that ya'll were fibbin' to each other."

"We know, Applejack." You replied with a deadpan face and tone. "We all know how much you can't stand people lying to each other."

"It's not just about that." Applejack stated while still sounding annoyed. "The fact that you both were keepin' your love for each other a secret reminds me of that stinkin' "Liar revealed" cliché that Ah am just gettin' so sick of seein' in movies."

"What are you talking about, A.J?" Rainbow Dash asked while raising a curious eyebrow.

"Have ya'll ever seen those movies where the characters keep a secret from each other because they're afraid the truth will end up causin' a huge mess, and in the end they learn that they should have just been honest instead since keepin' a secret fixed nothin' and only caused even more problems?" Applejack asked as she was explaining the "Liar revealed" cliché to you and the girls.

"Uh... Yeah, I think so." Rainbow Dash replied while looking at Applejack funny.

"Ah can't stand that cliché because of how Ah am when it comes to always bein' honest, and because of how overused it is." Applejack said as she was almost finished explaining. "And the fact that Sunset and Anon, who Ah think are one of the best couples Ah've ever seen, did that cliché makes me even more annoyed."

"Well, I guess that's what you get when we're all being written by an author who is too lazy to come up with anything more creative." Pinkie pointed out with a casual tone.

Applejack then looks at Pinkie with bewilderment.

"When we're all bein' written by an author who is too lazy to come up with anythin' more creative?" Applejack asked as she repeated Pinkie's odd sentence that is probably the most oddest thing she has said tonight. "Pinkie, what in tarnation are you talkin' about?"

"Oh, nothing." Pinkie responded with the same answer whenever she said something bizarre.

Applejack then turns to Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight? One of these days, could you please invent somethin' to help us understand Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked.

"Sorry, Applejack." Twilight replied. "Even with my intellect providing as an assistance, there's no way will ever understand Pinkie."

"Well, it's like you all say. She's just being Pinkie." You said with an amused tone.

You all then laugh as you said this. A couple of seconds later, everyone was starting to get tired again.

"Well, we all better go back to bed. It's pretty late." Twilight said while yawning.

"Yeah. Good idea." You said while yawning.

"The reason you think it's a good idea is because you just can't wait to get back in that sleeping bag with Sunset." Rainbow Dash said to you while winking her eyebrows.

The other girls then start giggling again as you darted your eyes away from them while blushing. Sunset then places her arm around you while smirking at Rainbow Dash.

"Of course he can't wait, Rainbow Dash." Sunset said. "I can't wait to get back in that sleeping bag with him, too. After all, we're a couple now and it's not something we should feel embarrassed about admitting."

"Okay. If you say so, Ms. Snuggletime Shimmer." Rainbow Dash chuckled while turning around to head back inside.

The other girls followed her while laughing at the nickname that Rainbow Dash gave Sunset, which made Sunset blush. You then wrapped your arms around Sunset and pulled her into a hug.

"Joke's on her. Ms. Snuggletime Shimmer is one of the best people in the world." You chuckled.

"Thanks, Anon." Sunset replied while giggling a bit. "But please, do not call me that."

"Sorry." You said while letting go of Sunset while giggling a bit while you two reentered the house while heading towards the stairs. "Now that you mention it, it's a pretty stupid nickname."

"It really is." Sunset replied as you two headed upstairs and entered Pinkie's room. You both then walked into the room to see all of the girls were about to go back to sleep since all the lights were turned off.

"Good night, girls." You said to them.

"Good night, Anon." They all say back to you.

"Hopefully, this will be the last time you say that tonight." Sunset said while smirking at you.

"Unless if I need to use the bathroom or get a drink of water, I won't get out of the sleeping bag." You replied as you tried to assure Sunset that you are done getting out of bed tonight.

"Thank you." Sunset said as her smirk then became a relieved smile.

You both then walked back to your sleeping bag, and you both got back into it. You both then wrapped your arms around into each other to go back to cuddling each other.

"You know, considering how much I never get tired of this, maybe Ms. Snuggletime Shimmer is a pretty accurate nickname." Sunset giggled.

You and Sunset both giggled as you both positioned yourselves to get more comfortable. You were now ready to back to sleep as your eyelids started to get very heavy. Before you fell back to sleep, you did one last thing: You kissed Sunset on the cheeks and lips.

