
Angelic Disposition

by MyHobby

Chapter 2: Keeping Up Appearances

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A hush settled across the land as Luna’s night fell upon Ponyville. It felt as if even the nocturnal creatures were taking a moment to appreciate the stillness of the new evening. As the moon rose, a lone pegasus pony could be seen walking down the path to Angel’s house. She had clearly seen better days; her mane was frazzled, her eyes had bags beneath them, and her wings were practically dragging on the ground. Angel watched from an open window as she plodded her way up to the door. The small bunny quickly hopped up on a dresser to dust off the last of the flower pots he needed to clean. Running over to the door, he opened it just in time to welcome Fluttershy back home. The yellow pegasus smiled and wearily rubbed Angel’s head. “Hello, Angel Bun, did you get all of your chores done?”

Angel nodded in the affirmative. Two weeks had passed since his little incident in the market. As part of his punishment, Angel was given chores to occupy his time while he remained grounded. The daily trudge was more than enough to make him regret his little pranks.

Fluttershy yawned and flopped down on the couch, saddlebags left by the door. Angel quickly leaped over to the dresser to get a comb for Fluttershy’s hair. He sat beside her and brushed while she shared the events of her day.

“There was so much to do today, Angel. Tank the Tortoise had the flu, Screwloose was having another breakdown, the fish in the pond were getting seasick…” The butter-yellow pegasus laid her chin on her folded hooves. “I don’t know what I’m going to do if I have another day like this tomorrow.”

Angel placed the brush on a small table next to the couch. He sped over to the counter where he had left today’s mail, and brought it to Fluttershy. Thanking him, she began to wearily go over her latest batch. Pamphlets advertising retirement homes, market stalls, and aging cream found themselves tossed into a wastebasket. When she had finished, two remained; an officious looking letter sealed with an intricate wax seal, and a slightly more personal-looking letter.

Picking up the latter, Fluttershy began to read, “Mayor Mare is cancelling my appointment tomorrow. She figured out that her beta fish was so grumpy because she set him next to a mirror!” She smiled a bit before yawning again. “This means that my day won’t be nearly as busy as I thought. I might even be able to do something fun with my friends.”

She turned her head to the sealed envelope and carefully removed the wax. Angel took the red blob from the winged pony and examined it. It wasn’t a seal he recognized immediately, but it had a familiarity about it. He had seen it before, and from what he remembered about the experience, it was not pleasant.

“Prissy Palette and Salacious P. Boysenberry cordially invite you to this year’s Ponyville Art Show. Filled with art new and old, there’s something for everypony. Support local and budding artists with donations.”

Fluttershy let out a strained sigh, “Prissy Palette invited me? Well, it’s tomorrow afternoon, so I could go.” She turned to Angel and let the letter drop. “But that’s just too many ponies for me, especially when I don’t know anypony there.”

Angel rolled his eyes and pointed at the bolded names near the top of the invitation. Fluttershy gulped, “I, ah… I don’t think that my old art teacher really counts, Angel, dear.”

He nodded in agreement, yet sighed in defeat. It was in his expert opinion that Fluttershy desperately needed to get out and have fun more often. Maybe she could even meet some new ponies along the way. Her own group of friends was good, sure, but that was most defiantly a closed circle that wasn’t going to grow any time soon.

Looking down at the invitation, he noticed some fine print etched on the back. The bunny turned to Fluttershy to show her the fine print, but she had already made her way to the bedroom. He rushed after the droopy pegasus and tried to show her the invitation. “Angel, sweetie, I really need to get to sleep.”

He hopped up on the nightstand next to the bed and attempted to point out that she hadn’t finished reading the invitation. Fluttershy rolled on her side and closed her eyes. Angel took the candle from the hallway and brought it into the bedroom, beginning to feel frustration rise. He placed the candle in front of the sleeping pegasus, then proceeded to pound his foot against the bedpost. Fluttershy opened her eyes and frowned at the offending bunny. “Angel, I don’t want to go to the art show, and that’s final.”

Angel tossed the invitation into the air with a groan, giving up entirely. The letter slowly floated down to sit across Fluttershy’s eyes. She lifted the invitation and read the microscopic print carefully. “Decorations provided by Rarity of Ponyville. Event planning by Pinkie Pie, Premier Party Planner.”

She thought for a moment, then spoke to the bunny rabbit leaving the room dejectedly, “Well, if two of my friends are going to be there, maybe I should go. It would be a nice change of pace from working every day…”

Angel slapped himself hard. He decided to chalk this up to a moral victory and continued on his way to the bunnyhouse. Grounded or not, he was going to accompany Fluttershy to the art show, by fair means or foul.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fan Fiction
Angelic Disposition: Part Two
Keeping Up Appearances

Angel kept a stiff upper lip as he assisted Fluttershy with the most incomprehensible activity known to man or beast. Fluttershy came out from behind the privacy curtain dressed in yet another outfit, contemplating its pros and cons. She looked at Angel to gauge his opinion of the lime green dress, and he shook his head. She walked back behind the curtain to grab a new set of clothes. He wished to be somewhere else, anywhere else, but this was for posterity. She came out wearing a light blue dress that complemented her eyes and twirled a bit. “What do you think of this one?”

Angel hopped down to examine it up close. The dress was silky, with a veil-like skirt over it. The back was v-shaped, tapering down to just beneath her wings. A blue flower in her hair completed the look. As he passed by the back, he carefully tugged at the secret pocket that he had sewn between the dress and the veil. Perfect.

He gave a nod of appreciation, and hopped back up to his perch on the nightstand. “You really think I should wear this one? What about this dress I wore at the royal wedding?”

The bunny shook his head; he hadn’t dared to modify that dress. As Fluttershy walked over to the mirror to inspect her outfit, Angel mentally prepared himself to sneak to the party. He had to remain out of sight, yet ready to assist his timid friend at a moment’s notice. This was not a mission for the faint of heart.

The sound of a hoof knocking against the front door made its way to the bedroom. Fluttershy turned and began making her way to answer, but just as she said “I’ll get it,” Angel Bun dashed to the door and flung it open to greet their visitor.

Diamond Tiara stood in the doorway opposite to the bunny. She opened her mouth to speak, but found the door abruptly shut in her face. Angel walked into the living room, dusting off his paws and looking proud at his bully-banishment.

