
The Revenge Of Cobra Kai (Vol II)

by Dragon-In-Black


Chapter 1 - The Shadowbolt

Hawk had just finished putting on the last bit of clothing for Crystal preparatory Academy, and he for some very strange reason, liked it. It suited him quite well with the pants and fancy clothing and the tie that he had received. He would have few of the same clothing as the school forced student uniforms. Hawk did not do anything towards his mohawk as they did not say anything about hair. Hawk took his bag and walked down the stairs of his house and felt himself snort at what Principal Celestia tried to do. Expel him? Did not work as well as she thought it would.

Hawk had told his friends at Crystal Prep what happened and they had immediately gotten him listed towards Crystal Prep. They would have classes together and they would show him around. Hawk wondered what his friends were doing. He hoped that they would still be able to run the school without assholes like Flash ruining it. Hawk walked out the door of his house and locked it. He then proceeded to walk towards his new school. It had been a few days since he had been expelled but that did not matter much. He had not missed anything from Canterlot High and only focused on Crystal Prep. He wondered how his friends were doing. He had not heard anything from them in a couple of days and he had only seen them in Cobra Kai training.

“So much for friendship,” Hawk muttered as he stopped at the red light and waited for it to turn green. The area he was in was rich. The buildings were polished and the area, in general, looked great. He was looking at Sugarcube Corner that looked like it was booming even though it was six in the morning.

“Hey Hawk!” The Cobra Kai student heard someone shout. To his amazement and shock, he saw Pipsqueak wearing the same school uniform as him. Hawk was at a loss for words. Pipsqueak looked pleased with himself as he grinned at Hawk. It was not easy at stun hawk, but when he was, then you should really take at the moment.

“Pipsqueak, wha- what is going on?” Hawk asked as he saw his best friend in Crystal prep clothing. Pipsqueak chuckled as he was clearly enjoying the moment where Hawk was stunned. He then relaxed himself a little bit and started explaining what he had done.

“well, after I heard that you had gotten expelled, I decided to try everything in my power to get you back but Principal Celestia would not budge one bit. I then decided to hop off Canterlot High and ask to begin at Crystal prep. I knew you would go here anyways. We have a few friends here anyways. I also have a feeling that Sunny Flare somehow managed to talk Principal Cinch into allowing you to attend the school in the first place, her family is mega-rich.” Pipsqueak explained as he felt himself getting lost in his thoughts. Hawk could not believe what he was hearing. His best friend was right before him, telling him what this crazy bastard had just done and he did not look like he regretted it one bit. Hawk started to grin crazily as he bro-hugged him.

“Thanks, man, you have no idea how much this means to me,” Hawk said, in a happy voice that was very evident. Pipsqueak smiled as they both then crossed the street when they saw it had changed to green. They both walked with power and confidence. They could not afford to look weak to the other Crystal Prep students. Crystal Prep was a pretty big school, and they looked forward to going there. Hawk had to remember to thank his friends from Crystal Prep. He could not help but grin when he thought about a certain Sunny Flare.

Hawk and Pipsqueak reached the school and whistled for how big It was. Hawk was impressed. He would have to do extremely well to keep his position and he would do anything to keep it. Hawk and Pipsqueak saw that there were a few students outside and whispered as they saw the new students. Hawk had already a reputation for winning the tournament and winning the whole thing. He practically carried Cobra Kai and his friends. He earned good money as well from it. He was also well aware that the students at Crystal Prep were very old-fashioned when it came to speech. Their families may be celebrities, rich, or simply well-known, but they were very picky about how you spoke. Luckily, Hawk was kind of like that as well. Pipsqueak looked around the school grounds without any particular interest. Hawk noticed that Sunny Flare was walking up to them and she had a wide mischievous grin on her face.

“Well, hello Hawk, Pipsqueak. What brings you by?” She asked, sounding like she had something up her sleeve. Hawk could not help but grin. He was falling for her for each second that passed. Pipsqueak looked at her as if she was drunk. She knew damn well why they were there. His brother in all but blood was expelled and he then decided to expel himself. Or rather, change school, but he wanted it to sound like he had the final say in the matter. Sunny Flare walked up to Hawk and caressed his left cheek. Hawk was looking at her weirdly. They were not married yet!

“Well, I was expelled from my old school because I was too hot and good and my brother in all but blood decided to follow me.” Hawk explained playfully as he touched her right hand. She laughed a little bit while Pipsqueak was concerned that Hawk had accidentally smoked something he shouldn’t have.

“Well, I do agree that you are good but you are not too hot, you are simply perfect and violent.” Sunny Flare replied, in a very inappropriate manner. inappropriate as they are at school, and should not be saying it in that sort of voice. Some students actually looked her way in the way she said it. She simply grinned devilishly at them.

“That is nice, will you be showing us around?” Pipsqueak questioned, hoping that Sunny Flare will be showing around the new school they would be attending for the next few years. Sunny Flare nodded and made them follow her. The inside was huge and could not remind them of Canterlot High School. The lockers were green like the one’s at CHS, but that was the only resemblance there was. The floors, ceiling and walls were all crystal-like which is where Pipsqueak suspects the name Crystal Prep comes from. The students around them looked with wide eyes as they recognised the two Cobra Kai students. They were famous at Crystal Prep for their sheer violence. Sunny Flare showed them all around the school, the gym, the different rooms for different activities. The classrooms, and the whole school. Hawk was excited to start his first day but he did know that he was a little bit behind as the students of Crystal Prep had been debated many times in the past if it is a high school slash college considering the materials they study.

“Hawk, you and Pipsqueak will be in all my classes so you can settle in.” Sunny Flare said as they had just asked her which classes they would be in. Hawk looked at her with suspicion. He had a feeling she had done something she should not have. Pipsqueak noticed it too and looked at her to spill it out. The girl in question did not falter from their staring as she looked quite proud for whatever she did. Hawk then walked towards her, dangerously close. The hallway did not consist of anybody so they would not have to worry about people staring at them.

“Sunny Flare, you better spill the beans right now.” Hawk playfully icy said, grinning from ear to ear. Sunny Flare started to grin as well and did not budge at all. Her eyes shone as she stared into Hawk and his emerald green eyes that held knowledge and pain. She then surprised both of them, especially Hawk as she kissed him on the lips. It was only a peck, but it was a long-lasting one. Ten seconds to be exact. Pipsqueak could not help but let out an ‘ooohhh’ as Hawk looked dizzy.

“Is that enough of an answer for you?” Asked Sunny Flare as Hawk regained his senses. The peck was unexpected but nice. It was not forceful or too soft. It was just nice. It was like something he had searched for but never found. Sunny Flare was anxious to hear his answer and hoped she had not ruined the relation she had with him. Pipsqueak thought it was hilarious as he waved his hands in front of his eyes. Hawk then looked at Pipsqueak who then pointed at Sunny Flare who had a blush but also a face of worry and anxiousness.

“Yes, it is enough of an answer. Shall we go to class?” Hawk asked, still stunned by the turn of events. Sunny Flare nodded and showed them towards science class. Hawk didn’t dislike science, he just wished he could do the work immediately and be done with it. He would miss CHS. He and Pipsqueak felt all eyes on him and his bro as they sat down on empty seats. They saw that Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest were also the class and grinned widely as they knew why they were there.

The class was dark purple coloured and had no windows like the rest of the classrooms. If they had windows it would distract the students. The science classroom had a special kind of window though that would make the air from whatever science they create go out the natural way. Hawk and Pipsqueak looked around discreetly and silently was amazed and appalled by a few huge differences from their old school. The teacher walked in and looked professional and down to business kind of person. Hawk liked that. It was something that was well needed and he hoped to please the teacher so he could get some brownie points.

“Right class, we have two new students by the name of Pipsqueak and Hawk. Now I don’t know who either student are, but that doesn’t matter. We will be working with animal genetics today and see why inbreeding doesn’t hurt them as much as humans are.” The teacher said with a straight face, his mouth not even twitching into a smile or anything. Hawk smiled a little bit. The guy was blunt, more than he had thought. Indigo Zap snickered lowly as she could not help but admire his bluntness. She was sitting beside Hawk and decided that she would tell him some blackmail material to her friend.

“It is said that his parents were related. Don’t know if it is true though,” Indigo explained and Hawk snickered a little bit. Lemon Zest looked at Indigo as if she had gone mad.

“Indigo, of course, his parents were related why do you think he is so crazy?” She asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Indigo snickered again but this time the teacher heard her. The class was even more silent than usual.

“Indigo Zap, is there something funny you wanted to tell us?” He irritatedly asked as he wanted to continue with his lesson and not be disturbed by the athletic teen. Indigo grinned at him and did not respond. Hawk did not do anything because she had a smirk on her face as if she knew what she was doing. Pipsqueak on the other hand did not look the slightest worried as he was used to Sensei Sombra screaming at them and making them feel worthless when fighting. This was nothing compared to that. Hawk waited for the tense air to stop, but it was just fueled even more as Hawk noticed that the teacher’s right eye was twitching from not receiving a response.

“What I find funny is the fact that you want to teach us genetics when everyone doesn’t have a clean gene pool.” She said as she noticed the teachers eyes raise a brow in confusion at her statement does she not know history at all? He sat down on his chair He let out a sigh like other teachers do when they are about to throw down some hard-to-accept knowledge. He sipped his mug of coffee and he looked at all the students in the room.

“No one’s gene pool is clean. It can never be. You see, the other sapiens creature that was known for committing serious inbreeding, or at least that is what we as modern humans have discovered. They don’t exist anymore, but we can still find their gene pool in everyone in this whole room. They are the reasons we have a lot of genetic disorders, sicknesses and other things that are problematic for our bodies. Besides, we are all related to each other in one way or another. So, technically the love we create with our partner is unofficial inbreeding.” The teacher explained it all with a straight face. Indigo Zap looked horrified while Sunny Flare looked unimpressed. She inwardly shouted of joy as she ten realized that somewhere in her bloodline, she was related to Hawk. She felt victorious.

“How could anyone look at their family members that way?” Hawk rhetorically asked as he focused on the teacher who had started with the flies gene pool. Pipsqueak heard him and decided to be a little bit cheeky. He leaned in near his left ear and spoke in a laughing voice:

“That depends on what part of the country you're in.”

Hawk looked at him in disbelief while Sunny Flare giggled at Pipsqueak’s antics. Hawk grumbled as he continued listening to the half-crazy teacher. The lesson went on and on for at least one hour until the bell rang. They had gotten two different essays that were expected to have ten thousand words as to why inbreeding is dangerous. Hawk thought it was a sick joke. Ten thousand words?! There was no way he would be able to do that! Sunny Flare had promised him that she would help him study for the essays as she knew how to please the teacher.

The next class was gym class and this was intense and funny. The gym teacher was Sensei Sombra! When he had seen his two top students he had almost lost his posture but grinned like a mad man. Now he could make them train harder each time they had their workouts.

They were to run for five minutes without taking a break and then they were to do fifty pushups on their knuckles. Everyone noticed that Hawk and Pipsqueak did it with ease without stopping. They had doubled it and did a hundred instead. Sensei Sombra did not look shocked and gave them a nod. They were then gonna play a game that was called dodgeball. When Hawk was still considered a nerd, he hated the sport. He wanted nothing to do with it, but now he only felt his adrenaline thrill.

Hawk was on the team that Pipsqueak was on. All of the Cobra Kai students were on the same team as Sensei Sombra wanted the other students to see that Cobra Kai’s can never be defeated. The other team that they were fighting against looked cocky and prepare in the sense that they believed that they would win. Hawk would wipe their smirks right off their faces and he took a red hardball and prepared for the battle. Sensei Sombra smirked at his best student and whistled. Hawk was aggressive as he did a few fake throws and then threw the ball hard at a guy who looked cocky and ready to throw the ball. The guy fell and saw Hawk smirking at him in a mean way. The guy sneered at him and went to the bench before he was ready to be taken in the play again.

Hawk and Indigo Zap were the most aggressive on the field as they attacked anyone who dared oppose them. They dodged all the shots and were only agitating the other players who were not on their team. The gym area was filled with red balls everywhere. The benches had all the students who were in the class. The walls were all crystal white and the floor had many different coloured tapes that showed all the different sports like soccer, basketball and other sports. Hawk was looking at the two last students who reminded him of Twilight Sparkle as they looked defenceless. The problem was that they didn’t look bothered by what was going to happen.

Hawk threw the ball at a girl with bluish skin and white hair that were in two pigtails. She wore glasses and a grey t-shirt with shorts. She looked smart but aggressive. Hawk saw how the ball was shot up in the air by the ball that the girl had in her hands. Hawk was surprised. He had not expected that. He grit his teeth a little bit and Indigo Zap and him made eye contact. Indigo Zap was a few feet away from Sunny Flare who looked at the two girls on the other side with a smirk on her face.

Hawk and Indigo Zap smiled. They dodged two balls coming their way and they picked up balls for themself. They then threw their respective ball towards the middle point. Before the two smart girls could react, they were on the ground. The balls that Hawk and Indigo had thrown had been to hit the balls so they would then hit their targets. It had hit them in their knees and it was hurting horribly. Hawk cackled a little bit as Indigo Zap had tears in her eyes as she noticed the two girls looking like they wanted to murder her.

“That does it, students! The Cobra Kai side wins!” Sensei Sombra exclaimed with proudness evident in his voice. Hawk had a feeling that he did it in propose. He would never allow them to be fighting against each other In other sports except karate so they could fight against their different strengths. He was wearing military khaki pants with a belt that had the Cobra Kai symbol proudly on it with glowing red diamonds. He wore a t-shirt with the symbol of Guns N’ Roses. “You are dismissed.”

Hawk and Pipsqueak walked towards the boys’ changing room and smiled at each other. They had won and it was only their first day. They expected the students to be tougher. Then again, they probably didn’t expect that two martial art fighters would be so dodgy. Sure, they had learnt how to dodge but only in close combat. They all assumed that they took their training and turned it into something useful for the sport they had played. Hawk and Pipsqueak showered and then put on their school clothes and went for their last classes. They had lunch and they went for math class.

The class was not exciting at all. The class was the same, numbers and letters that made no sense. It was like someone created math because they wanted to piss someone off but then some idiot came along and was like: “Oh I’ll say this doesn’t look complicated at all. This will be useful!” Sure, it is useful but it is more complicated than relationship problems. Not that he had any as he had just gotten a girl he likes. He tried his best to remember what Sunset had taught him as he wanted to pass with excellent grades.

Pipsqueak was struggling a little bit but it was nothing he could not handle. He had solved some of the questions he had in the past. He noticed that Hawk struggled and helped him here and there so he could get a good grade. Hawk was grateful as he needed all the help he could get. Ever since he started lashing out, it was like his knowledge in math was disappearing little by little. Luckily, every time he got back into it, he started to remember and he didn’t have to worry about forgetting again. He looked up to see the clock and saw that there were another thirty minutes.

He looked back to his math book and he sighed as he wanted to simply go to the dojo and train his ass off not be a pussy and struggle a little bit in something like math. He answered a few more math questions that were easy and he then heard the bell ring. He looked up and thought he was seeing things. Thirty minutes had passed! He looked around and saw the students prepare to leave, and he sighed as he got up and grabbed his bag and grabbed his math book and papers.

The next class was not as boring. It was advanced English and they were to look at the first version of English that excited. Hawk had heard what it potentially sounded like from an Anglo-Saxon by sheer mistake when he had heard an Irish guy shout to an English person. He had not heard what the fight was about but he did not want to get involved either so he left it be before there was a serious fight. The guy who was Anglo-Saxon had the weirdest dialect he had ever heard in his life. He had then learnt on the internet about the old English and it made sense.

The teacher spoke about the many different areas of the language and unexplored parts of it that could be unofficially considered a mystery. Hawk listened with interest as the teacher went into deep depth on how some of the words they pronounced were the same as old English but with more of a dialect. Pipsqueak was very interested and took notes of every little thing the teacher said which was everything. He scribbled away while the other students took important notes here and there.