"Good night, Sunset. I love you." You said as you then started to drift away into a deep sleep.

"I love you too, Anon." Sunset said back to you while giving you the same kisses on the parts of your face. "Sweet dreams, and don't forget about Tirek's Revenge tomorrow."

"I won't." You said with your last bit of consciousness as you and Sunset both make a plan for tomorrow that was originally going to be your plan for tonight until when you agreed to this sleepover that Pinkie invited you to. Even though what you and Sunset had to go through after school at your place was painful for you both when you found out about Truth or Dare, it was all worth it in the end as you both were now even more closer than before and making each other even more happy. This may be the first slumber party you've ever been to, but with how good things turned out in the end, this was hands down the best sleepover you've ever been to, and you were definitely going to be remembering it for a long time regardless of how anxious it made you feel.

Chapter 11: A Relaxing Saturday

After spending an entire night cuddling with Sunset in front of your friends and after that same night where both you and Sunset confessed your love for each other, you were now back home on a nice Saturday morning doing some cooking for you and Sunset. You and Sunset woke up a bit late, and apparently all of the other girls left according to Pinkie while you both were sleeping in. You and Sunset didn't really feel like getting out of the sleeping bag for obvious reasons, but you both knew that you had plans for later to play Tirek's Revenge and also knew that it's not healthy to lay in bed all day so you both had to leave Pinkie's house. Sunset needed to go back to her house to go put her sleeping gear away, so you went back to your house to wait for her. In the meantime, you decided to make you and Sunset some breakfast.

"I hope she likes spinach omelettes." You say to yourself as you finish cooking two omelettes. You also included a small plate of strawberries and couple of almonds to go as sides to the omelettes. You set all the plates on the table and then waited until Sunset showed up to join you. Just as you finished setting the table, you heard a knock on the front door.

"Wow. Good timing." You said aloud as you head for the front door. You opened the door to see your best friend turned girlfriend standing right in front of you with that same friendly smile that highlights her beauty.

"Hey, Sunset." You greeted her. "I made both of us breakfast. Care to join me?"

"Of course. Thank you, Anon." Sunset replied as she entered your house. You closed the door and you both headed into the kitchen.

"Wow, Anon. That looks delicious." Sunset said as she looked at what you made for you two.

"And healthy, too." You replied. "Spinach omelettes each served with a side plate of strawberries and almonds."

"Those are really smart food choices." Sunset said as you two sat down to eat the food you made.

"Thank you." You replied as you cut a small piece of your omelette with a butter knife.

Sunset did the same and and took a bite of her omelette. As she tasted it, her eyes shot opened as her pupils expanded and started sparkling. She then swallowed the piece and then started eating the omelette a lot quicker, which tells you that it's so very delicious. About ten seconds later, she finished her omelette and the strawberries and almonds.

"Geez, Sunset. You practicing for an upcoming speed eating competition?" You chuckled as you were halfway finished with yours.

"Hey, I couldn't help it." Sunset giggled. "The food was so delicious, and I want to see you play Tirek's Revenge as soon as possible."

"Wow. And I thought Rainbow Dash was impatient." You said with a smirk.

Both you and Sunset laugh at your remark. About half a minute later, you were finally finished with your breakfast.

"Okay, I'm finished." You said as you put your dishes and Sunset's dishes in the sinks. "Alright. Let's finally play that game."

"YAY!" Sunset shouted while dragging you to the living room. "LET ANON'S BATTLE AGAINST TIREK BEGIN!!!"

"And the crowd goes wild." You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes and smiling from Sunset's overexcitement.

Seven hours into the game, you and Sunset definitely had quite a blast. Tirek's Revenge had a pretty simple plot for a very fun game. The game is basically a fantasy game that takes place in a mystical medieval world that is on the verge of takeover by a villain named Lord Tirek, whose goal is to drain all of the magic of the inhabitants of the world and use all of that combined magic to achieve his world domination goal. The game has you play as a magician whose goal is to defeat Lord Tirek and turn him to stone to prevent him from taking over the world, and to do so you need to find the world's seven mystic rulers who will give you their magic to combat against Tirek. Along the way, you come across Tirek's minions that he assigned to steal the magic of the rulers for himself and to destroy you. And apparently, this game is actually a sequel to its predecessor Rise of Tirek, which you actually did not know. But luckily, this game has recap so you can get up to speed from what happened in the previous game.

