
If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

by overlord-flinx

Chapter 4: Chapter Four: It Takes Two Too...

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Home is where a tired body goes to collapse and let all the woes of the day just ooze away. It is where someone can let their hair down and cut-loose their own way. A sanctuary of peace, personality, and privacy. If one wanted to curl up on their couch, snag themselves within the clutch of a warm blanket and read the latest works of their favorite author, they very well could. In a home there is little restriction and very little need for alarm. A person's home is of their own making; of their own design.

Your home may be a quaint little cottage bustling with wildlife in every nestled bush. Or perhaps your home is where you work; always surrounded by your 9-to-5 life. Perhaps that's something you like. Maybe you live mansion. Only the rich and influential can pull such living though. Maybe you are one of them. It matters not even a bit if you live in a cottage, a duplex, a castle, a mansion... Or even a two bedroom apartment overlooking the streets of town.

Tick tock went the gaudy clock hanging by the refrigerator. Though Octavia was far from a fan of the ugly thing, it did provide some sort of metronome for her to follow while dicing carrots. One, two, slide. One, two, slide. Cut, cut, off the board. Cut, cut, off the board. Each dull chop that went through the carrot with a crunch would thump against the cutting-board. Having done this for who knows how many minutes, Octavia found her naked hips sashay in time with her cutting. Hm, hm, HM. Hm, hm, HM. The white apron--standing out as the musician's only piece of clothing--started to flap against the counter as she worked on her cutting. Down to the nub and green of the carrot was all that was left after a few solid moments. She slid the knife to the other side of the board and sent the unusable end into the trash.

The clean-cut carrots were carefully cast aside into a large container. A soft tone to Octavia's face was brought when she looked at her cleaned cutting station; and with a timed glance to that revolting novelty clock off to the side above her, she noted the time. Seven o'clock in the evening. Not too late to run to the store and pick up a few groceries, but not early enough to stop by the local library and pick up the latest addition in her series. More so, it was around this time that the door of the apartment would--

SLAM! "Tavi-Navy!" the entry door of the apartment snapped open to let a tornado of movement into the house.

Octavia topped off the container of carrot slices with the most nonchalant of expressions while a second slam confirmed that the tornado was not leaving. She stooped down just a bit and slid the container into the lower cabinet of the fridge while sighing a small breathe. Quiet time had concluded, or as quiet as the apartment could be with that clock, and Octavia closed the fridge after getting up so she could greet her living partner. "Welcome home, Vi--" Her words were cut short--curtailed to a muffled 'mmmm'--while her eyes shot open wide.

Vinyl Scratch curled her lips into a smirk as she used her slim body to keep her surprised 'Tavi' pressed firmly into the kitchen counter. Used to brazen, vigorous Vinyl or not, Octavia always felt as if it was their first kiss every time. Feeling the warmth sink into her chest while her throat tightens up at the first contact, only to relax when the surprise fade. Vinyl felt the skilled fingers of a cellist roaming her skin, sketching tantalizing patterns against her exposed hips. Lucky she went with the short shirt today; just like every day. Gently, Vinyl felt those same fingers slide to her navel area and just as gently tapped tapping them away.

Taking a single step back, Vinyl latched her hands against Octavia's waistline and pushed the cellist's apron a little bit against her naked body, conforming the fabric to the cellists rounded curves. "--nyl." Octavia put a fist against her mouth, making an effort to clear her throat before giving Vinyl a stern look. "I gather you've spent a deal of time at Joe's before returning home?"

Vinyl blinked from behind her thick shades. Her tongue came out just enough to lick her lips with a curious search. It didn't take her long to find the firm but soggy taste of a crumb wedged the back corner of her lips. After making sure that she got every single crumb, and despite this amusing pause in her play at seduction, Vinyl reached up and flicked her glasses off with her trademark, confident smile. Then, as she placed her shades on the counter behind Octavia, she pressed her chest closer to her stern lover and her warm forehead touched Octavia’s quickly-fading glare. "I did... But I left a little inside for you and I to share..."

Octavia felt the hairs on the back of her neck prickle. A hard gulp went down her throat after some force; now she had two things to reel back from. Even so, Octavia managed a casual scoffing laugh while pushing Vinyl on the chest, guiding her away. In that moment, their eyes looked into each others'.

"As red as the sun's tired decline from the vivid sky..."

"Somebody call a cop, cuz' it's got to be a crime to walk around with two addictive drugs on your face..."

The new room between them granted Octavia a chance to adjust her apron and bring some calming air to her lungs before she carried on. "Quaint, Vinyl. Very..."

There it was! That air of sophistication that Vinyl went crazy for. One of Vinyl's hands pounded into her chest as she staggered back, playfully smiling at Octavia. "WHOA! Ouch, Tavi. Already whipping at me!" Vinyl plopped her knapsack onto the counter, "Even after I brought home dinner."

"Dinner? Are we having chicken or beef?" Octavia asked, looking at the sack Vinyl put down.

Answering her, Vinyl reached into the knapsack and, with a crinkling sound from the bag, she pulled out a rectangular package that had a picture of noodles and a pig on it. "Pork!"

The package of pork flavored ramen was slapped against the counter with nothing but pride glowing from Vinyl. When Octavia's eyes fell onto the crude, sodium packed meal tightly pressed and dried between the wrapping, she smiled. "My, my... Pork? What's the occasion for such a splurge on our dinner tonight?"

"Eh, I'll tell you in a bit..." Vinyl leaned into Octavia once more and placed her warm lips against the cellist's cheek for a brief second before bolting out of the kitchen and hopping onto the worn, tired, plaid sofa in their living room. "Put that on the stove and get over here! Scratch wants to play her cellist!"

