
Sombra’s Storytelling Circle

by Badguy400

Chapter 5: Chapter Four: A Not so Subtle Tale

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Chapter Four: A Not so Subtle Tale

Shining Armor was about to begin his story; when suddenly he pauses, and then asks; “anypony sure that y’all can handle my stories?” Cadence rolled her eyes, and said; “cmon honey; it’s not the first time I’ve heard your stories. You’ve literally told me a war story that one of your royal guard friends have told you. So I think I can handle it. Your daughter however; not so much.” Sombra replied with; “yeah. And you do not wanna hear my wartime stories; trust me.” Flurry Heart gulped and shuttered at that statement. Sombra then began to ask; “so; we’re doing this or what?” Shining Armor sighs, then says; “okay.. I guess so. But if it starts to get a little un-kid friendly, let me know okay?” Sombra nodded, then says; “go on.. go for it.” And gestured Shining Armor to begin his story. With that, he says; “alright”, before taking a deep breath before continuing; “here we go...”.

“So”, Shining Armor began; “when I was still captain of the royal guard in the Canterlot royal legion; I was pretty happy with being recruited and all; especially knowing that they can allow visits from my family. Usually older generations of royal guards wouldn’t allow that, and I don’t know why.”

This made King Sombra think about what Shining Armor had said, and then he began to ask; “you don’t think it’s because their families are reluctant of having their family members being in the royal guards are they? Cuz that’s what I’ve been thinking.” Shining Armor chuckles, then responds with; “no.. not really. To be honest; my parents were a little hesitant at first, but they eventually got over it.” King Sombra nods, then says; “ah.. okay then. That makes sense.” After what seemed like minutes; (despite it being only five), Shining Armor then clears his throat so he can continue his story...

After a few more minutes; (which in this case is actually ten), Shining Armor chuckles a bit, and rubs his head sheepishly whilst saying; “sorry about that; hehe.” All three blinked, and then King Sombra started to say; “well.. I mean I guess that counts as kid friendly... I think. I’m not so sure anymore.”

Shining Armor nodded his head too, and then says; “well... since that story was out of the way... what do y’all wanna do now?” All of the ponies thought for a minute; before Flurry Heart’s belly started growling. With that; she babbles; “I’m hungwy.” and starts to clutch her belly while whining. “Alright”, Sombra began; “let’s get something to eat.”

After the ponies got up; they all went out of the room together, and into the hallway to get something to eat. Unfortunately; things are just about to become a whole lot worse...

Next Chapter: Chapter Five: A Wicked Stormy Situation Estimated time remaining: 7 Minutes
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