You and Sunset were on the edge of your seats for all those hours that passed as it was both exciting, while also a bit frustrating from the difficulty. Though while you were frustrated whenever it got difficult, Sunset was a lot more frustrated and was even yelling at the enemies on the TV in language that you'd rather not describe.

"Okay, I think seven hours is far more than enough to stop for a day." You said as you turned of the TV and game console.

"Yeah, we probably should have stopped a couple of hours ago." Sunset said as she leaned against the couch from the exhaustion of watching you enjoy the intense action of the game. "Man, that game is so intense."

"Yeah. But I can't decide which was more intense. The gameplay, or that language you were spewing nonstop whenever you got angry." You said while smirking at Sunset.

"Yeah, that's another bad habit of mine." Sunset chuckled while rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "And it's a habit that was quite an inconvenience for me, especially that one time where Pinkie watched me play this game."

"How did that go?" You asked.

"Pinkie offered to help me with that habit with this idea she came up with." Sunset said while still looking embarrassed. "Whenever I spoke in that inappropriate language, she would have me put a dollar in a jar. But sadly, that idea didn't work and I ended up losing my entire week's paycheck."

"Wow." You said as you started to snicker in your hand. "You literally had to pay for your wrongdoings."

"Shut up, Anon." Sunset chuckled as she lightly slugged you in the arm. "You wouldn't be laughing if that happened to you."

"You're right. I'm sorry." You said as you stopped snickering. "But still, this game is amazing. Thank you for recommending it to me."

"Of course, Anon." Sunset said while giving you a friendly smile.

You both then got off of the couch and you then asked her what did she want to do now.

"So, Sunset? What do you want to do now?" You asked.

"Well, since we spent all day inside, how about we go outside?" Sunset suggested.

"Okay. Let's do that." You replied.

As you both went outside to get some fresh air, you noticed that the sun was setting.

"Hey, look. We're just in time to see the sunset." Sunset pointed out.

"Excellent." You replied as you wrapped your arm around Sunset while looking at her with half-lidded eyes. "How about we gaze at that sunset while embracing each other?"

"It's like you can read my mind." Sunset said softly while also looking at you with half-lidded eyes while leaning into you.

You both laid down on the lawn and adjusted yourselves to get a great view of the sunset. Sunset scooted towards you and wrapped her arms around you to hug you, and you do the same to her. You both then stared at the sunset as you comforted each other with an amazing cuddle.

"Mmmmmm. This is amazing." Sunset coos as she tightens her embrace around you while looking at the sunset with a warm smile. "I can't imagine what would make this even better."

Suddenly, an idea pops into your head about how you can make this experience even better for Sunset. You pulled out your phone and opened your photo gallery.

"Hey, Sunset. I know how I can make this even better." You said as you scrolled through the photos you took with your phone's camera.

"How?" Sunset asked as she looked at you.

You then held your phone up for you and Sunset to look at while also gazing at the sunset. Sunset's eyes went wide and she gasped at the photo you pulled up on your phone. The photo you pulled up was a picture of Ray, who is Sunset's pet leopard gecko. Upon seeing the photo, Sunset's eyes started to water and her warm smile stretched even wider. She then pressed her hand against her chest.

"Anon, are you trying to kill me?" Sunset asked while looking at you with that same expression she had from looking at the photo as looking at it made her even more happy than she already was.

"I'm just trying to make you as happy as you make me happy." You replied while looking at her with a warm smile.

"Do I really make you as happy as how I feel right now?" Sunset asked as her eyes started to water more.

"Yes, you do." You replied.

As you said this, Sunset immediately squeezed you and then started to cry happily while covering your face in kisses.

"Oh, Anon! I love you so much!" Sunset cried as she continued to kiss you. "I'm so thankful to have someone like you as my boyfriend! You are one the most sweetest people I've ever ever met!"

"And I love you the same way, Sunset!" You cried as you started to give her the same kisses she gave you. "You have done so much for me ever since I moved to this town that I am so thankful to have someone like you in my life! I probably would have never gotten over my anxiety and loneliness problems if you hadn't come to my aid with your companionship and methods on how I can improve my mental health! What you did, and what you are, is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I will always be thankful for that!"