“Angel Bunny! That is not how we treat visitors!” Fluttershy’s face was the picture of disappointment. Angel quickly moved out of the way as his caretaker trotted up to the door and opened it once more. “Diamond Tiara, what a surprise! Please come in. Would you like a cookie?”

Diamond Tiara looked surprised. Whatever she had wanted to say to Fluttershy, it clearly got jumbled up when the yellow pony spoke. “I, er, that is…”

“It’s alright,” Fluttershy smiled at the pink filly. “Why don’t you come in and you can tell me why you’re here?”

Diamond nodded and walked into the house. Angel took a moment to snigger at the thought that she had not crossed the threshold until invited in. Fluttershy sent a quick glare in his direction and pointed towards the kitchen. Huffing in indignation, he crossed his paws and refused to budge. His caretaker pointed from her eyes to the bunny rabbit across the room. Angel got the message.

Returning from the kitchen with a plate of cookies, Angel found Diamond Tiara sitting in the chair that was facing the couch. He placed the cookies on a coffee table, and began to listen in.

It seem like Diamond had just finished a summary of the events leading up to the marketplace mash-up. “…And now he won’t even look at me anymore! You’re the pet expert! There’s got to be something you can do!” The pink filly took a deep breath before concluding, “Please.” Angel blinked; the normally snotty little girl actually seemed to be sincere.

Fluttershy looked nervous. This was nothing new for the pegasus, but this was more than just a general dislike of the spotlight. She had the look of a pony who was about to say something that they knew wasn’t going to be accepted. “I’m sorry, Diamond, but there’s nothing I can do.”

Diamond Tiara opened her mouth to protest, but Fluttershy held up a hoof. “’I said: there is nothing that I can do.’” She looked right into the frustrated child’s eyes. “Because only you can fix this.”

Confused, the purple-maned Earth Pony looked down at her hooves. “What can I do?”

“Do you understand why Dollar Dillo doesn’t want to be by you?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

Diamond scrunched her face up, “Because he thinks I was mean to him.”

“No,” Fluttershy shook her head slowly. “It’s because he is afraid of you.”

“What!?” Diamond leaped up in outrage. “There’s nothing scary about me!”

“Diamond, he isn’t scared of you,” Fluttershy interrupted. “He’s seen you hurt other’s feelings on purpose, and he’s afraid that you will hurt him, too.”

The heiress to the Rich family fortune scowled, “But I would never hurt my friend! Not on purpose!”

“So, you need to prove it to him,” Fluttershy got up from the couch and walked over to Diamond Tiara. “Show Dollar that you’ve decided not to hurt him.”

“How am I supposed to do that!?”

“By showing everyone a little kindness.”

Her tiara sagged as Diamond Tiara’s ears flopped back onto her head aggressively. “You mean those Cutie Mark Crusaders, don’t you?”

“That’s a good place to start, yes,” Fluttershy chewed at her bottom lip. “But it shouldn’t stop there.”

“Are you saying I’ve been anything less than super-sweet to eveypony, you cloud-headed pegasus!?” Diamond glared at Fluttershy before she realized what she had just said. She was rotten, yes, but until now she had never talked down to a grownup before.

Diamond looked like she had more to say, but stepped down from the chair and walked to the door. Mumbling something along the lines of “Thanks for the cookies,” she let herself out.

Fluttershy looked like she was on the verge of tears. She looked to Angel and gave a sigh. “She’ll have to decide for herself if she wants to change.” The gentle pegasus wiped a droplet from her eye.

Angel mused for a moment. Did someone like Diamond Tiara, who had been a right little terror for most of her life, have the capacity to change? Unlikely, he decided.

Fluttershy dried her tears and looked at her sundial, “Oh my, it’s time to head over to the Art Show. This day is going by so fast!”

The flight to the hall, rented for the show, was a quick one. Angel kept himself warm inside his little pocket, and his pegasus friend was none the wiser. Fluttershy always liked to arrive a few minutes early, just to be sure that she would not be late; that would be rude.

She touched down just outside the main entrance. Angel could feel her looking around for a few moments before she caught a glimpse of the “Welcome!” sign posted on the door.

“Well, here goes…” The yellow pegasus trotted into the hall. Rarity had gone all out with the decorations here; streamers hung from the ceiling, flower bouquets dotted the hall, and the walls were specially decorated to each represent a certain style of art. A buffet table lay in the center of the room, bursting with salads and confectionary delights.

On the other side of the room there stood a large archway, leading into the Art Gallery proper. In that archway stood a white-coated mare with a meticulously-curled purple mane. She seemed to be putting the finishing touches on the entryway; levitating streamers one by one for inspection, and then attaching them to the frame. The mare hummed quietly to herself as she connected the last brightly-colored ribbon to the top, tying it into a bow. Looking satisfied with her work, the smiling pony turned towards the main entrance to see which of the invited guests had arrived.

“Fluttershy, darling, I’m so glad you decided to come!” With her friend calling out to her, Fluttershy trotted forward and met Rarity half-way.

“Hello, Rarity, I hope I’m not too early.”

“Nonsense, I couldn’t think of a better time! I’ve just finished my job, and now we can talk until the party begins,” A nervous look crossed the unicorn’s face. “Once it starts, I’m going to have to get busy promoting Carousel Boutique, I absolutely refuse to pass up an opportunity like this. You understand, don’t you?”

“Of course,” Fluttershy replied. “And I’ll help in any way that I can!”

Rarity smiled at her friend. “Thank you Fluttershy. Now tell me what’s happened with that miscreant pet of yours.”

Fluttershy turned her head aside, “I’d rather not talk about him when he’s not here.”

Rarity’s head tilted to the side, “Why ever not?”

The butter-yellow pegasus shrugged, “Angel already feels bad for what he’s done. If he hears that I’ve been talking about him, well, that would just be salt on the wound.”

Angel Bunny smiled a little at that, no one could ever say Fluttershy didn’t care about others. EVER.

“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t be right to pry then.” The generous unicorn raised a hoof. “So what have you been doing with yourself?”

Angel bunny knew all about what Fluttershy had been doing with herself. Hoisting himself carefully out of the pocket, he slowly put some distance between himself and the chatting mares. He had gotten a measly five hoof-widths away when he was spooked out of his fur by the sudden appearance of one monochromatically-pink colored Earth Pony mare.