After the class had ended, the school day was over and Hawk was excited to head on over to the dojo. He wanted to train as much as possible and see his other friends. Pipsqueak, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest walked together with Hawk as they discussed their school day. They were not disappointed and they laughed as they thought about how the Friendship Games would be a disaster when the students saw each other in a few months. Hawk grinned as he thought about it. He could beat Flash then when he had the chance, as Canterlot High would have to show courtesy.

When they arrived at the dojo, they saw Sunset Shimmer, Snips and Snails. Hawk walked up and bro-hugged his two pals and high fived Sunset Shimmer. She laughed heartedly as she saw Hawk in Crystal Prep clothing. She never thought that was ever gonna happen considering that Hawk has too many good points when it comes to bullying. “Nice to see you again Snips, Snails and Sunset,” Hawk said as if they had not seen each other in years. Sunset raised a brow as she looked at him. She noticed that he was holding Sunny Flare’s hand and She grinned to herself.

“Hawk, we saw each other yesterday, no need to sound like it has been years,” Sunset muttered with a laugh. The other laughed while Hawk looked at her with curiosity. She sounded different.

“Well, I'm sorry Sunset for me wanting to be kind,” Hawk responded as he saw Sensei Sombra silently walk past them and open up the dojo for them. Sunset then chuckled lightly as she placed her hand on his right should before he walked inside of the dojo.

“You can call me Tory from now on.” Sunset or Tory as she was now called said, as she walked inside of the dojo with her friends.

Author's Note

Here it is guys, the sequel is here. I spent hours on this so I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 2 - Arguments

Vice-Principal Luna could not believe what she was hearing. Spike Draco had been expelled from Canterlot High School by her sister! The room she was in was dimly lit, but you couldn't see her properly even if you looked hard. The rooms interior colour was a darker shade of blue, the tiles were hard and firm, the mat made it look like it was royalty. The long table that was made of wood seemed insignificant now. The walls both to the left and right had books and portraits of oceans, the sun and the moon. The office chairs around the table had been violently trashed around and one looked broken as it had hit a pot where a large plant had once stood.

Luna’s clothing was sweaty. Her shirt was drenched in sweat from all the thrashing she did in the office. Her pants had holes near the knees and her shoes looked bent on the front. Her arms were resting near an opened window as she bent forward, trying to release her anger. Her moderate opal eyes shone within the simply lit room. Some books were scattered around the floor, making the office meeting room look like there was a break-in. She was breathing heavily and then she felt something on her right arm. From her bent position near the window, she saw that something was running down her right arm. Not many people could say that they could see anything in the darkness, but she could. She knew that it was blood.

She stood up and looked around the room for something that could explain why she had blood running down her right arm. Anger and adrenaline could block out pain, which in itself had its advantages and disadvantages. she looked to her left and only saw a shelf’s of books that were scattered on the floor. She huffed at that. Perhaps a book cut her right arm by accident when she was rampaging? Maybe. The left side also had a portrait of the moon that had fallen on the bookshelves. She sighed annoyingly. If anyone were to look into the room right now, they would see an angry woman, one that made the devil shiver. She looked towards the table and saw that there was shattered glass. She walked slowly towards it, her feet stepping on the books and other broken material that was on the floor. She looked at the glass intently and saw that there was a big one that had blood on it.

She picked it up and looked at her right arm and saw that it was close to her shoulders. She looked back at the glass and angrily threw it on the table, shattering it into thousand pieces. She looked back towards the window. The sun was setting, the other windows were closed by thick curtains. She looked ahead of her to the right side. On the right side was the same as the left side, but the portraits were still hanging on the wall, but the portrait was bent and was not in a perfect position. The books on that side were scattered everywhere along the floor, covering them with books. She walked slowly back to her window and looked out of it. The sun was setting and her beautiful night was coming out. She always preferred the night over the day, but not many students studied during the night. She looked to her left and saw that there was a shattered plant pot and there was a whiskey bottle there. She pulled it up with her left hand and used her right hand to open it.

She took a large gulp and felt herself relax a little bit. There wasn’t much alcohol in it, but it was enough to suffice her needs at the moment. She pressed the head off the open bottle near her lips with her left hand and felt the strong alcohol pour into her mouth. She smiled a little as she felt herself relax a little bit, but the smile wasn’t real. It was as fake as everything else in her life. She lost the tournament to her sister in karate. Her sister has always been favoured, that is how life has always been. Her sister in middle school and high school was super popular and she was the “younger sister” of her that was “weird” and other things they used to call her. She struggled a little bit in school, specifically gym class, but it became easier over time and then she had no problems with the class.

Luna took another gulp of whiskey before she continued walking on the memory lane again. She remembered how she had been riding her bike with her one and only friend, Sombra. He had been best friends with her since middle school and he was kind and gentle. They had been riding home from school one day when they had seen a couple of teenagers on bikes park outside of a small quarter place. They had seen them wear jackets that had a Cobra on the back and the rest of the jacket was in black leather. Luna smiled as she remembers she convinced Sombra to follow her to the window. They had pressed their heads against the glass and seen a couple of girls and boys train and saw a blue-skinned man that looked mean and intimidating. He was speaking, but they had not been able to tell what he was saying.

Luna and Sombra then left the place and headed to their respective homes. Luna had told her mother and father about it. Her sister had not been home as she had been at a party with her friends. Her mother looked excited for her daughter but she had still been distant. Her father however looked excited for her. He was the only one in the family that actually acknowledged her presence. He had paid for everything needed and she was enrolled into Cobra Kai along with Sombra who had gotten the same permission from his foster parents as he had been adopted.

“Best years of my life...” Luna stated lowly as she drank the last drops of her whiskey. She walked back inside and placed the bottle on the table. She looked at it with some small sense of anger. She then spun around, hitting the bottle with her right foot in a very karate way. She felt a little bit of pain in her right leg as it had been years since she last used a kick like that. She smiled as she saw that the bottle was shattered into a thousand pieces. She looked down at her right foot and saw that it was bleeding a little bit. She grinned. She had not had a thrill like that in years. She smiled then it turned into a frown. She would like to feel the same adrenaline again.

She looked out the window and could not help but think of Sombra. A small blush made its way onto her face. She remembered how good he was in, fighting, more ways than one. She remembered all the romantic moments they shared. She then felt her blood start to boil. If her sister had not found out, then she would be happy with him right now! She remembered the night very well.


”Sombra, I would prefer it if you didn’t spend any time with my sister anymore. You have created a divide between us that will take years to fix. Thanks to you, I may have lost my sister. I am okay if you see her in your karate class and sit close to each other in school, but not interacting with her unless if it is necessary.” Came a young voice of a girl with alabaster skin and pink hair. The girl was wearing a green shirt with a pink tank top. She was wearing a skirt with a sun on it. She wasn’t wearing any boots or shoes. No socks either as she had been sitting by their pool. The doorway was made of oak and had a symbol on it. One half of it was Sun and the other half was a moon. The floor was made out of reddish marble stone.

On the other side stood a boy with black hair and had scarlet red eyes with deep scarlet pupils. He was wearing a Cobra Kai leather jacket with a t-shirt that was plain grey. His pants were soft and had on the right and left side a yellow line. His shoes were something similar to Nike, but they had more karate feel to them. He was currently looking at the alabaster skinned girl with narrow eyes. He knew why this girl was doing it, it was because she wanted her sister to be a slave to her, forcing her to do her homework when she partied with her friends. What neither of them was aware of, was that Luna was paying attention to them.

“Where is this coming from Celestia? You seemed fine with it for a few years, what has possibly made you change your mind?” Sombra accusingly questioned as he put his hands into his pockets, knowing damn well that the alabaster skinned girl was lying. The girl in question looked at Sombra with a hint of anger. But, there was something else she felt. She felt fear. She wanted to run away and hide from the accusing stare he was giving her, but she couldn’t. She had to do this, it was for the best. She could not allow her sister to be around people who would only turn into criminals later in life. She felt Sombra’s stare become more intense as she had yet to answer him.

“Because I don’t want her growing up into her final years being angry all the time and turn into a criminal. What if someone pisses her off and she just starts hitting those people? She would have a criminal record, it would be impossible for her to get a job and she would not be able to be around kids either if she wanted to open up a dojo for children to train in.” Celesia reasoned, but it was not good enough. She knew that it was not good enough of an excuse. She would have to find something better, something that sounded believable. Sombra looked at her with an unreadable expression. It was one she found very dangerous. Say the wrong thing, and Sombra could destroy your entire soul by saying something hurtful. The air was tense and Luna felt herself become angry as she could not believe that her very own sister would say that and believe it at the same time. Her own flesh and blood could say that about her.

“I don’t believe that for a second. Do you honestly think she would do something so stupid as to hit people without reason? Sure, she has done some questionable things in the past, but she would never do something so reckless unless if she had a very darn good explanation for it. You Celestia, you are trying to do something else. What is it that you believe that you know?” Sombra said all of this with an evident hint of irritation and anger. The black-haired boy waited for the answer from Celestia patiently. He has a feeling that he knows the reason, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Celestia bit her bottom lip as her eyes darted from Sombra to other parts of the front porch. She did not want to answer but knew that she had to.

“I know that you two are dating.” She finally let out. Sombra raised a brow at that. So what?

“So what? She and I are dating, yes, but what is your problem with that?” Sombra asked with a hint of bite. He did not fully understand why the alabaster skinned girl would not allow him from seeing his beautiful Nightmare Moon. He wasn’t like the other guys if it was that she was worried about. He would rather do it when he was married. He was old-school that way. Celestia looked down to the marble floor and Sombra felt the shame radiating off from her. He did not like where this was going. He concealed his emotions to prepare himself for where it would go. Celestia looked up and her moderate heliotrope eyes shone with shame and a very small hint of anger. He looked at her impassively as he waited for her response.

“I don’t feel safe around you.” That was her response. Sombra’s face remained impassive but on the inside, he was confused as Hell. he had never done anything to her. Hell, this was his fifth time seeing her personally! He was about to respond when she continued. “I don’t feel safe around you because I feel a sense of darkness in you, one that I don’t fully understand. You get angry easily from what I have gathered from my friends and they have stated how when you easily become angry and joke around, they are unsure if you are joking or not. It is something that worries me, what if my sister makes you angry and you attack her?”

Sombra closed his eyes as he did his best not to lash out. It was late in the evening, the stars were out and the front porch lamp was illuminating most of the front porch. The stone pathway was relatively visible as the uncut grass filled the rest of the porch. He wanted to hit Celestia, leave a snarky remark, but he could think of nothing. He really couldn’t. It was like, his body was still in shock and anger for what she had said. How dare she believe that he would hurt her?! He had done nothing of the sort towards Nightmare Moon. He opened his eyes and smiled at her but the other girl felt a shiver down her spine as she saw the smile. It looked evil to her, it looked like he was about to pounce, like lions when they prepare to catch their food. Right now, she felt like that food. But Sombra did not do anything. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and continued to smile at her unpleasantly. Luna who was watching only felt her eyes become hearts as she saw him.

“I want you to ask yourself: will he attack my sister? I know that you came to one conclusion, but I know for a fact that you know the truth but decide to stay ignorant. You don’t want to hear the truth, that I am truly in love with Nightmare Moon and don’t plan on hurting her. I know that you know, but you just don’t see it. I see that it's eating you alive, knowing that I won’t do it but still feel unsafe around me. I have been here you know. I have been to the family dinners and met your parents. They are lovely people, but... I don’t remember seeing you. Nightmare Moon and your parents would say the same thing: she is partying with her friends. I got the “you hurt my daughter” speech and I respect him, that is what you are supposed to do. When there is a family dinner, the whole family is supposed to be there. But you weren’t there when I was at any of the dinners.” The words were like a knife stabbing her in the heart. He was telling the truth. But then her eyes widened. That is what he was trying to do! Manipulate her mind!

Sombra waited for her response but only saw her furious eyes meet his before he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He fell to the ground and he felt how his muscle habs hurt from the punch. The alabaster teen knows how to fight! He suddenly heard running down the marble staircase, but he did not see who it was. But it was answered when he heard the raging voice of his beloved Nightmare Moon, she was not happy at all.

“What the Hell is going on down here?! Sombra?!” She ran to his side and ignored her sisters' pleas to ‘stop’ and was by his side in a few seconds. “Sombra, are you okay?! What happened?!” Sombra did not respond. He looked at Celestia with anger, but it flashed away and he was grinning at her. She had just proven his point without realizing it. Celestia looked at him with confusion as she tried to read him but it was impossible. It was like trying to read a book that had no words in it. Luna continued to kneel beside Sombra as he had both of his hands on his left abs as it was there, Celestia had punched him.

“Celestia, what is wrong with you?!” The alabaster teen felt her heart almost explode into a million pieces as she heard the angry and disappointed voice of her younger sister. She had never heard her sound so angry or disappointed before. The way she said her name sounded wrong. It did not sound right. It was meant to be with joy and laughter, not despair, anger and disappointment. Sombra got up from the ground and was back on his feet. he took off his leather jacket and brushed off the dirt that had come on it. He looked at Celestia and put on his leather jacket. The anger was evident, but he still held a smirk on his face as he looked at her. Sombra turned towards his Nightmare Moon, his lovely girl and sighed in sadness. He knew what he had to do but did not know if he had the strength to do it. Nightmare Moon looked at him with worry evident in her eyes. Her black skin suited her and her cat eyes were well fitted with the different shades of green.

“Nightmare Moon, I am sorry to say that I am breaking up with you.” The shock was the first thing that she felt as she heard her boyfriend say that. She wanted him to laugh and say it was a cruel prank, but he didn’t, he didn’t say anything else. He just looked at her with tears in his eyes. Celestia knew it was crocodile tears, but anyone who wasn’t filled with anger at that moment could see the truth; they were very real. Nightmare Moon was the first girl he ever really loved, she was the only one that understood him.

“Sombra... Why?” Luna choked as she started to sob. She did not know what she had done wrong. Had she done something wrong? Did she do or say something offensive to him? What had she done? Celestia felt her heartache for her sister but because that she knew how much of a monster Sombra was, she felt a little happy. Sombra took her hands into his. His right hand was bellowed as her other two were in the middle. His left hand was on top of her hands. It was their cute thing to show the truth to each other.

“You should probably ask your sister, she doesn’t feel safe around me. She thinks I’m evil.” Sombra said dryly and low but high enough for Celestia to hear. Nightmare Moon’s body tensed at hearing her sisters name like that. She wasn’t angry at Sombra. She was angry at her siste- no, Celestia. She was angry at Celestia. The two other teens felt her angry radiate from her normally cold body. Her blood was boiling and she then kissed Sombra passionately on the lips. He kissed back and Celestia was close to stopping them from continuing when they stopped. Nightmare Moon looked into Sombra’s eyes with irritation.

“Never accept defeat, babe.” She turned around to face Celestia who was looking at her baby sister who was looking at her calmly but the air around her was enough to know what emotion she was feeling. The air got chillingly cold, but not from the weather. Nightmare Moon walked towards her popular sister, partying sister, neglecting sister, ‘sorry Lulu not know’ sister, the favourite sister... Celestia gulped as she hesitantly took a step forward. Nightmare Moon had an impassive expression on her face as she neared her sister. Sombra was worried that Celestia was right at this point. It looked like she was about to-

Celestia fell to the floor inside of the house and she was bleeding heavily. The alabasters nose was broken. Sombra gulped as he had seen her this angry before and it was never a pretty sight. Nightmare Moon then continued to punch her sister to the point where Sombra felt like intervening but she gave him a death glare and he backed off. It all happened so fast that Luna barely remembered it. Nightmare Moon got up and invited Sombra into her home while her sister was unconscious on the floor that night.

