
Sororal Instincts.

by Reptilicus

Chapter 16: (revised March17 2013)

Previous Chapter

I decided to revise this story a bit. I'm not a great writer. Heck I'm barely mediocre. However I could tell that this story had a lot of small spelling, grammar, and storytelling problems. Particularly when compared with Vaguely Familiar and Outlet, the other two stories I wrote. I wanted Sororal Instincts to at least read at the same level of "quality" of those. I use the term quality loosely here.

So for the last couple of weeks I've been going through this heap, chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph, trying my darndest to make it suck less. That said, if you've read this story before, dont expect any huge changes other than a few changed lines of dialogue, a few extra paragraphs here and there, etc. If you haven't read this story before, then hey you can to read the far superior version now!


That's all I really have to say. Gonna sit back and wait for season 4 to roll around.


- reptilicus

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