“Hi, Fluttershy! I’m so glad you could make it! Do you know why Missy Prissy invited you? Do yah? Do yah? Do yah?” Pinkie Pie all but jumped on her timid friend. She bounced around, singing a song with no words. She suddenly stopped moving and stared straight into Fluttershy’s eyes. “Well, do yah!?”

“Because…” Fluttershy’s brain had momentarily shut down due to the bubbly pony’s surprise appearance. “Because of my brief modeling career?”

“Yes! She got it in one guess! How cool is that?” She asked Rarity without really expecting an answer. “Of course, if she didn’t know, would I have known? What if I knew something about her that she didn’t know? What if she knew that I knew, but didn’t know about it herself? Would you feel bad if that was true, Fluttershy?”

“I… Don’t think so.”

Rarity decided to take this moment to rescue the pegasus before she seized up from confusion. “Well, isn’t the party about to start, Pinkie? You do still have to oversee it to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

“That’s right, Rarity!” Pinkie smiled, then continued. “Aaaaaand, I still need to thank you for all of your help planning the events today.”

The not-quite-rational pony let out a sudden gush of air, like she had just been punched in the gut. Sucking in an equally big breath, she let out a gasp of realization. Spinning on her back hooves, she sped off into the distance.

Fluttershy watched her pinkish friend vacate the premises. Turning to Rarity, she tilted her head quizzically. Rarity could only shrug back. Continuing the walk towards the buffet table, they chatted about whatever came to mind. Well, Rarity chatted; Fluttershy mostly nodded her head.

Angel hid beneath the table, munching on a purloined carrot and some fresh spinach. He gazed between a slit in the tablecloth and took in the surroundings. Rarity had really outdone herself this time. He had never see so many decorations, not even when Celestia made her visits. Streamers, balloons, portraits… Wait…

Balloons? Party Balloons?

Angel heard a loud blast, sounding akin to a party favor noise-maker, come from the far side of the room. He stared out of the tablecloth’s slit and strained his eye, hoping to catch a glimpse of the sound’s origin. Standing in the midst of a confetti shower was the one-and-only Pinkie Pie, readying her Party Cannon for another launch. She fired straight and true, covering the south corner with pastel decorations. Grinning with fiendish glee, she turned her attention to the carefully-prepared archway. Striking a match on her rear-left horseshoe, she was about to light the fuse when Rarity burst on to the scene.

“Pinkie! Pinkie Pie! What… What have you done? Whathaveyoudone?” Rarity’s eye twitched violently. Angel could see fillings loosen as she ground her teeth together. “My my my my my DECORATIONS!”

“Isn’t it wonderful!?” The poofy-maned pony replied. “I was thinking that since you helped me so much with the planning and plotting and arranging and inviting and…”

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy interrupted. “You should probably get to the point. Please.”

“Oh, okay!” Pinkie beamed. “Well, since you helped me Soooooo much with planning the party, it’s only fair that I help you decorate it!

Rarity was hyperventilating now. “I… Was… Already… DONE!”

“Well, that’s okay!” Pinkie began to bounce in place. “Every party deserves the signature Pinkie Pie Touchtm!”

Fluttershy bit her lower lip, “Pinkie, this isn’t that kind of party. It’s,” She hesitated for a moment. “That kind of party.”

Pinkie tilted her head. “That kind of party?”

The yellow pegasus nodded.

Pinkie looked at Rarity and held up a Golden Grand Galloping Gala Ticket. “As in, That-kind-of-party kind of party?”

Rarity didn’t reply. Rather, she was busy shivering like a Chihuahua.

Pinkie looked to her decorations, then to her Party Cannon, then to the distraught unicorn. She grinned sheepishly. “Erm, maybe I can clean this up really quick…”

There was no time; however, because at that moment the very hosts of the Art Show flew in through the main entrance. Prissy Palette and her husband, Salacious P. Boysenberry, fluttered on feathery wings towards the three assembled ponies. They landed, heads held high and eyes half-lidded, and walked the last few hoof-lengths to their hired help.

“Oh, Rarity, you have outdone yourself!” Mrs. Palette addressed the shaking mare. “The decorations are exquisite!”

“And these party balloons,” Mr. Boysenberry interjected. “Make for a most wonderfully ironic atmosphere!”

“I- Ironic?” Rarity finally found her voice.

“Oh, of course!” The regal-ish pegasus mare explained. “It adds a slightly childish atmosphere to a most adult and serious event!”

Prissy Palette looked down at the white-coated unicorn. “You do know what irony is, don’t you?”

“Um, yes. Yes! Yes I do! Of course.” Rarity nodded her head, punctuating every sentence with her bobbing purple curls.

Salacious walked over to the south corner, which was now occupied by a Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Pony game. “My, this is quite the intriguing piece.” He pointed to the row of colorful, disembodies tails sitting next to the bare-plotted pony. “It reminds me of Salad Moor Dolly’s work.”

His wife came to stand next to him. “Hmm, yes. I see it. Very similar to Sleep.

She turned her head to Pinkie and inquired, “Who is the artist behind this creation? Will she be attending?”

“Of course she is, silly!” Pinkie beamed. “She’s right here!”

Salacious grinned at the pink pony. “I suppose we should allow our planner to feature her own work, if it is her wish.”

Angel took this moment to examine the two new arrivals. It had been a few years since he had last seen Fluttershy’s old art teacher, and he had never met her directly. He had heard, however, that she could be a bit “totalitarian” about creativity; if that was even possible. He hadn’t heard much about Salacious before now, except that he and his wife had tied the knot less than a year ago.

Prissy Palette, as Angel observed, was a blue-coated pegasus with lemon-yellow hair. She wore her mane in what was probably meant to be curls, but came across more like a frizzy rats-nest. Her Cutie Mark spoke of her “love” of art and teaching; sitting on an easel was a sheet of white paper. At its center, it contained a rather large “F Minus.” Charming.

Salacious P. Boysenberry was dark burgundy, with a bit of a mullet made from his dark-green mane. He wore a top hat and short tuxedo, specially made to allow his wings some movement. His Cutie Mark consisted of a pair of binoculars, with a small reddish berry reflected in the center of each lens.

Angel mused at that; what in the hay was that supposed to mean? What special talent could give you that sort of Cutie Mark?

The blue-coated pegasus mare turned her attention to the butter-yellow pegasus attempting to hide behind her mane, “Is that my old student, Fluttershy?”

