
Sombra’s Babysitting Sevice (Wait What?)

by Badguy400

Chapter 1: Prologue: The Final Reckoning

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Author's Notes:

Be advised; I have not seen the series finale premiere. So if anything about this seems out of place, then please don’t chastise or harass me for it. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Twilight and her friends; now elemental-less, are currently thinking of a new way to get back at King Sombra, and save all of Equestria. Eventually, all six of them have decided to storm the castle, and defeat King Sombra once and for all.

“Hehe, wow. How sweet of you gals to come. Back for another round?” Sombra said this as a means to anger them; and also to ensure that the girls have remembered what he’s done. Oh and they know; that he will do something like that all over again. And with that, the fight is on.

Few minutes have passed, and it seemed that neither side have stricken the first blow; or at least connected it to say the least. Regardless; neither sides tactics are working. And both sides are apparently out of options. Until...

“Ready girls?” Twilight said. “Ready!” the rest of the Main Six said in unison. With that, Twilight has declared that the Magic of Friendship will defeat King Sombra, and has begun their attack. However; instead of King Sombra getting disintegrated; (like in the episode), he used his shadow magic to conjure a forcefield around him, and repel the attack back towards them. It struck, but no one saw what happened next.

After the smoke cleared, Sombra knew what he had just done. Right in front of him we’re his archenemies; but as babies this time. “Oh no”, he began. “Here we go now.” As if on cue, all of the main six, (who are infants again), started crying. This is not gonna end well for neither of them; not by a long shot.

Next Chapter: Chapter One: A New Responsibility Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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