
The legendary Saiyan

by Jayelms43

Chapter 6: Unlocking berserk mode You never piss off a legendary Super Saiyan Griffin

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Unlocking berserk mode You never piss off a legendary Super Saiyan Griffin

Unlocking berserk mode You never piss off a legendary Super Saiyan Griffin

By: Jalen Elms

(Jack pov)

I was in the everfree Forest trying to unlock Legendary Super Saiyan I needed something to make me angry enough to do it I kept trying for a couple more minutes before I gave up and went back to town

While I was walking through town thinking on how to get legendary, before I sense two energy near me one was familiar to me and while the other one was a little different I looked around before my instincts kicked in and I jump away of a balloon hitting the ground filled with whipped cream; I look up a i saw Rainbow dash with a female Griffin, when I look at dashie she look upset at that her prank missing me, while the female Griffin look at me in shock that I was able to dodge it.

“ so rainbow are you going to come down here and introduce me to your friend here or do I have to come up there and see for myself” I asked her the female Griffin looked at me like I wasn’t going to be able to get up there until I use my chi to fly up there shocking her again.

“ Jack this is my friend Gilda the Griffon, gilda this is my new friend Jack” Rainbow say introducing I put out my hand to shake her but she just call me a weirdo and flew off rainbow said she will catch up with me later and flew up after her.

I was about to leave until I saw pinkie in a tree I got her out of the tree to ask her how she got up there and what was wrong she told me that Gilda was being mean to her and all of the townponys, I knew this was going to happen but I said I’ll deal with her if she gets out of hand, but pinkie thinks that she throws a party for her she will be all nice I thought differently but I’ll let her do what she wanted and flew off to Twilights place to take a shower because I didn’t know that I smell like rotten garbage.


Once I reach the library and went inside my room and grab a spare change of clothing that Rarity made for me once I got my suit made from her, I ask if she can make me spare changes of clothes
like trunks wore himself, except the jacket was black and the muscle shirt was red include the pants were black with the tennis shoes being red.

Once I get out of my room and went upstairs to take a shower I was about to open the door to something unexpected happened do you know when the anime protagonist who always walk into a bathroom without knocking and finding naked girls standing there and screams called him a pervert and slap them, well that what's happening to me Twilight was standing there but she didn't had on her school girl outfit I didn’t know she was sexy for a humanize Pony I was snapped out of my thoughts when she screamed and was about to throw a magic Blast at me, but I use my enhance speed to get out of there and saying "sorry" several hundred times over and got into my room closing the door and locking it.

It’s been like this for the next 2 hours until she came out of the bathroom and knocked on my door when I open it and then we our eyes met we both looked away and blushed, we weren't able to talk about it and we went on with our day I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

“ that was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me in my life well I better get ready for Pinky’s Party and be ready if gilda tries anything.” I thought tonmyself getting out of shower and drying off and putting on my clothes when I stepped out and got downstairs I saw a Twilight reading a book when she looked at me she heavily blush and look the way I did the same we left the library and went to pinky's party.

-----( third person pov)----

Jackson and Twilight made to Pinky’s Party everything went as it did in Cannon gilda got prank relentlessly by Rainbow dash pranks until she got angry and accusing Pinkie Pie for doing those pranks until rainbow says she’s the one who did it, everything was fine as it did in Canon until something unexpected that even Jackson didn’t see coming; gilda threw a punch at Pinkie that broke her nose it made a cracking sound that emanate throughout the room, after rainbow soon flew over to try and top her before she was grabbed by the throat and slammed on the ground making her break her right wing.

As this was happening Jackson was in rage a green aura was coming off his body his hair got spiker and more Wilder and his eyes turn red he lets out a primal Roar That Shook the building he flew at Gilda at top speed grab her by the face and crashing through the wall dragging her to the ground she was able to get out his grasp before trying to strike him with her talents ones the attack stroke his face and did nothing he got a sadistic smile and granted her by the face again⁸ and started to punch her repeatedly into the ground all of the while the girls and the town ponies watched in fear, he threw her into the air and was about to threw a green blast before someone got into his way.

“jackson stop you are scaring everyone please stop” it was Twilight, she got right in front of him he looked at her and started to calm down, gilda was Steal in the air flying looking all beat up and her arm was broken flew off scared of this strange creature, once he turned around and saw all the fear in the town of ponies and the rest of the girls he got a sad look and flew off to the everfree the Mane Six are ran after him.


(Jack pov)

“ didn’t you only going to lose control I went to a the first stage of legendary I just was going to write a letter to Princess Celestia turn that I lost control of myself” I said sitting on a stump from a tree that I broke to leave my anger I said that was don’t like forever until I sent five familiar energies hiding behind some trees.

“ come on guys I know you’re there” I said they came out from behind the trees not looking at me some of them was still scared.

They asked me what was that about I told him everything about Broly in his Legendary Super Saiyan how he gets angry and loses his mind just like I did with Gilda except he had someone who made him that way when I didn’t that was my first time ever being that angry at someone and wanted to kill them.

“ it’s okay Jack we understand that you feel that way any of us would have done the same thing” Rainbow said while the others agreed I was happy that they wasn’t mad about my little outburst Now I know I need to control Legendary Super Saiyan I need to train mentally so I won’t lose my mind again.


( unknown location)

My lordship we have sensed an energy on this planet it seems is that a saiyan is living with the humanized ponies what should we do.” The being asked the other as the other just laugh even more sadistically before saying.

“ it seems that all the little monkeys that I wiped out are not all gone don't worry he shouldn’t be a threat to us set a course for this Equus.” The creature said before sending his Soldier off to do his tasks he stared out his ships window before saying.

“ well it seems like your little monkeys hear no matter I will deal with him like I do with the rest of his pathetic race.” He said laughing evilly before sipping his drink.

To be continued!!!!!

Author's Note

Seems this being knows about the Saiyan race what happened next in a chapter here just have to find out.

Next Chapter: Boast busters how the hell did they get a giant bear here Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 3 Minutes
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