
The Revenge Of Cobra Kai (Vol II)

by Dragon-In-Black

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Old Sensei

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Chapter 3 - Old Sensei

Sensei Sombra looked at his old Sensei in shock. Grogar who was wearing a greyish green jacket, black jeans and black military boots pulled out a cigar. Grogar’s skin was blue and his head did not have a whole lot of hair, but it only showed that he was getting old. His yellow eyes with red pupils were staring at Sensei Sombra with pride. The rest of his body was covered in the darkness. From what Sombra could see: the old sensei pulled out a sort of knife to cut off a piece of the cigar so he could enjoy the fumes more. He then pulled out a lighter to lit his cigar. His right hand went to his mouth area where he had put it. He pressed the small button and a large fire came out, lighting the cigar within a couple of seconds.

The air was tense and was now covered in cigar smoke. Sombra remembered that smell clear as day. It wasn’t often sensei Grogar smoked, but when he did, it was so he could reminisce on his past. Sombra looked at his old sensei with neutrality. He had broken Nightmare Moon’s second-place trophy because she had lost to her sister. He clenched both of his fists as he saw his old sensei walk around. Grogar looked around the place and felt how his memories flew back into his mind, all the classes he taught to his students. The red mat he was walking on was relaxing even though he was wearing boots. His right hand pulled out the cigar he was smoking and he could not help laugh a little bit. He was looking at his old motto: Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy. It had been a few decades since he had last seen those words on a wall. the light from the outside parking lot illuminated the room a little bit more and it revealed to Sombra that it was indeed his old sensei.

He felt his blood start to boil as he saw his old sensei walking around the place. He wanted to put out that grin of his, but he knew that the name belonged to Grogar. He could very easily take over if he wanted to. That or sue him for a huge chunk of money. He did have the money to pay Grogar off if it came to that but he did not know if he would be able to pry him off from the dojo. Grogar felt that his presence made his old student more uncomfortable. He smirked at that in a very unpleasant way. He took out his cigar from his mouth again and allowed himself to breathe out. He felt himself relax a little bit more.

The room was now even tenser than Grogar had expected, but he could not help but look at Sombra with pride. He and Nightmare Moon were certainly his best students. Nightmare Moon is slightly more violent than Sombra without anyone else realising it. He would never admit it fully either as he had never wanted to make her too arrogant. He passed the cigar to his left hand and put it in his mouth but before that could even happen, he felt something painful in his left hand. He looked and saw that Sombra had kicked away his cigar to God knows where. Grogar was shocked. He looked at his old students face one time and he saw the evident anger in his eyes. He got a smirk on his face, one that Sombra hated with a passion. It was the one that showed his old students that they were not capable of anything.

Sombra ran towards Grogar who was anticipating it and managed to block two punches to the face from Sombra. The old student was fitting real dirty and Grogar was very impressed. He had not seen anyone fight that dirty in years. Sombra spun his right leg towards Grogar who was not expecting it and he fell to the ground in a little bit of pain. He got up just in time to see Sombra running towards him with real speed and punched him in the face. Grogar stumbled to the floor again and he felt he needed to fight dirty back, this wasn’t a tournament. The air was hot and sweaty as the two men fought as if their life depended on it. Sombra rushed up to Grogar and kicked him in the legs so he would fall to the ground. Grogar didn’t and he smirked at that.

He had learnt a few tricks of his own after all these years. He grabbed Sombra’s right arm as he tried to throw a punch, and he bent the arm just enough for it to hurt and no sound came from Sombra which surprised him but not for long. He kicked him in the legs and his old student fell to the floor in pain but they did not let it show. ”Pain does not exist in this dojo.” That is what he used to say to his old students and they took it very seriously. He remembered how he used it against those who had low pain tolerance. He used to abuse them in a way that made them feel worthless but there was one student he always admired that had a pretty high pain tolerance and that was Chrysalis. In the beginning, she had a pretty low pain tolerance, but as the weeks went by, she got the most pain tolerance he had ever seen. His years in World War II and Vietnam made him look weak because of her high pain tolerance. He grinned as he saw Sombra get back up.

