
Skylanders Fusionators Mini Series: Prehistoric Reunion

by Flameboy

Chapter 2: Prehistoric Reunion Part 2: Rocket Train

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Prehistoric Reunion Part 2: Rocket Train

The Dinosaur Train was riding on the rails and through the Mesozoic like always. Only this time, the Pteranodon Family as well as the Lambeosaurus Family were on the Rocket Train. On the train, all of their friends from Pteranodon Terrace were on the train as well. While Peter, Tahlia, Larry and Lorraine were with their kids, they also discovered that their children's friends from the other time periods and different stations in the Cretaceous Period were on board, without their parents. But before they could ask, Thurston Troodon walked into the Passenger Car. "Tickets! Tickets, please!" he said aloud like a normal conductor. Then, he stops in front of the Pteranodon and Lambeosaurus Families. "Ah! Why, hello there, Pteranodon Family and Lambeosaurus Family. What brings you here to ride on my glorious, super-fast Rocket Train?" He asked. Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don sat in one seat together as their parents sat on the left side of the Passenger Car. Buddy and Don sat on the outside of the seat with Don sitting on Buddy's left. Shiny sat between Buddy and Tiny. Buddy raised his ticket for Thurston. Thurston grabbed it, punched it with his right toe claw, then looks at it closer as it read: "TroodonTown."

"Ah, Troodon Town, my... "hometown." See what I did there?" He asked the kids as they giggled. Even Tahlia, Peter, the Lambeosaurus family, the other kids, and even Thurston laughed at his own joke. Next, he cleared his throat. "So, what adventure are you going on today? It doesn't have anything to with this big surprise now, wouldn't it?" He asked.

"You know about the surprise?" The Pteranodon kids asked.

"Well, but, of course! Sonny-boy already filled me in as he took his train to round up all the adults while I took their kids on the Rocket Train. Sadly, though, my Rocket Train doesn't have a Sauropod Flatbed Car, so you and the rest of the kids here will meet your long-necked friends at Troodon Town," he explained. Then, his expression changed. "Sonny-Boy also me filled me in about this whole... "Weredragon" situation you have, Shiny," he said as looked at Shiny, who then worn a shocked expression.

"He... He told you about that, too?" She asked.

"Don't worry, Shiny. Nothing to worry about here. But, just to be clear, what are your symptoms? Like, what changes do you have?"

Don went first. "Ooh! Ooh! She can hear us talk from really, REALLY, far away," he explained one of his sister's symptoms.

Tiny went next. "Shiny can now be able to smell us like a T-Rex and track our scents when playing Hide-and-Seek," she explained another one of Shiny's symptoms.

And Buddy went last. "And while Pteranodons eat mainly fish, our sister now has a taste for carrion, all thanks to her new teeth," he explained.

"Teeth? Now, Buddy, I know you're quite smart, but I know for a fact that, Pteranodons don't have teeth," Thurston said.

"No. Buddy's right; I have teeth. See? Ah," Shiny said as she opened her mouth.

Inside Shiny's mouth, Thurston looks inside, then pulls back.

"SWEET STYGIMOLOCH! Ahem. I mean, you really do have teeth. How bizarre," he said.

"Bizarre"? I think "horrifying" is the word you're looking for. Although, I can retract my teeth in the daylight so nobody will look at me like a freak--"

"But you're not a freak, Shiny. You're our sister," Tiny said as she hugged her.

Shiny, however, pushed her gently with her right paw.

"A sister that nearly destroyed your favorite Tiny Doll, Tiny," Shiny said bluntly as she pulled her knees closer and hugged them as she stared at the floor.

"I already told you I forgive you for that," the light green Pteranodon said.

"And I'm thankful for that. But when my retractable teeth stay poking out of my mouth for the whole night after becoming a predator to all creatures, I think it's safe to say that I'm some sort of.. sort of.. some sort of monster that preys on the innocent. (Sniffs softly) Even if the innocents are my own family," she says as she sniffs yet again with a tear coming out of her right eye, and then lowers her head close to her chest. She then brings her head up. "I just wish I knew something about Werewolves by talking to one, but the only ones I know are in a magical world with ponies and dragons, protecting all innocent creatures who abide to the laws of nature," she said as she then places her head at her chest yet again.

"You know... I actually know a thing or two about Werewolves. Would you like to know, Shiny?" Thurston asked.

