
Old Words

by WurkyWilk358 0w0

Chapter 7: Not So Chaotic

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Not So Chaotic

“I’ll see you soon, Fluttershy!”

“I look forward to it, Discord.”

The spirit of chaos waved to his shy pegasus friend as he poofed out of sight and reappeared high above the lake near Ponyville. Discord sighed as he snapped his lion paw and created a hammock out of thin air and lounged on it with a glass of chocolate milk floating beside him. So much has happened since he had turned himself in and it has been quite beneficial for both him and the ponies of Equestria.

Back then, Celestia and Luna were both completely baffled as to why Discord would just suddenly just give up his chaotic onslaught on his own whim. At first, they believed it to be a crude hoax as an attempt to overthrow the two other liabilities who could possibly threaten his power. However, it never came to that. Discord simply surrendered himself without as much of a hint of dishonesty in his voice. When the Princesses asked him why he had such a sudden change of heart, he said to them that it was because of a new friend he made. He explained that while spreading chaos as much as he pleased was enjoyable in its own right, he came to realize that it wouldn’t be as much fun as sharing it with someone, but at their own pace. The feeling of making a friend was a little alien to Discord, but after having been able to make one, despite his transgressions, it felt fulfilling to his chaotic mindset.

After his surrender, Discord had spent a majority of time behind bars in the Cantelot royal dungeons, under heavy guard and surveillance. Many moons were spent by Celestia and Luna themselves as they constantly interrogated Discord in an attempt to reveal any sort of malicious intent and treachery. Despite the constant questioning, however, Discord said the same thing every time.

“I no longer wish to spread chaos for my own fulfillment. I am now ready to use my magic for good instead of evil…most of the time.”

As a test to finally prove if his words rang true, Celestia decided to release Discord and send him to Ponyville. She made an accord that while he resided in Ponyville, he would not cause any sort of trouble and chaos for the duration of one month. Celestia warned that if she had received a letter from Twilight saying he made a single cloud pink or morphed the smallest animal, he would be sealed in stone for the rest of his days. As a result, and an unforeseen development, Discord managed to keep his word and make new friends during his stay by gaining their trust. One of his now closest friends being Fluttershy, whom he recently started having occasional tea times with at her cottage.

“Spreading chaos and pulling pranks on everypony was fun and all,” Discord sighed aloud as he relaxed on his hammock, sipping chocolate milk as he recollected his memories. “But having made a friend, including my new ones, could very well be more enjoyable.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Discord.”

Discord’s eyes shot open as he frantically looked around at the voice spoken to him. He knew that voice, a voice he hadn’t heard in so long. It was the voice of his first friend!

“Down here.”

Discord turned to the edge of the lake to see someone that made him grin widely. An old-looking bipedal creature, with a cane in hand, stood by the water as he looked up at Discord with a warm smile. Discord poofed the mid-air hammock out of existence as he quickly flew towards the old man with renewed glee.

“It’s you!” Discord cheered as he landed just in front of the old man. “Oh, how wonderful this day turned out to be!” Discord rested his lion paw and eagle talon on the old man’s shoulders as he kept his wide grin. “I was just thinking about you, my friend! It has been some time!”

“Indeed it has, Discord,” the old man chuckled as he pat his lion paw with his hand. “You seem more cheerful than usual, since the last I saw you.” The old man looked around the lake as if he was scanning his surroundings. “It pleases me that the area is not so chaotic any more.”

“But of course, because I no longer need to!” Discord proclaimed as he stepped back from the old man. “I now have made many new friends since our last encounter, and one of them is actually quite fond of my chaotic lifestyle! She finds our tea times to be far more interesting than what she is used to, which is delightful!”

“It gladdens me to see how far you have come, Discord,” the old man said.

“Oh, and I have much more to tell! Would you like me to share my new experiences with my new friends?”

“By all means, share away.”

