
The Chessmaster - Season 8 Remake

by Timeman202

Chapter 1: Enter Wild Star - Chapter 1

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Enter Wild Star - Chapter 1


"I feel like I live in a world made of Cardboard" - Quote made by Superman in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon.


Ponyville Train - Present Day

A train headed for Ponyville had on it many passengers, but amongst all of them, a particular Green pegasus stallion was amongst them all. He wore nothing aside from a pair of green glasses designed for flight and a pair of gray bracelets on his front legs.

"Say stranger." A lavander Alicorn mare suddenly approuched the strange pegasus. "This your first time heading into Ponyville?" She asked the pegasus.

"Yes. Your a princess right? What you doing socializing with me?" The pegasus stallion said.

"Well you since your new, and I like meeting new people, I figured I might as well get to know you. I'm Twilight Sparkle." The Alicorn Mare said. "May I ask for your name?" She asked.

"Wild Star, 7 time champion of the Wild Wings Grand Prix." The Green Pegausus responded.

"SEVEN time Champion? Geez, I'll have to introduce you to my friend Rainbow Dash. She would LOVE to race someone like you." Twilight Sparkle said.

"She wouldn't stand a chance against me. No one does." Wild Star stated. "I've beaten every pegasus I've went up against. The challenge just isn't there anymore. Hence why I've started wearing my special Limitar Bracelets." He added, bringing up his bracelet covered hooves.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Give her a shot, you might find yourself suprised." Twilight Sparkle said. "Especially because she's also a wonderbolt." She added.

"Interesting. Never went up against a Wonderbolt before. Maybe there's still a bit of competition left for me after all. Might as well see what she has to offer in terms of speed, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Especially because winning the Junior Flier Championship in my youth is how I got my cutie mark." Wild Star said, motioning towards his cutie mark. Of all the cutie Marks Twilight has seen, this one was something else: A blue star adorned with red wings adorned the Stallion's flank.

"The Junior Flier Championship? Geez, your a long way from home then." Twilight Sparkle said.

"You have no idea. Allow me to set the stage for you. It was the day of the final race for the Junior Flier Championship; only me, three other pegasus, and two griffons were the last ones in the championship, and this was going to be the final race..." Wild Star Began.


Junior Flier Stadium - Past

"Alright, let's make sure everyone remembers the rules: There are 200 Laps in this race; the first person to complete all 200 laps will win the championship.; once a winner has been declared, the race will end immediatly; and finally, if any one of you fliers interfers with another racer, you will be disqualified and punished accordingly after the race is through. And this goes double for you griffons!" The Pony in charge of the championship stated.

"OF COURSE SIR!" Both Griffons said at the same time.

"Now, if everyone is ready...Wait, where's Wild Star?" The pony asked. Suddenly a blur wizzed past the pony and took a position; a very young and cute markless Wild Star was suddenly there.

"Sorry I'm late; I just needed to warm up first." Wild Star said.

"Warm up? What, are you afraid you'll lose?" One of the pegasus asked.

"Nope; just takes me a bit of a warm up to be able to fly at top speeds." Wild Star said.

"What kind of pegesus needs a warm up to fly as fast as they can?" One of the other pegasus asked.

"Leave him alone...we can show him up during the race bro." The third pegasus said. "Just so you know though, no matter which one of us wins, I'm just glad I got to race in this final race." He added.

"Same here." One of the Griffon said.

"Yeah you five just keep thinking that. Me? I'm planning on winning." Wild Star said.

"You'll still have all five us on your tail there, warm up boy." The other griffon said.

"The name's Wild Star; you'd do well to remember it." Wild Star said.

"We will." The first pegasus said.

"Yeah. When one of us beats you." The second pegasus said, causing the fivesome to laugh at Wild Star.

"I wouldn't take this pegasus lightly if I was you five." The tournament pony said. "He's won all 25 of his required races by a landslide; not a single pony or griffon has been able to keep up with him." He added.

"That's impossible!" The third Pegasus said.

"Yeah, no one's THAT fast. Surely." The first Griffon said.

"It's the truth." The Tournament Pony said.

"I bet they just LET him win. Well, we aren't about to do that." The second griffon said, getting a nod from the other 4.

"...Your overconfidence is going to be your downfall...just like everyone else..." The Tournament Pony said.

Soon enough, the race was underway; but leading the pack was none other then Wild Star, who was outpacing the 5 randoms by quite the fair amount of distance. As the fivesome began to pick up speed, suddenly Wild Star flew by so fast, it was if the five other races suddenly experinced being caught in a tornado. Before any of them could realize it, a buzzer went off.

"And that's the end of the race." The Tournament Pony said as Wild Star soon landed nearby them and the tournament Pony went up to them. "Congradulations to our winner, Wild Star." The Tournament Pony said, and gave the trophy to Wild Star.

"HOLD UP! He cheated! He must have!" The first pegasus said.

"Yeah, no way he was THAT fast." The Second pegasus said.

"Again? Isn't this like the 26th time someone's tried to say that I won because I was cheating?" Wild Star asked the tournament Pony.

"Yes. We've kept track. And we can safely say that Wild Star has not cheated what-so-ever." The Tournament Pony said.

"But...but..." Was all the five races could get out now; they were in so much awe and disbelief at the speed of Wild Star. Suddenly, a light covered Wild Star's flank.

"Whoa!" The third Pegasus spoke up. "Is that his cutie mark?" He asked.

"Huh? What about my..." Wild Star took a look at his flank, and found his cutie mark there. "...It's my cutie mark! Allright! Winning the Junior Flier Championship and getting my cutie mark on the same day? TALK ABOUT SUPER ULTRA MEGA HYPE!" Wild Star suddenly shouted. The five soon realized that Wild Star really was just as fast as he appeared in that race.


Ponyville Train - Present Day

"...'Super Ultra Mega Hype' my ass. After I was old enough to join the Wild Wings Grand Prix, I thought to myself 'hey, this might actually give me a challenge after winning the Junoir Flier Championship so easily'. Boy was I wrong. Do I need to bring up the 7 time champion thing again? For seven straight years now, I've won the Wild Wings Grand Prix, and every time I've won in a lanslide. It's gotten so bad, that I got a unicorn to make me these Limititar Bracelets so I wouldn't be so fast. I'm heading to Ponyville because I'm going to reflect on all my wins, and eventually announce my retirement. That's all that's left for me now, really. There's not a single challenge left for me. I warn you, Princess Twilgiht Sparkle...if your friend is found to be laking in skill...then there was no point in bringing her up." Wild Star said.

"Don't underestimate Rainbow Dash or your overconfidence will be your downfall." Twilight Sparkle said. The train was about to arrive in Ponyville. "...I suppose it's just about time to put your money where your mouth is. Same with me I suppose." Twilight Sparkle stated.

"Indeed..." Wild Star noted.

Next Chapter: Enter Wild Star - Chapter 2 Estimated time remaining: 28 Minutes
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