
The Revenge Of Cobra Kai (Vol II)

by Dragon-In-Black

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Truth Revealed

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Chapter 6 - Truth Revealed

Tory was currently on her way to Canterlot High School, not noticing that she was receiving ashamed looks. Not that they were ashamed of Sunset, it was rather that they were ashamed of themselves. Tory still did not notice it and when she got to CHS, she did not look at anyone. She wanted to fight, but at the same time, she didn’t want to either. The hallway was so silent that a graveyard could be seen as Pinkie’s loudest party. Tory still did not acknowledge anyone. She was superior, while the others were inferior. They should start bowing down to her in respect.

Tory went to her locker and saw that someone had made a very poor attempt to get the graffiti of her locker. She did not care and opened it and got her books for the day. She then slammed the locker, turning to her left and walking away.

What Tory did not realize was that a few hours ago, someone had found out that Sunset Shimmer, or Tory as she has started calling herself, was innocent and had evidence, serious evidence to show her innocence. They had all tried to apologize to Tory, but she had apparently either not received them or she doesn’t read her messages. Probably somewhere between both.

The one who found out about Tory’s innocence was Trixie Lulamoon. She never believed that Tory was Anon-A-Miss and had voiced this in the club that she was in. She had never been taken seriously but she had also explained why she believed so and said the obvious thing: It was a clear frame job. She had told them about the last few years where Tory tormented them all and never got caught. The one’s in her club had looked at each other uneasily and started to have doubts, serious doubts.

One of the people inside of the club who was known as Lyra believed in Trixie and was the second to join the: “Tory Can’t be Anon-A-Miss boat.” Lyra and Tory had spoken a little bit with each other and it was Tory who helped her start the club that they had made which was a music club. Tory had told her everything she had needed to know about starting the club, the perks and privileges. She never explained downsides as there were none. Lyra was wondering how she could civilly speak to Tory.

Currently, Tory was inside of History class with Cheerilee and all the students including Cheerilee felt a little bit uneasy when they realized that Tory was not Anon-A-Miss. Not that it was a bad thing! It was good! But, they had expected it to be Tory because of her previous history with bullying. Apparently, later in the afternoon, they would all learn who the real Anon-A-Miss was. While this was going on, Tory had noticed that Trixie was glaring daggers at the younger sisters of her former acquaintances: The Rainbooms. She could care less and even praised Trixie for being so bold.

When the bell rang, Tory got up, taking her backpack and books and started walking towards the exit, but she was stopped by a gentle hand. She looked up to see that Miss Cheerilee looking at her pleadingly. Tory raised a brow as if she was silently daring her.

“Miss Shimmer, it has come to my attention that you are not Anon-A-Miss...” Cheerilee stated with sincerity as she looked at the girl in front of her. She did not look like herself with her clothing and cold persona. She was a completely different girl than she knew from before.

“So? Do I earn something out of this or are you just looking for wasting my time?” Tory coldly questioned, receiving a look of surprise from Cheerilee. She knew that Tory was disappointed and angry, rightfully so, but she sounded a lot like Nightmare Moon. Cheerilee shivered a little bit.

“Miss Shimmer, you deserve an apology from everyone. The real Anon-A-Miss will be revealed in the auditorium. I hope that you come, you deserve to know the truth.” Cheerilee said, giving Tory a weak smile. Tory on the other hand chuckled humorlessly. It was cold and demonic-like. Cheerilee did not like that. It felt wrong and unnatural.

Tory violently took Cheerilee’s hand, off from her right shoulder. She stared at the older woman and bowed a little bit. “We can agree on that Miss Cheerilee, now, do you wish to continue to bother me of my precious time, or are we done here?” Tory asked, in a very polite tone.

Cheerilee sighed and nodded and Tory left. Before Cheerilee closed the door to her classroom, she heard Tory say: “Stupid old woman.” She felt her heartbreak a little and closed the door, students heard quite a bit of sobbing that day in the classroom.

Tory walked to her next class which was English and she noticed that everyone was staring down at the table with fear evident in their eyes. Tory scoffed as she sat down on an empty bench. She looked around her and noticed that Snips and Snails were there and nodded towards them and they nodded back. They had each other's backs, that is how the Cobra Kai hierarchy worked. The others noticed this and felt themselves panicking as they did not know if they had planned something without saying anything. Tory ignored the stares she was getting.

She felt how her legs were shaking a little bit even with her sitting down. Her arms were crossed as they waited for their useless teacher. Did not even know the difference between a red and green traffic light. Tory was getting bored as she was sitting there. The students behind her were fidgeting nervously as if she was holding them hostage. Tory once again, scoffed at their incompetency. Suddenly, they heard the voice of Vice-Principal Luna on the speakers. ”Can Tory come to the Principals office, please?”

Tory rolled her eyes and got up from her chair and took her things, not once looking back.

