
Old Words

by WurkyWilk358 0w0

Chapter 5: Redemption or Vengeance?

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Redemption or Vengeance?


“I’m afraid it’s too late for that. Your magic shall be my source of power.”

The unicorn stallion could say nothing else as a hooded figure opened his jaw wide and absorbed the pony’s magic. The essence was pulled out from his horn and into the mouth of his attacker until his eyes became glazed and weak before collapsing to the ground. The hooded figure felt elated at the new source of power he felt as he crept through the dark streets of Manehattan. The moon cast its light down when the cloaked figure hid within an alleyway and pulled back his hood. His skin was pale red, two small horns were on its head, a bushy beard along his jawline, and he shared the body of both a bipedal and an equine. Tirek cackled quietly to himself as he looked down at his hands with an unsettling grin.

“Hmph, it’s a good thing that mangy mutt left his post. It gave me the opportunity I needed to make my escape.” His eyes trailed to the sky as they glowed bright yellow. “The magic shall be mine, this kingdom shall also be mine. Once I have all the magic, I shall return to my homeland and make that traitor pay for what he did.” His face grew a scowl at the memory of his brother. “You once told me you would remain by my side as a beacon of support. You only have yourself to blame for whatever happens next, Scorpan.” The centaur shook his head as he pulled his hood over his head again. “No matter, I shall continue my feast for a little while longer before the night’s end.”

Tirek proceeded to exit the alleyway and continue his hunt for more unsuspecting ponies. His trek out in the open was soon interrupted when he bumped into someone.

“Oh excuse me, I wasn’t watching where I stepped.”

In the corner of his eye, the centaur arched a brow at the new creature he ran into. It was bipedal, by the looks of it, and his appearance looked a tad old fashioned.

“You are a peculiar creature to be wandering these streets at this time of night,” Tirek said.

“Hm? Oh, well, I just enjoy my usual nighttime walk. It’s a pleasant past time for a man my age.”

Tirek eyed the old man closely as a strange phenomenon occurred to him. No matter how much he tried to sense it, there was not one drop of magic from within this strange being. Then again, he wasn’t even a pony, but Tirek decided not to dwell on it since he turned away from the old man.

“Your hobbies matter little to me, old fool, I shall take my leave,” Tirek huffed.

“Do you enjoy walking at night as well?” The old man asked, finding himself walking beside Tirek.

“Hardly, I’m just trying to search for more resources in order to fulfill my longtime plan of vengeance against those who wronged me.”

“Goodness, vengeance?” The old mad gasped a little. “Whatever would cause such an unbridled grudge?”

“My brother,” Tirek said bitterly. “He betrayed me when I needed him most. We were meant to have each other’s back no matter when or where. Because of his betrayal, I was imprisoned and left to rot.”

“I see,” the old man said. “It sounds a little similar to my own past, in a way.”

“You? Please, you can’t expect me to believe you could even fathom what I have endured,” Tirek said dismissively.

“On the contrary, I can, for I too was once betrayed by my own brother.”

Tirek halted his pace to look a the old man at his declaration. To his confusion, he expected the old man to show bitterness in his tone yet he wore a smile of content.

“You say your brother betrayed you, yet you hold no disdain in your voice,” Tirek pointed out. “Why is that? Do you not abhor him for such a treacherous deed?”

“To be honest, no, I do not,” the old man shook his head. “Because I had later come to realize that his betrayal was what I needed in order to stray way from a dark path. I had a history with a group of individuals who committed crimes for personal gain. My wife and I, when she was still around, wanted a life away from the violence and dangers that came with it. The times after I left were simple and full of content, however, I’m ashamed to admit that I…had come to miss that old criminal life of mine.”

“You missed the thrill, is what it sounds like,” Tirek commented. “Doing as you please, enjoying the spoils of your transgressions, living life on the edge? I know what that feels like all too well.”

“Perhaps, it also made me feel younger than I was. So I did something quite foolish, and ended up returning to that old life behind my wife’s back. It was easy to do so, and they welcomed me back with open arms. I was a common man during the day, but back to criminal once the moon rose.”