Sombra did not hesitate as he ran towards him and managed to make Grogar cough for air. He did not expect that. It was very impressive by what Sombra had learnt over the years, but wow. He did not expect to be in this predicament. He was on the ground while Sombra was on top of him and was hitting him like a mad man. Grogar tried to get in a few punches, but he wasn’t able to as Sombra hit his hands and arms so they hurt like Hell. Sombra felt his fist kept connecting to Grogar’s face, making the blue-skinned man bleed more. He did not stop. He had to continue. If he didn’t then he would regret it later. His fists felt numb as he continued hitting Sombra, but he had become careless as he did not notice that Grogar raised his legs and quickly made it that Sombra was below him and him on the top, but they were laying on top of each other.

Sombra was fooled only for a second as he used both of his back legs to kick his old Sensei in the face. Grogar did not let anything out as he covered his face and got up. His hands covered his face, specifically, his eyes and his legs were shaky and wobbly. Sombra did not allow himself to be fooled and jumped towards Grogar, kicking and hitting him in the air showing ”No Mercy.” Grogar managed to regain himself as he tried to block a few attacks from Sombra, but it was fruitless. Sombra had more anger and adrenaline at this moment and he had trained himself for years so he had a lot more tricks up his sleeve. Grogar did his best to study Sombra’s movements, but every time he thought he was even a little bit close, he would lose it again. Sombra seemed to notice but he didn’t smirk or anything. He was only after defeating the one person who had made Nightmare Moon’s life miserable for the next several weeks for only getting second place. He allowed all the anger he had to come into his kicks, punches and headbutts.

“Can’t keep up old man?” Sombra taunted, not smirking. He said it with aggression as he wanted to get a rise out of Grogar. That is what he wanted to achieve anyways. The room was getting harder and they smelled smoke coming from somewhere, but they did not know where. Grogar ran towards him in a ducking position and his arms were spread out. Sombra was quicker than that and kicked him in the face with his right leg. It seemed like Sombra was the one winning the battle. He did not know whether Grogar was holding back or not. He always remembered him being able to fight without being able to be hit. Sombra shrugged it off as he believed it was a part of one of his schemes.

Grogar got off the floor after he had clutched his head and was holding up his arms in surrender but Sombra did not buy it for one second. He ran up to him and did a backflip, hitting Grogar in the jaw with his left foot. Grogar felt his jaw break as he fell to the floor. He was amazed, he did not expect that. His jaw was broken but he was not angry, not one bit... He used his right hand to place the jaw back in place which he had learnt from his buddy in the army who had been a medic. “Aaahhh.” he let out as it hurt a lot. It was not every day he had to place his jaw back in place. He looked at Sombra who looked ready to fight again. He smirked and prepared himself as if he was in some sort of running competition and rushed up towards him and managed to block a left punch to the got and a right punch to the face. He took both of his arms and pulled both of them away from each other from Sombra’s body. His old student in question smiled as he felt burning. He had learnt how to get used to the pain. He kicked his old sensei in the knee, making him lose his grip on his arms and falling to the floor. Sombra then tried to stomp him, marching forward, but Sombra dodged it all as if it was something he did every day.

Sombra then felt a sharp pain in his left foot as he looked down, he saw that Grogar had his him with a very weak, but still good hammer. Sombra kicked Grogar who avoided the kick this time and did a flip to get back on his feet. Sombra was impressed, his old sensei still had it in him. Right now, they were just dancing with violence. Who would win this battle? Sombra didn’t feel tired, he only felt anger and adrenaline that was pumping in his body faster than any heartbeat. He ran towards Grogar, ready to end the fight but was caught by surprise when he felt a sharp pain in his right side. He looked and saw that Grogar had kicked him there with a lot of force. It was one of the only things Sombra and the others never got to learn. In fact, that one move was illegal to be taught in any dojo as it could kill a person. Soldiers could do it in the army, but their laws and hierarchy are very different. Grogar only knew it because he was In the military. No surprise there really. Sombra grinned as he felt the pain, he had not felt like this in years and here his old sensei was, giving him the pain he had been longing for.

Sombra then rushed up to him and fought the man he had grown to hate for the last few decades. He did his best to hit him in the stomach, head, anywhere, but his old sensei expected all of it, which made it all that much more difficult. Sombra felt his arms become numb as Grogar did his best to defend himself and not hit Sombra too much, he still needed him for a little while after all. Grogar then took his right arm and threw him over his back, hitting Sombra on the ground. Grogar then fell on the floor beside him, panting. The fire alarm went off, and the water started to pour down over the entire dojo. They rested there for the next few minutes. Sombra was not interested in hearing him out. He wanted the man gone from his life, his old sensei could sprout up whatever bullshit he wants, but he will not take him back. He’d listen, but that would be the only thing he would actually do. Nothing else. Although right now, he is too angry to actually be reasoned with.