“Well, well. It seems that it is so, my dear!” Salacious pulled out a pair of opera glasses and used them to examine Fluttershy. “Names and faces escape me, but I never forget a Cutie Mark.”

“My, my, you certainly have grown!” Mrs. Palette walked up to the yellow mare. “You have been keeping up with your studies, I presume.”

“Well, i’m learning new things every day, certainly.” The shy mare answered.

“And your art studies?” Prissy pressed.

“I… I didn’t have much time to practice after moving to Ponyville,” Fluttershy admitted. “I’ve had to work a lot the past few years.”

“Ugh,” Prissy Palette now seemed to be completely uninterested in her former student. She turned her attention to the bouncing bundle of joy known as Pinkie Pie. “And have all the preparations been made?”

“Yeppers!” Pinkie shouted. “Everything’s set up, and we’re ready for guests!”

“Excellent.” She turned to her husband, who was still examining Fluttershy rather closely with his opera glasses. “Come, Salacious, we have guests to greet.”

As the two hosts walked towards the entrance, Angel noticed that Fluttershy couldn’t help but shudder. After watching the pegasi work their magic, he sympathized. He was gonna have to find out what happened back in flight school. Later though, the guests were arriving.

The two pegasi stood at the door, shaking hooves and sharing greetings. Famous ponies from all over Equestria walked in, eager to peruse the gallery that Prissy Palette had put together. The wealthy, the elite, and the famous joined together to talk business, share stories, and generally have a good time.

Pinkie Pie was in the thick of things, greeting ponies and generally making sure that they were enjoying themselves. Rarity busied herself with speaking with the various contacts she had made in Canterlot.

“Hi there! Are you enjoying the party? Have you tried the punch?”

“Why, yes, I did make this dress myself! It’s my business, you know.”

“How about that painting, huh? Really captures the imagination!”

“Why certainly, I can have two dresses done by next week!”

Fluttershy, on the other hoof, focused on staying as close to her two friends as equestrianly possible, keeping herself mostly quiescent. Angel grumbled under his breath; that was no way to party.

Sneaking out from underneath the buffet table, he made his way over to the big archway, making sure that other ponies stayed between his caretaker and his small bunny profile. Peaking around the corner, he saw that the other room was filled to the brim with artworks from all of the popular eras. Angel saw everything from renaissance art to photographed cave-paintings from prehistoric ponies. The guests had already started to wander the gallery, at least those not currently engaged in social interaction.

Angel stiffened as he felt a hoof tap his shoulder. He reluctantly turned to face the pony, certain that he was busted. To his relieved surprise, the pony was not one of the many in Ponyville who had heard about his grounding; rather, she was a sky-blue earth pony wearing rather stylish sunglasses.

“Aha! You are the pet of Fl-oo-tersh-chy, yah?” Photo Finish stood before him, her keen eye for detail even now scanning the crowd, searching for a photo-op. Befitting a pony from Marelin, she spoke with a heavy accent. “I moost speak vit her, vere is sh-che now?”

Taking a moment to register the unfamiliar mode of speech, Angel considered whether he should actually answer Photo Finish. Fluttershy hadn’t especially enjoyed her modeling gig, though that was certainly no fault of Photo Finish’s. Still, they hadn’t had a reason to conversate with each other since the butter-yellow pegasus quit. What could Ms. Finish want with her now?

Tilting his head to the side, Angel stared inquisitively at the photographer; classic pet-speak for, “And just who wants to know?” Photo Finish may have rolled her eyes, but they were expertly obscured beneath her sunglasses. Her mouth’s downward curl, however, told him that she wasn’t in the mood.

“I h-chave no time for silly pet games!” She turned to a pony carrying a large camera. “We go!”

Angel watched as she trotted away, sticking her nose between two ponies in an effort to identify them. Not finding Fluttershy amongst them, she bounded away with a vigor that defied even Pinkie Pie’s energy. Angel grimaced at the picture perfect pony; she was exactly the opposite of what Fluttershy needed. Come to think of it, besides Rarity and Pinkie, the entire party had been the antithesis of Fluttershy.

His frown grew deeper as he mentally patted himself on the back for his utter failure in the “Best Pet Ever” department. He needed some sort of big break, for Fluttershy’s sake.

“Ah! Flooter-Schy!” It sounded like Photo Finish had found her mark. Angel placed a tiny paw against his head, attempting to drive back the developing headache.

“Oh, hello, Photo Finish.” Fluttershy was standing beside Rarity, and she was using her friend as a buffer against the surrounding crowd. Photo Finish had far too keen an eye to lose Fluttershy that easily.

“Flooter Schy! Eet hez been too long!” The blue earth pony had an uncharacteristic excitement about her, and the pent-up energy was making it hard for her to keep her accent in check. Angel Bunny hopped over to the buffet table, and slipped beneath its salad bar. “I Hhcchev been lookink for you every-vere!”

“You have?” Fluttershy’s normally nervous features shifted a bit. Her expression was now a combination of perplexity and uneasiness. “Did you want to talk to me about something?”

Photo Finish nodded her head, smiling. She seemed to be in greater control of her emotions, now. “Yes… Yeeessss…“

She flopped one fore-leg over Fluttershy’s back and led her away from an absorbed Rarity. “Zere iz a favor I vould like to ask of you, would you kindly?”

“Yes. Erm, that is, if I can…”

Photo Finish led Fluttershy into the art gallery, still with a guiding hoof resting on the small of the pegasus’ back. “Vell, it seems zat zee profechinal model I hired vas unable to make it, and did not sink to tell me until zee last minute!”

She looked straight at Fluttershy and lowered her glasses. “Please be my stand-in, it vould be a major embarrassment if I vas vithout the promised model.”

Fluttershy sighed gently, but nodded. “Alright, Photo Finish. But just this once.”

Photo Finish smiled and led Fluttershy further down the hall. “Danke, Flouter Schy.”

The yellow pegasus was brought in front of a group of rather artsy-looking ponies, striped shirts and berets abounded. One curly-mustachioed pony at the center smiled softly as they approached. “Ah, has your model finally arrived, Miss Finish?”

Photo Finish looked expectantly at Fluttershy, raising an eyebrow. The yellow pegasus looked at the ponies grouped around her. Some looked to her with interest, some with not but a cursory glance, but all of them were critiquing. She nodded her head, shrinking her profile down to minuscule proportions. “Yes.”