“Why not tell your betrothed of your decision?”

“I was a brash and reckless man back then,” the old man sighed. “I tried to keep away from my life as a mafioso, but instead that life managed to find me again. My wife was the reason why I stepped away, and it would have disheartened her if she had known of my new double life. Things were proceeding without any repercussions, until my brother caught wind of my return and confronted me. He warned me to step away and keep away as I had done before, but I was too stubborn to listen to him. No matter how many times he confronted me on the matter, I rejected his words and continued my double life.”

“It was no business of his, you had your own path to walk and as did he,” Tirek said.

“Maybe, all I know is that I vented my frustrations out on many individuals who were undeserving of it. I hurt people…too many people, because of my anger and growing hatred towards my brother’s confrontations. Eventually, my brother had grown tired of my stubbornness and decided to tell my wife without my knowing. Now I had both my brother and my wife confronting me to give up the life of a mafioso permanently.”

“Your brother’s betrayal sounds a tad similar to my own,” Tirek said bitterly. “It just goes to show you that you cannot trust anyone but yourself, not even your own family.”

“But you don’t know, sir, is that it was just the kind of reality check I needed,” the old man exhaled with a sad smile, making Tirek gaze at the old man as if he had lost himself. “There was a deal that had gone awry and I ended up getting arrested for it. This would most likely have ended with me spending the rest of my life behind bars. To add insult to injury, it was my brother and wife who were the ones that tipped the authorities off about my arrangement.”

“How dare they…” Tirek hissed. “Not only would they refuse to keep out of your personal affairs, but it was because of them that you were imprisoned?” Tirek paused before chuckling to himself. “Perhaps you can understand my dilemma. But why did you say that it was a reality check?”

“I saw how my actions we’re affecting my loved ones. My brother lectured me that it would destroy the family if I spent my days behind bars. My wife especially…since she was pregnant with my first daughter.” That seemed to catch the centaur’s attention. “When she told me that I was to be a father, I was both elated and ashamed. Elated that I had a child on the way, but ashamed that I had caused so much trouble for her because of my foolishness. All I wanted was to prove I could provide for my family by any means possible. Only I ended up doing more damage than good.”

Tirek was silent as he rubbed his hand on top of the other as he turned away. “I…once had a family. A father, a mother, and of course, my brother. My father was a king, and I always wanted to prove to my father that I was worthy to succeed him but he always looked to me with disdain and dissatisfaction. I wanted to prove that I could lead our people to greatness by attaining as much power as possible. I would go through any means to gain power, even at the expense of others.”

“Why would you go so far?” The old man asked.

“Because nothing was ever enough for my father,” Tirek said. “So I turned to the teachings of my old teacher, but was impatient and brash. So I turned to Equestria with my brother to seek power, only for it to lead to my imprisonment by his betrayal.”

“There are other ways to prove yourself, you know?”

“I highly doubt it, even now I crave power,” Tirek shook his head. “It is my destiny to rule all I see. Once I absorb all the magic in the land, my vision will become a reality.”

“There are other means to prove yourself to your family, but this is not the way,” the old man said.

“Why bother? I’ve always strived to be the most powerful I can be and prove that my father was wrong about me. What better way than taking all the magic and returning to overthrow him?”

“Because Tirek, in the end, family is all we have,” the old man stated. “You must forgive your brother for what he did. It sounds to me that he only betrayed you because he didn’t have a choice. You were causing more damage than you realized and he didn’t wish for you to destroy yourself from your own selfish desire for power. The inhabitants of this world have done nothing to incur your rampage, so there is no reason why they should have to suffer for your benefit.”

“You’re just spouting nonsense,” Tirek spat. “I had a family, but they turned their backs on me. And if they do not wish to have anything to do with me, than neither should I.”

“But you still valued your brother as your number one source of support. You may not admit it, but I am willing to guess that you still care for him, your family included, very dearly.”

