
Equestria Ninja Girls: Omniversal Adventure

by Mister V

Chapter 2: Ben Meets Jen

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Ben Meets Jen

After 2 weeks of eternal darkness, Ben woke up in a hospital bed. The group was suprised to see that they had fully recovered from the blast.

"Glad to see you all finally up and about." Max said while sitting on a chair. "It has been 2 weeks."

"2 weeks?" Ben asked in shock. "We've been asleep for 2 weeks?"

"Yeah, you are actually the last one of us to wake up" Leo answered. "And Pinkie tends to walk in her sleep." At that moment Pinkie Pie walked in.

"Hey, Ben." Pinkie said. "I made this for you." She then put a cake next to Ben's bed, saying Get Well Soon.

"Thanks, Pinkie." Ben said. "So, what happened while we were out."

"No Idea." Twilight said. "Rook, Kevin and Gwen are already checking things out to see what we missed. We were hoping you could come with us to join them." Just then, Our heroes received a call from Rook

"Ben, Everyone, you need to come to our coordinates." He said. "Something just happened here." The group then arrived into a large crater.

"This seems frighteningly familliar." Ben said. Just then, a little green alien with warts on his face, eyes are on the side of his face similar to birds, and wearing a small black suit with silver armor had popped out of a crate.

"Are they gone?" He asked.

"Are who gone?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "And who are you?"

"Pakmar." The little alien answered. "This is my place. Was my place. Pakmar’s place!"

"Well, you’re safe now." Ben said.

"My hero." Pakmar said with little enthusiasm.

"Can we help?" Gwen asked.

"No." Pakmar said. "Just go away. I don’t want any more trouble."

"Yeah, I think it’s a little too late for that." Ben said.

"All I wanted was to run my toothbrush plaza in peace!" Pakmar said. "Now it’s in pieces."

"This is a toothbrush?" Rainbow Dash asked in amazment while holding something that looks like it should be going into the other end of a body.

"Eh, different aliens have different needs." Pakmar answered.

"Don’t even want to know." Raph said. "So, um, the guys that did this to your place were dissatisfied customers?"

"Hardly!" Pakmar said. "Some mob goons are shaking down us law-abiding businessmen. We pay them Taydenite, cash, gold, anything valuable, they "protect" us. Only thing is we don’t pay, they’re the ones we need the protecting from."

"Have they threatened anyone else?" Leo asked.

"Only every shop in Bellwood." Pakmar said. "Yeesh, kid! Where you guys been these past 2 weeks?!"

"Every shop in Bellwood, huh?" Ben asked. "I think I know I good place to start looking for them." It's them that they met with a local store keeper who wears glasses, a dark pink bow-tie and a light pink-striped yellow shirt with a dark pink apron and brown pants, has grown a little black mustache, and has a pot belly. "All right, Mr. Baumann. What do you know?"

"I know lots of things." Mr. Baumann said.

"Anything about an alien protection racket in Bellwood?" Casey Jones asked.


"So they haven’t been coming around here?" Raph asked.

"Who’s been coming around where?" Mr. Baumann asked.


"Okay, then. Nice seeing you again, Ben." Mr. Baumann said. "Enjoy free gloppenbeef sandwiches to go."

"They’re on their way right now, aren’t they?" Rarity asked

"Look, it’s a simple arrangement." Mr. Baumann said. "I pay them, they leave. Which is what I want you to do right now."

"But, Mr. Baumann, I can stop them!" Gwen said

"No!" Mr. Baumann said sternly. "Every time a fight starts up in my shop, you people ruin it!"

"You think we're going to mess up your place more than they will?" Leo asked before thinking about what he said. "Okay, bad choise of words. What if me and my bros hide in the shadows, while everyone else just sits quietly at the counter? Then, well catch them by suprise."

"Fine, but no transformations unless it's necessary." Mr.Baumann said to Ben. The turtles then hide while the humans sit at the counter and eat their gloppenbeef sandwiches. Casey then notices a hooded figure several bottles of some fizzy alien beverage.

