
Applejack’s Weird Sisterly Interactions

by Badguy400

First published

Something involving Apple Bloom, and baby stuff

Ever since the events of “Somepony to Watch Over Me” a few years ago, Apple Bloom was basically hoping that her older sister: Applejack; would finally quit treating her like a baby from now on. Unfortunately; that’s not the case.

Also, be advised, the sad parts of this story won’t occur until you reach one of the final chapters. That is all.

Prologue: The Apple Harvest

It was a crisp, clear sunny day in the apple family orchard. Big Macintosh was carrying a bucket of apples on his head, so he can carry them to the cart. Applejack was busy bucking apples, and has multiple buckets placed around the tree she was targeting, so that way the apples won’t fall down on the ground too much. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom is feeling a little bored just standing around, and watching her older sister buck down some apples from the tree.

Apple Bloom couldn’t hold in her frustrations any longer, and asks in a slight whiny tone, “hey Applejack. When am I gonna buck some apples?” Applejack kicked at the tree again, and replied, “well Apple Bloom, you’re kinda too young to buck some apples with us. So just let me handle them for now, okay?” Apple Bloom got a little furious at that comment, and said, “hey now. I ain’t a filly no more! I can do what you’re doing on my own! So let me help, please?!” Applejack paused for a minute, then said, “look now sugarcube; I know that you may be a big filly and all. But you’re still my little sister, and I can’t have you getting hurt all of a sudden whenever I’m not around.” Apple Bloom began to whine a little, then said, “no I won’t, I promise. Just let me show you, please?” Even though Apple Bloom is a little older than a regular young filly; she still has that young filly’s charm to get her way whenever she doesn’t get what she wants; like bucking down an apple tree for instance. Applejack saw the look in Apple Bloom’s eyes, sighs, and then says, “alright now. Just one apple tree, and then that’s it, okay?” Apple Bloom nodded, and hugged her sister with a smile. “Alright now, that’s enough”, Applejack said while patting her little sister on the head. “Now if you’ll pardon me, I’ve gotta help granny now with her pies in the oven. I’ll be right back, so don’t go anywhere else now, you hear?” Apple Bloom nodded, and then said, “yes m’am. I will.” Applejack smiled and nodded at that comment, and then trots off to help Granny Smith.

Once Apple Bloom saw that her older sister is away, she then looked at the unharvested tree, and then says, “well, well, well, it’s just you and me now tree. Let’s have at it.” And with that, Apple Bloom reared up her hind legs, and started to kick at the tree. However, right after she bucked the apple tree; she saw that no apples fell down, and then Apple Bloom just stared at the tree in disbelief. But, just as she was about to prepare another bucking attempt, she felt a stinging pain on one of her backhooves, and then looked to see what the cause of it is. Apple Bloom’s eyes grew wide, as she then saw a giant splinter, (from a little filly’s perspective), and then sat down and began crying. Little did she know, that that particular gesture that she just did, is about to make her day a little more worse.

Chapter One: The Rememberance

Apple Bloom is now inside the house; crying, lying on the couch, and holding on to her splinter laced backhoof whilst trying not to cry anymore. Unfortunately, she’s still crying, and that just made her older sister Applejack worry a little bit more. “Hang on Apple Bloom, i’ma coming.”

