
Chaotic Harmony

by Teddie Williams

Chapter 3: Sunset Makes A Mess

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Sunset Makes A Mess

Sunset was working on her comic book, one about a super that was trying her hardest not to get drawn into the world of superheroes. Luna was in the small kitchen making the stew edible. Celestia was sitting on the couch playing video games since Luna told her to stay out of the kitchen.

Shifting slightly, Sunset flinched as she brushed against Celestia's arm involuntarily. I really hope that note doesn't actually mean he's back in town... Sunset blinked at that, tilting her head slightly to the side, in the guise of concentrating on another detail of her comic. It would be best for everyone if she didn't mention that she heard that thought.

Luna stepped out of the kitchen, untying the apron that she wore with a smile on her face. "Dinner is..." Before she could finish her sentence, the doorbell went off.

Startled, Sunset eyed the door curiously, even as Celestia opened it to reveal that it was Zecora, her social worker, behind it. Sunset felt a small lump in her throat form as she wondered if this meant that she was being taken to a new family again. It wasn't like she had a really good reason to avoid staying in one place... or felt fairly safe around her. Besides that... the appearance of the new wielders of the elements of Harmony made her want to stay put for a little longer. They were going to need her expertise on those pesky magical geo gems anyways.

Celestia suddenly turned to Sunset as she grabbed her keys. "Sunset? I'm locking the doors. Don't answer the phone or door to anyone. Do I make myself clear?"

Sunset mutely nodded in confirmation, even as the sisters charged out of the apartment, the door locking behind them. Experience told Sunset exactly what being left behind, all alone, meant. Groaning, she glanced at Philomena, concern edging through her rapid thoughts. "Something tells me we're about to enter a warzone and of course I'll get blamed and tossed out yet again."

The bird merely whistled at her, not understanding a single word that she said. Sunset stretched as she stood up, flicking her fingers just slightly. Flames danced into view as she did so, which of course caused her principal's pet bird to completely freak out. Sunset hurriedly extinguished the flame, not wanting to draw undo attention to the apartment just yet. Besides, she had been only double checking that she still had it.

The young pyrokinetic empath dished herself up a bowl of the stew, nearly burning her tongue as she took a rather large bit out of it. She didn't sit down though, no. Sunset knew better than that. She needed to stay on her toes... until the others get back at least. Swallowing the last bit in her bowl, she placed it in the sink, before moving the stew off of the stove to cool down. Best to wait before she put that away in the fridge.

Wandering back into the living room, she eyed every little thing with an ounce of suspicion. Nothing appeared too out of the ordinary though... maybe a lifetime running for her life has made her a smidgen paranoid. Even as she thought this, she fingered the necklace that dangled around her neck. The elderly lady that had been her first guardian had claimed that she had been found in a dark alleyway as an infant wearing that exact necklace, supposedly it was a family heirloom. A little experiment that she had conducted in her preteens revealed to her that the necklace itself was in fact the source of her powers.

Not that anyone knew she had powers. Sunset didn't like hearing the thoughts of others and went out of her way to make sure that she never touched someone, even by accident! It was her fire powers that she had to be the most careful with. She couldn't lose her temper or else she'll burn down the entire building by accident. She had learned that with her first foster family.

A screech escaped Philomena, snapping her out of her thoughts, just as a chaotic looking boy, no way was he a man yet, broke into the window. Just like the countless others before him, he eyed her almost nervously. "You have something that my Master wants."

"Tell your precious master that if he wants it... he has to fight me for it personally." Sunset slipped into a fighting stance, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. Miss Shimmer had taught her a lot about fighting before the untimely heart attack took her from this world.

The boy shifted slightly, gray eyes darting around nervously. He had two bent horns growing out of his head, reminding her of a yak with their positions. "Master says to give him the Element or suffer the consequences."

"What's your name boy." Seriously.... the kid had to be close to eight! No way was he in the double digits already!

"Kaaos." The boy didn't even hesitate to answer her question.

Sunset hummed, looking unimpressed by that. "Seriously? Are all of you guys' names have something to do with chaos?"

"What are you talking about!?" Kaaos clearly hadn't been expecting her to be so talkative.

"The fact your name is just the Finnish word for chaos." Sunset smirked to herself, suddenly glad that she was fluent in multiple languages. Miss Shimmer was the best first guardian anyone could have asked for.

With a frustrated growl, Kaaos lunged across the room in a clear attack. Too bad Sunset was ready for him. Summoning her flames once more, she easily dodged him, and flicked a flame at his horns, knowing that it wouldn't cause permanent harm to him if she hit him there. Growling, he summoned an army of miniature Kaaos to tear through the apartment. That appeared to be a thing for the Chaos minions, as she had silently dubbed them, to do. Heaving a sigh, she launched an counterattack.

Sunset sighed as she scanned the completely destroyed apartment. It truthfully looked as if a full blown battle had taken place there... then again, maybe it did. Kaaos was more adamant than the ones she had faced in the past that she hand over the geo gem to him to give to his mysterious master. She still vaguely remembered the first time it had happened... that particular minion's name was Konton, and he was the one that lead to Miss Shimmer revealing a few facts about herself that Sunset most likely was never supposed to learn in the first place.

Rolling her sleeves up, she glanced over at Philomena. "Time to make this place look less like a battlefield and more like a wild teen party took place here. Something tells me I'll get in less trouble with that."

Moving swiftly, she went about the place tidying it up carefully. Throwing out the burned pieces of various items lying around, scattering some scraps of various clothes that Celestia had been toeing the idea of turning into a quilt of sorts. video game consoles out haphazardly. Eventually, when the clock struck midnight, an exhausted Sunset opened Philomena's cage, before crashing unceremoniously onto the couch.

Author's Note

Hi there! okay this chapter takes place... basically at the end of the chapter that we met Miss Amazing in. If you're wondering it was that she had learned about her first guardian, well... I believe this is a crossover with Avengers. 😏
Konton is the Japanese pronunciation of the word Chaos. No, I am not bilingual. I am using google translate. I really hope you all enjoy this little chapter!


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