Flashback End

Luna gritted her teeth as she felt them grinding against each other. She could not take t anymore, she needed answers. She walked fast on top of the rubble and swung open the door, not caring if she disturbed anyone. She walked down the crystal hallways of the school, the green lockers almost looked like they shivered from the coldness radiating off from Luna. The janitor who saw her waved but saw her expression and quickly went back to work. She wasn’t Luna right now, she was Nightmare Moon. Only a few students had managed to achieve that anger and they treated her like the queen after that.

She came closer to her sister's office and she sped up, practically running into the door. She slammed it open and saw her sister writing something on the computer. Celestia was startled and looked up. She gulped as she noticed her younger sister looking at her as if she was her prey. She gulped and wouldn't be surprised if she saw smoke come out of her nose because of how angry she looked. The office was pretty simple. The walls were white and the ceiling was yellowish orange to resemble the sun. She had a desk that was filled with papers of different student complaints from this Anon-A-Miss and she was getting irritated just by looking at them. She was not worried about what her sister was angry about. She hoped that her sister had not been affected by the Mystable user, but then again, her sister was known for ‘not giving a shit’ for putting it simply and bluntly, her very own words. Luna circled her as she noticed that the sofa to the right when you walked in had many different magazines. That was for those who were looking to meet her but she wasn’t there.

“Sister, what in the name the God’s do you think you are doing?” Luna seethingly asked as she was looking at her sister accusingly and was just looking for an excuse at this point to beat her up. She wouldn’t do it of course, but she better have a good goddamn reason or so help her God she would do something, but she did not know what. Celestia was confused. What had she done? She didn’t do anything at all. Luna was getting impatient but Celestia quickly asked:

“What is it that I have done?” She stood up from her office chair as allowed a few papers to fall to the floor. She would pick it up later. She looked at her sister that looked like she was about to explode from anger any second, but it didn’t happen. Instead, she calmed herself down a little bit by breathing in and out like their adoptive niece had taught them many times in the past. Luna looked at her sister and had that impassive look again on her face. The one she was never able to read.

“Spike, dear sister. Why would you expel him? Flash Sentry did the same thing for years or even Sunset Shimmer, but you did nothing for them. In fact, you gave them a second chance, you, however, did not lend that second chance to Spike. The one who deserved it most of all. Yes, he has done some bad things since he joined the karate club, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you allowed two other students to get away with years of bullying. So I will ask again: what do you think you're doing?” Luna explained all in one breath. There was a reddish chair in front of the desk facing Celestia and Luna gripped both of her hands on it and squeezed hard as she looked at her sister who was slightly squirming under her angry gaze.

“I thought it was for the best...” She murmured as she tried to reason with her sister. Luna thought she heard wrong. ‘Thought it was for the best?’ what had she been drinking?! Luna’s face remained impassive but the cold air around them told Celestia that she was not off the hook at all. The window to Celestia’s left was open and it was cold but bearable, her sister’s on the other hand, not so much.

“Thought it was for the best. So if you were the principal during my time, you would have kicked me out thinking it was for ‘the best?’” Luna questioned, her tone was venomous and dangerous. Celestia had to tread carefully if she wanted to be on equal terms as her sister. Celestia tried to come up with the right words, but she couldn’t. She would only sound desperate if she tried, but she had to say something. She opened her mouth to say something but Luna beat her to it.

“Let me guess, you are going to say ‘no’ but I have news for you, Celestia, and that is that it would be biased because I am your sister. People would have thought that I easily got away with things because my much older sister was the principal. Look, I don’t know why you seem to hate Spike, but you don’t know what you have started. You are afraid because you know you have started something, but you have no idea what.” Luna ranted. She then took the chair and threw it against the white wall to the right, cracking it a little bit. “I’ll be home later than expected, to wine at me like a pussy.”

Luna walked out of the room, not bothering to close the door. She was tired of her sister’s idiocy. She was clearly incompetent, but she always managed to keep her job. She laughed humourlessly as she got into her car and turned on the engine. It roared to life and she then looked at the school. She had not realized that she had walked so fast. She then looked at the wheel and steered it to the right as she then drove away from the school, filled with anger. The anger she had not felt in years.

Author's Note

Here Is another chapter, guys. I managed to write this in one day. I am impressed with myself.

Chapter 3 - Old Sensei

Sensei Sombra looked at his old Sensei in shock. Grogar who was wearing a greyish green jacket, black jeans and black military boots pulled out a cigar. Grogar’s skin was blue and his head did not have a whole lot of hair, but it only showed that he was getting old. His yellow eyes with red pupils were staring at Sensei Sombra with pride. The rest of his body was covered in the darkness. From what Sombra could see: the old sensei pulled out a sort of knife to cut off a piece of the cigar so he could enjoy the fumes more. He then pulled out a lighter to lit his cigar. His right hand went to his mouth area where he had put it. He pressed the small button and a large fire came out, lighting the cigar within a couple of seconds.

The air was tense and was now covered in cigar smoke. Sombra remembered that smell clear as day. It wasn’t often sensei Grogar smoked, but when he did, it was so he could reminisce on his past. Sombra looked at his old sensei with neutrality. He had broken Nightmare Moon’s second-place trophy because she had lost to her sister. He clenched both of his fists as he saw his old sensei walk around. Grogar looked around the place and felt how his memories flew back into his mind, all the classes he taught to his students. The red mat he was walking on was relaxing even though he was wearing boots. His right hand pulled out the cigar he was smoking and he could not help laugh a little bit. He was looking at his old motto: Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy. It had been a few decades since he had last seen those words on a wall. the light from the outside parking lot illuminated the room a little bit more and it revealed to Sombra that it was indeed his old sensei.

He felt his blood start to boil as he saw his old sensei walking around the place. He wanted to put out that grin of his, but he knew that the name belonged to Grogar. He could very easily take over if he wanted to. That or sue him for a huge chunk of money. He did have the money to pay Grogar off if it came to that but he did not know if he would be able to pry him off from the dojo. Grogar felt that his presence made his old student more uncomfortable. He smirked at that in a very unpleasant way. He took out his cigar from his mouth again and allowed himself to breathe out. He felt himself relax a little bit more.

The room was now even tenser than Grogar had expected, but he could not help but look at Sombra with pride. He and Nightmare Moon were certainly his best students. Nightmare Moon is slightly more violent than Sombra without anyone else realising it. He would never admit it fully either as he had never wanted to make her too arrogant. He passed the cigar to his left hand and put it in his mouth but before that could even happen, he felt something painful in his left hand. He looked and saw that Sombra had kicked away his cigar to God knows where. Grogar was shocked. He looked at his old students face one time and he saw the evident anger in his eyes. He got a smirk on his face, one that Sombra hated with a passion. It was the one that showed his old students that they were not capable of anything.

Sombra ran towards Grogar who was anticipating it and managed to block two punches to the face from Sombra. The old student was fitting real dirty and Grogar was very impressed. He had not seen anyone fight that dirty in years. Sombra spun his right leg towards Grogar who was not expecting it and he fell to the ground in a little bit of pain. He got up just in time to see Sombra running towards him with real speed and punched him in the face. Grogar stumbled to the floor again and he felt he needed to fight dirty back, this wasn’t a tournament. The air was hot and sweaty as the two men fought as if their life depended on it. Sombra rushed up to Grogar and kicked him in the legs so he would fall to the ground. Grogar didn’t and he smirked at that.

He had learnt a few tricks of his own after all these years. He grabbed Sombra’s right arm as he tried to throw a punch, and he bent the arm just enough for it to hurt and no sound came from Sombra which surprised him but not for long. He kicked him in the legs and his old student fell to the floor in pain but they did not let it show. ”Pain does not exist in this dojo.” That is what he used to say to his old students and they took it very seriously. He remembered how he used it against those who had low pain tolerance. He used to abuse them in a way that made them feel worthless but there was one student he always admired that had a pretty high pain tolerance and that was Chrysalis. In the beginning, she had a pretty low pain tolerance, but as the weeks went by, she got the most pain tolerance he had ever seen. His years in World War II and Vietnam made him look weak because of her high pain tolerance. He grinned as he saw Sombra get back up.

Sombra did not hesitate as he ran towards him and managed to make Grogar cough for air. He did not expect that. It was very impressive by what Sombra had learnt over the years, but wow. He did not expect to be in this predicament. He was on the ground while Sombra was on top of him and was hitting him like a mad man. Grogar tried to get in a few punches, but he wasn’t able to as Sombra hit his hands and arms so they hurt like Hell. Sombra felt his fist kept connecting to Grogar’s face, making the blue-skinned man bleed more. He did not stop. He had to continue. If he didn’t then he would regret it later. His fists felt numb as he continued hitting Sombra, but he had become careless as he did not notice that Grogar raised his legs and quickly made it that Sombra was below him and him on the top, but they were laying on top of each other.

Sombra was fooled only for a second as he used both of his back legs to kick his old Sensei in the face. Grogar did not let anything out as he covered his face and got up. His hands covered his face, specifically, his eyes and his legs were shaky and wobbly. Sombra did not allow himself to be fooled and jumped towards Grogar, kicking and hitting him in the air showing ”No Mercy.” Grogar managed to regain himself as he tried to block a few attacks from Sombra, but it was fruitless. Sombra had more anger and adrenaline at this moment and he had trained himself for years so he had a lot more tricks up his sleeve. Grogar did his best to study Sombra’s movements, but every time he thought he was even a little bit close, he would lose it again. Sombra seemed to notice but he didn’t smirk or anything. He was only after defeating the one person who had made Nightmare Moon’s life miserable for the next several weeks for only getting second place. He allowed all the anger he had to come into his kicks, punches and headbutts.

“Can’t keep up old man?” Sombra taunted, not smirking. He said it with aggression as he wanted to get a rise out of Grogar. That is what he wanted to achieve anyways. The room was getting harder and they smelled smoke coming from somewhere, but they did not know where. Grogar ran towards him in a ducking position and his arms were spread out. Sombra was quicker than that and kicked him in the face with his right leg. It seemed like Sombra was the one winning the battle. He did not know whether Grogar was holding back or not. He always remembered him being able to fight without being able to be hit. Sombra shrugged it off as he believed it was a part of one of his schemes.

Grogar got off the floor after he had clutched his head and was holding up his arms in surrender but Sombra did not buy it for one second. He ran up to him and did a backflip, hitting Grogar in the jaw with his left foot. Grogar felt his jaw break as he fell to the floor. He was amazed, he did not expect that. His jaw was broken but he was not angry, not one bit... He used his right hand to place the jaw back in place which he had learnt from his buddy in the army who had been a medic. “Aaahhh.” he let out as it hurt a lot. It was not every day he had to place his jaw back in place. He looked at Sombra who looked ready to fight again. He smirked and prepared himself as if he was in some sort of running competition and rushed up towards him and managed to block a left punch to the got and a right punch to the face. He took both of his arms and pulled both of them away from each other from Sombra’s body. His old student in question smiled as he felt burning. He had learnt how to get used to the pain. He kicked his old sensei in the knee, making him lose his grip on his arms and falling to the floor. Sombra then tried to stomp him, marching forward, but Sombra dodged it all as if it was something he did every day.

Sombra then felt a sharp pain in his left foot as he looked down, he saw that Grogar had his him with a very weak, but still good hammer. Sombra kicked Grogar who avoided the kick this time and did a flip to get back on his feet. Sombra was impressed, his old sensei still had it in him. Right now, they were just dancing with violence. Who would win this battle? Sombra didn’t feel tired, he only felt anger and adrenaline that was pumping in his body faster than any heartbeat. He ran towards Grogar, ready to end the fight but was caught by surprise when he felt a sharp pain in his right side. He looked and saw that Grogar had kicked him there with a lot of force. It was one of the only things Sombra and the others never got to learn. In fact, that one move was illegal to be taught in any dojo as it could kill a person. Soldiers could do it in the army, but their laws and hierarchy are very different. Grogar only knew it because he was In the military. No surprise there really. Sombra grinned as he felt the pain, he had not felt like this in years and here his old sensei was, giving him the pain he had been longing for.

Sombra then rushed up to him and fought the man he had grown to hate for the last few decades. He did his best to hit him in the stomach, head, anywhere, but his old sensei expected all of it, which made it all that much more difficult. Sombra felt his arms become numb as Grogar did his best to defend himself and not hit Sombra too much, he still needed him for a little while after all. Grogar then took his right arm and threw him over his back, hitting Sombra on the ground. Grogar then fell on the floor beside him, panting. The fire alarm went off, and the water started to pour down over the entire dojo. They rested there for the next few minutes. Sombra was not interested in hearing him out. He wanted the man gone from his life, his old sensei could sprout up whatever bullshit he wants, but he will not take him back. He’d listen, but that would be the only thing he would actually do. Nothing else. Although right now, he is too angry to actually be reasoned with.

A few hours later, Sombra was inside of his ‘humble home’ and took a seat in his armchair. He had told Grogar to piss off and the old sensei obliged. It turned out that when Sombra had kicked away the cigar, it had landed in the bin that was to the corner to the left side when you walked inside the dojo. There had been some paper trash there and had caught fire from the warmth of the cigar. At first, he saw no problem, until he saw that the white part of it looked completely black from the burn. The living room that Sombra was in would have surprised anyone. The walls were painted in red roses and there was a window to the right when you walked inside. The floor was all covered in a mat that stretched throughout the house. There was a kitchen to the left when you walked inside the living room and had a clear view of the TV from the kitchen. The kitchen had many cabinets tight to each other on the walls that had different glasses, plates, and other kitchen equipment.

The kitchen table was made from a beautiful marble that looked very expensive, but Sombra had not actually bought it. He had received it when his adoptive parents had died. It turned out that his adoptive great-grandparents had bought it from a friend who had wanted it gone. He received it as he was the only one from the adoptive line. The armchair he was sitting on was sewn in beautiful scarlet and black colours and it made him feel relaxed. A lot of people say that red makes some feel angry or on edge and as true as that may be, Sombra on the other hand felt relaxed. His feet were on the floor and his arms made a connection with his left and right hand as they held each other. Sombra’s head leaned back on the armchair as he thought about what had happened at his dojo. He never thought he would ever see that man again in his life. The man had done many horrible things in his life including Nightmare Moon’s. He knew that she was the Vice-Principal of their old high school, Canterlot High and wondered if he should call her.

He looked at the coffee table that was made from oak wood and had two small drawers. On the top of the coffee table sat a small old school flip phone. He remembered back in the day when that phone was the most expensive and the most popular. It was a Nokia and was the best one back in the day, or at least when he and Nightmare Moon went to Canterlot High. He bent forward and stretched his right hand to grab it. When he had it in his hand, he looked it over and saw that it still had the good old black colour. He flipped it open and had a nostalgia attack. He could not believe that it had been decades since he had last used the one he had now.

He turned it on and he saw the old Nokia loading screen, the one that felt like an eternity. But, back then, it was famous for having the shortest loading screen which was why everyone went for a Nokia at CHS. The phone then opened up and he felt himself suck on a breath. On the front screen as the most phone has, was the background picture of the day when he and Nightmare Moon started dating. Her black skin was beautiful and made her look more aggressive. Her cat-like eyes looked predatory and Sombra felt himself getting a little excited as he walked down the memory lane. She was wearing a blue dress in the picture that went well with her body. She had gained some serious muscles when she started training in Cobra Kai. In fact, she was the first one to fully receive stomach abs. Then again, she had only eaten fruits and vegetables in the morning and the same during lunch. She ate meat during the weekends.

Sombra shook his head as he snapped out of his trance. It had been a very long time ago, and he needed to focus on the future, not the past. He used the right, left, up and down button to be able to press one thing he needed and that was ‘Contacts’ that had a yellowish folder with a person on it. He pressed on it and he was shocked by the names that he had on there. He knew exactly who they were, but he had not seen or heard from them in years. It was shocking to see those names again. He went over the one’s he recognized. There was Discord, Bright Mac, Bow Hothoof, Jack Pot and finally, Nightmare Moon.