Shiny quickly pulled her head up with an open mouth smile and a sharp, happy gasp.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said. Thurston went to the door that would lead to another train car and pulled down a picture of a Werewolf standing on a cliff peak, on two legs, while howling at the moon. It was black and it had a tail.

The Pteranodon family, Lambeosaurus family, and the other kids looked at the picture of the Werewolf. They all gasped in terror with wide eyes, except for Shiny.

Ned the Brachiosaurus, who would always stretch his long neck through the window from next car down began to speak. "Wow. So that's what a Werewolf looks like, huh?" He asked.

"Indeed, my long-necked friend. This is what a Werewolf look likes," he answered.

"But that looks nothing like Jonathan, Michael, Saivon, or Luke," Shiny said defiantly as she points her left finger at the picture and places both her paws on her hips. "They're a bright shade of green, a bright shade of blue, a shade of brown, and a light shade of blue," she explained as she used her right fingers and thumb along with her left index finger.

"Jonathan, Michael, Saivon and Luke?" He says as he used his right index claw to scratch his chin. "Aren't those the names of the Tribal Werewolf Pirates of Peacetopia and all of Dragonia?" He asked while pointing the same finger claw at her.

"Yes. All of four of them. From Jonathan to Luke, they are the most sweetest Werewolves ever, even if they do get angry sometimes. Except for Luke... most of the time," she said as points her left finger to her chin, her head lowered, and her right paw elevated at her left elbow and wing.

"You mean... these guys?" Thurston asked as he points to a picture of four Werewolves howling at the moon as the film screen changed.

"Hey, I know that green guy. That's the one I bonked on the head with a rock," Don said.

"Wait, you bonked a Werewolf - a Tribal Werewolf no less... on the head... with a mere rock?" Thurston asked surprisingly as he points to Don.

"It was a little big rock," Don surmised.

"But they were already knocked out upon crash landing on the beach after exiting a portal through the realm of Convexity," Buddy explained.

"Our family and Larry's family, including Daphne and her dad, could only bring the dragons, Sparx, Discord, and Grimlock to the train station," Peter said.

"I was actually hoping to ask Jonathan about who he was and where he and the others came from before Don knocked him out again. It was also sad to leave the four of them at Pteranodon Terrace, but we all thought that, it would probably be a long time to get to Troodon Town and back to our station," Tahlia explained.

"So, we went with the unknown creatures until discovering that they were Skylander Fusionators. And before we discovered that they were Skylanders, the Tribal Werewolf Pirates must have ran very far and fast to find their friends. Maybe even through a time tunnel," Lorraine explained.

"Well of course, they ran fast. All types of Werewolves and Wereanimals can run really, really fast. And I mean FAST. Even a little bit faster than Ornithimimus," Thurston explained.

"Whoa! Even faster than us!" Oren and Ollie said together from their seat.

Valerie went next. "And how sharp are their claws and fangs?"

Derek, who sat on Valerie's left in the same seat, went next after her. "Yeah. Surely, they can't be more sharper than the toe claws of a Deionychus, right?"

"Actually, Derek, their claws are so sharp, they can rip through flesh and tough scales with ease, AND, they can cut through wood with a 50% chance of getting a splinter. They also can cut through stone or metal without breaking a claw," he explained.

"Whoa!" Derek said in shock.

"And just like their claws, Valerie, they can can bite through big chunks of meat. But, for Tribal Werewolves like Jonathan, Michael, Saivon and Luke, they also like to sink their teeth into another type of meat: fish," he explained.

"(happy gasp) Tribal Werewolves like to eat fish?!" Tiny asked happily as she stands up from her seat.

"You bet they do, Tiny. In fact, they don't just "like" to eat fish -- they absolutely LOVE to eat fish!" He explained with his arms up in the form of a capitol "Y."

"Yay!🎵If I could wish, for just one dish, my greatest wish, would be more...🎵"

"Fish!" Tiny, Shiny, Buddy and Don said altogether.

Thurston clapped at Tiny's performance.

"Well done, Tiny. What a wonderful performance! Ahem. Now, Shiny, how would you like to come up and identify these four Tribal Werewolves and their self biographies?" He asked.