"And I'm very happy to know how much I've helped you." Sunset replied as she slowly stopped crying. "You'll always be one of the most important people in my life, and I hope that me and you will be together forever."

"I hope so, too." You said as you too slowly stopped crying.

You both then stopped talking to each other for a couple of minutes as you both squeezed each other and nuzzled each other as you both weren't looking at the sunset anymore. As you both continued to cuddle each other, you both heard something that was near you two. That sound caused you both to open your eyes and look at each other in confusion.

"Did you hear something?" You asked.

"Yeah." Sunset replied. "It sounded like a stick snapped right in half."

You both let go of each other and sat up to see what made that sound. As you both looked at the ground in front of you about a few feet away from you both saw a stick that looked like it was snapped right in half, as if someone had stepped on it. You both then tilted your heads upward and you noticed that a person was walking away from you two. And that person had rainbow colored hair, was wearing a light blue jacket with a white shirt underneath, dark blue colored pants with rainbow colored lightning bolts on them, rainbow colored wristbands, and brightly colored sneakers with regular lightning bolts on the sides. Obviously from the incredibly recognizable outfit, that person who was walking away was Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash?" You and Sunset both said at the same time.

As she heard you and Sunset call out to her, Rainbow Dash turns around to see that you two noticed her walking away.

"Oh! Uh... Hey, Anon. Hey, Sunset." Rainbow Dash greets you both rather awkwardly. "If this isn't a good time, I can always come back later or another day."

"You mean you had something to say to me?" You asked.

Um... Yes, I did." Rainbow Dash replied while looking down at her hands as she twiddles her fingers together. "But if you two are in the middle of something, it can wait."

Sunset then whispers an idea to you. As she finishes whispering to you, you nodded with a smile of approval. You then looked back at Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash? Would you like to join us?" You asked as you agreed with Sunset's suggestion of letting Rainbow Dash join you two with gazing at the sunset.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash replies while raising a curious eyebrow at you.

"Would you like to watch the sunset with us?" You repeat your question while pointing to the sunset in the sky.

"Uh... I don't know." Rainbow Dash replies as she continues to twiddle her fingers together.

"Don't worry. You're not interrupting anything." Sunset replies with a friendly smile. "If anything, we would like it if you joined us. Especially if you have something you want to say to Anon or me."

"Um... Okay. If you two would really like me to join you, then sure. Why not?" Rainbow Dash said as she accepted your offer.

Rainbow Dash walked back to you and Sunset and then sat down next to you on your left while Sunset continued to sit next to you on your right. As Rainbow Dash sat down, the three of you all gaze at the beautiful sunset. Both you and Sunset were smiling warmly while gazing, while Rainbow Dash was gazing while resting her head on her hand with a depressed look on her face. You then turned to Rainbow Dash.

"So, Rainbow Dash? What did you want to say to me?" You asked.

"Huh? Oh, I just wanted to stop by and say thank you again for what you did for me last night, Anon." Rainbow Dash said as she turned her head to you.

"Of course, Rainbow Dash." You replied with a friendly smile. "Oh, and there's actually something I forgot to tell you regarding Zephyr Breeze last night. After you and Fluttershy went inside Pinkie's house and I stayed outside for a little while longer, Zephyr Breeze asked me to give him your phone number since I had you as one of my contacts. But of course, I said no and gave him my number instead."

"Y-you did what?" Rainbow Dash asked with a surprised expression.

"Zephyr Breeze asked me to give him your phone number, and I didn't give it to him." You repeated.

Rainbow Dash continued to stare at you with that same surprised expression until when Sunset spoke up.

"How about that, Rainbow Dash?" Sunset said while patting you on the back. "You gave Anon a bad anxiety attack, and yet he didn't want to give Zephyr Breeze your phone number. And you dared me into cuddling him and you teased him while he was having another anxiety attack, and while he did want to get back at you that time, he still wouldn't allow Zephyr Breeze to get away with harassing you. Wouldn't you agree that's a fine example of staying loyal to your friend?"

"Y-yeah. T-that really is what I would call loyalty." Rainbow Dash replied while stuttering a bit.

"Yep. Anon is a really good friend. Isn't he, Rainbow Dash?" Sunset said as she continued to pat you on the back while giving you a friendly smile.

As Sunset asked this, Rainbow Dash darted her eyes to the side while slouching a bit as it seemed like she looked sad.

