
Ruined Reputations and Friendship problems

by vinnii

Chapter 2: "Why are they all staring at me like that?"

Previous Chapter
"Why are they all staring at me like that?"

It had been nearly a week since the sleep over. Although the dare replayed in Dash's head, rather...several times, she was still glad she hadn't chickened out. A daredevil like her, could never chicken out. Never ever. Chickening out on something as simple as wearing designer clothes would not only make her seem weak, but it would ruin her reputation in a snap of a finger. Again, it wasn't the idea of wearing fancy clothes, it was the idea of her friends, anybody seeing her in them.

Rainbow Dash's slumber was brutally interrupted as her phone made a rather unpleasant ding. She could recognize the sound anywhere. Groggily forcing her eyes open she turned her attention to her phone sitting firmly on the edge of the nightstand, her charger plugged solemnly into the Lightning connecter of her phone. She groaned in frustration. She reached for the covers, pulling them over her head. Two minutes passed before she was once again, interrupted.

She couldn't help but feel a boiling pit of anger sitting at the bottom of her stomach.

"AUGGH," She yell in frustration. Her legs kicked the blanket upwards several times with force. A final violent kick made the blanket seep to the right side of her bed.

Her right arm reach for her phone, causing the blanket to fall from the side. She pull the charger from her phone as she read her home screen.

New Messages: 2 minutes ago
Twilight: Where are you? Classes start in ten minutes

Turning her full attention to the transparent bar at the top of her screen.


'Holy-' She thought in her head, 'I can't be late! Not again. I must've forgotten to set my alarm.'

Another message popped up on the screen.

Twilight: You don't wanna be late, again.

Dash: On my way

Dash frantically sprinted from her bed. She leap from the mattress. Having not realized the blanket on the floor, her legs twisted off too the right, her knees follow suavely. Her knees caved sideways, which had caused her head to fling onto the nightstand. She lift her head from the nightstand ever so quickly, placing her hand over her forehead, where the impact had taken place.

She groan heavily as she sturdily stood up. Ignoring the pain, she raced over to her closet. She rummaged through her clean clothes. Pulling out a pair of shorts, and a shirt. She race towards the bathroom, clothes in hand. She threw the door open. Slamming it behind her, locking it. Judging by the wet shower curtains, and the sweet scent of manly shampoo. She could tell somebody had already showered. And That somebody, had to have been her brother. She couldn't help but question herself.

Why did her brother shower so early? He'd usually be up five minutes before first period starts, rush to school, and then make up a wild excuse relating to why he was late.

"A wild boar chased me in the other direction on my way here."

"My homework got swallowed by a swamp monster."

"I tripped and fell into the sewer."

"My pet bird died so, I wasn't able to do my homework."

She mimicked her brothers words. She drag her arm over to the faucet, giving it a good twist.

At this point, there was no way the time could've possibly been switched up. Throwing the curtains open, she turned the faucet on.

After showering, and throwing some clothes on, she ran back into her room. Throwing the dresser drawers open, she reached for some socks. After shoving her socks on, she forcefully put on her sneakers.

Rainbow Dash ran down the stairs. She only had about 7 minutes to get to school, before she was considered late. Again.She had force fully thrown the refrigerator door open. She shuffled through the fridge for something to eat. Anything. She spotted a small rectangular shape shoved beside the orange juice. A granola bar. This isn't supposed to be in here. She thought out loud.

It would have to do. She hurriedly slammed the fridge door shut. She let out a yelp as a familiar figure came face to face with her. Her brother, Rainbow Blitz. He smirked.

"Geez Dash, no need to jump over the roof." He threw his hands up in defense, he laughed. "You should've seen your face!"

"Ugh, I don't have time for this. I'm about to be late." She glared, running off.

"What do you mean you're gonna be late-" Rainbow Blitz cut himself off as he turned towards the oven to get a good glimpse of the clock, which read 7:37. "Well, good luck getting to school on time." He joked, snickering. Dash seemed like she hadn't heard.

Rainbow Dash tear the wrapper off her granola bar before heading towards the front door. She grabbed her skate board on the way out. She tossed her skate board onto the ground. The wheels caused the skateboard to stroll forward. Dash gracefully hoped onto the skateboard. She slid her right foot against the soft agile concrete. She lean onto her left as she prepared to pull into the sidewalk. She lean her arms out for proper balance. Once she was on the sidewalk, she slid her foot against the concrete a few more times, attempting to go faster. She had no time to waste. She prepared to stop, as the end of the sidewalk came into view. Looking towards the red octagonal shape, which read 'stop' she dragged her foot against the concrete, forcing the skateboard to a halt. She looked over to her right, and then to left; checking for any incoming vehicles.

As no moving vehicles were in sight, she pushed forward.

I dragged my foot onto the base of the concrete, stopping. I brought my foot to the back of my skate board, flinging my heel onto it. The adjusted weight added from my heel caused the back of my skateboard to lift, it flipped and landed casually into my hands. I held the skateboard against my waist as I reach into my back pocket. Pulling out my phone, I checked the time.