“We have only known each other in a short span, and you think you have the right to lecture me?” Tirek glared at the old man. “You are simply too weak minded to see the bigger picture. For it is how I keep telling you: power is everything, and I shall have all of it.”

“Then…allow me to bargain with you,” the old man said firmly as he stared at the centaur. “All I ask is that you temporarily cease your attacks on these ponies.”

“And why would I do that?”

“Are you confident that if, and when, you gain the power you seek, you shall reign supreme?”

“Very much so, yes, especially when I have absorbed the magic from the three alicorn Princesses,” Tirek nodded firmly.

“Then here is my bargain: I request that you travel these lands on your own. See what it has to offer. After seeing and experiencing all that you possibly can and are still convinced that you deserve to become all powerful…then you may continue your conquest.”

“This is a complete waste of my time, I have better things to do than travel on my own!” Tirek snapped. “Even if I were intrigued to take you up on your offer, what exactly would I hope to find? What would I be looking for?”

“You seem to always have an argument for everything I have to say, even after sharing my experience of being betrayed but sought redemption. You also wish to convince me that vengeance oversteps redemption. So prove me wrong, Tirek, prove to me, that after you have seen all there is to see and felt all there is to feel, that your way is the only way.”

The centaur stroked his beard in thought at the old man’s bargain. This was completely unnecessary and he could so easily continue absorbing magic as he had been since he became free. Then again, he knew that in the back of his mind that the words he shared with the old man would be wringing in his ear. The bargain was simple enough, as it were, plus the old man didn’t seem to mention any catch to it. All he had to do was travel the lands, supposedly finding whatever hidden truth the old man was trying to show him, and resume his conquest upon his return.

“Hmm, you’re very persistent with your incessant words,” the centaur hummed. “Very well. To humor you, I shall accept your bargain.”

“Not quite yet,” the old man said. “You must also swear to not absorb any magic on your travels, and you must return all the magic you had stolen thus far.”

“You’re asking a tad too much, old man.”

“I do not believe so, I believe it is only fair.”

“Ugh, whatever, fine.” Tirek snapped his fingers as strands of magic escaped his body and flew off to return to the ponies he stole from. “Satisfied?”

“Very, now give me your word that you shall not steal any more magic during your travels.”

“Yes, yes, I swear I will not,” Tirek sighed dismissively.

“Good, then we have an accord,” the old man nodded as he held out his hand. Tirek stared at the old man’s hand until he slowly reached out and grasped it and shook it firmly.

“I do not know what it is you are trying to prove to me, old fool, but once I return, I shall be more than willing to personally show you what it means to bargain with me.”

“I look forward to seeing it, Tirek,” the old man said with a smile.

Once they broke the handshake, Tirek pulled his hood over his head and departed in the opposite direction towards the exit of the city. The old man also turned to leave as he glanced over his shoulder.

“You’ll see, Tirek, one day you shall see,” the old man said to himself.

“And there’s no sign of him?”

“I checked everywhere! Not a trace to be seen!”

Celestia paced back and forth in her throne room with her sister watching her unrest.

“He cannot have just up and left, this is Tirek we’re talking about!” Luna said.

“I have searched high and low, every crack and crevice, yet nothing came back!” Discord said.

“I know, you two, I know,” Celestia sighed. “This is most concerning, Tirek could be reeking havoc anywhere! He must be stopped, Discord, you must find him and send him back to Tartarus!”

“Yes ma’am!” Discord said with a mock salute as he disappeared.

“Sister, can we really trust Discord? He may be reformed, but I still think he’s a bit of a loose cannon,” Luna said.

“He is more than capable, Luna, I know he is,” Celestia said. She walked out to the balcony as she looked along the horizon of her kingdom. “I just hope we’re not too late.”

Author's Note

What will happen? Will Tirek return and continue his conquest? Or will he have leaned a valuable lesson?

Hope you enjoyed!

~WurkyWilk has left the building…

Next Chapter: Nightmare No More Estimated time remaining: 55 Minutes
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