"Hey, could I have one of those?" The hooded figure then passed one of the bottles to him. "Aw, thanks! Uh, could you pass one of those to" And before he could answer, the hooded figure passed a bottle to Ben, Kevin, Gwen, Rook, Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, April, Karai and Shini. "Whoa! Uh, thanks." But before too long, a group of mobsters with mulit colored suits walked in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention." The leader said. "This is a matter of business between us and Baumann. If everyone leaves now, there'll be no problems."

"Yeah, would want a repeat of what happened at Pakmar's place." The biggest of the group said.

"I heard he has great deals on toothbrushes." Kevin said.

"I heard it was an accident." Mr.Baumann said.

"Accidents happen all the time." The leader said. "Preferably to people who are, in lack of a better phrase, lacking in funds, yesss." He and his goons then smiled wicked cruel smiles.

"Take it easy, now." Mr.Baumann said. "I don’t want any trouble." He then grabbed a box full of valuables, and as he began to search through the box, two of the goons noticed Karai sitting quietly.

"Whoa, check out the cute little build up on that one." A short one said.

"And those tiny little tootsies." a tall one said. "Yo, baby over here!"

"Ugh, male chauvinistic pigs." Karai said to herself.

"Oh, I like a girl who gives me the silent treatment, it makes me feel like their playing hard to get." The short mobster said before they were both called to attention by the leader.

"If you two are done, kindly collect our payment for me please." He said, causing the two of them to nod and rush over to the counter. The short one grabbed a piece of Taydenite from Mr.Baumann's hand, while the big one grabbed the box. "Pleasure doing business with you."

"Good." Raph said, catching the attention of the group. "Cause now the fun can begin."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no." Mr.Baumann said.

"This doesn’t concern you, terrapins." The leader said before turning to the humans.

"Yeah?" Ben asked. "Cause from we're standing, it kinda does."

"Aww, looks like these youngsters needs to be taught a lesson manners." The leader said.

"Oh!" Donnie said. "Let me guess. You’re the one who’s gonna teach it to us."

"Not in my store!" Mr.Baumann pleaded. "Please I’ll pay you not to do this, Ben."

"Really?" Ben asked before getting back on track. "I mean, uh, your days of intimidating people are over, bubble brain!"

"Oh, I think not, my monoid friend." The leader said. "No, for you are about to have a rather intimidating moment right now. Terrorizers, biomnitize!"

"Biomnitize?" Casey asked. "What kinda battle cry is that?" Then, one by one, the mobsters seem to transform into aliens right before the eyes of our heroes.

"Gravabolt, biomnitize!" said the first one, who transformed into a large, hulking, bulky, broad-shouldered, reddish-brown alien with rocky skin, a giant mouth with teeth that are also made of rocks, and a molten lava planet core at the center of his body, covered in natural, yellow armor plating on his back, shoulders, and the backs of his arms. His feet are tan with three toes, and he has four claws on both of his hands.

"Snarepire, biomnitize!" said the second one, transforming into an alien composed of pale white bangages and decked out in egyptian duds that almost look transylvanian, flaps under his arms, which resemble the wings of a bat, crown-like golden spikes surrounding his eyes, a chin that is black with more green gaps and a golden beard-like spine jutting from it, an upper chest and shoulders that are covered by a large collar/wrap-like garment with green and black stripes, and black-and-gold pads on each shoulder, with each one having a green "eye" on them.

"Frankenfrag, biomnitize!" Said the third one, who turned into a humanoid frog-like alien with three-fingered hands, a muscular body with a human nose, black hair with sideburns, skin that has several uneven seams, combining grayish-yellow with darker grey, a pair of bolts on each side of his neck that are green in the crease, metal pants with lines on them with glowing green triangle dashes in the middle, a belt that is green with white stripes and bolts in them, one of these bolts being a buckle, turrets that are green with screws on them, coils that are white and feature green bulbs at the tips, pants that are a greenish-black color, "boots" are copper with three green slits in them, two tower-shaped conductor coil-like generators on his back that look like they are metallic-organic growths.