Applejack then came back with a first aid kit, and started to address the situation in the room. “Wow, that’s a big splinter you got there. Did you get this while bucking an apple tree?” Apple Bloom didn’t want to answer that; as she was worried on how her older sister would react. And possibly knows what’s gonna happen once she answers; hence why she was covering her mouth with her forehooves. Finally, Apple Bloom uncovered her mouth, took a few deep breaths, and then answers, “y-yes sis. I-I did.” Tears still ran down the little filly’s cheeks as she said that. Applejack sighed and shook her head; knowing that her instincts were right, and then said, “see, I told you that you’ll get hurt whenever I’m not around. And now look what you have; a splinter.” Apple Bloom whimpered, and then said, “I-I-I know. B-b-but it’s not my fault. Th-th-that tree was the one who gave me a splinter; not me.” Applejack looked at her sister with a raised eyebrow, and then says, “well, I guess. But that doesn’t change the fact that I was right, and that you’ll get hurt, see?” Apple Bloom whined again, and then said, “yeah, but so what? I’m not a baby anymore Applejack. I can handle it.” Applejack was just about done treating Apple Bloom’s splinter, got up, and then said, “true. But I’m still keeping an eye on you for just in case. You’ll see. It’ll all be fine, and you’ll thank me later, okay?” Apple Bloom crossed her forehooves, and pouted. But eventually stops, and nods reluctantly; knowing that her older sibling is now gonna treat her like a little baby from now on for the rest of the day.”

Granny Smith came into the room, and then says, “well now, ain’t that better huh?” Apple Bloom nodded, and said, “yes granny”, before looking down at the ground in slight embarrassment. Granny Smith looked up at Applejack, and then says, “y-you know. You really shouldn’t treat her like a baby no more, you hear?” Applejack sighed, and then says, “I know granny. B-but I just can’t help myself. W-whenever Apple Bloom gets hurt, I-I just get out of hoof. That’s all. Okay?” Granny nodded, but shook her head again, and then says while rubbing her chin with her forehoof, “well, that may be. But I still don’t want you treating her like a foal again, you hear? What if she gets like that, and stays regressed like it for all time. You don’t want that to happen, do you?” Applejack sighed, and then says, “no granny, I do not.” Granny Smith smiled, and then says, “good. That’s what I like to hear.” She then turns to the stairs, and then shouts lightly, “Big Mac, hurry up! It’s almost time. We’re gonna be late.” Big Mac is then seen carrying a big box luggage on his back, whilst grunting to keep it from falling down the stairs, and making him fall with it.” Granny then turned back to Applejack, and then says, “now then. Since you’re babysitting Apple Bloom, I need you to do me this one thing. Can you handle it?” Applejack nodded, and then says, “sure thing granny. Whatever you need.” Granny then nods her head, and says, “alright. What I need you to do is under no circumstances baby talk Apple Bloom, or treat her as such in anyway possible, you hear? Cuz if I find out that my little granddaughter is back into being an infant again, you’ll be regretting this day as the day that you were born, you hear?” Applejack nodded, and said, “yes m’am”, before going up the stairs to help her big brother out.

After that was taken care of; Big Mac, and Granny Smith are hooked to the cart; waiting for Applejack to load in the luggage. Granny Smith looked at Applejack, and then says, “now Applejack, do you remember what I told you?” Applejack nodded, and said, “yes m’am.” Granny Smith said, “good. Cuz if I find out..”. Applejack then finishes, “..then I’ll be regretting this day as the day that I was born. I get it now.” Granny Smith said, “good. That’s good. Oh, and I almost forgot.” Applejack turned to her Granny, and then asks, “what. What is it?” Granny then replied, “and don’t forget; Big Mac needs you to tell Sugar Belle that he’s gonna be away on a trip with me, okay? So don’t forget to tell her, or else she’ll think otherwise, you hear?” Applejack nodded, and says, “I hear ya. Now get going now. Y’all don’t wanna be late”, she says as she’s waving with her hat goodbye. Granny Smith looked at Big Mac, and then asks, “ready Big Mac?” He replied, “eeyup”, and started walking away with her to their destination.

Unfortunately; right as soon as Applejack saw the two getting more distant, she then went back into the house, and looked at Apple Bloom with her big sister instincts kicking in. Something tells Apple Bloom that this is not gonna be a good day.