A few hours later, Sombra was inside of his ‘humble home’ and took a seat in his armchair. He had told Grogar to piss off and the old sensei obliged. It turned out that when Sombra had kicked away the cigar, it had landed in the bin that was to the corner to the left side when you walked inside the dojo. There had been some paper trash there and had caught fire from the warmth of the cigar. At first, he saw no problem, until he saw that the white part of it looked completely black from the burn. The living room that Sombra was in would have surprised anyone. The walls were painted in red roses and there was a window to the right when you walked inside. The floor was all covered in a mat that stretched throughout the house. There was a kitchen to the left when you walked inside the living room and had a clear view of the TV from the kitchen. The kitchen had many cabinets tight to each other on the walls that had different glasses, plates, and other kitchen equipment.

The kitchen table was made from a beautiful marble that looked very expensive, but Sombra had not actually bought it. He had received it when his adoptive parents had died. It turned out that his adoptive great-grandparents had bought it from a friend who had wanted it gone. He received it as he was the only one from the adoptive line. The armchair he was sitting on was sewn in beautiful scarlet and black colours and it made him feel relaxed. A lot of people say that red makes some feel angry or on edge and as true as that may be, Sombra on the other hand felt relaxed. His feet were on the floor and his arms made a connection with his left and right hand as they held each other. Sombra’s head leaned back on the armchair as he thought about what had happened at his dojo. He never thought he would ever see that man again in his life. The man had done many horrible things in his life including Nightmare Moon’s. He knew that she was the Vice-Principal of their old high school, Canterlot High and wondered if he should call her.

He looked at the coffee table that was made from oak wood and had two small drawers. On the top of the coffee table sat a small old school flip phone. He remembered back in the day when that phone was the most expensive and the most popular. It was a Nokia and was the best one back in the day, or at least when he and Nightmare Moon went to Canterlot High. He bent forward and stretched his right hand to grab it. When he had it in his hand, he looked it over and saw that it still had the good old black colour. He flipped it open and had a nostalgia attack. He could not believe that it had been decades since he had last used the one he had now.

He turned it on and he saw the old Nokia loading screen, the one that felt like an eternity. But, back then, it was famous for having the shortest loading screen which was why everyone went for a Nokia at CHS. The phone then opened up and he felt himself suck on a breath. On the front screen as the most phone has, was the background picture of the day when he and Nightmare Moon started dating. Her black skin was beautiful and made her look more aggressive. Her cat-like eyes looked predatory and Sombra felt himself getting a little excited as he walked down the memory lane. She was wearing a blue dress in the picture that went well with her body. She had gained some serious muscles when she started training in Cobra Kai. In fact, she was the first one to fully receive stomach abs. Then again, she had only eaten fruits and vegetables in the morning and the same during lunch. She ate meat during the weekends.

Sombra shook his head as he snapped out of his trance. It had been a very long time ago, and he needed to focus on the future, not the past. He used the right, left, up and down button to be able to press one thing he needed and that was ‘Contacts’ that had a yellowish folder with a person on it. He pressed on it and he was shocked by the names that he had on there. He knew exactly who they were, but he had not seen or heard from them in years. It was shocking to see those names again. He went over the one’s he recognized. There was Discord, Bright Mac, Bow Hothoof, Jack Pot and finally, Nightmare Moon.

He had not heard or seen these names in a very long time and decided to take it all in. He continued to look at the names and felt a tear run down from the right side and continued downwards. He loved his teenage years. He loved Cobra Kai. He wished that there had been another sensei on the other hand. He did know that Bright Mac was dead along with his wife. He had gone to their funeral and cried his eyes out with the other people there. They had died in a car crash. He knew that Discord had some trouble in finding a job and last he heard, ran some gang in Canterlot city, but who knows. Bow Hothoof on the other hand became an athlete and has earned good money but Sombra doesn’t hear much about him, only that he potentially has a daughter. Jack Pot has a daughter, that is something Sombra knew. He had never seen her, but he knew so because teenagers have raging hormones. Especially in their final years of it...