He had not heard or seen these names in a very long time and decided to take it all in. He continued to look at the names and felt a tear run down from the right side and continued downwards. He loved his teenage years. He loved Cobra Kai. He wished that there had been another sensei on the other hand. He did know that Bright Mac was dead along with his wife. He had gone to their funeral and cried his eyes out with the other people there. They had died in a car crash. He knew that Discord had some trouble in finding a job and last he heard, ran some gang in Canterlot city, but who knows. Bow Hothoof on the other hand became an athlete and has earned good money but Sombra doesn’t hear much about him, only that he potentially has a daughter. Jack Pot has a daughter, that is something Sombra knew. He had never seen her, but he knew so because teenagers have raging hormones. Especially in their final years of it...

When he looked at the name Nightmare Moon on the phone, he could not help but smile as he remembered the many nights he spent up late, talking to her and planning for their future. The reason they broke up was that they were too far away from each other. They couldn’t stand it and broke up. To his knowledge, Nightmare Moon never actually dated anyone else. He never did so either as he believed that Nightmare Moon was his only so he saved himself for her, but then life happened and they moved further apart, fewer conversations, less hanging out, less everything. He looked down towards his feet and he sighed sadly as he remembered the conversation very well. He then shook himself away from it. He could not allow himself to be weak. He was over it. It happened decades ago, he should just move on like everyone else. He then scrolled further down on the contact list and he almost choked himself on a breath. He had completely forgotten about him, but seeing his name on the phone, he remembered everything. One of his best guy friends, the one that could calm him down when Nightmare Moon wasn’t around: Night Light. That was a name he had not heard in years. He did know that he was married and had two kids. But he had never seen or heard from him since graduation from CHS.

“Hot damn, has time really been that fast?” Sombra mumbled to himself. He could not help but smile as he remembered the fun pranks he and Night Light would do. He and Night Light would be the known prankers at CHS. No one could ever point the evidence at them either as they planned the whole things thoroughly. It was as if they had planned a whole crime to happen when it was really just a prank. He chuckled as he remembered having pranked his old teacher once. He did not remember his name, but he had been very pissed and demanded that the one guilty come forward. Sombra by then had also been getting the reputation of being violent both by words and fists. Although, his words were a lot more piercing than a fist or kick ever could be. He chuckled as he remembered the teacher’s face when he had accidentally accused Sombra without evidence. Sombra had not laughed or shown any signs that he cared. But the teacher had been pretty stupid and practically was on his knees apologising to him for the ‘false accusation’ and Sombra got away scot-free.

“Oh, those were the times.” He told himself as he lay back in his armchair and looked out the window to his right and wondered what his dear Nightmare Moon did at that very moment. His right hand held the old Nokia flip phone tight and he was ready to dial the number. It was better if he called now and warned her that Grogar was back in town than to have her feeling angry and getting arrested for assault. He dialled Nightmare Moon’s number, praying that her number had not changed. He knew that she would never throw away her old phone. She always had it with her and had even said that if he ever needed her, then she was a phone call away. She said the same thing after they had broken up. That had made Sombra feel good inside. He sometimes had read the old messaged from him and her and smiled. But that was decades ago. In fact, a night like this one reminded him of one of those nights.

He heard the typical ringing tone. He was not coming through, and he sighed a little bit. But then he smiled as he could always leave a message and pray that she hears it in the right moment and time. He heard the lady speaking about the person not being reachable but could still give a voice message. He Didn’t know what to say, as this was the first time in decades that he actually called her. He felt like he was rude for not contacting her for several years and suddenly out of nowhere starts to warn her about their old sensei being back in town.

“Hey, Nightmare Moon, it has been a while, huh? Anyways, I’ll cut straight to the chase. You remember our old sensei, yes? Well, it looks like he is back in town. he showed up at the dojo that I now own. I have no idea where he has been as I truly taught he was dead, but it seems like faith has other plans. Anyways, that was all I called you for as I do remember how angry you get just by looking at someone. Goodbye.” Sombra ended the phone call and looked at his phone. He then flipped it, closing the phone from the modern world. He looked out the window and saw that the moon was out and grinned a little bit. He knew that Nightmare Moon would hear it. Her beautiful moon was out tonight.

“If you ever send me a message but I don’t answer, look towards the moon and I promise you: when the moon is out, I will hear it. It is the magic from the moon.”

Sombra let out another tear as he remembered her beautiful voice. It was one he would always remember. He remembered those words and always took them to heart, but life happened and here he is. Broken, and training his young students. His students Hawk and Pipsqueak were the only one’s that showed hundred per cent potential, but Sunset Shimmer, or Tory as she calls herself now, showed major potential to be in the same league as Pipsqueak and Hawk. She just needed to be more aggressive than she already was. That would make her even greater. He looked out the window and he saw the moon one more time before he prepared himself for the dojo the next day. Had Sombra looked out the window and see a car pass by, he would have recognised Nightmare Moon from the car alone.

Author's Note

Here is another chapter guys. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 4 - Rumours

The air inside of Crystal Prep was the same as usual as Hawk walked towards his locker to get his books. The air wasn’t tense, but it was discouraging. It was like the students there wanted you to fail. He was already familiar with that feeling because of Flash and simply smiled at it as he knew it would throw the others off guard. He had forgotten to take his books home from his first day and was a little bit behind study wise, but he could easily get himself up so it wasn’t that much of a big deal. Plus, he did not have any tests that very day.

The bluish and indigos structure and colour in Crystal Prep made it look like a beautiful school and extremely prestigious. Hawk did not know his parents very well before they died, but he remembered that he had a lot of fun with them, but he had early memories of when he was in a building with other children that was like a kindergarten but you slept there during the night. He did not remember if that was something he had signed himself up for or if his parents wanted him to try some new hobby.

He remembered that he was then overjoyed for the fact that his parents came one time and picked him up and they were happy for the next few years until the car crash happened. He felt sorrow as he thought about his parents who were extremely loving and caring. He had not felt like himself since that day when they died. He was all alone in the world and the authorities had tried to put him into a foster home. Why would he want to go there? He ran away from a few foster homes and eventually he was living on the streets, trying to find a way to live.

He had broken into a few houses, trying to find food or money, but he found the food at least. He then started middle school and he did not want to be friends with anyone. Well, he had already been in middle school but he had been away for a few weeks since he did not want to admit that his parents were fully gone. That was also the time he had broken into houses for food and money. He did not regret it as he did not have a source of income.

Hawk sighed as his legs carried him towards history class. The footsteps in the halls were loud and clear as the other students chatted with one another. Hawk sighed as he had received a call from Pipsqueak saying that Sunset had been attacked from behind and had been beaten up. He wished he could go to CHS right now, but he did not have a proper excuse as to why he would be there if he were to be caught by anyone. Besides, he wanted to have good grades and wanted to go to a very good college to have more opportunities.

When he reached the history classroom, he noticed that Lemon Zest was there, listening to her music like usual. He smiled a little bit as he walked down towards her. The school seats were in four different lanes and most of them were not even full as the class did not start until another fifteen minutes. He sat down to Lemon Zest’s right and smiled at her. When she noticed him, she smiled widely at him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. Hawk laughed as she was a friendlier version of Pinkie Pie.

“Yo! What’s up Hawk?” Lemon Zest exclaimed quietly as to not disturb her other peers. Hawk chuckled as he liked her personality. He and Sunny Flare had gotten to know each other very well, and she did not mind him being with the other girls as she knew he would never cheat on her. But, if Hawk wasn’t in a relationship, he would definitely have many babes with him as if he was in some sort of polygamy relationship. Goddamn that he lived on the wrong side of the country! Oh well, what others doesn’t know can’t hurt. right?

“Everything was fine until this morning, Lemon.” Hawk replied, and he got a dark look in his eyes as he turned to fully face Lemon who had by now grown concerned for her friend. “Tory was jumped from the back on her way to Canterlot High, she suffered some injuries and Pipsqueak decided to help her. Luckily, the injuries weren’t serious, but she could have been really hurt if it wasn’t for Pipsqueak. Tory had control of the situation, but a little help wasn’t bad, right? She actually texted Pipsqueak while she was still fighting her foe. I wonder how that works.”

Lemon Zest could not believe her ears. Tory had been jumped from behind? She may be a Cobra Kai but that is straight-up cowardice if you want to fight with honour. Their sensei always spoke about how ‘back in his day’ you wanted to fight someone, you did it with honour and respect for the enemy. That was the way for them, but now, teenagers barely have respect for one another. Lemon got a dark look on her face after what she had just heard. If she could: she would run out of the classroom and find Tory to make sure she is okay. She would make sure she got safely to her first class or until she saw other Cobra Kai’s.

“Who is the motherfucker that did it?” Lemon asked, not caring aíf anyone heard her swear. Hawk looked at her with a hint of surprise, then at the wall to his left and sighed a little bit. He didn’t actually know who it was. It could be anyone for all he knew. Hawk looked at lemon Zest again and saw that her brilliant amber eyes shone with complete and utter anger. Her light greyish amaranth skin turned a shade darker, or that is what it looked like. Hawk gulped inwardly. Lemon Zest could be terrifying when she wanted to be.

“I don’t know, Pipsqueak only said she was jumped, he never actually gave me any names to go by.” Hawk calmly replied but inside, he was raging. Tory was a part of them now, she was one of them. A fighter, someone who could defend herself from people like the Rainbooms. Hawk noticed that Lemon Zest became a little angrier, but it was concealed by her impassive expression. She was good at making those.

“Well, then, it seems like we will have to find out after school,” Lemon stated, making Hawk nod in agreement. He looked ahead of him and saw that the clock that was up on the wall above the whiteboard was eight twenty. He did not see the teacher anywhere.

“Where the heck is the teacher? Shouldn’t that loaf be here?” Hawk questioned, making Lemon chuckle a little bit. Hawk tended to be mean, but it always sounded funny. Lemon looked at the clock and saw that the lesson should have started a long time ago. She sighed as she was getting bored and her music was not helping her very much.

“I don’t know, perhaps he is late?” Lemon questioned as she saw the other students walk inside of the classroom and take their seats. Hawk simply nodded as he looked ahead of him. Suddenly, the teacher with brownish-green hair walked inside with red skin and wore the teachers’ version of the Crystal Prep Academy school uniform. His eyes were pure yellow and looked like they held knowledge. His cheekbones were sharp and his face was expressionless, not showing a single emotion. Hawk was impressed. He had never seen a teacher like this before. They usually were, all the same, spoke the same, acted the same and were just plain annoying, but this one was different.

“I apologise for being late, students, your old teacher was requested for a different school for a full month. I will be taking his place for this month and I will make sure that when you leave this classroom today that you will know to survive Word War III and re-live the past because it will eventually lead to that. Having to start over and all that rubbish.” The substitute teacher explained and Hawk thought he had finally lost it. World War III? Not happening. Or, it was possible...

The rest of the students felt uneasy as they felt the air around him being tense, they were used to Sombra’s tenseness, but this substitute, he was something much more different. He was beyond tense. It was like he was expecting something to happen even though he was in a classroom full of teenagers. They felt bad if he had a kid that was a girl and that she had a boyfriend. If he had that then they felt sorry for the dude on the first meeting. Hawk was happy that he was not dating someone the substitute was related to.

“Pull out your history books and go to page sixty-seven. We will be reading about the Cold War.” He said, making the students immediately pull them up, no questions asked. They could already tell that he was ‘no bullshit’ type of person and knew what would happen if they did not follow his orders. Lemon Zest did not look threatening, but she seemed a little bit on edge. The substitute noticed this but didn’t say anything or leave any sort of snarky comment. Hawk was also tense from this substitute. He liked him, he reminded him of Sombra.

The class continued for another hour that felt rather like an eternity. The classroom was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop to the floor. Everyone read their history book and did not say anything. They simply read and took notes for their homework and test that would eventually come. They left that classroom when the bell rang and the substitute had a very thin smile as he watched them leave. He knew why they were all so tense, it was because he was himself. Without the students knowing it, he made them more aware of their surroundings.

Hawk and Lemon walked together to their next class as they were in the same one. Originally, Sunny Flare had been the one who was in all of Hawk’s classes, but she then had to change her schedule so it ended up being Lemon and Hawk being together. Hawk felt his legs march towards the classroom of his next class and Lemon felt the same. They felt more alert after they were with the substitute. Hawk noticed how the substitute kept looking at Hawk and Lemon though, it was as if he was looking at them the whole time.

It was a possibility that the substitute either was impressed with the fact that Hawk wasn’t as tensed up as the others, or it could be that he saw him in the tournament. It did not matter as either option was very possible and likely. When they reached their next class which was English. Hawk walked into the class and saw that the classroom was the same as all the other classrooms. Hawk sat somewhere in the middle and Lemon sat near the front. They could still see each other and could communicate if they needed to.

The school bench that Hawk sat on had something carved to the left side and Hawk turned his head to see it. There was a heart that had the initials SF+SHD. Hawk wondered who this couple was but ignored it. It wasn’t any of his business, and he did not have the time to figure something like that out either. He saw that other students walked into the class and he prepared himself for this boring long class. The teacher walked in with a sour expression on her face and Hawk groaned. It would be one of “those” lessons again.

By lunchtime, Hawk had finished all of his homework and only had two more lessons before it was time for looking for Tory’s enemies. Hawk had a plan in mind when he finds the one’s that did it. He would find them, beat them up, and then he would destroy their house with spray paint and toilet paper. They would feel the wrath of the Cobra...

At lunch, Hawk had brought with him a smoothie and was drinking it and felt the vitamins enter his body. He was pretty amazed by how quick it was to give him energy. His girlfriend Sunny Flare was walking up to him and she did not look happy. Hawk had taken a seat with Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap that had finished their lessons early. Hawk was afraid that he had done something wrong, but when she reached the table he sighed a little in relief in his mind. It was not him she was angry at. “Are you serious, Hawk? Did Tory really get beaten up by some Wondercolt motherfuckers?” Sunny Flare demanded, she even swore which was unusual for her, but ever since she joined Cobra Kai, she has allowed herself to get more, loose.

“Yes, Sunny, she was beaten up but I don’t know if it was some Wondercolts. For all we know, it could have been an attempted kidnapping by some other idiots trying to earn some money on the black market.” Hawk theorised as he hoped to calm Sunny Flare down from her anger. She grabbed the table on Hawk’s side who was sitting to Lemon Zest’s left. Everyone felt her anger radiating off from her as if she was carrying all bottle up emotions. That is never a good sign, to begin with.

It felt like an eternity as Hawk saw Sunny Flare calm down. The girl did so and sat down to Hawk’s left and kissed him on the mouth with passion as to show she was not angry at him. Hawk blushed but calmed down. Sunny Flare also had a blush and she then felt like she had done something major taboo. She then calmed down a little bit as Hawk did not look at her differently, in fact, she looked at her with more interest. Hawk continued drinking his smoothie and he did not notice that he had received knowing smirks from Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap.

“How is she anyway?” Indigo asked Hawk as he drank the smoothie that had a green colour. It tasted horrible, but it was good for the body. Hawk looked at her first with confusion, then with realization.

“She is understandably angry. From what I heard from Pipsqueak: She walked through Canterlot High and looked for all known bullies and beat the living shit out of all of them. She was then called to the principal's office for the violence and have been suspended for the rest of today.” Hawk explained gaining nods from everyone around him. Lemon Zest looked at him questioning.

“Hawk, how did you know all that? You only said she was jumped this morning, you did not have this much information before.” Lemon stated and the others looked at Hawk again and he got a sheepish grin on his face.

“I may or may not have gotten bored in English, and decided to text Pipsqueak instead.” Indigo snickered while Sunny Flare smacked him at the back of the head in a mother-like fashion. Lemon Zest gave him a wide grin while Sunny looked at her disapprovingly. She could not believe that her boyfriend just got bored in an easy class and decided to text a friend.

“Hawk, you gotta be joking!” Sunny huffed irritatedly. Hawk did his best to shrink into his seat while Indigo and Lemon gulped and tried their best to not make eye contact. Sunny was too busy glaring at them that she did not notice that the Dean had walked up behind them.

