
Factory of the Magical Variety

by Conglomerate

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Three hills form a small, serene and quiet, a group of trees lay on top of one hill, another has several large boulders, while the last one has a large yellow crystal poking up through the ground. The silence doesn't last though, a slight rumbling gradually grows in intensity. Finally a large, yellow machine crests the hill with trees, tearing them down as it's large sawblades and excavators loudly start up. The small chunks of wood and sap from the trees float up into the air by and unseen force and fly over to the back of the machine, being stored on a glowing blue grid.

The large machine finishes decimating the trees on the hill and it's massive tracks and wheels start up again. Moving over to the hill with the boulders, several glinting with an blue, metallic mineral, the machine starts up it's equipment once again. Suddenly, gunfire erupts from the now empty hill, bullets fly across the small valley and impact the large machine, causing several loose and small parts to fall off. Appearing now on the hill is a smaller, grey machine outfitted with several machine guns on top, it races across the valley and gets in close to the yellow machine, firing it's guns the entire time.

The large yellow machine starts up double time and turns to aim it's gigantic excavating equipment against he approaching machine. Seeing the charge, the grey machine easy maneuvers around and continues to fire upon the yellow machine, breaking off several wheels and plates of armor. The yellow machine, with quite a bit more armor to give, attempts to charge the smaller machine once again, this time grazing it causing a huge piece of armor plating and structure to be destroyed.

Quick on the retreat, the grey machine disengages and backs up to a distance, ready to fire. It doesn't get the chance though as several missiles impact it's side, tearing it apart and leaving it in pieces atop the hill. Zooming up above, a red white and blue machine flies above with wings and a propeller, it's missile battery reloading. Realizing it's outmatched, the yellow machine attempts to leave the area, the flying machine slowly coming around for another run.

Suddenly, the flying machine veers off in an attempt to dodge an incoming missile. It isn't quick enough however as the missile strikes it's center causing it to crash land through the yellow crystal, shattering it. Looking across the missile's smoke trail, it leads to another massive machine, this time however it appears to be an amalgamation of materials from all three previous machines. It isn't complete chaos though, there is obvious method to it's design, this machine is armed to the teeth and quickly begins firing upon the yellow machine tearing it to pieces. With little to no mobility left, the yellow machine can do nothing but sit and wait for it's cabin to be destroyed.

With all three machines clearly destroyed, the amalgamation sets down some sort of machine in the center of the battlefield. This device lifts up a grey sphere, several beams coming from the side, charging up something. The grey sphere implodes into black, somehow contained by the device, several long and thing black tendrils reach out from the sphere. The tendrils fan out and begin touching the left over armor and structure materials from all three destroyed machines, lifting them up and dragging them back towards the sphere. If you look closely, you can see the scrap and materials being compressed and stretched as they enter the sphere, somehow being transported somewhere else.

Without warning, five red marks appear on the ground, surrounding the amalgamation and it's device while it's still picking up the scrap. The marks slowly get brighter and brighter as the amalgamation quickly picks up the device and attempts to escape the small valley. It isn't quick enough however as five machines slam down, creating a small earthquake while surrounding the amalgamation.

The ground shifts, all the machines stop in an instant as large cracks start to form in the center of the valley. Really panicking now, the amalgamation attempts to force it's way through the surrounding machines. It's back wheels sink lower into the ground as the whole valley begins to lower and sink. The other machines flee down the hills leaving the amalgamation stuck in the center as the ground continues to tremble. A moment later all structural integrity is lost as the valley collapses with the amalgamation in it revealing a large sinkhole.

Hitting the bottom of the hole, the amalgamation sustains huge damage, knocking loose the device forcing the grey sphere out of it's containment. Not sensing the problem, the beams start back up again and begin charging the sphere. Just when it appears to be finished charging, a piece of machine falls on top of the sphere, cracking it. This single piece appeared to be a vanity piece, in the shape of a roast turkey.

The immediate surrounding area is enveloped in a large, black sphere including the amalgamation. When the sphere dissipates, nothing is there except a single grey block.

Author's Notes:

Here we go, I'm thinking this story it going to be quite good. I love Terratech and I hope I told a good fight scene. Stay tuned for the rest of the story!

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: New Arrival Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 30 Minutes
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