Angel hopped as fast as he could, but Fluttershy was already taking her position in front of a Lemonyellow DePinchy painting. He knew that the only thing he was good for now was causing a disruption, but that wouldn’t help Fluttershy much. He leaned against a table leg and busied himself with looking around for troublesome ponies, in an attempt to keep any more unwanted business away from his friend.

He jerked back when he realized that the table leg was green, scaly, and certainly not a table leg. Gummie, Pinkie Pie’s pet crocodile (alligator?), was gripping on to a table cloth by his flabby gums. The reptilian curiosity was apparently attempting to climb up to the hors d'oeuvres seated on the tabletop. His stubby legs, however, were made for swimming, not climbing. Angel smiled at the odd creature and gave him a boost to the top of the table.

Reaching the top, Gummie slowly walked forwards and bit down on a big, juicy apple. Not having any teeth to speak of, his effort only produced a very slobbery apple, and one very hungry alligator (crocodile?). He then waddled over to a watermelon, cut open and filled with all sorts of melon slices. Instead of sticking his green head into the watermelon, he decided to attempt to bite down on the hard outer shell of the fruity centerpiece. Much slobber and saliva later, the discouraged amphibious creature wandered away to other, less confusing, treats.

The next pony to come to the hors d’oeuvres table, much to the disgust of his female companion, grabbed the apple without looking and ate it in a single chomp. Finding crocodile (alligator?) drool to be a very interesting flavor-enhancer; he excused himself and proceeded to the little colt’s room, posthaste. Angel laughed to himself; prank or accident, you never could tell with Gummie.

The little bunny looked back over to where Fluttershy was posing, and noticed that Photo Finish was putting away her camera. That didn’t take long. Fluttershy was conversing with the various artsy ponies who had watched her model. She seemed to be doing remarkable well. Maybe she had grown a little over the last few months.

One pony in particular was hanging back. He looked like he wanted to walk forward but was having trouble getting his legs to move him. The grey stallion next to him nudged him slightly. “Well, aren’t you going to talk to her?”

The first pony looked at his grey friend with lidded eyes, “Come on, Bruce, what would make this time any different?” He shuffled a bit and looked back to the herd of talking ponies.

Bruce Mane rolled his eyes, “Because this time you’re going to talk with her, you’re going to make a good impression, and you’re going to ask her out.”

Angel hopped closer to the conversation, followed by his googley-eyed alligator (crocodile?) friend. If anypony wanted to put the moves on his caretaker, he was gonna have a word or two to say about it. Gummie and the bunny approached the two stallions with care, avoiding hooves, claws, paws, and various other appendages. Angel got close enough to get a good look at the stallion in question and realized that he recognized him.

Now, this was not the first time Angel had snuck on an adventure with Fluttershy. He had travelled to Canterlot, Appaloosa, and beyond. One such time, unbeknownst to anyone, he had accompanied her to the Grand Galloping Gala. He may have taken part in a certain stampede, but that’s beside the point. It was at this gala that he had been introduced to this particular blue-coated stallion.

This guy was actually pretty well known as a clock maker, said talent represented by the hourglass tattooed to his butt. He was said to be the “Doctor” for all of the timepieces located in the royal castle. Respectable, handsome, and rich.
Angel liked him already.

Said pony ran a hoof through his blond mane, worry lines appearing on his forehead. His grey-coated buddy urged him on, “Come on, what are the chances of you having this opportunity again? Go talk to her.”

The nervous stallion swallowed his nerves, straightened his tie, and walked up to Fluttershy. The pegasus turned from the artist that she was conversing with, and looked to the blue-coated Earth Pony. Angel leaned forwards in anticipation, what was he going to say to her? What was his icebreaker?

“Hello, my name is Hour D'oeuvres, we met at the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“Squeak!” Angel Bunny made the closest sound to Ultimate Suffering that his little bunny vocal chords were capable of. Of all the events that Hour could have mentioned...

Angel looked up from his two-pawed face-palm to see Fluttershy give a wide-eyed “meep” and back nervously away from Mr. D’oeuvres. It was obvious that his poor caretaker’s memory of the gala would most likely not include the impromptu song and dance session from the beginning. Her eyes told tales of fearful critters, running in sheer terror from one butter-yellow madmare. A stampede, a disaster, and one long, wakeful night.

Angel looked at the blue stallion’s face as comprehension gradually spread across his features like a stain across a white dress. His mouth moved slightly, forming words but speaking none. Angel, though not being a lip-reader in even the loosest sense, could have sworn Hour D’oeuvres said something like “Celestia’s Horseapple Pies…”

To his credit, the blondish pony recovered fast. “I-I-I-I MEAN…” He began quickly. “I saw you at Equestria’s National Dessert Competition, but didn’t get the chance to talk to you then…” But it was for nothing, Fluttershy was in full reverse at that point.

Angel was getting tired of cleaning up everypony’s mistakes. He hopped over to a posh stallion standing behind Fluttershy, Prissy Palette’s husband. He was scanning the crowd with those freaky opera glasses of his, and balancing a salad plate on one hoof. He never saw Angel coming.

Angel planted a foot in the bottom of Salacious P. Boysenberry’s plate with a swift kick, sending its contents flying into the burgundy stallion’s face. Startled, the green-maned pegasus stumbled backwards until he bumped rumps with Fluttershy, halting her momentum and then reversing it. Angel smiled as Fluttershy came closer to Hour D’oeuvres, tripping on her own hooves as she tried to regain her balance. The smile fell like a wingless pegasus pony when he saw that Hour had decided to follow Fluttershy in her retreat.

The two pony’s heads collided with a loud “whap!” that reverberated across the hall.

Fluttershy rubbed the sore spot on her noggin with a hoof, “Ow.” Photo Finish about swooned at that.

“Ach! Evhen hcher hchead-butts are grace-fool!”

Hour D’oeuvres, on the other hoof, was nursing a sore nose and spouting a variety of profanities. “Discord’s Donut Holes! Ahuizotl’s Tail Ring! Faust’s Fragrant Forehead!”

Fluttershy winced at this outburst, but kindness is kindness. She grabbed his face in her hooves to get a closer look at his injury. “Hold still, please… It doesn’t look too bad, just a bruise.”

Hour’s face got very warm between her hooves, and his blue face turned a nice shade of red to match. He grinned nervously and backed away a bit. “Aheh, sorry about the outburst… Fluttershy, isn’t it?”