“Miss Flare?” Sunny Flare tensed up when she heard the voice of the Dean. She had no problems with her at all, it was just that she could not afford to get in trouble, if she did then it would be a slight bit harder for her to enter any college. She turned around to face the Dean with an impassive look. She felt guilty about putting it on for a woman who is nothing but kind to her, but there was a hierarchy within the school that every student had to follow and that was something she took very seriously. When she faced the Dean she was faced with a gorgeous woman with a dark turquoise skirt, gold yellow shoes, light blue shirt that was covered by a dark blue jacket that had a crystal heart by her left side chest with goldish stalks around it in a circular manner. The Dean’s eyes were light greyish purple that was currently shining into Sunny Flare. The Dean’s hair was purple rose and gold that were in a streak that made her look more stunning. She was light greyish cerise in her skin.

The Dean noticed that Hawk was there and was confused as to why he looked like he was trying to hide. She hoped that Sunny Flare wasn’t bullying anyone. She did know that Hawk or formerly known as Spike had been mean to her sister-in-law but she knew that he most likely had a reason for it. She wasn’t angry at him because she has not heard his side of the story yet. Her husband, Shining Armor had no clue, but Twilight Sparkle had spoken to her and told her what Hawk had said. She had been first, angry with him and wanted to give a piece of her mind, but she then realized that she had not heard Hawk’s side of the story either, so she could be accusing him of something that could simply be a large misunderstanding. She was hoping to speak to him soon.

Actually, when she thought about it, now is a great time. She could get to know him and his situation. She looked at Hawk who felt her staring at her and raised a brow. “Hawk, would it be alright if you followed me please?” Dean Cadance asked in a sweet and gentle voice. She did not want him to feel on edge. She knew that the discussion they would have would make him tense, but that did not mean that he should be tense the whole time he was with her. It was not good for your health.

Hawk looked at his friends and girlfriends who shrugged and he looked at her and nodded. He got up from the chair he was sitting in and followed Dean Cadance out of the cafeteria that was now full of students who were speaking to each other. Hawk made sure to have a straight back like a soldier and prepared his etiquette as good as he could. Sensei Sombra had taught him about etiquette so he could gain the favours of rich people in the future but he had a lot of help from Sunny who was more than happy to help.

Dean Cadance felt how Hawk prepared himself by his body language. She did not need to look at him to know that he has prepared himself for every question thoroughly. He would not allow himself to be caught by surprise. Dean Cadance led him to an empty classroom that was like the rest of the school indigo with a hint of dark red and blue. Hawk was faced with Dean Cadance who softened her eyes at him but he was still on guard. She sighed inwardly. She gave him a gentle smile but nothing changed. She decided to cut to the chase and half sat half stod on a school bench.

“Hawk, I know that this will be a hard situation and difficult to talk about, but I must ask you: did you hurt my sister-in-laws’ feelings? Her name is Twilight Sparkle.” She added when she saw the confusion on his face. Who wouldn’t. The Dean from a different school that you transfer to just out of nowhere asks if you have hurt ‘this’ or ‘that’ person without knowing them. Hawk was a little bit surprised but not shocked. He had heard that Sparkle was related to someone that had worked at her old school.

“I wasn’t in a relationship with her so I don’t understand what you mean with ‘feelings’” Hawk said, trying to buy himself some time. Dean Cadance saw it as well and knew he was trying to buy himself some time. She then grew sterned faced, but it did not affect Hawk at all. He looked at her with a small hint of impressment. Then his face was morphed back into the impassive look he usually gives everyone except his friends unless if he was angry.

“Hawk, I know that you know what I mean. So quit stalling and tell me the truth.” Cadance replied sternly, trying to seem and look intimidating but Hawk did not react a single bit and it made her a little bit frustrated. Her fiance, Shining Armor would have loved Hawk’s perfect impassive look.

“Fine, yes I hurt her feelings because she was spreading lies, or well, she did not spread anything until later. She came to the Cobra Kai dojo and she started telling me lies about how I was acting like the bullies who had bullied me in the past and I simply told her to get out and never return. That was all I did Dean Cadance.” Hawk explained all in a neutral tone that seemed like he had done it for years. Dean Cadance was trying to read his face, but she couldn’t, his face was completely impassive and only showed boredom. She was impressed. Not many students were able to have such an impassive face, except the Sunny Flare girl. She knew that she was also a Cobra Kai member. She always believed that the dojo was pretty violent but she never said anything. She had started noticing that her father-in-law was paying rabid attention to the news for Cobra Kai. When Cobra Kai had won the tournament he had shouted in victory, but no one in the whole Sparkle family and her family had any idea why he was so excited that they had won. When they asked about it he had only smiled at them and walked away.

Dean Cadance sighed as she knew that it was the full truth. “You can go, Hawk.” The student in question surprised her when he bowed to her in respect and opened the door and left, not looking back. Dean Cadance was contemplating whether or not she should have fully allowed him off the hook, but since he did not lie (fully) at least, she decided to let the whole thing go. There was no point in being stuck in the past for something that happened between two teenagers. She did find Hawk pretty interesting, but she knew that he had a lot of dark secrets that she did not want to know. She felt like she had failed him somehow. She did not know why, but it was there. She walked out of the classroom and decided to head to her office to see if she could read his file and learn more about him.

Hawk was walking back to the cafeteria as there were another thirty minutes before classes started, but on his way there, his ears perked up as he heard the whispering voices of the students. He kept hearing things like: ‘Did you hear that the Friendship Games might be cancelled this year?’ ‘I would definitively compete in the Games if it isn’t cancelled’ and that got him curious. Was the Friendship Games being cancelled? Why? It had never in the whole history of Canterlot High and Crystal Prep happened before. The two schools were like Brother’s in the sense that it was created around the same time, but the competition got to the better of all of them and they only make sure that either of the schools wins. If the Friendship Games were indeed being cancelled, then he would force the school governors to rethink.

He walked inside of the cafeteria and saw all of his friends there that went to Crystal Prep minus Pipsqueak. They waved him over and they started talking about what the Dean wanted. Hawk then decided to ask the question about the rumour to see what they knew.

“Hey, do you guys know about the rumour that is saying that the Friendship Games is maybe cancelled?” Hawk questioned as he took a hold of his smoothie and gulped down the gross contents. The other girls looked at each other in shock and looked at him for answers until Sunny Flare realized that he had asked them.

“I must have been living under a rock, I have not heard about that,” Indigo stated as she looked at all of the different students that were chatting or bickering at each other. The other girls stated the same things and Hawk got a calculating look on his face. Perhaps, he could ‘persuade the school governors somehow. He looked over at Sunny Flare who had been trying to get his attention for the last minute.

“Sunny Flare, how well do your family know the school governors?” Hawk asked in a curious voice. She looked at him oddly as it was out of the blue. She had no idea what he was planning, but she decided to be a hundred per cent honest on this one. The other two girls looked at Hawk oddly but didn’t say anything.

“Pretty well, why?” Sunny Flare questioned as she hoped she would receive an answer from her boyfriend. All she got what a smirk.

“Oh, no reason.” That was all he said before the bell rang and they all went back to their classes.

Author's Note

Here it is guys, three chapters uploaded on the same night. (European Time)

Chapter 5 - A Cobra Never Dies

Hawk was on his way to the dojo and he was happy. He and Pipsqueak had consoled Tory from the attack and she was now okay. She was pissed, but she was not murderous like Hawk thought she would be. Then again, looks can be deceiving. He was walking alone and he felt giddy. He had contacted the school governors and they had told him the truth about the rumour. It was a lie. The games had not been cancelled at all. It was just something someone had either believed or made up about. Hawk gritted his teeth at that.

He was wearing his Cobra Kai clothing and he was walking with elegance and his face was devoid of any emotion. He could not afford to allow Wondercolts to know what he was feeling. Not that there were any Wondercolts except for Tory, Snips and snails. They were the only one’s he showed his true face to. He had been busy for the last few days of school as Crystal Prep had homework on top of homework. Hawk still wondered how he managed to even get it done at all, but then again, when it's study time, it is Big Brain Time.

His right arm was holding a gym bag where all his normal clothing were in, along with a towel and other necessities. The gym bag had a Cobra Kai symbol on the right and left side. He was just about to turn when he heard his name being called.


Hawk turned around and saw that it was Vice-Principal Luna in all her glory. She was wearing soft dark blue pants with a red t-shirt. She was wearing sport shoes that were perfect for running and were black coloured. She was waving him over. Hawk shrugged and decided to see what Luna wanted. She was standing across the street with no cars waiting. Hawk walked up to her with a sense of power and elegance, one that she had used when she was younger and arrogant.

“Well, hello, Vice-Principal Luna. What can I do for you?” Hawk icily asked. He was still not happy about being expelled from Canterlot High, but he felt more at home at Crystal Prep. Luna flinched a little bit at his tone. She expected him to be angry, but it broke her heart that he directed his anger at her. She sighed softly and looked into his emerald green eyes, seeing that there is nothing but knowledge and anger.

“Hawk, I am sorry for what my sister did to you. It was totally unfair and she should not have done that to you, but alas, I cannot do anything. I came to tell you that if you ever need to talk, you can always call me.” She said, handing him her phone number with her right hand. Hawk took it and nodded to her curtly. She could feel the tenseness in the air but she did not comment on it as she knew he would calm down eventually.

Hawk shifted his feet a little bit, still angry that he was expelled from Canterlot High. He looked at Luna and could not help but feel a little bit betrayed by her for not stepping in and making sure that Celestia was in her leach.

“I felt at home when I went to Canterlot High, at least until Flash and his idiot lackeys started bullying me. I, Pipsqueak, Snips and Snails were bullied until Tory stepped in. She took care of us and then that whore, Sparkle came in and ruined everything. We were then once again subjected to the bullying ways of Flash Sentry. Then, when we were walking home from school one day, I and my friends were chased by Flash and his gang, until my Sensei came. He beat them without trouble and he took us in. We then started bullying Flash and his idiot friends. I changed my name to Hawk and Sunset changed hers to Tory. Some motherfuckers jumped Tory just the other day you know? She attacked her attackers and I believe one of them was Dumbell. From what I have heard, she broke his whole face and legs. Hell, Pipsqueak even believed that she was about to start on the guy's groin!” Hawk ranted.

Luna had first been a little taken aback that he had opened up to her like this, but then she felt warm inside for the fact that he trusted her enough to tell him. Her face had morphed into a look of confusion as she had heard the name Tory until Hawk explained who that was. She wasn’t surprised that her young students took on different names to be known by. She had done so herself and she was a living legend in Cobra Kai, for those that remembered...

She felt a sense of sadness in her heart that Hawk had just been thrown out when she could clearly see the pain in his eyes. He wasn’t a monster like Flash had once said when she heard him say it. He was a teenager with problems and needed help.

“I understand your pain, young Hawk. I too have once felt that sort of pain in my heart. My sister was always popular in middle school and high school. I was just the ‘annoying younger sister’ until I joined a dojo one day. It changed me both for the better and worse. I think I am in a few champion books of karate.” She mused the last part to herself and did not notice the glint in Hawk’s eyes. His eyes shone at her in a calculating way. He was trying to figure her out.

“Well, I gotta go. I’ll see you around, Vice-Principal Luna.” Hawk respectfully expressed and bowed in her direction in a show of respect. To his surprise, Luna did the same thing and smirked a little bit when she saw the very small hint of surprise in his eyes. It felt strangely good to surprise him.

Hawk turned around and walked away towards Crystal Prep, not once looking behind him to see the facial expression of Luna. The woman in question felt a strange sensation in her mind. She felt a sense of longing towards him. She couldn’t understand where the emotion was coming from but It was there.

She shook off the feeling and told herself that it was simply her being tired. She felt how her legs moved her body around and started walking. She felt her hands in her pockets, a neutral expression on her face and a sense of calmness wash over her.

To the others that looked, they felt a little bit on edge, but for those who weren’t afraid, they felt a little bit of respect towards her. Luna felt all of this but did not make any sort of acknowledgement. Her posture was military-like and her aura was one demanding respect and power as she walked down the sidewalk with the different shops opening up for the day. The people there made way for her as if she was the queen or something. She inwardly smirked. She still had power wherever she went. Cobra Kai was truly great for people.

Hawk had just reached Crystal Prep when he felt a hug come from behind him, but this one was filled with affection. He grinned as he felt Sunny Flare’s arms around him. It was usually like this every morning. He would come to school and he would be engulfed in a hug with his partner.

“People will soon believe that we are a married couple if you keep this up.” Hawk in-matter-of-factly stated as he turned around after Sunny Flare let go of him. Her face was morphed into one of a playful glare as she tried to intimidate him.

“Let them believe whatever they want to believe. They usually try to hurt others but their brains are smaller than walnuts.” Came the snarky reply of Sunny Flare. Hawk snorted at that. She had a very good point. They usually never used their brains, to begin with. Especially those outside of Crystal Prep. The wondercolts are simply too stupid to get anywhere in life except the friends he has there of course. Principal Celestia being the best possible example. Hawk rolled his eyes and gave Sunny Flare a peck on the lips and walked together with her into the school building.

“I ran into Vice-Principal Luna today on my way here.” Hawk blurted out suddenly. Sunny Flare got an expressionless mask on her face and looked at Hawk. Hawk on the other hand could see the anger and rage within the girls' eyes.

“Well, what did the old hag want then?” The anger was evident but there was a strong hint of sarcasm in her voice. Hawk could not help but snort at that. Receiving a glare from the said girl. Hawk was very careful when he opened his mouth to speak as he did not want her to rush towards Canterlot High and burn it down.

“She just wanted to let me know that she was sorry for what her idiot sister did to me. That was pretty much it and then I came here.” Hawk explained. Sunny Flare’s expressionless mask did not falter, however.

“Doesn’t she know that it's already too late? It has been weeks now. She can’t just show up out of nowhere and expect you to just accept it!” Sunny Flare’s voice became louder and louder for each passing word. They were close to the entrance of the school on the inside and some students in the hallways looked towards them until they went back to their friends slash acquaintances.

Hawk flinched a little bit by the girls' tone. He knew she would be angry but this was sort of out of the blue. He looked at Sunny Flare who practically demanded an answer from him from her look alone. He gulped a little bit and felt how he started to sweat. He felt like he was under a lot of pressure. It was like holding weights and you are tired as all Hell, but you gotta keep going. The difference here is that he is not holding weights. He stood in front of a beautiful girl that looked at him with an intense gaze. Her eyes were sparkling with a sense of fury and Hawk knew that he had to respond as soon as he found his voice.

“I did not accept it. I merely nodded, that was it.” Hawk stated, with a very small hint of bite in his voice that did not go unnoticed by his girlfriend. She sighed. She felt guilty for half accusing him when he clearly did not even want to see the other woman.

Sunny Flare fidgeted with her feet a little bit and looked at Hawk who was looking at her, waiting for a response. She crossed her arms under her chest and closed her eyes a little bit as she was contemplating what to say. But she knew that she had to apologize.

“I’m sorry. It’s just a lot to take in. Principal Celestia kicked you out of Canterlot High and then her sister comes and tries to apologize and sugarcoat her words....” She didn’t continue. She wouldn’t have been able to even if she could. Hawk looked down to the crystal floor and wondered what he was gonna reply with. He did not know what he was gonna say to soothe her.

“I’m sorry too. I should have explained myself better. She didn’t actually try to sugarcoat Celestia’s words. In fact, she seemed rather angry at what her sister did. So, I assumed that Celestia acted alone.” Hawk muttered as he started thinking about the words that the other woman had told him. They did not seem forced, though-out, or even sugar-coated. It just seemed natural. Like when you apologise to someone and truly mean it. Not forced or anything.

The bell suddenly rang, the students started to walk to their classes and Hawk felt himself being dragged by Sunny Flare to their class which was gym. It would be quite a long day, but a long day worth working with.

