
Chaotic At First Sight

by Petalled

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Thoughts Stuck In His Head

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So as you all know the episode, ''Discordant Harmony'' in season 7. Or if you haven't reached to that season yet, make sure you do because that season has the most important, heart-filling, family-related episodes.

This story will be about Discord taking everyponies opinions about him too seriously and a step further. He is now very uncomfortable than ever to ask Fluttershy out to be his marefriend. Enjoy!

By the way, this story is not cannon to the original show. And read on.

It was another beautiful Tuesday morning, Fluttershy was having a Tuesday Tea Party at Discord's chaos dimension again. Fluttershy giggles to one of the jokes Discord is saying to her and casting spells as he does. Fluttershy then looks at her teacup to see she ran out of tea to drink. ''Oh, I seem to consume all my tea quickly again,'' Fluttershy laughs. ''You don't suppose...''

Discord snaps his fingers and floats the teapot into the air to refill her cup. Fluttershy takes a squeaky sip.

''So my dear, are you going to the grand galloping gala with anypony?'' Discord mischievously asks her.

''Well,'' Fluttershy responds, ''I am not sure who to invite but I'm thinking of bringing one of my family members as they never been to the gala before.''

''I hate to be a bother but what about me?'' Discord looks at her with puppy eyes in his facial expression.

Fluttershy replies, ''I am so sorry, Discord. I thought that you and Princess Celestia are friends now and that she would have given you a ticket just like last time.'' Fluttershy shyly taps both of her hooves together.

Discord responds, ''well, I am not sure she will let me in this time since the last gala we had did not go quite...'' Then Discord was interrupted by a pony screaming outside.

As Discord teleports Fluttershy and himself outside, they see a mail pony floating around in the air and getting lost in directions. Discord uses his magic and teleport him to the ground. ''Are you Discord, the current resident? I can't find any street numbers in this place.'' The pony said in a waffling voice.

Discord snatches the letter off of his hooves and snaps his fingers to open the letter. Discord exclaims, ''THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA! I WAS INVITED AFTER ALL!'' Discord then changes his tone to a scary tone and faces him while holding his neck. ''Why is this so late?'' The pony shivers, ''I got a bit lost between the flying bachelors. Do you suppose you can show me the way out?''

Discord floats him away and walks away to continue reading the letter and head back inside.

Fluttershy had no choice but to follow him inside. ''Oh, Discord. I am so happy that you got invited.''

''Oh, me too, my dear Fluttershy,'' said Discord. ''But I think I shall just give this ticket away.'' Fluttershy widened her eyes, ''what? But you were making such a big deal out of it earlier and you were so happy before. What changed?''

''GOTCHA!'' Discord picks Fluttershy up. ''You think I would miss this one? Why it is an opportunity of a lifetime to spread my chaos throughout the whole world!'' He says in a deep tone and acts like he is in a cinema.

Fluttershy flinches her eyebrows at him, ''Discord...'' Discord says, ''I'm kidding, my dear Fluttershy.'' He pats her on the head. ''Now I got to go shopping for our tea party next week.''

Fluttershy questioningly smirks, ''but can't you just pop in some groceries with your magic?''

''I can,'' Discord responds, ''but it is more fun this way, plus...'' He mumbles to himself, ''I can finally give some ponies some pay backing.'' He creates a friction between his scrunched hands touching so it can crack.

Fluttershy flutters to the entrance, getting ready to go back to her cottage. ''Well, okay then. I will see you next week. Goodbye, Discord!'' She flutters out of the door. (Haha, you see what I did there? No? Fine, I will stop with these puns. :trixieshiftright:)

Discord changes his voice to his evil one again, ''looks like I can use my chaos again and make sure NOPONY mess with me again.'' He tackles.

At the same place Discord brought teabags from, he teleports in and frightens the pony. ''Oh, it is you again.'' The pony darted her eyes.

''Why, yes. Miss me?'' said Discord. ''I'm just surprised. Didn't Fluttershy like your new brand made tea?'' she said.

