
Odd's Oubliette: Otherwise Obsolete Oddities

by Odd_Sarge

Chapter 3: Mark and the Bat

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“You’re absolutely sure?”

“Mmm... yes.” The red-gold quill slid gently into its place on the clipboard. “That’s our Saturday complete, princess.”

“Then get some rest. That’s only half of our ‘journey’ complete. And don’t worry about your coffee; I’ll have some freshly prepared for you when we reconvene in...” The white muzzle turned in the reflection of the grandfather clock’s glassy facade. “... seven hours.”

“Of course, princess. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Princess Celestia smiled warmly at her secretary. “Thank you so much, Raven. Truly, I would be lost without you.”

As soon as the door to the rear-throne office clicked shut, a long, laden-sigh filled the room. “Finally.”

Celestia stretched as she stood from her seat; the folds in her back were pulled loose, and a low groan escaped her. The stack of freshly-signed forms found their snug home in the outgoing bin with a touch of magic. The princess barely felt regal as a large gulp of cold tea splashed down her throat. By the time she’d crossed the room, reorganizing things to be as proper as they could, she’d drained her cup entirely. She set the cup down next to the luxury coffee machine next to the door.

Celestia eyed the machine through a lidded gaze. Her eyes flicked to the door beside her, then back. For a long moment, the office was completely still.

Princess Celestia lit her magic once more.

“—but his face, Luna!”

The hallway swam around Celestia as the half-empty mug in her telekinetic grip wobbled.

“Their hearing is sensitive, Anon. ‘Tis not kind to ‘spook them,’ as you say.”

Celestia blinked as two figures came around the corner.

“But still—!”


The pair—Princess Luna and the monkey of Canterlot himself—stopped abruptly at the other end of the hallway rug.

“... Sister?” Luna piped up after a terse moment. “Thou art still awake?”

Celestia’s muzzle scrunched as she eyed her cold coffee. “I’m taking a break.”

“It is deserved, then.” Luna shuffled awkwardly in place. “Thou hath been quite busy…”

“Yes…” Celestia locked her gaze with Luna. “How are you and Anon fairing?”

“... We were in the gardens—“

“Have you seen those ponies out there, Celly?”

Luna reeled backwards with a glare to her left. “Anon, we—!”

Anon rambled onwards with his excitement. “They look so god damn edgy. Anyways, I bet Luna I could make one of them jump, and he went upside down in the arch! I swear, Celestia, fully inverted! It was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen!”

Before Anon could descend further into a cacophony of guffaws, Luna thwacked him hard on his back. “What madness hast thou?”

“Pretty mare,” Anon wheezed as another thwack, albeit gentler, knocked him forward a few inches. “Ack!”

“We shall have thou trussed for bedlam.”

“Hey, for what? Being bewitched by a moon witch?”

Celestia pulled Anon away from the well-deserved blow with a pull of her magic. “Luna, let’s not bruise up our resident diplomat.”

“The sun sits on my horizon!” Anon yelled. “You stand no chance!”

“Thou art a cretin!” Celestia assisted Anon in dodging another blow from her steaming sister. “Sister, release thy hold!”

Celestia drained her mug dry and pulled Anon away from Luna. “Not before I talk to him.”

After being set down, Anon gave his imaginary hat a tip. “Good to see ya, princess. What can I do you for?” He waggled his eyebrows. “As an alternative to bits, I take payment in favors.”

In reply, Celestia raised her own brow. “I could provide you with a trip to the moon, if you’d like.”

A quick glance over his shoulder secured Anon’s position on the matter. “Nah, I’m good.”

Author's Notes:

I'm not really too big into writing Anon. Love reading it, though. Makes sense since it's a lot of wish fulfillment.
This was intended to be about Anon giving Luna a bath. Ended up spending a ton of time on Raven and Celestia, though. At the end of the day, another piece showcasing my desire to write a proper story with the princesses.

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