"OK. Sure," she answered. She got up from her seat and walked up to Thurston's left. She starts pointing to each one of the four Werewolves. She starts with Luke, who standing beside Michael on his left while howling at the moon. "That light blue one with the glasses, is Luke Reese. In his Werewolf form, he's known as "Lukaryonyx," or "Luka" for short. His Kaiju form is a Draconnosaurus Rex; a hybrid between Dragons and T-Rex. His Kaiju name is Lukio. Then, he has a Dragon form where his arms are his wings. Just like the other three, Luke's a Firedrake - a dragon that looks like a Wyvern, but is really a Dragon - considering Firedrakes don't spit acid. But all four of them have a variant type of Firedrake species. Luke, is an Icedrake - a Firedrake that breathes ice. Like all Icedrakes, Luke has the power to put anything in a close range in a deep sleep with a mist of cold wind. He can probably produce a little to help small mammals, or other creatures get to sleep. But, he can still breathe ice when he needs to stop bad creatures. He is immune to very low temperatures, but like all Dragons, he can also survive very high temperatures. He can even swim in boiling hot lava. Freezing water has no effect on him when he's in his Icedrake form. And upon using his ice breath, he can lightly use his ice breath softly to create a small piece of land covered in snow so that, creatures and dinosaurs like us can have a day of fun in the snow when we need to... "cool off." The name of his Icedrake form is called, "Lukario." (Loo - care - Rio) He's very good when it comes to drawing building structures and landscapes. Despite being a creature of the night, and an Icedrake, he is part of the Life Element. Really friendly, too," she explained.

Then, she went to the next one. One who stood on the light green Werewolf's right. "That brown one is Saivon Rey with an "E" between "R" and "Y." He has a prosthetic left paw that can change upon transforming into his other forms. He can use it for many things, like, climbing a wall like some sort of grappling mechanism in his Human and Werewolf forms, while his Werewolf form utilities it to slash at enemies and blast energy balls from an element called "Plasma." While Luke uses a Bo staff that can shoot tranquilizer darts by the name of "Wolf-Dart," and a plasma pistol called "Plasma-Bolt," Saivon's prosthetic arm, also known as a plasma gauntlet by the name of "Plasma Klaw" with a "K", can shoot plasma balls in a circular motion - he can also shoot a concentrated beam of plasma. Sadly, though it also causes him to get a little whoozy every time he uses it. Luckily, his Werewolf DNA helps him recover faster. He uses Mystic Magic to hide his arm like a disguise. It makes it look like his regular arm. He's very shady about it. Being curious, Jonathan asked him what was going on with that. Saivon didn't tell him how he got that way, but he at least told him he lost it when saving lives. He says he doesn't like to talk about. So, as one of his best friends, Jonathan didn't seek to pry it out of him and decided to leave it like that. His Werewolf form goes by the name of "Razor." He, like Luke, has a Kaiju form with same species of Draconnosaurus Rex. His name for his Kaiju form is "Saveon." (Say - vee - on) "He also has a Firedrake form too for his Dragon form. But, for a species variant, that's just what he is - a literal Firedrake that breathes fire or Pyrodrake. In super cold climates, he can use the fire within to warm himself up when traveling through the soft yet cold snow, or flying through cold, howling wind. He can also produce a healing effect for allies when he lights his entire body on fire. He can breathe fire like any other Dragon, and he can even survive super hot temperatures like that of a volcano. Also, he calls his Pyrodrake form "Savyr." (Suh------veer) "He likes handshakes, and nothing's wrong with that. Also, when in his human form, he wields two katanas he calls "Slicer" and "Dicer." Slicer is his right-handed sword with a capital "S" on both sides of his blade while Dicer has a capital "D" on both sides, as well. Saivon is part of the Fire Element," she explained.

Then, the little Pteranodon went on to the next one, a sky blue-colored Tribal Werewolf standing on Luka's right and in front of the green one. "That one beside Luke is Michael, or "Mike" for short. His Kaiju form, just like Luke and Saivon, is a Draconosaurus Rex by the name of "El Miko," or "Miko" for short. His Werewolf name is "Skurge", spelled with s, k, u, r, g, e, and his Firedrake name is "Chayne" with a "y" instead of "i" and there's an "e" after "n." (Chain) "Like his friends, Michael carries a plasma-shooting assault rifle called "Iron Pulse Cannon" or "IPC" for short. He also carries a single sword by the name of "Iron Fang." He even carries a frying pan to slap or stealthily knock out enemies. He called it "Iron Slappy." He would mostly spends his time scrambling a solved Rubik's cube, and then challenges himself to see how fast he can solve it for the world famous record of solving it in mere seconds. Mike's Firedrake form is a Zapdragon. While it does show similarities in pronunciation with that of a snapdragon flower or a snapdragon apple, the name is quite... "shocking" since this form of his can literally breathe lightning, travel through systems, bends systems to his will, and has a lightning immunity as the very dangerous force of nature can also charge him up when knocked out. He's like a living battery upon turning into that form. He can also charge his body and shoot a field of electricity from his body as he calls it the "Electro Magnetic Dragon Pulse" - or "EMDP", for short. And, with his Lightning Breath, Chayne can cause a "chain reaction" as his lightning can ricochet between enemies, or leave lingering effect from one swipe from his tail that not only damages the enemy overtime, but also hurts other enemies in range of that one enemy with the effect. Michael, despite being a species of Firedrakes that breathes an Air Elemental breath, he is part of the Tech Element," she explained.