Luna was currently inside her car. She had found her old phone inside of it and could not help but feel like she should take a look at it. As if something was helping her reconnect to the old phone she had. Her eyes were leaking tears and her hair was a mess. Her red t-shirt was wet from the tears she had produced.

She had just heard the message her old boyfriend, Sombra had given her. Of course, she had seen him after the championship of the tournament in karate, but she couldn’t show affection as her idiot sister was there. She felt a little surprised that Sombra was there and that he was Hawk’s Sensei. She had never expected that. She always knew that Cobra Kai existed when she became Vice-Principal and years later. She just never heard anything about them. It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth. She had quit along with her friends because when you are eighteen you can no longer be in the under eighteen championships. They would have to join a karate dojo for those who were adults.

She never joined any other dojo as she always loved Cobra Kai. She may have never loved her old Sensei, Grogar, but she still liked the dojo in itself as it was one of the absolute oldest Karate Dojos in Canterlot. It had been there since the fifties! Sensei Grogar never said who was the first owner of the dojo, but he had jokingly said that he came from a magical place called Equestria and that he destroyed the portal after he arrived in the human world. That man had some serious humour...

Her car had an aroma that held a lot of hot sweat. She remembered all of the times when she did it with Sombra in the backseat. She chuckled. Those were some fun moments. She also remembered the times when she got out after training intently in the Cobra Kai dojo or after the gym workouts. She had not visited a gym in a few years. She still ate healthily. In fact, she was never seen in any photo where she ate cake, candy or anything at all that had a lot of sugar in it. Her sister may be a stupid bimbo, eating all that cake that goes straight to her assets, but not Luna. She was still at the end of a day: a Cobra.

“I wonder what that idiot, Grogar is doing back in Canterlot city. Or perhaps he has a death wish?” Her voice was filled with questions. Questions that she wanted answers to. She did not want to wait an eternity to get them. She did not want to meet the other man as she still had horrible memories of him. Her blood started to lightly boil until it fully went to boiling her literal bones.

“That man acts just like my sister: like a pussy!” She exclaimed as she hit the steering wheel in the middle, causing it to honk. Her left hand felt the impact and it was bulging like a heart, but it wasn’t visible. Her right hand was clutching the old phone closer to her. She started to sweat lightly as the hot air in the car started to get to her, but she really did not sense it because of how angry she was. It would take quite a while before she would calm down.

She smiled down at the phone and placed it on the passenger seat. She could not help but sense the presence of Sombra dear. Her dear Sombra. He was her one true love. He was the one that lit up her life. He showed her that she did not have to face cowards alone. She could do it with people that she trusted. She smiled at that. She placed the car key into the ignition and felt how it roared to life. The place that she was at was very public and had a lot of lookers and she sped down the road.

“I cannot believe that the smurf-looking goat is back here in Canterlot.” She grumbled, clutching the steering wheel, trying to not act out of impulse. She drove from left to right, completely disobeying the laws of the traffic as she heard the cars honked at her. She grinned. She had never felt this alive since she was with Sombra. She saw that there was an old classical Pontiac Firebird. She saw that there was a guy who was drinking. He had blonde hair and was currently sulking in self-pity, that is what Luna believed.

She sped past him, not glancing back. She only looked on the road, not allowing herself to accidentally crash into another car. She did not have insurance...

As she continued to drive she looked into the sky. The clear blue sky showed that sun. Something that she had grown to despise. It represented her sister. She gritted her teeth as she continued to drive. Her muscles were aching because of how hard she held the steering wheel. She, however, did not notice it fully as she was thinking about her “perfect” older sister.

She had lost so much... she lost the tournament back in nineteen-eighty-four. She had lost her ambition, pride, lover, friends, and even family. She didn’t just lose a match. She lost her whole life back then. More than her bimbo sister would ever be able to comprehend.

“You took everything from me...” The voice didn’t sound like Luna. It sounded more sinister. Demonic even. That was the voice she used when she became Nightmare Moon. She had kept her personal demon inside for so long, but now, she could not contain it. It was like an infection that kept spreading that couldn’t be stopped.

Hawk was in the final class of the day and the bell rang. He grabbed his books on his table and walked out together with Pipsqueak. The day had been long and boring, but they had survived. Hawk and Sunny Flare were dominating the school curriculum. Hawk was getting back into getting straight A’s and he was loving it. He walked out of the classroom with Pipsqueak, their faces devoided of any emotion. They walked towards the exit of the school and felt the sun on their body.

“Ah, isn’t this nice? The sun on us? Man, I am so looking forward to the training today. Sensei Sombra also mentioned something about a guest coming to the dojo...” Hawk trailed off as he was wondering who would be visiting the dojo.

“Yeah, I am wondering who is visiting the dojo. It can’t be someone from another dojo, is it? Practically everyone is afraid of Cobra Kai.” Pipsqueak grumbled, remembering all the times his old friends ran away from him for simply being in Cobra Kai. Hawk looked at him and could not help but smirk a little bit.

“Isn’t that a good thing? People are afraid of us, leaves us alone and never knowing what it is we train up our sleeves.” Hawk said, in a playful deceitful voice. Pipsqueak couldn’t stop himself from laughing. It was a pretty good point if you looked at it from that perspective.

“I guess that if you look at it from that perspective that it is a good thing.” Pipsqueak admitted, making Hawk nod as if he was a very wise man. Pipsqueak rolled his eyes at him as he walked with him towards the dojo of Cobra Kai.

Hawk felt very proud over the fact that he was a part of Cobra Kai. How many people could say that? Not many people joined the dojo. Hawk felt how his mind drifted towards the conversation he had with Vice-Principal Luna. He wondered if she had any specific intentions with the conversation. It looked like she did but she never explained it any further. He shook his head. He could not be thinking about that right now. He looked ahead of him and headed for the dojo with Pipsqueak by his side. He felt how his legs moved towards the dojo which made him become the amazing person he is today. He grinned.

He still was thinking about the Rainbooms from time to time. He wondered if they ever figured out about Anon-A-Miss. They had not posted in a few days. He wondered what was going on at CHS. Then he was reminded why he was at Crystal Prep and he would immediately stop thinking about the stupid High School. He wondered what was wrong with principal Celestia. She just expelled him for what seemed to be no reason at all. Had he done something wrong? There was nothing he could think of.

Inside of the Cobra Kai dojo was Sensei Sombra looking at the one person he never thought that he would see again. It was meant to be that way as well. Sensei Grogar was never meant to be there at all. He was meant to simply be a memory from the past that he would tell his future children. Although, he gave up on his first child that was put up for adoption. He still felt guilty about that. Grogar who was wearing black karate clothing was looking at Sombra impassively, not moving an inch from his spot.

Sombra decided to take Grogar in again. He did not know why, but he got this feeling that he should. It was a strange feeling, but he decided to give his old sensei a chance. If it didn’t work out, then he would just kick his old Sensei out.

He was expecting Grogar to say something, but he was not saying anything at all. He was just staring at him in a very unsettling military-like way. Sombra knew that Sensei Grogar did it in a sense to show respect, but he was really creeped out by him just staring and not moving an inch.

“So, are you ready for your first lesson in a few decades. It is really different since the eighties and nineties.” Sombra stated, looking at the eyes of his former Sensei. Grogar smiled a little bit, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He nodded, not saying a single word.

Ever since Sombra decided to allow him to train students which were a week ago, he had been quiet. Grogar had not been to the lessons though, and today would be his first time to actually step inside the training area of Cobra Kai again. That was something that Sombra never thought he would ever witness again. He stepped up from his chair and walked around the desk, looking at Grogar intently, trying to figure out what his ultimate game was. With Grogar, there was always something much bigger. Always has been, always will.

“I am indeed ready for the first lesson. I am ready and I promise I will not disappoint you.” Grogar said, devoid of any emotion. It irritated Sombra to no end, not knowing what the older man’s emotion was. The older man could be feeling any emotion to Sombra’s knowledge. Who knew if he would get angry or something? You never knew with Grogar.

“Well, that is good. I think you will like three of them. Hawk, Pipsqueak and Tory. They are the best students in this dojo and they have real violence that will make you instantly take a shine to them.” Sombra said, hoping to impress his old Sensei with the students. Grogar looked at Sombra and he sensed that the younger man wanted to impress him. He could not help but grin a little bit, a grin that sent chills down the younger man’s spine. His grin could be seen as demonic.

“Well, the first lesson I want to teach them is: A Cobra Never Dies,” Grogar stated, watching as Sombra walked out of the office and into the training area. Grogar followed, his feet not making a single sound. A Cobra Never Dies.

Author's Note

Hello everypony, Dragon-In-Black here. I wanted to thank everypony here for reading this story and I will be posting the next chapter tomorrow. Take care!

Chapter 6 - Truth Revealed

Tory was currently on her way to Canterlot High School, not noticing that she was receiving ashamed looks. Not that they were ashamed of Sunset, it was rather that they were ashamed of themselves. Tory still did not notice it and when she got to CHS, she did not look at anyone. She wanted to fight, but at the same time, she didn’t want to either. The hallway was so silent that a graveyard could be seen as Pinkie’s loudest party. Tory still did not acknowledge anyone. She was superior, while the others were inferior. They should start bowing down to her in respect.

Tory went to her locker and saw that someone had made a very poor attempt to get the graffiti of her locker. She did not care and opened it and got her books for the day. She then slammed the locker, turning to her left and walking away.

What Tory did not realize was that a few hours ago, someone had found out that Sunset Shimmer, or Tory as she has started calling herself, was innocent and had evidence, serious evidence to show her innocence. They had all tried to apologize to Tory, but she had apparently either not received them or she doesn’t read her messages. Probably somewhere between both.

The one who found out about Tory’s innocence was Trixie Lulamoon. She never believed that Tory was Anon-A-Miss and had voiced this in the club that she was in. She had never been taken seriously but she had also explained why she believed so and said the obvious thing: It was a clear frame job. She had told them about the last few years where Tory tormented them all and never got caught. The one’s in her club had looked at each other uneasily and started to have doubts, serious doubts.

One of the people inside of the club who was known as Lyra believed in Trixie and was the second to join the: “Tory Can’t be Anon-A-Miss boat.” Lyra and Tory had spoken a little bit with each other and it was Tory who helped her start the club that they had made which was a music club. Tory had told her everything she had needed to know about starting the club, the perks and privileges. She never explained downsides as there were none. Lyra was wondering how she could civilly speak to Tory.

Currently, Tory was inside of History class with Cheerilee and all the students including Cheerilee felt a little bit uneasy when they realized that Tory was not Anon-A-Miss. Not that it was a bad thing! It was good! But, they had expected it to be Tory because of her previous history with bullying. Apparently, later in the afternoon, they would all learn who the real Anon-A-Miss was. While this was going on, Tory had noticed that Trixie was glaring daggers at the younger sisters of her former acquaintances: The Rainbooms. She could care less and even praised Trixie for being so bold.

When the bell rang, Tory got up, taking her backpack and books and started walking towards the exit, but she was stopped by a gentle hand. She looked up to see that Miss Cheerilee looking at her pleadingly. Tory raised a brow as if she was silently daring her.

“Miss Shimmer, it has come to my attention that you are not Anon-A-Miss...” Cheerilee stated with sincerity as she looked at the girl in front of her. She did not look like herself with her clothing and cold persona. She was a completely different girl than she knew from before.

“So? Do I earn something out of this or are you just looking for wasting my time?” Tory coldly questioned, receiving a look of surprise from Cheerilee. She knew that Tory was disappointed and angry, rightfully so, but she sounded a lot like Nightmare Moon. Cheerilee shivered a little bit.

“Miss Shimmer, you deserve an apology from everyone. The real Anon-A-Miss will be revealed in the auditorium. I hope that you come, you deserve to know the truth.” Cheerilee said, giving Tory a weak smile. Tory on the other hand chuckled humorlessly. It was cold and demonic-like. Cheerilee did not like that. It felt wrong and unnatural.

Tory violently took Cheerilee’s hand, off from her right shoulder. She stared at the older woman and bowed a little bit. “We can agree on that Miss Cheerilee, now, do you wish to continue to bother me of my precious time, or are we done here?” Tory asked, in a very polite tone.

Cheerilee sighed and nodded and Tory left. Before Cheerilee closed the door to her classroom, she heard Tory say: “Stupid old woman.” She felt her heartbreak a little and closed the door, students heard quite a bit of sobbing that day in the classroom.

Tory walked to her next class which was English and she noticed that everyone was staring down at the table with fear evident in their eyes. Tory scoffed as she sat down on an empty bench. She looked around her and noticed that Snips and Snails were there and nodded towards them and they nodded back. They had each other's backs, that is how the Cobra Kai hierarchy worked. The others noticed this and felt themselves panicking as they did not know if they had planned something without saying anything. Tory ignored the stares she was getting.

She felt how her legs were shaking a little bit even with her sitting down. Her arms were crossed as they waited for their useless teacher. Did not even know the difference between a red and green traffic light. Tory was getting bored as she was sitting there. The students behind her were fidgeting nervously as if she was holding them hostage. Tory once again, scoffed at their incompetency. Suddenly, they heard the voice of Vice-Principal Luna on the speakers. ”Can Tory come to the Principals office, please?”

Tory rolled her eyes and got up from her chair and took her things, not once looking back.

Making her way over to the Principal’s office, she wondered what they wanted to do to her. Expel her? They wouldn’t dare... not that it would matter much considering that she could simply start at Crystal Prep. She even had a backup plan if that was ever needed. Her shoes made sounds as she walked down the hallway, not noticing that three girls were watching her. The girls were hiding in the shadows but the eyes looked as they were about to die. They slipped further into the shadows, preparing themselves for the inevitable.

Tory saw the door to the Principal's office and she used her right fist to knock. She heard some whispering from the other side until the door opened and it revealed a very happy looking Vice-Principal. Tory had no idea why the woman was happy but she walked inside nonetheless. She noticed that the Principal was nowhere to be found. She shrugged and looked to her left where the older blue-skinned woman was observing her with a very wide smile so you could see her white teeth. Tory raised a brow, expecting her to tell her why she was in the Principal's office.

The tile was firm under her shoes and she felt her legs becoming already restless. Her arms were crossed, her backpack with books and other school material was in it, holding her mark on the back. Her posture was just screaming ‘get on with it’ and Luna seemed to be more than happy to oblige.

“Tory, Dear, I wanted to tell you that I do not for a second believe that you are Anon-A-Miss and if you ever need to talk to someone, you will always have me.” Luna proclaimed. Tory looked at the older woman, looking to find any hidden schemes or agendas but came up with none.

“Okay, thank you very much. Can I go back to class?” Tory’s voice sounded uninterested. Luna continued to smile. There was no hint of any sort of pain or anything. It was like she expected to get that question as well.

“No dear, I wanted to talk to you about something else. I need you to deliver a message to your Sensei. Specifically Sombra.” Luna explained as if had already been decided that Tory was gonna do this and it did not go unnoticed by Tory. She looked at the older woman with a raised brow.

“Oh, and where did my consent come from?” Tory snarkily asked, making Luna grin at her. She had prepared herself for all of these questions. She wasn’t Vice-Principal for nothing. She had a brain, unlike her bimbo sister.

“Well, If I were to tell you that Sensei Sombra was very important to me, would you deliver it?” Luna theoretically asked. Tory pondered on this for a little bit. The red chair was hurting her bum a little but she did not fully feel it because she had been trained that way. ”Pain does not exist in this dojo!”

“I guess...” Tory began. Luna moved herself to the desk and was facing Tory. The girl in question was looking for the right words. “Okay, I will deliver this letter. Was there something else you needed help with or are we done?”

“We are done,” Luna replied, handing the girl the letter. “Oh, and I almost forgot; I and my sister have found out who the real Anon-A-Miss is.” The tone didn’t sound mocking or mean, it sounded more like she was trying to get a fictional grasp of Tory. The girl looked at her impassively.