Discord gritted his teeth, ''oh. Shut it, judgey-clerk.'' He points his yellow claw at her. ''I am just here to...'' He snaps his fingers and makes all the teabags on the shelves collapse on her. He claps his hands to get the dust of his hands. He walks away saying, ''my work here is done.''

He then teleports himself at the teapot shop as the mare there was the worst that affected his feelings. As he teleports there, the mare gets frightened and falls on the floor, including the boxes she was standing on to reach the top shelves.

The mare questioned while she lifted the box off her head, ''can I help you?'' She throws the box out of the way to get a clear look at him, ''oh. It is you again.''

''Yes,'' Discord gusted, ''why the shock?'' He smirks and snaps his fingers which makes her float upside down and fall down to the ground. He walks away confidently.

At Rarity's Ponyville carousel boutique, the cutiemark crusaders are helping Rarity with dresses she is making for the grand galloping gala that is coming up. As I previously mentioned from the start.
''Thank you so much, girls for helping me create these dresses for the grand galloping gala. Work at the boutique at the moment has been very stressful lately. With what all the orders I have received this week.'' Rarity justified.

Scootaloo clarified, ''it was mostly Apple Bloom but Sweetie Belle and I helped by bringing all the equipment to you.''

''Your talent should have been designing clothes, Apple Bloom,'' Sweetie Belle smiled.

''Aw,'' Apple Bloom blushed. ''Shucks, you guys. It is the flattery for me.''

Discord teleports. They all get frightened and scream.

''Oh. Discord, what are you doing here?'' Rarity slightly smiled. ''Why can't I meet my most oldest and most dearest friends?'' Discord hugs them all.

Apple Bloom revolts, ''get a grip. What happened to you hanging out with Fluttershy?'' She rolls her eyes, ''did she leave you too?''

Scootaloo sneered, ''besides I wonder how many times you have managed to demolish Equestia, she still manages to stay in touch with you.''

''I thought I announced to never speak of that again,'' Discord said with the pain in his voice.

Sweetie Belle says, ''let us see: You created havoc on Equestia over one thousand years ago and when you have came back you made everypony turn to their opposite selves.''

''You should of stayed in exile,'' said Scootaloo. ''Then Princess Celestia thought Fluttershy would manage to reform you. Though, that had practically worked. But you invaded Ponyville with everfree forest plants.''

Discord replied, ''that happened over one thousand years ago.''

Rarity tries to calm everypony down, ''alright, everypony. Let's not get ourselves heavy here.''

Apple Bloom added, ''you also joined Tirek's side and hurt Fluttershy's feelings.''

Discord growled, ''I made up for it and apologised to Fluttershy and she forgave me.''

Sweetie Belle adds, ''and last but not least, you freed the three villians to boost Twilight's confidence.''

''I made up for it and I was the one who turned them to stone,'' he yells.

Scootaloo added, ''I bet you will free them in the future or they will either break through it just like how you did.''

''I only did because the elements of harmony were no longer connected to Kaykay and Lulu anymore and you three fought next to my stone prison and freed me.'' He crosses his arms. ''plus, they were all just mistakes I have done in the past.''

Apple Bloom said, ''there seems to be a lot of those lately.'' Scootaloo announced, ''the only mistake we see here is, YOU.''

Discord froze and gasps. The first ever tear from his eyes falls down to the floor. He looks at Rarity doing nothing. With the pain in his voice, he questions, ''well, aren't you going to say anything? I thought friendship was magic.''

Rarity mutters, ''yeah... Discord... I'm sorry to say this but... You really have created lots of mistakes in the past but I shouldn't say that since we all have...'' Discord rages and storms throughout the door.

''made... mistakes in the past.'' Rarity turns around and glare at the three candy corn fillies. They all chuckle and run upstairs to Sweetie Belle's room. Rarity sighs and trots off outside to find Discord.

Discord with an angry face flies over Ponyville to search for a former villain to understand him. As he does, thoughts get stuck in his head like:
You created havoc across Equestia. Monster. You hurt Fluttershy. Diabolical. She will never like you, not anypony. Mean. You brought those villains back to Equestia and now you will do it again. FREAK.

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: Comfort Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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