
The legendary Saiyan

by Jayelms43

Chapter 35: One year of training, mastering Bankai

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One year of training, mastering Bankai

One year of training, mastering Bankai

Jackson pov; 3 weeks later

"AGAIN!!," Okami ordered as he yelled inside my head for the fourth time in a row.

"I hear you the first time Okami, so please for the love of all that's good and holy-" I said before yelling back.

"WOULD YOU STOP FUCKING YELLING IN MY HEAD YOU ICE LIZARD BASTARD!!!!" I scream while punching a hole through a tree making it fall to the ground.

I was currently in the middle of the forest, training with my reishi energy. And at this point I can walk on air, thump like Ichigo and asta can; as well as use my zanpakuto without the badge for ten hours, and with the badge at least five days at a time.

Once me and my girls got back they immediately put me to work as their butler, but it wasn't that bad as I thought it would be.

Also we told everyone what was going to happen so they don't get surprised or shocked when they become goddesses. they all agree somewhat and we went about our day.

After that I started training for a whole 3 months. So when I summon Edward as well as Ichigo and Asta and their wives and or mare friends, they can help me with defeating my hollow but for right now I need to achieve my Bankai form.

"So now what I know from the bleach series is that Ichigo trained for three days to get his. So maybe " I said trailing off before snapping my fingers. An epiphany hit me.

"What I remember correctly Kukkaku and Kisuke said that training either in hell or Donghai to get hardcore training to achieve my Bankai right Okami?" I asked him while smirking.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with this situation?" Okami questions before my smirk turned into a smile.

"Well Okami there is a place that has both of those conditions and it's called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber" I said while making a clone and having him tell the others where I'm going.

"Do you really think that place will work?" He asked while I put two fingers on my forehead and concentrated one Pacific ki signature.

"Yep, not only is it a harsh environment like hell, but also time moves differently in there one day out here can equal to one year in there," I said before adding.

"Not only I'll be able to gain my Bankai form, but as well as training myself in utilizing spiritual energy as well to." I finished as I teleported onto The Lookout, where Mr. Popo was sitting in the middle of the temple.

After catching up with him and telling him about my Adventures I went to the room of spirit and times you started my training.

(3 months later)

It's been 3 months since I've been in here and to put it simply.


But I knew this was needed so after those three months I was able to successfully Master my sword techniques as well as some of my spiritual energy next was my spear techniques.

Okami said that there were three Arts: Of the spear, the water, the dragon, and the demon.

The art of water was that you had to be fluid in your motions and keep calm under pressure like a leaf going through the river.

The art of dragon was you were ferocious in your attacks as well as moving at incredible speeds.

And The art of demon was like the other two but on a different level, the difference is you use your rage as a conduit for your attacks as well as keeping calm to control it.

So after he told me that I started to train in using these Arts.

(6 months later)

I was only able to mastered the two out of the three Arts that being the water and the Dragon.

The demon was a bit more complicated since I can't really control my anger all that much. But on the bright side I was much closer to reaching my Bankai form.

The next thing I need to do is be able to perform a complete physical manifestation of my powers essence. In which Okami agreed.

So I started the second part of my training to obtain my Bankai form.

(9 months later)

It's been nine months since I've been here. I was able to manifest the power essence in which Okami congratulated me on.

We started to fight. It took me a while but I was able to beat him with sheer luck and determination.

Then I used the Bankai form for the first time.

(This is what his Bankai form looks like)

But I could only hold it for 30 seconds before I probably deactivated the Form, and I was in tremendous pain.

Now I will use the last three months and I have in this room to master my bankai form.

(12 months later)

I was getting ready to leave the room in spirit and time.

I was able to hold my new form or at least one week at a time, as for me summoning my sword with or without the badge, I can do it with ease as well as for long periods of time.

I also was able to master my spiritual energy and use some of the techniques.

"Well Okami I would say that was a productive training session and I was finally able to achieve my Bankai form too" I said inside my head.

"Yes, I would agree to baby dragon. You have come a long way since you entered this room" Okami said to me before we both heard someone laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, That's good that will mean it will be that much more sweeter when I beat you and take over your body" we both heard someone say.

"WHO ARE YOU, SHOW YOURSELF!!" Okami ordered the strange voice.

"If you insist, look to the mirror on your left" he said while I turned to the mirror and I saw him.

His skin was Snow White while he was wearing some kind of odd clothing, but whether noticeable was he was holding a Seth and his right hand, with the blade being crimson red.

(This is what his inner hollow looks like)

" let me introduce myself, my name is Snakeyashi," he said, giving a mock bow.

"Wait. Doesn't that Translate to forbidden Memories," I said, confused by his name and what it means.

"Yes it does but onto more important matters. you may be wondering why I'm contacting you right now or at all really, well it's because soon enough I will be free from these spiritual chains. but do not worry I won't attack you yet. I want to fight you fair and square so that when I beat you it would make it that sweeter to know that I beat you at your strongest," he said while smirking at me.

"That ain't going to happen, because I'm strong enough to beat you and when I do I will control my hollow form and make sure you never come out," I said with determination in my voice.

He laughed at me insanely before looking at me with a crazy smile and said, "We shall see little monkey" and like that he was gone.

Next Chapter: Back to normalcy, first signs of the inner hollow. Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 5 Minutes
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