The air around the room felt warm and cold at the same with. Warm that it felt very warm around their bodies and cold like it was coming from Tory. Freezing everything over with her anger. Tory looked at Luna and tried to find if it was some sort of very sick and twisted joke. The old hag on the other hand just continued smiling a very unpleasant smile. Tory felt her blood boil. Her hands clenched into fists, her face morphed into one of anger. What was this old hag trying to do?! What was the motive?!

“Who is it then?! Was it the idiot Gilda?!” Tory demanded, slamming her hands on the wooden desk. Luna chuckled darkly. It had been so long since she had taken pleasure in this type of torture. Well, she wasn’t torturing, but it was still fun nonetheless.

Luna decided to take her time before she responded. It was tense between the two of them. Tory felt like she was in an endless loop of suspension had for a split second considered forcing the answer out of Luna. The old hag was just smiling at her unpleasantly. Her hands holding each other, her arms on the desk. Tory wanted to pull off her own hair.

Tory got up from the chair and used her foot to break it and make a large hole in it. Luna was still smiling, while she was inwardly praising the young girl. Not many would dare do that. She also knew that Tory was trying to look and seem intimidating but it was just not in the other girl's favour. Tory took the chair and threw it to her right, almost breaking a window. She was panting, it had been a little bit exhausting, looking at Luna who was still sitting, her smile plastered on her face.

“Anon-A-Miss are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I found out because I asked an old friend about computers and I told her about the situation, she tracked Anon-A-Miss and it leads to the phone of Applebloom, and then the other two. I have yet to speak to them, but there was another student that found out about it that informed me first before my old friend. It seems like she never believed you to be Anon-A-Miss.” Luna explained, still smiling that unsettling smile of hers. Tory looked down to the floor. “Also, there will be an announcement in the school auditorium.”

“I could care less about all of that.” Sunset’s tone was hard, did not show much emotion. Luna was not fazed by this. In fact, she liked the fact that one of her students had that tone. They would go far in life.

“Then what do you care about? It seems like half the time that you are angry about the whole Anon-A-Miss fiasco.” Luna cautiously asked. It was none of her concern really, but she has now piqued her curiosity. If she doesn’t care, what does she then care about? Just a few seconds ago, it looked like she truly cared about it.

“I care that they get some serious punishment. Not that pussy thing about writing a few lines, I’m talking about some serious punishment that they will never be able to live down.” Tory smiled, but it showed no kindness. Her arms crossed each other.

Luna carefully studied Tory’s facial features. She was serious. Dead serious... she admired Tory in a way that reminded her of when she was younger. When she was known as Nightmare Moon, no one was able to calm her fury except for Sombra, but even he was not able to calm her down sometimes.

Luna’s hands were clasped together near her left cheek. She was wondering what was going on inside of Tory’s head. “Alright, if that is the case then I will make sure that they never live it down.”

Tory’s face became unreadable. She was trying to figure out Luna’s motives, but there were none. Even if there were, she would never be able to find them anyways. She gave up and offered a part evil part kind smile and bowed down to her in respect for the older woman.

Tory’s hands were by her sides as she bowed so it would seem proper and that she had manners. Luna was not fazed by this. She got up from her chair while Tory was still bowing, and when she was in front of Tory, she used her right hand to lift her head.

Tory’s first emotion was confusion. The older woman looked at her as if she was trying to find something, her facial features had a strong sense of longing, her right hand on her jaw was gentle. Tory looked into Luna’s moderate opal eyes. They were to some extent, mesmerising.

“You remind me so much of myself, Tory. In more ways than one.” Luna began, her voice filled with some happiness and kindness. “I used to be like you as well: violent, beautiful if I do say so myself. attention-seeking to some point as well...”

Tory scowled at that. Attention-seeking? She did not do that! The only time when she “Seeks” attention is when she wants others to see what happens to cowards like Gilda, Lightning Dust, the Rainbooms. Tory ended her line of thought. She would rather not think about those assholes more than she has to.

“I am NOT an attention-seeker!” Tory loudly stated, seething. Luna realized her mistake but it was too late. She did not mind that Tory got angry. She knew that feeling very well. Being angry all the time in her teens probably helped a lot in the situation right now.

“I apologize, Tory, I was thinking about myself there. You have actually never done anything to show that you are an attention-seeker. But only because I don’t believe so, does not mean that others also believe it.” Luna proclaimed. Tory was still angry but accepted the answer nonetheless.

Suddenly there was a microphone sound that made Tory cover her ears a little because it hurt her ears.

“Can all teachers and students get to the auditorium now please? Thank you.” The voice of Principal Celestia echoed throughout the school. Luna looked down to her desk and knew that it was time.

“It is time, Tory. Try to hold your fighting urges inside of you. It would be no good if the CMC died because one of the students decided to quite literally lash out in a very violent way.” Luna bluntly said. The Vice-Principal walked to the door and opened it, walking away, heading towards the auditorium.

Tory grunted, but she took Luna’s words to heart as she walked towards the auditorium. She knew that she would be receiving glares and fingers, but she could easily break the fingers if she felt like it. She grinned at that as she came closer to her destination.

Inside of the auditorium were several seats that were red and were in severe rows of each other. Several of the people inside looked at each other with hostility and even hatred. Former friends were now strangers and even enemies in a very bad way. Enemies that you need or want to defeat.

Tory found Snips and Snails around the middle and they gave each other high fives. They were one of the one’s that did not give a shit about the secret since they were not even affected by them in the first place.

Some of the students there grunted as they saw Tory and knew very well that she was Anon-A-Miss or, that is what they want to believe anyways. Tory paid them no heed and looked onwards towards the stage where Principal Celestia was standing. Tory scoffed at the Princiapl. She could not do her job correctly.

When everyone was there, the principal began the speech. “As you all know, there was an account on Mystable that went by the name of Anon-A-miss.” A lof of the students either rolled their eyes or looked towards Tory or as she was formerly known as: Sunset Shimmer. “We have found out who is behind the account and it is not Tory, otherwise known as Sunset Shimmer.”

You could her a nettle be dropped on the floor. It was that quiet. Some students gre angry and started shouting at the Princiapal that it was Tory. Vice-Princiapl Luna was there and she grew angry with the students.

She violently took the microphone out of her sisters’ hands and stared at the students who had witnessed this and had gone very silent. Luna could make anyone go silence by her mere presence, but she was not easy to persuade.

“If you want to find out who the real Anon-A-Miss is then I will give you the names.” No one said anything, they were to afraid to speak at this point and the room seemed to have become chillier. “The real Anon-A-Miss are: Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.”

If you could hear a nettle drop by the silence before, then you would mistake Canterlot High School for being abandoned.

Author's Note

Hey guys, sorry for the lateness of this chapter, I was working on one of my other stories but here it is. I will be uploading on Fridays from now on.

Chapter 7 - The Angry Hawk

Hawk was walking with Tory towards the dojo and he was not happy. He had learnt who the little shits were and he had not taken it lightly. He was wearing his white karate uniform with the cobra on the back that had to the left “Cobra” and the right “Kai”.

“So, those little shits, decided it would be hilarious to do that shit?” Hawk lividly asked, ready to punch anyone who got in his way. They were on a sidewalk, to the right were a lot of different restaurants and stores, the scent of food hitting his nose from the variety of dishes the restaurants served as they walked past. There were black coloured street lights that lit up the roads at night with sturdy light and there were parked cars of all shapes and sizes near the sidewalk.

Hawk had a backpack on his back which was coloured in red, that contained clothing for after he showered from all of the immense training exercises. He had yellow sneakers that fitted him well, to the left and right on both shoes were a cobra with black skin on the belly side and on the backside were yellow and dark blue lines. It was custom made shoes that cost around fifty dollars. Tory was walking to his right and she looked just as livid. Her eyes showed pure anger while the rest of her face showed no emotion. Her hands clenched into fists, ready to break someone's nose.

She wore the same clothing as Hawk but the backpack she had was black her sneakers shiny purple. She moved her arms forward and backwards as when you normally walk, but with the fists clenched so hard that even a stone could match it. She was breathing as normally as she could, she tried to cool her anger, but the betrayal, the unforgivable act the Cutie Shits did was something she would never forget or forgive. Not even the wind that made her hair flow to the left could soothe her.

Tory could not continue to wallop in her grievance, but she could never help it, her emotions were getting in the way, pushing her to become the one thing she did not want to become. A monster, but perhaps she had already reached the limit that she had and could never go back to.

Tory moved past a couple that stood a little too far out, looking at some clothing. She walked a little bit sideways, her face never leaving the path straight ahead. She then turned to Spike who looked a little demanding, not even looking at her. His body language said it all.

“Yes, apparently, they were jealous that their older sisters were spending time with me, so instead of talking to them like normal people, they decided to do something impulsive instead, one decision that they’ll have to live with for the remainder of their school days.” Tory’s voice held no emotion, it was like she had devoided herself from feeling anything which in nature is very bad considering humans have to show emotion so no one else accidentally does something to tick someone else off, but Tory just stopped giving a shit. What was the point of caring if no one cared for you?

Tory looked straight ahead and walked a little to the right when a guy in a suit was on the phone talking to someone.

“Stupid pussies.” Hawk growled out. Tory only nodded in agreement. The people walking past them specifically the one’s from the eighties, looked back to see what dojo they belonged to and when they saw the bold text of Cobra Kai they practically ran from them, knowing what the cobras were capable of doing.

They all remembered when the girl Nightmare Moon and her gang would cause havoc amongst the city centre.

The walk to the dojo was not very exciting. It was just the normal shit. On their way there, they noticed on the other side of the street to the left was Sugarcube Corner and Tory looked ahead to see if anyone was inside.

She scowled when she saw that the Rainbooms were there, pretending to look guilty so they could be friends with her again. Well, she wanted nothing to do with them, it was as simple as that. They would have to accept it, or they would be possessive friends that were like yanderes’.

The Rainbooms were sitting in their usual booth, having some smoothies. The white wooden table held the hands and arms of the Rainbooms, needing to have something to hold on to. The place they were sitting in had a large window like the whole café had. The concrete blue walls of the café were soothing, it was relaxing and did not send anyone on edge like the colour red like most people don’t realize.

“Ugh!” Tory let out, turning her face to the right in disgust in seeing the fakeness of it all. She crossed her arms and looked at the dojo where she had turned her head to. The logo on the top with the Cobra Kai mark as bold and intimidating as ever.

The logo was yellow in a circular motion with the Cobra there looking into your very soul, the eyes were slit in two, the black line going into the darkness, making the yellow eyes look like there were four eyes in total. The entrance door was a double door made of glass that looked expensive but it was cheap. The glass doors had a handle that stretched throughout the door frames.

Hawk look to where Tory had looked and he saw the Rainbooms and felt himself scowl when he saw Sparkle. She was sitting in a position that gave her a clear view of the dojo. She looked to be sitting beside Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. His hands balled into a fist, but he did not use his muscles to make it stronger. He turned towards Tory who looked like she was ready to fight them head-on.

“Tory,” Hawk called. Tory turned her head towards Hawk, her eyes showing pure anger, confusion and sadness. Her arms were crossed and she looked down to the ground, hoping that her hair would cover her face from the emotions she was feeling at that moment.

Hawk looked at Tory, he placed his hands on her shoulders, making her look at him, her face filled with tears. The emotions were too much for her. She had no idea if she could truly face them and speak to them again, at least not in a civil manner. She looked down again, allowing herself to be weak in front of Hawk because he was a true friend, he was the one who welcomed her back in.

Hawk did not know what to say to the amber skinned girl. She looked so confused and betrayed which in itself is understandable. She was betrayed by those who she thought were her friends. She went to slumber parties, hung out with them to have fun, did everything with them. Hell, Sparkle helped Tory see reason back then when she was the Queen Bee of the school, but now, she does not even look at Tory as a friend which can be debated as being the fault of both the Rainbooms and Tory.

“I am so lost...” Tory mumbled to herself and Hawk a little. She did not intend on quitting Cobra Kai. Never in her life, but her ex-friends see Cobra kai as bullies even though it was the bullies who lead them to join Cobra Kai for protection.

The wind that hit their skin was calming and soothing. Tory felt herself calm down, but her emotions would not allow her to think of anything else, her arms still crossed and Hawk still holding her shoulders in a gentle charismatic way. The people that walked past them paid them no heed as they did not want to get involved in whatever they were up to. Tory was thankful for that, but one small part of her realized that if Hawk had not extended his hand, she would be all alone.

She did not want to imagine what would have transpired if Hawk had not extended his hand for friendship and Cobra Kai.

“You aren’t alone, you have me and the rest of the gang from Cobra Kai, you won’t have to worry about those traitors.” Hawk’s gentle voice carried itself towards Tory’s ears and she sniffed, she felt her shoulders being lightly squeezed by Hawk. She knew he was right. It was there, he was there, with her, standing right in front of her. She finally looked up, her face especially eyes, still holding the watery substance, running down her cheek, she looked into Hawk’s emerald green eyes and gave a smile.

What Hawk had not noticed before was that there was a construction to his right for a new restaurant that was about to open and the workers there smiled at them, thinking that they were a couple.

“Come on, let’s go inside, sensei will start the lesson soon.” Hawk stated, making Tory nod and follow him inside of the dojo where Hawk pulling the handle, opening up the door to the dojo. Unbeknownst to them, the Rainbooms had seen the exchange and they felt worse than ever. Could they not reconcile?

Was there absolutely no way for them to get back together and have fun with each other? Twilight Sparkle looked to be in one of the worst possible states ever. She allowed her friends to disown Sunset... or Tory... now from their friendship.

Sure, su- Tory had friends now within Cobra Kai, but she will most likely end up like them as well. In other words, Twilight believed that Tory will end up becoming a bully again, even though she is now very biased and not thinking about other dojo’s out there.

In Twilight’s eyes, Tory will most likely never speak to them again unless if it is for bullying purposes. The way she looked their way and looked away with such disgust only made Twilight’s inward claims correct, it meant that Tory saw them as nothing more but below her feet.

Twilight looked at her strawberry smoothie, she used her right hand’s index finger to play with the straw. She was in no good mood and it showed. Their mood was like a rainy cloud, one that will eventually rain but when it begins, it won’t stop until it is finished.

The only thing that Twilight and her friends could do now is to wait and see what happens because Twilight had a gut feeling that something big will happen. When? She had no idea, but the feeling was there and she had to be ready for it.

Inside of the dojo, Hawk was in the middle of the room, waiting for his next opponent to strike. He showed no emotion, his mouth pierced, his eyes showing that fire when he was ready to fight or is eager, he was sweating as well, his forehead was almost drenched. He jumped a little so he would be in shape, his arms up high together with his fist, clenched very hard, his intentions to fight.

He was a little worried that perhaps Tory wasn’t fit to fight, but he brushed it off because the second she entered the dojo, she covered everything as if it had never happened.

Hawk heard someone run behind him and he lowered himself down in the last second and stretched out his left leg, making the opponent fall to the mat on the floor. Hawk got up and then gave the final punch but hitting the guy in the stomach, but nothing was heard from the guy.

Hawk looked down at his fallen foe. The black and white spots made him look like a cow but no cow can fight like a warrior. His brown hair was pulled to the left.

Hawk looked down at Pipsqueak, his facade was well made, showed no emotion, making him unpredictable in a fight, but not because of just the facial features. Hawk was known in the karate world in Canterlot to be unpredictable when he fights, the only predictable thing about him is his aggressiveness.

Pipsqueak looked up at Hawk, his face was also devoid of any emotion. He got up to the floor by putting his hands close to his head on the floor and rolling backwards with his legs and then using speed to land on his feet.

Hawk still held his impassive expression in his face. To the wall in front of him a few feet away were the keywords of the Cobra kai motto: STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE HARD, NO MERCY. Under him was a red training mat that kind of looked like puzzles on the edges.

There was an office to Hawk’s left and a bathroom and showers as well in the small hallway. The walls were mostly white, but there were a few red spots that were there to resemble Cobra Kai. There was a blue bench to the far right against a small wall.