"7:46, I still made it." I sighed with relief, placing the phone back into my back pocket. I turned, walking towards the School doors. I could hear the muffled conversations coming from inside. As the handle came into reach, I used my spare hand to pull the door open, only to be welcomed to complete silence. It wasn't that the school was empty, no. Everybody and everyone was there, Everybody was here. They were all staring at me. A look of confusion washed over my face. I forced myself to ignore the strange looks, and walk towards my locker. I could still feel everybody's eyes on me, and it was starting to annoy me.

I turned to my left. The Jocks; Usual athlete's. They spend their hours in the gym, or near the basketball courts. You'll usually find them in sports wear. Some of the jocks are pretty jerky. I could see some of the jocks eyeing me suspiciously. Looking away, I looked towards the preps, they stood near the Jocks. They were huddled in a half circle against the lockers, as if to get of a better view of me.

The Preps; The rude, rich and snobby teens of the school. They're usually well dressed and extremely wealthy. They're pretty popular, and don't have problems fitting in. They initially have the cover, as 'rulers of the school'. They aren't afraid to flaunt in people's faces, or cause initial drama. They're big mouths and talk a lot. The Goths stood behind them. The goth's didn't stand far from the Preps. They were facing back to back.

Goths/Emo's; Known to seek the thrill of death, and they're pretty depressing with their opinions on life. Most of them lack emotion. They often wear dark clothing, and an excessive amount of makeup. They listen too loud music, and bend the rules. The looks they were giving me sent chills down my spine.

"Okay...So...this is weird." I thought. I kept walking, pulling the strap on my backpack down.

Next to the goth's stood the Socials. They often have come off as, 'The mean girls'. They all fall in similar category's to the Preps, but are entirely different. The socials are usually girls, who don't outright bully people but, like to play mean pranks on people who they believe are getting in their way. They usually spread rumors about people to break or crush them. They are very demanding too. I couldn't help but notice everybody's head turn to watch and follow my every move.

"Just Ignore them, Dash. Ignore the weird looks." My grip on my skateboard tightened.

My eyes wandered to my right. The outsiders; They occasionally wore mix matched, bright colors. They're usually very chirpy, and often excited over the small things. They're always smiling, and you hardly ever see them upset. They often have trouble fitting in, as most people find them too chirpy and annoying. One of them had been leaning against the lockers, arms crossed as her right foot pushed against the locked door behind her. Her eyes squinted mischievously as if glaring at me.

"Just keep walking..."

The nerds; Usual dorks, some of them even come off as clumsy. They are intelligent and undeniably quiet. They usually have an intense liking for software or robotics. These people. The nerds. Even the nerds were staring at me. Had I done something? I had too have definitely done something. Although, they had stood away from the crowd, I had spotted them in the back, looking me down a few times then quickly looking away.

And finally, the cheerleaders. They're usually on the football court, right after school. When their not cheering on opponents, you'll often find them in short skirts or dresses. They occasionally wear the old fashioned, sneakers and skirts. These cheerleaders, are usually girls. Besides the Socials, They're known as the schools biggest simps. They're often falling in love with boys the second they've laid their eyes on them. I couldn't help but feel a tad intimidated by the way they had been looking at me, it wasn't a stare like the others; simple and bare. It showed signs of grief and despair.

"Alright! Now, I'm making a run for it."

I sprinted off, leaving the hallway of students dumbfounded. I could hear the chats of the other students returning, I sighed of relief. Seeing my locker in sight, I ran towards it. As I open her locker, I began to wonder if my friends knew why everybody was acting so weird today. Perhaps it was something about the school grounds in general? No. They had all been looking at me. My friends had to know something, It couldn't have just been me? Could it? I shoved my skateboard into my locker, slamming it closed. I noticed some of the students giving me weird looks as they walked past me.

Ignoring the stares, I walked towards my friends, who all happened to be standing at Rarity's locker. Sunset seemed to be whispering something, it was hastily muffled by the others students chats nearby. As I walk closer, the muffle words began to become clearer.

"So, who's gonna tell Dash?"

"Who's gonna tell me what?" I asked.

"N-Nothing!" Sunset added, almost as if afraid. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Why's everybody acting so weird today," I started. "I walk through those doors, and everybody suddenly turns dead silent. Eyes on me." I pointed to herself.

Nobody responded. They were all dead silent.

I looked into their eyes for a split second. Their eyes glistened with sorrow. Their faces showed fazes of guilt. But why? I had no clue.

"Well?" I asked. "What about you Applejack, what do you know?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Applejack. The element of honesty. She wouldn't dare lie to me. Would she? Would she tell me the truth? Or would she simply say nothing was wrong? She would be a terrible liar either way. If Applejack wouldn't answer, then something was definitely wrong. I was determined to figure out what was wrong.

"Uh..Well..Ah-" Applejack stopped, she seemed to be pondering over what to say, and how to answer.

"Ya' see...uh.." She trailed off again.

The silence rendered, as the school bell rang.

"Ah'mgonnabelateforclassbye." Applejack yelled running off. Everybody else follow suite, leaving me alone. I sighed, tightening my grip on my backpack, before walking off to class.

Author's Note

K, Here's chapter 2, Again I hope you enjoy it. A little short but yeah, lol.


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