Octavia smiled once more, finding that call cute in its own way. The fire of the stove flicked on with a dial twist from Octavia; which was soon covered by a hastily filled pot of water. Dinner was always handled by Octavia; handled with care at that. But...

"I guess I can make carrot salad and chicken with a vinaigrette tomorrow..."

Octavia walked out of the kitchen and let the flame stay on a low rise. When she walked into the living room, Vinyl was laying sprawled against the couch; one leg rubbing carelessly against the back of the couch and one arm dangling off of the cushions. A lazy look from Vinyl greeted Octavia... A lazy look that was soon replaced with one of great surprise. A simple motion though it was, when Octavia pulled the top string of her apron hugging against the back of her neck, it unfurled towards the ground and left nothing to Vinyl's imagination.

Not a word was shared between the two, only a come-hither gesture from Vinyl as her red eyes abandoned playfulness. Vinyl may have stopped playing, but now Octavia held the torch. Octavia stepped towards Vinyl, her slender, soft hips swaying in full waves from side to side; both a natural walk and an acquired grace tipped each sway. Vinyl frantically fixed herself on the sofa, moving to give Octavia room to sit; though this time it was Octavia's turn to cut her short on an action. One of Octavia's arms snapped to Vinyl's collarbone and commanded the DJ to remain still as Octavia's warm body spread over hers. Stretch by stretch, Octavia's skin pressed against Vinyl's in the most glacial grinding speed she could muster. Bare legs curled into pant legs; navel slid against navel; a modest yet uncovered bosom melded into the white tank top Vinyl wore, which had never felt more restraining in her life; and finally, a pair of crisp, barely parted lips graced hesitantly against shuddering lips.

"Mmmmm..." Was all Vinyl could manage to say as she felt Octavia's arms dip down against the cushion under Vinyl's head.

Vinyl felt the back of her hair being padded down more as Octavia's fingers laced together and brought her into the passion of their contact. She would also have to grant Octavia the reward for most awestruck inducing kissing. Little tendrils of Octavia's coffee scented breath curled down Vinyl's throat, bringing more vigor into her than any caffeine ever could. This vigor, pressed under the most heated source in the world, seemed to be going to waste. So, Vinyl retaliated into Octavia's mouth, using her slick, skilled tongue. She saw Octavia tighten throughout her entire body, telling Vinyl that she was really enjoying it. Even if that wasn't enough, Octavia's lips parted a bit against Vinyl's, granting more room for the tongue to roam.

Octavia's body shifted on top of Vinyl's, applying more of her chest, heaving from twisted breaths taken between Vinyl's tongue against her inner reaches. Only a few moments into receiving the attention she adored from Vinyl's tongue, Octavia broke their kiss with a huff of air and a groan. Their lips parted with a wet 'pop' and a strand or two of saliva slipped across Vinyl's lower lip and chin while Octavia pulled a few inches above to look over Vinyl's expression.

"So..." Vinyl smirked a small bit as she slid the mixed strand of saliva into her mouth to savor the taste, "no clothes, huh?"

"It... It saves a few washes into our laundry..." Octavia tried to regain her breath, her eyes half lidded and huffs labored like none-other. "Which reminds me..." Octavia pushed up so that she could sit atop of Vinyl and look down at her, a sternness returning to her, "Could you start putting your clothes into the hamper?"

"I do that..." Vinyl scoffed a bit, her eyes mapping out every curve of Octavia's supple form.

"I mean the clothes you leave in my room..." Octavia may have had more to say, but her train of thought was ended when she felt a wet clip against her exposed nipple.

Vinyl had sat up enough to use her elbows as support while she clasped her mouth around Octavia's right nipple. A low moan escaped Octavia as her eyes returned to their lidded standing and she curled her chest out. "I'll clean my clothes up when you stop throwing them around your room so much..." Octavia wanted to rebuke that, but as she felt her erect nipple being pressed between a pair of teeth, all words were blocked by a moan of pleasure.

Her breast was warm, and milky to the lips; the flesh of it was enough to make Vinyl want to put the whole mammary into her mouth and suck on it. But she settled for nipping and clacking her front teeth against Octavia's erect nipple, teasing it between tapping waves of her tongue to the utmost tip. Octavia started to lose her senses, groaning and biting into her own lower lip as she felt her arms grow limp and heat burning through her. She could have sat there for hours, having Vinyl tenderly suckle on her milk-less glands and sensitive nipples; feeling Vinyl's fingers caress her sweat, defined hips while she sat against Vinyl's warm midriff.

Suddenly though, Vinyl's lips parted from Octavia's breast after a final pluck at the nipple with the curve of her lips. With a teasing look up, Vinyl smirked at Octavia. "Dinner..."

It took only Octavia a moment to process the single word. And when she did, she jumped off of the couch and broke towards the kitchen, her usual graceful stride looking very clumsy when she tripped over herself on the way. Vinyl only sat back and rubbed her lips, remembering Octavia's fleshy breast, and the warmth they gave her with a little chuckle. Octavia on the other hand stood before the stove with slumped shoulders as she groaned.

"Boil all the water away?" Vinyl called into the kitchen.

"I'll try again..." Octavia called back, followed by the sound of the faucet turning on.

Slowly, Vinyl sat up and brushed herself off. A hand went into her pants pocket and took out a small box. "Take your time, Tavi... Take your time..." Vinyl looked down into her hands as she held the small box, clasping it tightly as if it was her world. "I can wait a few more minutes..." Vinyl chuckled to herself, pressing her thumbs against the smooth surface of it.

Any doubts were burned away by the session of passion she just shared... What little doubt there ever was left.

Next Chapter: Chapter Five: I Do... Have to Think. Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

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