
The Fallen Angel

by Dragon-In-Black

Chapter 6: 5 - The Dinner

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5 - The Dinner

Because Princess Cadance was in Canterlot, she was there for quite a lot of reasons. She was there because she felt the urge her brother in law had towards her aunt Luna, and she felt the same love Luna had for Spike. So naturally, she decided to travel to Canterlot and make sure that they accept their feelings for one another. She did not care about the whole incest thing as there really is no point in it. Even if they truly were blood-related, she would still have made sure that they responded to the feelings that they had for each other. Love is love and it always has been, but then when ponies and other creatures hear that they are related, it instantly changed and it is ‘disgusting’ ‘illegal’ and whatnot.

Cadance was tired of hearing those type of comments from creatures who are so backwards in their way of thinking, that they don’t notice that they are hurting the one’s they are accusing. As she was walking towards the dining hall for dinner, she bumped into Spike who was looking out the window, gazing at the stars. Spike did not seem to notice that he had been bumped into as he continued to stare out the window and the stars. Cadance looked out and tried to find if there was anything he was specifically looking at but found nothing.

“Sorry about that, Spike. I did not see where I was going.” Cadance apologized, hoping that she could gain his attention. It worked as he turned to her fully. She was a little horrified as she saw the cuts and bruises over his whole upper and lower body. There were big and small bruises and wounds that did not look like they had healed properly. Spike did not look like he cared as he looked at Cadance with a curious gaze, then he told her it was completely fine and went back to staring out the window.

“It's fine, Cadance. everypony and creature get lost in their thoughts.” spike said, waving the apology and looked at the stars before he decided to head to the dining hall for dinner. He realized that Cadance was also heading there and asked her if she was interested in walking with him. “Cadance, are you interested in walking with me to the dining hall? I assume you are heading there anyway.” Cadance nodded and they walked together to the dining hall and noticed that the whole royal family was there.

Princess Celestia, Luna, and prince Blueblood was there and was waiting for the other two to come. Spike sat down at his designated seat which was beside Luna which made Cadance grin. Spike sat down beside Luna who was blushing lightly as she felt the warm feeling emitting from Spike. She felt so safe and preserved. Cadance was giving them a devious grin. Cadance looked quite evil, but in a good way and for a good cause. Blueblood was simply minding his own business, not interested in angering Spike in any possible way. Celestia was trying her best to strike a conversation but no one was willing to talk much except Cadance.

“So Cadance, how is it in the Crystal Empire? I hear that most mares there are smitten with Spike.” Celestia said, winking at her son in question who did not look to give a flying feather as he was secretly drinking wine. “I have even heard that all of them I believe are trying to arrange marriage contracts there.” Spike looked at Celestia and Cadance with a cold gaze as he heard the word marriage contract. He was not marrying anypony through a marriage contract and certainly not someone he had no clue about.

“Things have been well, and you are right: the Crystal Ponies has indeed tried to get marriage contracts with Spike. I have all told the same thing; that Spike already has a lover.” Cadance said, making Spike look at her as if she had finally lost it. Celestia only laughed as Luna hid behind her hair but was blushing madly. Blueblood was still minding his own business. He had grown to respect Spike and did not want to ruin the relation he had built with him, so he remained quiet. Spike decided that he would ask the one question that was on his mind.

“And what will happen when they realize that their beloved hero does not have a lover?” Spike asked, with a grin as he saw that Cadences’ grin became bigger. “Does it then mean that I get the Empire?” Celestia looked at her son as if that was the most ridiculous thing in the world. Luna looked at Spike and for some reason imagined herself with him, married, and had two children. She could not help but smile at the lovely thought. Cadance looked like she had won and said in a tone that was mocking but still serious:

“Yes, if I am wrong, then the Empire is yours. If I am right, then I get to organize your wedding.” Cadance said, making Celestia look at her weirdly. That was her job. She then shrugged and decided to deal with it in the future. The dinner continued and Spike was noticing that he was getting funny looks from Luna who was giving him a look of longing. It was not one from an aunt, but one from something else. He just could not place his finger on it. He was truly oblivious as to what the feeling was. Cadance was grinning as she wanted to see them get into a relationship and have their happy ending.

When dinner was over, Spike was walking towards the garden to enjoy the stars and cold air. He knew that Faust was looking at him to spite him, but he could not avoid a literal Goddess. He would have to do something extremely drastic to achieve that and he knew that Faust would know why he did it and he would pretty much just get away with it and he would only feel angrier than usual. He felt a presence near him and he instantly knew it was Luna as she was radiating a warm feeling that made his heart flutter. Luna lay beside him and they looked at the stars together.

“It truly is beautiful isn’t it?” Spike asked after they had been quiet for quite a while. Luna nodded as she snuggled closer to Spike and he felt his body become fluttery. He felt amazing near Luna and she felt the same thing about him. They looked at the stars for a few hours before Spike decided that he needed to train in the Everfree Forest. Luna saw him fly off in the distanced, and she noticed that his wings changed mid-flight. It changed to his angelic wings that were coal black. But there was something. . . different on them. There was a hint of white in it.

Author's Note

A shorter chapter this one. I sincerely hoped you enjoyed this one. :twilightsmile:

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