
TAF: On Shed-Ule / Scrambled Eggs / Smokescreen

by Lawton

Chapter 1: On Shed-Ule

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The island of Sodor is being hit by strong winds and rough rain storms making it difficult for the engines.One stormy day,Twilight and Thomas were fighting through the wind and rain pulling a goods train.

“Geez!I thought the rain last week was bad.But,This storm!?Its like living in a hurricane!” Puffed Thomas.

“You can say that again.” Said Twilight.Further down the track,Duck pulling trucks of China clay to the docks.But,Neither Twilight,Thomas,Or Duck knew they were traveling to trouble.Ahead of Duck,A big tree was being blown by the strong winds and the rain had weakened the slope.As Duck rounded the bend,The tree fell onto his track.

“Scrap!” He yelled as he slammed on his brakes and stopped just in front of the tree.But,Thomas didn’t stop in time.He smashed into the back of Ducks train,Came off the track,And splashes into the river.

“Double scrap.” Bubbled Thomas in the water.

“I better get help.” Said Twilight as she swam out of the river.Luckily,Daisy arrived with the breakdown train to pull thomas out.Soon,Thomas was out.But,His front was badly dented.”Aw man.Not again.”Thatnight at the sheds,Twilight and Daisy told told the others all about Thomas’ accident.

“This storm is really causing trouble all over the island.” Moaned James.

“Yeah.The wind was so strong,I saw the crossing gates being ripped off and into the air.” Said Daisy.

“Poor Thomas.” Said Twilight sadly.”It’s a good thing Daisy is here to take care of Thomas’ passengers.”Then,Fluttershy and Henry arrived.They were not happy at all.

“It’s not fair!” Henry puffed angrily.”The kipper has been canceled!”

“Henry’s right.” Replied Fluttershy.”We were looking forward to a nice evening run.”

“Nonsence.” Said Gordon.”We’re big engines.A little wind can’t stop us.Not even little ponies.”This made Fluttershy mad and she grew bigger.

“Who are you calling little!?” She yelled.

“Nothing.Just saying.” Said Gordon.Fluttershy then shrunk back to normal size.

“Just watch us tomorrow.” Yawned Rainbow Dash.”We’ll be right on shed-ule whatever the weather.Hehe.Get it?Shed-ule?”She and Gordon went to sleep.The next day,The storm was blowing worse than ever.The two speedy friends were taking the express.But,They were not enjoying themselves.Signs were put in place warning all engines to go slow.But,Rainbow Dash and Gordon ignored the signs.

“It’s shameful.” Groaned Gordon.

“No way we’re slowing down!” Rainbow Dash yelled.Meanwhile across the field,A farmer had finished building a shed.He was pleased.

“Phew!Ha!What do ya think,Son?Its solid as a rock.” He said.But,He never knew how light it was.It was so light,The strong winds picked up the shed and blew it across the field.

“And as light as a feather.” Said the farmers son.

“Whoa!Didn’t see that coming.” Said the farmer shocked.Rainbow Dash and Gordon were beginning to feel uncomfortable.Cold rain stung Gordon’s face as he raced along the track.

“I can’t see a thing!” Groaned Gordon.

“Rats.That makes two of us.” Moaned Rainbow Dash.”If we can just make it to....Sweet Celestia!Whats that!?”Gordon cracked open his eyes.A dark shape gloomed on the line ahead.He applied his brakes.But,It was too late.He smashed the shed and came off the rails.Luckily,No one was hurt.But,Gordon was derailed.Splintered wood was stuck to his bumper.

“Man.That really hurts.” Groaned Gordon.

“Are you ok,Big G.” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think so.” Said Gordon.Soon,Fluttershy and Henry came to take the express while Applejack and Edward pulled Gordon back onto the rails.

“Well,Rainow Dash,I guess you weren’t on shed-ule.” Chuckled Fluttershy.Rainbow Dash and Gordon didn’t think it was funny at all before Edward started shunting them to the Steamworks.

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