"Yep. He really is a good friend, Sunset." Rainbow Dash replied with a sad tone.

"Thank you, you two." You replied. "You're both good friends, too."

The three of you then turn your attention back towards the sunset. Fifteen seconds later, you started hearing sniffling on your left. You then looked to your left and noticed that tears were running down Rainbow Dash's face and it looked like she was going to cry.

"No, I am not." Rainbow Dash quavered.

"Rainbow Dash?" You replied as you looked at your sniffling friend with a look of concern along with Sunset.

"I am not a good friend." Rainbow Dash repeated again as she was slowly starting to cry. "I teased you, I gave you anxiety attacks, and I tried to make you do something embarrassing in front of your crush. And what do you do to me? You tried to help me get Zephyr Breeze off my back, and you still treat me with respect."

"Rainbow Dash..." You say your friend's name again as you witness her sadness.


You and Sunset watched as Rainbow Dash started bawling into her hands as she was seriously mad at herself for the way she treats you. As you watched this, you really felt sad from watching Rainbow Dash cry that you too started to produce tears in your eyes. But of course, you knew that this was no time for that and you needed to help a friend the same way that Sunset helps you. So you tapped Rainbow Dash on the shoulder to get her attention. Rainbow Dash then removes her hands from her faces as she looks at you with her crying face. You then immediately pulled her into a hug since her hands were not in the way.

"Anon? What are you..." Rainbow Dash asked as you tighten your embrace around her.

"Rainbow Dash, I forgive you. Now please let me help you feel better." You said with a determined tone.

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked again while still clearly crying.

"You can apologize to me all you want in a bit. But right now, let's focus on making you feel better." You said as you begin to instruct Rainbow Dash on what to do. "Now, I what you to hug me and take slow deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth."

"Um... Okay." Rainbow Dash replied as she wrapped her arms around you and then started taking slow deep breaths.

"Good. Now keep doing that until you feel like you've calmed down." You said as you continued to be determined to make Rainbow Dash feel better.

After about five minutes of hugging Rainbow Dash while she takes deep breaths, you two finally separated after Rainbow Dash told you that she feels like she has calmed down.

"How do you feel?" You asked.

"I feel a little better." Rainbow Dash said as she stare down at the ground while resting her face on her hand. "But I'm still upset at myself about how I take you for granted."

"What do you mean?" You asked as Rainbow Dash has a confession to make to you.

"A couple of minutes ago, I was sitting in my room reading some Daring Do books to help me take my mind off of all the stuff that happened to me last night." Rainbow Dash explained while still staring at the ground in depression. "A lot of things happened to me last night that were very embarrassing that I just couldn't stop thinking about them, especially the moments where Zephyr Breeze harassed me. And when I thought about those moments, I was also thinking about you, Anon."

"Me? Why?" You asked again.

"Because when I thought about those moments, I also thought about that embarrassing dare I made you and Sunset do." Rainbow Dash said as she then looked at you. "And that anxiety attack I made you have while teasing you, as well as those other moments where I teased you." Rainbow Dash then took another deep breath as another sign of her sadness. "And it made me think that with everything embarrassing that happened to me last night, I deserved all of it for how I treated you." Rainbow Dash then placed her hand on your shoulder. "Anon. The reason why I came over hear was not only to thank you, but also apologize to you. So, I'm sorry for everything that I did to you yesterday. And if there's anything that you want me to do to make it up to you, I'll do it."

As Rainbow Dash apologized to you, you smiled warmly and then gave Rainbow Dash another hug.

"Rainbow Dash. Thank you." You said while hugging Rainbow Dash. You then separated yourself her and then looked at her. "But before I say anything else, I want you to understand two things."

"What?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"First, I don't mind you teasing me since we all tease each other at times. Just make sure you don't do it too much and be considerate of my feelings." You said as you were making your points. "And second, everything that happened to you yesterday, you did deserve. Except for those moments with Zephyr Breeze."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash asked while looking at you with confusion.

"Rainbow Dash, the way he treated you was something that no one should have to put up with." You replied in a serious tone. "He harassed you, and he embarrassed you by doing all that in front of your friends which made you cry. Not to mention, he didn't even express the slightest bit of shame while he was treating you that way, especially considering he was doing all that in front of his own sister! What I tricked him into doing with those fire ants was well deserved payback!" You then looked down at the ground and took another deep breath as you were starting to get frustrated. You then looked back at Rainbow Dash "Rainbow Dash. If he ever bothers you again, I'll take care of it."

