
ML COD: Operation Spearhead

by iconicgg

Chapter 15: Planning

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Author's Notes:

no action in this one sorry
I also have to start two only do two chapers a week if I'm ever going to get side projects done.

Canterlot, Veterans nursing home
Gears and Scootaloo.
1400 hours, October 21, 2010

“I think that all we need. Thanks for your help, Dash.” Gears said to his friend.

“No problem and don’t take so long to visit next time.” Rainbow said

“I won’t and sorry for making you dig up some old memories.” Gears apologized

“Don’t be Gilda is a snake who was playing us the whole time. I prefer to take her down myself, but as you can see, that's an issue.” Rainbow said, gesturing at the wheelchair.

“Ok stay safe please.” Gears said huge the crippled mare as he said so.

“It’s not like anyone can hurt me here, you worry too much.” Rainbow said.

As Gears and Scootaloo were walking out of the building and to the helipad at the fount of the castle. As they were walking, gears got closer to Scootaloo and put his hoof around her with the reddest blush on his face. Scootaloo said nothing, just letting him walk beside her. As they got on the helicopter, they began to converse with one another.

“So Scootaloo when this is over I was thinking dinner if you want to that is if not that's fine too.” Gears asked nervously.

“Sure, but after you show me how you look without the spell you have on.” Scootaloo said

“What I can’t” Gears said with a bit of fear in his voice

“You can Gears you don’t have to hide from the world pulse do you really want to keep me wondering what you look like.” Scootaloo said.

“Ok, but later in a more private place if that's ok with you.” Gears said reluctantly

“Ok, well it's a date.” Scootaloo said with a smile

“Ok, once I make the reservation I’ll pick you up.” Gears said with a grin

Gears, Scootaloo, and Spike
2030 hours
October 21, 2010

The rest of the helicopter ride Scootaloo and Gears just talked about their plans for their date and how it might be fun for them. As the chopper came down for a landing to drop them off at the helipad were Daring-do was wait for them “come on you two we got intel” Daring said

“We know why Garble and Gilda are doing this.” Gears said.

As the three walked in Spike Quilly walked to the two of them and asked what they learned. After being informed Spike was thinking on what he just heard, “I’m guessing you want to take out Gilda then?” Gray Cloud asked Gears.

“She helped Garble cripple my friend, of course I want to take her down.” Gears respond.

“Ok then will split into groups of four. Gears Scootaloo woodfire and Gray Cloud, you four go for Gilda, me daring care root and curly wind will go after chrysalis.” Spike informed everyone

“Sir, may I be put on the team for the queen” Gray cloud requested

“You want to take chrysalis down.” Spike asked.

“Yes, sir” Gray said

“Ok, Curly with Gears and his team” Spike ordered

“Can you please tell us what this is exactly?” Curly asked, thinking it was the right time to.

“What is?” Spike asked, wondering what the stallion meant.

“You know this team, why are we doing this if anything else.” Curly said.

“That's need to know right now, but what I can tell you is that we're the good guys here.” Spike said, trying to stop his line of questioning.

“That’s not a straight answer.” Curly said.

“You're not a straight guy.” Gears quipped.

“Ha ha hilarious.” Curly said sarcastically

“Curly, we need to do this, you can trust me.” Daring-do said.

“Fine, nevertheless, it will be nice if we know why we're doing this,” Curly said.

“Now it's time to interrogate the griffon we got.” Spike said.

“What griffon?” Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo, Spike, Daring-do
2140 hours,
October 21, 2010

Spike and Scootaloo were setting up the room for the interrogation. As Scootaloo was setting up the tarp, she was confused on what exactly will happen to need a tarp anyway. As she finished setting it up, she turned around to see Gears and Spike talking well. More like arguing to be more accurate.

“I don’t think she can go through this.” Gears said

“I think she can do this what; you don’t think she has the stomach for it.” Spike said

“She shouldn’t have to.” Gears said a bit angry

“What's going on.” Scootaloo cut in

“Hey Scootaloo, you want to stay out of this.” Spike asked her

“No” She answered

“Scoots, this isn’t something that is easy to do.” Gears said.

“I’m not backing out of this.” Scootaloo said firmly

“There's no shame in doing so.” Gears said.

“Gears don’t worry I’m an adult mare I can do this.” Scootaloo said trying to reassure him

“I’m just worried you might not like what you have to do.” Gears said.

“I got him let get started I much rather get some sleep so can we hurry up.” Daring said.

“Ok everyone not going essential to the interrogation, leave the room.” Spike order.

As everyone else left, gears walked up to Scootaloo and told her to talk with him when she was done. Then he left with the others. Now it was just Spike, daring-do, the Griffon, and Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo remove the gag.” Spike instructed. She promptly did so.

“I don’t know anything else, I swear.” The griffon said

Scootaloo tied him to the chair. She did so with a bet more reluctant this time.as she finished, Daring came up with a cart of blades, syringes, and a car battery with jumper cables.

“What are we going to do with those?” Scootaloo asked, staring at the objects.

“Motivate him to tell us what he knows.” Daring said

“What!?” Scootaloo said, going pale as she did so

“You ok Scootaloo?” Daring asked in concern

“Yeah.” Scootaloo said with a shaky voice

“Last chance to back out.” Spike said

Let's get started.” Scootaloo said nervously

To Be Continued.

Next Chapter: Interrogation Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 22 Minutes
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