
Odd's Oubliette: Otherwise Obsolete Oddities

by Odd_Sarge

Chapter 5: ERE 1: Tribus Amore

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They call her ‘Lotus.’

It’s not hard to figure out where people got the name. A red lotus isn’t everyday imagery. Especially not one held in the mouth of a small, pale horse.

Though things weren’t perfect, the world wasn’t meant to be perfect. Things were getting better. Slowly, but surely.

The future has never been certain. She understood that.

But “she provides.”

Is there much more we can do that she hasn’t? Yes.

You’ve heard of the deal. Graciously, we have been given this ‘choice.’

It began with a few million, and by now the souls number in the billions.

For those who still cling to Earth, our future remains uncertain. We can try our best to make it be seen. If you’ve looked to the sky for this long and not yet grown fond, we implore you to stand with our future.

Oceania is where we will rebuild. As currency is no longer an issue, transportation is readily available. Air travel remains out of the question. Our people are located at every major port-of-entry in Australia, and we will guide you as best we can.

Preliminary surveys suggest that two months remain until the halo is complete.

Once she has gathered her seeds, the rain will come again, and we will sow ours.

Our future is uncertain. But it will stay ours.

Author's Notes:

Wanted to try my hand at a quick sci-fi (ish) blurb. Based on this image:

Next Chapter: ERE 2: Remnants of Sky Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 38 Minutes
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