"You really will?" Rainbow Dash asked softly.

"Of course. Anyone who mistreats my friends will pay for it." You say with determination.

"Thank you, Anon." Rainbow Dash replied with a warm smile. "So, what do you want me to do to make it up to you?"

"Rainbow Dash, all you have to do for me is just be the same great person and great friend that Fluttershy says you are." You say as you turned your attention back to the sunset. Rainbow Dash then looks at you with a puzzled look.

"What? I'm offering to do something for you to make up for how I was such a jerk to you, and you want nothing?" Rainbow Dash asked while sounding confused.

You didn't answer Rainbow Dash's question as you were being distracted by the sunset that you weren't paying attention to what was going on around you.

"Hey, Anon! I'm asking you a question!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she was trying to get your attention, but to no avail.

"What a guy, ain't he?" Sunset asked Rainbow Dash while you continued to look at the sunset.

"Yeah. He's so awesome that it eats me up inside when he tells me that I don't have to do anything for him." Rainbow Dash replied to Sunset.

"Don't worry about it, Rainbow Dash." Sunset said. "I'll you need to do is just improve your behavior towards Anon and he'll definitely look past those moments where you treated him poorly." Sunset then wrapped her arm around you and then rest her head on yours.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked while looking at you and Sunset. "If that's all I need to do to make it up to him, then I guess that's fine with me." Rainbow Dash then patted you on the back while smiling at you.

As you weren't paying attention to Rainbow Dash patting you on the back, you then suddenly realized something that you had in the fridge since Rainbow Dash's presence made you remember that.

"Hang on a sec, girls. I'll be right back." You said as you rushed into your house to quickly get something. You then came back with nine bottles of fizzy cider, which were three for you and three each for Sunset and Rainbow Dash.

The pupils in Rainbow Dash's eyes expanded and her mouth hanged open as she saw what you had brought outside.

"CIDER!" Rainbow Dash shouted with excitement as you handed her three bottles.

You then handed Sunset three bottles and the sat back down on the lawn.

"Thank you, Anon." Sunset said.

"Yeah, thank you so much, Anon!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while hugging you.

"You're both welcome." You said proudly. The three of you then raised your bottles. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" Sunset and Rainbow Dash said as the three of you clinged your bottles together and then drank them.

The three of you then continued to watch the sunset together while drinking fizzy cider. As you all did this you started talking to yourself in your mind.

"Man. What a great way to spend a weekend after such an anxious slumber party." You said to yourself while drinking your cider. "Even though what happened yesterday had moments that I thought were behind me at this point, it still ended up overall being a very fun night. And even though my worst fear about that Truth or Dare game became a reality because of Rainbow Dash, I was able to get through that dare just fine thanks to Sunset. I have a feeling that I'm gonna be invited to more sleepovers in the future, and of course we'll all be playing Truth or Dare again at all of them. And while that does give me a bit of a bad feeling, I'm sure Rainbow Dash will now try to tone it down when it comes to that game. And if she really does, then I honestly can't wait until the next sleepover to play that game."

You then stopped thinking to yourself to tell Rainbow Dash something.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash." You said to her.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I can't wait until we play Truth or Dare again at the next sleepover." You said.

"Me neither." Rainbow Dash agreed. "And next time, I'll try to go easier on all of you."

"Thank you." You replied.

"Yeah. Thanks." Sunset said to Rainbow Dash.

"I am so glad to hear that Rainbow Dash will try not to be so rough on all of us when we play that game again." You said to yourself as you went back to thinking in your head. "That means I have nothing to worry about for the next slumber party. All of the ones in the future will be a lot less anxious for me."

You then stopped thinking to yourself as you then spent the next few hours chatting with Sunset and Rainbow Dash while watching the sun go down and drinking cider. As you chatted with them, you still couldn't help but continue to express excitement to them for the next slumber party since the one from yesterday was very fun and the next one will be a lot less anxious to you. Much to your relief, there's no doubt in your mind that yesterday's slumber party will go down in the history of your life as the most anxious slumber party ever.

The End

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