
A Changing Perspective

by Dragrace

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 - Rugged Romance

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Jack was shocked. The room had fallen so silent after Twilight's announcement; the only sounds he could hear were the sound of his own breathing and the sound of Twilight's breathing. The air was so tense and quiet he swore he could cut through it with a knife. He simply stared at Twilight, unsure of what actions to take.

'How could she like me? I've been in town for no more than two days and somepony already loves me?' Jack thought, ' I thought she wanted to talk to me about Cienna or Domina, they certainly haven't been acting normally around anypony...

It made sense. They rarely spoke, never showed any emotion, they even ate in a strange manner! How had Twilight managed to fall for him? Was it something he did that got her attention? Was he really good at imagining a good looking stallion? Or was it just Estrus?

'Ughh... What do I do, brain?' Jack thought

You deal with it. Came a response.

'Thanks, brain. But HOW do I deal with it?'

Do something about it.

'Wait, am I having a conversation with myself?'

Yup. Now do something already!

Without anything else coming from his mind, he rose from his bed, shifting slightly from the pain in his torso, and approached Twilight.

"Uhh... Errr... Well I didn't really... Uhhh.... Want to say it... Now, but... Ummm... Better now than never... Right?" Twilight stammered, her voice shaking enough to knock apples off a tree.

Nothing came to Jack's mind. He continued marching towards Twilight, ignoring the pain coursing through his body. Before realizing what he was doing, he felt his mouth pressed up against hers. The feeling was... amazing. Jack had never kissed a girl in his life, other than his mother when he was a child, not even his cousin after being dared. He pelt was so... soft, and the kiss was so gentle. He felt although time itself had stopped to provide him with this wondrous feeling for eternity. Unfortunately, it came to an end after the door had opened. In the open doorframe stood his employer from his previous day’s work. Taking off her Stetson hat, Applejack gave a nervous smile towards the couple.

"Well. This certainly is... different. Ah was not expectin' you to fall for him so quickly, Twi. But... uhh... I just came in to wish ya'll good luck in recovery." Applejack said.

Without many more words from the tan pony, she took off, leaving the door wide open.


'Screw you brain. Why did you have to do that?' Jack thought

You weren't doing anything, so I thought I should.

'But you are me, and I don't think that was a good way to... get things started.'

I'm your inner self. It was a good decision and you know it.

'I really need to stop talking to myself.'

Good idea, the other ponies might think you're crazy. But you aren't talking, you're thinking.

'Shut up, brain. You and your stupid logic...'

Jack saw mixed feelings on Twilight's face. She looked extremely shocked, as if she was never expecting to be kissed, but she also looked extremely satisfied, like she was waiting for the kiss. It was difficult for Jack to understand what she was thinking right now, more than likely something along the 'Did he really just do that?' lines. He was shocked himself; he never knew he had the courage within himself to perform such an action. Last time a girl had asked him out, he ran home crying in complete confusion. Since then, not a single girl has even approached him, other than school projects and such.

"I... You..." Twilight said.

Jack remained silent. The entire room fell silent, safe for the open window just outside the room, allowing a quiet whistling of the wind through the trees.

"Th...Thank you." She finished.

She was smiling once more, the shock of the moment had left, and the tense atmosphere in the room seemed to dissipate. Jack walked backwards and rested his rump back onto the bed. Sitting wasn't the most comfortable when resting against a wooden beam, but with all the cuts and bruises on his legs it certainly beat sitting. Staring back at Twilight, they both smiled at each other in silence. Nothing could destroy this perfect moment.


When Twilight had finally left, the nurse returned to his room and asked him a few questions. They were quite all quite simple questions, like what color her mane was, what was 1+1, where was he. One question took him off guard, however.

"Can you read this out loud for me?" The nurse asked.

Oh no. Equestrian really was just a jumble of weird symbols. There were so many, but they were all in a large size font at least.

'Jack, you can do this.' He thought. 'It's just like English, but with different... What in the world is that? It looks like a car that crashed into a tree! Oh crap I am going to fail this hard.'

"It says... Uhhh..." Jack began.

He had no idea what the poster actually said, but thoughts began to form in his mind. Slowly, words began attacking his mind, attempting to get him to understand the wording.

"If you're clear to leave, you need to read this for me." The nurse said, shaking her head slightly.

"It says 'In Celestia... me trust? Is Luna... we believe. Only then shall harmony... exit?' Is that right?" Jack responded.

'Crap. Did I really have to ask if it was right?' He thought.

"Well, I mean its close and all. I'll have to ask the doctor if we can clear you, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow morning."

"Well, it is a little fuzzy, in my defense. I guess I'm still not quite recovered yet. So will I get out by tomorrow or not?"

"As I said, we'll have to see what the doctor says. I think you should be cleared, and I wish you the best of luck with your special somepony. I heard what was going on in there."

The nurse gave a comforting smile and a wink before departing from the room once more.


The room fell silent once more. This was what, the seventh time today he was left with nothing but his own thoughts? Jack was lonely; the company that Twilight had offered was nice. He had regretted kissing her, he would only advance their romance, and in his current changeling state he didn’t want to risk accidently blowing his cover. Letting out a long sigh, he returned to staring at the ceiling. The lights would remain on until 8:30, and since the sun had already set they wouldn’t shine for much longer. As Jack lay in the room, he questioned if he really did have feelings for Twilight. He had always loved Rainbow Dash during the show itself, but in person he enjoyed Twilight. What would he do about Wings and Biggs? They were definitely going to keep an eye of him, but for now he had the entire room to himself. As much as he usually liked being by himself, this moment seemed so much more disappointing to him. The stories he had successfully made up and shared with Twilight had been fun. He was reluctant to share information of why he had left, mostly saying he had his reasons and they were personal. As for Cienna and Domina, they had fled from Itrot due to a massive drought, and their crops were failing. But the feelings for Twilight were so surreal, as if the entire day had been a dream. Dreams…

What do I believe? Am I working for Chrysalis or am I working for myself?’ He thought.

He couldn’t imagine what would happen should he return to the Hive, especially if he was to abruptly leave Twilight in the dark. But, what could he do? He sat there, as the lights all flicked off at once, and collapsed back onto the bed. His plans would have to wait for the next day.

Next Chapter: Chapter 12 - Reminders Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 19 Minutes
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