
Can't Be Too Happy

by iamcreativekitty

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Abohaty's P.O.V

Days have passed since the gala. Me and Glitz have not spoken since that day and I'm getting worried that I did something wrong. He's supposed to be coming back today though since his two-week vacation is over now. But I probably will only see him for a minute or two because I have a meeting to attend with Dusk Shine and Nom Nom.

Ever since my first encounter with Queen Amirah, I told Nom Nom immediately. I expected her to flip out, or go crazy, but she just said "okay". She must have everything under control in order to be this calm. But Nom Nom can handle everything, right?

I was waiting at the front of the kingdom doors to greet Glitz. I wasn't going to tell him what happened yet, because the one thing Nom Nom made sure to tell me was to not inform anyone about Queen Amirah's appearance yet. I'm supposing it's because she didn't want everyone to freak out and go insane. Only me, her, and Dusk Shine know. Glitz came a few minutes later and we approached each other with a warm hug.

"You came a little early," I told him.

"The train actually came on time this time for once." He put on his golden helmet. "So what can I do for you today Princess?" I just loved how he acted so casual as if everything is normal between us when it's kinda not. That's sorta what everypony is doing. Even Nom Nom and it was slightly scaring her.

"Not much actually!! I'll be leaving for a few hours this afternoon to practice my magic with Dusk Shine and Nom Nom, so during that time, you can just watch over my room and if I have any guests, just guide them over to the waiting room and I'll deal with them when I get back." He nodded. I felt bad lying to him, but I can't tell him that it was a meeting. Because he attends all of my meetings. I know specifically what this one is about and him and the high commission can't attend it.

"Will do your Highness!!" He walked forward. I decided to stop him.

"Hey Glitz?" he looked back at me.

"Hmm?" I caught up with him quickly.

"I wanted to apologize again about what happened at the ga-"

"Princess..." He gave me the sweetest smile. "I told you, it's fine. Don't worry about it." I smiled back at him, now knowing we're on slightly good terms. But that smile soon faded when I spotted Dusk Shine coming down the halls with saddle bags on his body. One side held my spell book. Glitz noticed his appearance and stepped a few feet away from me. Dusk Shine approached us with a stern look on his face.

"Are you ready honey?" He asked me, brushing my blue and pink mane to the side. Glitz noticed where this was going so he nodded at me signaling a goodbye before he hurried off.

"You scared him away..." I told him. Dusk Shine rolled his eyes.

"Like I care. Now come on Princess, you have a lot of practicing to do."

* * *

As we walked inside the new building, Nom Nom appeared from out of the spell book and quickly shut and locked the door.

"It's just the three of us today because as I stated before, the high commission, and the guards and no pony else cannot know just yet," Nom Nom stated. Me and Dusk Shine took a seat at the mini table. "We're in this room so that no pony gets confused." Nom Nom threw a notepad on the table. "Alright. Dusk Shine. As you know, Queen Amirah is back and has gotten close in contact with Abohaty. And I need you to stay with her at all costs, when we have a feeling that she is back."

"Wait..." I said. "I'm sure everypony will know about this later and stuff but...why Dusk Shine and not Glitz or any guard? Wouldn't that make more sense considering that Dusk Shine also can't be hurt since he's going to be my future husband?"

I will admit, Nom Nom's timing is pretty bad. What made her think it was a good idea to plan an arranged marriage when she knows the queen will return? Like I knew everything had to be postponed further because of my parent's death but the marriage and the whole dating thing could've waited.

"That's true...but Glitz he can't get hurt either. He's the only royal guar-"

"Nom Nom. Glitz is a royal guard and needs to be able to do his job. We can't just hide him! So it's really best if we have Glitz stay with me." Abohaty saw the cold glare Dusk Shine was giving her, so she decided to add to her suggestion. "...And Dusk Shine if he has to too." Nom Nom began writing in her notepad. "Also why can't the high commission know anything? Like I know you don't want anypony to panic but-"

"Because they all want us to do different things. Flamora wants us to drag all of the other princesses in this when it isn't even their battle. It may sound like a smart idea, but that can go wrong in many different ways. Flora wants us to shield this kingdom, when we all know that Amirah can break that shield in probably less than zero point five seconds. Aurora and Stormy want us to just all attack and risk losing everyone and then Cloudy wants us to just hide until we die!! We need a plan."

"Don't you think if we have Abohaty hiding most of the time, all the stuff you trained her for would be...a waste?" Dusk Shine questioned. "Because what your plan sounds like, is to keep Abohaty hidden when we all know damn well, we need her for the endgame. If you couldn't beat Amirah the first time when she barely had power, you're definitely not gonna beat her this time if Abohaty is nowhere in sight. As you said, the Queen grew stronger." Nom Nom rubbed her temple harshly. It was clear she was stressed, and it was clear that everything she was coming up with wasn't enough.

"Nom Nom, I think it might be a good idea for the other princesses and the main six to come help us out. It's not like they'd deny it anyways. You're just scared that one of them may get injured or something. And I get it. But if it makes you feel better, we're all at risk. Because I don't think I told you but, Amirah isn't just coming for me....she's coming for every princess. Just me first. And I doubt she's alone in this."

"I think you should at least give them a heads up, so they can tell their ponies to stay inside," Dusk Shine added in.

I looked at Nom Nom who was flying in circles thinking really hard. I felt like she was trying to find the best way to tell us that we were probably not gonna make it out alive. Because knowing Nom Nom, she's brutally honest. And this time she's trying to dodge the fact that we're not gonna make it. She's trying to find a possibility that we will make it. But there's not. Every plan that I've heard so far, all have a high risk of ponies, including me, getting hurt or killed. And we need a plan where we have a very low chance of that happening. But the problem is that we don't know when Amirah is coming nor what she's planning.

"Okay...I'll...I'll think of something else. Abohaty, all I need you to do is inform the other princesses about this, and what's going on. But not just yet. I want a plan first. Dusk Shine...I need you to work with Abohaty on spells as I think of a plan. Meaning this whole week Princess, no breaks, no games...just practicing. As I think of a plan. It might take me a little over a week, maybe even two. I know I'm running behind, it's just I didn't think she'd be coming now."

"So...does my practicing begin now?" I queried.


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