Chapter Two: A Long Road to Recovery

Applejack; who is putting her forehooves to her sides, and standing on her two backhooves; looks at her younger sister, and triumphantly says, “you hear that sis? I’m in charge, and you’s gotta do whatever I say, got it?” Apple Bloom got off the couch with a pout, and then says, “nuh uh. I don’t need no babysitter.” Applejack got down on all four hooves, and says, “I did recall granny saying that I was babysitting you, remember?” Apple Bloom growled slightly, and whined, “yeah... but I don’t need no babysitter. I’m not a baby anymore. I can take care of myself.” Applejack; not listening to a word her sibling is saying; shakes her head, and says, “uh huh. Sure you can.”

Soon after that, she went ahead, and began to baby proof the entire living room; even her little sister as well; with bubblewrap, a helmet, and everything. Once that was cleared up, her little sister was wearing a helmet, and completely wrapped with bubblewrap like a burrito. Apple Bloom then got angry, and shouts while red in the face, “get me out of this thing, now!” Applejack obliged, but kept the helmet on her sister for just in case. Apple Bloom growled, and says, “thank you”, with a slight scowl to accompany it. After that, she starts to walk up the stairs. But not before Applejack picks her up, rested her sister’s head on her shoulder, and says, “don’t mention it little one. As long as I’m here, I’m never letting you out of my sight. Never.” she says while she pats her sister’s back a little hard. Apple Bloom felt that, and burped out of reflex. Applejack dawwed at that gesture, and continues patting her sister’s back again gently while saying, “aww, there there now. Is that all better?” Apple Bloom tried to squirm out of her sister’s embrace, but failed, and sighs while nodding as to agree about it making her feel better. Applejack then said, “good, glad to hear it”, and walks off to the kitchen to make her sister and herself something to eat. Apple Bloom knew that this is just the beginning, and that it’ll get a lot more worse from here on out.

Chapter Three: An Unexpected Mealtime

Apple Bloom was being carried by her older sister to the kitchen. She thought at first that this day couldn’t possibly get worse. Unfortunately, it did. Because as soon as they arrived to the kitchen/dining room, she saw that not only did Applejack baby proof the entire living room, but also baby proofed the entire kitchen/dining room as well; along with the stove, somehow. Something within Apple Bloom tells her that this day will get worse, and that literally everything and every room in the house is baby proofed. And with that, Apple Bloom starts to feel a little uneasy. Applejack sensed that, and then asks in a worried tone: “you alright there little sis? I can get you some medicine if you want.” Apple Bloom swats her sister’s forehooves away, and says, “no I don’t. I’m fine”, and lands on the ground. Applejack then says, “if you say so”, and goes to find something for the two of them to eat.

Apple Bloom was looking around the kitchen; trying to see if Applejack literally didn’t babyproof everything in there. Unfortunately, she soon finds that she had, and this made Apple Bloom a little bit grumpy.

Applejack came back, dawwed at her sister’s little cranky fit, and then says while putting the two plates on the table, “Aww, what is it now. You feeling cranky because you’re hungry?” Apple Bloom growled, and then says, “whatever. Just get me my food, and then let’s get this mealtime over with.”

With that, Applejack picked up her little sister, and then places her into a baby highchair. Apple Bloom saw what she was placed into, and tries to climb out. Unfortunately, Applejack stopped her, and then uses the straps in the chair to keep her still and secure. Apple Bloom tries to break free, but with no luck. After a few seconds, Applejack places the plate of food onto Apple Bloom’s highchair table, and then sits down in her seat to eat her food.

Apple Bloom looked down at her plate, and asks, “what is this?” Applejack stopped eating for a second to explain; “that’s salad. Don’t worry about it; I’m not gonna be feeding you any baby food. I wouldn’t wanna go too far with babysitting you and all.” Apple Bloom sat back down and crosses her forehooves together. “I guess. But how am I gonna eat this with no utensils?” Applejack finished eating already, and says, “you’re not. I’m feeding you.” Apple Bloom growled, and then says, “no you’re not. And can you please unstrap me? It’s feeling a little restrictive here.” Applejack obliged and unstraps her sister from her seat, but keeps her seated. “There you are, but you’re still staying in that highchair until I finish feeding you, okay?” Apple Bloom got up to say something rude to her sister, but thought the better of it, and then sat back down again with her hooves crossed. “Just... make it quick, okay?” Applejack frowned, and said, “to be honest, I can’t promise that”, and begins to feed Apple Bloom.

