
Winded Up.......

by Dave Panpa

Chapter 3: Held

Previous Chapter

Ugh.......... What happened?.......... i think i hit my head too hard............

Azan tried to reach for his head but he couldn't.

"What the fu-" He said as he saw his hands and legs were tied up. "Oh great....." Azan said as he heard footsteps coming his way

"Yep, i'm totally dead" Azan said as he looked over at the ponies that were walking towards him

"Well hello" Azan said

"Do you remember me?, or did you hit the ground too hard?" The purple pony said

"Who could forget you....." Azan said as he rolled his eyes. Gettin' ready for a million questions....... Azan thought

"So, what are you?" The purple pony said

"Not sayin' a shit" Azan said

"Yes you will" The purple pony said

"No i won't" Azan said

"You know, we can keep you captive all day" The purple pony said

"Can't" Azan said

"Yes we can" The purple pony said

Right before Azan was about to say something, he realized that he isn't wearing Charles's headphones.

"Wha?, hey!, where'd you put Charles's headphones!" Azan yelled

"You mean this?" The purple pony said as she used her horn and some weird aura came out from it, revealing Charles's headphones "You know, we could give you this back...... but since your not-" The purple pony said before she was interrupted

"Okay okay!, fine you win!, i'll say anything!, just don't do anything to those!" Azan said. ima regret that......... He thought

"So what is you name?" The purple pony said as she took out a quill and paper

"Uh....... My name is Azan......" Azan said

"Okay, nice to meet you, My name is Twilight" The purp- i mean Twilight said

"Yeah, sure it is" Azan said as he rolled his eyes

"Okay secondly, what was that thing that you came out of?"

"A helicopter" Azan said

"A what?" Twilight said

"A Helicopter, want me to spell it out for you?" Azan said

"No, i just want to know what it is and what it does" Twilight said

"A helicopter is a type of aircraft which derives both lift and propulsion from one or more sets of horizontally revolving overhead rotors. It is capable of moving vertically and horizontally, the direction of motion being controlled by the pitch of the rotor blades " Azan said

"Okay......" Twilight said

"Um, less nerd information!" The cyan pony said

"Okay okay, it's basically something us Humans use to fly in since we don't have whatever the hell you guys have" Azan said

"Wait, you guys can't do magic?" Twilight said

"What?, of course not!, we just use tech for our survival, not depend on magic like you idiots" Azan said as he rolled his eyes again

"We don't depend on our-" The cyan pony said before she was silenced by Twilight

"Quiet Rainbow" Twilight said

"Anything else you idiots want?" Azan said annoyed

"That will be all for today, come on everyone let's go" Twilight said as they all exited the room except for the cy- I mean Rainbow.

"Daw shit, what do you want?" Azan asked annoyed

"Revenge" Rainbow said as she took a clean shot at his face and stomach

"Oof" Azan said as he started coughing out blood

"Rainbow, stop!" Twilight said

"Why should i?, he hurt nearly all of us!" Rainbow said

"We want him alive!, not dead!" Twilight said

"Wait, why?" Azan said

"Um, no reason........ Here, have your headphones back" Twilight said as she tossed the headphones toward Azan

"How the fuck am i supposed to put these on?" Azan asked annoyed

"Um...... figure that out yourself, bye!" Twilight said as she left the room

"Oi!, i don't have magic like you guys!" Azan yelled right before a yellow pony walked in and put it on

"Um..... thanks?" Azan said "So, you here to also take revenge?"

"No" The yellow pony said

"Then why you here?" Azan said

"I'm just sorry for Rainbow's rash behavior" The yellow pony said

"Meh, everyone does that to me and i honestly don't care" Azan said annoyed

"Aw you poor thing...." the yellow pony said

"Why do you care?" Azan said

"I just can't stand seeing someone hurt" the yellow pony said

"Your good at making people guilty huh?" Azan said

"What?, why would i ever do that?" the yellow pony said

"Just leave, and let the others wreck me" Azan said

"W-" they yellow pony tried to say before she was interrupted by Azan

"LEAVE!" Azan said " Let me perish in this world if i have to!"

"O-okay........" The yellow pony said as she slowly left the room.

Author's Notes:

Yep, another shitty chapter, don't worry i accept constructive criticism

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