"Jury Ditt, biomnitize!" Said the fourth one, who turned into an alien who bears a close resemblance to a goblin, small in stature, only about as big as a human head. He has white skin, a big nose, a black and white head and face, black shoulders, large hands with four digits and feet which are merely stubs. Ditto also has three red spiked fin-like growths on his head, and gem-like extended sensory nodes on his arms and waist, wearing an aviator's outfit which comes with an ascot. also has a spike on his chin and one near each of his eyes.

"Bloxxworks, biomnitize!" said the fifth one, who turned into a a robot-like alien with skin that is made of red, yellow and blue metal, with black stripe, studs all over his body, feet that are stubs, hands that are extremely large to balance most of his body, a transparent piece of green glass on his chest, revealing the gears inside of him, a key on the top of his head,.

"NRBlast, biomnitize!" Said the sixth one, who turned into an alien similar to Heatblast, except he's covered in heavy, dark green-teal oven-like with three slits where his eyes should be.

"Humungoujaws, biomnitize!" Said the seventh one, who turned into a somewhat humanoid dinosaur alien that shares a number of traits with Earth's aquatic life, such as an alligator, an eel, an anglerfish, and a shark. He can change between a fishtail with triangular lines or legs at will and has a phosphorescent light on his head, wearing a green and black sash across his chest, going from his right shoulder to the left side of his lower back.

"Ghostgrade, biomnitize!" Said the eighth one, who transformed into a ghost-like alien with a gaseous appearance and claw-like hands, and greenish white skin with black lines running all over him, a torso that's black with greenish white lines running all over him, and a green eye in the center of his head.

"Chamungousaur, biomnitize!" said the leader, who turned into a humanoid dinosaur alien like Humungoujaws, but with purple skin like Cham-Eye-lian's with three eyes, one red, one green, and one blue, a tail, and claws.

"Whoa, nelly." Applejack said.

"Still think you can take us on?" Humungoujaws asked.

"Yeah, we kinda do." Ben said before activating his Omnitrix. "Some of you may be bigger then us, but we still out number you, ever more so with Echo Echo." He then pushed the button that begins the transformation, but instead of Echo Echo, he's transformed into an alien that resembles a humanoid opossum mixed with a porcupine with black quills for his hair and more on his back, gray quills all over the rest of his body and a tail that is long like a rat's tail, wearing a black, white, and green shirt with pants, gloves that are black and fingerless, with his Omnitrix symbol located on his lower stomach.

"Uh, Ben?" Kevin asked in confusion. "Did you scan Argit when we last met him? Cause it kinda looks like to turned into him."

"Yikes!" Ben said in shock. "This is embarressing. Must have activated a new playlist on the Omnitrix. Oh well, at least I know what this guy can do. Turtles, duck!" He then fired quills that punctured the eight alien hybrids, causing them to collaps on the ground. But Chamunousaur dodged the quills and dissapeared. Mr.Baumann cowered behind the counter, impressed at the little damage done.

"I'm impressed." He said. "Normally, there's a lot of damage everytime he walked into my store." The heroes had held there own against this strange alien hybrid, until he pulled out a gadget that caused Ben to revert to normal, much to the suprise of eveyone.

"How'd you do that?" Ben asked in shock.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." Chamungousaur said before knocking everyone else in a pile. He and his gang, who just got up on began to leave.

"Isn’t this where one of us does something amazing to save the day?" Kevin asked. The hooded figure then looked at a clock on the wall.

"Why, yes it is." She said before activaved what looked like Heatblast, only more slender looking with an omnitrix that looks cat-like, and rush into action.

"Oh, not another one!" Mr.Baumann said. "Just when I thought this would be a good day." The female pyronite flew past the hybrid mobsters and kicked the box back to the counter before blasting the goons out of the shop. She then brushed her shoulders off and turned to the group with shocked looks on their faces.

"Who are you?" Ben asked, the most shocked of them all.

"Flambella." The stranger answered. "I also go by Jen 10, which is short for Jennifer Tennyson."

"Tennyson?" Ben asked, even more confused. The stranger then turned to a 10 year old girl with brown hair, green eyes, a lime green and white shirt that had a cat with the number 10 on it, black pants, sneakers, and a hair clip.

"I'm your sister, you big lug." Jen said, making the entire group completely stunned now.

Next Chapter: Jen's Story Estimated time remaining: 3 Minutes
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