“That’s right,” She said as she continued her examination. Hour hissed as her hoof passed over a sensitive spot.

“Stable Cakes!”

The pegasus pony gave him a disapproving glare, “Would you please keep the language at least PG?” He nodded, chastised.

Angel rolled his eyes and hopped over to the salad bowl; Hour D’oeuvres was on his own, now. He leaped the entire height of the table and landed beside the luscious salad. He was about to dig in when he noticed Bruce Mane, Mr. D’oeuvres’ buddy, walk up to the table with a fork in his mouth and a plate on his hoof. Bruce’s attention was turned to a golden and red mare beside him; she was talking about some newfangled technology, Arc Reactors or something like that. Angel quickly scooped a pile of lettuce leaves into his arms and leapt below the table.

“That’s very interesting, Miss Sparks,” Bruce spoke through gritted teeth, preparing his fork for salad retrieval. “I’d love to invest in your new project.” He stabbed downward with his fork, meeting the empty bowl with a loud clang and a scrape. Most nearby ponies turned to look at the source of the offensive noise, and Miss Sparks’ eyes rolled in annoyance. Angel sat beneath the table and giggled.

Gummie sidled up beside him and sat down, helping himself to a lettuce leaf. As he munched, a familiar pink face appeared beside Angel. “Who are we hiding from?” The little bunny rabbit about leapt out of his pelt. How does she do that!?

Angel pointed to Fluttershy, who was currently bandaging up a very humble Hour D’oeuvre’s mouth. He made a “Lips Are Sealed” motion and pointed at Pinkie. She crossed her heart, fluttered her hooves, and poked her eye with one horseshoed foot. The promise sealed, Angel watched Fluttershy walk away from the disgruntled stallion over to Photo Finish. Photo Finish attempted to convince Fluttershy that modeling was the life for her, but the gentle mare asserted herself with grace.

Angel stared at the floor, considering his options. So far, he had failed to save Fluttershy from Photo Finish, attempted to set her up with a very abrasive stallion, and given her a bump on her head. What else could go wrong?

Pinkie suddenly burst forth from beneath the table and hopped over to greet a new arrival. “Zecora! I’m so glad you made it!”

Zecora smiled and trotted towards the pink bundle of joy, lugging a large pair of saddlebags on her back. “I could not this opportunity loose, for ponies to learn where I once hung my shoes. Now will you tell me where my booth lies, or must I, for my corner, scry?”

“Nopey dopey soapy!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I’ll walk you over there right now!

"Hey, Fluttershy!” Pinkie shouted to her friend, waving a hoof in encouragement. “Fluttershy! Zecora’s brought her artsy stuff from Zebrabwe! Come see!”

Fluttershy did as she was bidden, glad to put some distance between her and her attempted entourage. Hour D’oeuvres sat, mulling over the situation in his head. He got to his hooves and trotted after the two pony mares (and one zebra), keeping a subtle distance. Angel likewise kept his distance, eager to be in the midst of any mischief that happened along his way. Gummie looked to the left, then the right, and finally followed; reasons kept silent beneath his bugging eyes.

Photo Finish looked at the retreating ponies over her oh-so-stylish sunglasses. She silently signaled to her companions that they should follow her, and then set off in search of the perfect photo-op.

Zecora set up her stand quickly and effectively. Photographs and diagrams accompanied baubles and artifacts from her homeland. She stood to the side and introduced her collection to the crowd.

“Welcome, ponies, from far and wide!
Come see the baubles at my side!
Rings to go ‘bout giraffe necks,
Zebra Masks for clouds to hex!
And the centerpiece of this little show?
An ivory hairbrush, white as snow!”

Angel zipped over to a large wooden mask that was leaning against her stand. When no one was looking his way, he tried it on. He raised a small fork and began dancing around.

“Each item holds tremendous worth!
Great treasure from the far side of Earth!
Golden neck-rings held heads up high
Helping giraffe necks grow straight, to answer the ‘why?’”

Hiding behind the table, Angel was really getting into it. Hopping back and forth, beating his feet in time, and waving his fork in arcane diagrams.

“Zebra masks from my hometown
Helped us to draw food from the ground
In the midst of a drought, we fretted not
These channel Zebra Magic, and a storm cloud is wrought.”

Angel raised his paws up in a victory pose, finishing his intricate dance. Not a minute later, he felt water droplets splashing onto his face. He gazed up just in time to see a deluge of water cascade down upon his little bunny form. He ditched the mask faster than you can say “alakazam,” and fled to less spooky waters. What he didn’t notice was the wall-eyed pegasus waitress still wrestling with a way-too-heavy water pitcher.

By now, Zecora had gathered a sizable crowd around her exhibit. Fluttershy timidly raised a hoof, “Excuse me Zecora, but, um, isn’t ivory made from elephant bones? Did they have to hurt him to get the bone?”

Zecora smiled, “Fret not, young friend, this brush’s story quite happily ends…"

“Long ago, a lion prince
Was hunting for his food
And he came upon an elephant
Who was in a nasty mood

“’What’s wrong with you?’
The lion prince asked
Though, the reason was quite clear
The pachyderm lacked
Two important tools
Two ivory tusks disappeared

“’A dragon stole my pride and joy
I’m really quite concerned
Without them I will waste away
Thanks to that heartless wyrm’

“The lion roared
His indignation
Was quite plain to see
‘How dare he take
What is not his?
Now come and follow me!’

“They traveled down the Nile blue
And came upon a cave
‘Now stay back here,’ the prince then said
‘I will deal with this nave’

“The lion roared,
The dragon woke
And was given quite a start
Facing the prince
Of the pride lands
Is not for the faint of heart

“’Give up the tusks, return them now
And your life will be spared’
He gave them gladly, because of the king
To mess with his son? None dared

“That very day
Lion and elephant
Betwix, a pact was wrought
To always be friends
To help one another
And argue petty differences not”

“A piece was given of the recovered tusks to commemorate the day,” Zecora ended. “Carved into a royal hairbrush, and passed down, before it came my way.”

“Saaaay, that rhymes pretty good for a translated Giraffrican poem!” Pinkie stated.

“Some adaptation was made,” The zebra replied. “But the soul was saved.”

A very proper pegasus fluttered her way into the crowd, frizzy yellow hair bobbing in the draft. She took one look at Zecora’s stand before declaring her thoughts. “Uh! Such a sight should not be seen in my art show!” She poked at the masks adorning the booth. “Whatever convinced you that these are ‘great art?’”