Making her way over to the Principal’s office, she wondered what they wanted to do to her. Expel her? They wouldn’t dare... not that it would matter much considering that she could simply start at Crystal Prep. She even had a backup plan if that was ever needed. Her shoes made sounds as she walked down the hallway, not noticing that three girls were watching her. The girls were hiding in the shadows but the eyes looked as they were about to die. They slipped further into the shadows, preparing themselves for the inevitable.

Tory saw the door to the Principal's office and she used her right fist to knock. She heard some whispering from the other side until the door opened and it revealed a very happy looking Vice-Principal. Tory had no idea why the woman was happy but she walked inside nonetheless. She noticed that the Principal was nowhere to be found. She shrugged and looked to her left where the older blue-skinned woman was observing her with a very wide smile so you could see her white teeth. Tory raised a brow, expecting her to tell her why she was in the Principal's office.

The tile was firm under her shoes and she felt her legs becoming already restless. Her arms were crossed, her backpack with books and other school material was in it, holding her mark on the back. Her posture was just screaming ‘get on with it’ and Luna seemed to be more than happy to oblige.

“Tory, Dear, I wanted to tell you that I do not for a second believe that you are Anon-A-Miss and if you ever need to talk to someone, you will always have me.” Luna proclaimed. Tory looked at the older woman, looking to find any hidden schemes or agendas but came up with none.

“Okay, thank you very much. Can I go back to class?” Tory’s voice sounded uninterested. Luna continued to smile. There was no hint of any sort of pain or anything. It was like she expected to get that question as well.

“No dear, I wanted to talk to you about something else. I need you to deliver a message to your Sensei. Specifically Sombra.” Luna explained as if had already been decided that Tory was gonna do this and it did not go unnoticed by Tory. She looked at the older woman with a raised brow.

“Oh, and where did my consent come from?” Tory snarkily asked, making Luna grin at her. She had prepared herself for all of these questions. She wasn’t Vice-Principal for nothing. She had a brain, unlike her bimbo sister.

“Well, If I were to tell you that Sensei Sombra was very important to me, would you deliver it?” Luna theoretically asked. Tory pondered on this for a little bit. The red chair was hurting her bum a little but she did not fully feel it because she had been trained that way. ”Pain does not exist in this dojo!”

“I guess...” Tory began. Luna moved herself to the desk and was facing Tory. The girl in question was looking for the right words. “Okay, I will deliver this letter. Was there something else you needed help with or are we done?”

“We are done,” Luna replied, handing the girl the letter. “Oh, and I almost forgot; I and my sister have found out who the real Anon-A-Miss is.” The tone didn’t sound mocking or mean, it sounded more like she was trying to get a fictional grasp of Tory. The girl looked at her impassively.

The air around the room felt warm and cold at the same with. Warm that it felt very warm around their bodies and cold like it was coming from Tory. Freezing everything over with her anger. Tory looked at Luna and tried to find if it was some sort of very sick and twisted joke. The old hag on the other hand just continued smiling a very unpleasant smile. Tory felt her blood boil. Her hands clenched into fists, her face morphed into one of anger. What was this old hag trying to do?! What was the motive?!

“Who is it then?! Was it the idiot Gilda?!” Tory demanded, slamming her hands on the wooden desk. Luna chuckled darkly. It had been so long since she had taken pleasure in this type of torture. Well, she wasn’t torturing, but it was still fun nonetheless.

Luna decided to take her time before she responded. It was tense between the two of them. Tory felt like she was in an endless loop of suspension had for a split second considered forcing the answer out of Luna. The old hag was just smiling at her unpleasantly. Her hands holding each other, her arms on the desk. Tory wanted to pull off her own hair.

Tory got up from the chair and used her foot to break it and make a large hole in it. Luna was still smiling, while she was inwardly praising the young girl. Not many would dare do that. She also knew that Tory was trying to look and seem intimidating but it was just not in the other girl's favour. Tory took the chair and threw it to her right, almost breaking a window. She was panting, it had been a little bit exhausting, looking at Luna who was still sitting, her smile plastered on her face.

“Anon-A-Miss are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I found out because I asked an old friend about computers and I told her about the situation, she tracked Anon-A-Miss and it leads to the phone of Applebloom, and then the other two. I have yet to speak to them, but there was another student that found out about it that informed me first before my old friend. It seems like she never believed you to be Anon-A-Miss.” Luna explained, still smiling that unsettling smile of hers. Tory looked down to the floor. “Also, there will be an announcement in the school auditorium.”

“I could care less about all of that.” Sunset’s tone was hard, did not show much emotion. Luna was not fazed by this. In fact, she liked the fact that one of her students had that tone. They would go far in life.

“Then what do you care about? It seems like half the time that you are angry about the whole Anon-A-Miss fiasco.” Luna cautiously asked. It was none of her concern really, but she has now piqued her curiosity. If she doesn’t care, what does she then care about? Just a few seconds ago, it looked like she truly cared about it.