Finally, she looks at the last werewolf standing on Razor's left. "The last one, the green one, is Jonathan Claw. He's the captain of a group of Wereanimals called the "Tribal Wereanimal Pirates." But when it's just him, Michael, Saivon and Luke, they're called the "Tribal Werewolf Pirates." Just like Jonathan, Mike and the other two are also captains, except they're beta captains while Jonathan's the alpha captain. Just like Mike and Luke, he has Autism, too. He's a little more smarter, but he treats his best friends with respect. He, like the other four, is the same species of Kaiju and goes by the name of "Rip." His Werewolf form goes by the name of Rex," she said.

"Like a T-Rex. Rawwrr!" Buddy roared in excitement.

"Exactly, Buddy," she replied to her brother. "And just like the other three, he carries a plasma-shooting pump shotgun by the name of "Plasma Howler," an electric magical guitar with a flame design by the name of "Red Howler," and a pirate sword, just like Michael, that he calls "Iron Howler." Since he and Mike have the same type of sword, they engraved the initials into the swords. I-H for "Iron Howler" and I-F for "Iron Fang." He also has a Dragon form, too. He calls himself "Whiplash" upon turning into a Firedrake. Also, the variant of his Firedrake form is a Stonedrake. Like all Stonedrakes, he can breathe fire just like Saivon and other Firedrakes. But, instead of a body of fire, a body of sharp metallic spikes, and a body of ice shards, his dragon form can engulf in rock-like armor. Also, Stonedrakes, Zapdragons, Firedrakes, and Icedrakes, and other types, are immune to a special arrow of evil that can pierce the scales of a dragon, right through their underbelly scales from neck to tail. But back to Jonathan, he treats Michael, Saivon, and Luke, despite not having any blood relation, as his brothers," She explained.

"Awww," the dinosaurs and non-dinosaurs said.

"Also, despite having an Earth-like Dragon form, a fire breathing Kaiju form, and a Werewolf form that follows the Circle of Life, Jonathan is part of the Magic Element," Shiny finished explaining.

"Well, ALMOST part of the Magic Element. Although, his wife; Princess Twilight Sparkle, is the leader of the Magic Fusionators, and her little brother, Spike; Dragon King of Peace is the Co-Leader, Master Eon hasn't called upon the Element Ceremony for each Leader of the ten Elements to choose their teammates. So Jonathan isn't part of the Magic Element, Michael isn't part of the Tech Element, and Saivon and Luke aren't part of the Fire and Life Elements," Tahlia explained.

"Oh, right," Shiny replied as she went back to sitting between Tiny and Buddy.

"Excuse me, Thurston, but is there more interesting facts about Werewolves you can tell us, like how hungry are they and how much meat do they eat?" Buddy asked.

"Well, Buddy, my buddy, you may be thinking about cursed or savage Werewolves, but Tribal Werewolves AND Tribal Wereanimals, are actually... omnivores," he explained.

"Omnivores?!" the others said.

"How can Werewolves, one of most toughest predators on land, with razor sharp claws and fangs, and ruthless agression, eat both meat and plants?" Larry asked.

"Despite showing up all wolf-like, Tribal Werewolves still carry their humane diet of both meat and plants. Even eating a handful of delectable fruit," he answered.

"Well... how much meat AND plants do they eat, Thurston?" Buddy asked.

"Although, they eat fruit and plant-based food, Tribal Werewolves would take a break from eating fruit and anything plant-related and go for the meat. They, along with any type of Wereanimal, would rather sink their teeth into huge or small pounds of meat."

"And how much do they eat?" Tiny added.