Discord then went into great detail of the memories he made with his new pony friends. Discord expressed the laughs he shared, the lessons Discord learned, and the occasional obstacles he had to overcome when his chaotic mind almost made him stray from the path. All the while, the old man just kept smiling as he listened to every word.

“Spike and Big Macintosh’s little game of Ogres and Oubliettes is surprisingly quite enjoyable! With a little touch of chaos magic, they have agreed I join more often for the more in-depth experience!”

“It sounds like you have made a variety of friends,” the old man nodded.

“It is all thanks to you,” Discord said, his voice becoming more soft.

“I still remember being the cold-hearted bringer of chaos who only valued my own enjoyment from other’s torment. I believed that I didn’t need anyone else to tell me how to live or how to act, because I literally had myself to tell me otherwise. It took me longer to realize that despite all my power, all of my influence, I failed to grasp the one thing I never knew I needed most.” Discord smiled sadly as his ears drooped. “A friend. I’ve come to learn that a friend would always be there for you whenever you step out of line or have a shoulder to lean on when you’re all alone and feeling burdened with whatever troubles you. They also help introduce you to new friends who can be just as kind and learn to accept you for any faults you have. As a being of chaos, the mere notion of accepting friendship in my heart seemed next to impossible for me. But thanks to the words you shared with me when we met, and the guidance of my new friends that I have made, I feel a sense of bliss and untapped happiness I never knew I would have. I’m now in a better place in my life, and I would not have it any other way.”

The old man’s eyes gazed at Discord with pride. He knew the joys friendship would bring Discord if he had just opened his heart to it, and the results were more than satisfactory. No longer did the old man see a lost and lonely mad spirit, but a bright and vibrant soul who valued his new relationships.

“Are you grateful for the friends you made?” The old man asked.

“Most definitely, yes,” Discord nodded.

“Would you say you would do anything for them as they would you?”

“Indeed, I would rather not return to my secluded and lonely lifestyle of spreading chaos. Besides, with friends like these, who needs that much chaos anyway?”

“That is what friendship is exactly for, Discord, the friends you’ve made will always be there for you when you least expect it. My late friend was the exact same way, he always wore a smile even in the darkest of times. Friends give us hope that everything will be okay when all seems lost. One shouldn’t lose faith if nothing goes their way, all they need is proper guidance to a brighter path of happiness and fulfillment. So whenever you feel a sense of doubt in yourself, just know that your friends are there waiting for you.”

Discord smiled as he leaned down and wrapped a single arm around the old man. “Your words as wise as your very spirit, sir, I am honored that you were the first one who gave me the gift of friendship. For that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

The old man reached up and returned the one armed embrace to his friend until Discord pulled back with a smile. “Do you wish too join me? I am having tea time with my friend Fluttershy in a little bit.”

“As much as I would love to, I am merely here to visit and continue my walk,” the old man said. “I’m glad I ran into you though, I am quite proud of you and the new bonds you have made.”

“Thank you, my friend,” Discord said as he flapped his wings and lifted in the air. “Until next we meet! I bid you farewell!”

The old man smiled and waved Discord goodbye before he snapped his fingers and disappeared. He reappeared in front of Fluttershy’s cottage with a gleeful smile and knocked on the door. When he saw his timid friend, he scooped her up in a hug, causing the mare to squeal in surprise.

“Discord! What’s wrong? Why are you hugging me? Not that I mind,” Fluttershy wondered.

“Oh just expressing my gratitude of our friendship, my dear,” Discord chuckled as he set he down. “I should always remind myself of how you and the others were kind enough to give me a second chance when I almost believed I didn’t deserve one.”

“I’m happy to hear it, Discord, but what brought this up?”

“Just…something an old friend taught me some time ago,” Discord said as he glanced out the window with a smile.

Author's Note

Friends can be forever, they’re like having your own little corner of the world you can escape to.

Hope you enjoyed!

~WurkyWilk has left the building…

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