Zecora didn’t enjoy being insulted. “Come off your high horse, thou pudding headed fool! Of what is and is not art, did you scribe the rule?”

“Fool!?” Prissy Palette was another pony who did not suffer indignities lightly. “Do you forget who threw this party?” She leaned in close to the zebra’s face. “I can still uninvited you, and throw you out, peasant.”

To Angel’s surprise, it was Fluttershy who moved to break it up. “Miss Palette, didn’t you tell us that art comes in all forms?” She shrunk back as the prissy pegasus turned to her, eyes narrowed. “I mean… When you were my art teacher… That is…”

The blue pegasus huffed as she trotted away. “Sell your paltry trinkets elsewhere, zebra; I’m off to view true art.”

Fluttershy looked to Zecora, who was getting quite hot under the gills, thank you very much. “I… I’m sure she just needs to… Um… Get some more exposure to other forms of art?”

Zecora snorted and trotted over to the punch bowl. “The last thing that mare needs,” She pointed to the paintings around her. “Is more exposure to this sleaze.”

Angel looked up and found himself in the midst of the surrealist art exhibit, and began to with that he hadn’t. The melting watches, disembodied heads, and general discord made him feel nauseous. He made a swift escape.

“Zecora!” The butter-yellow pegasus marched in front of the grousing zebra. “You’re the last pony I’d expect to say something’s bad before getting to know it!”

Zecora stopped dead in her tracks. “What!?”

Fluttershy pointed to the largest painting in the room. “You can at least appreciate the time and effort the painter put into his creation to get it right.”

Zecora was puzzled at Fluttershy’s vehemence. “But…”

Fluttershy didn’t miss a beat. “Some of these ponies have put their entire lives into making others feel, and they do it with their paintings.” She turned to the side. “Some paintings are a little strange, yes, but as a whole…” She got a hazy look in her eyes, staring off into the middle-distance. “Can true art be anything but beautiful?”

Fluttershy didn’t notice at first, but the entire room was pounding their hooves on the floor with applause. She turned beat red the instant she realized who and what they were cheering, and ran off into the rest rooms. Zecora couldn’t help the smile that came to her stripy face. “Even one so filled with grace,” She rhymed. “Can’t help but put bad feeling in their place.”

While this transpired, and before Fluttershy made her way to the washroom, Angel Bunny had already dunked his head the stallion’s room’s water bowl. This managed to clear his head of the frightening images, temporarily. He hopped out just as Fluttershy rushed in, the two missing each other entirely. He bumped into Hour D’oeuvres, who was just this side of stalking Fluttershy by now. The bunny and the stallion examined each other closely.

A shriek was heard from the opposite side of the room. “What in the name of all that is artsy are you doing!?” The rabbit and the pony looked at each other, shrugged and went together to investigate the disturbance.

The sight they came upon was odd, to say the least. One particularly pink pony was blindfolded, and holding a small tuft of blue fluff. Across from Pinkie Pie was a blue-coated, Yellow-maned pegasus, who was doing everything in her power to keep Miss Pie from the canvas hidden behind her back. “You’ll not deface this work of excellence!”

Pinkie frowned and removed her blindfold. She brightened up immediately upon seeing her employer’s face. “Oh, hi missy Prissy!” She held out her hoof to the pegasus. “Would you like to play Pin-the-tail-on-the-pony next?”

If Prissy was nearing the boiling point before, she had hit critical mass now. “This is ART!” She shouted in Pinkie’s face. “If you lay a single hoof on it, I will see to it that you never work in this town again!”

Pinkie giggled, “Silly, you don’t even live in Ponyville, and I already have another job!”

Prissy was out for blood, now. “You’re fired!”

That certainly gave Pinkie pause. “You mean… You didn’t like my party?”

“Your party is a mockery!” Palette was in rare old form now. “You invited vagabonds, your organizational skills are a mess, and worst of all…” She glared at the earth pony. “I never liked your spinach puffs!”

“But…” Pinkie was near tears now. “But I thought everypony was having fun.”

“Art is about feeling, emotion!” Prissy roared. “Your plebian ‘fun’ has infected the entire party! Art is not supposed to be fun! Art is serious business!”

“That can’t be right,” Pinkie stated. “Art has plenty of fun.”

She pointed to a rectangular painting, seemingly made up of various different-colored rectangles. “Like that! I don’t know what it is, but I feel all funny inside when I see it!”

The pinkish pony then brought forth a famous painting by Lemonyellow DePinchy, the Mona Lisa. “And just look at her face! It looks like she’s trying not to laugh, just so the painter doesn’t mess up when she moves!” Prissy scoffed at the thought of Lemonyellow “Messing up.”

“There’s tons of fun in art!” Pinkie smiled.

Prissy Palette had enough, “Get. Out.”

Just as the party pony was about to walk out, head lowered in shame, Angel Bun appeared from behind the angry pegasus’ head, blindfold in hand. Pinkie saw the mischievous glint in his eye, and nodded. “I’ll leave, Prissy. But I’d like you to have a little fun first…”

Moving swiftly, Angel tied the blindfold around Prissy Palette’s eyes, while Pinkie spun her around three… Four… Five times. The ex-party planner stuck the tail of fluff in Prissy’s hoof and grinned. “Now go on, pin the tail on the pony!”

Prissy, far too dizzy to walk straight, let alone aim, trundled towards her husband. He was just about to bite into his cake when he saw her fumble at him, needle protruding out of the game’s tail. Thinking both too quickly, and too slowly, he shielded himself from the pointy gamepiece with his plate.

The cake splattered nicely on his wife’s face.

The dripping cake nearly sizzled with the hatred radiating off of the artsy pegasus. She grasped the pie plate out of a passing waiter’s hoof and flung it at her husband.

Salacious, being a pegasus, had quite good reflexes. He ducked just in time to watch the pie fly harmlessly overhead.

Rarity had met up with an old Canterlot friend, and they were talking happily. “Oh, it’s quite true, Fancy Pants!” She said with glee. “Once you get started on a dress, the rest is easy as…”

Fancy Pants flinched as a blueberry pie splattered into the back of his head. Rarity’s eyes grew as big as saucers. “Pie…”

The entire room grew quiet, all eyes on the influential unicorn stallion. Though dripping with pie, he was still cool and suave as he turned in the direction of the two feuding pegasi. “May I ask who this pie belongs to?”