“I care that they get some serious punishment. Not that pussy thing about writing a few lines, I’m talking about some serious punishment that they will never be able to live down.” Tory smiled, but it showed no kindness. Her arms crossed each other.

Luna carefully studied Tory’s facial features. She was serious. Dead serious... she admired Tory in a way that reminded her of when she was younger. When she was known as Nightmare Moon, no one was able to calm her fury except for Sombra, but even he was not able to calm her down sometimes.

Luna’s hands were clasped together near her left cheek. She was wondering what was going on inside of Tory’s head. “Alright, if that is the case then I will make sure that they never live it down.”

Tory’s face became unreadable. She was trying to figure out Luna’s motives, but there were none. Even if there were, she would never be able to find them anyways. She gave up and offered a part evil part kind smile and bowed down to her in respect for the older woman.

Tory’s hands were by her sides as she bowed so it would seem proper and that she had manners. Luna was not fazed by this. She got up from her chair while Tory was still bowing, and when she was in front of Tory, she used her right hand to lift her head.

Tory’s first emotion was confusion. The older woman looked at her as if she was trying to find something, her facial features had a strong sense of longing, her right hand on her jaw was gentle. Tory looked into Luna’s moderate opal eyes. They were to some extent, mesmerising.

“You remind me so much of myself, Tory. In more ways than one.” Luna began, her voice filled with some happiness and kindness. “I used to be like you as well: violent, beautiful if I do say so myself. attention-seeking to some point as well...”

Tory scowled at that. Attention-seeking? She did not do that! The only time when she “Seeks” attention is when she wants others to see what happens to cowards like Gilda, Lightning Dust, the Rainbooms. Tory ended her line of thought. She would rather not think about those assholes more than she has to.

“I am NOT an attention-seeker!” Tory loudly stated, seething. Luna realized her mistake but it was too late. She did not mind that Tory got angry. She knew that feeling very well. Being angry all the time in her teens probably helped a lot in the situation right now.

“I apologize, Tory, I was thinking about myself there. You have actually never done anything to show that you are an attention-seeker. But only because I don’t believe so, does not mean that others also believe it.” Luna proclaimed. Tory was still angry but accepted the answer nonetheless.

Suddenly there was a microphone sound that made Tory cover her ears a little because it hurt her ears.

“Can all teachers and students get to the auditorium now please? Thank you.” The voice of Principal Celestia echoed throughout the school. Luna looked down to her desk and knew that it was time.

“It is time, Tory. Try to hold your fighting urges inside of you. It would be no good if the CMC died because one of the students decided to quite literally lash out in a very violent way.” Luna bluntly said. The Vice-Principal walked to the door and opened it, walking away, heading towards the auditorium.

Tory grunted, but she took Luna’s words to heart as she walked towards the auditorium. She knew that she would be receiving glares and fingers, but she could easily break the fingers if she felt like it. She grinned at that as she came closer to her destination.

Inside of the auditorium were several seats that were red and were in severe rows of each other. Several of the people inside looked at each other with hostility and even hatred. Former friends were now strangers and even enemies in a very bad way. Enemies that you need or want to defeat.

Tory found Snips and Snails around the middle and they gave each other high fives. They were one of the one’s that did not give a shit about the secret since they were not even affected by them in the first place.

Some of the students there grunted as they saw Tory and knew very well that she was Anon-A-Miss or, that is what they want to believe anyways. Tory paid them no heed and looked onwards towards the stage where Principal Celestia was standing. Tory scoffed at the Princiapl. She could not do her job correctly.

When everyone was there, the principal began the speech. “As you all know, there was an account on Mystable that went by the name of Anon-A-miss.” A lof of the students either rolled their eyes or looked towards Tory or as she was formerly known as: Sunset Shimmer. “We have found out who is behind the account and it is not Tory, otherwise known as Sunset Shimmer.”

You could her a nettle be dropped on the floor. It was that quiet. Some students gre angry and started shouting at the Princiapal that it was Tory. Vice-Princiapl Luna was there and she grew angry with the students.

She violently took the microphone out of her sisters’ hands and stared at the students who had witnessed this and had gone very silent. Luna could make anyone go silence by her mere presence, but she was not easy to persuade.

“If you want to find out who the real Anon-A-Miss is then I will give you the names.” No one said anything, they were to afraid to speak at this point and the room seemed to have become chillier. “The real Anon-A-Miss are: Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.”

If you could hear a nettle drop by the silence before, then you would mistake Canterlot High School for being abandoned.

Author's Note

Hey guys, sorry for the lateness of this chapter, I was working on one of my other stories but here it is. I will be uploading on Fridays from now on.

Next Chapter: Chapter 7 - The Angry Hawk Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes
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