

by Buck Swisher

Chapter 1: Prologue - Arrest

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Christian was running like hell.

His calves were on fire, his lungs were aching, and sweat dripped down his forehead.

He was chasing the man that OPD had been chasing all week. And he was starting to see why. He was fast, and even after twenty minutes of pursuit he still hadn't lost much energy.

Christian, meanwhile, had lost plenty. But he couldn't stop, even for a moment. This was probably his best chance.

The man he was chasing was named Brendan Retmore. He looked like your average white guy, clean-shaven, dressed decently. He worked as an accountant for a small bank downtown, but behind the scenes he sold crack and marijuana to boost his income. Christian had caught him attempting to make a sale, and while his partner, Shane, had collared the buyer, the seller had managed to run away.

It had started to rain, and puddles were beginning to form. In order to avoid slipping and falling on his face, he had to slow down. Brendan didn't. Christian looked at the sidewalk ahead of him and saw large puddles. Brendan was going to slip if he wasn't careful.

Christian was right. Brendan's right foot jerked sideways, and he lost balance. He fell down face-first onto the concrete sidewalk, extending his arms to break the fall.

Christian walked up behind him, panting and sweating, his uniform soaked through with rain and perspiration. He stood with his palms on his knees for a moment, catching his breath. Brendan began to push himself up, spitting and cursing.

Christian took out his cuffs and forced Brendan's wrists into them. He turned him over. His face was covered with blood from his shattered nose. The rain instantly began to wash the blood away.

"Congratulations, officer," he said, giving Brendan a small smile. "You got me."

"I wouldn't smile if I were you," Christian replied. "I don't know how much money you've made from your little side business, but it definitely won't be enough for a lawyer that can dispute charges of drug peddling. You got caught, and I'm sure your buyer will be more than willing to testify against you in court in exchange for freedom."

Brendan's smile faded. "I can wait, officer," he said. "I'm a patient man. I can wait ten years, twenty years, twenty-five. I know what jail is like. I can survive it."

Christian rolled his eyes. Lots of criminals have said they could survive it. And while survive it they did, the prison experience more than usually turned out to be different from what they had expected. A couple weeks, of work, beatings, and rape later, a lot of young men like Brendan were screaming to be free, out of insanity or agony. It was always the same.

Christian lifted the man up and walked him the distance back to the squad car. His partner wasn't there. He assumed that Shane had sent for another vehicle.

He pushed Brendan into the back of the car and read him his rights. Brendan remained silent. Once they were both in the car, Christian headed towards the precinct.

The rain had gotten much heavier, and given he was on two and a half hours' sleep, Christian found it far too relaxing. He willed himself not to doze off, but as time passed he felt himself slipping away further and further.

The car went over a pothole, and Christian jerked awake. His body was alert, but he struggled to move. His eyes continued to droop, even though he wasn't tired. He began to panic internally.

"Wwaaaassss.........hhaaaapppeeenniiinnnngggggg," he slurred, drifting out of consciousness.

His body was unconscious, but his mind was far from it. His mind was drifting away, not just from his body, but from his universe, drifting away from Earth, like a paper clip being pulled towards a magnet.

For Christian, everything was dark and hazy, but as his mind traveled farther, he loomed closer and closer to his next awakening...

Author's Notes:

Whew, I'm really tryin on this one

Please leave a comment, I could use some criticism.

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