Chapter Four: An Awkward Bonding Moment

Once Apple Bloom was fed and cleaned up by her older sister, she was then carried off back into the living room. Despite Applejack treating her like an infant again, she was thinking that maybe she’ll be able to get some time off to herself once her older sister gets a little tired. She soon found out yes; her sister is getting a little tired, and yes, her older sister might leave her alone for once. But unfortunately, she has plans on how to cope with it.

“There you are Apple Bloom; enjoy”, Applejack said as she sets Apple Bloom down on the floor. Apple Bloom looked around in slight horror, and a little annoyance; as she was met with so many foal toys; that even The Cake Twins and Princess Flurry Heart might enjoy. “This stinks”, said Apple Bloom. “I wanna go to my room.” Applejack yawned and laid down on the couch, and replies back to her sister, “now now, you’ll be able to go back to your room and all. But I have to get some rest, and I can’t get having you hurt again whilst going by yourself. Which is why I’m having Winona hired as my personal guard dog; to make sure that you’re not gonna get hurt, okay?“ Apple Bloom growls in annoyance again, and crossed her forehooves whilst pouting. After a few seconds, she sighs in defeat, and says, “okay then”, before starting to play with some blocks so she can’t be humiliated any more longer.

After a few minutes, Apple Bloom has completed building a block tower, and Applejack is napping on the couch. Apple Bloom; hearing her older sister’s soft snores, knows that if she doesn’t get out of here soon, who knows what Applejack might do to her next? So with that, she hatched an idea, and went with it.

First, she tried convincing Winona to let her go up the stairs. Winona refuses, and starts growling at her to back away from the stairs. Knowing that her growling will wake up Applejack eventually, Apple Bloom decides to do the old filly’s negotiation; “if you help me up the stairs, then I’ll give you each of my snacks for a whole week once I have them available. What do you say?” Winona thought hard about that request with a paw to her chin in thought. Apple Bloom knew that this is gonna take long, so she decides to up the ante. “And, I’ll get you your favorite toy.” Winona got excited at that thought, and barked in excitement. Suddenly, they both turned to see Applejack stirring in her sleep. After a few seconds, they sighed with relief; knowing that they haven’t woken up Applejack. And with that, Apple Bloom gets on top of Winona, and then points upwards to the stairs. “Onward Winona. Charge!” And with that, Apple Bloom is riding Winona up the stairs, and into her bedroom. Unfortunately, she’ll eventually learn that that was a huge mistake...

Chapter Five: A Not so Friendly Punishment

Applejack; having just woken up from a nap, starts to get off the couch, and starts to look around whilst rubbing the sleep from her eyes. However, right as soon as she has, she’s found that Apple Bloom is nowhere in sight, and has her eyes widen in fear. With that; she goes into an all out panic mode, and rushes to her own bedroom to go and get her belongings and tools, so that way she can go out on a search, and find Apple Bloom.

After gathering her stuff, she starts to walk out her bedroom door, and goes to try and look for her sibling. But, right as she was about to head down the stairs, she hears laughter. Suddenly, her instincts went from finding Apple Bloom; to punishing her; as she then knew that Apple Bloom was in her own bedroom, and having fun; despite being told not to go to her own bedroom upstairs in the first place. With that, she drops her stuff, tosses them on the bed, and then goes to Apple Bloom’s room to knock on the door.