Husband and wife pointed hooves at each other, both near the point of panic. Fancy smiled. “Let he who is without cake…”

He raised a series of pastries off of a passing platter in his telekinetic grip. “Throw the first scone.” He let fly, satisfying squelches sounding as the scones hit the two flighty ponies.

The deathly silence in the buffet room was shattered by a certain pink mare shouting “Food Fight!” At that point, all semblances of high-society and poise flew out the window. Pies soared, cakes plummeted, and salad sliced through the air. It was, as the poet scribed, a ballroom blitz.

Above the cacophony of war, a solitary pink pony was resting in a streamer as though it were a hammock. She sipped at a large glass of punch and regarded the proceedings. “Now this, this is a party. Wouldn’t you say, Sir Angel?”

The small bunny beside her, of course, nodded in agreement. Reaching down, he grabbed a passing fruit tart, which the two of them shared in silent glee.

Fluttershy was in hysterics. The entire place had gone mad while she had been in the girl’s room. Already, paintings were being covered in pastry and fruit filling. Hay fries got stuck onto the Mona Lisa, lemon cupcakes replaced the stars on Starry Night by Van Goat, and The Birth of Venus was censored by chocolate pudding.

She squinted. No. No, it was not going to end this way. She rushed to the paintings currently in the most direct line of fire and scooped them up.

Rarity and Zecora had taken shelter behind a fallen table. Rarity was beside herself with confusion. “Why! Why is this happening now of all times?”

Zecora tossed a prench-flavored salad over at the combined forces of Prissy Palette and Salacious P. Boysenberry. “Ours is not to reason why,” She ducked from an onslaught of cupcakes. “Ours is only to do and… PIE!”

Though Zecora was ready for the apple pie bombardment, Rarity was not. Wiping herself down, she gripped an entire food cart in her telekinesis. “Oh, it. Is. On!”

Fluttershy tripped over a sprawled-out waiter, covered in gelatinous filling, and dropped her paintings. Caught in the cross-fire, she found herself pinned-down in the middle of a pie war betwixt Photo Finish and Hoity Toity.

“You vill bow to my vision!”

“I’m surprised you have any vision under those tacky sunglasses!”

The timid pegasus was about to have a fainting attack right then and there, when a blue hoof reached down and helped her to her feet. She looked up to see Hour D’oeuvres’ bandaged nose hovering over her. “Come on, we’ve got to save the Tartarus-Darned paintings!”

The two ponies dodged the frosting explosion of a ten-layer cake as it splattered behind them. Grasping half of the paintings dropped by Fluttershy, the blue stallion raced towards the exit. Fluttershy grabbed the rest and flew with every ounce of her wingpower. She reached the large open archway an instant before her brother-in-arms, and the two of them dived through, narrowly missing Rarity’s fury-driven food cart.

Fluttershy and Hour leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. The paintings they had managed to save were already covered in various food splotches and pie fillings. The earth pony looked down at the ruined works in disgust. “What in the blazes just happened out there?”

“Pinkie happened.” Fluttershy got up and began to look for the janitors.

“Pinkie?” Hour D’oeuvres had some trouble fathoming the information that he had just received. “That pony that Prissy Palette was arguing with?”

Fluttershy noticed a cleaning pony cowering behind Zecora’s stall and signaled that he should come over to her. “She means well, but has a way of…” She considered her word choice carefully. “Generating excitement.” The cleaning pony, a green unicorn with a mop for a cutie mark, approached the paintings. His horn glowed, and all of the splattered food slowly began separating from the artwork.

Hour scratched the back of his head, amazed at the display of unicorn magic. “Wow, how long have you known how to do that?”

The green unicorn turned to the blue earth pony, smiling smugly. “You kidding? Pinkie’s the reason I discovered my special talent.” He stepped away and admired his handywork. The paintings sparkled like new. He looked into the war-torn buffet room and sighed. “It looks like I have my work cut out for me.”

Fluttershy began to walk to the rear exit of the rented hall, fully intending to leave right there and then. Hour D’oeuvres ran towards her. “Flut-Fluttershy, wait!”

The pink-maned pegasus turned at his shout. The stallion with the hour-glass cutie mark trotted up to her. “I… I know that I made a bad impression on you. I’m sorry.” He looked down to examine the ground closely. “I’d like to make this mess up to you…”

Fluttershy’s head, which was previously tilted in mild confusion, shot straight up in surprise. She began to sink within the folds of her now-mussed mane, bashfulness rising to the fore. “I don’t really-”

“Fluttershy, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner and a movie?” He looked right into her eyes. “Please?”

Fluttershy was about to say “no” when she saw his face. He was waiting for her answer, hopeful, yet knowing that his chances were slim. She also detected a hint of… What was it? Penance?

She opened her mouth to answer…

Angel watched the procession of bashful unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies file out of the hall. Each one was covered from head to tail with a variety of tasty treats, and all of them glowered at the two pegasi who had thrown the party. No, it wasn’t really their fault that the party ended in such a disaster, but the other ponies didn’t want to admit that they were partially at fault. Therefore, a scapegoat was discovered and shunned.

He had kept out of sight, no real challenge considering the mess that the hall was in. Pinkie had already gathered the janitors together, and had begun the long process of cleansing the building of dessert. He was waiting in the bushes by the entrance for Fluttershy to join the exodus. Photo Finish and Hoity Toity, the last of the ponies, exited together, but there was still no sign of Fluttershy.

Starting to get nervous, Angel hopped around to the other entrance. To his relief, he saw Fluttershy comforting Rarity near the rear exit. “You’re fine, you’re fine. The cake won’t stain, and your hair will comb out.”

Rarity was only slightly comforted by the reassurance. Tears poured out of the white unicorn’s eyes. “Buh-huh-hut I was to shine across E-e-e-e-equestria!” She buried her head in her hooves. “Just this ONCE!”

The small bunny quickly and quietly snuck into the secret pocket still sewn into the back of his caretaker’s dress. He hoped that the two mares were not taking a detour to the spa.

He was sorely disappointed.

Author's Notes:

Four months later... It returns!

This chapter could have been easily renamed: "In which MyHobby makes as many pony/art puns as equestrianly possible."

I do hope you enjoy this, folks!

Next Chapter: Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Part 1 Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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