"Well, you technically have a Weredragon sitting right with you. How much fish do you eat, Shiny?" He asked.

"Well I have been eating 5-- no-- 20 fish in a matter of seconds and I STILL feel hungry afterwards, whether it be breakfast, brunch, lunch, or even dinner. After I eat enough fish during the day, my tummy still growls loudly for food after waiting for 8 seconds," she answered.

"Hm, well, a normal carnivore would eat 100 pounds a day, but the bigger ones like T-rex must eat 1,000 pounds of meat a day," he started.

"Wow! A thousand pounds of meat a day. What a beautiful dream come true when I'm older," Buddy said.

"You said it, Buddy," Annie complimented.

"While it is true that big carnivores like Tyrannosaurus, Carcharadontosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus, Daspletosaurus and other big carnivores need to eat a lot of meat a day. But compared with the most hungriest herbivores, Werewolves and Wereanimals like you, Shiny, must eat 20,000 pounds of meat a day," he explained more.

Shiny gasped along with the others.

"Twenty... thousand... pounds?" Shiny said as she slides down her chair.

"Yep. 10,000 pounds in the daytime, and the other half at night. Werewolves and Wereanimals are in a group of "super hyper" carnivores. Hungrier than Ceratopsians and Sauropods. Hungrier than big carnivores like T-Rex," he explained even more.

"Hungrier than Triceratops?!" Tank said.

"Hungrier than Brachiosaurus?!" Ned said next.

"Hungrier than T-Rex?!" Buddy said last.

"Wooooow. That's really.. really... REALLY hungry," Don said.

"Indeed, Don. Werewolves and Wereanimals need to eat a lot to maintain their strength and endurance. And speaking of strength and endurance, just like a Dragon, Werewolves and Wereanimals are very formiddable in combat when it comes to being reeeeeally hungry," he said.

"(sighs deeply) This is the part when the fighting comes," Shiny said.

Soon the picture of Jonathan, Mike, Saivon and Luke, changed to a black Werewolf's left arm.

"A Werewolf's strength is close to that of a Dragon as well as their endurance allowing them to fight more when they're really hungry... or, when they're really... angry," he explains. "For Dragons, they can use their claws from both their arms and feet, heads, teeth, wings, tails, fire breath, and even their size alone to overpower a foe. But like Dragons, Werewolf and Wereanimals use the same body parts, with a little uncontrolled rage and aggressive behavior if fighting under a full moon," he explains once more.

Shiny closes her eyes as remembers glimpses of her fight against the Fusionators when she was a Weredragon. She shakes her head from left to right and places her left paw on her head. Tiny places her left paw on her sister's shoulders.

"It's not your fault, Shiny. It wasn't you - you had no control," Tiny reminded her.

"But it WAS me! Although, I wasn't there mentally, I was there physically. Twisted into a huge, ravenous monster that I hope I can get rid of the next time I see Jonathan, Michael, Saivon, and Luke," Shiny said as she brought her head and legs closer to her chest.

"Now, Shiny--" Thurston said until he heard a familiar ringing and pulled out his pocket watch as it was time for a... "Ooh! Time! Time Tunnel! TIME TUNNEL APPROACHING!" He said aloud as the Rocket Train went through a Time Tunnel.

Most of the Dinosaurs and other types of reptiles loved the Time Tunnel - like Tiny does. But the rest, like Buddy and Shiny didn't. The Time Tunnel would always make those two's tummies feel weird. This time, due to her Weredragon form, Shiny's face started to actually turn green, placed her right paw onto her beak, jumped over to the window, grabbed onto the ledge of the window with her feet on the inside, and then...

"Blaaargh!" Shiny regurgitated.

"EEEEEEWWWWWW!" The kids said.

Tahlia grabbed her daughter after she was done and placed her in her lap as Shiny laid her right face cheek on her mother's chest.

Then, the train came out of the other end of the time tunnel.

"Next stop: Troodon Town! Troodon Town in the Late Cretaceous Time Period!" Thurston said and looked out the window, only to see the other kids' parents weren't at the station. "That's weird. Where's Sonny-boy and the other-- ah!" he screamed in pain as something hit him in the neck. He picked the object out of the right side of his neck with his left paw, only to see he got hit by a tranquilizer dart. Soon, he fell unconscious as the others were hit with one, too.

Next Chapter: Prehistoric Reunion Part 3: Assets in Containment Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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