“Apple Bloom, I know that you’re in there. Open up.” Applejack demanded. Apple Bloom didn’t budge. So with that, she opened the door anyways, (since none of the doors in the house had locks in them), and approaches Winona and Apple Bloom. “Apple Bloom”, she began sternly, “did you really think that I wouldn’t notice that you’d be in your room; even though I specifically told you not to?” Apple Bloom was still shocked ever since she heard her door being knocked on, and she then knew instantly that it was her sister: Applejack. Unfortunately, that little act made Apple Bloom unable to speak, and she can’t start explaining herself right away because of it. Applejack then turned to Winona, and says, “and as for you Winona; I’m very disappointed in you little lady. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Winona responded with a whine, and slight paw shuffle. Applejack then turns back to her little sister, and says, “well, since you didn’t listen to me, and made Winona carry you to your room, you are to stay there for until I decide to let you out.” Applejack then turned to Winona, and says, “and as for you Winona; you’re sleeping outside with no dinner tonight.” Winona’s eyes got wide, and she ran to Applejack to try and beg her not to; with puppy dog eyes and all; mainly because she loves dinnertime, and doesn’t want that taken away from her. Sadly, this didn’t phase Applejack. And with that, she looked down at the ground with her ears down as well.

So, with that display of begging gone wrong; Winona was carried outside to the backyard, and leashed to her doghouse so she won’t run away, and because it’s her punishment. She is given water however; as Applejack did say that Winona won’t get any dinner tonight. And because of that, she’s only granted water for tonight, instead of food; along with water to accompany it. So with that; Winona is outside, and left with nothing but her doghouse, and a water bowl filled to the brim with water for her to drink from; with absolutely no food in sight; not even granted to her either.

Meanwhile; Apple Bloom was placed down onto her bed, tucked in, has the baby crib bars from her old baby crib putted up on each side of her bed, and then was given a final look of sternness and disappointment before seeing her older sister turn off the lights, and closing her door. But, just as Apple Bloom was about to get up and ask for something, she then caught something that was thrown at her. She looked to see that it was a potion pouch bottle. But, instead of potion, it has just water in it. With that, Applejack said goodnight with a stern voice still, and left her little sister in her bed, with her potion bottle to use as a makeshift water bottle for in case she were to get thirsty at night.

Unfortunately; this made Apple Bloom feel sad, and wanting to cry because of it. But, because she was no longer a little filly, she then decides to hold back her tears, and laid down on her bed to fall asleep; whilst having a few sniffles and whimpers here and there.

Chapter Six: A Long and Sorrowful Night

Apple Bloom; having just fallen asleep, is currently dreaming about something, and is mumbling to herself. Unfortunately; she woke up after a few minutes of sleep; only then to remember that she’s still being punished for not listening to her older sibling: Applejack. And that she was basically trapped in her own room for until Applejack said otherwise. With that, Apple Bloom couldn’t hold it in any longer, and starts crying loudly.

Applejack; who is also sleeping, is currently laying down on the couch in the living room with her eyes closed, when she suddenly woke up to hear Apple Bloom’s crying. Knowing that Apple Bloom is still being punished by her, she decides to ignore her sister’s crying, and falls back asleep on the couch. Unfortunately; she can’t bear it any longer, and decides to go and comfort her sister after a few minutes have passed.

She opens the door, turns on the lights, and looks to see Apple Bloom sniffling, and crying. With ears down, Applejack went to the side of her sister’s bed, and asks, “uh, hey. You feeling okay?” Apple Bloom; who is still having tears in her eyes, gets annoyed of her older sister checking up on her like that, and says, “yeah, so what? Go away. I don’t want you here.” Applejack then replied, “look now, I’m sorry I’ve done that to you. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you for disobeying my order like that. But you broke my trust by not going against my better wishes, and have disobeyed me by going up to your room, and not having a second thought about how I would’ve felt if you did that.” Apple Bloom got a little red in the face, and then says, “I know that, but I ain’t a baby no more. You know that Applejack. It’s been only a few years since that day, and you’re still treating me like I’m a filly. Why Applejack, why? I thought you remembered that lesson. Have you forgotten it already?” Applejack gave a big sigh, and says, “not really. I just thought that you were gonna enjoy what I’ve planned for you. You know; for old times sake and all that.” Apple Bloom rubbed her nose, and asks, “why? Why would you think that? I’m not a baby anymore. You know that.” Applejack sighed again, and says, “I know that. But it’s just that you got hurt when you helped out outside. And I just couldn’t bear to see you hurt like that.” Apple Bloom said, “what?” and looked confused. Applejack replied with, “yeah... that’s why... . I just thought that if I were to make sure you weren’t hurt again like that, then maybe you’d be able to like feeling like that again when you were younger last time. You know; letting me handle your situations, helping you out whenever you needed it, and also treating your little ouchies for whenever you got hurt. Understand?”