Hawk and Pipsqueak bowed down to each other, Hawk had defeated him. They then grinned at each other. Both of them were like an unstoppable force that could not be reconned with. Their arms and feet were closed in like a small line. They then looked into the eyes of each other and saw the mirth in each other.

“Congratulations, Hawk, you prove yet again to be unpredictable and violent enough to take down your enemies.” Grogar had been behind the students, wanting to study each one of them. He needed good soldiers, after all, not weak little shits.

Grogar walked towards Hawk, his face not showing a single emotion, but if you were to look into his red eyes. you would see that he was studying Hawk for flaws, flaws that do exist but that Hawk refuses to show because if he does, it can be used against him. Hawk crossed his hands behind his back, looking into Grogars’ eyes not showing that he was intimidated.

Grogar was slightly impressed, but he has met people who have not been intimidated the slightest from him so this was nothing new, but seeing a teenager not be intimidated was impressive, he silently praised the teen for that achievement. He walks around Hawk in a circle, but he still did not see the teen flinch from his eyes.

“You are indeed impressive, you do not flinch from when I look at you, it shows that you have done something similar before, or encountered something like this,” Grogar muttered mostly to himself.

Hawk smirked to himself at that. He had impressed Grogar, it was said to be impossible from what Sensei Sombra had told him. He shook his head and looked ahead and caught the glimpse of Sensei Sombra staring at Grogar it seemed.

"I guess it is something my mind secretly prepared, Sensei." Hawk crossed his arms behind his back, his face was blank from emotion. When you are in Cobra Kai, you are expected to know this or be taught it. It was funny, it was as if Sensei Grogar secretly was training him and the others to be soldiers...

The tense air smelled of everyones’ breath and sweat. It did not smell good, but they were not about to complain. Hawk looked towards Tory who showed no emotion at all, it was as if she was someone completely different inside of the dojo.

Beside Hawk to his right when Grogar had nodded to him to stand with the students, stood Snips and to his left was Snails. They may have been bullied for years but now, people were too afraid to make eye contact in fear of angering them.

Their backs were straight like a soldier, their heads high and they were looking at their Sensei’s Sensei, Grogar, who had his hands near his waist area. He looked at every one of them, looking for disadvantages. He could not afford that in his dojo. His red eyes were shining aggressively at them.

”You all fight well...” His voice held no snarkiness or anything like that, his voice was devoid of emotion. He walked towards Sensei Sombra who was standing near the motto of their dojo, his hands behind his back. He then started to walk around them, as if he was trying to find his prey. His hands did not move from the waist area. ”You all have your strengths and weaknesses, but I will make sure that you never have any sort of weakness again. That is not a promise...” The students involuntarily shivered. ”But a fact, I hope you remember it.”

Suddenly, bright lights were shining inside of the dojo from the outside. Hawk looked and saw that it came from an SUV. Hawk looked at the other students who looked confused. Normally, they would not care, but the lights were firmly bright. Hawk even put up his right arm over his eyes from the brightness.

Sensei Grogar stopped walking near the door that was five feet away. He looked to the right and saw the lights, but he was not focused on that. He was focused on the driver of the car. He gave a very thin smile that would make anyone shiver.

The car door was yanked open and it was revealed to be an alabaster skinned woman with rainbow hair but it was lighter colours. She was wearing a white business suit, her face was morphed into one of pure fury. Her right hand was on the top of the car door while her left hand was bawled into a fist. The whole air around her screamed ”attention” as she walked around the open door and stormed up towards the front door of Cobra Kai. Just like her car door, she yanked it open.

Hawk felt his anger rise within him as he realized who it was. Principal Celestia stood near the entrance and glared daggers at Grogar who did not seem surprised to see Celestia one bit. He turned towards her with crossed arms and tilted his head to his left, studying her. Celestia had her hands on her hips and was doing everything in her power to not lash out it seemed.

Hawk cracked his knuckles as he looked at the pussy who kicked him out of Canterlot High. Of course, he was closer to his girlfriend, but CHS was still the one school where it all began. Where his life became positive.

Celestia did not take off her shoes, but she still did not move towards Grogar who was silently staring at her still, his head tilted to the left. His red eyes showed curiosity but not surprisingly, it was like he had been expecting an encounter like this. He then decided to be a little bit pleasant and gave Celestia a blood-chilling smile which only made Celestia angry.

”Grogar,” She began, her voice filled with venom. ”What the Hell are you doing here in Canterlot?!” She solely focused on Grogar and not the students.

Hawk, Snips, Snails, Pipsqueak, Tory, Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare looked to Sensei Sombra who looked like he had seen a ghost pass through the room. The other students that were not named looked towards Celestia in surprise. Some of them were from CHS and some from Crystal Prep.

”It is a free nation, Tia, I can go wherever I please.” Grogar had a hint of taunting in his voice. Hawk grinned at the older Sensei that had some real balls to stand up to Celestia who in his opinion, bullies other students and allows others to bully others for her benefit.

Celestia clenched her fists as she looked at the older man. Her legs were giving out, she was considering kicking him in the groin. She looked at all the other students and she smiled to herself. She had him now, she could reinstate Starswirl–Do.

”Boys and girls, you do not want to be in this dojo. Sensei Sombra and Grogar are not looking out for your best interest. All they care about is themselves, you can join me on the other hand at Starswirl–Do. You won’t become like your Senseis’ here.”

During her speech, she had looked at every single one of them, making eye contact and making sure that they feel comfortable. She still had her hands on her hips. She then clapped her hands one time and turned around, walking out of the dojo as if she was about to get chased by a red and angry centaur.

Some of the Cobra Kai students looked at each other, confused by what she had said. She sounded so angry and it must have been something big and bad if a principal from a school would almost demand answers from a Sensei that his honourable.

Chapter 8 - Starswirl—Do Karate

Hawk was currently very angry. After Celestia’s stunt yesterday, Cobra Kai had lost some students. The bitch had come from nowhere and said that her dojo was better than Cobra Kai because it was ”less” violent. Hawk shook his head at her delusion. She clearly must have been high on something.

Hawk was at Crystal Prep, making some preparations before the Friendship Games. It would be held within a month which was in April. Hawk was without a doubt competing in the games, he wanted Celestia to see what student she had lost: a student that would make CHS look like it was competent.

The library, which Hawk was sitting in was almost empty save for a few students who were doing their homework. Hawk was on the second floor to the left behind some bookshelves at a dead end. The area he was in was very rarely visited. It gave him some peace.

He was sitting cross—legged on the floor, his back against the wall, looking through Mystable. He saw that the Anon-A-Miss page had been taken down. He smiled, but he would never let those three off the hook. He would be making sure that they never lived it down. He was planning something alright.

The shelves to his left were filled with math books. Specifically about the history of it and whatnot. Hawk clicked the page on Applebloom on his phone and saw that there were tons of hateful comments directed towards her about how ugly she was, how she was nothing but a hillbilly. That sort of thing.

His backpack was to his right, filled with school equipment. He did not have training at the dojo or the gym. He saw that most of the students that sent hateful comments were from CHS. They damaged Tory, he would beat them up. He would make sure that when they see him, they would bow to him.

”They are idiots.” Hawk growled out. He held his phone with his right hand, his left hand was just in his left pocket.

The wall to his right was greyish white. It was soothing, but Hawk could not be soothed. Not when scum like the CMC is on the loose causing mayhem towards respectable citizens like himself.

He looked up from his phone and got up from the floor. School ended hours ago and Hawk was finished with homework. He finished it immediately when he walked into the library. He picked up his backpack and he started walking towards the staircase. He has no desire to stay longer in the library, even though he loved the place. It was his way of relaxing,

He walked down the staircase and he walked towards the exit of the library, intending on going to the mall. He had some shopping that he needed to do. He put his phone in his right pocket and walked out of the library, not noticing that a girl was staring at him from afar from the library near the computers. Her eyes were narrow.

The mall from the outside parking lot was huge. There were loads of cars everywhere which was no surprise. It was a popular mall. Most of the students there were from Crystal Prep while some of the others were from Canterlot High. The mall had all kinds of stores with different purposes.

Hawk had his backpack on his back and was walking towards the entrance of the mall, he was looking forward to the Games. He would make sure that Crystal Prep won. He would smirk at Celestia when they did as well, making her realize that the student she needed the most was the one who she expelled.

Hawk walked past the sliding doors but before he could walk completely inside there was a shout of his name.

”Spike!” Hawk tensed at his old name. The name he had not heard be said for so long. His breathing slowed the air was calm but still a sense of caution. His hands were clenched into fists, the mohawk on his head looked sharper than usual.

He turned around to face the person who even dared say his old name. He smirked. His fists were suddenly no more and he put his hands in the air as if he was a funny comedian. His face had a lot of fake mirth in it.

”Well, well, well. It could not possibly be Rainbow Crash, Appleshit, Twilight Nerd, Pinkie No Life and Fluttershy.” Hawk did not want to insult Fluttershy as he knew that she was fragile and was easy to cry.

The main five frowned at the names that were given, save Fluttershy who he had not insulted. Hawk then crossed his arms, his face hard and showed that he was not very happy about seeing them near him. His legs did not seem to move even by the breeze as he stood there slowly scowling at them.

”Sp- Hawk, we were wondering what you were doing here?” Fluttershy offered a soft smile and he rolled his eyes at her. He may not like her, but he wished that she wasn't so nice to people. Eventually, they will take that to their advantage.

”I’m here to do some shopping. Why are you here, looking for a hang out spot?” Hawk asked Fluttershy no hint of malice, spite, anger or bite. He asked it out of curiosity. The other girls looked from Hawk to Fluttershy in shock. Fluttershy smiled.

”No, we're here just like you: to do some shopping.” Fluttershy responded. Hawk nodded. The other girls did not know what to do it say, Hawk was being civil with Fluttershy. He asked a question out of curiosity.

”Well, if that is all, I will take my leave. Enjoy your day Fluttershy.” Hawk said, bowing to her in respect. He then turned around and walked inside of the mall and decided to stick to the first thing he needed, groceries. The one thing everyone needs no matter what creature they are.

He took a left and then a right and he was in front of the entrance to the grocery store. He walked through the sliding doors and his skin was immediately assaulted by cold air. It was relaxing, his muscles relaxed and he wasn't tense. It was good. It felt good.

Hawk needed some canned foods, specifically beans. So he started looking for the aisle with canned foods.

The many shelves and aisles of the store could be confusing unless if you had been there many times before. He walked into an aisle and he picked up some canned beans when he heard the voices of Appleshit and Rainbow Crash. Hawk clenched his left fist.

”Man, I cannot wait until we have our first lesson with Sensei Celestia. Hopefully, she will teach us some moves that can beat bullies like Hawk. Cobra Kai changed him. I mean, he was cool before but I understand why he joined them. He wanted to defend himself, but there is a difference between defending and dishonour.” Rainbow Dash sounded frustrated. She was leaning behind some shelves ten feet away from Hawk

Applejack who was searching through the shelves nodded. She agreed with Rainbow Dash to the core. She had seen Hawk at his lowest and understood his desire for revenge, but he took it too far. He started beating Flash up for no apparent reason even when he left Hawk and his friends alone.

”I agree Rainbow, but ya gotta see it from his pointa view.” Applejack tried to reason with her country accent. She turned to the Rainbow haired girl who was observing her with curiosity now. ”Cobra Kai has a motto: Strike First Strike Hard No Mercy. Which is kind of funny when I think about it.”

Hawk was on edge, what did his dojo’s motto, got to do with anything? Hawk then realized it. How could he have been so stupid? Sensei Grogar is a war veteran. Strike First: don’t allow the enemy to attack you. Strike Hard: make them stumble, make them fall to the ground. No Mercy: don’t show an enemy mercy if they are willing to hurt you badly.

Hawk quickly walked away but made sure to make very little noise. He did not want to alert the two idiots of his presence. He walked into the candy section and decided to treat himself to some packs of energy drinks.

The aisle to the left and right were filled with drinks and candy but Hawk was not tempted in the slightest. In the middle of the aisle to the right was a large cooler with hundreds of drinks in packages. He opened it and took out three packages of four Red Bulls in each. He would be partying with some of his friends tonight. He wondered if he could go to the shady store that sold alcohol.

Suddenly, someone bumped into him from his right and he stumbled a little. He used his free left hand, he had put down the drinks just in time. He looked and saw that it was Twilight Sparkle together with Fluttershy.

”Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, Hawk!” Twilight exclaimed as she had accidentally walled into him. Hawk did not reveal any emotion. The shelves made out of red metal looked like they had faded in colour and the coldness seemed to have become deadly cold now. The white marble floor made sounds when Hawk slowly moved towards Sparkle.

Fluttershy was concerned that Hawk would hit Twilight. Sure, Hawk maybe has limits, but he is extremely unpredictable sometimes and that was one of the many reasons Fluttershy wanted to stay on his good side.

Hawk was almost touching noses with Sparkle. Her lavender skinned looked to almost have drained from her. Hawk wanted to punch her, but for some odd reason, he let go of the emotion. He decided against it. He gave her a deadpan look and decided to be snarky instead.

”Even with glasses, you seem to be blind.” Hawk snickered as he picked up his energy drinks and canned beans. That was the only reason he came to this large grocery store because he could not use his fake ID here to get the beer and other alcohol equipment.

The girl who he left behind breathed a sigh of relief. Twilight was sure she was done for. Fluttershy had been concerned but she had seen a look in him that he would not do anything like it was a boundary he would not cross. She was not sure why he felt like he was crossing boundaries but then again, Hawk maybe had his own set of morals?

Twilight and Fluttershy stared at each other briefly, their eyes seemingly having a silent conversation. They then went back to the searching bit. Twilight looked at Fluttershy as she picked up some drinks for the party she and the girls would throw. Pinkie Pie decided to throw a party for everyone to attend.

”Fluttershy, do you know why Hawk is the way he is? I mean, like information that only someone with animal skills can pick up on.” Twilight added the second part because Fluttershy looked so confused.

Fluttershy smiled at Twilight in understanding. Her bookworm friend wanted to understand Hawk and why he was the way he was. She thought about her words carefully before she decided to answer.

”Sometimes, animals who have lived a very long time in a Zoo or something similar, have to be let out in the wild and when that happens, they will need to train themselves to survive. Hawk... has had a rough life from what I can tell. I think that when Cobra Kai opened its doors for him, he saw an opportunity to help himself become stronger. He holds a lot of anger, perhaps the intense training is helping him from whatever pain he is going through. It may not help everyone, but if he has been with Cobra Kai for so long, it must mean that it is working for him.”

Twilight got in a trance and thought about it long and hard. It did make sense that Hawk would do something like that. Naturally, people strive after those who can protect them from harm. Spike is no different, but he is after defending himself and to some extent, flaunt his ability to do it.

She smiled at Fluttershy and they continued their shopping.

Hawk was on his way to his girlfriends’ house where the party would be held. Everyone from Crystal Prep would be there. The students specifically. They had all completed their homework early for this. It was around seven and the party would start around eight. He had bought the energy drinks for an early toast with his friends.

He was still quite pissed at Sparkle for bumping into him, but he did not fully mind either. But he was intrigued by what he heard from Appleshit and Rainbow Crash. It was very likely. They were loyal to the principal, more than anything. He did not understand why that was though. She had not exactly done anything for them in the past fo earn such respect.

Albeit, Rainbow Crash is known for being loyal to a fault. She has never betrayed a friend, or wait, that was a lie. Tory would have killed Spike for that one. Rainbow Crash is naturally loyal to everyone that is good–hearted. Appleshit is very bluntly honest. There are no two ways about that one. She is honest to the core, she sucks at lying. It would never do her anything good even if she tried.

”Some are born stupid, while some people eat at knowledge to never be stupid again.” Hawk mumbled to himself, remembering that he read that somewhere. He sighed as he neared his girlfriends’ house. It would be a long night.

Author's Note

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