
The legendary Saiyan

by Jayelms43

Chapter 32: The World Summit, The Monkey vs The king of Minotaur part 4

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The World Summit, The Monkey vs The king of Minotaur part 4

The World Summit, The Monkey vs The king of Minotaur part 4

(Third person pov)

After Jackson's song, he then said, "thank you, now this next song I'm going to need my oldest son and his younger brothers, as well as spike" Jackson said into the mic as the people in question came up.

Jackson then whispers the song they are going to sing; they nodded and got into position, "okay this next song goes out to all the married couples here today but before that" Jackson said before he and his sons and spike yelled out.

"TRANSFORMATION JUTSU," they said before a puff of smoke cover them once the Smoke Clear they saw to everyone surprised that Jackson didn't change much except wearing a red suit as for the rest of them they looked just like there in their teens including Spike.

"Okay this next song is called Treasure by Bruno Mars I hope you enjoy it," Jackson said as the song start to play.

As Jackson and his Sons continue to sing and dance the Nobles of different species are started to clap and whistle from the song by those who were uptight just said that how uncouth they were being.

As for the girls and Celestia and Luna l, they were standing there shocked about how they were doing especially Rarity cuz she never suspects this from spike; after Jackson and his sons and Spike finish the song everyone cheered and clapped even louder than he read the night and said.

"I hope you like that because I have two more songs the first one I'm going to need Shining Armor so get up here Mister knight in shining," Jackson said pointing at Shining, he looked at himself before he was teleported right beside him he looked to see Cadence was whistling innocently.

After telling him what song they were going to sing at first he was against it before Jackson whispered harshly into his ear making him agree.

"This is another Bruno Mars song is called Runaway Baby and if any husband gets offended about their wives telling them that they are feeling hot and bothered don't blame us, blame the song," Jackson said before the song start to play.

As the song continued indeed it was happening the females in the ballroom starting to feel this weird feeling from the song as their husband starts to get jealous.

Cadence was the most affected by it she started to think to herself that she and her husband were going to have a lot of alone time after the World Summit.

After the song ended and shining armor went down off the stage Jackson grabbed the mic and said "okay this is the last song I'm going to sing before I give it back to the orchestra this last one is called say Amen by Panic at the Disco I hope he enjoyed this last song" after Jackson said that the song starts to play.

After the song ended and everyone started to cheer and clap with Jackson's performance he took the last bow before stepping off and handing it over back to the orchestra.

Then everything starts to calm down and it was trying to make small talk was until the Minotaur from this morning came up to Jackson and threw a glove at his face, " I challenge you to a fight you hairless monkey" steel will say as everything went silent for a moment before Jackson started to laugh catching anyone by surprise.

Jackson looks up to steel will with an evil smile and aura surrounding him before I saying, "sure but if I win then you will have to give me something in return" Jackson said holding out his hand; steel will shortly before wincing in pain by the strong grip Jackson's head.

Next Chapter: The World Summit, The Monkey vs The king of Minotaur final part Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 17 Minutes
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