When he looked at the name Nightmare Moon on the phone, he could not help but smile as he remembered the many nights he spent up late, talking to her and planning for their future. The reason they broke up was that they were too far away from each other. They couldn’t stand it and broke up. To his knowledge, Nightmare Moon never actually dated anyone else. He never did so either as he believed that Nightmare Moon was his only so he saved himself for her, but then life happened and they moved further apart, fewer conversations, less hanging out, less everything. He looked down towards his feet and he sighed sadly as he remembered the conversation very well. He then shook himself away from it. He could not allow himself to be weak. He was over it. It happened decades ago, he should just move on like everyone else. He then scrolled further down on the contact list and he almost choked himself on a breath. He had completely forgotten about him, but seeing his name on the phone, he remembered everything. One of his best guy friends, the one that could calm him down when Nightmare Moon wasn’t around: Night Light. That was a name he had not heard in years. He did know that he was married and had two kids. But he had never seen or heard from him since graduation from CHS.

“Hot damn, has time really been that fast?” Sombra mumbled to himself. He could not help but smile as he remembered the fun pranks he and Night Light would do. He and Night Light would be the known prankers at CHS. No one could ever point the evidence at them either as they planned the whole things thoroughly. It was as if they had planned a whole crime to happen when it was really just a prank. He chuckled as he remembered having pranked his old teacher once. He did not remember his name, but he had been very pissed and demanded that the one guilty come forward. Sombra by then had also been getting the reputation of being violent both by words and fists. Although, his words were a lot more piercing than a fist or kick ever could be. He chuckled as he remembered the teacher’s face when he had accidentally accused Sombra without evidence. Sombra had not laughed or shown any signs that he cared. But the teacher had been pretty stupid and practically was on his knees apologising to him for the ‘false accusation’ and Sombra got away scot-free.

“Oh, those were the times.” He told himself as he lay back in his armchair and looked out the window to his right and wondered what his dear Nightmare Moon did at that very moment. His right hand held the old Nokia flip phone tight and he was ready to dial the number. It was better if he called now and warned her that Grogar was back in town than to have her feeling angry and getting arrested for assault. He dialled Nightmare Moon’s number, praying that her number had not changed. He knew that she would never throw away her old phone. She always had it with her and had even said that if he ever needed her, then she was a phone call away. She said the same thing after they had broken up. That had made Sombra feel good inside. He sometimes had read the old messaged from him and her and smiled. But that was decades ago. In fact, a night like this one reminded him of one of those nights.

He heard the typical ringing tone. He was not coming through, and he sighed a little bit. But then he smiled as he could always leave a message and pray that she hears it in the right moment and time. He heard the lady speaking about the person not being reachable but could still give a voice message. He Didn’t know what to say, as this was the first time in decades that he actually called her. He felt like he was rude for not contacting her for several years and suddenly out of nowhere starts to warn her about their old sensei being back in town.

“Hey, Nightmare Moon, it has been a while, huh? Anyways, I’ll cut straight to the chase. You remember our old sensei, yes? Well, it looks like he is back in town. he showed up at the dojo that I now own. I have no idea where he has been as I truly taught he was dead, but it seems like faith has other plans. Anyways, that was all I called you for as I do remember how angry you get just by looking at someone. Goodbye.” Sombra ended the phone call and looked at his phone. He then flipped it, closing the phone from the modern world. He looked out the window and saw that the moon was out and grinned a little bit. He knew that Nightmare Moon would hear it. Her beautiful moon was out tonight.

“If you ever send me a message but I don’t answer, look towards the moon and I promise you: when the moon is out, I will hear it. It is the magic from the moon.”

Sombra let out another tear as he remembered her beautiful voice. It was one he would always remember. He remembered those words and always took them to heart, but life happened and here he is. Broken, and training his young students. His students Hawk and Pipsqueak were the only one’s that showed hundred per cent potential, but Sunset Shimmer, or Tory as she calls herself now, showed major potential to be in the same league as Pipsqueak and Hawk. She just needed to be more aggressive than she already was. That would make her even greater. He looked out the window and he saw the moon one more time before he prepared himself for the dojo the next day. Had Sombra looked out the window and see a car pass by, he would have recognised Nightmare Moon from the car alone.

Author's Note

Here is another chapter guys. I hope you enjoy.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4 - Rumours Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes
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