Apple Bloom didn’t understand at first, but after a few seconds, her eyes grew wide as she began to understand now, and says, “oooh, now I get it. But wait, why would you think that still?” Applejack frowned, sighs, and then says, “I don’t know... I just thought that you wouldn’t enjoy that stuff no more, and that you’d grow up too fast. And I don’t want that; not in a million years. I don’t want my sister to grow up just yet. I want her to stay little; just for a little more longer. Since after all; you are getting a little bit bigger everyday. I just don’t want to see you grow up too fast, understand?” Apple Bloom has fully calmed down, and nods her head while saying, “yes, I understand now. I do, yeah.” Applejack smiled, and then asks, “do you forgive me?” Apple Bloom gave her sister a big hug; with her being hugged in return as well. “Thanks sis“, says Applejack. “No problem sister, no problem”, replied Apple Bloom.

After the two embraced for a long five minutes, they then went to let Winona back into the house, and gave her something to eat for dinner. Winona was confused at first, and was looking up at Applejack for an answer. Applejack smiled, explained what happened, and waited for Winona to respond. After a solid five minutes, Winona looked all happy again, and gave Applejack dog kisses. Apple Bloom did the same, and kissed her older sister on the cheek, (without her kissing Applejack like Winona obviously).

After that, Applejack got up, and went to go get herself something to eat. But, before she could, Apple Bloom tugged on her older sister’s tail, and asked, “hey uh, sis? Is it okay if, I don’t know... if you could feed me like a baby again? Just this once, please?” Applejack was shocked at first, but then regained her composure with a smile, and says, “sure thing sugarcube; whatever you need.” And so; Apple Bloom was then carried off by Applejack, and was sat back down on the highchair in order to wait for her meal. With that, Apple Bloom was happy, and so was everyone else, (everyone else being Applejack and Winona of course).

Epilogue: A Warm Yet Not Welcome Home

Granny Smith and Big Mac were just about done with their trip, and decided to enter the house. But, just as soon as they have, they’re met with a weird, yet expected site. Applejack is feeding Apple Bloom like a baby, and Apple Bloom is acting like one. Not to mention that everything in the house is still baby proofed; even the doors mind you.

“Let me guess Applejack; you didn’t listen?” Granny Smith asked with her forehooves to her hips. “Eeyup”, Applejack said with a blush. Granny sighs, and then says, “it’s fine I guess. Just make sure that Apple Bloom is in bed when you’re done, and let’s hope that it doesn’t happen again tomorrow, you hear?” Applejack and Apple Bloom looked at each other first, before saying to their granny, “yes granny”, and continued their mealtime. Granny Smith sighed, and asks while looking at Big Mac, “you know that you’re little sister Applejack won’t stop with this, right?” “Eeyup”, replied Big Mac. Granny Smith looked back at her two granddaughters, and just smiled at them. “Ah what the heck; if they decide to do this often, I wouldn’t mind either. Just hope they don’t take it too far, you know?” “Eeyup”, replied Big Mac again. Granny Smith smiled again, and says, “alright now, let’s go”, and starts to leave with Big Mac to go upstairs to put their stuff away, and get ready for the night.

Applejack and Apple Bloom finished their mealtime together, and they’ve decided to have a little playtime before bed. With that, Applejack and Apple Bloom are happy, and the Apple Family are now closer than ever before; maybe even more closer thanks to Applejack and Apple Bloom. And so, they've gotten ready for bed soon afterwards, and they all lived happily ever after. The end.

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